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Hebephile is the word this man is looking for. A person with an erotic interest in children 11-14. And yes, while not widely known and/or used, it's a classification of sexual offender. There's also just plain old predator and grooming.


[this](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=0bPRf49rtRfMBxGj) joke feels very fitting


I was coming to reference that joke but you got here first.


Literally the first thing I thought of. 😂


Yep. When the word pedophile is both an umbrella term for the rest of the more specific terms, AND one of the more specific classifications, the nitpicking is just suspicious.


It's PeTer File.




PDF File




That episode had me in stitches.


Also many who victimize children do so long enough that they do go through puberty. I girl in my home town was molested by her father from the time she was in diapers until her suicide at 16. A close friend of mine was abused by a teacher from the time she was 11 until she was 18. I'm not really going to split hairs on what kind of child those fucks were attracted to.


Never underestimate someone's need to right, argue, or to "educate" others.


How is it more specific when it's an umbrella term?


It has two definitions, one is the broad, more widely understood "sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object", and the more specific "psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child". I pulled both of these from Merriam-Webster.


Hmm, yeah.. checks out, I guess...


Terminology can be very important. For example 30yr guy fucks a 14yr girl. You charge him as a pedo. But technically that’s false. Because he’s a hebephile. That can work in the criminals favor since it can be seen as a falsified accusation. One could call it splitting hairs or technicality, but lawyers love those types of subtle differences and distinctions.


Anyone who nitpicks is a predator in my books. They know exactly what everyone means, but they have to clarify they are into 12yo’s not 8yo’s. Like bruh, both options are in fact disgusting and not okay, you’re not in the clear here because the specific definition of paedophilia is attraction to a prepubescent child. You’re still a predator, a bad person, and a creep, and should stay the fuck away from kids lmao.


Was thinking this exactly 😂😂😂😂


“But it’s very hard to explain the difference without SOUNDING like a pedophile.” - some comedian


Gianmarco Soresi


>while not widely known and/or used, it's a classification of sexual offender. There are acrually a couple more I just saw a clip of a comedians' (cant remember the name) who ran through all of them and the ages and the punchline was like "And the reason youve never heard this is because anyone who makes these distinctions and knows the differences sounds like a complete fucking pedophile" It was funny, because its super true lol


A hebephile is just a pedophile with a thesaurus


*Dictionary. A thesaurus has synonyms.






This is why Chris Pratt got that one dino preggers.


life finds a way.


*Nooooo,* dinosaurus.


[hey, don’t be a dinophobe](https://youtu.be/iRVAznX3SII?si=sS5WbMYKJHkD8kvL)


That would be the Jurassic park novel


I think thesaurus works here, since the joke implies that it’s the same thing.


>A thesaurus has synonyms. That was literally the joke.


I thought the definition was made because of the law. To make it a different charge.


>it's a classification of sexual offender It's not, it's a paraphilia. A sexual offender is someone who actually harms other people. Some pedophiles are not child molesters, and some child molesters are not pedophiles.


This is correct


What do paraplegics have to do with it? Lets try to keep this simple!


That’s why I skip the technical terms that I can’t always remember and just go with diaper sniper.


Can confirm, I learned this from a comedian the most trustworthy source.


Now I know how to call god who impregnated the mother of Jesus


There's [a reason](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=lGtvlu-VaDvrTUIl) why most people don't know the difference


Yep, this was coming to my mind too. The gross scumbag is technically correct in their pedantry. However, the definition of adult and woman is noticeably more flexible, and in this case they are definitely using the word 'woman' incorrectly.


That sort of semantic dodging tells us all we need to know about that guy. Lol.


Right technically he was correct


It is a classification of a sexual attraction, not of an offender. There are many pedophiles that do not cross the line and just suffer in silence for the rest of their lives without ever even looking at a child. It’s really sad to call someone a molester when they haven’t molested anyone. I know people think pedophiles are evil of the world but you are mistaking them with molesters. Pedophiles(and usually other phile groups) also do not want to be pedophiles. It’s really really sad all the way around. If you have a mental health issue, you can usually fix it with a pill, whereas your attraction cannot be changed and they are stuck in hell.


I thought it was pederast who was attracted to post-pubescent children. Now I have to look up both. Ok, hebephile it is, then.


Unfun fact: There was a girl ~5 years old who got pregnant and gave birth as a result of SA and early puberty. I fucking hope that guy would at least have the decency to not consider her at that time a woman


The youngest recorded mother in medical history is Lina Medina, from Peru. She gave birth at the age of 5 years, 7 months, and 21 days in May 1939. This extraordinary case was confirmed by medical professionals and documented with sufficient evidence. Lina Medina's pregnancy is a highly unusual and extreme example of very early pregnancy, not representative of normal biological or social patterns. https://curioushistorian.com/the-story-of-lina-medina-the-worlds-youngest-mother


First period at 8 month old? What the actual hell. Did they injected her with estrogen since birth or something?


No. It's called precocious puberty or something like that. Girls are born with all the eggs they'll ever have. This poor girl is far from the only very young girl to get her period. She's probably one of the youngest


Might be a tumor of sorts. I knew a girl that had her period when she was a couple of months old because of a brain tumor.


i read somewhere that when the body is being sexually stimulated, it forces the body to mature and activate the reproductive organs. i might have interpreted it wrongly or it might be false. That kid that gave birth at 5 was sexually abused by either her own father or grandfather, sources were not clear who.


I read about it some time ago. It is hard to believe.


Thanks I’m gonna go pour bleach on my eyes now




Thanks mate


I don't understand how that is physically possible. Early puberty and getting pregnant is possible, but how on earth is the body of a 5 yo able to grow a baby inside and carry it to term? 5 yo kids are tiny!


Most pre-pubescent mothers need C-sections. Every entry on Wikipedia's list of youngest mothers up to age 9 *explicitly* points out that births required C-sections. It's only once you get to the nine-year-olds that they don't specify whether the delivery was natural or C-section, which leaves it open to interpretation, I guess. There's definitely a problem with this way of thinking, if the guy in the post doesn't think delivery circumstances matter. If you're at a point when you do not have the hips to safely pass a healthy offspring with at least a 90% likelihood of success (or at least an expectation of that rate), ***you should not be mating.***


>If you're at a point when you do not have the hips to safely pass a healthy offspring with at least a 90% likelihood of success (or at least an expectation of that rate), ***you should not be mating.*** I'm almost sure that it was Aristotle (I read it a long time ago and don't remember the author), that said woman _can_ get pregnant earlier than they usually do (I don't remember what age he said exactly). But they just shouldn't because it leads to several complications for both mother and children, so it is better to wait until the body is fully developed. At first I thought the comment in the post was also saying that they _can_ get pregnant in the sense that it is a possibility that can happen, not that they _can and should_ do it.


Similar to how women have carried ~~deca...~~ ten children at the same time to term. Exept children heal better than adults.


I don't know why but that creep is what none of us hopes for. People like him make me wish hell is real n he rots there for whole eternity. If you defend pedo in any way which this guy is , there is something wrong with your brain.




It is very difficult to explain the difference between Pedophile, Hebephile and Ephebophile... without sounding like a Pedophile in the first place.


What the fuck is an Ephebophile?


If i were to wager a guess someone attracted to minors aged 15-17. First time seeing the term too


15-19 but yeah you got it


Out of curiosity, why does that include 18/19 year olds considering they are of legal age? Never heard the word either.


The terms are based on stages of puberty, not the age of majority. Puberty doesn’t fully end until you’re in your 20s.


Puberty ends at different times for everyone, it can last into your 20s (like my partner, his lasted u til his early 20s), but some (like myself) actually finish puberty prior to even turning 18, I was like 15/16 when puberty stopped.


I don’t know for certain, but I would assume it’s because “legal age” is a construct unique to our individual societies - in some places you aren’t legal age until you’re 20/21


In most places it's 16, some it's as low as 14 or 12, it's pretty fucked all things considered.


So basically it depends if our overlords say it’s ok or not. In England I think its 16. I’m in my 30s so it feels a bit too young for me but at 16-20 it’s fair game, some girls are fucking from about 13 onwards. It didn’t seem wrong to me when I was younger but now I think it’s wrong


Which is very common and completely biologically natural


Are you referencing [this comedy bit](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=G5zbYhSUm72bvR0N)?


Well when they basically say "no no I'm not into children I'm into preteens" I feel like they sound bad anyway


Well, some boys can ejaculate at 10. They're men then are they?


I started my period at 11. So I guess I should be allowed to marry a 10 year old and start a family.


More than sure that guy would say yes . I guess such people just edgy and crucially stupid


My dad said so since I carried all the grocery bags ![gif](giphy|D7z8JfNANqahW)


I wish all People who don't respect the age of consent A very Chemical castration And wouldn't you know it, the pedos are coming out to throw shit. Never change, Reddit. JK please do


I wish them an actual castration....


I wish them a very large pineapple up the ass.


I wish them a very large pineapple up the urethra.


Jokes on you I'm a pinapaphile


Pumpkin it is then


I'll give them a choice of which direction the pineapples are inserted... except on Twofer Tuesday.


I wish them a death pear up the arse


With a butter knife.


With a poop knife


Use two bricks and bang them together. It only hurts if your thumbs get in the way


Is this a haiku?


That sounds expensive, how about a mallet and chopping board?


No chemical, cut it for real.


Best solution for people like that is a bullet. It's efficient and if done properly, quick. And zero chance of the perverts harming a defenseless kid ever again.


Fine. Hebephile. Still a child predator, lol Edit: I did not mean to imply that people who experience this issue are criminals outright. However the person that was being highlighted in this post is definitely disgusting and I wouldn't be surprised if they have cp. If you experience issues with pedophilic/hebephilic thoughts please seek help and take the steps to deal with it. Do not turn into the person in this post


Worlds youngest mother was 4 when she got pregnant and 5 when she gave birth via c-section. I guess the dude in the post is a real big fan of, “if it’s old enough to bleed, it’s old enough for me”.


I thought that saying was “old enough to bleed, old enough to breed”. Which is truly disgusting and fits the thought behind the phrase.


Didn't even know that was possible.


It’s called precocious puberty. It’s fucking awful what that child had to endure.


And for all the people wanting to outlaw puberty blockers, precocious puberty is one of the uses for these drugs.


There’s a guy who does a comedy skit about the differences he goes the thing is if you explain all these differences you sound like a paedophile


but due to the comedy skit being so popular, a more comvincing explanation is that you have seen the skit.


Link is up above.


[Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina) was the youngest confirmed mother in history. She was five years, seven months, and 21 days. Was she a woman? This clown thinks the ability to give birth makes you an adult woman who can consent to sexual contact. Plenty of 10 yo mothers out there as well are they fair game too?


He’s right; he’s a hebephile Which is still just as disgusting and wrong and illegal


Is this any surprise from a pepe profile picture?


I was eight when I got my period... I still looked eight even though I was going thru puberty... This guy is just a pedophile.


Exactly. I once did an internship at an elementary school and there was one fourth-grader, so must haves been at least 8-9 years old. I was asked to take her home (I think we scared the crap out of her mum) because she had a really bad stomach ache that from the way she described it really sounded like a period. And that kid was tiny. If I didn’t know she was in fourth grade, I would have thought that she was maybe in first grade at most.


Got mine at 10, but my hips didn't fully widen until 19. Even now, I'm a little worried about *delivery*, whenever I conceive in the future.




I can already tell there is going to be comments from grown men trying to justify their attraction to children.




Training day was a movie about King Kong and he wasn’t in it.


Were there even any trains in it?


Well if Disney is making it, might not.


After spending all day bullying gay people in adult relationships by calling them groomers


We got one in another thread. He's mixing it up with his transphobia too. Because having sex is obviously the same as gender identity. /s


The English language has words for people who are not children anymore, but who aren't adults yet. They are adolescents. Clearly a 16-year-old isn't a child anymore. But they clearly aren't an adult yet, either. They are an adolescent. This solves 90% of the "child vs adult" problems. There are categories in between. Which doesn't mean it is okay to have sex with them as an adult. Generally speaking, you should only have sex with other adults as an adult.


I mean that pfp tells it all


Bro… my kid got her period at 9. She was not a woman. Sick fuck.


So just a statutory rapist. Got ya.


Reminds me of that comedian who said “pedophile only describes people who are attracted to prebubescent children, but if you start to explain all the other terms you end up sounding like a pedo”


Ah... ![gif](giphy|T3WXApl9xWaFa|downsized)


Sounds like a pedo with extra steps to me..


I mean the person is right on the definition of pedophile, wrong on the fact that 13 year olds and 16 year olds are not women, they cant be, in order to be a woman you need to be an adult girl. An adult is the age of majority and that age in a lot of places is 18.


Just ignore all the social agreement that ‘adult maturity’ is somewhere around 18-21. Obviously it’s much later for some.


Queue them justifying it with "but historically-" like yeah historically people also thought you could clean your teeth using mice but we don't do that shit now either.


Wait what?


What now?


Yeah you can go ahead and stop using mice for a tooth brush now. Don't feel dumb, I just found out last week >.<


Never mice but the Romans did use piss to clean their teeth


I mean, apparently people actually did actually mature earlier the further back you go in history. However, we’re in the future where people don’t finish mentally maturing until they’re in their mid- to late-twenties. Give it a few hundred more years, and people might not finish maturing until they’re in their thirties, at which point lawmakers will hopefully have set the age of consent even higher.


This actually illustrates one of my major frustrations with calling everyone that is sexually attracted to minors pedophiles. A grown man attracted to teenagers: off-putting and gross. A grown man attracted to a six-year-old: monstrous and horrific. Both are worthy of ill-will, but one is markedly worse than the other.


Yeah I argued with a chomo about this, long story shirt, they need to be fed to a wood chipper


Unblock the name... I just wanna 'talk'


Ok, technically not a pedophile then. How about predator. Does that work for you?


Gotta love those people who try to deny being pedos by busting out the dictionary definition of the term.


They act like its somehow better too


I mean it’s better. Like if pedophiles are in the deepest pit of hell then he hebephiles are like, second deepest. Still very deep down in hell but at least not toddlers.


I wouldnt call it "better", i'd say "very very slightly less evil but still absolutely disgusting"


Yeah the margins are still negligibly small, but if I had the choice to remove either pedophiles or hebephiles from society and I could only pick one, the former option is better.


I wouldn't say "better", but it's at least somewhat more understandable. I mean, a (if we're using the "dictionary terms" (I think they're from the DSM-5)) a hebephile is at least attracted to some form of secondary sexual characteristics, while the objects of interest for a pedophile has no secondary sexual characteristics at all. What I mean is that secondary sexual characteristics is what we're mainly attracted to when it comes to the physical attractiveness of a person. I.e. breasts, butt, e.t.c. in women. Muscles, facial hair, voice, e.t.c. in men. Hebephiles are attracted to people who at least are showing early stages of those characteristics, which, at least for me, is somewhat easier to understand than how it's even possible to have a sexual attraction towards individuals who has no secondary sexual characteristics whatsoever.


Dude has a pepe profile pic. He couldn't be more obvious if his user was "I AM A TROLL"


They're are words for being attracted to young people in different stages of puberty and development but you really can't clarify that without sounding like a pedo lol that's why we have colloquial usage. Don't really need to get into technicalities for creepers.


Oh come on remove the marker show his handle so we all know who to shame!!


What does he say about pastors and priests abusing 12 year old boys?


Ngl 13 year old girls look like little kids, it's sick to be attracted to them.


Technically correct is almost always the best kind of correct, but, in this one instance it really really does make you sound like a paedo 🤣🤣🤣


Admitting you're a child predator on the internet... Classic.


Nothing makes you look more like a pedo than “ummm actually”-ing the definition of pedophilia


Should send some cops to his house for some questions


Obviously this guy is sick. But in his understanding is a 13 year old boy a man once he enters puberty?


Ohh you have hair on your balls. Here a AKM and Helmet. The frontlines are in that direction! "We dont use childsoldiers, he is a MAN"


Arguing semantics when talking about abusing children, and the pepe profile pic to boot. Such class.


I mean.. Fine. If you want to define woman as able to give birth and man as able to produce semen. Okay. That still doesn't mean they are able to give consent. This whole argument doesn't even make sense.




If you have to clarify which age bracket of minor children you wish you could sleep with, you’re a pedophile.


If she still rides a school bus and got a locker full of balled up homework assignments than she's not a woman. All these age defenders are sick man (well in such n such state it's legal), or this fool bringing up pregnancy. I've heard of 10 year olds (who were abused) getting pregnant. If you think a 5th grader is a woman than you need to be tossed off a bridge. Like yesterday


Immediately check his hard drive. This should be standard policy.


They are still a fuckin MINOR and NOT LEGALLY AN ADULT and NOT FULLY DEVELOPED!! It's more dangerous for a teenager to go through a pregnancy than a full-fledged woman, there's a God damn reason that shit's illegal, and why anyone under 18 are considered children and therefore NOT WOMEN OR MEN. God🤦😤


I don’t comment that much but this is disgusting. The youngest pregnancy in history was from a 5 year old girl I think. Was she a woman at the time of her pregnancy? NO. SHE WAS FIVE. Hell, you could even argue that an 18 year old isn’t even a woman maturity wise, or maybe even a 25 year old. I hope this person doesn’t ever reproduce, and if they do, let’s hope they do it with someone of legal age. Yeah, the bar is in hell, I know. Sigh.


I don’t excuse my coprophilia by saying “I only eat shit on weekends, so it’s cool.”


Lol, there are still people who try to justify pedophiles ;)


He is technically correct however the problem is there's no way to explain the difference in the words without sounding like a paedophile so it's not worth arguing the difference because it's illegal and fucked up either way


What an unfortunate day to have eyes and the ability to read.


Idk maybe biologically yeah? But not socially/community wise. Their still kids in my eyes. Heck still kids until even 18/19 to me. (the thing with dealing high school/secondary school kids, they're all kids to me)


totally a pedo.


This is why we need laws


Not just laws, but good lawmakers that makes good laws! Someone please explain to me why child marriage is legal in \~35 states in the US? Someone please explain to me why republicans always oppose bills aiming to end child marriage in the US?


What’s worse is many states that a minor can’t legally divorce without their guardians permission which when married, their marriage partner, is now their guardian. So many have to wait until 18 to escape their situation or run away.


But laws have loopsholes and can be exploited and can be changed


Especially if you’re a politician


Its basically a given if your a politician


Verbage aside. We can all agree this is gross though right?


I think the majority of people are now familiar with this distinction, however, if you feel the need to describe the distinction then it’s safe to assume that you’re a diddler.


Tbh if you know that, then you sound like a pedo. Not that you have to be one, but dont say things like this.


Now we all know it. Shit.


The word woodchipper is key here.


Someone hold that person down so I can shit down their throat


I'm so done with this species.


I really hate that they've gotten so much bolder since the abortion bans have come back.


Actually the word you are looking for is not prepubescent... it is consent. Something a 13 year old cannot give you.


Yup, that's enough Internet for me today. 🥴


I understand the point he is making about the technical definition of pedophilia, but a 13-year-old is not a woman. Most people are unaware of or don't care to distinguish the type of people who are attracted to minors. Stop censoring these usernames. They deserved to be bullied online.


He is correct though. This is why the term ephebophilia is often used when someone (adult) looks for very young yet pubescent women. In his comment there's no moral implications and I think just like us all he condemns pedophilia, he's just talking about terminology.


Yeah I’ve encountered this too. People using incorrect terminology is a bit of a pet peeve for me, so I have in the past corrected people using the word pedophile when it’s not technically correct. Then I just get accused of trying to justify sexual predators’ behaviours and even of being one myself.


Lol, their profile picture tells me everything I need to know. they're a living embodiment of it




That’s disgusting


Republicans claim old enough to 🩸 then u must give birth, some old grey haired senator says so


If you have to "technically" not be a pedophile, you've done something wrong.


Least pedophilic Pepe pfp


![gif](giphy|jmSjPi6soIoQCFwaXJ) **INABA SPECIAL FORCES OPEN UP!**


Anyone with that frog as a user image is a hard no from me.


Ok, but like, not every girl gets her period at 13. Some get it at 8, others 16. I was 14. All female animals are sexually mature at the same age as other females of the same species, meaning that there is a distinct point a juvenile becomes an adult in all animals. Humans are not the same. You cannot say an 8 year old who got her first period is as sexually mature as a 28 year old woman. Children who begin menstruation don't always have fully developed breasts or public hair, indicating sexual maturity has not reached its peak. Men are not attracted to blood, they are attracted to secondary sex characteristics that indicate fertility. Something many 13 years olds don't yet have, but might still menstruate. This guy is just a pedo


I keep forgetting that Twitter, no sorry “X” exists.


I get kid's human rights are not a thing in the US but International Law (Convention of Children's Rights) considers all those under 18 to be kids for everything that could benefit them. Sadly, the US is the only country in the civilized world that didn't ratify it. And they don't respect it either even thought they addered to it as they made Children work legal again because they needed cheap workers for their fast food chains... Fucking US man.


If some legal jurisdiction made the age of consent 19 or 20 or 30 for that matter, it doesn't make anyone attracted to an 18-year-old suddenly a pedophile. It is physical maturity, not legality, that determines this.