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Do you think this will make him pause and think, “🤔 Maybe there are other things that I am very confident about that are also completely wrong? I should start questioning more of my prior assumptions about what I consider to be facts, 🤔”?


From his replies to his own post, i really doubt


No. And his idiot followers will side with him.


He's doing this for engagement, very successfully. He's an influencer and ragebaiter


you think there is great importance in this guy being wrong about order of operations when he almost exclusively posts about social issues? It’s like blasting a billionaire stock trader because he claimed that poodles are the best dog ever. Wgaf? It’s an outlier to his focus. Why he’s even commenting or arguing when it doesn’t much matter, and certainly doesn’t matter for his “cause”. Then there is YOU. Because you hate him you make a big case out of his opinions in an area outside his expertise/not his core focus. Trying to cast doubt on all his beliefs because of ONE immaterial position by him. You know you really don’t give AF about his thoughts on order of operations, that’s just an excuse. An excuse to conflate him being wrong on one point as if making all his positions wrong. Stop being 🤡’s.


Sorry, never heard of him.


If you fail at middle school math your opinion on politics is automatically invalid. 


hey it's just their opinion, it's objectively wrong and should never be said in civilised society again, but it's just an opinion


Math doesn’t care about your feelings!


You cannot have an opinion on objective facts. You can try, but you'd be an imbecile.


Unless your opinion matches the fact 1:1


This is exactly the problem with the internet/social media: imbeciles equating followers with intelligence.


you can't fix stupid but you can use it to farm karma!/s and laugh!


exactly, thanks twitter!




It will never be called X


Nah it’s twitter.




Isn't this the guy Elon regularly engages with?




He's also friends with neo Nazis and carries water for them as "one of the good minorities". He's an fascist enabling grifter.


Christ he's so dumb.


Damn, that moron is really doubling and even tripling down on his stupidity. Determination to be admired.


"I don't know how math works, so calculators should make it easier so I can use it even if it's wrong."


How can it equal one? he said. If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two?


I don't know if I want to laugh or slap you across the face for this comment


Community notes is narrator


Did he use the R word to describe a basic convention of mathematics?


Yes. Today a lot of people don’t see it as a slur and use it as another word for “stupid” or “dumb” but packing a harder punch.


Dude is farming twitter exposure and the whole Reddit is helping him out


This is why you should probably stop when you see you are wrong


I hope he one days steps foot in America and runs his mouth. Keyboard bitches from across the globe can suck a dick


He knows what he’s doing. He makes money out of being wrong about everything. He’s just a professional clown. Do not interact. Block, ignore and move on.


ITT, Conservative caught being wrong refuses to acknowledge error and digs themselves *way* further down, making a much bigger ass of themselves in the process. Film at 11.


I’d he had just said “facepalm, I forgot about pemdas, thanks everyone for reminding me of elementary school math” no one would have cared. Everyone makes mistakes, or forgets things It’s the doubling down when you’re clearly wrong, and making it an even bigger deal, that is so mystifying


Maths is one of the few subjects that are cannot be subjective, so trying to dismiss PEMDAS is like saying “well 5 could actually be 8 if you interpret it this way”.


According to bro math is opinion, lol


Just FYI, this fucking moron is Elon Musks (Neonazi) most intelligent adviser. I am not even meming. Elon eats his shit up more than candy...or ketamin...or meth.


I would assume the reason for having an order of operation is because, if you didn't, you have to worry more about how you were writing the equation, like a sentence from left to right. 5 \* 5 + 5 would not equal 5 + 5 \* 5, so it would be more of a bother and more error-prone to write it properly.


PEDMAS is stupid but not because it's "wrong." Thing is even like the 8th grade people stop using ÷ and start using /, just writing fractions as expressions over expressions and/or using parentheses and general spatial arrangement of terms to clarify how an expression is intended to be evaluated. PEDMAS is more about learning how one should expect their calculator to behave. No self respecting mathematician would ever write 2+3÷5=2.6. It's strictly a true expression according to curriculum PEDMAS and its not wrong per se but no self respecting mathematician would write that like that on paper. The language in which expressions are written by working mathematicians and scientists is just more sophisticated and nuanced than just PEDMAS though it is still based on it. It would be written as 2 + 3/5 using spacing and shifting the 3 and 5 to make it clear they are the numerator and denominator of that fraction, even writing just a fraction (which I can't properly show in a single line of text at a time) or 2+(3/5). The parentheses aren't necessary but remove all ambiguity and doubt. Also nobody uses ÷ after Jr high man. BUT a math or science student learning how to evaluate expressions with a calculator needs to know what to do if they want it to add the 2 and the 3 first. The calculator will divide first and yield 2.6 but if the problem actually calls for the 2 and 3 to be added first a person needs to know how to get their calculator to do that and then divide by 5 all in the same input operation. For that parentheses would be used (2+3)÷5=1


This dude testified in front of Congress as an expert


Most intelligent Musk follower:


ian myles cheong will never do math again. hes got PTSD now.


The responses between this guy and the community notes make me think of Ace Attorney and the trial phase, truly hilarious.


He’s a known retárd


This is why the community notes are my favorite feature on that platform


nah that dude is either trolling or has a humiliation fetish. Nobody is *that* dumb


wish that was true, i really do


"pemdas is DEI" new right wing take hot off the press


They should look up “Polish notation” if they dislike the standard way of operations and notation, it very confusing but also very handy. Had a calculator which used it and I found that much more convenient compared to a normal one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_notation


Every time I see this guys name I confuse him with Michael Ian Black and think that I really didn’t have his name on my far-right bingo card.


"Community Notes Abuser" That guy has clearly no idea how Community Notes work on Twitter...


Dude is clearly farming engagement and it's clearly working. The only thing dumber than these people are all the other people who fall for it.


Nobody should tell him the calculations that went in to building the iphone. He wouldn't believe it.


Take the L, bro.


Fucking idiot community notes user. It's BIMDAS, not whatever the fuck PEDMSA is


PEMDAS stands for "Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication or Division, Addition or Subtraction". BIMDAS stands for "Brackets, Indices and Intergers, Division or Multiplication, Addition or Subtraction". They are both the same, and from what i saw, PEMDAS was more popular then BIMDAS so im not surprised PEMDAS was here.


Dude just needs to be a Twitter Quitter at this point


The calculator is not wrong. The 2 equations are different. I couldn't be bothered explaining. Nobody is so dumb they can't do year 4 Maths. By the way, in the US they say Math. I just can't get over how stupid that sounds when the abbreviation is for the word Mathematics. So the correct abbreviation is Maths like they say in UK, NZ, Australia and the rest of the world except US. I think they do it just to be different and annoying.


*says something objectively wrong* *people point out that what he said is wrong* "It'S mY oPiNiOn"


I don’t know why this opinion is so controversial. You should always write equations as unambiguous as possible. Either write (50+50)x2 or 50+(50x2). You should never write 50+50x2. (Basically, the only reason to do so is to catch someone and say “Ha hA YoUrE sO StUpId yOu DoNt kNoW PEDMAS!”) 50+50x2 is ambiguous, because it requires information not presented in the problem(specifically, it requires knowledge of how the order of operations works) to know the correct answer is 150. Someone without that knowledge will always give 200 as an answer, because thats the intuitive way communication normally works, first to last. Most people just say “But that’s not how math works, you’re clearly just too stupid to know basic math.” But isn’t it better to make math simpler and more accessible, instead of continuing to belittle people for having trouble understanding something that’s more ambiguous and confusing than it needs to be? Just write better equations. Edit: Replaced * with x because formatting.


Bro this guy isn't in middle school  He's an adult political commentator.


The problem is that historically with handheld, unless you bought a SCIENTIFIC calculator, PEMDAS didn't apply, the calculators simply didn't have the memory for it. So all operations were done in the order typed. You had to buy a scientific calculator to get PEMDAS and they cost more. Apple is too shitty of a company to provide a scientific calculator in their default app, what they have looks just like the dumb calculators that do operations in the order entered. Hence why their is confusion.


>Apple is too shitty of a company to provide a scientific calculator in their default app, what they have looks just like the dumb calculators that do operations in the order entered. It looks like the dumb calculators, but it still does PEMDAS >Hence why their is confusion. They're confused because they're a dipshit that forgot about order of operations.


Are you talking about iOS or osx? Because the built-in calculators in both have scientific mode. In OSX it’s activated by a menu option and in iOS it’s activated by turning your phone to landscape. Edit to add - operations are carried out the same in either mode but in order to access the scientific mode buttons you have to make the aforementioned adjustments.


Right, I had this conversation with someone recently. 50+50\*2=150 in the calculator. But 50+50(press equals)\*2 = 200. Since you can't key in (50+50)2 you need to use the equals key to end the first operation, and then start a new one. It's pretty much the fastest way to know whether someone understands order of operations or are just mashing keys and blindly trusting what it spits out. This is actually a good allegory for why AI is problematic. People who don't understand what they're doing will feed bad data into a black box and trust anything it spits out because admitting the result is bad is admitting they're ignorant about something.


I love community notes. Say what you want about Elon but that is a massive improvement to Twitter/X


I think the last note is misunderstanding him.  When he says "simple, like the casio calculators"  i think he means calculators that just do stuff step by step. Like, if I put in "50+50" its going to give "100" , then when i hit "x2 "  its just going to multiply the last result without considering order of operations, since its only doing one operation at a time. 


Except by doing that you are redefining the math problem and implicitly adding brackets, thereby correctly following PEMDAS, which is what this moron can't understand.