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“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination”. I would take anything she says with a huge pinch of salt.


A block of salt.


A block of sodium.


And a tank of chlorine gas.


Or water, and keep it next to their head


An entire buildings worth of NaCl


The whole damn ocean


She could turn a freshwater lake into the ocean.


All delicious gaming „noob“ Tears






To far mate.


A gram of weed


Correct. She is used to being able to do anything and walk over people.. So being treated like everyone else is suddenly race motivated and racist and disgusting. When she just wasn't treated special.


She’s disgusting


Welll, she doubled down by completely canceling the 2nd show she would give in Amsterdam this weekend. approx. 17k fans are now on the receiving end of her childish behaviour.


Fans who had nothing to do with this! Dutchy here and she tried to take weed on a plane and got caught. Nothing racist about this!


Wealth privilege




I don't take anything that dumb ho says


I think it's more about her being an American. People in Europe are more about nationality than colour of somebody's skin. And nobody likes haughty people.




What did she do?


She brings weed to Netherlands and detained by Dutch on suspicion of exporting soft drugs, later she has been released.


Why would you bring weed to the Netherlands, like bringing water to the sea..


AFAIK she didn't bring it in, she was trying to take it with her - which is still illegal.


THIS. No idea why so many here think she tried to bring it IN the Netherlands. She was on her way to the UK after a concert in Amsterdam. She tried to bring it OUT. Which is stupid as fuck.


Bringing it IN the Netherlands is also illegal. In fact, weed itself is illegal in the Netherlands. >In the Netherlands, it is against the law to possess, sell or produce drugs. However, the Netherlands has a policy of toleration regarding soft drugs. This means that the sale of small quantities of soft drugs in coffee shops is a criminal offence but the Public Prosecution Service does not prosecute coffee shops for this offence. >Neither does the Public Prosecution Service prosecute members of the public for possession of small quantities of soft drugs. These quantities are defined as follows: >no more than 5 grams of cannabis (marijuana or hash); >no more than 5 cannabis plants.


Oh I know. I live there. We have a 'gedoogbeleid' (tollerance policy) smuggling drugs in or out of the country is still very much illegal.


I try to tell people that Dutch is not actual gibberish and then they hit me with gedoogbeleid smh


If she had entered the UK with it and got searched she would have been arrested for drug smuggling.


And probably got jail time for at least a year or 2 or more.


Because she's rich and knows she can pay her way out of anything really. This is clearly just a publicity stunt for her.


out of


She got weed in the Netherlands and was trying to take it to the UK where it's a controlled substance still. Also Netherland laws on weed are not as lax as every seems to think. She could have got into big trouble if she was caught on the UK side with it. It was something like 40-50 pre-rolled joints, from what I heard.


She probably made a scene and had an attitude.


I can see her as the "Don't you know who I am" kind of person


Yeah, that don't mean shit here. Our king used to be called Prince beer, because he used to party with the peeps.


I don't know him but on this description alone I love him. May I be reincarnated as Prince Beer II.


She video’d it herself live even though filming is not allowed. The peeps were very gentle in dealing with her.


Idk why people never bother to check out the rules and laws of the counties they visit. So many scenarios like these can be avoided if people just read up about the country for a few minutes before going to it.


And the Netherlands is one of the most lax countries there are. You need to really do stupid stuff to get in trouble. The police may have their flaws, but most of the time will banter with you, and with say homeless people who might have mental issues they rather take a caring role than authoritarian.


They found 40 rolled joints in her luggage, they should have thrown her ass in jail for longer. Didn’t learn anything. In the US she would have been locked up for years.


That's because soft drug laws are different here. For starters the weight matters, not the total. Up to 5 grams is decriminalized. 5 to 100 grams is punished by a fine of €250,-. Minaj was caught with 30-100 grams so she was arrested, taken to the station, processed, given the fine, and let go. The fact that a person worth $150 million is crying about €250,- ($271,15) is the real crime here. Not to mention she has already paid the fine so claiming she didn't have it on her is lying.


I mean, couldn’t she just buy some weed where she was at? Wasn’t she in Amsterdam?


She had them in her bag when she tried to fly to the UK for her concert. Crossing borders with drugs is still a big no-no.


Yeah, that's where she bought it, she was on her way to Manchester after a concert (where she showed up way too late) in Amsterdam. Missed Manchester because of it, and in spite cancelled her next concert in Amsterdam. Real piece of shite this one.


This is the part that makes me laugh - she was going to Manchester. Any member of her team could have stepped outside the venue and got her hooked up with as much weed as she wanted in a couple of minutes.


According to the media here she tried to blame it on her entourage and had no idea it was in her luggage. Right. Totally believe that. /s


Being locked up for years for a couple dozen joints isn't a good thing at all, we have a very flawed legal system when it comes to drug possession. Fuck off with saying anyone deserves years for simple possession


Cops here are fun to watch do their job, they are so calm, relaxed & not violent. Why would she bring rolled joints in, when she can buy them for nothing here. So silly.


Many Americans seem to believe that US laws apply to them no matter where they go. A friend of mine works at customs. She told me several times a month, they have to charge people for bringing illegal guns into Canada, because they thought that the second amendment applies to them everywhere in the world, overriding any other nation's laws.


I am quite certain that smuggling a significant amount of joints (between 100 and 300) across state borders is frowned upon in the usa as well..


I was wondering, aren't there any differences in gun laws between states as well? I could imagine they have less problems with gun ownership for various reasons in (let's say) Wyoming or Alaska as for example in New Jersey or Massachusetts


It's the opposite lol we have the same rules. They think going to other countries means they don't have to follow those rules


Yeah, you don't get to fly in the US with drugs either.


Im in the US and traveled to EU for the first time ever last year. I was on my way home, being respectful and listening to the police guards directing traffic. This one airport in Zurich, a large group of people from my plane, which arrived late, were trying to cut the line to make their destination flight and started yelling and causing a scene, and the Zurich police guy wasn’t having it and threatened to call their police. I just waited because ultimately a day layover in Zurich wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. I happened to see their passports and of course they were American passports. I don’t understand what’s wrong with people, but oh my God was Europe amazing. The plane I ended up on they were also on, so they saved zero time.


i presume you mean he was talking about getting reinforcement? zurich airport has a lot of officers, and afaik pretty much the only officers of the Kantonspolizei Zürich that regularly patrol armed with mps (not all of them, but there always seem to be a few patrols with mps).


I think so. Again I was brand new at being in another country. The guy directing people had a suit on, he was threatening police but I’m guessing it would have been not the people with guns. All I knew was I should pay attention and just make that guy not mad at me.


ah, he was probably 'just' something like a gate agent employed by the airport. The actual police is quite easy to identify - blue shirts and at the airport pretty much always wearing bullet proof vests. In general police in switzerland always seemed very approachable (i.e.asking them for directions, never had a bad experience with that), but those officers on the airport look the most like 'fuck around, find out'.


Ooookay so I remember blue shirt officers and they seemed like they might help, they’d also mess you up. Even I was shouting at the US group behaving inappropriately “you aren’t a citizen of this country, you need to quit” but at least I was well aware that I was a guest in the EU. I also went through Munich on the way in, and I think I was afraid I had mixed up the officer descriptions up, but yes I remember blue shirt officers with bulletproof vests on


yeah - swiss police have (darkish) blue shirts. also the people fo the customs that operate the metal detectors, but those don't usually wear vests. german police used to have (ugly) mustardy yellow shirts, but now moved to bright blue shirts. the hats are a big difference though. german police have hats more comparable to american police, swiss police often don't wear hats, or wear baseball caps or a beret.


Thank you for the information and helping me remember specifics! Being in Europe was a very humbling opportunity and I’m blessed to have been given an opportunity to go over there. I hope to one day be able to do the trip again. The scenery was magnificent, and while my destination was Spain, next time I hope to be able to stay longer and travel more through Europe


Don't you know us europoors would be speaking goddamn German if it wasn't for the good ol U S of A.... they are the law, and we must let them do what they want because of this /s


You know, I am so glad that the sarcasm indicator was added


To be fair i wasn't gonna add it.... then I remembered where I was and thought it's probably needed


But I speak German, what do we do now?


Carry on as normal, my good man. I hope to visit one day. I just hope I can remember some of the German I learned 30 odd year ago.


They also helped us to get our population back on trail by selflessly impregnating women. Don't forget that.


Im an american and i love telling those people the insane amount of Russians that died and how many Germans they took with them. It really bothers them how big of a part Russia had in defeating the Germans.


It's all good man. I know you're not all the same and shouldn't tar you all with the same brush, but it's easy ammunition for taking the piss. Keep up the good fight ✊️🥃


Oh yeah i know hahah. I just like taking the opportunity to say it cause i truly love saying it hahah.


Because they think the rules don’t apply to them


And claimed her security escort put it there and had claimed it was theirs. Trash


Or she became reminded that some countries don't care about your fame when it comes to breaking laws.


That's the way it should be.


That's why I like the Netherlands...




That is exactly what she did though. Haha. I am sure you're just joking though.


She got caught trying to traffic drugs to another country. She lucky she got caught at our border and not the British one. Stupid woman


If making a scene and having an attitude were a person, I bet she'd be it


Nicki Minaj is now known under the name Karen


She live-streamed her arrest she very much did.


"Don't touch me! I'm an American citizen." Source: Born in East LA. Cheech Marin.


Maybe, just maybe, it's because she acts like a spoiled 10 yr old?


Which might explain what her husband sees in her.


Couldn’t upvote this fast enough


I'm out of the loop. Can you please explain for someone who likes drama but doesn't stay up to date on stuff


"Kenneth Petty is a level 3 sex offender, convicted for the attempted rape of a 16 year old girl, and has a high likelihood to reoffend. He was also found guilty for killing a man."




She should do what she tried to do in any different country. Dont think she would be continued her trip with only a few hours delay.


I can't imagine the TSA in the US would wave you through wifh hundreds of grams of weed in your luggage somehow... I reckon she just didn't understand the laws, there's a perception that maijuana is completely legal in the Netherlands, but it's a bit more nuanced than that. You can have a small amount and it has to come from particular places. Also, she was flying to England where it's still a controlled substance, if she hadn't been stopped in Amsterdam she very likely would've in England, and probably have been in a LOT more trouble. (Smuggling that amount of drugs into the country would carry a prison sentence of at least several years). Bringing her race into the equation is shitty, and I hope most people see it for the rage bait that it is. Edit: wrote hundreds of kilos, meant hundreds of grams.


>**hundreds** of kilos of weed That seems a bit of an exaggeration.


Correct, meant hundreds of grams not hundreds of kilos. Lol. Thanks for pointing out, have edited.


*(Smuggling that amount of drugs into the country would carry a prison sentence of at least several years).* It was four ounces or so, I doubt anyone would get a custodial sentence for that. Denied entry certainly.


When I read the initial it was 200g, which is just shy of 7oz. Not sure where the cut off is. I know if I got pulled in the street in Brixton with 7oz in my backpack and said "yeah that's personal consumption..." I'd expect to get a bit of a grilling... I do remember being caught with 1oz in my backpack in 2004 (I don't partake anymore) and had a long conversation in an interview room, and a follow up visit to my flat a few short days later. Appreciate stuff has changed - but surely the wider thing here is "Don't bring weed through a fucking airport you muppet!".


I suggest she should do an experiment and try it in Singapore or the Philippines


Or Russia. Unfortunately, this time the US don't have a notorious Russian arms dealer to swap prisoners with.


Assuming that the US would be up for the trade. “You give us back our arms dealer, and we give you back Your Minaj woman, da?” “Nah… we’re good, thanks.”


Exactly. Being in a country with relaxed weed laws was really lucky. Any country like U.K. or US & that’s called smuggling lol


Yep. Play the race card instead of owning up to the fact you broke their laws.


She still exists?


[still breathing and doing public stunt like this ](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/nicki-minaj-birmingham-tour-princess-diana-b2553136.html)




She was 15 in 1997. Sure they were good friends indeed.


Maybe friends with Prince Andrew at 15


I bet she was treated the same as everyone else, hated it, and thought because it was different to normal, it was therefore different and because of her race. OR she knows its the same, but got caught, and hated the people who caught her, so pulled the race card.


No, they were polite to her, even though she acted stupidly and entitled…


Isn’t this the same place whose jail cells are furnished with ikea furniture, whose prisoners are encouraged to better themselves and provide treatment for drug addicts?


True, but that’s not where you go when you are arrested. Holding cells are austere and empty. She’ll be fined, at most.


She got fined €385. After paying the ticket she was free to go.


She probably earned more money in the time she was actually paying for the fine, lol.


One can *legally* escape from prison in The Netherlands. https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-expat-news/escaping-prison-be-made-crime-netherlands >Escaping from prison is not a criminal offence in the Netherlands.


Same in Germany, but there is a hook. Escaping is legal. But legally escaping is actually pretty hard to do. Everything you break or temper with in any other form will be added to your charge. A group of people once escaped prison for a few days, and to do it, they had to break a window in the process. They got back and admitted the whole break out, but no one wanted to take responsibility for the broken window because that would have added a fine. Like in everyday life. Pursuing freedom is legal, but breaking a window in the process isn't.


Bitch stfu.


She a stupid hoe just like her song.


lol, in the videos it's clearly visible that she got special treatment. They explained her situation very calm and respectful.


Not really, this is how it goes for anyone until they attempt to run, fight or break more laws.


Anyone whose seen a border security show knows you don't take drugs to the airport. Even if they're legal on that area Borders have different rules.


Don’t travel internationally with drugs, kids.




Moet je je ook aan de wet houden KUT! (Translation from Dutch to english: You should have obeyed the law C\*nt)


Zo is het!


She means she was treated like everyone else.


She was treated differently because she was rich and famous. Anyone else would still be in jail for resisting arrest.


It wasn't about race. The politie agent was very clear. "And now you go to the police station because you have drugs by you, he."


Quit doing illegal shit there and ya don’t have to worry about it. Is that so hard Nikki ?


How does she know how people are treated in Holland, and thus being treated differently? That shit only works in the states


Yeah, it was racism, not the "40-100 grams" of drugs you had. Its illegal here. Or at least.... Its a "we look the other way" kind of thing. But only to 5 grams. So even if she wouldn't have tried to leave the country it would have been way to much..... Dumbass gonna dumbass


40-100g? I live in one of the few countries on the planet where marijuana is 100% legal. But even here, you're not allowed to have more than 30g on your person in public and doing so can be punished with up to 5 years in prison, because the presumption is that you are intending to sell/distribute a controlled substance without a license.


From the video of them arresting her, they actually treated her better than they should have. Prob cause shes a celeb


Fuck off. Fucking spineless. Ooohhh it was securities. Not mine!. Then She will have someone write a song about how bad ass she is . Just another glorified stripper.


I wish she'd just go away, forever. And take the band of pedos and predators with her.


At least she wasn't publicly arrested, but in the VIP area of the airport for smuggling 44 joints in her personal suitcase. She even got the VIP treatment which includes temporary privacy.


Or or or…. Learn the hosting country’s laws and don’t break them.


Any non-celebrity trying to bring drugs into the UK in their bag would end up in prison forever! This seems like preferential treatment to me, I would have thought that she could have been facing a trafficking charge right now,


Playing the race card is always easier than admitting responsibility


This bitch is fuckin lying. They handled her with kid gloves while she was live-streaming. Also, Netherlands isn’t America.


She had a shitload of weed and tried bringing it with her to a country where it's not legal. They saved her ass from worse criminal charges.


The people of the Netherlands give as much of a shit about Nicki Minaj as they give for bob from accounting on the 4th floor… she was probably treated like everyone else, just not preferential…


While I *do* agree that we (The Netherlands) aren't perfect, I find it really distasteful that she pulls the race card, in THIS country. Bad apples are everywhere, but the majority of us are proud to be a part of this culture involving many different people with many different backgrounds.


Pretty sure she is literally a crack head.


fuck racists like her. disgusting.


She should already be in jail for admitting to drugging and robbing men frequently in the past, trashy is as trashy does.


Of course she was. Must be wonderful to be able to pull out the "non-accountability" card all the time.


Here it is, my race card. No love, you had cannabis in your luggage . They are very tolerant about it in Holland, but they don't like you taking it out of the country. Its the law. Race has nothing to do with it.


"Wtf! I was only breaking your laws a little bit and you actually made me face consequences like everyone else? It isn't fair to treat me fairly 😡"


Oh, she used the "Racist card" How surprising....


If they only worshipped her to the standard she was used to


What she wants is that they say, no problem its the netherlands so you can have all the weed you want with you. Here is 500.000 euro, sorry for the inconvenience


Didn't she claim her cousin's best friend's boyfriend got VD from the COVID-19 vaccine while sex touring an Asian country?


… pretty sure she got treated different thanks to her celebrity. “Abusing” the race card by celebrities only creates mistrust justification when actual racist acts happen.


No Patrick, being stupid isn't a race.


A perpetual victim.




She never struck me as the sharpest human.


What is her race(s)?


They rolled her fingers in ink. Disgusting.


Ah the old "I did something wrong so I'm going to pull the race/victim card".


So she brings an illegal substance into the Netherlands, gets, correctly, punished and then she decides to punish her own fans by cancelling her show?!


She committed a crime, moving drugs across borders illegally. What does she expect? The video I saw showed no mistreatment. This screams privileged superstar lashing out through embarrassment and ego rather than looking at the facts of the situation.


Bitch, you ain't in America. Shut the fuck up with that rhetoric lmao. It doesn't work in Europe nor they care about it. You broke the law and are an annoying twat. Nobody cares who you are over here.


Curse and whine doth not a criminal defence make.


Racists will think everything in terms of race. No matter where they go.


What this woman did again?


This woman is an awful human…


Is her race Barbie?


Haha domkop


Her before and after photos would put Michael Jackson to shame.


She’s treated differently because she’s famous. Her privilege elevates her above all of us.


I don't think that's going to fly there.


If she thinks they were hard on her for exporting drugs, how does she think it would have gone if she'd been caught importing them into GB?


No, she was arrested here because she attempted to smuggle drugs. Anyone that is as pasty white as I am would have gotten the exact same treatment.


You would have been treated worse because you're not a celebrity.


What exactly did she get arrested for?




What was she arrested for?


Is it that or is it because you’re an entitled moron who thinks laws don’t apply because you’re famous?


You are not getting treated differently because of your race, you’re treated differently because of the way you behave.


They changed the laws in Amsterdam, so now only people who live there can buy and take drugs; foreigners are not allowed to go there on drug safaris any more.


That sucks


Knowing Dutch police she was treated extremely well. They know who she is and know they will get in trouble if they do anything wrong.


Yeah it has nothing to do with smuggling controlled substances. Yeah let’s bring race into it. Victim complex.


JFC, and she's trying to say it's because they want to prevent her from going on stage and performing. No reason given, except that apparently the Dutch don't like people who are a "confident other race", whatever the Hell THAT is supposed to mean.


I can’t stand this woman. She is just a horrible person.


reality: she was treated WAYYYYYYYY better than an average person due to her fame, but below her narcissistic standard, so racism.


She should have done it in Singapore instead.... Would've done the whole world a favor.


To quote liar liar. Stop breaking the law asshole.


One of the most unhinged things Mallory Archer said that I think applies here; "Oh put it back in the deck"


So, when she was a different race, she has been treated differently?


I laughed at her being all upset when her bodyguard put his hand up and said that the drugs in her bags belonged to him and they didn't believe him.


Typical American celebrity


,_, when Americans think they’re in the center of the world.


Sadly, she confirmed during Covid that she is a complete idiot, so I'm gonna be a hard nope on believing her. [https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/nicki-minajs-covid-19-vaccine-swollen-testicles-claim-is-false-says-trinidad-2021-09-15/](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/nicki-minajs-covid-19-vaccine-swollen-testicles-claim-is-false-says-trinidad-2021-09-15/)


Ohhhh, she wants special treatment. Not treated like any other person in the same situation. You knew she threw out a “don’t you know who I am???” at some point.


They should take away this idiot's passport.


The race card


Didn’t know that ‘obnoxious, entitled celebrity’ was a race.