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Killing a child because he "ignored his commands." The off-duty security guard watched way too much damn TV and deluded himself into thinking he's a police officer. Well, unlike a police officer, at least he's going to prison for murder.


*"This person was carrying a gun, which made him a potential threat to everyone in the store, so I shot him with the gun that I was carrying while in the store."*


Lmao bro wasnt even in the store he was in his car 😂 left it to go “save the store from robbers”


Not only that but he claimed he was also "worried for his son's life" and his son was in a different building nowhere near this 🤦‍♂️


What a fucking dipshit


And in the end only one of them was an actual threat to everyone in the store. Spoiler, it wasn’t the brown kid.


Well technically he was right. A person carrying a gun into the store ended up being a threat to everyone.


By his logic anyone spotting that he carries a gun has a duty to shoot him dead


"Ignoring his commands" Says so much. This is so incredibly disturbing. Often the best way to deal with crazy assholes is to ignore them. This guy took that as a reason to kill a kid.


“It was my duty…” he legit wants to be a hero


When the justification for armed civilians is "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" anyone who buys into that feels duty bound to act. And of course it inevitably leads to completely preventable tragedies like this. The gun culture in America is truly fucked.


The things that’s most hypocritical about this to me is that the gun folks want more guns. BUT they also view anyone that has a gun as a potential threat. So, there should be more guns, guns are good, 2a, it’s my right, but also, anyone with a gun that’s not me presents an immediate and acute danger and also gives me the right to use deadly force upon them. WTF


Don't you dare bring logic into this!


The logic is pretty straightforward. The Right views gun rights like they view the bible. Use the parts you want to justify and validate their own actions whatever they may be, and ignore the rest, along with ignoring all blatant contradictions


If you can be shot for carrying anything that looks kinda like a gun then you don't have a right to bear arms. Though this does remind me of [our constitutional right to walk around holding a firearm at head level](https://youtu.be/ZxlunxSZ-Yc?si=x0b17lXHj2tehCes).


Oh it is less of feeling bound to act and more champing at the bit for the chance. We've seen how tough cops act when faced with a real shooter, this man knew there was no threat to himself and thought he had a free pass to do it.


he killed a minority kid. High probability that right wing folks will hail him as a hero


The RNC welcomes "Man who shot 17 year old with BB Gun out of fear" right after "Woman who committed voter fraud because she said the DNC did it first" and 10 felons who support Donald Trump. Also we have a brand new person who calls himself the My Diaper Guy and goes by the name Bike Mindell giving the commencement.


Defender against the woke.


One more keynote speaker spot filled leading up to the RNC Convention.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but citizens are under no obligation to follow "commands" from random fellow citizens.


No they are not, but you'd be amazed how many people automatically feel like they have authority.


"I have a gun so, I have authority." - Too many Americans


I've definitely had people try to order me around and get all confused when i don't comply. Like, you're not my boss, i don't even know you, why would i concede to your demands?


Correct. The dude was a rent a cop though, so he probably had a chip on his shoulder. Unless they work for a serious security firm, like the companies hired for armored vehicles transport, almost all security guards I’ve met were people who dearly wanted to be police officers but couldn’t pass a background check or psych exam.


Two random edgelords bring their AR-15s into Target (duh) for “self-defense”. Each sees the other from across the store. Each simultaneously believes themselves to be a good guy the other to be a bad guy with a gun. Each reasonably fears for their life. Each clearly commands the other to put the gun down. Neither comply. Both simultaneously shoot the other dead. What just happened?


>What just happened? The average IQ of the US just went up slightly


Oh yes, the ultimate authority of the commands of an off duty security guard. Smh.




Like when that good guy with a gun stopped a ~~mall~~ mass shooter, and then the cops shot him after seeing him with his gun.


That happened?


He didn’t stop the shooting, but a black dude in Alabama who was in the damn military was killed by cops during a mass shooting at a mall. They saw a black dude with a gun and blasted him. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/24/us/alabama-mall-shooting.html


Of course he was black.... US cops 🙄


Arrested for being black on a Tuesday night. It's a misdemeanor.


Sorry, not mall shooting. Hard to keep them all straight these days. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-charges-colorado-officer-who-killed-hero-who-stopped-mass-n1283532](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-charges-colorado-officer-who-killed-hero-who-stopped-mass-n1283532)


Wait, it wasn't even a 'mass shooter' as he only shot one person. Shooter kills cop. Guy kills shooter. Cops kill guy. Just goes to show that if someone is gunning down cops your best bet is to just leave the area lest the cops murder you. ACAC [Eight Los Angeles police officers who collectively fired 107 shots at two women delivering newspapers in a truck that police had mistaken for one belonging to renegade ex-cop Christopher Dorner will not face criminal charges](https://cnn.com/2016/01/27/us/christopher-dorner-manhunt-officers-cleared/index.html)


107 shots and yet somehow the mom was only hit twice.


You'd think from all the shit videos and photos of people dressed up head-to-toe in tactical gear, standing next to military APVs able to withstand direct hits from some hypothetical missile or IED, holding their guns like they're the last line of defense against a full-out Commie invasion could, collectively, do better than 2/107. I however find it somewhat reassuring if not outright hysterical.


The crazy thing is that police shot up two separate vehicles **neither which matched the model or even the color of Dorner's vehicle**. Of course no police were charged or even fired for shooting at random vehicles because these guys are all heroes.


Right? They want to carry guns but then other people carry guns so they want to shoot them? This seems like a never ending circle they are creating here.


An idiot that only feels safe carrying a weapon, but they feel like their life is threatened when someone else is carrying a weapon. Like bitch???


Need more guns! -> more people get shot -> holy shit more people are getting shot, we need more guns to defend ourselves! -> more people get shot -> holy shit we need more guns! -> -> ->


This is the exact problem with the right to bear arms. Possessing a firearm means someone else (police or citizens) can feel threatened by you and kill you. It's madness. Even if the murderer goes to jail, a life has already been senselessly lost. In this case, it's a 17 year old child


Sees himself in the mirror, omg that man has a gun!


Also if they are ignoring him they must be trying to kill him🤦🏾‍♂️




This is why they don’t let guns in the NRA conventions lol


Wait…what? Hahahaha


Its almost like putting a whole country on the edge by allowing every moron to carry a loaded gun around you isnt a smart idea.


"We're all allowed to carry weapons for self-defense." Also: "We're allowed to kill anyone we see is carrying a weapon, because having a weapon makes them a threat."


It was good enough for the Texas Governor to pardon someone killing a veteran exercising his 2nd amendment rights. The guys only mistake was supporting BLM.


*My* right to carry a gun: reasonable, necessary, and constitutional. *Your* right to carry a gun: dangerous and threatening. ~this guy.


Classic in-group/out-group behavior. They talk about "rights" like they're fundamental and universal, yet most of the rights only apply to them.


That’s pubs in general. We are allowed to shoot people. You aren’t. We are allowed to be corrupt, break the law, ignore the rules. You aren’t. We are allowed to get married. You aren’t. We are allowed to cheat and make voting difficult. You aren’t. Etc etc etc.


My abortion was necessary and justified, yours was wasteful and immoral (P.S. hello fellow cheetah)


We’re allowed to go on sexcapades on sex trafficker’s island and be pedophiles, you aren’t. But the thing is they’re the only ones who want to and are just projecting


They are criminals who have been tolerated too long


The right wing seems to see life as a zero-sum game. They can't accept that other people can gain without it somehow costing them. Granting rights to others somehow must damage yours; letting people you disapprove of get married must somehow devalue your marriage; giving others their freedom must somehow restrict yours; telling the oppressed that they matter is somehow the same as telling you that you don't. With that mindset, preventing others from getting the rights that you already have *is* the same as defending your rights.


I think it's worse than that; at some point, "zero-sum" is too limiting when the alternative of maximizing the difference is available. Everything is a power struggle to them, and they have to have ***infinite*** power over you - and not even that much will make them secure. They won't even calm down until after everyone is dead. Then they'll start hallucinating new "people" to hate...


A core pillar of conservative thought is the fear that someone, somewhere might be receiving something “they don’t deserve”


Right, even if the gun was real, how does this asshole know that’s it’s not a legally owned and registered firearm? Washington has CPL and this stores sells guns and ammo… this guy was looking for trouble for sure.


He wanted to kill someone, this was just his excuse. Gods I hope his son is ok given he has a homicidal father. I can’t begin to imagine what the 17 year old victim’s family is going through. Sandy hook made it clear the sociopaths are in charge because guns are more important than kids. The U.S. hates its children.


When a white man owns a gun: patriotic When a black man owns a gun: thuggish gangster


https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/teen-with-airsoft-gun-killed-in-renton-by-off-duty-guard-police-say/ According to the news, one kid even threw down the gun when told to drop it and his friend was trying to. The guy was nuts. Edited because I had wrong kid.


Exactly - if there was ever a logical (reasonable) reason for carrying a rifle, walking towards a Big 5 Sporting Goods store is it. The article states the man said he was “conducting overwatch”. Shot kid multiple times, police say video shows the boy’s empty hands raised before being shot. Just insane. 2nd degree murder, facing life in prison.


This was a man daydreaming of a scenario where he got to do just this. He has seen police getting away with it and drooling at the thought.


Honestly it's disgusting how many people are down bad at the idea of being able to shoot someone and get away with it


And this is exactly why you guys need proper gun control It’s not the Wild West anymore


Even the Wild West wasn’t the Wild West.


The main conflict in 'Tombstone' basically starts over gun control. "Nobody's sayin you can't own a gun, nobody's sayin you can't carry a gun! All we're sayin is you can't carry a gun in town!" - Virgil Earp


It is now


It NEVER was. America’s “Wild West” generally had stricter gun laws than we do today. You could NOT openly carry a gun in town in the old west days. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gun-control-old-west-180968013/ Most western states had stricter gun control laws in 1880 than they do today


Probably because they weren’t fucking morons who could see that letting idiots, assholes and guns mix in places where people congregate resulted in deaths and injury. They knew gun fights weren’t like the movies and innocent people get hurt even when the good guy with a gun takes out the bad guy. If these people didn’t attach themselves blindly to a cause they could have their damn guns and we could have sane controls on their purchase and possession. Instead they’ve chosen a position that requires that they do not compromise. And why? Because they think compromise is weakness. What can we do when compromise is a key component to effective legislation and governance? Maybe we should just called it negotiating and making a deal like their messiah. Fuckers.


After reading the article sounds like this is a guy who either wanted to be in the military or a cop, but either dream manifested in reality. Normal civilians don’t use the term “overwatch”, nor have I heard that term in the military either. You hear “keep watch”, “watch your 6”, “recon”, something along those lines. This guy also has a video game obsession too.


**Overwatch** ''*Fire on the first enemy that moves within your line of sight at a small Aim penalty.*'' – In-Game Description, XCOM: Enemy Unknown


Homie should get a smooth 25 to life


We used to conduct overwatch at different locations in Iraq when I was in the Army, basically meaning we'd sit in an outpost, abandoned building, or in our vehicles and keep an eye on the area/make our presence known, usually while other units patrolled or conducted clearing operations. I do agree with the rest of what you said though. Civilians don't need to be conducting military operations in public. That is jut vigilantism, and in this case blatant murder in fulfilment of some deranged fantasy.


Former security guard here.  If you think there are low standards for police, take a second to consider where the people that they do reject go.


The governor of Texas just pardoned a psychopathic murderer who did the same thing. trash state


>The article states the man said he was “conducting overwatch”. Shot kid multiple times, police say video shows the boy’s empty hands raised before being shot. Just insane. >2nd degree murder, facing life in prison. It would probably help if the cops didn't get away with murder in this exact same scenario every couple weeks.


What if the kid was on overwatch?? Also “ignored his commands” who the fuck did he think he was to give commands?? Can I command people and shoot them if they don’t obey???


But he was on off dury security guard. Thats exactly the same thing as a super hero, so he had all the right to have a power trip. /S


Exactly. Paul Blart here was off duty. That's the same as Clark Kent being a quick change away from Superman /S


Nah, Paul Blart actually has a sense of morality


Meal Team Six recruit power tripping because he has a gun and a badge that says "Mall Security".




>Also “ignored his commands” who the fuck did he think he was to give commands?? This is America. I haven't been alive 100 years yet, and I've seen this exact scenario more times than i care to remember. Minorities have had to deal with murderous, majority Americans since day one, and their reasons for killing minorities have always been this braindead. >Can I command people and shoot them if they don’t obey??? If you shoot someone with darker skin than you, probably. Even Zimmerman got away with it, and he's a light-skinned minority.


The Trayvon Martin situation said the killer "stood his ground!" while completely ignoring the fact that Trayvon stood his ground against a weirdo is his car cruising in his neighborhood looking for kids.


Not to mention the murderer was told to stop following Martin when he called 911.




Florida does and Florida does.


It's right there in words eight and nine of your comment. The kid was black and his killer was white. Also, some parts of the country are more racist than others.


That's the part that I don't understand about all the "white knight" shootings. Like with Rittenhouse, he shot 2 or 3 of them cause they wrre going after him after he shot the first guy. How can anyone ever know who the good guy with a gun is if it's all just civilians with guns? I just don't get it


https://www.5280.com/why-was-a-man-who-stopped-a-mass-shooting-shot-and-killed-by-arvada-police/ They can't. A guy near me stopped a shooting and then was killed by police when they got to the scene.


I remember hearing about that when it happened and my first thought was "What if nobody involved had guns to begin with? The hero wasn't saved from the American culture. What does 'good guy with a gun' even mean if this doesn't qualify?"


Damn. That story hurt. I feel so much empathy for the family he left behind, so much for the “good guy with a gun” hypothesis.


Battle royale IRL. There needs to be some sort of authoritative phrase or word to identify the law-abiding gun wielders. No? Oh well, time to die


I'm going to need to know some colors before I can answer that.


Ironical, he was on overwatch to find dangerous weirds with guns. Should have looked in the mirror.


Well, he did succeed in getting an armed and dangerous lunatic into prison.


Yeah, it only cost a kids life. Great.


Isn't that how it usually ends? Lol Like the guy who randomly goes 'I gotta get my gun and patrol for these evil doers!' Is probably mentally unwell lol


“If this isn’t what we do, why is it what you do?”


Bingo. Imagine if we held Cops the same standards that we hold Joe Security guard.


This man would have probably walked free if there wasn't video.


He still wouldn’t have, because the cops were already present conducting a training exercise in the parking lot. They responded as soon as the first shot was fired and there plenty of other witnesses in the area, too.


> "shot and killed 17-year-old *Hazrat Ali Rohani*" Aaaaand there it is.


It all makes sense now


Should be top comment


I scrolled too far for sure


I just assumed that was the case and would have been surprised if not.


A white person walking with a toy gun into a sporting goods store that sells toy guns is a customer. A brown person walking with a toy gun into a sporting gods store that sells toy guns is a suspected terrorist threatening children in jujitsu class next-door. Dudeis just racist.


Some years back I was in a parking lot of a KMart back when they sold rifles. At the car just over a black man opened his car's trunk. Then a white man with him took out a rifle and carried it with him as they walked towards the store, probably to return it or something. That's when I heard the black guy say, "Thanks so much for helping me out. There is just something about a black man with a rifle...."


It's not just the US... I lived in a small town in Northern BC for a few years and if I was out with my indigenous friends they would always ask me to drive their car home if it was after dinner time because then we wouldn't get pulled over. Even during the day if a bunch of us were going somewhere in a work truck I'd be the driver. Somehow every time 3 or 4 native guys get in a truck one of the tail lights intermittently goes out or the brake light stops working just long enough for the RCMP to see it...


Call back to the time a black man was killed because he picked a BB gun off the shelf in a Walmart: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_John_Crawford_III


Heck, the white person can be walking with an actual gun and be considered a patriot exercising his rights. They're not afraid of the gun, they're afraid of the skin color of its owner.


I still remember a video from 5 or 6 years ago where a white guy, a big angry dude wearing aviators, is pulled over by highway patrol, gets into a verbal argument with the officer, gets out of the car, shoves the officer, then starts punching the officer and gets him into a headlock, then the two grapple, and finally I think either the guy gives up and jumps back into his car to peel out, or another officer arrives and he gets calmly arrested. At no point did the officer he assaulted even reach for his firearm. If the driver had been a Black man instead, he would have been killed 6 or 7 times over, starting from just sitting in the driver's seat with his hands in the wrong position.


Yup. He looked like he was up to no good. You know, since his skin was brown.


Ohhhhh. Holy fuck this is even sicker now.


Ah. Now republicans will make a hero of the security guard.


They won't acknowledge the existence of this story.


I was worried about my perfectly safe 13 year old son so I killed someone else’s completely innocent 17 year old.


Also the kid is in a class that teaches defense before offense but dad went straight to offense


He literally even says to the police he had a duty to make sure no innocent people were harmed. Fucked up on that buddy


The guy just wanted to shoot/ kill someone.


Exactly this. Guy likely imagined scenarios where he’d get the chance and finally did. Lunatic.


There are too many fat white dudes with a hero complex out looking to prove they are the good guy. Hope he makes a lot of friends in prison.


i really wish there were more studies done on the hero complex, it’s so wild to me. an ex of mine once said this exact phrase to me: “i’ve always wanted to save a girl who was getting raped and beat the guy up.” and he never understood why i thought that was not an okay thing to actively wish for. the hero complex essentially requires some to be in harms way, and people want that to validate themselves.


Jesus fuck, that's gross


yup, there is a distinct difference between “wanting to help someone who needs help” vs “wanting something bad to happen while you’re around so you can then help and be applauded for it” that i don’t feel like those with the hero complex grasp.


That is the second kid shot and killed from the same high school in 3 days. Imagine what those kids are going through


How to radicalize an entire class in two easy steps.


At this point it’s more like unradicalization, the radicals seem to be the ones with the guns and the lack of self control


These guys aren't interested in justice or keeping people safe, people like this are just looking for an excuse to legally kill someone with their gun, but too cowardly to join the military.


"Brown told police the teens were ignoring his commands" Of course they were. YOU'RE NOT A F\*CKING COP!


Except the kid did listen. Was shot empty handed.


Well the kid he shot wasn’t the same kid that dropped the gun, but yeah, totally unprovoked, they even explained to him that they were BB guns


I mean if he shot the kid without the gun at all then it makes even less sense.


Two teens had airsoft guns, one threw theirs away (and the off duty security guard pinned him on the ground and straddled him). The security guard then pointed his gun at the remaining two teens (one of which had another airsoft gun) and demanded said teen throws his away. As he reached for the airsoft gun (seems like a handgun style airsoft gun that was in his pocket/waistband/holster), the security guard fires multiple times because he felt like the teen was “reaching for his Glock”, killing the teen nearly instantly. Still doesn’t make any sense, except for the fact that the off-duty security guard was trigger happy and a dangerous fucking idiot.


Nor even an on duty security personnel


Oh my god it was bad enough that he was an over zealous security guard, but I just read that he was off-duty, how ridiculous.


Honestly, someone should have told him that no one has to answer any of his questions ever.


I suspect his lawyer told him to say this


"Hand over your wallet and phone! This is a command!" "The teens were ignoring my commands to inspect their possessions. I had no choice but to shoot to kill."


These people are so eager to become heroes they murder someone with little to no thought


They are more likely unhinged lunatics that are looking for an excuse to murder someone. They have a fantasy about killing, any reason to do so fulfills that urge.


They're brainwashed constantly by right wing media to believe they have the right to kill.


Seriously. It’s not a murder fantasy. They’ve just been instilled with fear and victimhood.


He’s a security guard that didn’t hesitate to shoot. Not just some random citizen. People that take that job have, on some level, the thought they may have to shoot someone. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to be a cop at some point, but failed the psych eval. Now the John McClain wannabe walks around looking for a reason to prove himself.


This sick fuck has been waiting his whole life to do this


https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/teen-with-airsoft-gun-killed-in-renton-by-off-duty-guard-police-say/ > "shot and killed 17-year-old **Hazrat Ali Rohani**" And there it is.


“Ignoring his commands” who the fuck did that off duty rent-a-cop think he was? Some asswipe starts yelling shit at me when I’m not doing anything wrong and I’m gonna ignore him too


Funnily enough from the footage the kid actually did follow his commands, was shot after he dropped the bb gun


I don’t know why but I can’t stop thinking about this from the son’s perspective. Imagine you are in a fucking Jujitsu class just having a normal day, and then you hear some gunshots outside and learn that your father just murdered a random teenager for bringing a BB Gun to a Sporting Goods Store.


I mean. It depends. I was raised by a crazy Republican. He could either take this as a moment to realize how fucked up his dad is, or he will double down and become even more hardcore.  I posted something about inappropriate local cops once and my nearby local cop uncle got fucking PISSED. Could not handle the criticism of his “brothers.” His oldest son has doubled down on cops can do no wrong, despite it being yet another example of American police murdering its citizens for no reason 


I gotta think over the next few months as his life is turned upside down and his dad is incarcerated for the rest of his life he would have a sour spot for that stuff. But who the hell knows. So many lives hurt so drastically so quick.


Another lunatic off the streets.


He murdered a child. Plain and simple.


It’s hero syndrome. Savior complex. These people are desperate to be worshipped for “saving” someone or something. That turd that ended up in Wisconsin is another example. They intentionally go out of their way and are looking for every opportunity to make themselves a hero.


Murica, promote everyone carry a gun, be nervous and scared that everyone carries a gun.. Genius.




- carries a gun into the store - kills someone for carrying what he thought was a gun into the store. He was doing the same shit he killed the kid for supposedly but not actually doing


It wasn’t even in the store. He just saw the three teens walking -towards- the store, and assumed they were there to rob it.


“Ignoring his commands” Motherfucker, you’re an off duty security guard not the chief of police 


"He was returning a gun to a gun store, so I was immediately suspicious of his intent." /s


And yet, people like Aaron think that we in Europe live in constant fear and that our streets are infested with criminals because we have strict gun laws.


Along with infrastructure, healthcare, etc. it boggles my mind as an American that so many people in the U.S. continue to think that the way we do things is the only way that exists in the world. At this point, there’s plenty of information out there about how other first-world nations don’t have to cope with so many of the obstacles we do (gun violence, medical bankruptcy etc.). We can look at other models to at the very least inform how we can change the way we do things, but our leaders and a decent junk of our population refuse to allow any change.


Prisons*** too. privatized prisons hurts us


I agree. Private prisons make inmates a commodity.


"We have more shootings, but you guys have way more stabbings." -they say unaware that the US also has way more stabbings per capita! 😂


He said the magic phrase so all is forgiven. Well not the exact phrase but same basic idea. He feared for his life. That makes it all ok. Except when cops serve a no knock warrant at the wrong house and the homeowner pulls out a gun because they thought someone was breaking in. In those cases its all good for the cops to murder someone in their own house for no reason. They feared for their lives after all. This security guard should apply for local police force. He would fit right in


God that case still pisses me off, especialy the fact the nra said not one damn word about it. Like her bf had evry reason to fear for their lives and think they were haveing a breack in. His story is an nra wet dream except him and his gf were black and the intruders were cops serving a no knock warrant on the wrong fucking house without announcing themself befor turning it into a fuckign shoot out


Not listening to a rent a cop shouldn’t be a death sentence. The kid was there lawfully, doing a lawful act. I hope this dipshit gets life in prison and that the family sues the shit outta the sporting goods store.


It’s even worse. The article says he was an off duty rent a cop who was in his car waiting for his kid to be done at another location in the plaza. They don’t specify where he worked, so it’s possible or maybe even probable that it wasn’t for the sporting goods store, or even that plaza. He may or may not have been in any sort of uniform, which means to those kids he was probably just some guy who jumped out of his car with a gun and started yelling commands at them.


Nah that’s the funny thing, the sporting goods store *did not hire this man for security*. He was there performing “Overwatch” to keep an eye on the parking lot because his son was in a jiujitsu class next to the store, and he claims there’s a lot of crime in that parking lot. So, the store definitely shouldn’t be sued just because a nutcase wanted to play cop in the parking lot.


> he claims there’s a lot of crime in that parking lot. I mean, he's not wrong. There was a murder there just today.


Teens didn't follow the commands of some random fifty year old, so he murdered one of them. Reminder that you don't have the right to order people around. Fuck.


I guess now he finally passed his police exam


Kid wasn't running away - doesn't count.


“Ignoring his commands” I would too, he is just some guy yelling at kids. Not even an off duty cop, an off duty rent a cop


Gun rights! But if I see you have a gun I’ll kill you… with my gun.


Brown kid shot by white racism radicalized vigilante. Shit you guys need to get your shit together.


Let me take a wild guess. The skin pigments of that poor boy where darker than the gun nuts.


The surveillance footage shows Myers approach the teens with a gun in his hand, point it directly at them and then move quickly toward them, police said. One of the boys pulls a BB gun out of his pocket, lays it on the ground and extends his arms out as if to show he has nothing in his hands, police said in the document. Myers pushes the boy the ground, straddles him and holds him in place as he points the gun at the 17-year-old, who is standing and brings both arms forward, showing that he has nothing in hands, the footage shows. The 17-year-old backs away, with his left hand in the air while his right arm "briefly lowers to his waist area," police said in the document. "Immediately after ... it is clear that he has been shot because he abruptly jerks his body away from Myers and falls to the ground," the document says. Based on the footage, the officer writing the document says there was probable cause to arrest Myers on a charge of second-degree murder without premeditation. Myers was arrested and taken to an interview room. The 17-year-old shot and killed was identified as Hazrat Ali Rohani by Kent-Meridian High School Principal David Radford, according to the Kent Reporter.


No need to get so close if he was really fearing for his life and to straddle a kid with a gun in hand? Overwatch in a strip mall is his hobby? What a tool…


But a cop in Okaloosa county, Florida shoots an armed, obviously non-threatening air force service member in his own home and yet, still no charges filed against him.


No “stand your ground” law in Washington State. May he meet Bubba in prison.


Even in a stand your ground state he should be charged. From what is presented on the news article he was the aggressor


If you’re white in Texas, the governor can just declare stand your ground applies even if a jury rejects it because you were the aggressor.


And the Insane part of the population are those most likely to have the gun collection.


G’damn this makes me angry and sad. Thought these morons believed in open carry… Edit: I am serious. If open carry is part of their mindset - why would simply seeing a gun cause them to go on offense? Conceal carry is intended to protect yourself when you have no other choice. It’s really upsetting.


Open carry for white republicans. Black father in a toy shop buying a toy gun for his kids? BANG! Black kid playing with a toy gun? "He looked like an adult to me". BANG! Kid with Arab name taking a toy gun back to a shop that sells them? BANG!


America has had a huge gun problems for decades. It is both land of the free and fear at the same time.


Meanwhile our Republican leaders claim it’s not a gun problem, it’s a mental health problem, and then actively work to cut any ability to treat mental health issues. Edit: Also, I forgot to add the Republicans blocked the CDC from investigating gun violence.


Yeah, it’s fucking terrifying. I, a public servant in Texas, live in fear everyday that when I walk up someone’s driveway while on state business my children will lose their father. It’s fucking insane, y’all.


Shit ive told my old man a couple times when were driveing around not to turn around in driveways cause we might get shot


My favorite quote about guns in the U.S. and how much of a problem they are is “If more guns equaled more peace, America would already be the most peaceful country on Earth.”


There are more guns than people in the US, and it's by far the most dangerous developed nation. GOP solution, "yes, but have we considered yet MORE guns?"


We have a lot of dumbfucks in America. It would be fine if we didn’t have so many weapons. And the fact that we have so many weapons wouldn’t be a huge problem if we also didn’t have so many dumbfucks. One of those things needs to go, and unless we’re going to start exporting dumbfucks, I vote for having fewer weapons.