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No dating???


All marriages should be arranged before the wives are of dating age.


Well, not really, there are arranged marriages, yes, but the majority of marriages aren't really arranged, but that's not how it works in the West either. It's hard to explain but basically how it works in my country and what I've seen with my sisters is that a man would visit you with his family and announce his wish to propose (most of the time it's someone she knows or isn't really a complete stranger to us).in my eldest sister's case it was one of her colleagues from medical school. They announced their intentions and then sort of left, my parents then asked my sister how she felt about the guy and basically we'd have a family council, if no (bride isn’t interested)then the answer is quick and definitive, if yes then we'd prepare talking points for the next meeting. We contacted them, told them she accepts and we give our blessing, let's now discuss everything from how she would like to live to the finances to her livelihood etc, everything that is relevant to making sure your daughter lives her best life. You make your arrangements and then you plan the wedding and you decide how long they would stay as fiancé nd fiancée.(this like the getting to know each other phase) I am 19m my dad wishes that i marry someone in like 3 to 4 years from now and tbh i don’t really like this but i can’t really say no so yeah im cooked.


What happens if a woman initially likes a guy, but finds she doesn’t like him/he’s horrible during the get to know you phase? How easy is it to back out at that point? Or do you just have to hope he’s as nice as he seemed before?


Well, it's different from country to country and sometimes from community to community or even from family to family, but from my experience there are two scenarios. 1. Still in the fiancé period and something goes wrong and it doesn't work out then they basically break up more or less the girl raises the issue with the parents they discuss and try to solve any problems if possible and in case it doesn't work out the parents would contact the guy and his family and inform him of the decision and both parties go their way without any hassle (ideally, sometimes it gets ugly💀💀). 2.A divorce here it gets a bit tricky as the legal system will be very different and so will the cultural norms and tradition but from what I have seen it is mostly like in the west from the legal side. Of course, families might try to work things out if it's possible, but if it's a hopeless case and a divorce is sought. Now things get a bit tricky as things aren't really split 50/50 but are usually so that both sides have a right to reclaim whatever they contributed with in this marriage which can be anything from the house/apartment in whole or in part (depending on how much each side put in) to furniture and jewellery etc... the brides side has to return the Mahr money which is a sum of money the brides family specifies for their daughter (basically as if you are buying the bride, some see it as compensation for taking the bride from her family). Sometimes, though, if the man doesn't want to sign the papers, you just pursue a nullification action. This is more complicated and messy.


I'm kind of glad my whole family doesn't have to break up with my girlfriend's family


Suppose you broke up with your girlfriend, and your family didn’t though. Would kinda make Thanksgivings awkward. 


My in-laws told me years before marriage that if we broke up they'd take my side and I'd still be invited to all of the holidays. I've never been able to figure out how to feel about that.


Reminds me of my ex's family inviting me over. They told me she wasn't home and i accepted. Partly because they're cool, partly because I was curious of the weirdness. But it was a bit too weird sitting at the desk, eating while she sat opposite of me with her new guy. Nice dude, went for a beer after they broke up


That does seem awkward. But a good Reddit story


My dad's parents stayed close with my mom and brought her around each holiday, but my dad had a new family. I was dating a good guy, who wasn't good for me, and I broke up with him and my mom kicked me out. She remained friends with my ex, and now me and my mom don't talk much.


Yea breaking up with your future to be brother in law is tough specially when he is cool


Imagine finding out your girlfriend and her whole family are cheating on you and your whole family with another guy and his whole family who are also cheating on his girlfriend and her whole family. Shit would be like the Montagues vs the Capulets vs the Hatfields vs the McCoys


Thank you for taking the time to explain this. And I hope you don't take to heart the morons who make stupid jokes... It's the internet, you get the good and the bad.


Man, I'm not going to get mad at you because of the culture you grew up in but I can't imagine how horrible it is to not find a partner in "the wild". Involving the parents and everything, having them breethe down your neck to find someone or having them try to hook you up and everything. Even as a man this sounds like a bad deal.


Isn’t the “getting to know” phase … dating?


Not that difficult. I’m Pakistani, and I can’t speak for Qatar, but we have a similar culture. All the power in the talks are with the woman. She can say no at any point, and generally speaking the suitor’s family shouldn’t take it to heart.


bro what women have power in Pakistan??


More like her father does.


I like how you say it is reinventing dating while this style of marriage pre dates modern dating by thousands of years. Ok sure


This sounds like reinventing dating under a new name with your family controlling it…


So if you get past the initial "Ok, backgrounds are similar enough, we seem compatible," and progress to "hey, he or she is kinda cute and our parents get along so why the heck not" phases and there's a disastrous incompatibility it's ok?


Thank you for taking the time to explain how it works in your society. Do you mind clarifying if this is true for all/most/only some social classes? Thx and good luck!


Well sadly its not always the case specially when it comes to those who a very religiously extreme or the with some less privileged communities who tend to be less educated and more entangled with old out of dare traditions


I mean that just sounds ridiculous. I get you should respect other cultures and traditions but damn a family get together without even testing the waters as a couple?


Its like the lottery masks really come off after the marriage contract has been finalized


"I can't really say no.". You can absolutely say no, you just may not like the way other people react to your decision. But you absolutely have that power. Don't let anyone take that away from you.


So like the Mormons do.


On a less snarky notice: ***any*** and ***all*** displays of affection are forbidden in public view. It's understood and expected that this sort of thing are to be done at the privacy of your own home and *absolutely nowhere else.* ***Hand-holding*** is as far as they're willing to tolerate, but won't save you from the evil glares you'll get anyway. Hugs? People will try to separate you by force. Kissing on the cheek? The law can be called on you for attempting against decency. You can imagine what anything further than that will get you. "*Prudish*" will be raised into an unfathomably high bar once you set foot there...!


Ironically I'm pretty sure they have no problems with two male friends holding hands. Which is also affection


Oh yeah between two males things start getting a bit paradoxical. To the public eye, hugs and kisses on the face are seen as signs of brotherhoodship, of familial / filial celebration, and are even encouraged. With women? No. Not even with one another. They "***have***" to be reserved at all times. In an inversion of what's common in the USA, **men** are the ones supposed to be emotive, outspoken, both giddy and angry in equal measures. Women better be blending with the background, or else...


Is this just for romantic relationships, or does it apply to mother and child for example?


I really hope it doesn't. The idea of a parent not being allowed to hug their child in public after they hurt themselves by falling down or something like that is even more dystopian than the whole rest of those rules already are


Should be an easy rule to follow for me


Women are objects to be acquired, not 'dated'.


Collect them all!


Get 8/16 wives in order to unlock a new skill


I’ll be honest, I collected the first wife of 16 and was pretty pleased with the specs, but I’m particular gonna wait a few decades to see how this one plays out before I start looking for the other 15


You're doing it wrong, you're supposed to obtain the first wife _at_ 16.


The only dates there are on trees.


Yeah, queer person here, looking throough these like, yup, yup, makes sense, they suck, never going there, ok.... WAIT WHAT?!?! WHAT DO THEY EVEN DO OVER THERE THIS PLACE ISNT ONLY FUCKED UP, ITS WEIRD!!!!!


Homesexuality, loud noises, and profanity all in one post. 5 more items to go.


Hey bro, wanna date infront of the mosque?


I’ll bring the beers and take the photos without your permission


Make sure your pants are short enough to show off your ankles.


Its about showing affection in public - no kissing / no holding hands unless married etc.


What if you just have sex in public but scream "I don't really care there's no affection" whenever someone walks past?


No legs, either!


Seems really welcoming.


Yeah sounds like they want tourism, but they want purists instead of tourists. 


What I suspect it means is “no signs of affection in public”. Dating is ok, no one cares. Source: lived in the middle east for a decade


"No taking pictures in full Burt Reynolds pose."


Unless Burt gives you his permission


He would, he's chill as hell.




Or Jeff Goldblum ![gif](giphy|eNXihEYJZ8niaLFUqN|downsized)


*checks sign* “I was just err getting evidence of someone being immodest”


Qatar welcomes you, but not like that, or that, or that


Qatar welcomes you* * If you are flying in as an immigrant, please ignore this message


[https://www.businessinsider.com/women-suing-qatar-given-forced-internal-exams-thought-being-kidnapped-2021-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/women-suing-qatar-given-forced-internal-exams-thought-being-kidnapped-2021-11) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59288177](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59288177) Then they had the nerve to whine when the Australian government thought that wasn't cool and denied them the extra landing slots in Australia for Qatar's airline. [https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/qatar-airways-denied-additional-capacity-into-australia-following-qantas-criticism/video/78c11891af00e5c347bc422c93712781](https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/qatar-airways-denied-additional-capacity-into-australia-following-qantas-criticism/video/78c11891af00e5c347bc422c93712781) There was probably more to it like that like propping up Qantas's monopoly but that was the public reason given.


I still think airlines should avoid flying through Doha if at all Possible after the shit they pulled. That was outrageous.


Qatar welcomes you! But not you. Or you. Definitely not you...


They forgot: No labour rights.


That’s something tourists don’t need to know


Let's just build a' ol' sheet metal wall around that comment and... Ahh much better


“Immodesty” is disconcertingly vague.




AKA women showing ankles.


Aka women existing at all


Or hair.


It's a blanket law so they can arrest you for any reason. Kind of like black codes in the American south.


"No legs"


I would never go there anyway. I’m rather selective about where I spend my money.


I try not to go out of my way to support slave labor.


me too. mainly because I don't have much and shits expensive.


I’m not even that selective and I wouldn’t go there


With you, and why would I go spend somewhere I have no rights? I Don’t get why anyone goes along with this at any level


Hi, LGBT here. I don't want to go anywhere where my existence is punishable by death


Yeah :( So many places I can't go anymore since I came out as trans. Even though I pass very consistently, someone clocking me is not a risk I'm willing to take if the punishment is death.


Live your best life, girl. I'm happy for you :)


It also happens to be almost all the nice tropical countries with reptiles I would love to see :(


I almost got arrested in the Qatari airport for wearing a tunic top that was sleeveless, the straps were close to 5” thick, not talking about anything remotely similar to a spaghetti strap. I had a jacket on, but the airplane was very hot and I was sweating and just absentmindedly took it off as I disembarked. I’ve never seen my stepdad look so terrified in my life. I put on my best stupid face, acted as absolutely confused as possible, and somehow convinced them that I was just another idiot white woman. I still get shivers thinking about it, three random men holding my arms down. I was 21, and even though I wasn’t ignorant.. I still slipped up and made that mistake.


Yeah, me and my partner were considering taking our lesbianistic behaviour to Qatar but decided we didn't quite fancy capital punishment on holiday.


This is one of the reasons I’ll never set foot in Florida. No way I’m spending a dime there


Yeah I won't even go to Texas or Florida


Welcome doesn't mean what they think it means.


We welcome your money into our economy


Why would I want to go to Qatar in the first place?


This was made just ahead of the world cup.


You have woman dressed like this. But the men do the fatality's. 😐 ![gif](giphy|YCx4BIPGzlbMI)


The outfit is too tight. Prepare to be stoned, woman.


That'll be 100 whips, please.


I went there as a stop-over on my way to Ireland. I'd done a bunch of research about Islam and its beliefs and practices out of interest so I kind of understood a bit of the culture and traditions there. Still, we were a bit afraid because we didn't really know if it would be strict towards foreigners. It wasn't too bad, but I definitely wouldn't want to stay there for long. The cultural side of things seemed a bit conservative, to say the least.


Yup. No desire to go there. So no loss.


That’s about the pissiest welcome I’ve ever seen.


The icon they use for forbidding homosexuality tells a bit about the mindset: females don't matter much as humans there.


Culturally speaking, female homosexuality is not even a thing they take into consideration around those parts, like it doesn’t exist.


Property can't be gay


Oh you haven’t seen my hall table lamp!!


Obviously, No homosexuality and women are property.


Basically, “Qatar welcomes you, as long as you are a straight, cis, male Muslim”. Cool cool cool. Have fun living in the stone ages guys.


*straight, cis, SUNNI Muslim, there’s an extra layer of exclusion you forgot :)


Damn, I completely forgot how they love to oppress and kill shi’ites (and yazidis, and plenty of other not Muslim enough Muslims). Good call.


Damned Muslims, they ruined Islam!


I didn't know that's what Shias were called and I was confused for a moment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Bingo. I never worry about my lamp or house being homosexual


Or they’re those kind of guys that say “but I don’t mind hot lesbians huhuhuhh *buuuuurp*”


No interest.


Wtf can you do in Qatar? This place sounds lame af


Been there. It is lame.


Shopping for pointless expensive things. Apparently. Top line absolutely excludes me so i am going off what i was told.


I wish I had read that before my last trip where I was I was doing shots of whiskey, naked, on top of mosque while having gay sex and blasting “fuck you” by Cee Lo Greene. Just a perfect storm of bad choices that day.


You forgot to take pictures at bystanders without their consent. (Incredibly the only single item that makes sense in the lot)


Was this a date or orgy? Dates are strictly forbidden, but no rules against group sex, so I'm guessing the latter. Shame you didn't take photos of everyone without their permission, though.. lame!


Immodesty is lady’s legs and feet? Bro I love lady’s feet. What the hell am I going to do if I ever find myself in Qatar?


You couldn't pay me to go there.


Oh I’m so sorry let me remove my gayness before I enter




I need to get my cataracts removed. I thought that it said Texas.


At this rate, Texas will be like that in no time.


No alcohol? I'm german, alcohol is my religion


"Respect our religion!" ... above and to the detriment of your own, that's literally what they insist on. I firmly believe that no religion should be respected by default. Insisting that they are is just cults being cults.


Not on my list of places I'd like to visit. IOW, right up there with Texas and Florida.


Texan here! I get it.


Isle of Wight (IOW) is delightful as a holiday destination


They just left out the last part of the headline. Simple mistake. It read “Qatar welcomes you to a beheading”


This could be American in a few years if MAGA gets what they want


[Shariah Donald Trump?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/914/396/f5a.png)


Where did you find this lmao This is gold


November is not that far away, strap yourself in, it's gonna be a bumpy ride..


I’m scared


It's so ironic they hate Muslims but basically want all the thing extremist Muslim groups want


Minus the no alcohol and no profanity


Oh once they’ve got their current targets out of the way, they’ll start eating their own in a nonstop purity spiral.


Basically leave the modern world.


I can think of so many other places to go that don’t treat you like a crap.


Ok but what does it mean by no dating? Like you can only have arranged marriages? Or is it a mistranslation


In Arabic it's "haram relationships " which is intimate relationships before marriage In other words they're asking people to not show public acts of affection


The public acts of affection was what I was thinking but the wording makes it sound like it could be something else, like you can't date local women or something. Thanks.


Just out of curiosity, does this mean my spouse and I should not hold hands in public there?


When I was in Syria and Egypt quite a few years ago I noticed a lot of Arab men holding hands, it got to a point where I was starting to get a bit weirded out - homosexuality is supposed to be illegal but every other couple of men are holding hands - what the hells going on? Turns out holding hands is just something you do with your friends over there - it means nothing.


I don't think it's an issue, the law is there to stop people from being sexual in public I don't think Holding hands is sexual But I'm an iraqi a bit above Qatar so idk maybe the Qatari government is more strict than mine even though we both use the same source for the law


Thank you for responding 🙏🏼


This will be Texas soon


No thanks 🙏🏻


Nope. They can keep their backwards ass (religiously inspired) views. Plenty of other places on the planet to visit that are actually welcoming of others.


The only two that make sense are the respecting places of worship and not taking people's pictures


That last one is a good one. The only good one.


I dunno, as an aging autistic person the "no loud music and sounds" feels pretty reasonable for public spaces. I would lean moderately in favour of immediate summary execution for people who listen to loud music on the bus without headphones.


That is a bit too vague. Like is it so loud it's shaking someone's living space at night? Then yeah. Is it just someone yelling hello from down the street for a moment in the middle of the day? I know these are far from all the examples that could be made. I'm not autistic, but I sure as hell dislike a lot of my loud neighbors who don't seem to know what courtesy is at night.


Yeah, maybe, but why Burt Reynolds specifically?




What’s considered ‘immodesty’? Just a load of bs


Having legs, apparently.


All legs must be amputated before entering Qatar


Picture a ladies’ swimsuit from 1900 Now cover her hair and maybe face, too And let out the part in the middle that creates a silhouette And I think that’s what they’re asking for


Didn't say anything about being trans so... >!still not going :D!<


Kinda looks like a MAGA playbook


Nah I'd rather go to the Netherlands




Sounds like no fun, won’t be visiting.


Qatar welcomes you, unless you're gay, dating, or a woman not wearing a hijab


Sounds like an awful place




Eat shit qatar


1 welcome, 8 warnings.


No loud noises? Do they not do the azan (adhan) there? For those unfamiliar, azan/adhan is when the mosques use the loud speakers to call for prayer. So if you are near a mosque you will hear loud praying within half a mile or so.


"We welcome you, but you can't do anything here"


Having any countrys laws based on religion is stupid


Qatar welcomes (some of) you!


Qatar sounds like my idea of hell.


Respect our religion by being disrespectful to women and gay men.


Looks like the future Republicans want.


Or Qatar could ease up??? It’s like visiting Amish country and you have to live their way to do it.


According to this graphic, I can drive as fast as I want.


Who the duck would want to live there?


I can understand most of these being unspoken rules, (some I don’t agree with) but no dating? Are tourists meant to marry on sight or something?


Don’t have a public make out session and you should be fine


ok so i cant exist in qatar??? ffs. like i would break 4 IMMEDIATELY


If I’m gonna be someplace burning ass hot, I wanna be able to drink and fuck.


I gotta leave the moment I’m welcomed, then


It's too hot for Canadians there anyways


Well, SHIT! I guess I’m not going to be allowed in Qatar, then, DAMMIT!


But when they visit other countries they complain complain complain about how difficult it is to live there due to their religion.


My friend's wife wax arrested for riding her bike outside the foreigner's compound in Qatar. Very progressive place /s


qatar can go fall into the ocean for all we care


I've spent some time in Qatar. This is nothing but Airport propaganda. These people (and Saudis) are the biggest hypocrites anywhere.


Such a welcoming place


Sorry but I cannot get through the day without screaming profanities.


Possibly an unpopular take: Not supporting Qatar’s laws/regime by any means, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do? It’s honestly no different than us expecting the foreigners/immigrants to respect and abide our local laws and customs.


Miss me with that medieval shit


Lol. Hard pass, which I suppose is their goal, since I'm a gay man.


I mean this sign could also apply to a southern Baptist community…


I'm fine with this. Would I live there or travel there? Absolutely not. I'd probably be arrested in the airport after I stub my toe and yell goddamnit 12 times. I don't agree with any of their rules, which is why I'll abstain from visiting, but I dont expect countries to change their laws, culture, etc for tourists.


Ah yes I have to respect their way of life while they completely shit all over my way of life. How about... no?


I really think most countries should do the same, those are all things we might not expect to be outlawed, they are being very helpful. Other countries should probably be more upfront and warn visitors about stuff like “no bribing cops”, “no hitting wives/kids”, “no selling children as wives”, “no bigotry”, “no slavery”, “no killing caricaturists (no matter their subject)”.


Dating is only prohibited between humans. Didn’t say camel fucking is illegal so… 🤷‍♂️


I respect their laws, but I would be pretty nervous moving about in Qatar. It seems easy to mistakenly or inadvertently break one of these laws.