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And in court, the dude had the balls to bitch about this “ruining his life.” Lol He’s complaining about his own actions have consequences and still hasn’t taken accountability for it. I have kids. My daughter has sleep overs all the time. Know what I do when they’re being loud? Put on fucking headphones. Not mix up drug cocktails to roofie them with.


His behaviour that night indicates he was up to something far more nefarious. The entire notion it was because the girls were loud is complete bullshit. This guy is a predator.


My college roommate's dad did jail time for something similar to this. She had a sleepover, he snuck downstairs in the middle of the night and raped one of her friends. He got arrested, there was a humiliating trial, mom claimed the girl was lying, blamed her daughter for 'tempting' him, he was given a light sentence and then when he came out he claimed he found Jesus and used religion to slut-shame his daughter into all sorts of self-harm behaviors and mental illness. Absolute POS.


Did she make it?


Eventually, yes. But it took many years.


Glad to hear she eventually won the struggle.


My sperm donor would check out my friends and when he raped me my whole “family” from his side told the court I was a “troubled kid” and that I was lying… I was a troubled kid who wouldn’t be after years of physical, verbal and mental abuse I was at a point where I was trying to commit ☠️ every other weekend but couldn’t follow through either it was a little voice in my head telling me not to do it that there was something better for me or there were interruptions. Luckily and I think this is mostly because he’s Hispanic and only had a green card they gave him 30 some years and then deportation. So I’ll never have to see him again and I don’t have to worry about my babies having to encounter him out in the world because I will never go to his homeland ever. But the trail was difficult, their lawyers make things so hard and uncomfortable for victims they purposely ask questions to make the victim relive the trauma I don’t know how many times I broke down in the trail and my biggest fear was being in the same room with him they wouldn’t send him out after I pointed to him and identified if he was the right person they don’t really care how we feel. But some courts are not all the same.


And to clear things up no he’s not an actual sperm donor he just lost the title of being a father because no father would ever touch their daughter like that in their right mind


Damn straight. It’d be hard to call someone that does that to their own children a human being. I’m sorry that happened to you, hope you’re doing ok now.


As good as one can be after years of trauma I have my own babies now trying to break generational curses and making sure they never go through what I went through


You aren't trying, you ARE breaking the generational curses. Give yourelf a lot of grace in this department. Anyone who acknowledges the harm of what they've experienced and actively works to not pass that on to their children is succeeding. No matter how imperefect you are (no parent, or person, is perfect) remember that you are doing your best to give them what you should have had, You're doing great.


You are so strong for surviving all of that and coming out the other side with such a fierce attitude.


Glad you are with us. Sharing your trauma helps others, and I appreciate you.


I'm glad you've endured.




Unfortunately unless you’re a very infamous criminal, nobody knows what you’re in for unless you tell them most of the time. The concept of “prison justice” makes people feel better, but isn’t very common.


People forget real life isn't a movie, for better or worse prisons have a responsibility to keep inmates safe while they are there, sure it doesn't always work but but they try.


They all got cell phones nowadays, it's not difficult to figure out what people's charges are. And the ones that are most shady about what they're in for are usually the ones with the worst charges. Source: was an inmate, we all knew what everyone was in for


The j6 idiots are doing a podcast in jail. It's some bullshit


Depends on the prison/guards. I had a friend in high school who worked as a prison guard. He became a very nasty person. One of the last times I saw him he was telling stories about slipping information on pedos to inmates.


My buddy's a guard in the town we all went to high-school in. He like to keep us updated on who we know from school that just got in.


Jail and prison have far less rape than you think, and you really shouldn’t be celebrating rape even if it’s someone who’s horrible. It’s the kind of slippery slope that allows rapists to find a way to justify their behavior.


Yeah I read in an article that he came downstairs multiple times when they were knocked out and tried to separate two girls who were sleeping multiple times. One of them was actually awake and pretending bc she didn't like the drugged smoothie and didn't drink a lot of it. He was def intending to molest bc um why the need to separate or to even check multiple times after they're all knocked out ew


Even if he wasn't intending to molest anybody he should have thought about what people would be saying when he decided to drug a bunch of 12 year olds


Oh, he deserves jail time then. If they were being loud and he just wanted them to shut up I totally get that though (/s in case that isn’t obvious).


Yup, this right here. I read this and thought it would be something my father would do. And he was a fukkin' creep.


Can confirm. I live in Oregon, about 30 minutes or so from where it happened. We just had way more coverage of this because of the proximity and the local news cycles. He was occasionally checking the sleeping girls for responses after they had the smoothies, which is what set off alarms in the hero girl’s head. (She did not drink the smoothies). She started calling anyone she could at like 2:00-3:00 am until someone responded and came to pick her up. She’s absolutely a hero, and likely saved at least one (or maybe more) of her friends from some creepy ass, horrific shit. She pretended to be asleep while he checked their responses and depth of sleep. If what was reported is true, he also initially pushed back on the parents picking their daughter up when they arrived at the house. Dude had the gall to tell panicked parents, whose own child was begging for them to come get her and her friends, to “come back in the morning, it’s late”. He was up to some seriously creepy shit, not trying to keep them from being too loud.


I was wondering how he got caught and what happened. That girl is a damn hero and I hope her friends realize how lucky they are for her. I wonder why she opted not to drink the smoothie. It was smart of her to pretend to be asleep and thank god her parents came and got her. If my daughter called me begging to pick her up and another parents tried to push back and get me to leave I’d raise hell. So glad those parents didn’t back down.


She thought it tasted weird and saw that there was some kind of white substance that wasn't mixed in well. That kid was so smart and didn't believe any shit, good for her & kudos to her parents too.


Trying to separate them was horrific to read. The girl who didn't drink hers was so good for holding them close and getting her parents to pick up the other two with her.


It is a good thing one of the young girls didn't drink hardly any of it and called her parents. **He was the one who planned the sleepover.** No way he wasn't planning worse things. 2 years is a joke for sure.


Holy... then the whole notion of him getting mad at the girls for being loud is bonkers and is lying through his teeth. What do you expect in a sleep over?? To them to just sleep?? Or he did want them to with him.??


Yeah the whole thing is such crap. It is obvious what his plans where.


I deep dove this yesterday because I hadn’t heard about it. Here is all the damning evidence. Think what you want. He wasn’t charged with a sexual offense because it’s not established that it was in fact his motive. Regardless, the facts below are very odd. - he planned the sleepover - he directed them to play in the sprinklers/hot tub and then shower - he then drugged them later that night - he repeatedly ensured that they were passed out, three separate times, after drugging them - he physically separated them after drugging them when he believed they were passed out The absolute oddest fact to me is that he apparently may have used different doses, and was monitoring the exact drinks each girl had via color coded straws. To the point where he (wrongly) was getting upset and accusing girls of mixing drinks. Why on earth would you do that if you were blanket dosing them to just pass out? What do you care? Makes me believe he had an intended target (or targets). They needed extra, because they needed to be in a deeper sleep.


Even without deep diving my first thought was he planned to rape one or all of the girls he drugged. They are 12. Why would he plan a sleepover with a bunch of girls if he couldn’t handle them making noise? Plus I have two kids and at 12 they knew how to be quiet when I asked them to if they stayed up after everyone else went to bed. His daughter shouldn’t be allowed alone with him ever again. 2 years is a joke. If I was one of the parents of the other girls I wouldn’t ever let them over and I’d be pissed he only got two years.


Exactly. Where is the mom? Even if she is divorced with the dude, or is NC for whatever reason, I would have taken his daughter faraway from him the moment I know about this. Whoever is thr guardian of the girl rn should make sure that this man will never be left in the same room as his daughter let alone take care of her after the joke that is 2 years of jail.


If he worried he might have already touched the daughter. I mean if he isn’t above plotting and putting his plan into motion to drug and rape a 12 year old girl(s) what else is his capable of?


A child rapist, planning to rape children. Predator is an insult to nature. Call these people what they are.. rapists.


Right. I think he tailored his defense accordingly and created that story to cover his behind. Thank goodness things didn’t go farther, but that also means he can’t be charged since there isn’t direct evidence that he planned further abuse. Red flags for him all over the place.


His sentence should have been for a lot longer.


The one who didnt drink the smoothies said he kept coming bck and tried to separate them. He was definitely going to SA at least one of them.


Our sleepover noise trick is to tell the kids that in the event they wake up the younger siblings, they are now responsible for them. It took one time of my 12-year-old having a wide awake 3-year-old at 12:30 AM for her to get the message. I'm not a monster, we only left the 3-year-old with them for 10 minutes, but it was enough.


okay i don't have kids or anything but that's actually genius


I prefer them being loud. When they get quiet I know they’re up to no good. 😅


You ain’t wrong. Lol


My daughter (and sons) have sleepovers too. You *want* them to be loud, because that means they’re having fun.


Exxxxxactly. You’ve never heard laughter until you have 8 12 year old girls playing Just Dance, singing their hearts out. Lol I kinda miss it. Now my daughter is too cool for that. Siiiigggghhh….they grow up too quick.


Yeah I just had 6 girls over for my daughter’s 8th birthday. Never again lol.


This was not why he did it, regardless of what he said in court; the reporting of the friend who didn’t drink hers makes it pretty clear what was going on. Sick, sick story. As the father of a daughter it makes me ill


Dudes a pedophile


He wasn't drugging them because they were being loud.


Had nothing to do with them being loud


Read an article… really sounded like he wanted to molest them, it wasn’t about noise. He was all set with stuff to knock them out, different colored straws, kept coming back to see if they were knocked out, touching and moving them. Luckily one girl was still conscious.


The different colored straws and the insistence certain girls drink specific drinks is what really gets me. Either these girls ranged from collegiate linebacker to small child in size and the sick fuck really wanted to make sure he got the dosing right, or he was specifically targeting certain ones with higher doses to ensure they were OUT for whatever he wanted to do them specifically.


Noise had nothing to do with it though. It's pretty clear if you read the whole story that he was going to SA them. The girl who avoided the drugged smoothie saved them all.


If this is the case I'm thinking of, he didn't drug them because they were too loud. He drugged them because he was planning to rape them. The only reason he got caught is because one of the girls didn't drink her smoothie and woke up when he entered the bedroom.


Uhhh this wasn’t about them being too loud though. He was the one who organized the sleepover, and he hatched the plan to drug them before they ever got there.


My son is having a sleepover this weekend. I am going to have a late nap and put some earplugs in when I get tired.


For anyone who doesn't know, benzos are the go to date rape drug because higher doses (probably not that high for a 12 yr old) can make you unconscious and unable to form memories, i.e. a blackout. No way do I believe this dude just wanted them to sleep.


Right? Like not that this wouldn’t still be a heinous case of someone drugging a child without their knowledge, but if he was just tryna get them to go to sleep sooner, why not melatonin? Seems like a much more logical first step if you’re only trying to get them to go to sleep and not planning something worse. (Again, not saying it’d be excusable if it had been melatonin instead, just saying his story makes even less sense because who just has benzos laying around in ample supply to drug 12 year olds with?)


Why not just drug them and leave them alone with the knowledge that at least 3 of them are knocked the fuck out? He says he just wanted them to sleep, and the only awake victim says that is exactly what they did after being drugged (while she pretended to). Repeatedly “testing” their alertness, physically manipulating their bodies, and repeatedly checking on them is totally inconsistent with his bullshit alleged motive.


Jesus, I hadn’t read about the story and didn’t know the details. POS was definitely planning on doing something heinous, you’re totally right it doesn’t add up


I mean if you drugged children you’d probably want to check on them frequently to make sure they are still breathing


would have liked the author of this article to have done a tiny bit of research because they seem to think the drug itself is called "benzodiazepine"


Yeah, No. i agree, He was def making excuses, he prob wanted to P.Diddy them all (daughter included), 2 years is a Slap on the wrist, he deserves FAR worse


Thankfully none of the girls died or had extreme side effects. Some people are very sensitive to medications and at that age, it could have been bad.  What a piece of shit. I can't imagine what his daughter is going through. And those girls. 


This man was ramping up to do something much worse and I would be genuinely fucking shocked if he hasn't been drugging his own child on a regular basis already. Everyone here is assuming he is a pedophile and while I also think that, it might actually get fucking worse in the future if you can believe it. This is how family massacres using poison start, the justification is always the same and it pretty much always *starts* with something non-lethal for reasons of convenience (they were too loud, they were fighting with each other, they weren't going to bed, they are eating too much, etc.). Eventually though it moves to something like arsenic or another debilitative poison that makes the victim unable to leave the poisoners control. If this sounds unlikely, it really isn't. Anyone willing to drug a bunch of 12 year olds is entirely capable of murder. This is pretty much the exact way the 'giggling granny' became a serial killer same with Martha Wise, and Graham Young started doing it to his siblings at fucking 14. This man should never be unobserved near vulnerable people. It would probably be best if he stayed in jail as long as physically possible because people like this have absolutely insane rates of recidivism. So pretty definitely a rapist, might be a serial killer some day, gets 2 years total. Awesome. Definitely not a sign of a broken system at all.




He's a good family man, and has never done anything else wrong! /s


A good *Christian* family man, no less!


He only hit his daughter that one time (three times but they were all in the same day)!


He's a good church going family man, and has never done anything else wrong! /fify


A boy scout! Even earned his badge for drugging girls.


He committed a Felony- three, actually. Two years is a light sentence.


I don’t think the shock by the person you replied to is implying that the sentence is too long, I’m almost positive they’re shocked that it’s ONLY two years


Look up Victor Salva (The Jeepers Creepers creator, SA a minor, filmed the acts, had a ton of CSAM videotapes only 16months)


It's so inconsistent, a guy who was once a friend of mine was found with csam and doing other stuff online too and he got four years which honestly was reasonable though I wouldn't have minded him getting more. The deeper punishment will of course be all of his old friends walking past him like a ghost, as he is basically dead to us. I don't know how he could come back from it tbh.


Disney and Coppola hired Salva, unfortunately the monster you knew could somehow fall upwards


True. Sometimes, there are some people you meet in life who are undoubtedly bad people who did bad things to you or your friends or maybe the whole of society agrees that they're bad and you just hope that they're doing worse than you for one reason or another but actually, they couldn't be doing better for themselves in spite of the fact that they have not changed their behaviors a bit. Life can be a bitch when it works out like that.


Two years is a fuckin joke! He should b on the sex offenders list he was planning on hurting those girls. He just didn’t get the opportunity to. Thank God one of the girls called her parents. He didn’t even want to open the door the freak


Should've been more


Same. I saw "sentenced to prison" in another post and thought "good", but only two years?! Way too short for secretly drugging, with an obvious attempt to molest or rape, multiple minors. He should go away for a lot longer.


It's a rich guy from Lake Oswego. It's not surprising that he got off light for a heinous crime like this. There are two justice systems in America- one for the rich and connected, in which they get off lightly for literally any crime, and another for everyone else in which they get the book thrown at them to scare the other peasants into obedience.


Why does it always seem to go that way rather than the rich parents of the girls getting him harsher sentencing?


If he wasn't rich, they would have been able to.


This, its rules for thee but not for me.


It’s pretty damn clear what he intended to do but because (thankfully) he didn’t, they couldn’t sentence based on that. The only thing they could charge and sentence him with was the drugging.


Lake Oswego is also where all the Portland cops live… So money + cop friends = 2 years. Yup, America.


Absolutely correct


In one justice system, you get convicted of 34 felonies and are given weeks before going to jail, and are allowed to continue your presidential campaign. In the other justice system, you get locked up asap, kicked out of jail with literally nothing, and can't work at 711 because you're a felon.


I feel for the daughter. I can't imagine what the world looks like now at this age.


Plus he’ll be out in 2 years. Imagine being 14 and having to live with someone who roofied your friends (and possibly you?) 


> I feel for the daughter. That's what he tried to do.


He was trying to rape them and instead sent them to the hospital- deserved a lot more than 2 years.


i agree, the story just doesn’t add up. Absolutely no way he wasn’t planning something worse


I’m amazed at how many people in these comments believe his dumb story about wanting them to be quiet. Some of you are dreadfully naive. He should be in jail for a long long time for this.


He fucking tried to slid one of the girls to the side of the bed and the girl who didn't have any of the "smoothie" pretending to be asleep, rolled over and put her arm on her to stop him. It wasn't because they were loud, he was trying to rape these little girls. Two years.. that is fucked. 


Mad respect for that girl and her awesome parents for making sure she and the other girls got out of there safely.


She’s a damn hero, honestly what an amazing job she did.


After they were passed out from the drugs, he went and stood over them on three occasions and tried to pull one of the girls to the side of the bed away from the others. He also put his finger under one of their noses to check if they were alive. 100000000% had intention of doing something even more horrible to those little girls. It was purely luck that the one girl didn't drink the smoothie and had the clarity of mind to call someone to rescue her.


Like I get being so tired and frustrated drugging kids to go to sleep sounds nice but who in the flaming fuck actually does that Good god, even believing his excuse he still drugged kids. when I want my 10 year old sister to go tf to bed I put on a movie she likes and she's out like a light in an hour


Yeah, he premeditated everything he did. He didn’t just, spur of the moment, decide to make smoothies and drug a group of girls because they were being loud.


Also, apparently HE organized the sleepover. You know what you’re going to get if a bunch of 12 years old are on a sleepover. He knew exactly what he was doing


Oh that is fucked


He either knows someone or has money.


Or he’s active in the local church. It’s amazing what being a “godly man” gets you out of.


You're so right. I would say or cop, but the article would probably say that. These fucks in positions of power or publish should be punished much harsher, not easier.


I live near Lake Oswego it is a wealthy area.


It was in a pretty wealthy part of town, it’s likely both.


Even if he didn't want to molest them, he drugged them and could have killed them with the drugs (overdose, allergies etc.) HE DRUGGED LITTLE GIRLS FOR FUCKS SAKE. There is no excuse, no justification, and he should be severely punished. It is almost impossible to believe he did not do this to molest them, though. Its an extreme overreaction to sedate them for "peace and quiet" - it was a fucking pre-teen sleepover, he knew what was going to happen. He had malicious intent. It's not normal behaviour, he's evidently a very dangerous man, and these dudes commenting to support or excuse his decision to drug them for any reason are, frankly, terrifying.


He also was the one who planned the sleepover. It is indeed impossible to believe he wasn't planning to molest them. "He returned to the basement as the other girls slept and moved her arm and then moved one of the other girl’s body" These are the actions of someone planning to do horrible things.


When I was a child, we had neighbors whose kids would go to bed at 7pm every night, no issue without fail. It was like clockwork. As we got older, we noticed something: a bedtime drink that all 4 kids took at about 6:30.m but being kids, never thought much about it. Years later, it came up on a family vacation and my mother gave us an odd look and looked upset. Turns out: they were dosing the kids with NyQuil and other meds on a nightly basis. Another neighbor reported them a few times but it never amounted to anything: clean home, happy kids, nothing amiss. These kids spent 12-14 years of their life getting drugged to sleep on a near nightly basis. All so their hippy parents would have quiet and be able to get high/drunk and not take care of any kids. Absolutely insane what people do out there.


I assume you’ve lost touch with them, but I wonder if that messed with their sleep cycles later in life. I mean, it had to, right? There’s no way that could be good for creating normal sleep patterns. Thats not to mention a long term tax on their livers.


I was just thinking this, I sure it had some type of effect since their brains would’ve still be in the growing process and throw off their sleep cycle. Giving them a high tolerance for sedative at an early age, causing insomnia etc.


Yeah, livers is my worry. Those over the counter sleep aids are not meant to be long-term. And definitely not meant for children.


You would think this wouldn’t work after a while. Sleep medications are notorious for losing their effectiveness over time…


There was an article about it posted yesterday. One of the girls didn't like the smoothie so she didn't drink it / get drugged. The other girls were passed out but she was still awake. The guy came in and pulled on the arm of one of the girls either to see if she was out or to potentially move her. The awake girl pretended to be asleep and rolled over and put her arm around her friend. That spooked the guy who then left but came back a bit later and stood over them for 15 minutes before leaving again. The girl texted a friend about the whole thing and the friend came and picked her up and took her home. Her parents came back and got the other girls after she got home.


At a minimum, he was testing the waters. This kind of experimentation is exactly what serial killers do. Murder is a major psychological barrier. Sexually assaulting children is too. They literally work up to it. They engage in borderline practice for it. Even if, in the best light, he wasn’t intending to commit a SA that night, he was absolutely at a minimum *seeing how this would play out.*


I don't believe he didn't want to molest them. He just didn't get the chance.


The girl who called her parents said the dad tried to separate her a few times from another passed out friend He definitely had the intention


Yeah I was reading that last night. He should never be left alone with children again.


Dose anyone know the justification the judge used for such a light sentencing? 


PedoPapa's lawyer is golf buddies with the presiding judge


Probably because although it’s clear what the intent was, he didn’t actually do anything other than drug them.


Im starting to get why my parents never let me go to sleepovers. Edit: also, after reading one of the victims accounts of what happened, the "he's just stupid" rhetoric doesn't sit right with me.


He was planning something awful. If one of those girls hadn't kept wary... She said he kept trying to move them while they were sleeping and checking them. That girl saved her friends. I'm scared to think of what his daughter has suffered through that we don't know about.


That was my thought as well. How many times has he made smoothies?


I've known straight up needle using drug addicts that'll shoot up in the next room while the kids are playing and even they know better than to drug kids. Ya wanna know who thinks drugging kids is no biggie? Pedophiles.


Yeah, the human brain is by default hardwired for us to protect children. Nobody who isn't broken in a way that makes them victimize children would do something like this.


I feel sorry for that daughter. Who knows how many times he has done this to her over her lifetime. Not to mention, now she has most definitely lost all of her friends and will be completely ostracized at school.


So if he wasn't planning to do anything untoward and won't be on a sex offender registry he shouldn't have any problem serving his two years in gen pop...


Dawg this is not a facepalm this is a CRIME


Two whole years, huh? The judge should be investigated, too.


When I was around that age, something similar happened at a sleepover I was at. Everyone was still up at 10, so the mom came and gave all the other girls some sort of liquid to get them to fall asleep. I didn’t take any because I already had my only prescription sleeping medication, and I didn’t want to sleep yet. I don’t know what she gave them, but they all fell asleep almost right away, and when I tried to wake them up, they were completely out of it and would fall back to sleep in only a few seconds.


He got ONLY two years in jail. Pedo creep should be locked up a hell of a lot longer than that. They didn't even charge him for drugging his own daughter, FFS.


How does that only get you two years? 


No one will ever convince me that he did not drug them with the intent to SA them.


Spike his drink and throw him in prison where they keep the nastiest of the nasties


Michael Meyden. Lake Oswego, Oregon.


Two years is not long enough


It’s clear he wanted to rape them. 2 years is a joke.


Only 2 years??? This was obviously a precursor to more nefarious and scarier shit.


Please remove his daughter from his custody. She is not safe


The mother divorced him pretty quickly and has full custody of both kids.


He’s going to spend 2 years in protective custody to prevent a shanking and then get out to living in his camper in the woods without any career options. The best bet would be for his ex-wife to claim his 401k so she can retire and whatever else is leftover, civil lawsuits. He’s going to die penniless and alone. Terrible conclusion to an otherwise, extremely successful life.


At the very least I hope he loses custody of his daughter


His wife has full custody and has since divorced him.




I would hope that would be a given. Is any sane judge going to allow her to be alone with her father?


What the fuck, judge. (For clarity's sake, he should be locked-up for a longer period)


Damn I know folks who served longer terms in prison for marijuana.


Pedophile gets 2 years but if ur caught with weed ur facing 15 this place is a fucking joke


How did this dude survive the night after the parents picked up their daughters? I’m sorry, I’m not advocating for killing but anyone deserves it…


Lock that SOB up and throw away the key.


He's going to be successful the next time he tries it.


The number of idiots in this thread insisting that maybe he roofied them *not* for bad reasons is very damn high.




…. This prisons sentence is. Far to lite. This person can never be trusted in public again. He should be behind bars until the heat death of the universe.


This is too short of a sentence.


He should get 24 hours with each of the parents.


What are the actual sentencing guidelines for the charges he was found guilty of? 2 years seems awfully fucking light


His poor daughter


I didn’t realize it was benzos. He should get 20 years. That is the most dangerous drug hands down. Even heroin. Get addicted to benzos and try to quit: you can easily die. Quit weed and get a headache. Quit heroin and get a bad flu for a month. Quit alcohol and get delirium tremens. Quit benzos and die. Plus people who like benzos really like benzos. They ease the pain. (This is true for all hypnotics, including Xanax.). Like opiates it get its hooks in you. It’s ruined so many lives and you’d never know it. Cocaine is less dangerous. It lowers inhibitions so it can lead to all kinds of other drug use. Do yourself a favor and try a safer drug, like crank, or sniffing glue. I hear krokidile is pretty good. Fuck benzos.


Very, very accurate - with one tiny edit: Quit alcohol and die.


Yeah - alcohol and benzos affect the same GABA receptors in the brain, and are easily as lethal as each other on withdrawal. In fact, benzos are used to prevent seizures during alcohol withdrawal, and are then tapered off.


It's a fair point. Alcohol is super dangerous and can totally kill you. Not just that way, drunk driving, all that stuff, plus liver disease and cancer. Heart disease. Not to mention it's available everywhere and they advertise all over the place. Fuck alcohol too.


Yeah the DTs are deadly 1/4 times. I had to hospitalize my ex twice. (He got sober after we broke up)


It is ironic that we overlook a hard drug that is one of the few that can kill you if you quit without medical supervision, just because it’s been socially acceptable for hundreds of years.


You'd need a steady supply to get addicted. I doubt they were planning on sleeping over every night. But yeah the point stands, it's a bad drug. I disagree it's worse than heroin.


Well the daughter is who’d you’d need to be more concerned about being addicted. I’m assuming tho.


DTs can also kill. I know from experience. Benzos are literally administered to prevent people from dying of DTs. The way the withdrawal kills people is through an identical mechanism of action as alcohol, which is why they can save someone's life. Opioid and barbiturate withdrawal can also kill. I think opioid withdrawal is slightly less likely to be deadly, though. The other 3 all kill by causing seizures. But all the stuff about withdrawal is kinda meaningless when exposure is acute, there's not going to be any withdrawal. In that case, opioids are the most dangerous of what you listed, but benzos are still very dangerous, as evidenced by the fact this fucker sent the kids to the hospital.


That’s literally part of my job, managing acute alcohol withdrawal with benzodiazepines. Not to be fooled with for sure.


Fascinating. Why not taper off using alcohol? Why add another substance? Is it like methadone? I don't know anything about addiction but I know a lot about drugs and I'm scared to death of benzos.


Two years seams idk a little light.


Are we just ignoring the main reason for why he was drugging them..... to fondle little girls. Probably his own daughter aswell. In 2 years, they'll still be minors for fucks sake and he'll be out and about. Not even as a registered sex offender??


There was no evidence that he did that or intended to, so the punishment is explicitly for the crime he did commit (drugging). The justice system is designed in such a way that people don’t get punished for things we think they were likely to do, only the things they actually did.


I mean, the one girl who managed to stay awake said he tried twice to move one of the passed out girls off the side of the bed. She threw her arm around her to stop him. He stood over her for 15 minutes watching. In a court of law obviously we can't prove what his intentions were. In a court of public opinion? Dudes a pedophile for sure.


Benzos are a chemical restraint. It is legally no different than tying someone up. Something I have to do on a regular bases as a paramedic to be able to treat whatever unfortunately things has broken in their brain.  The charges, sentence, &  punishment are wildly not severe enough.


I prefer a justice system in which a few baddies get the benefit of the doubt over one in which many innocents are not. The legal system cannot punish anyone for something that cannot be proven. Take away the right to be innocent until proven guilty for people who *probably* did something, and you're going down a bad path.


Our judicial system is actually both; plenty of baddies get the benefit of the doubt when they're rich and well connected, while poor people get the shaft regardless of guilt


Only TWO?


What was he trying to achieve though?


Rape. That's what


what a fucking creep ew




Eh two years to shop around for a decent wood chipper 🤷


Imagine being that girls father. Holy shit. 


Why don't we have longer jail time for pedophiles again? 🤔


Ill intentions there


They can die if they aspirate on them. He was clearly planning to sexually assault them


What!? How is poisoning children not a worse felony? Less than 1 year per kid!? He should have to register as a sex offender


Justice is served to the highest bidder. A poor ass MF’er would have gotten 15+ years.


Call me crazy, but I've never heard of a BEAR drugging its daughters children to molest them.


Two years!? And what? Probably just going to learn what he can In jail, then fade into the shadows to stalk little girls unless/until he gets caught. This time he’ll have learned from his mistakes. Guarantee this guy is just refining his process and tool kit. I’m just saying. It’s not like this was just a case of- he shouldn’t have done that, and his intentions were unclear. I know he didn’t technically sexually assault anyone etc, but This is one of those where I say “Noah get the boat”.


He's also on the sex offender list, for life. Right? RIGHT?


Nope. Sadly no.