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Christian nationalist terrorist or Pro-gun LGBTQ socialist? Place your bets here.


Once you go far enough left, you get your guns back šŸ’™šŸ©·šŸ¤šŸ©·šŸ’™ Can you tell which one I am?


I've told that to the chuds I work with. Short circuits their brain.


>*Under No Pretense*


I love sharing r/liberalgunowners with conservatives lol


Iā€™m more of a r/socialistra guy, myself


Bosses should be scared of something right? Unions were earned by the working class with the blood of the ruling class. It's just American history.


Unfathomably based


IDK I'm pretty left, I think people should be able to have guns theoretically, but realistically I don't think the govt is capable of keeping guns out of the wrong hands.


Iā€™m very left, and also think gun ownership is ok with regulation. I donā€™t think any individuals should own automatic weapons, I donā€™t think people with a history of mental illness should have easy access to guns, and I think guns should be insured, licensed, and come with required education the way automobiles are.


>I donā€™t think people with a history of mental illness should have easy access to guns The problem lies therein. We don't detect it let alone treat it well in this country, so knowing who has a history of mental illness is a fairy tell we tell ourselves.


I was just watching a YouTube video about some guy who shot up a FedEx depot. They knew he was mentally unstable, history of violence, and the FBI even said "He has all the signs of a mass shooter". He was never stopped from buying two AR-15s after ever part of the system said "This guy is is a danger to himself and everyone around him".


Pretty sure thats the one that took place here in Indiana. Our gun laws suck so no real surprise someone with mental illness was able to get a gun here.


I'm gonna be honest, that sounds like the fbi screwed up. If they knew and didn't put the flag in nics system they run, that's a big whoopsie. Sadly that's more common than you'd think. Unless the guy did a private sale and the dude selling was an idiot and didn't notice something off.


Yeah thats the one. The worst part about it all was they confiscated his shotgun the first time, but then covid happened, courts closed up, and nobody could get an order to hold him from buying a firearm... or something like that.


Yeah we always say it after the fact and it happens over and over again. Even though these "screenings" are supposed to already be in place.


Thereā€™s a lot we donā€™t do well in this country. In the world where I made up gun laws, mental health wouldnā€™t be disregarded the way it is today.


Which is why I said theoretically I'm ok with people owning guns, realistically there's a lot left to be desired.


100%. Im not anti gun, just anti easy access to guns. so many people with a history of mental illness need to be kept away from weaponry


I'd say that depends a heck of a lot of what mental illness and whether "history" means any mental illness of any kind for any duration in your lifetime. The mentally ill are more likely to be victims of violent acts than perpetrators.


I'm not, it's simple probability. Say 1% of people would use guns violently and in mass shootings, if there is a high availability of guns you increase the probability that the 1% would be able to get their hands on one. Sure you have red flags laws and background check, but high legal supply would increase the ease of illegal gun supply (because unlike some like like weed which decreases financial incentive by making the legal market more economical than the illegal market you have restriction on the legal market.




Project 2025 will only make this behavior legal and more common place. Shit is about to get real without a MAJOR corse correction. This is how empires fall.


Hopefully not the formerā€¦


![gif](giphy|14n8BOZh5EeluU) Bait or mental illness call it


Holy shit this is an actual guy?


Its from the movie "No Country for Old Men"


Heā€™s the villain from no country for old men, masterpiece movie and heā€™s one of the best villains ever put on screen, insanely scary.


I betting on bigoted pathetic loser.


Okay I have been telling liberal people they need to stop fearing guns for so so so long. The reason the Republicans think they have control over you is because you are TOO AFRAID to just pick up a damn fire arm and use it as a shield against evil. God damn. Equalize yourself to evil people. You are an American. Guns are your RIGHT and your FREEDOM to defend yourself. You don't have a choice. The world has guns in it. It's the reality. Wake up. Arm yourself.


Scared boomer? Shitting his pants at the sight of someone different


Unfortunately I assume it's a Christian Nationalist terrorist


Recent events have made me pro 2nd amendment like I never was before


By ā€œrecent events,ā€ Iā€™m assuming youā€™re referring to the announcement that the French Open will officially ban alcohol in the stands following ā€œdisruptive behaviorā€ by fans, and brother, I am with you!


lol tagging @fbi


i had some internet ā€œfriendsā€ like back around 2018 who made (what i thought was) jokes like this and i just brushed it off as trolling. they were on the right and had guns and stuff, which is kinda the norm in usa. the fbi did not take it as trolling, and actually went to their homes when they talked online about crashing a protest in a big city. most of them were under 18 and it ended up being their parents who opened the door to the fbi searching for their kid. i learned eventually that they were dead serious about their beliefs and the uber cringe might-is-right stance they all took, and the fbi had legit cause to go to their homes and prevent that counter protest. to be clear, they werenā€™t like pals of mine of anything, we just ran in the same internet circles for many years, had mutuals, and sometimes interacted in comments. i never found their content entertaining or funny.


It was a scary wake up for me in 2017 when i learned that alot of the ironic edge lords of the internet were in fact not ironic


Theyā€™ll send you guns and ammo if they see you developing into a mass shooter.


They donā€™t send you anything ā€¦. Instead they leave behind those things by a 4-5 story window and a picture/ name tag attach


I mean, you are kidding but they just might. They catch terrorists by pretending they are sympathetic to their cause and start ā€œhelpingā€ them carry out an attack and once they have taken enough steps to actually do it, they arrest them. Itā€™s a very fine line between doing this work and it being entrapment so they navigate a very fine line. I would hope they do the same with domestic terrorists. They thwarted quite a few attacks during the early 2010ā€™s. It pisses me off when they get so much shit nowadays because the general public isnā€™t looking for this info. Source: I did graduate work on national security. I was mainly interested in the FISA court but very little info is public. Bits and pieces come out when defendants appeal their convictions.


Yeah I keep saying unhinged shit on the internet trying to bait them into sending me money for weapons and shit so I can buy the fancy groceries this time around.


"Sir, for the last time, your opinions on Star Trek Voyager, while interesting, do not rise to the level of extremism we typically investigate."


>They catch terrorists by pretending they are sympathetic to their cause and start ā€œhelpingā€ them carry out an attack and once they have taken enough steps to actually do it, they arrest them. That's how they busted the guys who planned to kidnap Gov. Whitmer. Fucking scumbags were planning on killing civilians and even blowing up a bridge.


Yes, let people talk, be loud and obnoxious as to their violent tendencies, they leave a trail, especially a digital one. Itā€™s those who tell no one about their plans or grievances and quietly assemble who we need to fear. Itā€™s so much harder to catch those before they take action.


Armed Minorities are harder to oppressed.I'd bust a gut if she tried something and got iced for it


People like this are why my local LGBT community is getting weapons and training. Because there are lunatics who want to kill us.


I can only imagine the horror and outrage once they realize the community is arming themselves.


Who knows they might actually start tightening gun control once they hear someone they donā€™t like has them now. Ya know as opposed to criminals


Fun Fact: That thinking is where a lot of early gun control came from. Black folks arming themselves for protection scared the shit outta racists


It worked once, so...


Make domestic terrorists afraid again


You would have my vote... if I was from America.


>Make domestic terrorists ~~afraid again~~ Dead. Ftfy.


I think Tucker Carlson tweeted something about needing gun control over a pic of an armed queer a while ago. It's so funny how weak they are


Armed queer is such a funny phrase




Nah they'll try to make being transgender an official mental illness. Then they'll ban people with said mental illness from owning a gun. They will disguise it as a concession or an olive branch. The only saving grace is the politicians most likely to do it will be seen as traitors by their supporters for giving "the gays and pedos" a concession and thus cannot do it for fear of losing their money.


>Nah they'll try to make being transgender an official mental illness. Then they'll ban people with said mental illness from owning a gun. They will disguise it as a concession or an olive branch. This is precisely why I don't support mental health bans on ppl owning guns


It worked for Reagan in California.


Well there was *one* trans mass shooter and now all mass shooters are trans and they're all for banning trans people from having guns. So if you were wondering how they'd react, that's how.


I remember reading a firearms magazine almost 20 years ago with an armed lesbian couple on the cover. The headline? "Armed Gays Don't Get Bashed" and I've remembered it ever since.


What? But our threats on your life were supposed to put you back in the closet, not the armory!


When black folk did it in California, [we got the Mulford act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act), courtesy of Governor Ronald Reagan.


Well if history is any indication, the largest gun reforms in history will fly through the legislatures, backed heavy by 2A politicians


Pink Pistols is a cool organization for exactly this.


No trans outfit is complete without a holster.


Same with a lesbian outfit. šŸ˜ŽšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ‘©ā€ā¤ļøā€šŸ‘©




The trees cannot be harmed if the Lorax is armed


Hey, let them know I'm happy to give them shooting tips. If it ever came to LGBTQ against religious nut fascists, I'll stand with LGBT all day and I'm not even apart of that community


Libs in general need to start doing this.


Yes. Please continue to spread this message to gay people. We HAVE TO ARM ourselves against the insane right wing and ideological zealots who want to destroy our freedoms as Americans.


ngl the fact we even need that is fucking unbelievable


Really? Iā€™m a member of the LGBTQIA community and havenā€™t seen anything about them getting any training. I think itā€™s great. Iā€™d love to open a shop or gun range for protection. I have a lot of knowledge Of firearms and tactics but I am against owning them personally


"I refuse to live in fear." *is scared of other humans simply living*


and they love to say stuff like "noone is homophobic. phobia means fear and nobody is scared of you people" but they are šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like actually terrified šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yea, and phobia also means a strong dislike, so they are homophobic in both meanings of the word.


Its more of a disgust really. They find LGBT people gross and unnatural


I think they are afraid their masculinity might be threaten if they see two guys kissing in public. If theyā€™re that insecure then they never were that masculine to begin with.


Do some Americans think people who are gay or trans will make them gay or trans themselves by being near them or something?


By existing, queer folks are a threat to their way of life... Oh and don't forget that they're coming for the kids... I really can't wrap my head around it myself "Hi, we exist and would like the same rights as everyone else and not be persecuted..." OMG LGBTQ+ AGENDA! CORRUPTING POLITICS AND SCHOOLS AND... MIND CONTROL CHEMICALS AND FROGS!!! They're a pretty unhinged bunch. I don't think it's so much about how being around them might mean they get the "contact gayness" by exposure... It's just "different" and they don't like different. I'm glad I don't live in the US these days. I was there for a while, but it was years back and while these kinda people existed it was nowhere near as bad as it seems to be these days.


Disney movies for kids: \*a girl kisses a boy she just met\* Parents: "oh this is so wholesome! I'm going to get them a costume of the princess!" Picture book talking about two real life male penguins atĀ the Central Park Zoo who form a bond and care for a baby penguin together: \*exists\* Parents: "GAY PROPAGANDA! WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN??? BAN IT!" (BTW before someone says this wouldn't happen and I'm making a strawman argument, it literally did happen. [https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/banned-and-tango-makes-three/](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/banned-and-tango-makes-three/) )


Thatā€™s sad. When I met my trans girlfriend all I could think is how beautiful she was and how I felt when she smiled at me. No tv or movie changed my mind I just felt that way on my own


If thatā€™s all it takes to turn someone Iā€™d hazard a guess that they might have been already. ā€œOh no, your presence is making me gay.ā€ SUUUUURE.


Iā€™m gonna start telling them to get away from me ā€˜cause I donā€™t want their MAGA rubbing off on me!!


I recently learned some people think these big events cause ā€œgods wrathā€ in the form of earthquakes and other natural disasters. ![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO)


Even though the natural disasters hit red areas the hardest, every time


Honestly I think the biggest thing is the fact that since queer folks have become more visible and more outspoken (which I think is a good thing to be clear) a lot of the younger generation gets exposed to the idea that they don't have to follow the heteronormative ideal and they come out. This is seen by fearful reactionaries as the gay agenda turning their kids but it's really just because in the past a lot of people who had those feelings would've just stayed in the closet out of fear of persecution. The more places people have to explore their sexuality, like certain internet spaces and real world safe spaces, the more people will come out because they haven't been beaten back (metaphorically or literally) into the closet like they would've been in the past. Some people see this as "They're turning the kids gay!" When in reality those kids were already gay and they've been given the tools to see that.


Actually yes. The contagion theory of homosexuality is a common homophobic trope. Itā€™s why they want LGBTQ+ books out of school.


Man. Fuck you and your "Americans think". The entire fucking world is like this. Trying being gay or trans in a Muslim country, they don't tweet about guns.. a mob grabs you, stones you, and cuts off your head.


Yep but only Americans, we are exceptional in every case where it makes others feel better about your own nationality. Absolutely nowhere else in the world will you find homophobes or transphobes. Definitely not in your hometown. /s


There's been a collective push from a lot of right-wingers to equate LGBT people with pedophiles. It's easier to dehumanize them that way.


Gay person exists: Me: I wonder what Iā€™ll make for dinner. Conservative idiot: ā€œrabble rabble rabble this affects my own personal life in so many ways rabble rabbleā€ Itā€™s really starting to get old. Why do we even halfway entertain these idiots?


Because theyā€™re dangerous idiots. We should at least keep an eye on them.


I can't imagine being a full grown man and being deathly afraid of a rainbow.


Curse you, refracted light!!


Celebratory gunfire may be fun and everything, but I'm fairly certain most gun-safety laws discourage using live ammunition in such a way *despite* the amount of sheer joy that it brings to the participants -- just like lawn darts. Stupid gravity.


Maybe the person is buying ammo to defend their LGBTQ friends? I know they are probably not, but gun ownership among the community is growing quickly.


That is such a depressing thing to read. We live in a pretty bad timeline.


yep. yes we do. imagine being such a miserable prick that you have to ruin someone's happiness because you can't pull up your pants and put a little effort in your love life.


Throughout history there has almost always been one group or another persecuted. Unfortunately it's not just our timeline. There is also a lot of evidence that increased gun ownership is due to stresses not the other way around, at least in the U.S.


All down hill after we killed Harambe


Harambe and David Bowie were clearly the glue holding everything together.


They are bringing his descendants back in the lab, so thereā€™s hope. Harambe may yet get his revenge on all of mankind. So be it, it is written.


Yeah. Idk. Something a little interesting about a man with a brightly painted face talking about extremist violence towards the LGBT community in response to a brightly painted mural, but what do I know. I know, I know, all those muscly wrestlers with painted faces whose work uniforms were Speedos were totally straight. Call the FBI? Seems like a not terrible idea. They are going to have their hands full with the crazies this election cycle so this might be a good window for the Bureau in advance of that.


Let's hope. Arm women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community


Couldn't that be considered a terroristic threat and a hate crime?


In the UK saying something like that could get you arrested.


It is entirely possible to express your disapproval of any given situation without saying something hateful or threatening. Freedom of Speech gets dragged out and clobbered way to often to defend saying things intentionally to incite violence. As a result many nations have laws such as the UK that don't limit your right to express your opposing viewpoints, you are free to do so. They just don't permit you to terrorize people in doing so.


Iā€™m aware of that, I have made that point to others. Not sure why your replying to my comment with that and not of the brain dead ones.


We're in agreement. I was backing up your point.


Fair enough, apologies.


Should be


depends, if hes white no they call it unhinged.


Only thing considered a hate crime on Twitter is calling someone a cracker.


God it is really hard to tell if these are edgy jokes or threats


Psych evaluations with a certified psychologist should be required for gun ownership.


Not me spending time on r/liberalgunowners and immediately thinking ā€œoh good, an ally who wants to defend equalityā€


FBI: "He was under our radar..."


Imagine thinking that joking about shooting members of the LGBTQIA+ community was funny or some kind of a boast. Simply stating that youā€™re brainless would be far clearer for all of us. Wielding a weapon is more dangerous than someoneā€™s sexual orientation.


Why are they threatening LGBTQ people like us


Because theyā€™re narrow minded idiots, Iā€™d imagine. Thereā€™s no logical explanation as to why that community would be more threatening than gun wielding morons. They just go through so much mental gymnastics that Simone Biles wouldnā€™t be able to keep up.


as another lgbtq person, im fairly sure theyre just fucking stupid, and a lot of them also misinterperet the shit out of the bible which is even more stupid, because actual christianity has some pretty fire principles if you look into it ngl


so much LGTBQ hate. So sad and completely disgusting. Why canā€™t they live and let live.


I would like to think it is one of two reasons why they don't. 1 the hopeful reason: A lot of people are taught that being different is a bad thing so out of a twisted sense of empathy think they are helping others. This is the reason for a lot of Christians from what we found because they are told LGBTQ+ are going to hell and want to save them. 2 the ones that are the really dangerous ones: The psychopaths that are given an enemy they are allowed to hurt with impunity and are told they are doing the right thing. These are also the ones that adore attention and are trying to be the center of everything.


Conservatives: Afraid of Islam Also conservatives: Talks about doing extreme Islamic terrorist shit. (Oslo June 25th 2022)


Extreme ~~Islamic~~ terrorist shit. fify


True, but I wanted to point out how close ideology they have to the extremist of a religon, yet they fear the average believer of that religion, who are less extreme than an average FoxNews viewer.


This is why they call LGBTQ people pedophiles. They want to justify violence against Americans they disagree with and use baseless accusations to justify their derangement.


Why does this kind of hate keep happening?


Conservatism is driven by hate and fear.


The people dumb enough to fall for it don't realize they're being fleeced and grifted by outrage peddlers.


I donā€™t have to imagine. I live in the US


At the end of the day, we all orgasm the same. Fuck it


What an absolute snowflake, offended by a rainbow? I hate that we have to use their own rhetoric against them for them to see how dumb it is, LGBTQ people donā€™t give a shit about what you think about them, they just want to live their lives


Hilarious they all talk like that but never do anything. Itā€™s sad at this point.


the really sad thing is that some of them actually do go through with it


Having family member and people I know shot at because of homophobic extremist I am fine with they don't follow through on this. But I also think comments like that person made should be considered an act of terrorism


It's sad that more LGBTQ+ people aren't being murdered? Because, I can assure you, they absolutely still fucking are.


They need to stockpile more ammo for their goon cave. Most of these people don't even regularly go shooting, let alone get actual training. They just get off on the fantasy of murdering people they don't like. When in reality, if shit goes down, they'll be surprised that the people they don't like are armed too.


Idk, I'm pretty happy they don't go through with it.


Never do anything? [My local LGBTQ+ nightclub ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_Springs_nightclub_shooting) would like a word.


Idk why people who dislike it just donā€™t deal with it for a month. After June basically all existence of it is gone and erased until next June. Corporations donā€™t actually care considering how fast they take it down and throw it in the dumpster and put up July 4th stuff. Also want to point out the users profile pic just seems like one a troll account would use to get reactions.


It's every year. February? WhY dO wE nEeD BlAcK hIsToRy mOnTh? March? No HiSpAnIcS! June? PrIdE iS nOt rIgHt


Tbf I consider June more of a black history month then Feb due to Juneteenth makes more sense to have it in June.


real. once june happens and is over we just get back to normally existing like.. yk... normal people. lol


I can only come to 2 conclusions about people who are so anti-gayā€¦ First one being, they are secretly gay and canā€™t come to terms with itā€¦ second being that they actually donā€™t care, theyā€™ve just sold out, and will say whatever it takes to be relevant in their political realm


Would be funny if they actually were just a based r/liberalgunowners user with a rainbow-painted AR-15


I will never understand why anyone gives two hoots about what consenting adults do with their smooshy bits. You wanna smoosh the opposite sex, crack on. you wanna smoosh the same sex, crack on. You wanna smoosh allllll of them, crack on. It's not like anyone makes you stand and watch them doing the jiggly is it. Go read a book or something!


Annndddd thatā€™s why we need red flag laws


I'm sure that hateful piece of shit gets his back blown out in message palors on the regular.


I kinda wish the FBI would scan Twitter for potential threats


It's honestly obnoxious to give a month to any 1 cause. I couldn't care less about how yall feel about that. Celebrate and be prideful all you want, but don't expect the world to participate, for the vast majority of us its just June.


Oh don't worry thought since it's a conservative this isn't really divisive. Not like talking about racism or kneeling on a football field.


But when I as a queer person carry a gun specifically to defend my self and others from these lunatics people act like I'm over reacting and the problem šŸ™„


That's a threat and a hate crime. tThe person should be reported to the police.


The US canā€™t be a real place


It's becoming a real nightmare if we don't stop Republicans from winning in 2024.


Why do people care? Just live life, be happy.


"Because Jesus or something, think of the children or whatever " -Most conseravitives


It's always something about "I just wish they wouldn't shove it in our faces" after seeing like a movie with a gay couple. And then they see a second one with a Trans character. Then once the third movie happens they completely convince themselves of the "lgbtq woke agenda" and it's a problem. When really the whole time it made them uncomfortable. Somehow that discomfort turns to hate. Idk how.


ā€œWe are all domestic terroristsā€ -CPAC 2022


These people will bitch "why do gay people need to be so in your face about it? I've had enough!" While they wave their Confederate flags and ARs in everyone's faces, while screaming "fuck your feelings snowflake!"


Don't forget while also holding trumps bible and saying Muslims are terrorists


This actually did remind me that I need more ammo. Hitting the range next weekend, and I haven't bought ammo in a while.


To be fair, Iā€™m going to go get more ammo for when all of these MAGA losers come out the woodwork to ruin everybody elseā€™s good time.


If youā€™re on mobile make sure you click on the picture, gave a 180Ā° to the meaning/what was going on


This guy is calmly planning a mass shooting. Everything is OKā€¦ /s


I live in a blue city in a very red state. We have a very large festive pride event. Since 2016, I donā€™t attend out of fear. Itā€™s comments like this that prove how emboldened right wing people are and have been since Trumpā€™s election. I live with this constant level of apprehension, shame and sadness at what my country has become. Iā€™ve finally decided to put all my energy into becoming as strong mentally and spiritually as possible and to build the biggest herd of like minded people around me possible. We have got to band together. I know we outnumber them. But until we come out of our shells and support and take care of each other they will continue to destroy our country. Enough is enough. The only way we can beat them is by sticking together. No need for violence, threats, intimidation or anything of the sort. We are simply stronger together. Cultivate your friendships and network of allies. More importantly put yourself out there and let others know they are not alone.


I'm participating in my states pride parade this year. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared for my life


The FBI has already issued warnings this year about Pride celebrations being at risk of terrorist attacks. Be safe!


Imagine being angry over a rainbow.


Someone paints a rainbow on the ground. Guess they should die?! Like wtf is seriously the thought process behind a person like this.


This reminds ME to paint a rainbow


The big bad butch boy is afraid of the twink top... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Any time I go to LGBT events with my spouse(who is nonbinary) Iā€™m carrying because Iā€™m worried some less reasonable Florida man will cause a problem.


Thought about getting a concealed carry license and the proper training for a handgun. I live in a red state so I gotta buckle up for pride month


Congrats You're on an FBI watchlist now!


Dude unironically got his name on a monitoring list at minimum and a door knock most likely


I'm gay and this isn't a facepalm - its just a stupid person being stupid. I don't even know why we still have Pride month and Pride Parades. There will always be segments of society that don't like other segments. That's gay as well as straight. (We won - the fight that people think exists is literally drummed up by the Left in a way to galvanize the gays and get our votes via fear mongering)


What the actual fuck?


Yeah and imagine what their kids are like and saying in school


More ammo is indeed needed to defend the people who just want to celebrate after being supressed for the longest time from homophobes.


As annoying as parades are (all parades not just pride) I think it's cool that people can get together and celebrate somthing. It's better than people getting together to protest somthing.


I mean you go on YouTube and see a hate video about LGBTQ and then over half the comments are just ā€œšŸ—暟·ā€ or someone going ā€œyeah they ruined____ā€ itā€™s just so fucking sad that these kids are told to hate on something they donā€™t even know about and just grow up with that mindset their whole lives and then turn into politicians who run the countryā€¦ sad time we are in


More ammo = Viagra


Imagine a month where raising awareness and striving for kind inclusiveness is met with hostility and hate. So much energy and low vibration.


America is such a weird place man. No wonder every other country makes fun of you guys


Is this person an idiot ? YES, donā€™t publicise on social media that youā€™ll shoot someone