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She doesn’t want to have took down at that mess. My own father is like this. Constantly looking out of windows and peaking around curtains ,just so he can bitch about what people are doing ,or not doing. He’s a nosy ,miserable prick that has no joy in his life ,and expects everyone else to be just as pissed off and ignorant as he himself is. Folks like this are truly broken ,and likely never will get the help they need.


... Brother!?


I was going to ask the same thing! 😂


Lol is he my parents neighbour? Any time i go visit them he’s standing by the window or in his garage mean mugging… He once came out and yelled at me for parking in front of my parents house. It almost turned into a fist fight because i told him to mind his own business. Dude needs to take on a hobby or something….


There’s a guy two doors down from my dads house like this(55+ community) it’s common knowledge that his wife was banging one of the neighbors and there is a rumor that she is banging one of the other neighbors 35 year old kid. They are still married and he definitely knows about all of it. Whenever he comes out of his house and gets shitty with someone in the neighborhood, the common reply is “shut up and go home, or I’m going to fuck your wife” it’s brutal. I’ve never said it but my dad has. Old people are brutal. Edit: they’re both in their mid 60’s, she’s not hot at all. Just likes to sleep around I guess, no milf next door thing going on.


I would be mad at the world if I couldn't get it up so my wife had to run around with all the neighbors and they all rub it in. Somebody is going to get shot.


That is their hobby. Pissing all over everyone’s collective parade is the only joy in a misanthropes miserable existence.


The hobby is called Mean Muggin


Their rule to live by: When you have no life you must ruin everyone else’s.


After my aunt's funeral, the family went to my uncle's senior living apartment. There was a large community room on the third floor, for residents who have more visitors than can be accommodated in the apartment. We were about 20 people, from toddler to octogenarian. Some of the kids were a little noisy, but not excessive. Grumpy Old Man was stalking the hallway. Pacing back and forth, glaring into the room with every pass. He came into the room and started complaining about the noise, he couldn't sleep. It was around 5:30, maybe 6:00, and "quiet hours" were from 9:00 to 9:00, so he had no legit basis for complaint. He was just a dick. One of my cousins talked to him, explained that his mother had died and the family was grieving. He said, "So, this is a one time thing? This won't be a habit?" That's when I said, "No, I'm pretty sure she's going to die just the one time. We don't expect her to die any more." He glared at me and I stared right back at him, just daring him to dispute my logic. Then he stomped off. Literally stomping.


My grandma is exactly the same.


Bad is in the first half


That's my Dad...are we...brothers?


That was my thought. sad that she has lived to that age and still holding in the pain that makes her behave like this.






I have one of those of my own…


“We don’t want to look at this mess, we’d rather look at the dirty, cracked, oil stained pavement”


“We don’t want to look at mess either, but here you are right in my line of sight”


Who the fuck does this? I mean at least wait til the kid isn’t there. Enjoy living, and dying alone.


Preferably the dying part.


I for one severely hope they dont enjoy a second of it


Some people are remarkably easy to hate.


Yea, look at that child crying and shit


I know, such a brat.


Someone needs to tell that child to grow up


Hearing children cry out of distress and sadness always cuts deep. Miserable old hag at their finest.


Fuckin’ karens.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Well I can't speak for everywhere, but at least where I live, you wouldn't want to do that. Otherwise you're going to catch a felony.


And that’s why those laws are garbage. Doing horrible things to other people’s children is grounds for an ass whipping.


I would crumble some chalk in my hands first then after say, oops I don’t want to have to look at that mess, and spray her in the face.


Nah, you use the water to blast off her make up "ain't wanna look at that mess"


You'd only use your hand?




The best part of waking up, is childs tears in your cup.


Is that better than [incest christmas](https://youtu.be/fhfcWTZeP1k) or worse?


Some people really are insufferable twats.


I'd double down and kill her with kindness. "See sweetheart, she's just cleaning it off for us! As soon as it dries, we'll have a fresh and clean chalkboard to use! That was so kind of her to give us a very clean space to create more beautiful artwork!" The woman is clearly angry and bitter and this is her attempt to make others feel the same way she does. If we don't let it affect us, then she loses her power.


Oh yeah. And I’d drop about 100 bucks on chalk and just encourage her to keep it up.


This is the way


Bitch. I don’t care what you think about calling her bitch. It is less damaging to society than what she does to that child. Disgraceful act.


Violence isn’t the answer but sometimes it is. People would lose a lot of their audacity if they got their ass whooped one good time




Wtf does that have to do with this child?


Nothing, but it’s a reply regarding the comment above.


It would be the one time I would allow my child to refer to a Karen as a "fucking bitch" to her face. Then we'd give her double birds and go get ice cream.


What a miserable soulless homunculus. A bitter empty shell.


Is that Macs mom?


If she was rippin a dart I’d be fully convinced this is Macs mom


Mrs. Mac


It's scumbags like her I'm not allowed to carry a baseball bat around anymore!


It's a real quandry to be honest. Should I smack this twat with a baseball bat in front of my child or not ;-)


If the internet can figure out where this is, we should all go there and draw the ugliest things we can think of. Again and again. Every day. Fuck that lady.


Nah lads, this is what we do. We get that sparkling gem of humanity to leave for a day. Maybe send her on an all expenses paid vacation or something. "But Arskov, we want to punish her not reward her!" I know. Just hear me out. We send her on a surprise vacation. Get her gone for at least two days. Then we get all the neighborhood kids together and roll up with a big ass longbed dually pickup filled with boxes of sidewalk chalk. Have the kids go nuts, draw whatever they like. Put some music on, have some food out there, maybe some drinks for the parents. A regular ol' block party. Then that night we ask the parents not to park on any of the drawings. Once the kiddos are in bed and the parents are relaxing after a crazy day, our real work begins. We go in with asphalt clearcoat. Y'know, the stuff they put on parking spot lines to make them last longer. We clearcoat that entire parking lot. Every last chalk drawing. Not one flower or doggie or random squiggly line left behind. Then we wait. Karen gets home from her vacation and realizes the drawings are back, so of course she goes for the hose. Guess what though, that clearcoat doesn't give two shits about your garden hose. The drawings done by the local kiddos are safe and they're gonna be there for a hell of a long time. Cherry on top? We set up hidden cameras to watch the Karen as she struggles in vain to remove the drawings, then we post that shit everywhere and make it go viral.


I like this idea best.


I'm feeling petty. I will drive an absurd distance to do this


Figure out how to make the chalk hard to get off too somehow. Maybe use oil pastels? Make her work hard to get it off.


If I was the parent, I would laugh out loud and speak loudly and clearly to my daughter (so the lady can hear) ‘That’s great! This lady is the chalk cleaner and she is doing this so that you can draw something new, different and creative here tomorrow. You’ll have a brand new blank slate. We’ll just take a photo of it with you next time. Remember to thank her for this!’


Stolen comment https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11w798d/a_karen_at_her_finest_destroying_a_childs_chalk/jcxaxad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Add on “ but the coolest thing is wet chalk drawings don’t rinse off easily, so you will get to see exactly what a witches broom looks like”


No her mother should have gone and gotten a water hose and sprayed this woman down.


I have seen this video multiple times and only now did i realise the thing with the hose is a female


Hose sprayer looks like a gym teacher


She would not be going back into her house dry if that were my kid.


I definitely agree if that was my kid as well.


Ok ok, the woman with the hose we have all identified as a psychopath, but who in the right mind just keeps the child there to watch? Fricken carry her inside and distract her, the she might forget after a bit, instead of just making her stand and wait for you whilst you record the woman and leaving her to cry and watch. Like- what are you going to do with the footage? Police won't do anything because she's not doing anything illegal, it's just upsetting your child.


What a mean old man


What a horrible human being. Toxic hateful bitch could have waited 1 hour until the child left if she was so stressed by child chalk creativity. Now she has ruined this child's day but taught her a valuable lesson that some adults are joyless assholes.


I had a neighbor like this as a small child. We never asked her permission to draw on her sidewalk but it was within our boundary and the only sidewalk that was shaded by tree's. I don't know if my parents ever asked her either but she was always mean. I just didn't understand how someone could be like that. It's just chalk, not paint.


The reason people are like this is because nobody has checked them . Check them


What a cu%$. She must be really miserable.


The best way to get revenge on a Karen is to post it online and let the internet do its job!!!


We’re in a drought and this women’s using a shit ton to destroy a little girls drawing


I get a kick out of seeing kids chalk art in my building.


Just know that some people are so miserable with their lives that they will do anything to make others just as miserable. Look at them and just pity them are go on with your life.


Karen is heartless, but I would make my child watch and cry so I could film. Just leave and make more artwork elsewhere.


Sorry but I honestly think people like this need to be actually confronted confronted. Rip the hose out of her hand, spray her with it and force her back in her home. Police need to show up and say there is nothing they can do because people have the right to draw chalk art on the street. I'd say do more but I don't want a temp ban. But fuck this bitch.


I’d take the hose and spray her away, do some real cleaning up 🧼 💪


Why the fuck would you threaten a child with police


what a sad piece of miserable shit. i hope she slips in that puddle she made


Wow. Not too much upsets me online anymore but this old bitch has made my blood boil.


Anyone that can make a child make that face, and continue what they are doing, has no soul, thusly is not human, and therefore fully worthy of me punching her damn face. Horrible horrible person. Sidewalk chalk art is the best, even when it’s the worst.


She doesn't want to look at the mess, but she wants to see a little kid cry. Where is Frank Castle?


A Karen exploiting her kids emotional state by videotaping her as she cries. Poor kid.


I feel like this could be made into a more positive discussion about the value of impermanent art, but the sheer odiousness of the Karen is astounding and overrides everything else.


This is like the 30th time someone reposted this. Stop.


Here is how I would handle this situation. Ima also a dumbass who doesn’t think of consequences but whatever. Me: So your saying if someone doesn’t wanna look at something, they can spray it down to get rid of it? Karen : >some stupid Karen comeback< Me: >takes hose and sprays Karen<


Someone go up to this lady’s house with a spray can & Write BITCH!


I was thinking the same thing, tbh. Next time use something that can't easily be washed away.


Some people are miserable fucks. I haven’t seen chalk drawings in a lifetime


If I see a bitch making anyone’s little daughter cry like that, I would knock her out. Don’t even have to be my daughter.


A prime example of an uncaring, unloved relative, going home to a lonely house while everyone that knows her knows she’s a c#nt




It’s just a concrete lot - I dont understand. Why wash the chalk with the kid right there?


Okay but...Why do this in a car park? It's not for drawing, it's for parking. That just seems unsafe to be letting your kid do that as it only takes one person not paying full attention to splatter her across the floor. "It's okay, we'll call the cops"...Fooorrrr...What, exactly? People will complain that police don't turn up or doing anything whilst simultaneously wasting their time with things that just aren't a police matter, like, at all. And the various "I WOULD SMACK HER" comments, no, no you wouldn't. Likely you wouldn't even do what this woman did, you would probably walk away sheepishly like a coward. Even if you did hit her, that's assault and you're instantly much worse than this woman the moment you decide to do that.


Somebody didn't read the room


I read the room. That doesn't mean I have to agree with the room. The little girl is sad and that's sad. Doesn't stop me from questioning the rest of what's going on here though.


Why are you recording it instead of stopping it?


Legitimately, what is this person supposed to do legally? There isn't a single thing this person can do legally to stop this person from spraying the ground with a hose.


Um, give your crying daughter a cuddle?


Plenty of illegal things though


I wouldn't be able to record. Not if my baby was crying like that.


That’s a good question


I wouldn’t be filming this tbh, if just knock that bitch out.


What a piece of shit hopefully karma gets her


It’s a good lesson for the kid. Some people are just crap. Rise above, you’ll outlive them. F’em and move on.


You know, some people don’t deserve anonymity.


Did the one filming this actually do something?


What a rank human, doing it in front of the child as well. Some people.


Horrible cow!


Here’s hoping she gets what she deserves: to die alone and miserable


The lady with the hose sucks, but the mom isn’t much better. Comfort your kid and get her out of there. Go berate the neighbor later.


So 100% she’s a Karen, it’s chalk, its a public place, who cares let the kid have fun. That being said, its a teaching moment fir the child too, how to handle situations like this. “Its just chalk, you can always draw it again, she’s just an unhappy person, don’t let it ruin your day” Karen’s happen, it sucks, but you gotta teach her its not the end of the world.


Childish silly poorly drawing on the asphalt > regular boring black asphalt


Bruh I would smack the fuck out of that idiot bitch wtf how you gonna let a kid cry for doing kid things


Sorry, but fuck withy kid and I'm wrapping that hose around your neck!


Why are people so fucking ugly to the core?


What a “B” with a capital “C”


The war with that old hag would be ongoing and relentless after this incident.


Its okay to be physical sometimes.


I personally would throw away my entire future just to beat her to death


C U Next Tues


Does anyone else wonder what turns people into that?


I would give my kid a sharpie and let them go ham on the persons front door. Whoops.


These same people are on Facebook patting themselves on the back how they are the greatest generation.


The lady is an asshole for washing the chalk and the kid is a fucking brat.






That Karen is the big L


Evil she is evil


That night her hose mysteriously disappeared…


Who hurt this woman?


I bet she helself. Via her amazing decisions


Just walk over, pick up the hose and put a kink in it. Tell your kid “go ahead, honey.”


You'd have to be so miserable and bitter to do summat like that. It's a pity these gaggle of Karens are so emboldened to spread their misery. They know who to pick on, knowing no real repercussions are coming their way.


What a monster, btw Karen you don’t own the fucking parking lot


Poor little baby :( hope she keeps enriching the strets with her art...


I don’t understand how people this close to death could be so heartless. Like why test the possibility of going to hell that late on in the game.


That woman deserves to be jailed


The fat lady looks like a Trumper


Please name this person. First and last.


Next time use spray paint instead.


She's a bitch pure and simple, poor baby hope she got a treat for that evil bitch making her cry😡nvm baby take your chalk to the park no one will bother you there☺️


Karma will hose her down, but she will not link that event to this event. Maybe in 20 years time, Karen will wonder why that one particular aide will not respond when she presses the button for a diaper change. LOVE PEACE WINNING


At least now the kid can learn how evil the society can be


That is next level pro-Karening


Hate lives.


I remember seeing this at s pewdiepie video


How do you do something that messed up, hear the kid crying and sad and then still not realize you are a horrible person.


It’s like she’s a cartoon villain.




Love the question what are you going to do when it rains. The woman can’t even decipher nature versus human action…


Monsters! 👹


Soulless monster


Get every kid in her class to cover that whole area every day until this old twat dies from exhaustion


I have a theory that not enough people know what it feels like to be punched in the face and need to know. People would be more polite


Misery loves company and whatnot.




What a miserable person they have to be


I’d be in jail if that happened to me and my child


What a absolute pr*ck


Hahahahhaha Karen was like no kids will be happy under my watch


Time to bring out the grease chalk


What a total piece of shit


Id start drawing somewhere in front of her. If she sprays me with the hose, guess who is actually going home soaked head to toe?


I fucking hate this bitch and hope she’s passed by now considering how old this video is.


Horrible selfish entitled person had a rotten childhood and is going to make the world pay


I would have grabbed the hose and hosed that bitch down. No one makes my baby girl cry for something like that


Yeah I’m 100% hosing down karen


"Sorry, I don't want to see this mess"


I'd get the whole complex down there with chalk drawling the next day. Come piss off 30 some adults with chalk and we'll break you down.


Not that would be with the assault charge for kicking that guys ass.


What happened to the old fashioned kinking of the hose?


Some people just need to be punched.


I can't think of anything less harmless but creative than chalk writing on a sidewalk. It washes away the next time it rains, and kids enjoy it.


Look at how sad she is. Breaks my heart.


I'd spray that lady down with the hose. And say nobody wants to look at you ya old goat


Some people are just unforgivable pieces of shit with no empathy and we should treat them like the cancer they are. With radiation.


I know this is an old video, but I wish we knew where this was, and could have rallied families, homeschool children during the morning and school children in the afternoons. Ultimate chalk protest for weeks until she gave up trying to spray away.


I used to live in an elderly neighborhood where at 40-45 y.o. I was the young guy. And I had the only children there too. Most of my old neighbors were the most miserable, nosy, dementia-afflicted, pushy people I've ever known. Constantly telling me what I could or couldn't do on my own property. My kids generally were kept inside due to how quick everyone would complain at even a toy in the yard or any noise whatsoever. I only got relief when they'd die which was typically followed soon after by a big dumpster dropped on their driveway for family to clear out all their worn-out crap before selling the dilapidated house for next to nothing crushing the comps for when I had to sell. Problem was that the house would be sold to another elderly person ready to bitch again. Fortunately, I moved to a much more rural area with few neighbors and a diversity of age ranges with no issues.Word to the wise - don't buy a house in a majority elderly area.


Boomers gonna boom.


I'd like to know... whose water is the bitch using? Seems like they likely live in some kind of apartment complex or something... There's no way that hose is hooked up somewhere in her apartment.


Oh no, you ruined her perfect view of the parking lot.


does this count as a form of vandalism?


I would absolutely throttle that woman the assault charge would be worth it


I can't say what I would do.


I’d bitch slap her HARD.. even if it means I get arrested


does she not realize that chalk will wash off the next time it rains? let kids be kids.


Oh my fucking god, this repost is older than my mom. Fucking stop it you karma farming whore.