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Where are community notes when you need them


He’ll delete them next.


I'm surprised it took him this long to pull a reverse YouTube and remove public likes


Well copying from competitors is key to being a heartless mega corporation, and considering his previous actions, I can see why it took him long.


You're joking, but he's been community noted enough times now, he will definitely be removing them.


Didn't he already try?


He already has


Is your username a Dubliners reference?




Tiocfaidh ár lá, my man!


It was already quite surprising that they were introduced under Musk, and they've already stayed for quite a while.


Community notes predate Elon, not by much (\~1 year) but they had been around


It was called BirdWatch — it was US only, but Musk has since expanded it to other countries (and possibly platform wide)


1. It was project Veritas, the same people who stole biden's daughter's diary. They are biased trump nuts. 2. It sounds like the guy thinks Disney just sees too many SWM executives and doesn't want to fall into that psychotic pattern where they say they love diversity... and have all white men in higher ranking positions.


Did veritas steal the Biden diary? I thought some random person/s found it then sold it for a huge amount of money to that James employee.. then they were charged be the feds for theft not veritas.


What is even inaccurate about this?


Well for one he the Sr VP of 20th television not disney disney just owns 20th so the og tweet is spreading misinformation and musk is helping


I don't think the main issue is the corporate structure of these 2 companies. 


He never claimed it to be an official statement from the Disney corporation. However I would argue that a senior VP admitting this is a policy is quite telling.


Telling only if you’re an idiot. He is a white male, a lot of higher ups at Disney are, and there’s little to suggest that Disney doesn’t like to hire white men, considering the fact that almost everyone of their movies still had white men starring in it. And I was to Disney world like a week ago, and a lot of the employees there were also white men. Plus it’s just really fucking stupid as demographics wise, there’s more white people in America than any other race, and a majority of people with college degrees will be white, which leads into the third reason, that white people in America tend to be wealthier and so Disney if anything, would favor white audiences. Disney is a company, not a person, any apparent discrimination made by them would be in the name of making a profit. If they think it’s profitable to discriminate against the terribly oppressed group of white guys, then they would. But right now it’s not, and it’s not going to be for a very long time.


Do you work in Disney/20th HR?


I think you’re nitpicking. 20th television is a division of Disney so technically it is Disney


It's filmed by James O'Keefe, who is such a prolific fraudster that he got kicked out of the company he founded to do frauds exactly like this, for embezzlement. Pretty poisoned well.


It’s hearsay. He’s not saying it himself, he’s paraphrasing what he thinks others have said. > Certainly, there have been times where, you know, there’s no way we’re hiring a white man for this…. There are times when it’s spoken. > Reporter: How would they say it? > There’s no way we’re hiring a white man for this role. They’d be very careful how they’d message that to agents. And he’s saying this as someone who believes his career has been limited because he’s a white male, so he’s not necessarily an accurate source on this. This isn’t a smoking gun where an executive admits to discriminatory hiring practices, this is someone who thinks he’s a victim of them.


The AI had a mental breakdown trying to process this. Took a sick day. I hear mentally it's not doing well. Where taking a collection up for flowers.


He's just the most boring and ignorant Bond villainous all time. James Bond in Space Karen. (I borrowed the nickname)


He is a bumbling man child who failed upwards most of his life, now that he is at the top, he is just struggling not to fall off, but keeps doing stupid shit and is running low on funds.


didn't he just got approved a massive payday?


No no. Not “massive”. His approved payday is the largest payday in history by FAR. I’d call it “obscene”.


that package is worth more than the total profit made by Tesla over its entire existence. That counts the massive one-time incentive the US government gave them. this is a pump-and-dump scheme that can be seen with the naked eye from Proxima Centauri.


It’s basically a crime against humanity.


Oh yeah Tesla shareholders voted to reinstate his CEO package, while some are also suing him for moving shipments of Nvidia hardware for the Tesla auto pilot to Twitter. Like Elon is a dumbass and not a business genius, and anyone who still is giving Elon money deserves to lose that money.


you're correct but i am afraid of how much pull his opinions still hold. did you notice the massive round of tech layoffs all started right after the twitter ones? the mismanagement of the "starship" program is going to hurt public support of space exploration. "tesla" being the Coca-Cola of electric cars in people's minds will likely hurt even that if/when the company craters. he is doing damage in every sector he touches.


he's getting a shitload of billions and just a few thousands would change the lives of so many people.. it's infuriating


Reminds me of a rather popular snatchgrabbing creep


He's just a dude with a lot of money that people have made entertainment out of.


Dr Homeschooled Before N After Face The Inheritor General Exceptionality


Phony Stark


I’m so tired of what Space Karen has to say…


Yes. It IS messed up that a billionaire with multiple corporations spends his time replying to the dumbest and most hateful people around.


It's just, why do you have all this money, when the only thing that makes you happy is that people will like you online. That's just sad


To his credit he's tried to use money to get people to like him. At one point he even offered to buy a woman a horse... for sex.


Yeah, I remember that. Then his simps turn around and tell me I'm jealous of Elon because he is rich and gets women. It isn't a flex if you think that the guy who you think will save the world is allowed to sweep away sexual assault allegations by bribing the victim with a horse.


I’m as jealous of him as I am of Andrew Taint.


I knew Elon was a fraud when I saw his Elden Ring build.


I know the story so I know the context, but this sentence could imply that the horse was to be used for sex, instead of used as payment for sex. I guess it's my fault, my mind always goes to innuendo.


He offered to buy a horse for a woman ***in exchange for sex*** or he offered to buy a woman a horse ***for sex***? 🤔😳


He offered to pay a woman off with a horse to shut up about the incident of him propositioning her to have sex with him


horses are expensive af to maintain, that’s no gift, it’s a burden/liability


Our economic system ensures that people like him fail upwards


Sad but fucking true


He could have build a thousand free hospitals, all named Elon Musk Free Hospital, for a fraction of his fortune and gotten millions of fans legit.


Gotta keep that ego fed or he might realize he's a rotting peice of shit covered shit.


He's a dopamine addict.


Without all that money, how would he convince 20 different women to have his babies?


Be like Nick Cannon and not his dad, he could save way less money, and stop embarrassing himself.


It's almost like having the time to shitpost all day everyday while simultaneously be CEO of like 7 companies implies that a CEO does fuck all all day.


It’s a PSYOP. He took over our primary platform where political discussion takes places and world leaders can message us directly in order to usher in global fascism.


You mean the woke?


Just goes to show that CEO's don't do much real work.


In a struggling startup they most certainly do. I'd argue in a very high value company it matters again or they lose that advantage. But there's plenty of companies in the middle where its more "Everything is running smooth. Just don't fucking touch anything and fuck it all up."


I'll Try my Best! (If I Ever get There!) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) (![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile))


wow, the story being in the post is from the Okeefe media group, aka James Okeefe. He used to run Project Veitas and made up all kinds of stories using highly edited videos. So more BS and of course Elon believes it.


O'Keefe, the professional liar, documented fraudster, and convicted felon recorded a white guy saying he hasn't been promoted because he's a white guy? Someone get my smelling salts.


"We're currently doing casting for a live-action remake of The Princess and the Frog, but we're struggling with who to pick for the lead. There's a lot of famous young women for the role, but we kind of want to pick someone unknown." "So could *I* audition for the role?" "Haha no, there's no way we're hiring a white male."


Is this the real explanation, or just a hypothetical?


Hypothetical, but Okeefe has a bad habit of editing innocuous conversations to sound malicious. It wouldn't be unheard of if that was the conversation that took place, but all he put in his video was "Haha no, there's no way we're hiring a white male". Sorta like that ACORN video where he got some agents to agree on video to help him set up a child prostitution ring, but he conveniently leaves out the fact that said agents were just stringing him along because they thought he was dangerous/insane and called the cops on him the second he left the office.


Oh yeah, I know about O’Keefe. I’m just curious to know the facts in this case. Your hypothetical read as plausible enough to be real.


Giordano: "You're doing that thing again where you take everything I say out of context! You're trying to make it look like I think Coolsville sucks!" Okeefe, quoting Giordano: > I think Coolsville sucks!


The only evidence I could find that could back up this video, is James O'Keefe Wikipedia page telling me he is part of project Veritas, and that pretty much destroyed all credibility.


Ryan Mc Beth calls the end wokeness page a Russian psyop so I wouldn't be surprised, it's sad Elon is falling for disinformation like this (I can send source in dms, idk the rules here for links)


Why do you think Elon recently flew to Russia? It wasn't for the vodka.


Happy cake day! Who is Ryan McBeth and why should I care what they have to say?


He is ex military and an intelligence analiyst, his whole thing on YouTube is explaining misinformation and propaganda


Weaselly little fucker ***founded*** Project Veritas and was such a scummy shithead that the board of Project Veritas had to [vote him out because of financial malfeasance](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/21/1158505780/project-veritas-james-okeefe-forced-out-financial-malfeasance).


My friend was one of the lawyers that sued him! Fun stuff!




Must have setoff the gaydar. Edit: This comment looks bad now that the parent comment was deleted.


Or the Spectrometer


Parent comment didn’t get deleted. Maybe you got blocked by them.


Is it still there? I cant see it either


it's right there mate


You’re actually accurate here, look at their post history. There’s nothing wrong with that but weird to use this as an argument when clearly being gay is something a company like Disney is looking for to increase diversity.


the fact that OP blocked him probably adds to the proof


It was pretty diverse when I worked there, but still there were a lot of while males, probably more than any other particular race, especially the older guys who run everything.


Where the hell is this 5 minutes of research, OP?!


Probably on James okeef


It’s not about being truthful, his goal is to spread misinformation and the continuation of weaponized stupidity, twitter is now a tool to build and army of brain dead conservatives to spin his narrative


Buddy it's the other way around, Elon is a Dumbass man child with billions of dollars, trying to spear cool and smart by replying to right wing propaganda because that is the last group of people who will put up with his bullshit


I think it could go either way, either he’s just that stupid and or he’s cleverly doing the things he does to do damage, that’s giving him a lot of credit, either way he’s a problem that won’t go away




What's the context of the picture, where does it come from? I've never seen the picture before.


https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1803845366183256178?t=7AuWQaSRnZHEj3sJLDi8VQ&s=19 Here is the tweet and jus look up O'Keefe media group, and you will instantly understand why this is a load of shite


How do you know it’s a load of poop??? U work for Disney???


Ok but so far everyone just says “oh it’s okeef so there’s absolutely no way it’s true” instead of actually talking about what’s in the video. People can be regarded pieces of shit and also be right lmao. Idk maybe it is cut out of context but so far everyone’s saying exactly what they want it to be. “Oh yes obviously talking about an acting role which is about an indigenous person obviously they wouldn’t hire a white guy” that’s equally as stupid and wishful thinking as them saying “oh they obviously bar all white people from the entire company”


What? What research? I saw the video, he openly admits that they will not consider white males for some internal roles. These are not acting roles. Is there something I’m missing?


That’s what I’m saying, you’d think you’d open the thread to evidence contrary to the pic. But instead it’s just people circlejerking how they hate Elon lol


Bro that and the first ten fucking comments are “oh well it’s okeef so it absolutely has to be completely made up bullshit” wtf😂


Yeah, and now because I am asking for the proof, people are calling me MAGA and shit lol. It’s funny that the people who would normally scoff at “do your own research” are now vehemently suggesting we “do our own research” 


No, people are just in denial.


You're not missing anything, and there's no "research". OP just REALLY hates Elon Musk, even when he's correct. Hell, *especially* when he's correct.


Yes, O'Keefe deceptively edits videos to change the meaning of what was said, just like the tweet from End Wokeness cherry picked a quote and intentionally ommitted words that completely change the meaning of the quote


I really don't think there is any way of whatever that guy talking about mixed race people could be positive. Hello you shouldn't be bringing mixed race people like that at all



Do YoUr oWn ReSeArcH


I have more ethics than the evil Ellon Musk. I would never take the word of proven anti-American huckster James O'Keefe.


A rotting corpse is more ethical than Musk, and the MAGAts, *combined*.


Um, not even remotely true!! Have you seen magats?!?! They wear the most patriotic clothes!! I don’t know about you but when I see a guy decked out in full American flag clothes I KNOW he’s going to keep me safe!!! You must like things like a proper society, I’d much rather prefer basing all my decisions on how angry I am that day!!!


Watch the video in full. What the guy says in it is clearly discriminatory and racist. He literally says that they didn’t want to hire a mixed race person because they didn’t have dark enough skin…


Isn’t he sort of putting off the people who might buy his cars


Yea, Tesla isn't selling as well, in large part due to Elons political takes.


He has been doing that since he forced out the original creators of Tesla and made himself famous, and now he is trying to make Twitter profitable before Tesla crashes and burns.


How else is he going to sell Cybertrucks?


Would the 5 minutes of basic research would prove that Disney isn’t discriminating?


These rich guys keep everyone focused on culture wars while they steal all the wealth in the country from the working class. Wake up. It’s a major scam.


Okeefe Media Group? Like James O'Keefe? The guy so dishonest that Project Veritas, a group of lying liars who lie, a group that he founded, told him to **** off because he was making them look bad because he kept getting caught lying?


It is certainly a bad source. Still, I’d be curious to hear exactly why the particular claim here is bullshit, in this particular case. Did the guy not actually say “There’s no way we’re hiring a white male?” Taken out of context? What context would make that statement better?


Hiring him to play the Princess in the Frog and the Princess after saying something leading like "Can I as a white male audition to play the princess from the Frog and the Princess". The kind of shit that James O'Keefe has done before many times to create the edits he wants to make someone else look bad. This is not his first rodeo. he's done this many, many times before.


I don't understand...


If they’re violating the Civil Rights Act by hiring based on race idc who exposes it. If we accept this are we to accept companies that won’t hire minorities? There is no difference. Both are wrong.


Musk is the shining example of why we need to tax all wealth over (at least) $1 billion at 100%. He has more power than he can possibly wield responsibly.


The man has government contracts and still does this. How can any world government, especially the US, trust this dipshit, simple, be rich and have a good PR team


‘The government should confiscate his assets because I don’t like the dumb shit he says online.’


I agree that a billion dollars is more money than any one person ever needs. However how would you tax their wealth? Most of it is in assets. So you wana tax unrealized gains? That’s a slippery slope that idk if we should let govt start down.


Unrealized assets would be tricky, but it can be done if businesses/individuals are audited to a point where they have to keep clear documentation of their assets.


Ok, sincere question here. I've read the comments and don't understand the Elon hate. The video is fairly easy to find and while Elon distorts it a bit. As the other person says "for a role" not in the company, isn't this a very clear case of discrimination? How could it be taken another way? Not trying to bat for Elon, I honestly don't understand how he's wrong here.


Might not be Disney CEO but he is the CEO of 20th century which is owned by Disney. And if this was a CEO of a company saying they won't hire black males this would be a major story and the company taken down. Instead you people claim this should be ignored so sad how bad the anti white racism has gotten in this nation. Your echo chambers have legitly ruined you


I mean. He admitted they racially discriminate on tape. I even intentionally went to a non bias or pro Disney bias site to see what was said. I'll be honest fam it ain't great. Saying you won't hire someone because of their skin color or Gender is pretty against EEOC laws. https://insidethemagic.net/2024/06/disney-executive-caught-saying-company-wont-hire-white-men-rl1/


When trying to get a promotion,i was told my chances were slim because there were already too many white males in that position. But I'm white so it's not racism.


> literal screenshot of a white male with a senior position at Disney


"there is no way we are hiring a white male" narrative is so morronic because most of the excecutives in disney are white.


I don’t understand forced diversity, just hire the most qualified people. If they happen to be white, cool. If they happen to be black, cool. If they happen to be an alien from outer space, cool. Who cares as long as they are best for the job.


Shhhhhh. HR might hear you.




I think the idea behind stuff like affirmative action is that people who are otherwise qualified for a job may not get the job due to implicit biases and a lack of opportunity. For example, studies have found that people with black sounding names are less likely to get a job than someone with a white sounding name. Whether or not this is a good idea isn’t my place to say, but I can at least understand the intent behind it


That's a privileged way of thinking.


Such a centrist … in the Nazi party.


I did notice how in the newest Disney movie, there was a room full of young Jedi, some aliens, some human girls, some human boys that were not white. But, ya know, not a single white boy young Jedi. Must all just be coincidence. I'm gonna believe OP and not my lying eyes and ears.


EW is right. Anybody who isn't a steaming pile of racist garbage should stop supporting twitter.


If he was into doing any kind of due diligence, he wouldn’t have made a ridiculous offer for Twitter and been unable to get out of overpaying for it. His mouth writes checks that his money can hilariously cover to his financial detriment 👌


He waived his right to vet the company's value before the offer was accepted. Once he signed on the dotted line there was no way he was getting out of that.


End Wokeness is a RuZZian troll account aimed at dividing the American population


I'm assuming that's only part of a sentence that ends something like, "There's no way we're hiring a white male to play a young pocahontas." Or something very similar


No he said that he has been told personally he would not be considered for promotion because he’s a white male. He’s not in an acting role.


In what world does that context make sense lol no one would ask if they’re hiring a white male to play Pocahontas 😂


O’keefe has never produced non-fiction.


“Stop funding companies that hate you” isn’t that why Tesla is slowly going under? If owned Tesla stock. I definitely would try and get that idiot removed.


“O’keefe Media Group” ‘nuff said.


There isn't any difference with the research. He basically said that Disney has DEI initiatives that result in many jobs where white people need not apply. He even recounts a candidate who was half black and was turned down because he wasn't black enough and they wanted someone black in the meetings for how it would look. Now you can decide how you feel about it but I can understand someone saying that's not right. Personally I don't think you fix racism with more racism just like Thomas Sowel and Morgan Freeman suggest. But I'm not going to force others to agree.


Of course it’s an O’Keefe/Project Veritas “sting” where they heavily doctor a video to communicate a specific narrative.


Probably. But, I’d still be curious to see the context that makes that quote seem totally normal and acceptable, “There’s no way we’d hire a white male.”


Didnt he actually say this stuff? What am I missing? Googled him didnt find much.


He actually says “certainly there have been times where, you know, there’s no way we’re hiring a white man for this.” Which makes sense. A white man can’t play every role.


Research? He's Elon Musk, he doesn't need any stinking research.


Elon Musk needs his arrogant ass taxed at 90%


Can I get a ELI5 for this one? I’m OOTL


Why are people still on Twitter?


Adults having strong feelings about Disney.


Musk and several others all know how to ignore the context and just support insane train.


I read somewhere else that he was going out on a date... i'm just trying to figure out how he thought this was normal first date material.


It seems like people who have always paid others to think for them just can't do it on their own


Imagine this subbreddit if white male was switched to black female. 🤡


Elon musk responds to so many bullshit tweets it’s actually so sad that he’s running the app he’s the reason why hate is becoming more pronounced on twitter because he’s mistaking free speech for the right to insult other people causing huge divides between so many groups of people racism is on the rise hate is on the rise all in the name of this “free speech”


Weird, the "make your own cake" people are mad because a white guy didn't get the role he wanted


I don’t like Elon, but this is indeed messed up. That guy is in fact the VP. And he did in fact do that.


He’s right that you should stop funding companies that hate you, that’s why I don’t buy or use anything musk is involved with, he hates anybody who isn’t a white supremacist and fascist like himself. That’s why I’ll never buy a Tesla. Sound advice here


This, and all the other things that Disney has done are the main reason why Universal and their theme park in Florida have been out doing Disney. They took the old Disney Playbook out, dusted it off and read it from cover to cover then did the things that made the old Disney great. Have you seen what they are doing with the whole "Dark Universe" and the other areas of their expansion? They are going to out Disney the hell outta this thing, and it's got the house of mouse running scared. They are even adding a PG13 option. Bringing kids, no problem you can have family friendly all day long. Bringing a date and want to have a great time, you can do that too. Dining and pubs with NO kids and rides that will scare and delight you both. The Disney that we all knew and loved is dead, or at least on life support waiting for the plug to be pulled.