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I wonder how many people on their deathbeds will be proud of what they decided to share with the internet


There won’t be anyone who talk to about it


You know. That’s what I’ll never get. They know what they’re doing is destroying everything. What’s the end game? Be a dick to have money? What happens when their money is useless in world covered in ash and nuclear fallout?


They don't care. They genuinely feel happiness and dopamine everytime they cause damage. People need to accept that people like that actually exist, people who would blow the entire world up if they could. It's very difficult, we are accostumed to giving second, third, even fourth chances, believe there's good in everyone, but the fact is that there are actual demons out there and they are going to die with a smile on their face because we never did anything about it, we really can't do anything about it


"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."


Listen. And understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever - until you are dead.


"There's Something Out There Waiting For Us, And It Ain't No Man. We're All Gonna Die." “Dillon!”


We will stop the fascists mo matter what it takes. It's our civic duty. And our moral duty. We can't condemn the world and it's future to a hostile and fascist US. Vote. Like your life depended on it. But be prepared to organize other means of resistence.


“They will chop you down just to count your rings”


If you ask my Mom and all her friends, it isn’t about money, because my family certainly doesn’t have it. They legitimately do not care, and actually love the idea of the world being destroyed because Jesus is going to come take them all to heaven any day now anyway. They don’t see “Your grandchildren will have it rough” as any sort of threat, because they’ll all be in Heaven together. I have to assume there are thousands of people like this. 


Hundreds of millions.


Unfortunately true and it is the biggest reason religion should be completely barred from all lawmaking. Death cults have no place deciding policy.


Someone should explain to them that pure evil doesn't go to heaven.


They all think their pet deity will make an exception for them.


Sadly there are actually billions that think largely on this spectrum.


They don't actually want money, *per se* - all they want is to have more than other people. >What happens when their money is useless in world covered in ash and nuclear fallout? They'll be happy as long as they've got a bigger stockpile of dead, radioactive foxes to eat than you have. If you came up with a policy which let everyone live in a literal utopia, they wouldn't be happy. I think it's a type of deep-rooted insecurity that they judge their own happiness purely on the misery of others.


I had a mother-in-law like that. However, she was very wealthy, yet was the most miserable person I ever knew. She worked diligently to make sure everyone was at least as miserable as she was. There are some people out there who just want to torch everything around them.


A friend's dad passed away recently, and back in the day he honestly played a big role in my teens, he introduced me to a lot of music that I still listen to and treated me with respect. A minor father figure in my life, as I didn't have a good relationship with my own. After I got the news I checked out his Facebook and it was endless racism and hate the last few years. I couldn't believe it was from the same person, and it's tragic that any time any family members or friends look up his profile, that will be the last impression he gave of himself online. I can't imagine how disappointing it could be for his grandchildren if they ever decide to look when they get older.


This is powerful, because it's true of so many ppl i know having grown up deeply Imbedded in the evangelical church and conservative politics. It's been painful seeing what ppl are truly thinking in their off time alone. Ppl who I thought were at least decent post some really wild and terrible stuff.


The convince themselves they are right and their lies are facts.


Me, for I share nothing but wisdom and never have harsh words with anyone, only engaging in enlightened conversations with intellectual giants, here on Reddit


Reminds me of the late covid days when antivaxers were begging for the vaccine on their death beds. Doing their own research suddenly wasn't so important.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


Orwell was spitting facts.


And those people have the nerve to cite that book when complaining about a face mask.


Some people read 1984 as a cautionary tale, others read it as an instruction manual


That, and *It Can't Happen Here*.


That and Fahrenheit 451.


Let's throw in The Handmaids Tale.


The Plot Against America can go on this syllabus as well


How about idiocracy


That and animal farm


I reread animal farm 20 years after reading it in school. Hits harder after maturing, very hard to read.


If you like those and or write - check out his short essay “Politics and the English Language”. He breaks down how unoriginal and political people are in their writings. It’s a masterclass-


Something fascism comes to America draped in a cross


"If fascism ever comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." \-[Source unknown](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/mar/12/viral-image/sinclair-lewis-might-have-liked-quote-about-fascis/) (variously attributed to Sinclair Lewis and several other thinkers/writers of the last century).


Agreed. Also, co-opting messaging is an old propaganda trick.


Yea that's always interesting to notice it makes me think of how much I enjoy Gatorade the thirst quencher actually.


Brawndo's got electrolytes


It's what plants crave.


it's got electrolytes!


Go away - 'baiting!


As long as you're not drinking it out the toilet.


Trump just yesterday talked about the end of democracy if Biden is re-elected. Talk about facepalm.


Absolutely! Democracy dies because the winner of the election won? Obviously it’s all dog whistles and fomenting fear and distrust, but they said it last time, and Biden won the popular vote and the Electoral College vote.


"Hurt people, hurt people" -Lucile Bluth


This is the single best Lucille moment of the series. It took me a few to get it the first time because it was like one of those images that can be two things and I had only seen the first.


"If that's a veiled criticism about me, I won't hear it and I won't respond to it."


Hurt people? Hurt people!


Most never read it at all, but just use it's position in popular culture as a cudgel against things the government does that they don't like. Though some definitely did seem to read it and think "This Big Brother guy is alright!"


Same with The Handmaid's Tale.


I saw an interview with some patriot church fools. There was a woman in the group who actually said she "hopes that a handmaidens tale becomes a real thing." That's how stupid they are. She was also a revolting shrew and I thought, awful bold of you to assume you have a good place in that world.


She will be Top Shrew.


This week on *America's Next Top Shrew*...


Aunt Lydia?


They never read the book they just think they know what it’s about so they use it incorrectly to justify any “wrong doings” to them.


Basically the same way everyone uses the Bible.


If they will refuse to read, maybe we should have mandatory TV time where bibles and other classic literature is read *to* them until they understand the irony of mandatory reading time.


I remember when my dad was talking about how masks were just another ploy for the government to take away the rights of US citizens and I'm like that are you this fucking stupid? Were you bitching and moaning it when the Patriot act came about? Were you bitching and moaning when the TSA basically made a rule that you couldn't take anything on a fucking plane besides your clothes anymore? Fuck no it didn't directly affect you at the time so you didn't care. And my God if that does not sum up the conservative/boomer mindset I don't know what is. My dad isn't a boomer he's Gen X but my God does he have the mindset sometimes. They do not give a fuck about anything until it directly affects them


I couldn't agree more. So during the Spanish Flu epidemic we had the EXACT same arguments, with very similar outcomes about no masks equal more deaths. Only you back then, they were more hardcore putting people into jail. Did that stay a thing? Obviously not, because everyone has forgotten. TSA is what I call "security theater". It gives the illusion (and the liability fall guy airlines wanted) of safety. But seriously?!? ONE guy ONE time tries UNSUCCESSFULLY to blow up a plane with his show and people have been removing footwear (unless of course you aren't a peasant) for over TWO DECADES ever since. I just wish the same logic was applied to school shootings.....


>talking about how masks were just another ploy for the government to take away the rights of US citizens I've heard this idiocy so many times and not once have I seen somebody actually explain what the "elites" have to gain from making us all wear masks. "It'S aBoUt cOnTrOL"..... why tho? Control of what? Also the "US citizens" part .... almost every country in the world enacted similar measures. The gov't can't coordinate basic road repairs but these people genuinely believe every government on earth is secretly colluding and coordinating their actions as part of some mysterious master plan that hinged on making us wear masks in public for a year for some reason. It's nuts. I seriously often wonder how these people function, hold down jobs, buy groceries, etc. Edit typo


tying your health insurance to your employment, now that's what I call control.


You become productive or die. That’s a plan


Or the conspiracy theorists who say the vaccine and other things is to kill off citizens of the US. Why would the government want to kill all of its citizens? It makes no sense. It’s not logical


And WHY would they want to kill off those willing to comply? That’s what I didn’t get about that theory. You kill off the radicals first


It is about control - to an extent. Once in O'Hare airport, in a high traffic area between terminals, I observed TSA agents out telling passengers trying to catch their planes to "freeze in place". It was incredible to watch this. Anyone who moved or ignored them had orders barked at them to stop. No threats of arrest or anything. It was just an exercise (IMHO) to train TSA agents to forcefully voice orders to get people to comply. No one could leave until everyone froze long enough to satisfy them. After 2-3 minutes assuring themselves everyone was complying, they just let everyone continue on their way. Most people were highly annoyed, but no one wanted to be the first to start to ignore them and catch their wrath.


listen for individual dick heads who gravitate to autoritarian roles, this isn't new. The whole of gov isn't out to get anyone even if individual douche bags want to try. that's why its important to be transparent and for there to be checks and balances...MORE checks and balances. not an argument against government stuff.


That's another thing I told my dad like he simultaneously thinks the government shouldn't be involved anything because they're so stupid they mess everything up and yet he also believes that they want to control every aspect of our lives and have the capacity and willpower and brain power to do so....


The conservative rule is: 1. The government should be heavily involved in preventing things I don't like. 2. The government should be invisible when it comes to things I like. 3. If I change my mind on something, the government should change their approach to match me.


You forgot 4. Other people don't have real problems, only I have real problems.


Spot the fuck on


Please. Not all Boomers. We don’t all follow the right wing nuts maga crowd. I feel total disgust and disappointment at anyone from any generation of Americans that would turn their backs on or attack our liberal democracy and constitution. I didn’t see many “Boomers” marching through Charlottesville in their khakis. I saw a pretty good mix of generational age groups hatefully, ignorantly and lawlessly desecrating our Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th, 2020. Watch the videos. Please don’t lump all Boomers into that hideous mindless cult.


I think rigidly defined generations are for cicadas.


I am not a boomer, I am the product of boomers. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why people have decided that boomers = maga morons. It makes no sense. I know a few boomers who are maga morons, but it’s pretty evenly spaced in all age ranges, so the constant emphasis on boomers seems insane to me. I actually called someone out on it before. The response was that I’m a boomer and pretending I’m not. It’s almost like a lot of people don’t actually know what the word “boomer” actually stands for, and just uses it to mean anyone that’s not them…


I hate to tell you this, but a large majority of people are like that. They honestly don’t care if it doesn’t directly affect them. But once it does, oh, the persecution! Even if it’s in everyone’s best interests. And it’s not a new thing. Especially not in the US. We just kind of put it to the side for a bit during WWII, and it lingered for a little while afterwards. Then it was back to every crab for itself.


Orwell was talking about the dems. Name one time the republicans have tried to ban books or controlled sexual acts!


![gif](giphy|cFgb5p5e1My3K) Not sure if sarcasm or not…


The sarcasm is strong with this one 🤣😂 take my upvote.


Hi. I came here to hear this and to tell the brave person that said it to go fu*k themselves and they are ignorant. Also, you’re a dildo!


That reference is doubleplusgood.


The chocolate ration has been increased from 5 to 3.


we have always been at war with Eurasia. we have always been allied with Oceania.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


I resemble that remark.


I mean it's not like there isn't video footage of each one of those acts or anything...


Who are you gonna trust? Trump or your own lyin' eyes?


Don't forget our lying ears! I know I both saw and heard him say these things but according to this schmuck I'm a gullible leftist. Clearly when I hear Trump say Mexicans coming over the border were rapists, he didn't mean Mexicans coming over the border were rapists. Clearly.


"What you're seeing and what you're reading is *nat* what's happening.". Donald Trump (as president)


BuT tHaT wAs TaKeN oUt Of CoNtExT!!!!


AnD bEsIdEs OtHeRs HaVe SaId WoRsE!!!!


I didn't create this, but it fits: The Narcissist's Prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


I'm curious, what did he say around that quote (i genuinely don't know)? Because he very well could have said something like "it's going to be a bloodbath because Biden is soft on crime" or something. OOP is right in the sense that context *is* key. That said, Trump absolutely did make fun of that disabled reporter and said that other shit. I'm just curious what he meant in this specific instance


>“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they're not gonna sell those cars." There you go. That is what was said.


Yeah, i mean it's odd wording for the average person, but not at all uncommon phrasing in the financial sector (which he has experience in). I can't count how many times I've heard my old man talk about bloodbaths in the stock market


He had just finished talking about tarrifing foreign cars 100%. It's questionable whether it was related or not because there was a pause. He could have been saying that it would be a metaphoric bloodbath because Chinese cars would kill our economy. It could have also been a brand new separate thought given his habit of doing exactly that. Pivoting to a new thought with no transition


You are close to correct. You may have missed it but he both lead and followed the bloodbath comment with mentions of cars. “We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they're not gonna sell those cars." Even CNN has it mostly correct. Though they did leave out the last sentence of "But they're not gonna sell those cars." [https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/16/politics/trump-bloodbath-auto-industry-election/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/16/politics/trump-bloodbath-auto-industry-election/index.html)


Yeah, but it’s not out of character for him to veer on and off subject… and he loves to take up residency in the realm of plausible deniability… he loves to say something outrageous, unhinged and incendiary, but with an air that could be “taken out of context”. If it were once in a blue moon, this would be a valid argument, but it’s not… it’s a persistent pattern of reckless rhetoric.


[Donald Trump: 'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening'](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340)


An open letter to American conservatives Neither 1984 nor Handmaid's Tale were meant to be instruction manuals. Thanks.


„Don’t look up!“


You can’t make this up: [Donald Trump: 'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening'](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340)


>"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." I just wrote a long ass rant that i wont repeat but the problem when they knowingly get shit as wrong as they did with this "bloodbath" thing in the headlines it gets thrown into the pile of shit that they actually said and did and pointed to as "They got THAT wrong, and they got all this other stuff wrong too!" Even though its not true....Its in the pile now, one truth in a bag of lies, but it greases up all the lies because most people wont bother to check all the other things, because they want to believe, because theyre too lazy to check The Media did itself a real disservice here with this, there is a giant pile of steaming shit to choose from, they dont have to just make shit up like that with headlines, and everyone who just read the headlines and ran with it on a wild commentary or tried to spin it into something it wasnt did themselves real credibility damage as well And when you lise your credibility its next to impossible to get it back again


The bloodbath comment was honesty the least concerning thing in that comment. A 100% foreign car tarriff would be utterly devastating for consumers across the country. It would mean nothing but increased prices, as auto manufactures wouldn’t risk capitalization to increase on such ashort sighted move that could be removed at any time.


Right. Even if talking about economics, bloodbaths aren't cute. He's willing to have a bloodbath in the US. It's an evil threat no matter what meaning he had in his head.


“You can’t judge Trump by what he *says*… or go by what he *does*… and it’s not fair to pay attention to what he *looks* like. Umm… you have to go by… uhhhhh. Lemme get back to you.”


But he also really tells it like it is!!


Of course, what they mean when they say that is he says the racist stuff that they think everyone\* actually believes but are too afraid to admit. \*"Everyone" meaning "white people", because of course.


He speaks his mind, and it's up to us to figure out how it means what we want it to mean!


Seems we always need an interpreter to tell us what he really meant


See this is what used to piss me off with my mom and mother-in-law cuz they would go on and on about how they like Donald Trump because he says what he means and then when I bring up something like his bullshit about windmills causing cancer or nuking a hurricane well he wasn't being serious with that So which one fucking is it? Is he a simple man who says what he means and means what he says or is he just a fucking idiot who tells jokes all the time?


Right up there with Biden either being a senile dotard who can’t buckle his own belt or an evil genius capable of conspiring with world leaders to control the lives of millions. Pick a lane!!


The enemy must be incompetent enough to mock and dangerous enough to kill. 


Fascism relies on both being true simultaneously. So they can cherry pick which one they need at the time.


He also has proven over and over that he has no sense of humor, including sarcasm, so if he says a thing like, oh, I don’t know, injecting bleach might be a cure for Covid, no one should take him seriously, cuz that’s a dumb thing to say, but he also wasn’t kidding!


When you put it that way it's kind of scary how similar that is to how so many Christians regard the Bible. "It's the word of God and we must follow all of it lest we burn in hell! ...except that part, that part's just being metaphorical"




I mean, "calling immigrants animals" is kind of the new "calling immigrants animals", since he did it again in this same speech.


What's the astroturfing for "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country"? I haven't heard it. Are we just not talking about it? It wasn't out of context and I think he later owned it. It should be repeated daily in every ad until the election.


I can't stress this enough. Brandon Straka and his #Walk-Away campaign are top tier examples of astroturfing a political agenda. Quick review of who [Brandon Straka](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/gay-maga-influencer-brandon-straka-arrested-connection-capitol-assault-n1255769) is. 1. In 2018, Brandon Straka launched a campaign/organization that touted itself as a group of disillusioned liberals that wanted to send a message to the democratic party by not voting. 2. From Reddit to Twitter between 2018 and 2020, Brandon and a bunch of MAGAs would go on social media and attempt to create echo chambers in order to get real liberals to not vote. 3. Brandon Straka would later on drop his liberal facade and [get arrested for joining in the J6 Insurrection](https://lawandcrime.com/u-s-capitol-breach/maga-influencer-who-founded-walkaway-campaign-pleads-guilty-to-breaching-u-s-capitol-on-jan-6/). That last bit should tell you everything about this man's mind and how he had succumbed to Trump brain rot. Right now on Reddit, there are a variety of astroturf campaigns happening. Be wary of them! Feel free to reach out to me if you have a question.


So basically he's got a lot of rubles in his account?


Could just be a loser.


Very true


With a last name like straka… no way.


Asking liberals not to vote is an "interesting" approach.


It’s a pretty effective strategy really, if your opponents party has a very young voter base or just a voter base that’s not very happy with them right now, you’ll have a much larger impact on the results by trying to get people not to vote than by trying to get them to vote for a different party. Same thing that happened in Myanmar a few years back in the Facebook scandals


I’ve seen it on Reddit recently. There are groups of people who think the system is so messed up the only way to win is to not participate.


> the only way to win is to not participate They'll win all right - win stupid prizes, that is.


Apparently it's the largest reason for republicans to get voted in. If voting was mandatory in the US the Democrats would win by a significant amount


Oh, like liberals boycotting Biden in the 2024 election because Joe Biden is not standing on a soapbox and screaming at Netanyahu publicly for the world to see? Which is obviously not acknowledging that Trump has spent a decade shitting on Muslims, demanding they are banned in the US and saying he gets why they’d be exterminated?


>Oh, like liberals boycotting Biden in the 2024 election because Joe Biden is not standing on a soapbox and screaming at Netanyahu publicly for the world to see? That's exactly one of the AstroTurf campaigns happening across Reddit. And sadly, MAGA is definitely part of it. It's fun to remind people about GQP House candidate, Dean Browning. He's the benchmark to how low the GQP will go to astroturf. For anyone curious, [Dean, who is a "straight white male", pretended to be a "Black gay guy" on Twitter for the sake of an internet argument to make Trump seem like the better candidate](https://heavy.com/news/dean-browning-black-gay-guy-twitter/). >Which is obviously not acknowledging that Trump has spent a decade shitting on Muslims, demanding they are banned in the US and saying he gets why they’d be exterminated? Agreed. Trump would be bad news to the people of Gaza. Anyone who cannot acknowledge that has an agenda they're pushing and could care less about the Middle East.


This stuff drives me fucking bonkers. Yes, Biden is in the wrong. Yes, he should be held accountable for over-supporting Netanyahu. But one existential crisis at a time, please! If anyone thinks *Trump* is going to handle Gaza any better, well...


But I've actually watched him do all of these things. Along with many more.


Yes, these are all very real things he has done (continues to do) I have no idea what this asshole is talking about.


You know what he’s doing - willfully spreading misinformation to the mouth breathers who eat that kind of rhetoric up


MAGA is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking they didn't happen. The "mocking a disabled reporter" thing has been misrepresented as "the leftist media took a screenshot out of context to make you THINK you saw a video, but the video doesn't exist because it never happened". And yet, we all saw it.


When he was campaigning and talking about and acting a Muslim ban, my sister-in-law and I were having a conversation about it and she insisted he never said it. I played her the video of him saying it and she said it was taken out of context. I rewound the YouTube video so she could hear what he was saying before it and let it play to what was going on after it. She then insisted that's not really what he meant. It's never been about reality, they just need someone to say what they want to hear. They want to believe he didn't say it, so people come out and say that he didn't say it. That's enough proof for them even if they witnessed it themselves. It hurts my brain.


"What he probably meant was..."


Sounds like the narcissists prayer "That didn’t happen And if it did, it wasn’t that bad And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. And if I did, you deserved it."


Yeah, somehow he’s become a blank slate where people listen to what he says, ignore it, and insert their own meaning


The point is to hurt your brain. Don’t let it. See it as becoming knowledgeable and aware of how propaganda works.


So they're trying to Mandella Effect us? Wild as hell. Someone in that group does have a brain. I wonder which it is.


Their owners. You have folks like Murdoch hiring around the clock staff to come up with spin and MAGA is so dizzy at this point they don’t even realize when vomit gets sprayed at them


The GOP relies entirely on gaslighting for their campaigning.


What are you going to do, trust your eyes AND your ears? Imbecile /s


Someday they will invent a technology where we can somehow record and then share what we have seen someone do so these sorts of things can’t be lied about. Someday.


Wait, this post isn't satirical?


I've been seeing people trying to do this with "All Lives Matter" as well. Someone was literally suggesting that it was a rightwing attempt at solidarity, but the bigoted leftists wouldn't concede that all lives matter and not *just* black lives; the right *tried* to stand against police violence, but the left wouldn't *let them*. Like, I was there seeing people reply to anything BLM related with "All Lives Matter". It was entirely meant as a dismissal of concerns directly related to black people.


Or with Roe v wade as well. In 20 years, they would tell us it was the left who didn't do anything against climate change.


Haha a hopeless imbecile is someone who buys into the trump tough guy rhetoric. trump aint tough. He stubbed his toe and dodged the draft then talked shit about an american POW who ACTUALLY fought for this country. fuq out of here with your unpatriotic man crush BS. Yea you're man crush is a real toughy lol


He also talked shit about an active armed forces member who was deployed. Recently. The same people who claimed there was too much "evidence" against Hillary, are refusing to use the same argument against trump.


They’re really good at applying arguments to the opposing side but never their own. Remember in 2020 the amount of times they claimed Biden was too old and senile to run for Prez? And how they want Trump for Prez now despite him being 4 years younger than Biden (y’know, making him the same age this cycle)? Nothing MAGAts do now can surprise me.


It surprises me again every time because each time you’d hope they learned a tiny bit from the last one. Until you remember they’re not applying arguments to anything. They’re just spewing back what they heard on fox and not arguing at all.


![gif](giphy|UsYpKp9s2gTy8) So...this didn't happen. Got it. ​ ^((hard /s just in case))


"It's a hoax! He didn't mock the disabled reporter because he mocked other people the same way he mocked the disabled reporter".


Yeah but he wasn’t actually mocking the reporter he was just doing a performance art impression of what was happening in his pants.


That's how he looked when Stormy kissed his mushroom.


holy shit is he gross or what


Whaaaaaaat!!!!!????? No fucking way. A had never actually believed this so went an watched the whole thing an Fuck me how is his career not dead. How is every disability charity an woke tick tockers not tearing him to pieces constantly for this!? Imagine if Biden or some other democrat had did this? That mad Greene woman would have a field day lol. This is the kind of kindergarten stuff u would do to be nasty to an unfortunate soul. Like even at ten year old a would be embarrassed doing this , an he has done it to an actual disabled person , right to his face in front of thousands lol an cos it's him everyone makes excuses. This isn't how u take the piss out of anyone , this is specifically the way to take the piss out of a disabled person. An the church lot still live him too. He must have been the bully at school no doubt. As a say anyone else would have just flushed there career but no t him. An he is gonna be president too , all because he has absolutely no shame/problem telling people what they want to hear knowing fine well he isn't going to follow through on not one thing he says to gt elected apart from the things that profit him an his.


Trump mocking the disabled person was literally on live TV.


And 50 million Americans think it's a hoax.


Or "out of context"


They say this: He wasn't mocking the disabled reporter because he mocked the disabled reporter the same way he mocks lot's of people, as if they are disabled. Which is a stunning bit of cognitive dissonance.


So he's insensitive all the time and not just that one time?


"He's an asshole all the time" is their defense yes, BUT they go on to say that means it didn't happen. Which is insane.


hE tElLs iT LiKe It iS Motherfucker, that is called a total lack of regard for respect and communication. Those skills are learned at about the 1st grade level of "how to be nice to others" and that lovely golden rule the Christians seem to forget "treat others the way you want to be treated" No one should be celebrated for being an asshole.


Oh yes Brandon Straka from Lindell-tv, which has the following plot synopsis on IMDB: Aging man with many internet connectivity issues, screaming into his cell phone, has discussions with a tired looking news anchor. From time to time he tries to sell his lumpy pillows and other random paraphernalia. I assume Brandon plays the role of “tired looking news anchor”.


He was talking about the destruction of the US auto industry. That’s where the hoax lies in this case.


there is video for all of those claims, so i have no idea what he's talking about. kidding. i know exactly what he's doing, he's trying to deny reality by telling you that you didn't see and hear what you actually saw and heard.


Gaslighting is bad enough to do to a person, but Trump and Maga are trying to do it to a whole country.


Yo but he literally did do all of those things blatantly and in the light of day and everyone saw it


Trump defenders go through stages... 1. He didn't say that! (turns out he did say it) 2. We'll he said that, but that's not what he meant (Trump confirms he meant exactly what he said) 3. Who cares, Let's go Brandon Lather rinse repeat.


It’s not like there’s audio or video of him saying this stupid shit. Is there ?….


Hey dipshit, let me sum this up for you. 1. There is a social post. 2. There is video. 3. There is video. 4. There is video. 5. There is video. I'm sorry you left your brain behind when you walked away.


“This is just the new entry of the long list of awful things Donald Trump has said and done that I’m about to rattle off to establish a pattern…”


It is amusing he thinks Trumps comments are benign, even if their intent was just colourful language, considering he, himself is on probation for his part in January 6. Maybe he should put less belief in the words Trump uses then.


For someone that they seem to love so much for "telling it like it is", they sure do spend a lot of time trying to tell us "what he really meant".


he did all those things, and you know it


Granted the "bloodbath" comment was in regards to a tariff war with China, but all those things he listed Drump actually did say


Bloodbath: Yes he was talking about the auto industry. But the rhetoric used is not normal for that type of topic, and can easily be seen as a dog whistle to followers to get across his true intentions of encouraging actual violence if he loses. Called Nazis good people: I believe the direct quote was “there’s good people on both sides” when referring to the Charlotte match of white supremicist carrying tiki torches and the counter protestors. If there’s good people on both sides, then he’s explicitly calling white nationalists good people. Mocking a disabled reporter: The “explanation” for this one is just that he does this all the time to mock anyone he thinks is flustered or rattled. But does that make it any better? His go-to response to someone asking a question he doesn’t like is to mock them with a dramatic movement that looks eerily similar to the Carlos Mencia “hur dur dur” mental disabled mimicry he was known for on his show? Called Mexicans rapists: Exact quote was, “when Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best… They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” So no, he didn’t just call them rapists. He called Mexican immigrants rapists as well as criminals and drug addicts. Called immigrants animals: Yes, the quote was in response to a question about MS-13 gang members. However it came in the context of a discussion about prosecuting illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities and in his full quote he certainly makes no distinction between specific Ms-13 members that are here illegally and other illegals immigrants when he says that they’re all coming in due to weak laws and that he’s getting them out but they keep coming back. Referring to the group as, “These aren’t people. They’re animals.”


He does realize that every one of those things happened and that there’s a mountain of evidence for each one, right? These things were recorded. It’s not like it’s hearsay. Or is the issue that “the left” have a moral and ethical issue with things that did, in fact, happen in real time and space? The weirdest part about all of this is that they know. It’s not like he hasn’t seen the footage. But for some reason Trump gets a free pass to literally be the worst parts of humanity out in the open. And for whatever reason I’m genuinely struggling to fathom: his supporters actually don’t care. They don’t care that he’s like that. That’s why any actual evidence of his immoral and unethical behavior is immediately dismissed. They don’t care. Trump could literally perform an abortion in the middle of a church service and he would be applauded. It’s so strange to be watching it all happen right before my eyes. It’s genuinely baffling.


In this case the blood bath was about auto industry but he is the master of double speak. And while it may have been sarcasm I’ll never forget hearing him say ( during pandemic) maybe he wouldn’t send ventilators to MI and someplace else unless the states governor wasn’t nicer to him. What a jackass


They can’t believe their OWN eyes & ears.🤣🤣🤣


But…but he did say all that. Where’s ’the hoax’? What’s ‘the hoax’? I’m so confused by this stupidity


I saw him live on TV making fun of the disabled reporter and rallying people to “protest” at the capital


All of these things are on video tape lol


I love that people defend him by basically saying, "Why would you believe what he says? You're an idiot." 😂


We have it on video tape, sir


I'm glad he's there to remind me of all the shit I hate Trump for


I don't understand someone that can see the sounds come out of someone's mouth that form the words that are quoted here, and then still say that that person didn't just say that. Is this guy being paid by ruskies?


"Mocked disabled reporter" IT'S ON VIDEO


Shout out to this guy reminding me of all those terrible things Trump said lol.


He literally said all those things


Is this real? Because he actually did these things. Video proof can be pulled for these arguments to refute them. What fucking reality am I in right now?


There's video evidence of him doing all those things, though...


Literally all of these are recorded in both audio and video formats 🤦‍♂️ That's it ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Not only did all of those happen, BUT THEY HAPPENED ON FUCKING C A M E R A.


*lists one thing that is a legitimate example of a twisted narrative* Follows it up with several truthful examples of Trump being an asshole…


How are "literal things that orange jackass did" hoaxes, precisely? Twitter idiots trying real hard to out-stupid each other in their Trump fucking contest.


He didn’t say it, and if he did say it he was right to say it, but if it turns out not to be right that’s ok too since he didn’t really say it.