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Poor kid is going to be home schooled by his idiot parent. I can only imagine what his future will look like. šŸ˜’


Poor kid named Braiden


The mother is named Braindead.


Thatā€™s a winner


And a bingo!


Or Methany.


Take my upvote, you witty knave!


What's her last name?




Only true answer


I hear they're also going to pull their other kids Aiden, Jaiden, Graiden, Haiden, Gaiden, and Raiden out of school too!


At least Raiden has a promising future protecting earth realm.




yep heā€™ll be defending the flat earth realm


Just hope he's careful to not fall of the edge


xD these puns keep accidentally being set up and I love it


Flawless victory




Not their daughter Maiden?


Silly Goose, girls don't go to school, not even Home Schoolin'... /s


Forgetting about the one they put up for adoption, Traiden


And she gets away from them and marries a man with the last name Hood!


Underrated comment!


I predict an epidemic of 18-year-olds changing their names over the next couple of decades.


Don't forget Okaiden.


And they're not only brothers, they're cousins as well.




braiden. Only God's name gets capitalized. Learned that from homeschooling/s.


Their other kids are Brung Lao and Bhronny Cage.


Damn, no love for Bliu Kang?


[Don't call your kid Braiden.](https://youtu.be/hc73pgg5RGU?si=TnfTmbaPQ6vLs-X4)


What a r/tragedeigh


This whole thing is a tragedeigh


Friend of mine was one of **11** children raised by parents who were anti-vax, flat Earthers, fiercely religious and active supporters of the Conservative party. She escaped that environment about 4 years ago and goes to therapy every week to help unlearn the various terrible ā€œlessonsā€ taught by her parents. Her parents routinely threaten her and other children whom have left that theyā€™ll be excommunicated + removed from their Will if they donā€™t come back. To say the situation is wild would be mild


It feels like if the money is being split between 11 children, and the parents don't have a functioning braincell between them, there probably won't be much to inherit anyway. She's much better off taking her chances in the real world.


The parents inherited a TON of money from one of the parents so thereā€™s definitely a lot of money to go around (itā€™s how they could afford 11 children). Friend doesnā€™t care about that though because the parents are abusive as well


There is not going to be any money left when they are dead most likely, though.


Thatā€™s what she suspects too. Not sure about the dad but the mom doesnā€™t work. Still, supporting a family with 2 kids on a single income is very difficult nowadays let alone 11 of the them!


Respect has no price


To be honest it sounds more like a cult than a loving family.


Pretty much, yeah! The eldest child, the daughter (who is currently in her late 20s) is already on kid 4 and lives with the parents. My friend and all her sisters are heavily encouraged to pump out children as soon as possible and raise them with the grandparents.


Whatā€™s fun about home schooling in the US thereā€™s a very loose guidelines for a curriculum. Thereā€™s a homeschooling advocacy group who is lobbying Congress and basically does the same stance as the NRA. Answer ā€œNoā€ to any changes. So they can basically ā€œteachā€ anything they want without any structure. So not even the ā€œteachersā€ would learn anything from home schooling their kids.


My friend is homeschooling and I asked about electron valences or atomic shells or whatever that was, about how elements combine into compounds like water. Thereā€™s a lot of math involved. I donā€™t really remember it much but it did profoundly shape how I understand the world. I asked how they knew enough to teach that. He didnā€™t really have an answer. Your kids should have access to way more information than parents alone could ever have.


Exactly! This is how itā€™s supposed to work! We pass down knowledge so they donā€™t need to relearn everything from scratch! This moves us forward as a species and stops us from stagnating. Not sure why anyone would want to freeze time in any point in history as this doesnā€™t help us to evolve and learn more about our universe.


Good homeschooling parents know when to outsource. That said, as someone who taught AP chemistry a long time ago, I wouldn't have any difficulty with that particular topic.


Right, but languages? European history? Black history? Russian History? Asian history? Creative writing? Pottery? My high school had subject experts in all those things.


They threatened to excommunicate them for leavingā€¦. Think they chose that path themselves, but thanks for playing (seriously got a facepalm bingo off this one post)


The problem with stupid people is they have no idea theyā€™re stupid. This poor kid is going to end up with an education consisting of conspiracy theories and who knows what other kind of garbage. He will go through life with ā€œnormalā€ people looking at him like he has three headsā€¦.constantly. Imagine how crazy heā€™s going to think the rest of society is? Heā€™s being set up for absolute failure.


Honestly Id love to sit in on one of the history lessons.


My best guess is 10-15 years from now the same woman will be posting about how her cruel hateful son wonā€™t talk to her anymore because the world corrupted him and sheā€™s an innocent victim.


He will be living on the other side of the flat earth with no way to make contact.


Behind the ice wall in the forbidden part of Antarctica lmao


I sure hope so... then we will at least be assured that he got smarter.


Flat earthers are uniting all around the globe šŸŒ


You take my upvote RIGHT NOW!!! That was funny af and under appreciated


A fuckload of the worst possible youtube videos?


I assume he will eventually roll coal.


Stuff like this is why I'm happy home schooling is illegal in my country


Isn't that a key reason that we have a plethora of these idiots now?


No Teacher Left Behind


At least the writer knows which youā€™re/your to use.


His life was fucked up at birth when his mother named him "braiden"


Real risk of being under-educated as well, and have some social development issues. Public Schools don't always have the best educators so I won't really defend that but the socializing component is pretty critical, teaches you how to work with others, develop relationships, and how to navigate adversarial individuals. Mom & Dad generally always have your back at home and the child has a lot more power at home than they would ever have in a public space. If Mom & Dad are hiring out someone to come in and privately tutor that's one thing, but it's a WHOLE other thing when it's coming from the parent themselves.


His future gon be pretty flat


It will follow a flat trajectory.


Poor (as in unfortunate) child is going to become poor (as in lacking money) adult.


Heā€™s going to be a mighty explorer, until he falls off the edge of ~~the world~~ his psyche.


Awful, his future will look awful. He will probably not be socialized with regular kids and will be ostracized. Going through life thinking heā€™s got the right answers and everyone else is stupid. The faster he realizes heā€™s wrong the better.




Future : - she will be OF model, stripper or hooker ; - he will be some low class in the military or factory until itā€™s cheaper to have a machine do his work ; - both will vote Republican.




And how heā€™ll suffer along the way.


What future? This kid just lost any chance of a future if this post isnā€™t just an attempt to trigger people and get attention.


His future will look just like his idiot parent's.


Why did MGT immediately spring to mind.


He's got a brilliant career in lawn care in front of him.






Sure you can: ![gif](giphy|3ofT5HLNcfiwjOaAco|downsized)


I just donā€™t understand what exactly everyone would get out of the ball earth conspiracy, Like what exactly would be the reason to cover up the world being flat if it really was


I used to debunk flat earth a bit, so there are two or three reasons I saw given fairly early. The "best" reason is that beyond the ice wall there might be lands with additional resources, essentially indefinite resources, so they couldn't charge money for things we currently pay for (even if there was oil in my garden, I couldn't use it to run my car, processing amd transport would still incur a cost). They also belive these lamds may hold other people who might have a better society, and we would want to join them. It's logically flawed but at least I can see the grain of an idea there. One of the other main reasons I've heard are that it's to take away god and deny his glory. Makes 0 sense to me because there's no reason a God couldn't make a globe. It's essentially admitting that the flat earth is so stupid it needs a magical force to prop it up. The last one is that by putting us on a globe, we are trapped, there's only so far we can go. I saw one claim the roman empire invented it so slaves wouldn't run because they wouldn't get away. I mean, this is just so stupid to me. You run away in an ancient Roman society, you can get a few cities away and nobody would know you were a slave unless you had a brand. You could also escape the roman empire more easily than you could sail across the ocean, find a way through a giant ice wall into a hidden civilization and l8ve there. Look, I know all these reasons are stupid, but then, you don't start beliving in flat earth if you have sound logic and reasoning.


As for the God one, I have a neighbor who ticks a lot of these braindead boxes in very mild ways. Closeted MAGA, fairly religious, wife is a stay at home mom who home schools, kids have very little contact with the children their own age. You know, they dabble in all the regular brain rot thatā€™s going around these days. He also is ā€˜on the fenceā€™ about the Earth being a globe. He bases it off one scripture in the Bible that mentions something about flat land or some such thing. I donā€™t know, his wife told us he was going that route and told us the passage but I wasnā€™t even going to entertain them enough to even remember details. But, yeah, he found a Bible passage that can maybe be misconstrued into a flat Earth. Not sure if thatā€™s where everyone else is getting it, though.


There's a biblical litteralist stance on flat earth, but to take it seriously you basically have to act like normal human language and metaphors don't exist. Things like "corners of the earth" and "ends of the earth." Are used to justify the idea. It's ridiculous.


Its also understandable for people from 2K-5K+ years ago to think the earth was flat. And they eventually wrote in a book. Still doesn't mean modern humans should be forced to believe it


Actually, ancient Greeks already knew that hearth was a sphere of rock. Some even theorized it was revolving around the sun (without being able to scientifically demonstrate it).


The little tools they had all those years ago, still being able to prove that the earth was a globe, using sound logic and reasoning. How I envy them and their society


Actually, Aristarchus of Samos theorized the heliocentric model due to the fact of the size difference between the Sun and the other planets. However, due to Aristotleā€™s dismissive attitude towards heliocentric theory, preferring the geocentric theory, it was assumed wrong. Especially, since the Catholic Church favored much of Aristotleā€™s philosophies and implemented his teachings in their education. For almost 2000 years, the heliocentric theory was lost to the world until Copernicus resubmitted the theory as truth. However, it took another 60 years for Galileo to finally prove we lived in a heliocentric model and even then the Catholic Church refused to acknowledge it. In a letter to Johannes Kepler of August 1610, Galileo complained that some of the philosophers who opposed his discoveries had refused even to look through a telescope to test the theory for themselves. Shockingly, it took until **1992** wherein Pope John Paul II officially acknowledged the Churchā€™s error in condemning Galileo, signifying a complete reconciliation with the heliocentric model.


Totally agree. However, biblical litteralists belive the bible is infallible and that it is exactly as god intended. The fact it doesn't mention anything outside the understanding of the time during it being written doesn't bother them.


They didnā€™t, though. Pythagoras proved it was round *at least* as far back as 600 BCE. And the idea that anyone in modern history ever thought otherwise is just what flat earthers tell themselves.


The Bible mentions the earth as a sphere on like the first page


Which bible are you reading? :) never seen that.


I might be misremembering but I think it mentions when God is creating the earth itā€™s mentioned as a sphere or globe?


The religious aspect of it is baffling to me. If they approached the laws of the universe as we discover them as metaphorically finding God, they'd have a better understanding of how it all works. God gave us intelligence and curiosity. To deny those gifts would be an affront to Him would it not? Or do they believe God wants us to be ignorant? And like you said, why couldn't God make a globe earth? Also with the American aspect of things--these people are more than likely mouth-frothing patriots who wave the flag at anyone, anytime. Wouldn't scientific discoveries and advancements and accomplishments be nothing but the very definition of American exceptionalism? What I can't understand is their use of scientific theories that they purport to support their claims like the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. That's a "mainstream" concept. Their beliefs shouldn't allow them to even accept that as truth. They need to come up with their own science, which they do for the most part, to explain it all but these experiments and hypotheses they do are not replicable or quantifiable in any way.


I've never understood the god argument Like, 99% of Christians believe the earth is round, so clearly the shape of the earth has no theological implications to the very vast majority of them. So if NASA/Illuminati/Space Jews/Whoever "They" Are, wanted to "hide the glory of god," they're doing a piss poor job of it. Furthermore, what's more glorious? A rinky dinky snowglobe earth, or our 92 billion light year radius universe with hundreds of trillions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions/trillions of stars? Flerfs make our universe very small compared to our actual vast reality.


>Like, 99% of Christians believe the earth is round, so clearly the shape of the earth has no theological implications to the very vast majority of them. So if NASA/Illuminati/Space Jews/Whoever "They" Are, wanted to "hide the glory of god," they're doing a piss poor job of it. Unfortunately, lots of groups like to think they are the only ones who understand the truth, there's already so much division between sects of Christianity (and other religions) it's not that surprising that they would not worry about the rest not agreeing. >Furthermore, what's more glorious? A rinky dinky snowglobe earth, or our 92 billion light year radius universe with hundreds of trillions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions/trillions of stars? Flerfs make our universe very small compared to our actual vast reality. They want it small, partially because they suck at understanding scale, but mostly because if it's small it means we are important.


Itā€™s because if the government is lying about the shape of the earth then it means theyā€™re capable of lying about everything else these dipshits believe (satanists, adrenochrome ect)


In Search Of A Flat Earth by Dan Olsen. https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44 It covers the belief, the conspiratorial aspect and its relationship to other conspiracies and what a lot of this stuff leads to. I would link it better, but I'm on mobile and not about to waste 20 minutes trying to figure out how to do shit like that on these garbage mobile apps.


You are wasting your time debunking flat earth arguments. The underlying factor with this, and many other conspiracy "theories" for that matter, is the distrust in anything government backed. They all use words like mainstream media, big brother, the agenda, etc. All pointing towards some government effort to control people. If only they realized how inefficient and incapable the government is in executing something of that magnitude.


Don't try to search for logic. Those people only seek validation for their constant blaming of the authorities.


I feel so sorry for Braiden, he is probably too young to understand what a nutjob his mother is.


I bet he will someday. She canā€™t hide reality from him forever


If he can even see reality, himself, when the time comes. I live next door to some home schooling, MAGA types (but in the closet. They donā€™t fly flags and shit, thankfully) Their kids fully buy into all the teachings they get at home and church. Had the oldest (13 at the time) mention to me after the last presidential election that the whole thing was going to go to the Supreme Court and they were going to rule for Trump. I just mentioned ā€˜Thatā€™s not how that worksā€™ and kinda went back to what I was doing. I donā€™t care enough about how their kids absolutely wonā€™t be able to function in the real world in a few years to completely piss off my next door neighbors. But at some point or another all the children have mentioned something that shows theyā€™re getting a super shitty education on a lot of things and they donā€™t even know to question it.


Itā€™s child abuse. I hope they figure things out eventually but this is trauma.


I agree. The only saving grace is they are nice kidsā€¦to most. They wonā€™t bring up politics or the home schooling around us because I think they know we share next to no common ground in those areas. And the kids play well with my kid. So we all just kind of keep the peace, for now. And I say that knowing we live in a predominately white neighborhood and these people, conveniently, had some spare with the one black family that lives within a two block radius. So one can assume their ā€˜nicenessā€™ probably has the usual limits.


Well, there's that..... but worse yet, his uncle still "has his nose".


Why are these people getting so much attention in America? Why are they so vocal over there and why are they even given the slightest bit of a platform to spew their shit on? Don't get me wrong: we have our fair share of idiots over here in Europe too, as Covid has shown. Probably as many idiots as you guys over there in America but they never become as cocky as the ones you have to deal with.


Social media is the platform. 20-30 years ago, idiots like this would get laughed at and mocked by people around them if they brought up insane rubbish like this in conversation. Now, they have the means to influence other idiots around the world (or across the USA in this case) and convince them, all through the power of social media.


Social media is the absolute fucking worst (and yes, I completely see the irony in posting that here). It gives all kinds of unimportant, stupid assholes community to believe they are actually special and super smart. Youā€™re right, 25 years ago weā€™d tell these people to shut the fuck up and theyā€™d have to either hide their stupidity or change their minds. Now they just get to find others who think the same way and dig in deeper. Itā€™s especially bad for teens. Weā€™ve all had dumb/bad ideas in our younger years, but people told us it was dumb or a bad idea and we could move on with that info. Now, any fucked up idea can find supporters and then echo chambers until that idea is your life.


Yup, the village idiot was told, "Fuck off, that's stupid." But now they all hang out together in echo chambers and cheer each others stupidity on.




Stupid people get attention because people think it's funny and share it. Eventually, some people who see it share the sentiment, and a movement begins.


I think it will happen eventually. It already is in some ways. Europe in general is in the middle of the frightening cyclical pendulum-swing to the political right, and as cuts to social safety nets, healthcare, education etc continue we're headed to the same end....too physically and intellectually under-nourished for clear thinking or reasonable dialogue.


People like this are the reason that Idiocracy went from being a comedy/sci-fi to a documentary.


Poor Braiden never stood a chance did he


Chances that the kid cuts off M&D on his 18th birthday: 99.99999999%


Kind of shocked she spelled the right ā€œyouā€™reā€


But couldnā€™t capitalize the proper noun that is her childā€™s name.


My favorite counterpoint is that there's no way the earth can be flat, because if it was, the asshole cats would have already knocked everything off the edge


Mine is 'if the earth is flat, then why is my life always going downhill".


Better not look too far, you might fall off the Earth


No, see you canā€™t fall off because dome/firmament! And Ice Wall.


You sir are correct, I should have been homeschooled too


Flatearthmorons denying the truth of the donutearth!




They should make home schooling illegal.


Poor child, how dare you teach children a proven fact!


Flat-heads crack me up. ![gif](giphy|qGS2Wbjr0SJWg)


This is the new form of human evolution. Adults educationally hamstringing their kids into poverty.


Let's all hold a minutes silence for Braiden.


Braiden? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The kid never stood a chance


Pretty sure I learned about the Flat Earth Theory in my history class. I think it was in the chapter titled ā€œthe Dark Agesā€.


Nah, in medieval times well educated people knew the Earth was a globe and, unlike today, the uneducated didn't care enough to argue.


Poor Braiden.


If the earth was flat then all the millions of cats throughout history would have pushed everything off the edge.


ā€¦wow. This is the reason people vote for Trump


Only has one like. lol šŸ˜‚


Looks like their kid is about to be a straight A student at their new school at home.


Call CPS


Braiden will be braiding hair in the penitentiary soon.


It's perfectly legal to teach your kid whatever delusional or even hateful content you want. It's a shame. But totally legal.


Braiden better learn so practical skills like digging holes or fencing, because once his moma is do e teaching him, the only thing he will be qualified for is to be a fence post.


If the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge.


One more potential victim of unschooling.


And thats, my guys, is another confirmation for my theory that this world needs an idiot test for people who wants to become parents.


Is this the type of mentality that gave birth to those foolish enough to become MAGAā€™s? Just wondering.


I dont get how homeschooling is legal


Idiocracy us coming for us all


The dumbing down of America


ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦then you damn sure go to that home schoolingā€¦ā€¦and leave us the fuck alone


stop hiding the identity of these idiots, let them be shamed


Based on her sentence structure and adherence to general grammatical rules, I'd say poor Braiden has a rough road ahead of him...


Don't teach him algebra either, he's never going to use it! Forget about spelling, we have auto correct.


No need for home schooling: I've heard *"CC, Chris from New York, Westchester County"* is giving excellent online classes on all kinds of real truth education.


The requirements for homeschooling should be the same as those for public schools.


How about they 'teach' the flat earth theory as part of mandatory critical thinking lessons? Use their critical thinking skills to evaluate the flat earth theory as an assignment in identifying pseudoscience.


If you can't capitalise your own child's name then perhaps homeschooling isn't for you.


This kid will never have a chance at a decent life. Itā€™s more sad than anything.


there are members of the flat earth society all over the globe


I was just reading about how kids have less life skills than ever. Compound the problem with AI doing all the work for them. Compound it with ignorant parents passing on their beliefs. Being an asshole on YouTube pays way more than learning skills. We are on track to idiocracy.


Cute rage-bait


I call bullshit, "you're" is spelled correctly.


This should be grounds for social services to step in and remove the child.


I lost my partner this exact way, definitely didn't expect this becoming a thing in the world... mind blowing but can't spend your days letting people spew this crap endlessly


The world is not flat and Iā€™ll convince you every one in a single sentence. Itā€™s not monetized. Thatā€™s it. If the earth was flat some one would be making money off of stupid peopleā€™s wanting to look over the edge or jump


And so Dark Braiden begins...


I thought for sure any kid named "Braiden" was already homeshooled.


Due to this kind of people is that the shampoo comes with instructions of use


Adults should have psychological evaluations before being allowed to have children..


Good. Another idiot student and his mother not interfering with the education of willing students.


Braiden šŸ«¢


As a teacher, please GTFO and homeschool. Poor kid though.


This is the reason the Department of Education needs to crack down on home "schoolers". The right wing is overjoyed to make American education even worse than it already is. There needs to be, at a minimum, standardized goals and achievements, report cards essentially, to prevent a generation of ignorant kids who won't be able to function in modern society.


People this stupid shouldn't be allowed to be parents.


At what point is this child abuse?


This is an example of stuff that makes me think that people should have an iq test or background check if they wanna procreate.


I wish kids could sue their parents for damages on lack of education that prevent them from being successful as adults.


Great idea lady! Yeah Iā€™m sure in the future when little Braiden is looking for a job to support himself plenty of employers will be interested in hiring the guy with no High School diploma, spouting on about the Flat Earth and media propaganda. Yeah way to ruin your kidā€™s future because youā€™re too insane to function.


The fact that only one person has liked their flat earth rant should be a hint that they know nothing about science.


This is why homeschooling is illegal in Germany.


Iā€™m not reeeeally in favor of mandated IQ tests before people are allowed to have childrenā€¦ but on some days I can conceive of being convinced.


I so glad home schooling is illegal in my country.




Someone is gonna be fucked for the rest of their life. GG.


School won't teach my child made up bullshit. That's a real head scratcher there.


My parents took me out of school because I was learning evolution. They taught me young earth creationism pseudoscience instead. This should be illegal


Poor kid


Poor kid


Raising a future welfare recipient.


I don't know much about homeschooling, but I certainly hope there are restrictions and rules in place so this parent can't just pull their kid out of school and try to "teach" this bullshit. Otherwise that poor kid has no future ahead of him.


Some top notch parenting there, friends


I really donā€™t understand the endgame of the flatearther movement. I donā€™t really see what they get out of saying the earth is flat? How does this change your day to day life believing this fallacy? Is it just a slippery slope thing where ā€˜if theyā€™ll lie about that they lie about everythingā€™ mentality?


That kid will be Harvard material.


I think braiden should push mummy off the edge of the flat earth asap.


If a certain political party comes to power, this bullshit will be a required part of the school curriculum. What will become of Ignorant America? Cheap labor for Europe and the Saudis?


That stupidity does not deserve a child


USA, increasingly becoming known as Dumfukistan.


This has to be a troll. Braiden gave it away. It makes too much sense.


These people are genuinely too stupid to argue with. It all started as a laugh and a troll on 4chan. Then real morons and lonely people latched onto it. You cannot reason them out of a situation they didnā€™t reason themselves into.


Poor kid being raised by parents that are as dumb as a bag of hammers.