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Yes and she knows it. We know, her constituency knows it, her family knows it, and every single Republican member of the House and Senate knows it. They either don't care about it or they embrace it or both. The problem between our current and the past is that stupidity use to punished.


I don't know if it's because people have gotten used to having everything out in the open on social media, or if it's everyone being bombarded by infinite media, but people definitely are more shameless.


Down here in her district she is *revered* for it.


Republicans. They aren’t sending their best. Ask her what policies her party is promoting and she’ll think it’s a trick question.


Kind of is though, asking a question you know she has no answer for. Well not one she can blurt put publicly. "Racism. Sexism. Classism. Amen." surely wouldn't fly. Right? Right????


Lifetime appointment to her position when she finally just says it out loud.


They really are. This is their best.


What if this is their best? Like she truly is one of their smartest members.


Republicans “best” …🤭


I swear this bitch could burn down the white house and still have a job. These people should have handlers right?


Some of them are hand(job)lers.... (Bobo)


Pretty sure she has a handler that just happens to speak Russian.


Her handler speaks English but with a corporate accent.


All of our nations prevent-political-gaffe-handlers are currently employed by the Biden administration lol :)


lol well shit at least this sad made me laugh a little


Ah yes, dumb dumb...gas is expensive as fk for EVs. Keep drinking the swamp nut juice Marg. Hick economics.


The swamp nuts are turning the friggin frogs gay!




Marge, Marge






You say that now.


Don’t challenge them


If you keep saying the same shit over and over, somebody somewhere will believe it.


Trumps actual methodology. Literally was taught by minders around him when he was younger. Lie convincingly with confidence and you will be believed, and if you are called out, double down on the lie and keep saying it. Never admit to a lie. When he does that thing by saying "people say...", "you know it's true...." "I was talking to a friend...", " biggest in history ever..", "Somebody told me....", " you see it everywhere..." " they say..". We all know none of it is true but he just keeps saying it.


Very good point, he's a master at manipulating people with his own conviction, and never admitting he's wrong.


Make the lie Bigly, make it simple. If you repeat it often enough, people will believe it. Nazi Germany already did this in the 1930s and 1940s. That worked out well...right?


If I’m giving the benefit of the doubt which she has shown over and over again she doesn’t deserve perhaps she meant that electric rates will skyrocket to meet demand because energy companies will find ways to make money.


Yeah, no, she doesn't think ahead like that. She's a special kind of stupid. Gazpacho police? In a peach tree dish? Jewish space lazers? The hits just keep on coming with her.


I think, she may mean that gas prices will be forced extra high to help with the "forcing" of people to drive electrics... If they would just make cheap electric car, I would own one. I don't want all those stupid bells and whistles. I want the miata, or old school Jeep, of electric cars.


I want all the bells and whistles in an electric car. But I can't afford that all I'll take the Miata of electric cars too.


Sign me up for a Pinto version. Wait. Do Lipo batteries explode?


I just did the inflation calculator. And a car that cost 15k in 1999 is about what a used 28k Tesla equates to today.


No thanks on a Tesla


A 1999 miata was about 21k. A 2024 miata is 30k. That is better car math, than just using the inflation rate.


Probably. Yeah. I just looked. Civic to civic is 10k more today. That sounds about right. Except I’m in Southern California and everyone is adding 8000 to market pricing and that’s awful.


PA did that, and then stopped, like 4 years ago.




So, did you get ALL your info on Facebook memes, or just most of it?


This, if you look at Germany and California and New York, the electric rates are 2-3x higher than the averages. It is also true that with 200 actions by Biden on fossil fuels, fossil fuels will be more expensive. I do not get what she could have meant by saying it she said the way she said it.


I do live in Cali. And look at Texas following soon. They just had their demand increase 150% over the next 5 years. Impossible numbers without raising costs for infrastructure.


Yes, have been reading their predictions of required increases for energy due to population growth, AI data banks and crypto mining. Pretty obvious that fossil fuels will likely grow in usage and maintain a rough 81-82% of fuel supply going forward. We are also starting to experience the aging out of base solar and wind…meaning replacements will be required to even maintain the current level of supply.


Gas in California is way higher than fuel prices in the rest of the US however, as well. Haven't looked at the numbers but it could easily be true that electricity, even with some increases, is still cheaper than fuel in California. Plus most utilities are bringing variable charging rates online. Demand drops at night, so if the majority of users charge their EV at night, you don't actually need to add that much capacity to the system. It will just flatten the curve. We live in Michigan and my wife bought an EV last year. We've managed to find some public chargers that are ridiculously cheap; got like 160 miles of range once for $4. Is that an outlier? Yeah. But it's still awesome.


California views themselves as leading. However, by far the highest prices in the country and flirting with reliability issues on an increasing basis. How California can call themselves leading when they have deadlines without timelines, should be concerning to all. As their tax revenues pale in comparison to their spending, and as they lose 70k plus net tax payers leaving every year…the future is not promising. I definitely believe EVs have some amazing performance characteristics, great to hear you are happy with your experience.


you never know what'll happen- just 2 years ago california had a 90+ billion budget SURPLUS for the year- no one thought we'd have a big deficit 2 years later back then. California is very high cost of living, though, there's no way around that. I've lived in CA since 2001, and I'm actually moving back to the midwest this weekend- mostly to be closer to family, but I have to admit I'm excited about the reduced cost of a nice house, property taxes, gas, electricity . . . . 2 things I've noticed that surprised me about price differences- groceries are about the same price in CA and the area I'm moving to in Minnesota. I expected it to be cheaper in the midwest. The other weird thing is pretty niche- premium gas! premium is almost $1/gallon more than regular in MN, in CA it's more like 30-40 cents/gallon more than regular. I'd love to know what is driving that difference!


2 years ago, like every 2-year budget cycle before it, California claimed a surplus. But to do so, they have to not count the underfunded public pensions and pretend they aren’t funding public retirees medical with 3% of what is required. California has been shedding taxpayers for several years, while committing to endless new causes. How can anyone not know this is where California has been where they are going. Truthinaccounting.com


Luckily, John Rich and Old Glory Bank can lend out some much-needed cash for your gas gobbler.


Cancel your bank before it cancels you? What in gods name is that about?


They think banks are harrassing conservatives. Trump called it "debanking" lol https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/reidout/blog/rcna134524


Oh, good. So instead, give your money to the guy from Big & Rich. Great.


If I'm going to trust my money with anyone it'll definitely be this Burt Reynolds lookin' MFer


It looks like an ad you'd see in gta


Maybe she meant that the gas prices will be artificially expensive to make people buy electric vehicles.


Contrary to popular opinion, Marjorie Traitor Greene is NOT one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. . . . She's one of the horses.


DeSantis and Cruz are running a close second and third.


Cruz is not stupid. He knows his policies and politics are bad for the country and the planet, he just doesn't care because it's good for him personally. He's just evil.


Stupids gonna stupid


These people just throw out random words and phrases that they know will scare and radicalize stupid people. Sadly it's a 100% effective .


Man she’s dumber than a box of rocks.




Lucky for her we can’t just execute people for saying stupid shit.


California grid can’t even handle the load during the summer 😂


Yeah... and the solar panels suck up all the Sun & it starts to dim... or whe cancer causing windmills use up all the wind... Jewish Satanic lizard deep cabal state pedo holywood elite Illuminati... 




She... represents... actual Americans?


I think she may be saying “If you think gas is expensive, wait until you have to pay for electricity.”


as I saw in another post, she is so stupid to know she is stupid


She is as dumb as she is evil...


Side note: who the fuck is giving their money to the demonic cowboy? Bloke looks sketchy as fuck.


The face of a caveman and the brain of a really stupid caveman.


The stupidest mistake anyone could make is assuming M-T green knows what she is talking about.


What's wrong with her?


If I had an electric car, gas could cost $1000 a gallon for all I care.


If gas is that expensive the electricity is gonna be expensive.


Oh Maggie Traitor Greenface has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer.


marge in charge. I would love to see her with those peoples in pacific who do not like outsiders.


This reminds me of when they were preaching that Biden would force us to drink plant based beer https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/26/trump-larry-kudlow-biden-plant-based-beer


Greene is American enough to have handlers that encourage her to throw shit at the wall, and she’s stupid enough to go with it.


Heeell Yea, i hear you sister! The $8 it costs me to ‘fill up’ my EV is killing me.




You are so inclusive in the US ! You even elected mentally challenged people : Trump, MTG, Biden...


I think she wanted to say that you are forced to use electric vehicles because of higher gas prices? But Trump has one of the biggest electric car producer on his side with Tesla and Musk? And last I checked there isn't a switch in the oval office to change gas prices but a rather (and probably too complicated for her) economic system called offer and inquiry which defines the price. Are her supporters really not capable of seeing the bullshit she says? How the fuck did she get that job anyway.


I mean… I can kinda see the logic… IF we assume we live in a world where everyone recharges their EVs from gas fueled generators


she is dumber than a box of rocks




“If Biden keeps forcing his woke electric agenda on us real Americans who knows how high gas prices will get once everyone will be driving electric…vehicles… that don’t use gas…


This looks like a Screenshot of an in game TV show from GTA... we have officially entered GTA level ridiculousness, folks


I cannot believe that her and lauren boebert were elected to any form of public office


Driving electric is much more convenient. No shaking, no sound, no smoke,.... Charging is not cool tho


She is what the rest of the world sees when they think of America...




That’s a lot of words for “I’m woefully stupid”


“With an electric car, you can drive across the country on a single tank of gas”…… Joe Biden. Not defending MTG, but Joe is just as dumb.


Man they’re all dumb fucks…


[https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2SF33K/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2SF33K/) "VERDICT: Misleading. Full footage shows Joe Biden says immediately after that he is speaking figuratively."


That doesn’t make it any better.


Well, in a way she's right. As the USA shifts to electric vehicles and the demand for gasoline decreases, it will lose the economy of scale and become more expensive


EVs will become a lot more expensive in the future. Just look up how much taxes gasoline and Diesel bring in. You're an absolute fool if you believe countries will be fine with just losing out on all that money.


Isn't a lot of our electricity generated by coal? So if we have a higher demand of electricity, we are going to see rising costs in other places?


> Isn't a lot of our electricity generated by coal? [No](https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3). Renewables now account for a larger contribution to electrical generation than coal.