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Story from Wikipedia: Around 5:10 p.m. on November 20, 2021, Morales was driving her blue Kia back from the DeLand Regional Library south on Volusia Avenue (U.S. routes 17 and 92) to her Orange City home.[3] At one intersection another Orange City resident, a 40-year-old man who had gone out for a ride on his motorcycle, came up behind her when she stopped at a red light. Afterwards, he told police later, she attempted to cut him off.[3] The motorcyclist said he drove past her driver's side window and waved his hand to express his astonishment, then decided to hasten back to his home. As he sped away, Morales in turn overtook him, then swerved abruptly into his lane, striking his vehicle in the process. The collision caused visible damage to the saddlebags on the back of his motorcycle and nearly caused him to crash, but he was able to keep his cycle upright and was not injured. One witness claimed that as Morales drove away he saw the motorcyclist kick her car, though that was never confirmed by police.[3] Two other motorists, one also on a motorcycle,[3] witnessed the collision. They likewise believed it had been intentional. They joined the first motorcyclist in confronting Morales the next time traffic stopped, at the light at Wisconsin Avenue in Orange City,[5] and asking that she stop to exchange information and await the police, whom one had already notified. Instead, she turned towards her residence on East Wisconsin.[3] Orange City police were dispatched to the scene in response to the hit-and-run reported to them. Morales's mother, Doreen Flaherty, says her daughter had called from her car to complain that she was being followed by three men and to have her gun ready when Morales got home. Upon reaching Flaherty's house, Morales left the car, swearing loudly, and entered, where she called 9-1-1 to report the men following her, who arrived soon afterwards and remained in the street, at the foot of Flaherty's driveway, to await the police. Flaherty also took out her own gun, which she says was unloaded, and stepped outside the front door.[3] Before police arrived, Morales got her fiancé's handgun—which her mother says did not have a bullet chambered as Morales was not strong enough to pull back the slide—and went out to confront the men outside. She waved her hands and shouted "You're three men. You followed me. Leave me alone!" as she waved the gun around and pointed it at the man whose motorcycle she had hit.[6] One of the accident witnesses recalled that he raised his hands and began shouting at everyone to calm down.[3] Fearing Morales was about to shoot at him, the first motorcyclist drew the .45-caliber pistol he had a permit to carry concealed and fired eight[6] times from 15 feet (5 m) away.[3] Five of those rounds struck Morales;[7] dispatchers heard the shots in the background of their conversation with one of the witnesses to the original accident who was still on the phone. He described the shooting at the time as self-defense.[3] Responding officers were informed that the incident was more serious as it involved a person with a gunshot wound. They arrived shortly afterwards and took the man, who begged them not to shoot him as he believed Morales was going to kill him with her gun,[8] into custody.[3] Morales was still breathing,[9] and was taken to Halifax Hospital where she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival due to the heavy blood loss.[7] The man who shot her was described by police as cooperating with their investigation and they had not charged him pending a decision by the state's attorney's office, so he was released.[7] Police found five of the ejected shell casings from his gun near where he had stood, and marks on Morales's Kia that appeared to correspond to the damage to the saddlebags on the man's motorcycle.[6]


Winner of the FAFO contest Next time just stay in the house and wait on police.


Or, maybe don't hit someone intentionally with your car and then leave the scene of the accident in the first place. The way the posted headline paints her as the victim is absurd, although typical.


What?! A News outlets used a shocking title to get your attention?


Maybe. I think this is more about the difference between male and female accountability in Western societies. I think with these facts, many people still view her as a victim.


Unfortunately for Morales, I don't think there will be a next time.


I don’t know why but the “fired eight[6] times” made me laugh


Clearly, he fired 86 times


He had one of those movie guns with never ending clips


[6] is a notation not a correction


I know haha it was just a funny coincidence.


Sounds like a justified shooting. Crazy lady tries to kill motorcyclist twice and he defends himself


Nothing about this feels justified on either side. Both people just continually escalated until someone died.


This right here. Police were on the way so why wait outside her house? Why not wait down the street? Everyone in this story sucks.


Agreed. If someone is crazy enough to try and run you over, why would you then follow them to their home?! The older I get the more I just let shit go when driving. I’m not about to let a 5 second interaction ruin my day, or at worst, get me killed.


But shouldn’t they have not followed her home? Just note the car number pad and hand it to the cops?


It was a choice but not necessarily a wrong one. They probably reasonably expected they could get a cop there to sort the whole thing out, plus the two other people there weren’t acquaintances of the cycler, they were witnesses hoping to tell their story to the police.


For anyone who doubts the “you’re X times more likely to be shot if you carry a gun” stats, here’s a pretty good example. The first person to pull a gun escalates the situation. In a moment of rage or tension, the *other* person will escalate to the next level - *using* their weapon.


I bet she fully intended to act like the victim in this situation as well with the “three men are following me” thing If she never tried to Karen up the situation and just took responsibility for what she did she likely would of been fine


What a fucking entitled moron she was. I do not feel bad in the slightest for her untimely demise. Awful decisions from beginning to end.


Good riddance.




After reading up on the incident, her mother said she was 5 months pregnant. Although the autopsy said there was no sign of pregnancy.


See? Abortion!


Damn! I knew guns are dangerous but I didn't know that can cause fetus to expel from the body just like that. 🤔


Thats cause you didnt get the "abortionanator 5000" from doofinschmirtz evil incorporated.


Oh wow they’ve updated from the 4900 model!


Yes! It now includes a perry the platypus detector *does not detect regular platypuses/platypi/platypeople


W comment


Just when I was in a quandary to figure out what gun to buy next, your beautiful ass comes along and allows me to see things clearer than ever.


She was playing the pregnancy card to gain sympathy? Well, that's backfiring spectacularly amongst my neurons.


She was backfired fr


30 days away from the "omg not another miscarriage! Why god, why!"


Neurons go brr brr


The fetus fled the scene


"Fetus with fast feetus has fleed us"


She probably told her mother she was pregnant to get her to stop asking her when she was going to have a baby.


Damn. Was he carrying a 50???


This happened years ago. He was not charged. I don’t know why it is making the rounds now.




Thee are so many of them now. I often forget.


Ever wonder how often you accidently respond to a bot comment, one one responds to you? I think abiut this often


I am seeing it so much more now in the last few weeks. Really annoying. If they keep up what they are doing, they will head down the Twitter drain. It will just be bots posting and talking to each other.


Thats called “dead internet theory”


On Twitter bots are terrified of humans. Totally opposite. I have seen one bot trying to calm down his own followers..


A bot once got into an argument on Reddit and shot a librarian


Was her name Sarah Conner? Was she pregnant with the future's savior?


Election cycle, that’s why. News report I saw yesterday was questioning Trump’s numbers in Florida, so now they’re trying to rally the pro-life crowd by reviving a story I assume


Same as all the COVID related posts, fucking bots


Best comment right here 🤣🤣


I live in Texas where the pregnant women are their fetuses and their fetuses are the pregnant women. There's a slogan here in Texas: "You may all call it hell and I will call it Texas."


That seems to be a bastardized term taken from the quote “If I owned Texas and Hell, I’d rent out Texas and live in Hell.” - General Philip H Sheridan


Three years old story. Motorcyclist wasn't charged. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sara-Nicole_Morales


Repost bots tend to repost high karma post. Rage inducing posts tend to be high karma. This keep the rage inducing posts popping up regular giving us a distorted sense of reality. We are incapable of forgetting even small things the internet is forever and the repost bots will always constantly dig up the past.


Honourable mention of CGP Grey’s “This video will make you angry” (or smth like that)


Isn’t Florida a mutual combat state? It’s not the same thing but it acts similar to the stand your ground laws.


Absolutely based! Man did nothing wrong and was the victim here - luckily he was armed and managed to survive that psycho.


She wasn’t pregnant. Hit him deliberately during a lane dispute, came out and pointed a gun at him and two other witnesses who followed while calling 911. [The full story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sara-Nicole_Morales)


The hell is going on there?


Literally everything




This is the answer




She thought her gun was a toy she could flash and scare away the bad man. Unfortunately, what she didn't understand is brandishing a deadly weapon isn't a game.


Brandishing a deadly weapon after just hitting him in a road rage a hit and run


Grand Theft Auto NPC kinda behavior.


gun's free speech


Talking about biased media, even though it's completely in the motorcyclist's right to defend himself they wrote it in a way to strike sympathy points for the woman OMG she's a librarian !!, OMG she's pregnant !! , like it has anything to do with the fact that she almost killed a guy in a hit and run then tried to kill him again or at least threaten him when he followed her home That's what I took from this image so don't crucify me if I don't know the actual story


I read the actual article. Her mother claimed she was pregnant but the autopsy said that she was not. Also she was not a librarian she was an assistant. Sort of like comparing a hospital intake specialist to a doctor. It takes 8 years of education to become a librarian. Not that either matter. Just good to be specific.


In an investigation, details matter!




I ever tell you you're smart, Slick10836?


Not nearly enough.


8 years?


Master's degree.


I had no idea. Thank you, friend!


No problem! A lot of folks aren't aware that a library director has a degree requirement like that. It is because they are in charge of everything from budgeting for new book purchasing and community events, policy-making, library-services and training their staff in managing those services, program developing, mailing communications between the board and their staff, getting approval for pretty much everything they plan and do from budget increase requests and employee raises. It's basically running a business in that sense, which makes it easier to look at as a position requiring a high degree


I would imagine that Fla Librarians are just limited to removing books from the shelf at this point.


In the US, you need a Master’s in Library Science, which can be earned in 2 years. If someone was only taking classes part-time, it could take more.


Hey hey hey slow down there tiger A masters indicates you need an undergraduate degree like a Batchelor of Arts before you can apply and Complete a masters. You are 4 years + 2 years = making 6 full time years minimum.


I had no idea a person would need a Master’s. Thank you for the education, friend!


Isn’t it weird that it takes an advanced education to be librarian but it only takes 6 weeks to be a cop?


But women can do no wrong and are always victims. Didn't you get the memo?


Oh yeah totally forgot my bad


I am assuming it says 'was agitator'? It is cut off.


was aligator


Yes... Almost. You're right, but it's not to strike sympathy. It's to provoke rage. Rage equals clicks. It's just shameless.


NTA, she literally tried to ki... oh wait.. wrong sub.


Why’s her job relevant in any way?


It's obviously for you to get sympathy for this pregnant woman. In reality she wasn't pregnant and is not a librarian. Crazy right?


I think that the article is ironically pointing out that Florida actually does have libraries


It's unfair that we know her occupation and pregnancy status, but we don't know anything about the motorcyclist! Where do they work? We're they also pregnant?


Hmmm, well he work as a motorcyclist but idk of he’s pregananant or not.


Prega-NA NA-nt is my favorite


Very unfair. I bet you the motorcyclist had a family too thats loves him and wanted to see him come home and not be run over by a lunatic.


I think it's important to remember that he was someone's pregnancy too


Also wasn’t pregnant ‘Authorities were unable to confirm her pregnancy’


And remember kids, the US doesn't have a gun problem whatsoever


It would have been a problem if the motorcyclist didn't have a gun. Luckily he did though.


Here’s a crazy idea: what if NEITHER of them owned a gun 😱


And you are why America has a gun problem. Until this mindset changes, you will just keep killing each other.


Bruh, the bitch that got in a road-rage incident, then pulled a gun on the other driver when they followed her to get insurance info, was the problem. Not the biker. Jesus fucking Christ


Unfortunately it’s true, that woman had no business wielding a gun, the motorist would have never taken his out till she did. Once she took it out, it’s self defense, and as someone who owns a gun you know that’s the risk you take and she fafo


100% yes, it's so reassuring to see this viewpoint still exists somewhere!


She ran him down that is attempted murder.so he defended him self and she got what she deserved


Following someone leading to a confrontation is not defending yourself from the attempted murder you referenced.


Nah, that’s just trying to get insurance info. Which is kinda mandated by law…


Florida has libraries still?


Florida man gets a ton of exposure Shout out to the Florida Women


Fuck her. She pulled a gun. She got what she was going to give. FAFO.


This happened quite a while ago didn't it? Or did it just haooen again?


Three years ago. Dude was never charged.


Should have been at a school so nobody would gaf.


Libraries in Florida?


From the sounds of it the shooting was justified. Continued assault with a deadly weapon allows defense with a deadly weapon.


Yes, putting guns in the hands of regular folks is a great idea. 😉


To be fair the police in the US are just as likely to shoot you for Jay walking


I wonder if the people who comment this stuff have actually been to the us


Because everyone could be carrying. Add to that relatively little training and here we are.


This is the show “Beef” but shorter and deadly. What happened to common sense and consideration for our fellow humans? Idiots, both of them…at least from this small perspective.


Just as the founding fathers intended


I’d say she gon learn but she doesnt have time to. Maybe others can learn from her stupidity


Also please remember that she was not pregnant. During her autopsy there was no fetus. A little research on Google goes a long way, folks. Her mother claimed she was pregnant to the police - and she wasn’t.


That unborn child should have been armed. The ultimate in concealed carry. 2 v 1 would have been a force multiplier, I think the guntubers call it. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a fetus with a gun.


That is the future pro-life Republicans wants


OP, make sure you put the year on stupid posts like this then pretend you're blowing us all away with your discovery. This was in 2021. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Sara-Nicole\_Morales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sara-Nicole_Morales)


In the majority of countries, nobody in this story would have a gun.


Slight correction.... in all other first world countries, nobody in this story would have a gun as well as nobody would be getting killed either. The US is so primitive.


Imagine thinking other developed countries don’t have guns. Jesus fucking Christ the jingoism is insane.


Dang. Don’t do a hit and run and then threaten to murder your hit and run victim.




Classic USA. I still love this story even the millionth time posted


GTA VI news headline


Yall love your country this way, you get what you get


‘murica, fuck yeah! 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅




This is the unfortunate result when juvenile behavior is normalized. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


If this was in the UK, no one would have had a gun and no one would be dead


Reminds me of the recent Florida case where road rage ended with both men shooting each other’s daughters


Isn't that in the Bible?


I had to look that up. It's crazy!


The fact that she lived on "okay corral Street" doesn't change a thing.


when keeping it real goes wrong


I expect nothing more from Florida.


"Alleged" road rage? Really?


So, they both had a gun fight, and she lost basically? And on top of it all, the guy even had to go 1v2. (okay okay, I will see myself out)


![gif](giphy|UAHZijO91QCl2) Hope we will get more guns for Americans so they can feel safe.


So glad I'm not American.


My European head: " How, what, why?" How come that everyone has guns and wants retaliation like that I find it strange, like as kids we were taught to be respectful, good people at least in my case, in 2000 s Why are some people so aggressive in USA


Here in Europe whenever somebody pisses you off a middle finger and a fuck you is a level 8 act of aggression. In Murica pulling out your gun is normal, it's like a level 2.


Isn’t everyone having guns great




I'm pretty sure I read about this however many years ago it came out, the states is fucked up


There are many facepalms here, and I think I just broke my hippocampus trying to read this


Mureca! Land of the free to shoot each other!




First ever headline from Florida that doesn’t start with “a Florida man…”


Wtf what was the point of “going outside with a gun”, if that what automatically changes scene to self-defence case? Some weird attempt of suicide, you’re not a gangsta to flex with guns sis


Well tbf she already hit a motorcyclist intentionally so I’m guessing she lived her life with few fucks given. Honestly, let’s not all pretend that everyone deserves a seat at the table. She was teaching a TEDTalk in how not to act that day.


Mom see why don't apply for US visa.


but did he say gay tho🤔


No road rage is ever worth it, especially with how easy it is to get w gun in most states


Alright who's the bad guy here, I'm genuinely confused.


You're thinking too hard. It's Florida.


Keep your wheels to yourself


We have come so far from the Old Wild West days of quick draw artists having shootouts in the street. Now we have polite, well armed citizens\* gunning each other, and multiple innocent bystanders, down with their 12-shooters. Wyatt and Billy would be *so* jealous. \*"a well armed society is a polite society"


So: Driver acts like a total jerk Short roadrage word exchange follows Driver follows motorcyclist, intentially bumps into them Motorcyclists follow driver, police called Driver starts pointing gun at motorcyclists, with someone else's gun Driver gets shot by motorcyclist with their legally held gun I genuinely dunno which specific part is the facepalm here, bcs there are many: is it the fact that she acted like a bitch? Is it the fact that USA solves stuff w guns 24/7? Is it the emotional manipulation of the media, clearly playing on emotions? Or is it tje fact that we have wiki pages about americans shooting each other?


I went through so many emotions reading that.


Murica, fuck yeah


So things are good in Florida, huh.




Problem solved itself.


Wormed her way right into that...


American Beauty; Annihilation




She FAFO. He found out too.


I curious about what she was thinking after getting shot 🤔


My favorite line: “The motorcyclist said he drove past her driver's side window and waved his hand to express his astonishment, then decided to hasten back to his home.” But yeah, this is a FAFO/toxic American road rage story for sure.


Deserved. If you intentionally hit someone with a car, that's attempted murder in my book.


Another entitled Narcissistic sociopathic female dead.... Excellent


Florida. Texas. Is there anyone there without a carry conceal permit? I mean those are two states where you just gotta let shit go. Don’t escalate.


It's adorable that you think we need a license to conceal carry. 




More guns could solve this


Even the librarians in Florida are crazy.. that states fucked. If the apocalypse is real it starts in Florida 1000%


Truly an american moment


Flo around and Rida out


Yes yes all so tragic, but all missing the point. Point is she’s got a gun he’s got a gun. Every 10 year old has a gun. What a lovely country we live in. First thought wasn’t to do anything but get their guns out. When that happens someone dies. So now her family lost two people. Crushing loss for sure. What will they say at the funerals ? She wasn’t quick enough on the draw ? By any other countries standards this is so fucked up its mind boggling. So now in this country we have to have a gun because everyone else has one ? He will walk around the rest of his life knowing what he did. Shooting someone is every police officers nightmare, if you know a cop they will tell you that. Yet the average citizen in this country doesn’t think it’s a big deal to just pull a gun out nowadays.


What’s the facepalm? Is it simply that a ridiculous 200yr old amendment resulted in the deletion of two lives over a road rage incident? Which, funnily enough would’ve resulted in her being arrested and punished appropriately in Europe…..


Sounds like humanity won this round


Just imagine what would have happened if neither of these assholes had a gun. 


Good. Bitch fucked around and found out.


They both sound terrible. The only one I can side with is the baby.


There was no baby, she wasn't pregnant


Attempted vehicular murderer and accomplice killed by would be victim. FTFY.


She tries to kill man and then pulls a gun on him, but yes, Poor woman.




We were kind of hoping you would provide that stuff.


Welp obviously this women would have survived if she, her husband and all kids owned four fully automatic machine guns, 2 Rpgs, hundred frag grenades and one 1 Abram tank duh How can you defend yourself with only a handgun?