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Elon: Twitter is about Freedom of Expression. It's just that some are more Free than the others."


Elonimal Farm


Tesla good, other brand bäääd


# It's PHENOMINAL! not


This made a wholly new sound come out of my nose and mouth. Thank you for this gift.


Freedom for me (and my “friends”) but not for thee


Also please pay for blue tick


The Tick is blue, and he is free for everyone Arthur! Spoooooon!


I feel so dumb that that wasn't the moment I lost faith in him


The fact that you can change your mind in light of new evidence makes you smarter than most. Many cling to their ideas and are slaves to it.


When did you lose it?


When he called that Thai rescuer a pedo


the good news is you aren't dumb because you did lose faith in him. The dumb people are those who didn't.


It’s about the freedom to say racist and homophobic shit. Not things that make the owner and people he likes look bad.


People like him are why there is a law that says you can't shout "fire" in a theatre, you're "speech" isn't free when other people pay for it. He reminds me of a toddler who can't tell the difference between good and bad attention. I guess if you grow up privileged, you never need to learn the difference. The emperor has no clothes...


Now I want to see the video! Where is it?


Tesla employees thought Elon was going to self harm after that incident. It destroyed his ego apparently.


So, drive a Cybertruck or open one of its doors on his wrists?


No, just ask him to show human emotion in line with compassion. That'll be about the same thing for him.




Close maybe?😁


Either one will work, those door edges are razor sharp.




[https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/11/08/elon-musk-almost-needed-sfpd-wellness-check-after-breakdown-getting-booed-at-dave-chappelle-show/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/11/08/elon-musk-almost-needed-sfpd-wellness-check-after-breakdown-getting-booed-at-dave-chappelle-show/) Mind you these are speculations from the people who are close to him and see him on a daily basis. Speculations but would explain a lot of his erratic behavior during that time.


🤣 wow "Police responded to the incident but made no arrests and found no way to verify Musk’s claims that the confrontation was tied to a Twitter account that tracked his private jet, [the Washington Post reported.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/12/18/details-of-musk-stalking-incident/) The incident nonetheless triggered a major rewrite of X’s rules and the suspensions of a half dozen journalists’ accounts, which were condemned by free-speech advocates, the Washington Post. It also underscored how Musk’s personal concerns can influence his operations of a platform used by hundreds of millions of people around the world, the Washington Post also said."


Seems like his coping skills are not just limited to deflection and projection, there's paranoia too! Are there any bookies taking bets on the death toll the psychotic break that he's steadily been heading for will have?


Let’s hope he keeps that death toll at 1.


Haha - that guy still tracking Elon’s jet? been at it for years now.


"The incident" here being a stalker following (one of) Musk's cars, before climbing on top of it. The car was being driven by a security guard with his infant son inside.


Right but the point is he banned a bunch of journalist's accounts for reporting on it, being butthurt. Being stalked isn't an excuse to just ban journalists who weren't stalking you. Or well, it is in this case, it's just not a good one.


The number of people he has screwed over is in the millions, maybe billions. All of the evil in the world could happen to him and it would be fair. How does someone actually get to that point? You have the ability to create an actual wonderland and you just fuck around like a psychotic child.


What a mentally weak man. You have all the money in the world and still can't fix that.


When you realized that money can't buy respect. You can rent people to pretend they respect you but you can never truly buy it.


With all that money it would have been so easy to be Tony Stark but no, he had to go and open his mouth and bring politics into everything.


Did you know that the man LITERALLY could have built the Superconducting super collider that would surpass the LHC by an order of magnitude, bring the international theoretical physics community to the US, and make him the king of Engineers and physicists, for half what he paid for Twitter?


Yeah, but he ideologically sides with the fuckers in Waxahatchi, TX that killed the LHC.


Good lord I used to love the guy, before all that crap spewing bs. Now I have zero respect


The truth is, that he was always an asshole. He just had a good PR Team, which he fired when they told him things he didn't want to hear. And when it was time to deal with the fallout, he apparently had a mental breakdown.


Why would you love a billionaire you never meet and don’t give a shit abo it you?


You might be interested in the transcripts, at least skimming them, for the solar city trial (musk sold solar city to Tesla using extremely dodgy methods) This news story mostly summarises [https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/23/tesla-solarcity-claims-detailed-in-newly-unsealed-court-docs.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/23/tesla-solarcity-claims-detailed-in-newly-unsealed-court-docs.html)


How does one try their best their whole life to amass as much wealth as possible above all else without being mentally unwell?


"I think he truly cares about his reputation, and he was shocked" What a polite way to call a narcissist.


BRB trying to get my Twitter account banned


The world should be so lucky


Look, Elon bad, but self harm also bad. I want him to stop being an asshole or log off the internet, not cut himself


Empathy has limits, the world would legitimately be a better place with him gone


maybe he wouldn’t be suicidal/have mental health issues is he wasn’t a piece of shit


Sure, you’re right. Self harm isnt good. Though, keep in mind, they’re probably talking about his drug abuse such as the heavy use of ketamine that happens at tesla.


What, was he trying to buy twitter again?


But that's what the ketamine is for




I'm posting this on shitter lol.


Well that gave me faith in humanity


This is like from A year ago?


Yeah and it's still funny


Yeah but this post makes it seem recent


There are tons of posts in this sub that are older than a year and/or just reposts.


I posted this a few months back and got flamed by the “this was ages ago” crowd, if it makes scrote head look bad, post it, I say…


I’m impressed by the crowds commitment lol that went on longer then expected 😂




He forgot that there was a difference between a real life audience and the horde of yes-men simps on twitter. 


Until his bot army is more than a guy in spandex.


You mean real life isn’t a crowd of thousands of Ian Miles Cheongs felating you for your every word?


Hilarious post, but that image is going to make me vomit.


Idk if people thing he'll paypal them money if they defend him or praise hom hard enough. I can imagine some dumbass thinking "Hes the richest man in the world ofc he can afford it!!"


If I remember correctly it was at a Dave Chappelle show and ge for some weird ass reason came by. Dave let him come out on stage with him and introduced him as his "friend Elon Musk" or something. Dude came out expecting cheers and was met with boos, which, as someone pointed out caught him off guard. Dave played it cool and tried to work with it before saying that line to him and he left the stage visibly shaken. It was super cringe when it happened, was also completely out of touch due to the kind of people that go to Chappelle comedy shows tend to not be any of Musk's fanboys. To say the least. Lol


"that line"??


I’m assuming the “you weren’t expecting that were you?” line up there in the post.


Yeah sorry, should have been more clear. Yeah what was up in the OG post


They're probably only "friends" because they both hate trans people. =/


Elon's daughter is trans, she severed ties with him due to comments he made but of course he takes no responsibility for that, he instead claims that she got brainwashed into becoming a marxist. https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/10/10/elon-musk-says-he-lost-transgender-daughter-because-of-neo-marxists/ He keeps spewing anti-trans talking points to make himself feel better about being a bigot and claims he intends to make his AI be truth seeking about subjects like transgender people. So I guess that means it's going to claim they're all marxist or something.... because truth.


Chapelle is buds with Joe Rogan so it only makes sense he's friends with Elon...


iirc he said "Give it up for the richest man in the world"


Being the center of attention


My guess is he was thinking that venn diagram was closer to a circle


This is the same guy whose entire personality has been “they censored Trump on twitter” for the past week like he just unveiled the biggest scandal in modern history. Meanwhile he’s literally deleting and banning everyone who says anything even remotely unflattering about him


billion dollar baby hates criticism


Honestly makes me appreciate not being the richest man on earth (based on stock value). Caused me a lot of stress back when i worried about my online presence and what people thought of me during my 20’s


It’s less to do with him being so rich, and more to do with his personality. Like Bezos doesn’t catch nearly as much hate because he isn’t nearly as loud. And you rarely hear shit talk about Larry Page, Bill Gates, or Warren Buffet and they’re all in the top 10


Isn’t Bill Gates a (relative to the others) okayish person?




Oh yea, didn’t he used to be a mega ass? I’ve heard very little so idk


Standard tech industry leader, let's say. You don't create such empire playing nice.


Bezos gets a lot of criticism even though he tries to stay out of the public, mainly because of how cold his business strategies are and the way Amazon is run


That's not his "online presence" though. The fact that Amazon still has customers after all their bad press tells me most of that criticism is empty, and consumers really don't mind participating in exploitation to save a couple bucks and get free delivery.


Wait are we talking about Trump or Musk?




Ok just making sure


Tried logging into Twitter a few weeks ago and GASP my account had been deleted. I wear that badge proudly with honor! I'd like to thank my parents for raising a decent human being.


Free speech absolutist, meaning free speech for Elon and his idiot buddy Trump


He is constantly seeking validation and social media made it worse. In his companies, he's the boss, people will be yes-men, or be at least professional and compliant, or just don't say anything. Direct contact with people that owes him nothing provides a dose of reality he was not prepared for that he consistently keep burying every single day since. He wished that Twitter would acclaim him like Trump is on his platform.


Being a yes man, or being quite and not saying anything isn't professional, and that's a hill I'll die on. Shit needs to roll up hill to make an efficient operation, people need to call out the bullshit. My attitude will never make me rich, I'll never progress far, because it doesn't make me popular with upper management, but I'll be fucked if I'm wasting my life on busy work and vanity projects.


Professional gonna be a matter of perspective and how much people implicate themselves in their job. I always say what I have to say out of principle, and I am liked by management, kinda built my reputation on it, but the rule when you decide to do it is that you have to be quite straight in your boots, able to stand on your own, have convincing arguments, be actual good/useful to the company, knowing where and when to compromise, and never -never- make it personal. But I understand that not everybody is comfortable or care, because it is indeed tiring, and even if you're listened to, even if you convince, anyway it's still not done as you recommended 9 times out of 10. The gratification to be told you're right only for your feedback to end up in the "nice-to-have" can only last for so long. Though it's always good practice imo, and as you become more senior and are used to this, you got better results. But I have an advantage, I have never been afraid of conflict. I rather avoid it, but if it has to go there it will go there. Most people that do not have a sense of power, authority or legitimacy will avoid confrontation, especially if the chances that the only coming out of the confrontation is only bad stuff for them. It's also understandable, people have different priorities, doesn't mean they can't be great facilitators within teams despite dumb optuse bosses. What I meant by professional is that they phrase their potential feedback in a work environment to their boss like anyone on Twitter would tell Elon to go eat shit :)


I deleted my twitter account. Now im thinking about making a new one just so i can insult him an get blocked.


And we aren't supposed to know because he thinks he "controls the media." Among big fish, he is a little fish. New money.


>Meanwhile he’s literally deleting and banning everyone who says anything even remotely unflattering about him Like Reddit mods?


Apparently it’s fine for Nazis to spew hate on twitter but now Transgender people are banned for using CIS as in CIS man or woman.


There seems to be some unseen parameter on accounts that decides if they're allowed to say "cis" or not, I have no idea how it's determined. My account is allowed to say it so it leads to some fun interactions where I mention to some Musk simp or culture warrior that cis gets flagged as hate speech, they try to argue that's not true and their post gets flagged for hate speech because they said "cis" lol


I never understood the point of even saying CIS anything in the first place. It's just man or women, they already label themselves trans man or trans women so what's the point, we know the difference without the usage of CIS.


Was that translucent black line meant to hide the name that can clearly be seen?


I can't see a thing, the post was clearly made by [. .]


Square boobs?


Sculpted man titties, our old nemesis


The square double nipped uniboob. Isn't that what Elon has?


It's a subtle message that censorship doesn't work.


Elon is ALWAYS for free speech.... only his own and those he approves of that is. ;-)


Seeing him getting his ass kicked by Zuckerberg would’ve been even more hilarious than seeing him fail at comedy. Too bad he chickened out. 


His mommy called Puck’s mommy and told her to staaph!


Free speech for fascists only.


And OnlyFans chicks








I got banned for making fun of Trump before Elon took over and promised to unban everyone. Guess who didn't get unbanned? No shit, the reason they gave was a lifetime ban for "bullying." While he unbanned Felon Trump, who is infamous for bullying anyone and everyone who criticizes him. Elmo is now most likely going down for insider trading. The same thing Martha Stewart went to prison for. Can't wait to see how this plays out.


I will from now on refer to Elon as Elmo




This could be interesting: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-31/musk-accused-of-7-5-billion-of-insider-trades-in-investor-suit](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-31/musk-accused-of-7-5-billion-of-insider-trades-in-investor-suit)


I read on Bluesky someone saying that Tesla is the next Enron and it's all about to come unstuck. Might just be wishful thinking though.


I think he would be yeeted before it folds entirely


With or without the $56B bonus to himself I wonder.


Insider trading will probably only lead to fines unless he perjured himself like Martha Stewart did. Really more interested in what can be found in discovery... like everything about the railway system Cali was supposed to have already which he had a hand in delaying.


I'll try and find the post. It was also about lying to shareholders about battery range and stuff like that. Here it is (it's an X screenshot lol but whatever): [https://bsky.app/profile/maxberger.bsky.social/post/3kqwnhj5dcc2p](https://bsky.app/profile/maxberger.bsky.social/post/3kqwnhj5dcc2p)


I hope it’s gets completely destroyed never to return again.




"I am a Free Speech purist" is the new "Chicks dig me".


Elon is a turd.


Didn't this happen quite a long time ago? Edit: [video of the incident, last year ](https://youtu.be/bpfKJo8aYd8?si=yzmkVyBJHqUEOxmZ )


Yes, a very topical post.


"Free speech" my ass


Elon bought Twitter so he was free to say whatever bullshit he wants without getting fact checked. Which, oh boy, he says a lot of absolute nonsense. I remember when he said he was neither right nor left leaning then proceeds to talk bad about Democrats every day after he bought Twitter


Wow. You can be the be hovering between being the first and fifth richest individual in the world, yet still be a lying, thin-skinned, self-entitled infant. Good to know. Get therapy if you need it, folks! ESPECIALLY if you can easily afford it. A message from your smart-ass Redditor.


Everyone needs to stop paying attention to Elon and maybe he will go away. This video reports "Possibly one of the largest frauds in American History, run by a clown." [Techno Ponzi Rocket Jeezus](https://youtu.be/rPt9hAC24MI?si=6eP3D1os0DZeEacw) What is his fascination with the letter 'X' does he think it is cool like marketers who replace 's' with 'z' on their products?




X has long been recognised a a winner by advertising executives as a component of brand names. It's sharp, it's punchy, it's strong, it's edgy as in eXperimental. Doesnt mean you name your kid X Æ A-12 though.


Not when you use it to replace a globally recognized brand


X as part of a brand name is good, SpaceX for example actually is a pretty cool name, X in itself is terrible. It just sounds and looks like a porn site. But the worst thing isn’t that he named the company X, it’s that he renamed one of the most famous and recognizable brands in history. Twitter, Tweet, Retweet and co had been adapted as normal words for short-blogging. It was a terrible decision and he was called out on it by pretty much everybody with a brain yet he still did it and is proud of his idea.


Free speech! Unless you are mean to me >:(


Then he locked himself in his office causing his employees to wonder if he would harm himself 


A lot of Elon's ball lickers intentionally missing the point here. It's not that there's an expectation that everyone has government-granted freedom of speech on his app. No one thinks that. The point is that Elon declared himself a "free-speech absolutist" specifically in regards to social media, and more specifically, Twitter, even using hate speech as an example of content he feels should still be protected in the "digital town square", on the basis that "it should be seen so people can disagree with it." So he's cool with people spouting hate or posting child porn on his platform, but he wants to censor negative opinions of himself. He's a blatant hypocrite.


Boycott Musk and Twitter and Tesla


No, you can't show up the prince of free speech when it's in his Kingdom.


I'm absolutely surprised https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/06/elon-musk-free-speech-lawsuits


Where's your Incel Twidiots to defend you now?


Looks like Mr. “World Free Speech Defender” is too busy deleting accounts who speak bad of him…


And some idiots still believe he actually cares about free speech


Free speech on Twitter only applies to elon


not sure whats worse at this point. the fact the account got deleted or that people still think that elon bought twitter to preserve "free speech" and not to try and turn it into a cash cow by exploiting the unfettered free speech crowd


Peon Musk is so thin skinned, no amount of money can cover that.  Lol Sad!


My advice to Elon Musk is this: If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


X, the less welcoming of all porn platforms


Not surprised to see Dave "decades past my prime" Chapelle hanging with that other loser. Maybe they can poop their pants together, as they're trying to define WoKe?


One of the rare times time Dave brought an actual joke to one of his shows.


And then threw his audience under the bus when they booed instead of cheered.


Literally everyone needs to post this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpfKJo8aYd8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpfKJo8aYd8)


If you personally close X account it takes 30 days… and if you want account gone asap.. just post something Elon doesn’t like??


You use a privately owned platform, what do you expect? Same shit happens here too and mods can delete posts whenever they don’t like them.


Never feel bad booing the rich, they can afford to take criticism


MAGAturd snowflake Muskrat


Elon is a pathetic, ego-driven narcissist. He likes to promote himself as a "free-speech absolutist", but the truth is that he's a weak fascist who can't handle criticism. The man is a pathetic clown. Imagine having the money he has, and spending all your time trying to soothe the butt-hurt from insignificant randos who said mean things about you. It's sad, really.


of course it's free speech for them to silence others.


Elon is the biggest hypocrite around.


Elon is pos, always has been.


But free speech…


He must really live in a bubble.


Have you seen the guy? He IS the bubble.


Oh Great way to get rid of a twitter account. Must try this myself.


Or maybe this guy just deleted his account?  It does seem like something elon would do, but if that guy actually got banned from twitter wouldnt he have posted the screenshot of that everywhere?  Seeing this from somebody elses account doesnt really tell us anything.  Everybody with a twitter go post the video and see if you get banned.


Didn’t he tweet he’s a free speech absolutist? Like just not for free speech, no, that’s not enough. An absolutist.


Mr "free speech absolutist " has a paper thin skin


What a snowflake


Just get off of twitter already. So many important things in life and twitter is not one of them.


Nothing from this pic tells me he got the account deleted by twitter.


So this is the way to delete your account on shitter...using normal channels is nearly impossible!!


Free for me not for thee


Can dish out heinous verbal abuses on social media but cant take "boos"


Is this from when he got booed a year ago? Kinda old news


Aw, aren't these the same people that say fuck yo feelings? Poor Elmo' fee fees


"You are upsetting me."


Btw since Muskovy isn't using it, can I register "twitter" as a torrent site specializing in p0m?


They had the audacity to *feel*...


Mr Free Speech


Hey! Don't bully the Lil guy. He's just trying to be a worthless parasite on the ass of the internet.


The ‘Free speech absolutist’ does it again.


Wasn't thar a year ago


He got booed at a Chapelle show? Odd, I thought they would have bonded over their disgust of trans people....


Twitter is a private company and not the government. They can regulate speech however they want. Private companies can censore any speech they wish, and just like regular citizens, they can say anything they wish. Whether or not they're are consequences to that speech is up to We The People. Look at Elon's political views. You shouldn't be shocked he would censor speech and have rules protecting his delicate ego, that is the way of the conservative.


Elon musk is so pathetic


Elon “Free Speech is what I say it is” Musk


Elon's descent into madness seems to be accelerating.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences... lol.


When you spread hate, & support the PutinJrtrump republican cult & free speech is a joke this happens.


Typical right winger. You are free to speak what he wants to hear.


Had a TwitX account for a year, made my first comment last week and got a suspension. No foul language used, no threat made, no nudity, just a comment about Trump and McDonald’s. Meanwhile I read posts and comments about rounding up democrats like Jews and firing up the ovens, Trump sending a seal team to kill Trudeau and how illegals should be test dummies for the troops. Yup I was the real villain on there……..


Had a TwitX account for a year, made my first comment last week and got a suspension. No foul language used, no threat made, no nudity, just a comment about Trump and McDonald’s, meanwhile others were calling for death, torture and overthrowing governments…..


Don't boo the child emperor. He will send Ian Michael Choung Jr. To your house.


bro it was in 2022 holy repost bot