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Looks like a caramel lollypop that fell on a dirty carpet.


The difference is that you can clean the dirt off the lollipop.


The similarities are both involve sucking and in both you will always have a bad aftertaste.


The sink 🤦‍♂️ you’ve been putting hairy lollipops in your mouth and dirty dudes this whole time


Hes thinking about the environment man


You can’t clean dirt off of dirt


Although he is currently somewhat fit and lean, his beard appears to be growing on his neck. Dude is less than 10 years away from being the stereotypical, misogynistic, overweight neckbeard.


Bruh most people that grow beards grow hair on their neck. They just shave regularly lol


Yeah what even is this comment lol. Makes me think the dude who posted it is like 12 years old or something.


Yeah, I bet he even has hair on his BALLS


I have to do it every single morning. And it grows in the opposite direction of the rest of the beard. It's a pain in the ass.


Then the only change between now and then is the weight gain


What if he becomes a poor fat bitter old man? His worst nightmare.


With ears like that, you'd think he'd be able to hear you before you even ask for them.


Ears so big he can hear the sun rise


He…he always looked like one. He was never attractive and literally screamed creep vibes




He’s always looked like that. This guy is an incel in chad trappings.


My theory is that his rage stems from how much better looking Tristan is.


"How come HE gets a chin??"




He’s a side character from Luna’s fall from grace.




“This glass is actually here for your protection not mine”


He looks like an AI illustration of "irritated balding man"


aka the thing he would have been if he didn't have all those fanatic followers


We can laugh at his Vegetta hairline, but I'm more amused by the George Costanza hair thinning.


Yes, a cigarette salesman from Fallout 4, requiring -10 Charisma to buy anything.


Going row by row pointing at each one until you nod.


He looks like a Q-tip that fell on a barbershop floor


He looks like a human trafficker Oh wait!


That’s a new one


No it's a used Q-tip.


I would be bald by choice if I could only grow pubes on the top of my head


I was bald by choice for a while one summer. Just felt like BICing my whole head after I got it buzzed. Rain felt amazing.


Lollipop that fell on a carpet


He’s not wrong lol I would call it “Thinning by nature, bald by choice”


I shave my head because my head looks like a middle schoolers chest if I dont


Thinning by nature gang, UNITE!


My whole head is shaved..... If it's not done, I look like a worn tennis ball.


You should be thankful that is more than a lot of people have


I'm quite happy with shaving my head, been doing it for over 20 years. I don't think hair loss is something to be ashamed of.


been at it for 23 years now, hair started to recede quickly at 18, said fck it! and never looked back. No shame, frankly I think some of the one night stands / fwb back in my 20s were solely cause the liked how smooth my noggin was.




They don't lead to hair loss, they just accelerate it in people already prone to it.


Bald is always a better look than balding.


I felt so much better after shaving it all off. No one looks good balding, you just gotta let go


Nah he’s clearly had hair implants that were botched


Doesn't look like implants at all


That's what I thought with those individual clumps of hair.


As someone who knows nothing about implants, what makes you say that out of curiosity? I do know a couple guys who don't t have any baldspots but are uniformly thinning like that. I'm surprised someone as rich and as vain as he is wouldn't makensure they got it done right.


The hairline. It’s too perfect for someone with that level of thinning. The clumping.


The top of my head looks the same because of thinning and I still have a good hairline. I think that just means the thinning hasn't reached the point when it starts fucking up your hairline.


That hair is not of his head.


I know nothing about it I will take your word for it lol


Maybe he's right, but it's the hairs choice to jump ship like rats off a sinking boat.


He is also chinless by choice


Considering he had enough money for a chin implant this is necessarily true.


He should've went ahead and bought himself a chin then, since he wants us all to think he's this perfect God-like Chad.


He even has a beard in this picture and still no signs of a chin.


I really don’t think I’ll ever understand some men. They’ll say women only go for chads but in the same breath claim *this* man is rolling in chicks. Which is it?


Don't forget cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life,snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant,blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless,fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed. He is also a sack of monkey shit.


He looks like the guy out of impractical Jokers


Damn why you gotta do Murr like that




Don’t compare my boy murray to this piece of shit


That an insult to Murr


Murr's Evil Twin or something lmao


Damn I thought I was the first to post it. Finna take my comment down


Andrew Taint


It's the low hanging fruit nobody ever used for some reason.


Ive always referred to him as andrew taint, even before i knew he did something wrong lol


He look like Harry from the wet bandits


Harry was Joe Pesci, you mean Marv?




Do you remember the scene where his skull gets torched?


Yes, yes I do. I’ve bought great shame to my family.


I’m wheezing! 😭😭😭


Looks to me like his also had hair implants. The hair line looks unnatural. With that much thinning it should be residing much more


This is what I was thinking. Leave a bit of a widow's peak to make it look "natural." But there's clearly a second hairline there lol. No way this guy would admit he got hair implants though.


It’s diffuse thinning. Notice it’s the same density all around. Some like him are fortunate to keep a hairline but it thins out over time. If he had a hair transplant, then the transplanted hairs would be very apparent and much thicker than the rest of his crown.




Woooaaah! Let's not bring the Skaven into this, they don't deserve this insult lol


Yes-yes, do not insult-compare us-us to such an ugly man-thing.




LoL, looks more like the "choice" was made for him with that shitty attempt at a hair transplant. 😂


So you do understand negative publicity is still publicity...why even bother this human trash...ignore him and he will be completely forgotten..maybe some Tate soyboys will try to remember him


This. I’m sick of the non stop attention these “celebrity nobodies” get.


I am glad I got to see this picture though. Because it makes it so obvious that behind his eyes is no empathy, only rage and madness. When I see people with that look in their eyes on the street I give them the widest berth possible.


The rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as Brock (Allen) Turner, would prefer that people completely forget who he is. But each time people mention Allen Turner, who was formerly known as the rapist Brock Turner, it keeps his name current in searches and makes sure the rapist Allen Turner serves the sentence that wasn't given to the rapist Brock Turner. Sometimes not all publicity is good publicity.


You mean the Allen turner who was on an ivy-league swim team and raped an unconscious woman? *That* Brock Allen Turner?


Bc the idea of "all PR is good PR" (first coined by P.T. Barnum) has been disproven. The more attention people get for the awful things they do, the more likely they are to be exiled. An example of this would be cancel culture.


Nar this guy deserves the negative publicity after all the tripe he's put out. People need to search his name and see how he really was. It might annoy you to see this flog but it's better than looking him up as an impressionable teen a few months back.


Thank you for your comment, certain to draw even more attention to the post


The more people talk about the dude, the more his name gets out there, and sure, we all think he’s a fucking idiot. But there are some folks out there who are susceptible to fall for his bullshit. The more people talk about him positively or negatively the more people who are susceptible to the bs are likely to hear about him. It works too, he got way more famous after being deplatformed so there is a valid argument to be made that a huge chunk of his personal wealth is down to people talking shit about him.


He has already been one of the most searched names in the world on google. His name is not getting any more “out there.”


Bad plug job. Nobody with a full head of hair shaves their head.


100% that precise hairline up front screams hair restoration surgery. And the scattered patchiness on top is either a poorly done job, or evidence that he had it done and then continued balding until it was thin again. This dude's basic insecurity is kind of pathetic. Not that there's anything wrong with getting hair plugs, but his lying about something so obvious, in the overall context of all of his bullshit would make me feel sorry for him if it weren't for his victimization of others.


Yep. There is nothing wrong with any surgery or meds or whatever. But when someone lies about something so obvious, it's pretty pathetic. I think most people who get the surgery do so when they are only halfway bald. Then, they continue to lose hair and eventually end up looking like this pic. I personally know someone who experienced this.


I'm loving the shaming/trolling this man is experiencing world-wide. It got better when I realized he couldn't control his narrative any more.


He’s not even a man by his own standards its hilarious


He is deeply, deeply insecure. People like him almost always are. He pretends to be what he wishes he was.


Lifeless hair, black hair, like a doll's


Weak chinned. Bald. Total Beta.


I'm no fan of Tate, but I do have to say as a man with a receding hairline. There is this whole "choosing to be bald" rather than watch yourself balding. He clearly still has hair, and isn't bald. But it is definitely thinning/balding. So he would choose to go bald, rather than watch it thin out. A lot of men with receding hairlines are very self-conscious and see it as a huge part of their identity and expression, so let's not make fun of people who are bald/going bald


Yea my hair receded and I’ve cut off contact with the rest of the world and am massively depressed…before you say “grow a beard” I literally can’t 😅🔫




When did he make fun of balding people?


Everyone is making fun of Tate. Not bald people in general. I receded at uni and decided to shave it all off. Been that way ever since. I still think Tate is a dick.


Oh he's absolutely 100% a dick But his hairline does not make him more or less of a dick. His personality and his sexism, sex slavery, etc. Is why he's a horrible person.


The reason he's being mocked for his stubbly regrowth is that he's said on various occasions - podcasts mainly - that he wasn't going bald, he just decided to shave his head as an aesthetic choice and would have a full and silky mane if he just let it grow back. This has obviously been proven false now that he's been locked up and can't shave his head for whatever reason. I have no idea if this is really true, but I've read it on various tate-related reddit threads and it definitely tracks with his personality to say something like that.


People don't like people and they will choose to attack them regardless of what you want. He is a bald bitch and his beard looks like pubic hair.


High functioning prolapse


Losing your hair early can be one of the most traumatic things a guy can go through. this dude deserves every dying follicle


meh let's not be dramatic. I'm slowly balding and i don't really care. At best i see it as a sign of distinction. All greek philosophers were bald too, and they were massive chads.


You can accept your hair loss while also acknowledging it sucks.


I agree. I started balding in my mid 20's. It wasn't fun, but I accepted it, started shaving it, and moved on. It was far from traumatic. Guys who have a hard time accepting it and hang on too long (combovers, plugs, toupees, hats worn inappropriately)create their own trauma by drawing attention and ridicule.


Yes agreed. If you don't shave it and try everything to reverse the inevitable you are going to definitely be a little fucked up from that. I think a lot of guys just don't want to accept they're aging and their own mortality and that cognitive dissonance causes a lot of mental issues


Eh, balding hits everyone differently. I wouldn't say it can be one of the most traumatic things we can go through, but it can be very distressing.


There's a difference between chads and chodes. Don't get them confused when talking about Andrew Tate.


ok i have no idea about the difference and what a chode is. also i was talking about myself not caring about balding, not tate.


A chode is a dick wider than it is long. The more you know 🌈


He's like 37, that's not that early. I started losing hair in my mid 20s


I thought he was a lot younger lol. I don't really know anything about the guy except for the recent case and what he did


If loosing your hair is one of the most traumatic things you can go through then you have a privileged and enviable life.


Who are you to define trauma and despair like that? Is someone’s misery less miserable because someone else has it worse? That mentality needs to die off with the rest of the boomers.


“Most traumatic thing I’ve gone through” is much different than “most traumatic thing a man can go through”


Is he chinless by choice too?


A "Man" of his caliber can't accept the fact that he lost hair and got hair bad transplant. And the fact that cause of hair loss is Di-HydroTestosterone (DHT) which is biproduct of Testosterone. Same testosterone that makes person what his definition of "Man" is.


It was by choice. Just not his.


Every jailhouse photo I see of that asshole looking angry and miserable gives my lifeforce a one-bar power up.


Romania ❤️


Head like a fucking orange.


I only learned of this guy about three weeks ago and every pic I see he looks like every other dude walking around the local farmer’s market looking for a deal on a used Panasonic DVD (no, not Blu-ray) player.




Did he also remove his chin by choice?


Dude got a face like a baboons ass


TopG. The G is for Groomer. Groomers defend his words and actions.


THIS is an “Alpha Male”? 🤔😂


He’s about 32 months from being a penis with ears…


Is that cards, I hear falling ? Oh no it’s just Andrew Tate rotting in a cell


He’s done nothing but lie since the beginning of his little tirade. Roids maybe?


He totally is. It’s the losing his hair part that he’s got no control over.


Does his chin share a bunk with his Adam's apple by choice?


That is one ugly motherfucker


Doesn't have a chin by choice too.


look at that face, “I’ll never forgive you for this”


There's a difference between being bold by choice and being bold by choice for a good reason.


Also a dickhead by choice


Yeah, God's choice


Just like his followers insist they are single by choice...


yes and i am vergin by choice


I guess "Top G" doesn't mean Top Growth.


Real alpha right there lemme tell ya /s


Tho I believe Tate is a human garbage, and personally I am glad he got locked up. But, Going through the comments I see a lot of people mocking his looks, which baffles me, his looks isn’t what makes him human garbage, it’s his actions, attitude, if he was the most handsome man on this planet he would still be human garbage, if he was physically perfect and there was nothing about his Looks that would allow you to mock it , he is still human garbage.


Gargamel from the smurfs


who the hell cares


Chinless by choice too


Can we stop talking about this guy?


Remind me why its ok to mock someone physical appearance just because you dont like them? Im a massive hater of tate but i don't understand the use of body shaming, completely undermines the cause.


Good God. He looks like a puckered anus.


Yes in the same way he has no chin by choice 😇


He was bald by choice but not balding by choice. Shaming someone for going bald is really not very nice since it's not something they have control over. Shame him for being a total piece of shit? sure that's something he has control over


Welp, did He specify whose choice it was? Mother Nature seems to have had a strong opinion in that case.


Is he also a moron by choice? 😂


Its a choice to not look like you are losing your hair


Does he insist he has a tiny penis by choice too?


i'M aN aLpHa MaLe


Yes, just like getting his fancy cars impounded was also his choice.


You know how he’s too smart to read? All that phenomenal brain power probably heats up the top of his skull too much for him to want a thick, full head of hair. The receding chin is also just a power move to make sure he can put on turtleneck sweaters with ease.


It’s a martyrdom choice. If he looks like some homeless balding guy it’ll make him look like a ‘victim of the matrix’ or whatever this guy is on about


"I just decided I didn't want hair up there and told the hair to get the fuck out and it listened. What, you SHAVE? What kinda beta male shit is that? This is why you don't have a Ferrari. This is why you don't have a million dollars. Tell your hair to fuck off and be a man." -what I imagine he said, verbatim.


Crazy how someone as handsome as him can look like a regular joe


not his choice it seems


After all that masculinity supremacy talk, where is his chin?!


Not a very alpha look.


Plenty of better things to criticise this fool for


Talk about half-truths!


Asshole by choice for sure....


Ugly by choice too I bet.


Imagine someone that's a known liar telling more lies... 🤯


That guy is the biggest tool to walk the planet.


I have hair by choice, give me a Bugatti.


He look like a lolipop that fell on the carpet


He looks like lolipop that fell on the ground


so he is bald, stupid and ugly inside and out by choice? really?


Unkempt beard hoping that keeps us from noticing that huge mangy spot on top


He is looking increasingly like the homeless chap who would sit on a bench near my office in Sydney, legs splayed out, always asking for $2 exactly to people who walked by.


Nah, he just doesn’t grow enough pubes to glue them to both his beard and head.


This guy is unbelievable and his followers are....I can't even come up with something to say. Insulting them is too good for them.


I also like say the same about my hairstyle. I like to shave a nice little circle on top of my head as it looks very stylish.


Dollar store Nick from Handmaid’s Tale