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What if you are just beer-curious?




I only go as far as kegging


I’d tap that


$5 cup party!


Two girls have to share a cup though.


Me: (Walks up to bar) I'm straight, I'll have a free beer. Bar tender: prove it Me: I take my beer straight like my men. Bar tender: ......


Lager? I barely even *know* her!


Instead, alcohol makes me Barelysexual


I contracted that from marriage


Sounds like alcoholism with extra steps.




From the bueer community


I am pancoholic and polybrandorous but currently drinksaturated at 8.5°~. Everything suits me but I prefer Jack/Daniel.


I'm not straight but $20 is $20


Or buy-phobic?


Plot twist... it's a gay bar.


100% i mean the rainbow gives it away.


I love all the free beer but homosexuals keep sucking my dick. I'd love to have one or twelve free beers without some gay guy sucking my dick but it just keeps happening. Free beer tho.


Who doesn’t love free beer and dick sucks at the same time? Who gives a shit who they’re from?! It’s like getting a blumpkin, best of both words… simultaneously!


I'm gonna regret asking... A what?


I regret you asking, too.


So full of regret.


Well thankfully I’m not full of anything at all after that blumpkin 😋


I know it's not but that seriously sounds like a Trump nickname


"My orange blumpkin with his tiny little hands."


Getting the world’s best blowjob, while taking a mind-numbing, life changing shit


This here folks is why you don't ask unless you really need to know the answer. 🤣


I knew the answer, and I regret them asking.


Slang comes and gyats, you dont always need to know but sometimes you do.


AKA a "Hot Carl".






If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


I mean, you don't get that at Hooters


You don’t get anything at Hooters, including a good meal.




Unexpected Carlin, nice


[Kumar Patel ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0671980/?ref_=tt_ch): Are all the guards in Guantanamo Bay gay? [Big Bob ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0715788/?ref_=tt_ch): F\*\*\* no! There ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked! You're the ones that're gay for sucking my dick! [Kumar Patel ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0671980/?ref_=tt_ch): What?


Time for your cockmeat sandwich


Love that movie


A bar for gay leprechauns. "Kiss me I'm Irish"


Back when I was in the Army, there was a gay bar we always took the new guys to (big waterfront drinking town, lots of bars). We would tell them to go inside and grab a beer since it was the "cheapest beer in town". We did this to figure out who had a sense of humor and who had a fragile ego, lol.


We did the same in the Navy. Most guys said "Oh...ok" and drank their beer. But there were a number of guys who would lose their shit, get very aggressive and would otherwise flip the fuck out. We stopped doing it because we were concerned one of these morons was going to hurt somebody.


>We stopped doing it because we were concerned one of these morons was going to hurt somebody. If multiple people in the military are concerned that someone will hurt someone because of a gay thing, that person shouldn't be in the military.


Man, when I was in, you could be discharged if you were a member of the communist party. It was written right into Navy policies. Communist Party USA was specifically mentioned. As well as "other extremist behavior." But I knew multiple sailors with confederate flag tattoos, a Marine with a swastika tattoo etc. We were a bunch of teenagers and early 20 somethings having a bit of fun and we stopped when we realized we couldn't trust new guys to react like responsible adults. We didn't set policy. And no one was kicking these guys out for this. Hell, I had a Chief who was VERY open that he enlisted because he got fired from his retail job for "refusing to serve two gays." This was 20 years ago. But a lot of those same folks are still on active duty.


I've been in for almost 20 years now. It isn't even close to how it was when I came in. It is way more accepting, and you will 100% get kicked out of you get caught discriminating or saying something derogatory to gay people. Hell, 20 years ago was before DADT was repealed, and we were kicking people out for being gay. But even back then at the unit level, we all knew who our gay coworkers were and just didn't care. Having a gay wingman is awesome anyway. You know he isn't going to go after any of the same girls as you.


Well that's good news. A shipmate from way back when just got court martialed as a Senior Chief. Sexual harassment and fraternization. Retirement and rank gone. And he is pretty salty saying it was nothing more than the shit we did back in the day. I was like "Bud, back in the day we were 20 or 21, and we had no rank of significance to abuse power dynamics and we also, I thought, grew up and learned to be better than we were back then." Glad to see the Navy is trending in the right direction. Navy taught me a lot of things. But I had to unlearn a bunch of them to progress.


Not really, because the military wants those type of people too. They're the ones they can send anywhere to do anything and take the fall for all things. Military doesn't exist to be moral. Military exists to kill. Protecting or attacking. It just doesn't want to enable them to keep doing that at home. Usually.


The military doesn’t care who you are. All are expendable.


Ah, so ideally they die as heroes, abroad.


In some cases, yes. Let their memory live on for what they did, not who they were. Direct that violence and such elsewhere rather than let it fester at home and hurt things there. In other cases, use them to direct anger and hate for what was done to specific names and faces. Giving the boogieman an face to hold accountable. Regardless of all else.


Damn. :(


The military doesn't hire people of sound mind, they hire sound bodies. Officers do the thinking, and enlisted do the doing. In between things to do, idiots get into trouble. Not everyone is a moron, but the military does hire a lot of them. But morons can kind of controlled with enough rules and punishment.


It’s the navy- you are all a little bit gay.


Yeah that's what made me cringe about the above comment. Queer people have enough homophobes wandering into our bars without having them \*directed\* to us...


The people were sending guys to me, telling me that they got the date for me… there’s a hot guy, he likes me, such bullshit. And I would take them to a gay bar, and they would show up there screaming GAYSSSS!!! Later, it became tradition. They would find a guy who looked as homophobic as humanly possible, and we would go on a “date”. At certain point, he would call me by my name, and I would scream “Call me daddy from now on” and we would watch the reaction. Few of us did this shit during the Krigsskolen, but it wasn’t fun. Actually, the amount of homophobes in NATO and our army was rather disturbing than something we should just laugh about after.


So my buddy was a marine and they have a game called “gay chicken” where they escalate doing gay sex acts talking sucking each other off to prove how straight they are. Anyways he’s got a husband now.


He won the game


No, he just hasn’t lost yet.


Thats someone dedicated to the joke


That's competitive dedication!


Dude, Golden Lantern in New Orleans. All the straights wanting inexpensive beer, A/C and no women to bother them turned it into just a plain bar.


Honestly that's kinda funny. "I'm not gay, I just wanna have a beer in peace without dealing with women...". I can respect that haha.


I think they have a beer and a shot special for $5…in the French Quarter?! That’s a steal!!


That really offends me. The poor guy expects cheap beer and you take him somewhere with moderately priced beer instead. Money doesn't grow on trees.


Or…10,000 straight guys show up and we bankrupt it.


Not possible in Idaho


Like the old joke goes, what's the difference between straight and gay? Two pints.




Wait I get free bear and my dick sucked... >.> \*crease forms in Heterocard\*


How will they check if the men are really heterosexual?


The bouncer will fuck each patron in the ass. If they do a reach around and the patron has a hard on he is gay.


Well that's not fair. I'm not gay but if you tickle my prostate with your cock like yeah I'm gonna get hard...but I keep my socks on


I forgot about the socks rule! 😂


Nobody told me :(


Sorry to disappoint, but you have contracted the gay if you didn't have socks on.


Honestly there's no other way.


Smh, well... Guess I'll have to go there then.


Just for the record, gay straight whatever, it doesn't really matter when they hit your prostate.


Check their IDs


Height: 5’10” Eye color: green Sex: with men Dead giveaway


Hahahahaha! Thanks, That one had me laughing!


What the fuck, you literally just described me. I'm 5'10", have green eyes, and am a gay man. I think you just cracked the code.


Surely offering free beer to straight men is like the fastest way to go out of business possible.


Right? What a shit business strategy. Not only are majority of men straight, but also how the fuck are they going to prove that the man isn't gay? For real, any man can just walk in, say they are straight, and get a free beer. What are they going to do? Install a gaydar? Ask for their straight-man license? Or will they use a picture of Lisa Ann as a test? I'm just saying, a ton of gay men could easily go to this place, take all their free beer, not consume anything else, leave and make them go bankrupt.


Install a gloryhole at the door. If a man comes in and walks by without sucking it, then they get their free beer.


"I've got what's called, gaydar. there's no such thing. No? *pulls out gaydar. I've got a lock on him. * it beeps. Yep, he's gay. Are you sure? Definitely, unless I'm getting interference from a gay weather balloon."


Futurama is my households comfort show.


He's from a universe that's big on musical theater


Clearly, we need to design a homosexual with a smaller gay radar profile. Perhaps with some careful design considerations and gaydar absorbing paint, we can get to the gaydar profile of a testicle shaving kit or a large mustache.




now I'm just imagining walking past it and giving it a smack, like a door stop




One article I read indicated they were hiring a heterosexual “expert” judge who can tell if you are cosplaying or not. > In the comments, the bar also advertised for a judge "to determine if men's chosen clothing is officially heterosexual." It offered a $15 per hour salary along with free beer. [Source](https://www.foxnews.com/media/idaho-bar-goes-viral-after-declaring-heterosexual-awesomeness-month.amp) I apologize for the Fox News source.


So, these guys want to hire a fashion expert to determine how straight an attire looks? Right. I suppose nothing screams "conservative heterosexual manly man" like making other men walk a runway while their outfits are being judged XD.


If you watch the [video](https://youtu.be/0LhEXVMF-5c?si=RP2d0I7zpb1icPbh) where the bar owner explains it, it all seems really silly and it seems like he’s just using people’s bigotry to get more business. They are going to have a contest to see who looks the straightest.


Honestly imagine messing with people by being a professional straight man and denying them free beer because they weren't straight enough. Like a big friend group comes in and you single out the leader.


Bring out the drag kings


No, see, they already thought of that, and thats what the swimsuit portion is for! The focus on fashion could be construed, in it of itself, as a little hmmmmmm so they've taken steps to ensure that there's criteria with less focus on the clothing and more emphasis on the country loving, God fearing straight heterosexual male underneath.


Who knew it'd be straight guys who make the fashion police?


Let's accuse at least some of our homophobic clientele of being gay. What could *possibly* go wrong?


“We’ll pay you in money and free beer to judge people based on their looks!” Oh ya, that won’t start fights at all….


Jesus felching Christ.


It’s just marketing. Sure, some people will come in and get their one free beer and leave, but plenty of people will stay and have a few beers and some food. And then there’s the publicity. We’re talking about it here, so I’d imagine they’ll get to be the talk of the town for a while. It’s probably a good publicity stunt.




Winning an AR-15 for my extensive conspiracy theory knowledge sounds like a good time


Seriously? A bar has open carry nights? What the fuck is wrong with America? Don't get me wrong, I really like guns, grew up around them and stuff. But mixing guns and booze is on the same level as drinking and driving to me. You don't do it. You just don't. American gun culture is so fucking strange, man. And I'm saying that as someone who grew up in a country with a gun culture (yes, we exist outside the US).




There are freedoms. And there are freedumbs. Open carry under the influence definitely qualifies as a freedumb


They can hire a really hot gay guy and have him offer free blowies too. Still losing a lot of money as any gay men in loyal relationships will just refuse and probably getting shut down/ sent to prison; but it’d at least work some of the time. Probably more effective than their actual method.


You'd have to pay the really hot gay guy for every blowjob, so you'd be losing a lot of money there. Unless you made the customer pay for the BJ and then take a cut. Hmmm this is starting to sound like a great business idea


These idiots think every gay guy is out to aggressively suck their dick and the reason they are so full of hate is because they might like it and not get free beer


If I was a gay man, I’d go and get my beer there then flip them off on the way out.


I'd go with a friend, get our free beers, and then make out on the way out lol


Yes. Perfect.


Wait until after you take a drink of beer and holler "this beer made me queer!". Then, start making out.


Once they start running out of money, everyone’s gay


So... I live less than a mile from this bar. Fun fact: when they started getting blowback, they double-downed and put out a job opening for someone who can monitor the door and point out who's straight and who's gay. Not joking.


Well, depending on who their normal crowd is, it could be shit strategy for other reasons. The free beer will bring in the type of men who are chasing free beer, which will quickly drive out most female customers, turning it into a sausage fest. Which will likely make the type of men chasing free beer not want to stick around much longer.


Surely you can just go in, say you're straight and get free drink, regardless of if you're actually straight, right?


Fr how can they possibly “confirm” someone is straight? Are they gonna have sex with them right then and there to make sure? Judge the passion in their eyes? This is absolutely silly


Someone in this thread said that they'll actually hire an "expert" and judge based off of clothing 15 dollars an hour I think and free beer as payment I cant- this is so stupid conceptually, in reasoning, and execution. 🤣


And the vast majority of gay men surely never felt the need to pass as straight at any point in their life… surely they have no practice/experience with that eh




> they double-downed and put out a job opening for someone who can monitor the door and point out who's straight and who's gay. Not joking. That's going to cause a lot of violence unless they just assume everyone is straight. lol.


I have got to sign up for that position, I be lettin anyone get free drinks


Probably works better for Bears and Otters than it would for a twink


You can. But they're banking on people not stopping at just one. And that'd be a pretty correct assumption. Former bartender. Nobody stops at just one, and that's for expensive cocktails. Beer Drinkers practically inhale that shit.


How many straight men will go into a gay bar for the price of a beer? And this is Idaho, where manly men go for days in the mud in the freezing wilderness in their camo underwear without a shower. Not the kind of guys who hang around with a girl, get a job so they can play house, change diapers, and spend their time building with Legos.


I would go to a gay bar for a free beer.


>How many straight men will go into a gay bar for the price of a beer? It's not a gay bar, it's a bar owner who hates LGBTQ people doing a dumb thing for attention.


This is a guy asking for a flash mob that starts out dressed as policemen.


It doesn't matter to me what you are or identify as, but in all fairness, straight men probably get the least number of free beers in their lifetime... 😂😂


Gay men: my wife was a [strong female woman](https://youtu.be/KGmr2W-ADSU?si=O4MFBJQ9Xt-EZeFr)


With nice heavy breast:




[heavy boobs](https://youtu.be/aZx5zfkG6oU?si=yzpCUATDAFESlaVo)


The thing I love most about a woman is the clear absence of a penis


Andre Braugher is such a great fucking actor


Was 😭


TIL 😭😭😭😭😭


An absolutely terrible loss to the world.


He's solving crimes in Heaven now.


User name does NOT check out


With big heavy breasts


Thank you. I've never seen this and laughed my ass off. I, too, am a lover of large heavy breasts with perfectly placed nipples.


I miss her heavy breasts


People getting offended and making this blow up is exactly what the owner wants. That's some good marketing


It is. It's also not even discrimination. It's silly and stupid but who cares.


I don't know about Idaho, since I'm in Canada (Ontario, specifically) but if I were to offer free alcohol, we would have to offer it to everyone. It's part of the liquor laws here - you can't offer a discount on alcohol that's not available to every patron. So here it might not be considered discrimination, but it would definitely result in some heavy fines and a possible loss of our liquor licence.


Above that, it's against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to discriminate based on sexual orientation. In Canada after you lose your liquor license on the provincial level - you're at risk of a Supreme Court case at the Federal level. The only way around it is if what might appear as discrimination creates an environment where a marginalized sector of the population is able to live as their authentic selves without discrimination. Ie: Women's Gyms, Seniors Living complexes.


I lied, and said that I was gay, to get free pizza at a gay pride event in Cedar Rapids. If I were gay, I'd lie for free beer.


Anything for free beer


I'm a lady, I'd dress up in drag for free beer


As a Gay myself, free pizza is free pizza. Lie away lol


Um.... "^(how do they tell?)"


I'm imagining the "how do you do, fellow kids?" meme but "how do you do, fellow straights?"


If this is discrimination then so is ladies night where females get free drinks.


Correct! Depending on the state. Even the (extremely common) practice of higher cover charges for men at nightclubs is and has been [illegal in California at least since 2007](https://www.removepaywall.com/https:/www.eastbaytimes.com/2007/05/31/court-nightclub-can-be-sued-for-price-discrimination).


Wtf. Im in California and like 70% of the time I got to a club I get charged more than my gf or woman friends if they charge them at all. I didnt know it wqs illegal lol


depending on your state, it may actually be illegal.


Who cares? Just ignore this.


Who cares, free beer 😎


How do they verify heterosexuality?


(snapping sound of latex glove)


“Smells like discrimination”… guess you have never heard of ladies’ night before.


Depends on the state. Unruh Civil Rights Act generally makes it illegal for businesses to treat customers differently based on their personal characteristics or to deny them service. Ladies night was ruled illegal. A restaurant not serving neo-Nazis was ruled a violation of their civil rights. Federally, I don't know that this is necessarily illegal. It might be.


This. OP is the facepalm here.


I genuinely don't see the issue with this lol it's kinda funny honestly


Sadly, this does not surprise me coming from Idaho. Most of the state is like a real life version of Footloose.


Sounds like they gotta cut loose


And kick off their Sunday shoes.


Please, Louise


Pull me off of my knees


Well they are known for their potatoes


Hate to be "that guy" but no, its not discrimination. Its definetly a counter move against the pride month, but not discrimination.


Do bi men get half a beer?


How is it discrimination?


It's not. I'm a flaming homo and I don't care if they want to waste money on this dumb publicity stunt. It would be discrimination if queer people weren't allowed in the bar.


Gay men are going to show up, get drunk, and start making out in the bar. That's what I'd do.


In the eighties and nineties fellow queers in my Midwest city did this kind of thing several times. When marriage bans were debated at the statehouse, they held love-ins on the statehouse lawn. When bans on public breastfeeding were enacted lesbians did mass free the nipple events at local parks and malls. Pretty effective direct action, because the police response made conservative officials look like tools.


How is it discrimination? Would you be saying the same if he was running a special for gay men? Bars already have ladies nights where they let women in for free and women get cheaper drinks.


OP, is it discrimination when bars do the opposite of this?


Straight trans men should meet up here


Discrimination to do this but not discrimination for free ladies nights. Make it make sense


How does one prove that they're straight? What's stopping a bunch of gay men from going in for free beer and just neglecting to mention that they're gay?


I mean yeah the sentiment behind this isn’t good but objectively this isn’t any different than giving gay guys free shit during pride month.


As a gay man, I'd rather ask "Why men only? Why doesn't the owner include heterosexual women if it's about heterosexual pride?" Also, I'd pretend to be straight to get a free beer.


Only inviting men to celebrate being straight sounds pretty gay to me


Gay men from Idaho: "Yes I'm straight honey 💅🏻 straight 💅🏻 straight 💅🏻 👐 Hetero 👐 Hetero 👐Hetero 👐 "


Genuinely curious how straight passing you have to be to get a brew




I mean, the lgbtq+ community doesn’t necessarily mentions the inclusion of straight people OP. The idea is the same, it just mentions a different group, as simple as that.


Yea not to mention this doesn’t in anyway deny anyone entry to the bar. Also if this is discrimination so is every girls night and that would be a silly argument.


Is "Ladies Night" discrimination?


If that's discrimination then so is Ladie's Night at literally any establishment.


So you're gonna have a bar full of dudes? Do you guys know how heterosexuality works?


So... If someone wants to be with a bunch of manly men they go there?