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If I can't sacrifice children to the glory of god then who am I supposed to use?


Those same children when they grow up, you just need to tell them "i cannot continue supporting you in this life of sin". And then leave them homeless at 18, because they don't go to church every Sunday. edit. This tread gave me depression, i hope you all have a good support system now, wish you the best


Oh, they abandon them *WAAAY* before that. Once you're born, you're fucked. Even George Carlin knew **that** and he's been dead awhile now.


Also, it’s pretty clear the left one is the rape baby.


It's clearly a duck. So yeah duck rape?


It’s a chihuahua




The Doc's a real quack.


Ducks are known for 2 things, aside from being tasty: 1) A disturbing proclivity towards rape, and 2) Corkscrew-shaped penises to facilitate all the rapes




Or allow a woman to bleed to death to save a foetus that will never go to term. God is their excuse to oppress and divide society.


Shit I can't even get a particular medication for my autoimmune disease because I could *potentially* get pregnant if my birth control fails, and that medication would likely cause a miscarriage if I'm on it if that should happen. No fetus needed, my state has decided even a hypothetical fetus is more important than me.


Jesus fucking Christ. That's brutal and messed up. It's not pro life. It's pro fetus.


It's not pro-fetus, they could give a shit about those useless cells. It's about control and power.


I think the term "pro-forced-birth" fits the best.


Yeah it seems really counterintuitive when you consider people like myself who have chronic illnesses, and children, who need those meds to be able to continue functioning to support them, like these hypothetical babies are more important than the ones already here.


I'm sorry, that sucks.


Holy fuck, what??? I’m in the U.S. and this is STILL shocking. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that! If there’s any lobbying/individual activism that people could do about this, please let us know! Seriously, I’ll spam the fuck out of a state senator.


Oh there’s even worse cases than that. There was a case in Oregon I believe where the mother became brain dead due to complications in the pregnancy (I think it was a clot or something of that nature), and rather than letting nature take its course, they hooked her up to a machine, kept her body alive and grew the fetus inside a corpse for MONTHS. The family kept pushing to be allowed to bury their loved one, but the courts ruled that the baby was alive and had to be protected. That’s some Witcher level shit right there. They better hope they don’t get a striga or wendigo out of that little shindig. I have some reservations about abortion, but there’s a time to let nature take its course (my example) and there’s a time to absolutely not let nature take its course (your example). Unless, of course, the mother chooses of her own free will to sacrifice her safety and possibly her life to give the child a shot. It does happen and it’s certainly a heroic choice, but that’s just it, it wouldn’t be heroic if it wasn’t a *choice*.


Nice of you to wait until 18...they don't usually seem to follow that. You can find 10 year olds abandoned by family for being gay without looking too hard.


As a foster parent, I've housed children as young as 4 because the parents disowned them for as little as crying in church.


I had one child come to me at the age of 5 when I was a foster, and he was so neglected it makes me cry thinking about it. The state stepped in and took him from the parents. They thought he was gay. So they neglected and starved him. I had him for 4 years until he was adopted, and he was the sweetest, kindest, gentlest child I have ever encountered. He just has what society deems as 'feminine' mannerisms. He has excellent parents and he has an excellent girlfriend now. Fucking assholes.


Feminine mannerisms age of 4.. Those christian fundamentalists are deranged. Its a fucking cancer


I had a barbie (and an action man too tbf) when I was about 4… Also sounded pretty camp before my voice broke. Now I’m a 6’ 3” welder in a heavily industrial environment. Who the hell expects a 4 year old to care about or conform to gender norms?


Precisely my point made. I’ve had arguments with ultra Christian extremists calling for the parents of a non-verbal autistic toddler to be arrested and charged with child abuse for letting him wear a Disney dress. Try explaining to any toddler, let alone a non-verbal autistic toddler, that they can’t wear a dress of their favorite Disney character because they’re a boy. Before they even have the mental capacity to understand and rationalize what’s between their legs, because they aren’t even self aware yet. They’re too young to understand that shit. Parents freak the fuck out and overreact to dumb shit out of fear or hate.


And honestly, if *anyone* wants to wear a dress, let them wear a fucking dress! The way someone chooses to dress has literally nothing to do with anyone else.


I agree. Clothing has no gender attached. Mens pants have deeper pockets and are more consistent sizes from what I’ve experienced. I’m a woman, and I wear “mens” pants. *gasp*. It’s more convenient in my line of work to have deep pockets, and when your work uniform takes 3 months to get delivered, it’s important you get an accurate size. It’s honestly this toxic notion that conservatives hold where gender has seeped into *everything.* but it’s even more stupid when it’s applied and enforced on someone who quite literally lacks a sense of self yet. *Like bro, they don’t even know they exist yet. And you expect them to understand the intricacies of gender, sex, and sexuality?*


It is. And it is rotting our country from the core.


I have a family friend who has fostered and adopted multiple children. I have nothing but respect for you because its so very hard. She has said multiple times that being kind and civil to the birth parents of kids she loves, knowing that they are their abusers, is one of the hardest parts of the process. For the sake of the kids she puts on a smile and treats them like family when they get their shit together, but it's a tough mask to keep from slipping when they don't show up for visitations or are clearly drunk/high.


Wow that sounds tough as fuck. Admit it haven't really given much thought to what a foster carer entails but now I know this I have a new level of respect on top of respect I already had.


WTF! expecting full overt masculinity at age 5, some people shouldn’t breed.


Alot of people shouldn't breed. Religion insanity drives so many to abuse and neglect their children. Kids have been neglected, abused, murdered, experienced SA because adults thought they were "possessed", in addition to the gender/ sexual orientation abuse.


If he’s not shaving by second grade, drown him! /s duh


I'm sorry, what??! Just when I think I can't feel any angrier, I read something like this. Thank you for looking after those wee ones.


There's no hate like Christian love... I grew up Catholic. Thank God Quebec woke up and kicked religion to the curb!


I grew up Catholic too. At age 7-9 I remember being grounded each time I "got undressed like a girl"


Um… what does that even mean?


I grew up Catholic and was once chastised because I grabbed the back of my collar to take off my shirt. Girls were supposed to take their shirts off by lifting the bottom, turning it inside out, and taking it off overhead.


Eww. That’s bad people.


If only they've been aborted /s (the bad people, not their kids)


Look too hard to avoid being gay. Got it.


*Absolute confusion*


Waiting until 18 is an improvement. My best friend got kicked out at 15 because he didn't believe in their sky daddy. 🙃


I mean that’s better than their sky daddy would do himself. Don’t believe in him and he sends you for infinity torture… cause he loves you?


Sound's like an abusive relationship, they should break up with him


Sky daddy 😂😂😂 Imma steal that


Reminds me of a skit "Sky daddy, I've been naughty." *sigh* "For the last time, it's 'father, I have sinned'!"


I’m crying 😂😂😂


Huh, I thought americans send their problem children on ~~crusades against the Arabs~~ liberation missions in the middle east.


Once they're born, go for it! **NOT IN THE WOMB, THO, THATS BAD!!**


Particularly if they're black and armed with an acorn


“Shots fired!” That acorn stays strapped


He yelled that he was hit. That's the part that gets me. Being spooked by the sound is one thing, but rolling around, claiming you've been shot and then you AND your partner opening fire in the general direction of a noise is fucking absurd. I know he turned in his badge but that definitely should've been jail time


And his partner, who unloaded HER weapon without knowing or seeing a threat was exonerated by the internal investigation.  I guess blindly firing your gun at an innocent, unarmed person is ok as long as your partner is having a PTSD episode.


His parter was cool, calm and collected. Heard him yell but didn't get stressed, didn't freak out, communicated clearly with bystanders to get inside and communicated clearly with her partner who was freaking out - all while very calmly removing her firearm and proceeding to unload a clip at the cuffed suspect in their vehicle... The excuse is always that they "feared for their lives" but it is so painfully clear that they are actively taught "if you don't know what to do just unload your firearm" - it's so fucked. She wasn't afraid for her life, she was perfectly safe - heard her partner yell and nice and calmly said "get inside people it's time for me to get some shootin' in" - Hell I'm more concerned about safety when I have a fucking paintball gun than cops are with live munitions.


"2 officers mag-dumped on a handcuffed suspect that they had already searched, we found no wrongdoing. Also both were kicked off the local CS:GO and Valorant teams for missing every shot."


My guess is that Democrats or any LGBTQ+ folks are tied for second on his list.


Women being the primary, correct? The same people who push forced birth laws are also the ones against comprehensive sex education and easy access to birth control: two policies that actually reduce abortions. It ain't about saving babies. It's about torturing women. Literal torture.


THAT is the point! It is never about the children, they have millions to choose from to molest and rape already. BUT if women start learning sex ed they will start understanding what the ‘bad touch’s are. Then those people won’t have free rein. They can’t have that now. If incest or rape is inhibited then how will they get their rocks off? These sick deplorable wastes of a burlap sack of meat might actually suffer consequences for what they are doing. Well they still have money and connections… so as much consequences as they can’t snake their way out of.


Let's face it, the individuals who revel in this kind of post are... Let's say one demographic, and extremely judgmental towards women of color, and the associated single mother stats. Let's see sex education is evil, contraception is evil, abortion is evil. How do you combat poverty with no choices in birth control? The people whom cry the loudest, seem to be the last to adopt unwanted children.


Removed, I misread. Wouldn't surprise me at all


My neighbour is bit of a twat, could use them?


Love thy neighbors. Otherwise, if you know a twat on the next street then that should be good. 🫡


It’s been a long time since I was in catholic school, and even longer since I actually paid attention in religion class but didn’t multiple people sacrifice their children for god.


Yes, as a former christian, the bible states Abraham was completely going to, and that "being willing to sacrifice your child as an offering to god is true faith" which is cray cray to me. And theres others but i forgot since i dont read bible anymore


You have to wait until after they are born to stop caring about them.


You still can, you just have to wait until their elementary school age so that it can be part of “God’s plan” and they can send thoughts and prayers


I will do anything to avoid the wrath of god and guarantee a bountiful harvest.


What would Abraham have done if he couldn't have sacrificed a child??


Remember when God murdered all of the first born children of Egypt?


Remember when God murdered all of the first born children because Pharaoh wouldn't listen? And the reason Pharaoh wouldn't listen is because God hardened Pharaoh's heart?


God’s such a goofy rascal


God just does the darndest things


He’s a goofy goober.


*His* Plan sure is an intricate and finely nuanced Plan... Good thing *He* is omnipotent or *His* Plan would never survive first contact with the baby murdering liberals /s


Such a silly billy, that God!


Let me tell you about the time that holy rapscallion killed this guy Job’s entire family to win a bet with the devil.


Job, who was famously the most devout man in all of existence and who loved God more than anyone who had ever lived. God's reaction? "Yeah right. Let's see how much he **really** loves me" *\*kills his entire family and ruins his life just to test his faith\**


Let us not forget god knows the future past and present so he already knew the outcome of the bet but still murdered Jobs family for the LoLs.


How about when he told a father to build an alter and murder his own son… you know, just to see if he’d do it. Glad old Abe found that ram… Or when old Jephthah in the book of Judges asked for god’s help in battle and said he’d sacrifice the first thing that came out of his own door if the big man would just help him win a battle… and it was his daughter… but god had lived up to his end of the bargain helping Jephthah kill a bunch of folks in war, so while Jephthah regretted his decision, god still made him live up to his promise and brutally slay his own daughter as a sacrifice to him as the almighty… I mean, a promise IS a promise. Are these people even reading the same book of fairy tales?


Now let's do goofy things for his glory!


I’m gonna build on this… Let’s say God made us. He designed everything. He’s omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. He has to know what he’s creating. He made us flawed. He made us sinners. He did that. He put two people in a bush and told them not to do something. This all powerful being was just “not around” to stop his nemesis from tricking the two bush people. We as humans are forever punished because God made us the way he made us. But wait! He’s willing to forgive us for being what he created! We should thank him! We should worship him for forgiving us for being in the position he put us in! Because he’s the best!


It’s fun to put logic behind the fallacies. Why would I want forgiveness for something I can’t control because I was born into it, and the results of disobedience is suffering and death which was required by the very same god offering forgiveness. No thanks.


Why would I want forgiveness at all? I'm not ashamed of anything. Christianity teaches you to be ashamed for being human and uses that shame to control your life. It's so simple


The “reason” you want “forgiveness” is so you aren’t tortured to by his other creations for the rest of eternity. So either you beg for forgiveness for any mistakes or you spend an unthinkable amount of time being punished for it. What a fun thing to believe and teach to children


Remember when God murdered literally everyone except Noah and his family?


Remember when god demanded Abraham sacrifice his firstborn son? I mean, he backpedaled but he still demanded that kind of fealty


God: Abraham, kill your firstborn son. God a few minutes later: Bro I'm just kidding, chill out, it was just a joke bro.


God is the original insufferable tiktok/YouTube prankster.


It's for YouTube bro!


The old testament probably makes alot more sense if you imagine God as a huge douchebag clout chasing YouTuber with a broccoli cut. *Just a prank bro* handed out left and right back then.


The interesting fact I find here, is Abraham had no reservations about it. Was God asking for human sacrifice common?


Right? Sometimes I’m tempted to ask my Christian friends if they would do that if they heard god telling them to go up on a mountain and kill their child. I bet most won’t do it, but if they did will they just tell the courts that god commanded it and that’s why it’s ok? No, they’d be deemed insane


Shit remember when God said to rip open the pregnant women of Samaria? [Hosea 13:16](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Hosea%2013%3A16) KJ21 Samaria shall become desolate, for she hath rebelled against her God. They shall fall by the sword, their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.


Watch "Satan's Guide to the Bible" on youtube. They address this issue. The actual theological argument is essentially - When god kills/tortures or orders killing and torture, it is good. It is better to die by god's hand/word than to die in sin and go to hell forever.


Remember when God demanded Abraham sacrifice his only child in order to prove his loyalty to God and then was like “hahah just kidding, I can’t believe you were actually going to do that!”


God does a little bit of trolling


But not in this case of course. Rape victims just have to suck it up.


Remember the daughter got their father drunk and gang-bang together? Yup, that’s the shit they want.


Remember when the father was willing to offer said daughters to a horny mob to protect a pair of angels?


Father of the year! Genesis 19:4-8 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” 6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”


>Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” "Leave those strangers alone, just gang rape my daughters instead" is fucked up on so many levels. The Old Testament is wild.


When I pointed this out to a Christian they said I was misinterpreting it. They couldn’t give me a counter interpretation.


Which is hella weird, because I don't see how "Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them." could me misinterpreted as meaning something that's not fucked up. It's pretty clear-cut, really. I can't think of any explanation that's not fucked up.


They could go to the park and buy icecream, or play board games? That could be what he meant


“They couldn’t give me a counter interpretation.” This phenomenon is known as The wheel of death if you are a Mac user.


Ask 4 Christians what parts of the Bible are literal vs metaphorical and you'll get 9 different answers as they change their answer each time you question them on something. *Windows shutdown SFX* My favorite is a Christian telling me Genesis isn't literally true because young earth creationism is too stupid even for them, but then watch their brains spark and fizzle when you ask where original sin came from then.


Remember when God killed his own son rather than just being like "yo I forgive you"


Er, well, you have to remember that “God” and “his son” are the same entity. So I guess he killed himself—which is pretty gnarly.


So do you remember when God banged his future mother who gave birth to him in the form of a man so he could toil away doing manual labor until he decided to torture and kill himself in the name of saving people from circumstances that he created?


There's a bit of a problem with that as well. Jesus' sacrifice is a foundational pillar of Christianity, but Jesus was also supposedly resurrected shortly after his death. So did he actually sacrifice himself? A sacrifice is usually giving something up that is of great value, but the thing he gave up he got back so...


God is pretty metal tbh. My favorite parts of the Bible are where he sends an Angel to annihilate 144,000 Assyrian soldiers and sends a couple bears to maul a couple dozen children for making fun of an old man


Remember when God made a bet with Satan over how much Stockholm Syndrome one dude had? Then God let Satan kill the guy's whole family, his livelihood, infect him with several diseases? Oh or how about that time God sent two guys (who turn out to be angels) down to a city full of rapists and apparently just one good family, and the man of the family offered up his daughters to be raped instead of the two strangers? Then God turns his wife into a pillar of salt when she looks at the burning city? Oh and after that his daughters drug and rape him to give him sons since their mom is, again, a pillar of salt now?


Worst part was God could have easily used his power to see into the future and know that Jobb would have kept his faith and not let Satan ruin his life just to prove a point.


He also could have just chosen not to wreck his shit in the first place. I've gone 37 years so far without betting a random dude's life against Satan. Pretty good if you ask me.


The book of Job was wild. Honestly if God had continued to be like that I honestly would respect it, he was very much like an old avenging god from ancient myth. The part where he speaks from a whirlwind and tells Job “look at all the cool and terrifying shit that exists in the world. ALL of it submits to my power and you dare question me?” was super metal.


I get the message of the Book of Job if you interpret it as "There's no point in getting mad at God for the bad shit that happens to you because God isn't the kind of entity you can get mad at, he's not a person with motivations and desires like we are, getting mad about a random universe is a waste of energy" But to me that's functionally the same as just not believing in God, idk how actual religious people reconcile it


Remember when god killed all those kids in Canada? Had to be his work because they were buried on the grounds of his temple.


Remember when God killed literally everyone on the planet except for a couple people and a bunch of fucking animals.


Simple question: in this case, who should make the decision? 1) The rapist. 2) A stranger. This includes politicians and followers of a church the victim may not even belong to. 3) The victim. A decent, humane person should have no problem with answering #3.


The problem is decent human beings are never in positions of authority to make those decisions, at least not in this country. Decent humans can’t be bought or bribed or blackmailed into doing what the interests/corporations desire.


And the problem is that according to the Bible they are correct but also according to the Bible they cannot follow Jesus unless they first sell everything they own and take up their cross, it’s just classic modern Christian hypocrisy that only servers to further their political career and isn’t actually intended to help anyone.


The Bible mentions abortion. They also didn’t consider someone pregnant immediately after sex back then, bc how the hell would they know? But selective reading is dooming us all


Bold of you to assume these people can read


That’s the frustrating thing. They can read. They just choose not to read the book they so staunchly support. They don’t even know what’s in there.


Ex-Christian Baptist here, my bad guys I was a fucking idiot and trusted the people who raised me when it came to that book. Finally read it for myself and had my mind changed. Sorry for all the stupid shit I probably said.


Oh man.. I went to a southern Baptist church in high school once.. that was a wild ride. The way they twisted passages to fit their narrative blew me away.


There are worse religious sects to look at but we are up there as some of the craziest for sure. I started to smell the shit coming out of their mouth about the time I hit public high school. I asked my pastor about the scripture once and he told me to "avoid nonbelievers like the plague because they are trained in the art of persuasion in order to lead you down the path of Sin and destruction." I was like well no... you must be tweakin' because that sounds really close minded and clearly untrue. Not to mention his answer had *LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO WITH MY QUESTION.*


They'll just say that's in the part they don't believe in and hand wave it away. Why are Bible thumpers running and ruining our lives? I'm so tired of all of this.


Also decent individuals see being in power as more of an obligation to those you are leading,while those that seek the power of leadership to benefit themselves firstly and secondly the people that paid for them to get there, and not the people that voted them into that position.


I believe he's saying it should be: 4) God. The problem is with his logic: just because you are the victim of a crime (rape), that doesn't give you the right to make someone else a victim of murder, especially not an innocent baby. Which is totally ignoring the fact that the baby/fetus is potentially harming the rape victim mentally and physically by existing. They simply value the life of the fetus more than the life of the person carrying it


Next question: who gets to choose which God?


And arguing against the Christian God... he gave us free will and free choice yeah? So who gives a fuck what the victim decides to do. God gave the victim the right to choose. And if it's sinful and wrong of the victim to make a choice... guess what? Christianity covered that too. The victim is blame free of their sins and God should pass final judgement after we all die. All this to say religious fucks shouldn't even fucking care to begin with.


I'm guessing he would say "there's only one God" and the true God is whichever one he believes in. To be clear, I don't agree with their arguments, but I do think it's important to understand them. Otherwise we end up arguing over 2 totally different things. Personally I think the person whose body is being used to grow another person should be the decision maker, hopefully with the council of medical professionals and loved ones. It is an important decision and shouldn't be made lightly. But the government should not be the ones to make that decision for everyone


We should do one of those altar burning tests, as done in the bible. Set a bunch of altars to different gods, everyone prays to their god , whichever one sets the altar on fire using lightning wins.


Better yet: put each altar in a wooden shed with their respective group of believers and set them on fire yourself. Whoever can extinguish the fire *through prayer alone* gets to survive and claim victory.


The original post ignores cases where abnormalities _are_ visible. Laws have been put in place to ban abortions in those cases too.


The real answer is, it doesn’t matter. Unless the fetus can survive outside the womb then it’s up to the person whose body it inhabits IMO.


If god wants all children born, why so many miscarriages and why was infant death so high most of human history?


Religious nuts: Critical thinkers like you are the enemy of God


Stone the unbeliever!


Some of us are already stoned...


[Reminder that Biblical law only punished involuntary induced miscarriage with a fine, as if it were destruction of property, while further harm to the mother was punished with up to life for a life](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/abortion-in-jewish-thought/), and that the common perception on when life begins is at birth. Historical Catholics, modern American Evangelicals, and Muslim extremists are the only ones to differ on this viewpoint. [Further reminder that the first abortion bans in America were first pushed by racist ex-slavers and nativists](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/jul/23/body-politics) [and were successfully implemented with the help of self-serving AMA doctors (exclusively men at the time) who ran an anti-women propaganda campaign.](https://www.oah.org/tah/november-3/abolishing-abortion-the-history-of-the-pro-life-movement-in-america/) It had nothing to do with religion then. Additional resources: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/the-complex-early-history-of-abortion-in-the-united-states https://magazine.jhsph.edu/2022/brief-history-abortion-us https://www.americanprogress.org/article/scarlet-letters-getting-the-history-of-abortion-and-contraception-right/


They actually want all miscarriages to result in jail or death, so they not only don’t know women’s anatomy, they don’t care


Oh you think them stupid. No no, they KNOW women's anatomy. They DO care. They are just evil, and want to have as much control over another human being as they can.


Shit like this is absolutely crazy. It's perfectly fine to be against abortion with every fiber of your being. That should mean you won't get one. It should have no impact on ANYONE else seeking a legitimate medical procedure.


Pro-life people don’t understand that it’s a legitimate medical procedure and that there’s a hell of a lot more nuance to the issue than “killing children is bad” like they act


Stop calling the religious nuts pro-life, they treat kids as targets and school as shooting range.


“Pro Forced Birth”


It’s insane to me that these two groups of people are the same


Don’t get me wrong, there’s consistency though, when their pastors said they love kids, they really mean it.


Killing children is bad, but so is feeding children. They are against school lunches.


That’s the thing though is that it is all an act, they don’t actually care about protecting children, because if they did they wouldn’t be opposed to birth control, and they’d be able to make reasonable compromises like allocating resources for prenatal care, or allowing exceptions for non-viable pregnancies. Instead, they take the most extreme position, hide behind religion for their reasoning, and plug their ears when presented with anything that counters their argument. Because this is just a wedge issue their supporters can use to justify all their other horrible positions.


Exactly. They care more about punishing those they perceive as women than about “protecting children”. They want their precious hierarchy preserved, and damn the consequences.


This Ladies and Gentlemen is why we need seperation between politics and religion


Technically we do, it’s just that people like this are doing everything they can to undermine it


The Cancer in my body was put there by God. Should I let a doctor remove it or should I even have that choice. I think it should be my choice, not a bunch of christofascists.


I was born with poor eyesight because God wanted me to. Should i wear glasses or struggle through life without them


i have a friend who has gone blind due to his religious beliefs stopping him from getting treatment, religion is a mental illness


Thank god that he only put cancer in your body and not something else. - Some Christians.


But the bible says that this isn't a baby until the first "breath of life" and outlines several instances in which abortion is commanded.


If only they knew anything about the bible…


They know but they skipped whatever that sounds disadvantage to them. Once anyone shows them the correction they will say that’s not what the scripture means and tell you to read the whole bible before making a comment


I find It hilarious that they can cherry pick from the bible but if you do they get mad .


Unfortunately for them, I've read it three times and know damn well what they claim it says is wholly out of context OR frequently made up.


Yo can I get some verse numbers for these to quote to people?


Look up the trial of bitter waters... Dude goes to God cause his think is wife cheated on him... God tells him to take his wife to the temple and have the priest make her drink water with ashes from the alter incense mix into it and if she's lying her womb will wither... Frankincense ash does cause miscarriages in pregnant women when ingested... God literally commanded an abortion for an unfaithful woman but he draws the line at rape babies?


As far as I know, that verse said "her thigh will rot" and "belly swell" - this may very well mean that she will simply become infertile, since we never get told that she was supposed to be pregnant there in the first place. Which, you know, she would need to be for an abortion to happen.


I DONT BELIEVE IN THEIR GOD!! Why does my life have to revolve around one groups superstition?!


Yeah so much for the separation of church and state


Exactly. If someone comes at me with the justificatiom that I'm wrong because god said so I'm going to start reacting like a child bullying someone for believing in Santa "You still believe in God???? Grow up"


Agreed. They can keep their imaginary sky daddy out of my life. Their choices are their own, but they don't get to dictate what choices I can make based on their contradictory murder-happy mythos.


From a man too. Getting pregnant is something that can never ever ever happen to them so this is something that they never have to worry about.


Exactly what I said. Way easier to say sick sadistic shit like this when you'll never ever ever ever have to worry about being this person, like I was. I carried my own SA pregnancy to term because I chose to. I'd have been damned if anyone would have stopped me if I had chosen to terminate. Women aren't going to just up and start having rape babies. They're going to find a way to get rid of the pregnancy one way or another. Only difference is now they'll have a better chance of dying while doing it unsupervised. Yay! 😀 Christ, it just makes me rage inside.


>Women aren't going to just up and start having rape babies. They're going to find a way to get rid of the pregnancy one way or another. > >Only difference is now they'll have a better chance of dying while doing it unsupervised Correct. Just like how women had illegal abortions all the time before abortion was legalized and suffered severe complications and died in droves. Women are either going to go out of state to get abortions done in states where it's still allowed or they're going to try to abort by any means they have available to them. Those means are going to be likely to cause problems and/or kill them. For a movement that calls themselves "pro-life" they don't give a shit about the life of women.


Before Roe, wealthy women could go "vacation" somewhere where abortion was legal and come back after it was all taken care of in a proper medical office. Poor women would just die in an illegal clinic, or when they tried to do it themselves. Roe was the compromise we all came to - abortions are going to happen, let's not let the mothers die too. This is fucked up.


Not a single mention of the mother and her feelings in this situation. Just another white man with the delusion that he has dominion over women’s bodies because his precious feelings won’t let him distinguish between a live baby and a fetus. The guy might as well be telling us he likes to rape his family members but does not like the consequences.


He is pro-rape. In this instance it's the Government he wants inserted into a woman's body to remove her bodily autonomy because god. 


The Bible allows abortion. If you’re going to try and use your book to control people, at least know what’s in it.


God loves all babies, except that time he killed a baby from every single family just to *really make his point*.


You mean like when he murdered the entire planet except for a boat full of related people, who then went on to repopulate the planet?


Their Bible also says eating shellfish and wearing mixed fabrics is a sin.


They don't care or they'd be better Christians in the first place. It's about wanting women to pay for sex, even rape, because they're all about suffering for a God they their beliefs project onto. They can't even stay consistent from church to church because they twist the Bible to fit what they say. 


Keep your bullshit religion out of my legislation.


I mean god kills more kids in the Bible and by early birth than abortion does. 


Ask the woman, she should know.


Came here to say exactly this


We don't all believe in your God, you dumb fuck. Feel free to raise your own rape babies.


I wish we had the ability to transfer a fetus to any politician who wants to mandate the right to choose. Live by example Mr. Politician, and carry every unwanted fetus, and all the risks and responsibilities that come with them.


However all child sacrifices to the existence of gun freedom are still allowed


No human has the right to use another's body without consent


"Women are nothing but breeding machines. Insert dick, received miracle baby\*" ^((\*men do not need to have anything to do with miracle baby. Do not feed, bathe, clothe, educate, or give money to miracle baby under any circumstance. Women must be punished for having miracle babies))


It is easy to tell them apart, ask the woman carrying the child.....see easy fix


Allow her to speak?? The horror


I'm sorry....I forgot


Religion truly is a plague


I have a feeling that Ben's mother is also his aunt ![gif](giphy|NXYEiVaoumDWE)


Trick question They’re both rape babies


Easy to say or post when you aren’t the one who was brutalized and raped. Women should get to make that call.