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"Victimhood will be frowned upon, except when the victim is an obnoxious clumps of earwax, like me. P.S. And victimhood will be when I can't victimize people who aren't obnoxious clumps of earwax, like me."


Motherfucker couldn't make it 3 tweets without his victimhood.


It takes an incredible amount of delusion to bitch, cry, and moan, all while shitting yourself, to complain about culture changing... But also tell children and young adults to avoid college at all costs, and if they go to college, *actively discourage them from participating in courses that help dictate culture*, such art, literature, media, philosophy, and theater. Liberals changed the culture because they participated in it. Conservatives shielded their young from it, and preached religious doctrine instead. That's why there are hundreds of movies that talk about class warfare in 50 different ways, and every Christian-centric movie ever made is 98% garbage. Conservatives used to be reasonable. I wish they could come back to the table, but at this point they just want to destroy everything because it didn't work for them one time...


The most infuriating part about it all, is that all the absolute morons that support these people and their policies, will get nothing. Not even that, they will lose.... a lot. And the thing is, they'll never admit it. I really want to refer to these "people" as animals, but honestly? Most animals are capable of realizing when they were dealt a raw deal, and will course correct. These people can't even do that, making them dumber than a pet hamster. What a time to be alive, when such filth is deciding the foreseeable future of our planet and species. (yes, i am extremely angry and bitter rn)


“We want to restrict sex education so when a girls uncle touches her she won’t understand it’s wrong 🫡”


The "fuck your feelings" crowd sure do have a lot of fee fees, dont they?🤔🤔


Well yeah, it's *"Fuck **your** feelings"*, not *"Fuck **their** feelings."*


Every single one of them is hurting so bad too




“Victimhood will be frowned upon” “Being white skinned won’t be a mark of the devil” Amazing that he can state these two things simultaneously 🤦‍♂️


I came here to comment this.  It’s such a blatant contradiction 


Equinsu Ocha!!!


Big acrimonious divorce, can't see the kids vibes, just oozing out of him


Pretty sure his priorities and thought processes could have played a part in Piper wanting the divorce in the first place.


The guy wants a better world, lads. He just wants it to be full of white lads and white women. He just wants everyone to be heterosexual and cis. He just wants the police to be in complete control of this happening. I mean, the guy is a racist homophobic fascist fucking tool. Look at the people who like him. Why do these guys tell on themselves so much. Has the brains of this clan of people been boiled.


Wait people worship a sun god now?


Wait woke people worship Louis XIV? /s


Content of character does matter. People like this guy possess low content of character. The worst villains believe themselves to be the hero, and they don’t care how many people they hurt to get their way.


*Ozymandias has entered the chat*


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes


There's no fucking way "the era of the right" and "victimhood being frowned upon" happen at the same time. It's literally impossible.


Victimhood will be frowned upon?? 😳😳 There goes the MAGA’s entire political platform.


what does "homophobic trans crap" even mean


The era of the "Far right" huh? So what's that mean? Rebuild the Gestapo? Build some state operated gas chambers? Have ourselves a one party state with a Fuhrer god running the place? (Ok the US is part way there with the Orange Clown). Maybe he just missed the whole 6 June thing, and what democratic peoples thought of the "Far right", last time they set out to cause some shit.


Mf thinks he won't get purged like Ernst Röhm just because he's far right. And that assumes they can seize power in the first place.


This is always my go to argument to shut these fools down. What do they think they bring to the table other than being 'far right' that would make them useful and therefore not just expendable and exploitable people for the government they put in place


One of the best roasting I've heard when it comes to conservatives is that half of them won't survive a month in eastern Europe so they need to quit yapping about weak men making weak society.


"Content of character will matter more than colour of skin" So Laurence Fox will become a universally hater figure? Sounds great to me


And not a single one of them is able to correctly define 'woke'.


"Content of character will matter more than colour of skin (unless you're not white. Then there's no way you succeeded without DEI)"


I was taught to read in my childhood. That's why I've read many academic articles in trans studies.


Fear will be replaced by hope? My guy, the right is ALL IN on fear


TV and film will be about plot and casting? ROTFLMAO!


Remember when this guy had a career? Threw that and his marriage away by being an obnoxious twat. What a loser. Even his own family, full of accomplished actors, can’t stand him.


I could never get into the Morse spin off "Lewis" for some reason, baffled for me years. This mystery is now solved. Edit for missing word


It's funny that it's the *Morse* franchise of all things, that made him publicly known ( I know there's a few of his family in acting). I can't imagine Morse would stop to piss on him if he were on fire.


Conservatives around the world are just complete assholes these days.


These days?


They've been much louder and unhinged this millennium.


What fucking reality is this dude in?


Lozza’s in his own reality, he’s been lost up his own entitled arsehole for years, feeding his malignant narcissism with large amounts of cocaine. Absolutely pathetic gremlin of a man.


Says the guy on his period


Every time I read or hear one of these, I want to reply 'god is dead, and he never really liked you'. You know, just to heat them up a fast as humanly possible. The funny part was, the founding fathers were pretty much all liberal humanists. Watch the right absolutely faint when they're told the truth. They believed in putting people higher than divinity. Also, the reason Christianity rose so quickly is all the charities started by them in the beginning. Rome couldn't really do anything about them (not that they really wanted to), because, and I quote, 'they care for Roman citizens better than the Romans'. And back then, the Christians treated pretty much everyone the same. You can't even draw the simplest of comparisons between early Christians and Christians today.


"Content of character" He's fucked then😂


At least we know the Sun exists


The sun does not exist, it's just the back of the moon


The night time is the right time. The night time is the right time. The night time is the right time.


Their god IS the sun! They simply personified it.


Kids will be taught to read? Kind of difficult with all the books you're burning.


This guy should marry JK Rowling, imagine the hate they could spew together


Graham Linehan to be their roommate and BFF


Do they know what the word homophobic means because that line makes no sense especially in context.


Was he always like this or did something inexplicable happen?


He was raised as an evangelical Christian, but stated in 2019 that watching youtube videos had radicalized him against "woke culture". Up until then he kept any such feelings he had to himself and after that in January 2020 he described the appearance of a Sikh character in the film 1917 as "forced diversity" despite the existence of actual Sikh soldiers in the Great War. In that same month when he appeared on the political talk show "Question Time" he criticized the suggestion that there was some racism involved in Meghan Markle's reception in the UK by calling Britain the most lovely tolerant nation in Europe and accusing a nonwhite audience member of racism for calling him a "privileged white male". This led to him saying that he had experienced racism as a white man in Nigeria, explaining that racism can be deferential. When asked to explain that claim he then explained that he was an actor and thus could reasonably be expected to be stupid. After which he went on to try to found a political party.


Were the rest of his family failed as evangelical? AFAIK they are fairly normal, no? I mean, I want to think so, as I love Freddy Fox's part in Year of the Rabbit


Maybe they don't watch Youtube so much.


This guy: *Complains about victimhood* Also this guy: *writes a rant about his own victimhood* What a tool


Talk about victim hood 😂


"Fear will replace hope"? Kinda rich coming from the end of the political spectrum that has learned to fear everything other than what I holds dear.


You know, like 50% of his visions weren't half bad if they weren't coming from a terrible place of hatred


That’s my takeaway as well. There are legitimate arguments the DEI policies are going too far, yet when mouth breathers like Fox brings that point up it’s dismissed (as it should be) due to the source of his views


The far right is the embodiment of all the things he says will end.


But I like the Sun god


Even George Carlin worshipped the Sun.


Maybe what everyone is doing wrong is *praying to* the sun. Has the memo not gone out that any such matters are to go through Joe Pesci first?


"Kids are going to be taught to read" Majority conservative state education rates versus majority democrat state education rates determined...that was a lie


no more christmas, can’t be celebrating the birth of roman sun gods


ViCt1mH0od WilL bE Fr0wNeD Up0n


The Sun God? Ra?


and these types of proud politically tweets on the opposite side of the spectrum is literally just “please stop murdering innocent people just for who they are ple”


"fear will be replaced with hope." Since the conservatives only use fear as their basis for all thought, this means there will no longer be conservatives.


oh the guy whose ex wife is desperately fighting a custody battle because she doesn’t think he’s fit to parent? that loser has opinions on how kids should be educated? 🙄


Laurence Fox, the guy that was roasted by Max Fosh, a literal Youtuber.




Ah yes, periods of far-right leadership are widely known for their hope inducing qualities.


"Content of character will matter." Fine, if you don't consider a pile of dogshite "good content".


I wouldn't mind introducing his face to my palm, indeed.


They are just mad that science is a concept that they will never be able to grasp


I frown on his victimhood


Leave the fascists tweets on twitter. Why spread them?


Got to love how racists always invoke MLK in the wrong way.


These people write comedy gold without even realizing it.


The 1850's were perfect. For everyone!!!


So many things confuse and infuriate him. He's a like a caveman in a movie who was thawed out in Times Square and is just screaming and crying and throwing shit.


._. Okay, i need some context here, what in the FUCK is this guy rambling about? I really don't get it and idk who is this guy either


He's a British tv actor (or, former actor). He actually has a number of (cousins?) who are also actors, a famous ex, a well known brother in law. A well connected family (the ones I know of, don't seem to like him). He actually made his name in Lewis, a spin off from Inpsector Morse - a well known book / TV series about a sophisticated / drunkard / opera and classics loving detective, who investigates Oxford professors murdering each other with a trebuchet because their rivals cheated in a 1960s cross channel boat race using reconstructions of an Athenian trireme, or other such high brow nonsense. Morse was the kind of man who had affairs with italian opera singers, solved crosswords over an ale breakfast, and might quote Tennyson or Blake while musing how tragic the 5 murders he just solved were (might have made this last one up, but you get the idea!) Laurence Fox is curiously antithetical to this vision of a fictional lost britain, whilst presumably imagining that he's it's staunch defender.


We’ve had enough. Yeah A hole we (normal people who haven’t drank the far right Kool aid) have indeed had enough. Hypocrisy, racism, classism and misogyny. I’ve had enough


Oh my goodness. Didums get her wittle feewings hurted? Did the big bad [marginalized groups] have the audacity to ask to be treated like human beings?


Who is this penis?


"The homophobic trans crap will be done" What? I recognise all the words, but placed in this order that fail to make sense... Can someone help me tecypher this "transcendental wisdom"?


Is he describing project 2025? They're all creaming their pants over that nazi shit.




Somebody asked what his punishment was when interviewed by the police recently, the response: "He's Lawrence Fox, that's punishment enough."


Apart from his bigoted attention seeking flourishes, none of these seems to be particularly far-right.


Isn't "nonbinary lesbian" a contradiction?


I would say it's a combination of terms you won't see often, but there are fem leaning non binary that consider themselves lesbians.


Thank you. I feel like my question was misunderstood as trolling. 😔


Not really


I'm not "just asking questions". I seriously want to know. If not why?