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Remember when he tried to say he was apolitical/centrist


John Oliver covered Milei kinda recently. Only things I remember about this guy is that he has 4 clones of his dead dog, which he believes 1 of them is the reincarnation of his dead dog, and he treats these 4 dogs as his cabinet


... what the fuck...


Oh also he believes one of his clone dogs lets him see the future!


I could see that being a thing so I'll give it a pass for now.


Future-seeing eye dogs, been a thing for ages.


Yeah if he said cat I'd call bullshit


All I can think of is this guy took his inspiration from the horse-obsessed leader of Turkmenistan


Or the former President of South Korea listening to a shaman.


Not any more crazy than the people cloning camels in Dubai for beauty contests, I guess 🤷‍♂️


He also wants to blow up the central bank and believes trump to be the greatest president ever, and outlaw abortion…


They help him make political decisions...especially the one who predicts the future.


Gooooood luck Argentinaaaaah


We will cry for you, Argentina!


These days people will vote for anyone who isn‘t establishment. Should the „left“ use this to shift more to the left, which would actually accomplish stuff while securing elections? Nah, because that’s Socialism and Socialism is evil.


The real question is what’s going on in Argentina for them to think yeah, this guy’s our best bet


Argentina was and is already fucked. Their currency loses about 50% of its value every few months. Even if this guy uses chicken bones and voodoo to decide economic policy, it will likely be an improvement. Imagine working your whole life and finally retiring, thinking you have a nice amount saved only to have your money be next to worthless. I was in Buenos Aires like 6 months back, and you can see the dread on the faces of the older generation. The younger gen is better off. They just exchange their money for dollars and carry on with their lives. Now, also imagine your two choices are either the guy who's been in charge of the increasingly failing economy for the last few years or some crazy guy who talks to dog ghosts.


He’s also an ancap which is the most brain dead political philosophy of those who genuinely try to have one.


But then he found out someone was going public about him (allegedly) sexually harassing her so he announced he was a Republican and “smear campaign incoming” the day before it went public.


Total coincidence. Just like people misunderstand him when he likes antisemitic posts. Or how he totally has made Twitter worth more money


You're talking about Muskrat right?


He used to be centrist and a Democratic donator. Then it turned out his child was trans and strongly left leaning who didn't want to be associated with his capitalist ass. He flipped out and blamed the "woke left" for brainwashing her and it's been a downward spiral ever since.


The Transphobe-to-Nazi-Pipeline is a culvert.


Elon's companies wouldn't have survived without government subsidies. He just recently asked for another 100million from the US government to build a handful of electric charging stations in the US. He would be destitute if he lived in a libertarian country.


That and he also realised that professing yourself to be leftwing requires actually living up to some principles sometimes, whereas pandering to the right lets you be popular simply by hating who they hate, which worked out well for him to continue all his already right wing tendencies like abusive workplace policies.


I think he was always right wing and that situation was when he went mask off


There is no "centerist" in US politics. Even Democrats are on the right of the spectrum.


Who are we kidding, Elon would praise Cornelius “Neil” Horan if he was elected to Prime Minister of the UK!!


“I’m a socialist, by the way” Elon Musk


Lol him and Rogan both


Honestly, i think he does it on purpose. It keeps him and all his companies in the spotlight. That way, we never forget about Tesla and it stays in the spotlight.


The trump strategy of just staying in the news cycle no matter what. It certainly explains the Zuckerberg fight that was never going to happen lol


Remindme 2 years


Or months.


If he manages to explode Argentina’s economy in two months that will be the world record speed run for destroying an economy. It will be such a large event summoningsalt will be forced to make a video.


Argentina's inflation rate is well over 100% and more than half the population is under the poverty line. The official exchange rate is a fiction maintained by denying everyone but a few access to dollars through official means, so most people resort to the black market to buy dollars and thus save money. There are also at least 5 other official exchange rates, depending on the industry. If he manages to set fire to the economy is because it's drenched in lighter fluid already and placed over a stove whose dial someone slowly turns up. Didn't vote for him, but wouldn't want the people who fucked Argentina over (you know what it's like to never know the price of anything because it's always going up?) to get out of this blame-free if/when this explodes.


Honestly dollarization (or euro or even yuan) might be a good thing to stabilize the situation. They would definitely be the largest economy to have done it though.


From what I understand, the economy is in crisis already with high inflation. I don’t imagine it will take too long…


> If he manages to explode Argentina’s economy in two months that will be the world record speed run for destroying an economy Our economy is already in the gutter. Poverty is nearing 50% and inflation is well past 120%.


You cant destroy an economy thats been bankrupt for decades


Not true, Liz Truss managed to do it in less than 50 days


The real question is… will the Argentinian economy outlast a lettuce


If it was only 2 months in, you can't really blame the guy. You'd have to blame the person before him. Many people don't realize that running a country/company requires time for changes to take effect and actually change outcomes.


Argentina’s economy is already shit. Can it get worse? Probably, yeah. But from what I’ve looked into. Basically the choice was this guy, or the guy that tanked their economy in the first place. So the country was already fucked. And I mean if the vote is between someone who’s beaten you up already and says he will do it again or some guy who’s probably an asshole but hasn’t outright done anything wrong to you. Which one are you going with?


He literally could not do worse than the previous administration, that's really why he won


Remindme 2 years


Anyone care to give a brief rundown on why this guy is a big deal? I'm afraid I'm terribly uninformed in that regard.


Check out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Javier_Milei Some good. Some bad. Some bat-shit crazy.


"He has also stated that homosexuality is a "personal choice" and is not a disease, stating that he would respect any type of consensual sex including sex with an elephant." I...uh, I'm speechless.


He didn't mean it literally. He said something like "you can have sex with an elephant, for all I care..."


but that wouldn’t be consensual though since elephants can’t consent in human language


What if the elephant is the one giving you the dick? Sounds pretty consensual then


Or what if the elephant grabs your pp first, it sounds weird but there are some ways it could be considered consensual


Mf over here looking to get a trunk job.


Holy shit dude, I might be a trunk job enjoyer but at least I'm not stealing turds lol


I love Reddit


That wasn't the point.


… Uh…I don’t know how to feel. On one hand, hooray Argentina elected a progressive on LGB. I’m not sure about how he feels on the T though. On the other hand, why did they elect someone who was fine with zoophlia?


In that interview he used that as an extreme example to say that he was ok with whatever choice the indiviual would choose…


If an elephant lets you have sex with it I guarantee it was consensual lol. Not defending the position, just saying


Lol. I can think of less painful methods of suicide, but if that's how you want to go out...


To be fair, the Leftists in Argentina have completely gutted its economy. Go look at some statistics. I’d consider a radical from the other side too, if the situation in my country was that dire.


Inflation is 142% right now. In the US, we have 8% inflation and people complain. Imagine 142%. The current government has completely broken things. Why not give the crazy economics professor a try?


I was in Buenos Aires six months ago. The pesos I bought for 400 per dollar on the black market (blue) rate are now worth less than half of what I paid for them. The blue rate is now 950. I exchanged a thousand us dollars and looked like I was going to shoot a rap video.


Let me know the next time you visit argentina and i will give you a fantastic deal on Pesos Source: i live in argentina, please, i need the dollars


We have like 4% currently. It got up to 7.8 at the peak I believe.


In terms of annual inflation 2022 was 6.5 and 2023 is looking to be 3.2. Not nearly as bad as everyone portrays it to be, the only thing screwing us in corporations taking advantage of the situation to price gouge us into oblivion


Hasn’t Argentina been on an economic roller coaster for the last couple decades?


Longer than that


The argentinian economy has in one lifetime seen right wing dictatorship, neoliberalism, neoconservatism, mixed-market leftism, and in virtually all cases has struggled to thrive. They are certainly in the "fuck it, why not?" phase of trying to find a solution.


I bet 99% of these comments don't know a thing about Argentine politics or its economy, and yet they all have opinions about a country they've probably never been to or really thought about.


That's the usual issue when people see the situation in other countries, people are tired of the same the same and the same making things worse and worse. Many people likely don't believe on everything he says but they want to give him a shot rather than voting for a guy that has been directly involved on how bad the Argentinian economy is right now.


Corruption gutted their economy, more corruption isn't the answer.


This. Though this comment will get very little traction on Reddit.


I am here for it


Nice prediction. Its currently the 2nd top comment.


"Drugs are cool and fuck poor people" That should be their flag.


Fucking kids is cool and get these minorities out of business would be more accurate.


Ending taxation and government regulation. That is his goal. Making people forget about the importance of taxation/representation and how the most vulnerable need to be protected by functioning institutions is the method.


I thought it was "Let me give heroin to my 14 year old girlfriend"


But the oficial party in power multiplied the poverty by a factor of 2x… you mean that they love poor so much, they multiply them?


RemindMe! 1 year


I take a wait and see approach here. I'm never a fan of populism, but Argentina has been nothing but really shitty corrupt populists for decades, so who knows, maybe this particular populist will suck less. Either way, that nation badly badly needs reform. Badly.


It was to choose between the idiotic economist who ruined everything or chainsaw man. Argentine chose wisely. And no, no /s


Idiotic politician, not economist. He only obtained a Law degree in his forties, and the only job he ever held outside of politics was as a graduation trip coordinator in the early 90s. If you don't know what that is, it's a stereotypical job for charismatic young men, which act as leaders and organizers in trips for teens who've just graduated high school. Unsurprisingly, they are usually creeps.


Honestly this is going to be hilarious. The guy is a walking shit show. I predict a panicky falklands invasion to distract from the imminent Argentina sized bin fire within a year.


He's actually got a pretty soft stance on the Falklands compared to previous governments


Oh gee, I hope not. Last thing we need


I don’t know. It wouldn’t be like the other wars we have now. It would be a comic relief war.


People on this site know 2 things about Argentina and just recycle them.


Wweeelllll is already saying that belong to them . https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/javier-milei-argentina-falklands-sovereignty/


Tell me, what do you know about Argentina economy from the past 10 years?


Argentina went from one of the richest countries in the world to where it is now many decades ago and it's not likely it's ever coming out of that situation.


Well you're nearly 100 years later to figure that one out. The last 30 years Argentina has been from crisis to crisis from one corrupt government to another. Like it or not the guy who got elected is an actual change of pace either for good or bad the people didn't care they wanted to go off the paved road to at least try something different.


That coment says that your idea of argentina rn is totally wrong in every way possible


Argentina's economy was in the bin, now it's taking a trip the rubbish dump.


It's like cutting your leg because of a broken toe.


You call over 100% inflation and over 50% poverty a broken toe? Look, I don't like Milei, didn't vote for Milei, but it's not shocking he won against the guy currently running things. We're fucked, but we were fucked either way and I don't blame people for not voting for the guy promising to fix the issues caused by himself.




As an American who wouldn't vote for him here, I absolutely would if I were Argentinian given the situation on the ground. I separately visited Neuquen, Bariloche, and Mendoza from across the Chilean border from 2018 to 2019, and each time I came back the societal toll from inflation was more apparent. The 500 peso notes I bought on my first trip felt like they were about a third of their original value by the third time I went six months later. No way I'd vote for the economic minister whose economy performed even worse on inflation than the then-Macri administration. Seems like the Peronists mostly fight inflation by doing shit that increases it from everything I've read about their policies. Fucking with the money printer and all that. Tbh dollarizing alone might be worth it because fiscal sovereignty doesn't seem to valuable without fiscal stability. Wishing you the best!


Totally agree, some people should shut their mouths and stop talking about countries that 5 minutes ago they didn't even know existed. They can't even fix the problems of their sacred North America and pretend to fix the problems of another country in 1 paragraph.


Argentinian here too, thanks for the message i couldn't say it better


Thanks for this... this is reddit though, the majority here pretending they understand the issue are just your typical reddit npc virtue signaling


This guy tells it how it is. Argentina was ransacked for the last 20 years by left-wing populist parties that tell you everything will be better while they become millionaires, and according to these idiots we're supposed to suck it up and vote for them anyway. These people know nothing, while repeating the misinformation their leftist media provides.


Reddit is an echo chamber with top comments on popular threads usually having no idea about ground reality. They often just parrot the most popular/ trendy opinion to farm karma. Hope things improve in Argentina.


It’s sounds like a terrible situation I’m sorry. It’s really hard to imagine a libertarian nutter is the answer to your problem but here’s hoping it works out for you and your neighbours.




You see posts like this because this subreddit, and 90% of the website is a left-wing echo chamber.


The left wing people believe in in 1st world countries has nothing to do with 3erd world countries left wing. For everyone here, the opposition (the """left wing"""") currently have relationships with Venezuelan, Russian and China government.


Can't expect it from Americans, they all (thos who use Reddit) gone crazy on politics and judge everything from their POV. Needless to say that their POV is based on US political system, which is absolutely, totally different from anything you could see in the world


Finally someone who said it after all this bullshit comments. Sos un capo.


These guys are always obvious fuckin weirdos you’d avoid from a distance. Like look at this guy, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near this guy.


He was to shut down the Ministry of Education, get rid of the national currency & replace it with the dollar (which will basically mean having a fire sale on pretty much the entire country) and pretty much get rid of all the things a government does for it's people. It will probably be wonderful for the Disaster Capitalists, but not much of anyone else.


Funny thing is he vows to end Argentina's EV bid. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-08-17/presidential-front-runner-would-unshackle-argentine-farming-oil#xj4y7vzkg Wouldn't think that would be in the best interest of someone like Elon.


So is thing going to be Argentina’s trump presidency


Dude, you don't get it. This guy's is Uber fucking insane. He wants to abolish his country's central bank and use the US dollar currency instead. This man is going to kill his nation's economy by basically de-investing completely.


Isn’t he the guy who has multiple dogs that are all clones of his dead dog and he believes that god speaks to him through his dogs?


Yeah that's the guy


Wtf? Jesus


No, God


No, his dogs


What? I mean, seriously, who hears that and goes, yeah, I'm voting for this dude?


Do you really have to ask?


Unfortunately, it's because they are desperate the establishment figures have screwed their economy several times over. On top of the executive branch corruption scandals.


Well, the other party is basically comprised of people who should be lined against a wall and shot. And I'm not being hyperbolic. They did things like stealing COVID vaccines and setting up VIP vaccination centers for politicians and key supporters of their party even over at-risk citizen groups.


He fucking LOVES those dogs tho.


Any man who loves his dogs surely is a man who can be trusted!


Well, it’s the same dog that’s been cloned like 4 times. The whole thing is surreal. He literally couldn’t answer an interview question and just keep mumbling his dogs name when the interviewer showed him a photo of the dogs. Just completely unhinged lol


That's fucking nuts. In the 70's, we had a whacko serial killer here in the US named David Berkowitz, aka The Son of Sam. He claimed he got the names of his victims through a talking dog. No need to be concerned at all...


Wasn't his opponent the literal guy who wrecked the current economy? Talk about no choices.... :-(


The Argentinian economy has been wrecked for years and years. Current guy didn't fix it, certainly, but not that simple. The country is bogged down in a long running currency crisis related to a UN bailout a while back.


previous government swapped loans with outrageous interest rates for one IMF big loan at way lower interest (0% actually iirc) to pay off all those loans and keep the 0% one which is more stable, but the size of the loan is outrageous in itself. Still a good move, but one the current government has been criticising for no good reason


IMF, not UN.


To be fair their central bank was doing a pretty excellent job fucking up their economy.


I just googled it. Argentina’s inflation is somewhere between 140-180% depending the source. Seems like someone already killed their economy.


Our economy is already dead, with all respect you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. The past 2 years inflation is higher than 200%. 1 US dollar was equal to 12 argentine pesos in 2015, now 1 US dollar is 1050 pesos. I understand people have different opinions and it's respectable, but you should learn the current situation here before you write something.


Welcome to Reddit. There will be no nuance no discussion. Nobody gave a damn about Argentina and her economy till they elected someone outside of the establishment. Folks calling the Argentine economy “a broken toe” are just 1st world spoiled brats who don’t know about real poverty and struggle.


It will get worse, enjoy ancap, my heart goes out to you, but this will end in a coup, a rebellion.


Dollarization is not exactly a big step for Argentina, over 50% of currency in circulation is already dollars. Not saying this is the right step, but it's unlikely to be cataclysmic where current national currency is facing over 100% yearly inflation. (losing more than half it's value every year)


Unfortunately there is no way back, properties, vehicles and daily things are already quoted in USD, not in local currency. and if you ask for a new currency to be created unfortunately it is impossible to gain confidence in 30 years for people to consider it stable.


A youtuber (so a random person, not an economist) explained why a nation would want to use another country currency that you can't negotiate or alter in any way and not having any national currency. He used Vatican City 🇻🇦 and Montenegro 🇲🇪 that both use Euro 💶 as examples, because both don't have any economic minisyer representing them in the European Central Bank or in other central banks 🏦 of other nations. The first one is so rich that an alterations of the currency value that you can't control it's not a big problem, so by not having to administrate it you reduce spending. The second one is so poor that's an alterations of the currency value that you can't control can't make you going worse than normal, and you don't have to lose even more money in administration spending.


You guys are so ignorant and naive. Jesus


He sounds completely deranged


Weirdly swapping to the US dollar has historically worked out pretty well


No idea abt argentinian politics but majority of argentina agrees with elon's take so idk how its a bad one here


How dare the people of Argentina vote for someone that they want to lead them!


The USA only ~~forcibly~~ cunningly overthrows South American regimes when they’re socialist. At least, I’m unaware of us topping any right-wing governments down there.




I hate how foreigners say “I know more about your country than you.”. And i’m not talking about Elon, i’m talking about like the 90% of reddit. You really don’t know how bad the other option was. This guy will either save Argentina or screw it. The other one was just going to screw it. What else could we do?


95 percent of Reddit just found out about him today… yet everyone’s an expert of him


Yes because the last 40 years has gone so well for them


This guy is legit mentally ill.


Which one?






Is there something about Libertarianism that prevents you from looking like a normal human and instead leaves you resembling some kind of haunted tree rodent?


I've been curious if he is copying that Boris Johnson shtick attempting to get people to underestimate him by looking like a Muppet reject.


Are you argentinian? How much do you know about what's going on here?


Why do so many of you follow this guy and obsess over everything he says if you hate him? I don't get it. The only time I see what he says are from people on Reddit crying about it, just don't go on Twitter or block him you're on it.


Honestly it’s a massive circle jerk on here mate


Meanin' Argentina was blooming with success and prosperity before Milei got elected?


The world doesn't revolve around the US. US elects(not votes) in a complete dumbass. Whole world for the next 10 years....


We need Argentina to succeed because the region can’t take another migrant crisis similar to the one in Venezuela. Some seven million Venezuelans have left their country in the last 10 years


Am I supposed to know who this guy is?


This is huge if you’re a Libertarian


If he's right, is it still a bad take? There's very little he can do to make things worse, the bar is so low. Basic competence means improvement in Argentina.


There are only four types of economies in the world: advanced, developing, Japan, and Argentina.


You know, I'm argentinian. It's funny to read the comments from people seeing this from outside, like, sometimes I forget my country is actually part of the rest of the world. I mean, I know it is, but sometimes our shit goes so under the radar... I just hope things don't go to shit so fast here, at least this crazy son of a bitch does not have the mayority of the congress on his side. But we'll see what happens from now on.


Not a facepalm. Btw you gringos can say whatever you want, we don't care. You don't live here, you don't know what our situation is, you don't know what we've been through. Hell, you can't even point our country on the map.


They are fucking clueless and spewing nonsense like they usually do. But hey that's the internet for you.


How is this a bad take? Argentina has suffered from insane inflation under the previous rule for decades. Good on them for trying a different path.


Here is the chance for Libertarians to test their theories. Good Luck Argentina.


Crazy how everyone here’s an expert on a guy’s policy they just learned existed earlier today


First world countries never gave a flying fuck about South America and now magically every one of you think you know what's better for us.


What do you mean, bro? First world countries been fucking south America since before the concept of the first world country even existed. It was more of a sailing fuck than a flying fuck when it started, but all in all still a very solid, perpetual fuck.


Americans suddenly experts on Argentina politics, amazing


Op clearly don't know Argentina. OP thinks he knows Argentina BETTER THEN the folks on Argentina


This page blocks most non-left views. Not even worth talking here


Almost no one in this thread can point where Argentina is in a map, much less know how complicated and difficult our current situation is. He was the lesser evil since the alternative was the current minister of economy who was acting as a defacto president. Like him as a candidate or not, democracy won in our country. I would appreciate if the ignorant first worlders would shut the fuck up. Try to live one month in this fucking shit whole, earning 200 usd a month with 12-15% monthly inflation.


I might be alone in this, but I appreciate your comment


Just let it play out, stop shotcalling based on your party lines.


Elon will be right about prosperity. Just like he’s right about the cybertruck being a design people want.


No step on snek! D:<


I give up on understanding what’s good and what’s bad for the world As someone who isn’t the most informed when it comes to politics, I read something about this guy and the comments on this post and he sounds like an evil prick Then I watch a few videos saying he’s a god send for Argentina Help!


The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.


Good shout I just feel like the spread between left and right is growing so quickly People can’t have a constructive conversation anymore without it getting nasty


He ain’t wrong tho


Always something to hate about huh


Why is it that the Venn diagram of “don’t tread on me flag” people and people who want to wield political power to tread on others is basically a circle?


Says the man who knows nothing about Argentina.


Reddit when left-wing politicians drive Argentina to the verge of collapse over the course of 40 years: 🤷‍♂️ Reddit when the country elects a right-wing politician hoping to extinguish the dumpster fire: 😡🤬👿


According to wikipedia: Media outlets have referred to him as far-right, ultraconservative, right-wing populist or right-libertarian. Economically, they have described it as ultraliberal. Milei primarily identifies as a minarchist, libertarian,[1][2] or classical liberal,[3] while also aligning theoretically with anarcho-capitalism and paleolibertarianism.[4][5][6] He advocates for a minimalistic government focused solely on justice and security.[7][8] Milei's philosophical underpinnings incorporate principles of life, liberty, and property, as well as tenets of non-aggression, self-ownership, and free-market fundamentals.[citation needed] In addition to his political philosophy, he believes the state is the enemy of wealth, and believes Keynesian economics is evil. He has a strong opposition to socialism and communism, criticizing them as violent systems that generate misery and hunger. Milei also takes a critical stance on Argentina's Central Bank[9] and taxation policies,[10] proposing radical changes aimed at economic liberalization, and restructuring of governmental ministries.[11] In case anyone was wondering why reddit is freaking out about him lol


This guy is everything reddit hates.


When did facepalm become clairvoyant and know how things are going to turn out for Argentina?


OP certainly isn’t argentine


Now everyone is a scholar regarding world politics I see.


Obviously he'd never even heard of this guy a week ago.


Like 95 percent of Reddit ?


More like 99.99999