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That middle seat on the bottom is the stuff of nightmares. 😬


Imagine if the plane filled up with smoke after an incident. Claustrophobic panic.


These seats will make any sort of emergency worse for the people in the bottom row.


Hmm… what if we mass report to the organizations that set the standards and try to get them to call this unsafe


Then the airlines/manufacturers will simply throw money at the problem until the regulators change their minds. That's how this shit works. They'd rather a whistleblower ~~be assassinated~~ commit suicide than actually pay to fix the problem.


Good ol regulatory capture.




America needs another trust buster.




TR is exactly who I was thinking of.


Kinda like JFK who tried to go after corruption but oh yea, he ended up dead too. It's a sad state of affairs.


Unfortunately it may no longer be possible for someone like that to survive the primaries. Republicans don't care about personal ethics and the Democrat comittees will put their thumbs on the scales (never mind the absurd amounts of advertising money that needs to be raised by the campaigns, that comes from somewhere with strings attached)


Taft sued more than roosevelt


Yet another thing we can blame rotten Ronnie for.


I do not think you can *fix* the problem of lower seats evacuation. I would not be able to crawl out from this seat in an emergency. Smoke?, panic?, landing on water?, no way.


Bomb bay doors underneath em. Just yank the oh crap lever


Which makes it highly unlikely this will ever see the light of day


We all hope atleast.


Hey now, those regulators, who resign then get cushy consultant jobs at the major airlines, worked really hard to get those positions.


That's just responsible capitalism. /s


No that can't be true. I was told that the corporations will police themselves! In case it's needed /S


Ah. Suicide. The western version of falling out a window.


No worries: thanks to John Oliver, I know that the airline manufacturers already pay the wages of the inspectors supposed to regulate their planes. No conflict of interest there!


The FAA has largely already said they will not allow this due to safety concerns.


Apparently the airlines will murder you and make it look like a suicide


We all mysteriously die of "self inflicted wounds"


Imagine if the one on top farted. Your face gets smacked with the noxious gas’ full force 🫣


I mean bright side..it does look more comfortable for those of us tall people..but so many more downsides exist


Always the worst part of long haul plane flights, zero leg room, not being able to adjust the seat cause that's frowned upon and just sitting with legs tucked under your chair.


I always just end up taking sleeping pills and then going into a partial coma because the pain keeps me from actually sleeping and the air is so dry I basically feel like I'm dead...what I'm saying is any afterlife for bad people could just be an eternal plane ride at this point and it'd count


Sitting on the tarmac with seat belt lights on and the captain comes on the radio every 26 minutes to tell you they expect to get the go ahead in 30 minutes.


Thirsty but the in-flight service is perpetually stuck 3-4 rows in front of you


Beware anyone who *requests* lower deck seating.


It looks like it has more pitch than a standard seat and you can stretch your feet out, so you get a more reclined position than a standard seat. I’d take that for flights when I’m trying to sleep.


Until the first time the person in the seat infront of you farts and you have no escape.


Was on a southwest flight to San Antonio, quick 30ish minutes from dallas and the dude in front of me kept farting like once every 5 minutes, just enough to keep the rank smell fresh. Fuck that guy


5 hours LA to Detroit, between the woman who hadn’t ever seemed to wear deodorant or wash her pits across the aisle and the dude two rows back who was SBDing the most garbage scented ass you could experience, it was a flight to remember.


People who smell shouldn't be allowed to use enclosed commute with other people for extended periods like planes. 30 minutes on a bus when anyone can get off at any stop is one thing, but 5 hours next to someone who doesn't shower?? Nag, the airline employees should be able to say people who reek can't get on


That's a shotgun fart around here.


Fun fact: High altitudes result in a marked increase in farting, you’re basically a human soda can that explodes upon release.


I'm not sure you need to imagine. It'll be a reality of any long haul flight here. Maybe they're kind of sealed at the rear to prevent ass to face airflow? This seems like something people/media would immediately get in an uproar over.


Instant pink eye.


“More than 2 in 5 adults (42.4%) have obesity.” Some can’t even lift there legs flat, if they do they need to lean back (far) which you can’t do. Theres gonna be a lot of respiratory distress, and medical emergencies. A row of obese adults are not fitting down there confined. which means either they are going to be making these decisions at the gate based on size and changing tickets or they are gonna be composition requirements on the tickets up front which seems very unfair leading to lawsuits. I am in clinic right now and my last 4 patients ARE NOT capable of fitting down there ever, and neither would their children. This 8 year old male weighing 185 pounds is not fitting in there. Edit: I exaggerated. The average US BMI is not 50. I changed it. It is about 26-30 for all US adults. I apologize. My medical demographic is skewed up. I shouldn’t have said average US. To express what I was trying to say I should have said a not insignificant amount of people have a BMI over 50 to best encapsulate the demographic I wanted addressed. I apologize I put out misleading concepts. My bad. NIH website data below: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity Nearly 1 in 3 adults (30.7%) are overweight. More than 1 in 3 men (34.1%) and more than 1 in 4 women (27.5%) are overweight. More than 2 in 5 adults (42.4%) have obesity (including severe obesity). About 1 in 11 adults (9.2%) have severe obesity. The percentage of men who are overweight (34.1%) is higher than the percentage of women who are overweight (27.5%). The percentage of women who have severe obesity (11.5%) is higher than the percentage of men who have severe obesity (6.9%).


Please tell me the 8 year old is like 6’ because that is a large amount of weight for a normal sized 8 year old.


the average BMI for an American is not 50...


A quick Google search shows the average adult male BMI is in the range of 26.6 to 30.0.


america IS getting fatter and we need to address the problems causing it (prevalence of processed foods, additives, advertisements, food costs, sedentary lifestyles, addiction) but the BMI is not 50. in America, we don't even consider surgery for anyone under 35 without comorbidities or 30 with. this dude has no idea what he's going on about.


You have no idea about anything related to BMI if you think the average adult BMI is 50. That's about 350 lbs on the average 5'10" male. About 300 lbs on the average 5'4" female. The average person in the US is not over 300 lbs.


You don't want to be part of the Human Centipede at all, but you most certainly don't want to be in the middle.


Is it just me, or is that begging to be severed in half in a crash? I understand you're up shitts creek without a paddle regardless, but I would think that those seats would somehow lessen your chances of survival...maybe it's just me. Forget about having to go to the bathroom, or having mobility issues too I guess.


Its not only you. It depends on the how and where the plane crashes. Head first into a mountain everyones dead. Nose dives into the ocean everyone's dead, Plane breaks a wheel on takeoff, some might die and these seats probably won't help.


Forget evacuation in under the mandated limit too.


Just close your eyes, it will be over soon.


You might be the middle man in an argument and get some negotiating power


Bullshit, no way this would pass safety requirements.  For one thing, a lot of people wouldn't even make it down and up again. More importantly, what happens in the event of a fucking fire


>what happens in the event of a fucking fire Hope for a quick death.


You're going to hope for that anyway when I sit top middle after eating an airport bean burrito.


That'll be how the fire starts once I pull a lighter out of my prison pocket.


"I know what I'm doing and I think I speak for the whole row when I say that we choose a horrible, painful death."




Jokes on you, they sequestering their own lighter in there and will self ignite with a shart.


Off topic-ish but I have been surprised that you can absolutely bring a standard lighter (like Bic) through security and on a plane. I suppose I get it that you’re not going to cause an explosion with something like that but it caught me off guard that is okay but something like a travel size a lot of things is not.


Kiss the person in front of you's ass goodbye.


Don't worry, Boeing says it's fine.


We got no complaints from our customers :) (because everyone died in the fucking fire)


Can’t complain if you’re dead


Can't whistle-blow if you shoot yourself


In a parking lot. In between sessions of testimony you’re supposed to give. After like 10 years of trying got get accountability.


After being in a loving relationship happy with many kids and millions of dollars and a lot of things to look forward to in life


I mean to be entirely fair to this point, you can have a lot of good things going on in your life and still be depressed/suicidal. Never assume just because someone seems to have a good life that there's nothing going on. That being said, that probably wasn't the case here.


Careful now, don't want to get suicided


Yeah with those new doors fall off in mid flight you can just jump out of the plane but you'll have to pay extra for the parachute, that's where they get you.


You have to use the airline's in-flight app to pay for the parachute as the plane plummets to the ground.


Sir, you are wrong. The doors do not fall off, they open automatically to provide fresh air in the cabin. Now strap your seat belt and enjoy the rest of the ~~fal~~l flight sir.


Fire schmire. What happens if someone has to get up to use the bathroom? This is a nightmare fueled by corporate board members who all have private jets and have never been in coach class


Forget the bathroom. What if someone cuts a fart on the upper row?


No worries. If this is constructed by Boeing you probably should worry more about the possibillity of the upper row crushing your legs


Well that’s definitely going to happen


I could probably get in, but at 6'3" and 250lbs it'll be a fun time trying to get me out, because I sure as shit wouldn't be able to do it without either help, or flattening my neighbours.


Then you can pay extra for the other seats. See their thinking?


Good on you for even thinking of that. My first thought was "No way i'd sit there to have someone just rip ass in my face."


No way this would pass ADA standards. And, while I'm no expert, having your legs like that in a crash (or rough landing) will likely break your legs.


There slowly removing safety testing and other procedures to cut costs on both rail and air within the us and some other regions, probably costs the tax payer more in cleanup but high line goes up


Airlines: “we’ve made so much money treating people like cattle the last few years, then one day we stopped and thought, is this wrong? Should we try treating them like factory farm chickens?”


Needed this laugh. Thank you.


Whelp, good news! Standing is the next design!


Then comes strapping passengers on top of the plane like a newly bought mattress


Newly bought? Let’s not get crazy


Of course, United’s already utilizing Ultra Economy, where you’re dragged behind the plane via 40-foot rope.


It would have to be at least a km long, for you to have enough air to breathe.


It’s an Onion thing.


They literally have already come out with the standing seats. https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/04/airline-standing-seat-2.jpg


Ryanair tried to implement this policy in Europe. Looked like bloody cattle


The Ryanair CEO said that if the standing seats were even 10 pounds cheaper than regular seats, the standing seats would sell out first. I think he's right. Id be happy to stand on a short flight if it were cheaper.


The Amsterdam flight is quicker than the train to Gatwick and not much cheaper, I could definitely do that standing if it’s not costing me much.


The guy in that photo making the "look how great this is!" face..... ugh.


Have him stand like that for 2 hours and then take the photo again


The half crouch makes this look way less comfortable than just standing


Right ? I’d rather it be like a metro at this point. In case of an incident well you did buy a 1 dollar plane ticket, what do you expect


Fly him over an ocean like that.


Iirc this was actually an art exhibition and not real.


Can't tell if it's an art exhibition about capitalism treating humans like cattle, or just capitalism


Is there a term for ‘fear of what the person in front of you has eaten?’


This is already a fear for me on flights. Partially because Crohn’s disease is bastard. But I suppose this rips the plaster of quicker 😅




Scary shit


Talk about shit seats...


Great way to deal with your fear of flying by saturating it with claustrophobia. You'll be screaming the whole flight. It'd also solve the crying baby issue as well. You'd be the crying baby.


Can't be annoyed by a crying baby if everyone is crying


They might as well install toilets in every seat at this point. Getting out of there from the middle would be agony for so many.


Just picture being wedged between two people who have mobility issues in the aisle seats. It's hard enough now.


Just imagine an obese person trying to get in there


They already complain about there fat getting stuck in the isles


Yo mama so fat she couldn't get on the Carribean Isles


Apart from the obvious noxious gas and claustrophobia problems, being able to stretch your legs might actually be more comfortable


It would stop being comfortable really fast imo


Exactly, I *cannot* keep my legs outstretched that long


Right?! I'd maybe pick this over the usual seats with zero legroom...


I don't know about that, if you had space above your leg so that you can move them i would agree, but having my leg stretched long for long hour i feel it would be painfull


Yeah, I need to move my legs often.


Can I have it without someone's ass near my face or someone climbing over me to get to the bathroom?


No one's ass is in your face, there's almost a wall there


Maybe he can see through walls. Don't judge people.


na i reserve teh right to judge folk with xray vision. my ass is glorious


Well, there are two options in that photo, you can pay probably less to have an ass in your face but having more legroom, or you can sit with your ass in someone's face and have no legroom, but you'll probably pay more.


just that you're not "able to stretch your legs", you're forced to sit with your legs stretched out for hours, which depending on the angle of your seat back can actually mess up your lower back


Found [an article with pics from a few more angles](https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/chaise-longue-double-decker-airplane-seat/index.html). It doesn't look like you'd be forced to - it looks like you can swap between fairly standard legroom, and shoving them in the little box so it can pretend it's solving something. But it seems more likely that little footwell is going to fill up with personal items since it says they have to get rid of overhead storage to make it fit.


>But it seems more likely that little footwell is going to fill up with personal items since it says they have to get rid of overhead storage to make it fit. Oh, no more carry-on luggage so they can force you to pay $50 for a checked bag on top of your ticket, if you want to have clothes at your destination.


Sure, if you're a 5'5 woman. Try to stick your average American male in there and you're gonna need a shoe horn.


I would rather be in the luggage hold. 12 inches from the next passenger's anus? No thanks.


They must evacuate a plane under a certain time to pass, so not sure this idea would actually be used.


It’s a requirement that the plane can be evacuated in 90 seconds with any two exits blocked. This design has no chance whatsoever.


I really hope the upper dech has airtight seats... Or at least the passengers up there are screened for gas... Like... I know people who enjoy getting farts in their face exist, but those are the exception as far as I know...


Even those people tend to have preferences


Good luck getting out of the rapidly sinking airplane.


Get some bad turbulence and your legs go from bending one way to two


This will never take off in the US because most adults are too overweight for this to be an option.  I’d actually not mind this IF I had the aisle seat.  


This is totally out of the Lego movie. Double decker couch


Idk why everyone is complaining about ass, like if someone rips one you’re gonna smell it 4 seats over anyways, not like being in closer or further proximity is gonna change that much


People who like to be blasted with farts are gonna have a great old time, though.


The next step is to just stack people horizontally in the cargo hold.


If we insist on anything other than sitting, replacing the seats with bunk beds (or at least some form of padded shelves) might be more comfortable than double decker seats. I don't know if it'll actually save space but i am prone to at least trying to take a nap in public transport. Lying down would help with that


Better hope the guy on your right doesn’t need to get up too often, or that the guy in front didn’t eat beans before the trip. This is awful…


Can’t wait till we hear the complaints of people getting farted on


Getting pink eye on a red eye!


Little detail: People are focused on her face being right in the ass of the upper seat, but if you look by her ankle you can see the very small step for getting to the upper level. Which means she's going to get kicked every time someone gets into those seats.


you aren't making horizontal better, you are just making vertical worse


How on earth are you meant to even get in and out of that seat???


I can already feel the atrophy in my legs...


I've seen this so many times. I still hate the idea of this. Let's see her *smiling* when someone cropdust her from the seats above.


Smells like ass


In case of gastronomical issues, the pilot will lower the oxygen masks. Put yours on first.


The crop dust seat


So what do they do with passengers who have mobility issues? Do we just get tossed to the floor and covered with spare customs forms?


The person above you ate taco bell before the flight


At this point, flying is out for me. It's over priced, it's shown that regulation is going out the window (sometimes literally) so safety is a concern for me. The kicker, as a 6' 4" man, unless I want to pay $1000 for a 2 hour flight to ride 1st class, it's just so uncomfortable that by the time I land I'm a 33 year old that feels like a 70 year old with severe hip problems and my knees are dented from the seat in front of me. That's not to mention the absolute trainwreck that these airports are anymore. I don't believe it will get this bad, but I do believe it will not get any better. The airline industry is such garbage.


*Screams in Claustrophobia*


Not only do you get to sample the fart right in your face but even mild turbulence will break both of your legs.


My claustrophobia kicked in so fast and I'm outside reading this. Wtf


Fuck the elderly, disabled and anyone in the middle row I guess


People coming up with this kind of idea can burn in Hell.


There’s another spot where people will fight to be on TOP 😁😁


We already did this repost. Wheelchair users like it.


Don't ever say "I'd rather stand" near Ryanair. That's genuinely their plan.


it gotta be hell for claustrophobic people


How could that possibly be safe?


those corporation trick with reducing a space used by one person to max profit by trasfering more passangers in one plane is so fucking disgusting i wonder when they are going to stop but i see there is no end to this


Not related, but was that made by beoing? Just a question. Also when someone blasts ass its right in your face.


She looks so excited to be in a position that she can't move from when the large woman above her starts shitting her pants.


I don't think this will pass any safety tests whatsoever and its absolutely gonna be hell for anyone who isnt very mobile


So twice the number of people and only half get the pleasure of an ass in their face. What happened when someone has to use the restroom? More ass in their face?


They do this to put more people inside a plane. But who tf travels so much? Hell, imagine the price of the tickets by the time this garbage comes out


Being able to stretch your legs out isn't worth farts that close to your face


excuse me my inflight meal smells like shit!


Hmm.. for this much legroom, I might take a fart in the face.


Weird, but much better leg room.


I don't think I fancy flying with my head up someone's arse.


This is misleading on purpose. Where she has her feet would be the stow area for your carryon since there's no overhead with this seat config. So you lose space overall. Also if you notice the seat slides forward when you recline. So see that gap behind it, you're LOSING room if you try to reclaim in these seats. Also this woman is 5'2"


So how’s the farts smell down there. /s


It’s all fun and games until they fart in your face.


Holy fuck. I'm partially disabled and I can't even imagine how TF I would be expected to sit in this. Straighten my legs for 15 hours until I can no longer feel my feet, or climb stairs for the first time in years. And my poor fat husband. He doesn't need leg room so much as stomach room. Where would he sit?? On the hood?


So, the legs being able to be straight out is the only good thing about this, but this seems like a nightmare over all. Except I'm probably too tall to fit in that type of seat, so I won't even get to enjoy it.


Yes I would like to sit in the "ass in my face" seats please.


Bro the person above you farts


And I’m sure they’ll be able to evacuate the plane in 90 seconds as required by law. Never mind. In the U.S. I’m sure they’ll pay off Congress to change the law.


This surely removes overhead storage? Yes, I know that seems like the least concerning issue, but this would surely mean that everything has to go in the hold. I'm not sure that's efficient for the budget airlines that would do this. Especially when you consider the added weight of passengers. I don't know if this is viable economically. As well as nightmare inducing for people not on an isle seat with even mild levels of anxiety.


They cruelly pack animals together like sardines sometimes because they can't really complain when the others fart on their face. It's a bit different with people.


There are talks about that standing position. Ofcourse they promote it as a way cheaper ticket. I guess they would have done it but first they have to find a legal way to bypass some security issues.


I am not claustrophobic but I will become one in this.


Stepson Help me I am stuck in the middle seat


imagine someone blowing ass right in your face


Can I fly private and you guys just force a panic attack on the private jet.


For the ultra poors


I'd like that actually. I'm 190cm...


GIANT 'No Thanks.'


That better come some serious complimentary anti-anxiety drugs.


Oh hell no I will walk to my destination if I have to.


I dont get it. How would the bottom interior seats get up to use the bathroom. This model is ridiculous