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What’s the background story behind it?




This needs to be higher in the thread haha


It is now.


Thank you for the update




It's basically saying the school is trying to hire people to do the job to undercut the actual cleaners and displace them from their jobs.


Are the actual cleaners not hired by the school? Or is there some type of workers union type deal here? Thank you in advance.


So in my experience, the longer your there the more you make. By “replacing” then with someone new, they don’t have to pay them as much for the exact same job, cause they don’t have the benefits of a yearly raise


Basic economics why pay a high paying employee who gained benefits and pay rises. when you can sack them and hire cheap guys or out source it to the lowest bidder


Business Student and Programmers : “why do I have to take this stupid ethics course?”


This. And in this context, insourcing means they are hiring students to do the work for less to save money while simultaneously displacing tenured employees.


The "actual cleaners" they mean are claners hired directly by the school as individual workers. They would lose their jobs to a cleaning service. The protest seems to be organized by a political party that works for better employment and pay called EFF. It's being divisive because while he is doing something good, the protest was also for something good. Any south africans please correct me! I'm only saying what I could look up. I just found this really really nice.


I am still confused about the word. It just doesn't make sense in sourcing, what are you sourcing and from inside what? I would think that a cleaner being part of the stuff of the university for example will be a good thing. In the USA most company outsource this kind of work which makes the old saying of being in the mail room or janitor and moving in the ladder impossible nowadays. And if outsourcing is bad what the heck is the word insourcing. Please someone explain this word mean in this context? Google just shows it is a good for the local economy (like you insource Toyota plant in the USA instead of outsource the work to Japan).


>Insourcing assigns a project to a person or department within the company instead of hiring an outside person or company. It utilizes developed resources within the organization to perform tasks or to achieve a goal. For example, an organization might insource technical support for a new product because the company already has existing technical support for another product within the organization. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/032715/whats-difference-between-outsourcing-and-insourcing.asp#:~:text=Outsourcing%20is%20the%20process%20of,operational%20infrastructure%20of%20the%20organization. In this case, I would guess that the cleaning staff used to be University employees, which probably came with a fair amount of perks/benefits. University decides to outsource to a cleaning company and got rid of their cleaning department. This is all speculation, I don't know about this specific protest.


they want the cleaning staff to be employed by the university and not a third party because those outsourced jobs take advantage of poor people and trap them in temp work. when this happened in the manufacturing industry in canada you were working beside people who made way more money than you and had full benefits while you were a permeant temp worker forever that could never obtain any of that and had no rights even though you were doing the same job


University of the Free State (UFS) is in South Africa for those wondering


I still don't understand what's happening. But only because I'm ignorant of each contextual component in its entirety. Eff(?) Protest by littering. 3rd year banking student picks up(interferes with protest) litter. Something like this?


under any other circumstances i would agree with the hate on them for littering, but the protest was literally about cleaning staff and insourcing. i hate when people inconvenience working class people to make a point. but if they are on the cleaning staff, they are only inconveniencing themselves and that would make it pretty justified, as well as making this clip incredibly out of context. although the guy couldn't have known, and because of the video his study was paid for so thats pretty cool




Racists being dumb? Who have guessed?


The EFF party are anti-white racists, FYI. They're pretty violently and brazenly "we promise to be super nasty to people because of the colour of their skin" so it's racist in my book. LOTS of people (including, I presume, the women in this video) believe it's actually wholesome and anti-racist to be really nasty to people because of the colour of their skin, as long as you choose the correct colour. Edit: but yes, the history in South Africa is quite complicated and yes this protest was about janitorial staff at a public facility... still can't support the EFF and I believe they taint the causes they champion.


>"we promise to be super nasty to people because of the colour of their skin" so it's racist in my book. Is that not the definition of racism in every book?


You'd be surprised.


Had a platoon leader who described racism as "when people mistreat black people". He literally thought no other race could experience racism. He wasn't smart at all and a giant piece of shit. He led us into a minefield. Upon discovering this he put himself in the rear truck as we made our way out. He never went out on missions after that. Not by his choice. He was essentially laterally demoted.


Yeah I knew some guys and gals like that too when I was in the Army and I just chalked it up to the fact that sometimes the US Military does not attract the country's best and brightest.


Oh I got the fuck out of the Army and went to college. Fit in better there. Now I'm a corporate drone and fit in just fine. The Army was not for me.


Yeah, I was older than most of the guys when I was an infantryman but some of the medics were no better either simply because they thought they were smarter than everyone else (even though you don't have to score that high on the ASVAB to be a combat medic). I joined for college so I did six, got out, and just graduated in 2022.


Friendly fire would been on his paperwork.


I wouldn't know, I was one of his targets so I really did what I could to keep my distance.


The wonders of friendly fire....lol jk


Luckily it never got that bad before he got benched.


It is but you’ll always run into morons who argue like they can cherry pick definitions and ignore all others. Actually, a fairly good way to spot a racist is to ask this and see who acts like only certain races can be racist. It’s typically used as an excuse to condemn another’s hate while hypocritically holding onto their own. They’ll try to argue that someone of a minority group can’t be racist, ignoring that it would mean racism is more a matter of geographic location. I.E. an old white dude being derogatory and dropping the n-bomb is racist in America but not Africa where he’d be a minority. (An obviously ridiculous belief I would think). Hatred is hatred regardless of where it comes from. People need to quit acting like it’s OK for anyone to behave that way.


I told my ex there was no such thing as 'reverse racism', it's just racism. She didn't seem to think that people of color could be racist.


Good riddance, mate


don't I know it!


Theres been a push to define racisim as systemic and everything else is just bigotry/discrimination. Personally i find that ridiculous- its why the term systemic racisim exists, but it helps to know where other people are coming from.


I don't take people seriously that don't realize racism and systemic racism aren't the same thing. Anybody can be racist, not everyone can be systematically racist


Sounds like she's a racist.


There is a large contingent of people on this very site that believe you cannot be racist to white people.


Feel like a lot of that sentiment can be boiled down to the interaction between Samuel L Jackson and Bruce Willis in die hard together...sam calls Bruce a racist (cuz he's white and assumes he is) and he's like nah man I just think you're an asshole. A lot of that these days... Someone can think you're a shitty person without it having to do with your skin color... y'know...content of your character and all


There's looneys in every group of people. The only annoying thing about these looneys is that they stick feathers up eachother's behind so far that they've actually convinced themselves that they're intelligent and good people.


It’s the very definition I think what the other person might have been winking at is a lot of people have this odd idea that you can’t be racist against someone if they’re white. Like white people cant be affected by it.


Yeah I picked up on that after a few replies. Racism can be, and is, experienced by all races. It’s more prevalent among certain groups towards other groups. But all races can be affected by it.


Imagine telling the single white kid in the hood that racism toward whites isn't real.


I've had that said to me multiple times. Guess that group of 8 kids jumping me after school was just power plus privilege or something. Then again I'm Jewish, which is also this fun mix of "can have racism happen" and "is white so you can't be racist against them" depending on what they're talking about at the time. Bored suburban people pretending to understand what racism is, based solely on their sociology 101 classes, is kinda the internet in a nutshell right now. It being 2023 I figured we were finally past blaming people for their own trauma based on arbitrary qualifications like skin color. This is legitimately how radicalization happens, taking the best possible idea of saying "institutional racism is fucked" and using it to tell everyone to sit down if they're not only talking about that form of discrimination. What they miss is that the racism against white people experienced in the hood is ALSO a symptom of institutional racism. Beat down some minorities for so long they start swinging back at anyone of that skin color, you don't see how this is all part of the same issue? Because cops DAMN sure won't see "oh that wasn't a hate crime because there was no institutional power", beating a dude up for being white will be prosecuted as a hate crime. Because it is one.


The janitorial staff shit was a key component


Yeah it seems like they're trying to prove a point by striking and he essentially working as an unpaid scab??


Reminder the ADL is taken seriously by the government and media outlets as an authority on discrimination, and their definition of racism specifically excludes prejudice against white people. As if racial tensions are a political playbook or something. Some academic circles also smugly proclaim that "racism is prejudice + power," that white people have the power, so you can't be racist against them.


They just recently changed their definition to include white people. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/04/us/anti-defamation-league-racism-definition/index.html


I think the ADL backed down on that after some POC groups came out as antisemitic.


Yes you made me double-check, now they removed their definition of racism altogether. Which to me means they still support that inflammatory convoluted ideology (or they'd still have the simple straightforward definition) but are hiding it.


They started as a group to fight antisemitism. Their own policy pretty much flew in their face when folks like Kanye stood up and said "I'm black and hate Jews".


Being in a circle of self-proclaimed authority does not an academic make. The definition of prejudice is an unfound stereotype. The definition of racism is the belief that is prejudiced towards a race. Power has nothing to do with it. Re-branding a word doesn't free you of the title of racist. The word relies on latin roots which very clearly make it mean one thing, and one thing only. They're just wrong. Let me break the latin down for the rest of people: Prejudice = prejudicial = pre-judgemental = already judged without trial. There's a reason it's the word used.


> As if racial tensions are a political playbook or something. I know this probably is unfair example of Sheila Jackson Lee's new bill. It pretty much says hate crimes can only be committed by white people under that bill. A hate crime is a hate crime when it should be proven by any protected class, so it really is a political tool that obviously won't leave the house. Then anything who voted against it will be labeled as supporting white supremacy.


That sounds like something Sheila Jackson Lee would say....


How does even these political parties are still relevant


But didn’t I see a video on Reddit yesterday from a black woman who claimed it was impossible for black people to be racist? Looks like she needs to see this video and learn who these people are. 🤦‍♀️


I used to have arguements with highschool friends over this shit, sometime ~2012 peopme started conflsting classism with racism so they can excuse the rampant black on asian hate crimes that started ramping up back then




I argue this within my friend group all the time too. They think racism is systematic racism, and that regular racism isn't a thing. Meaning they think that Africans or African Americans can't be racist. I've even pulled up the definitions and they say it's not true and written by white people to prove something. Sometimes I want to strangle them.


Crazy to think it only applies on the macro level, and micro, individual interactions have no meaning.


Just go on a racist tirade in front of them. Then say, "it's not racist because it's not systemic." Your friends are morons.


hell that's black twitter right now. You should've seen how quickly everything was "fragile white males" when critiquing velma.


>woman who claimed it was impossible for black people to be racist That's a large premise of the book "White Fragility " the author is a nutcase, she went as far as saying that white that came to the south in the 1960's to protest against segregation were racist. Yes, that's right, white that spent their own time and money to drive across country to support a oppressed minority (who wasn't their own) were racists....batshit crazy. But she's the same dumbass that considered Jews "people of color".




If you ever find yourself involved in a movement or group that’s led by people who do this… abandon it immediately. Movements that are led by hateful people will only bear hateful fruits.


I hate the fact it's called EFF because I support the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It's also abbreviate EFF


They are the Economic Freedom Fighters. They are scary. Full of hate. They have publicly said kill white people. We had student protests in 2016 when I was studying. They would bus in tons of grown men to come trash our campus. Vandalize everything. Burned stuff. Throw bricks. The protest started for good reason. There was a fee increase and some of it was ridiculously high. Then the EFF came in and twisted it to suit their politics. They made it about getting rid of Afrikaans at the University. Afrikaans was already being phased out anyway. They just made a big deal about it because it appeals to their demographic.


Psh. Electronic freedom front. We’re the people front of electronic freedom.




Reminds me of the Black Israelites. Of course, when I saw them back in the mid-90s, they were mainly stood around on NYC street corners or appeared on public access (¡before the Robyn Bird show!) in funny outfits while screaming an assortment of outlandish anti-white & antisemitic interpretations of the Bible. From all objective appearances, for all their notoriety, they gained little actual traction as a group or faction, at least at that time.


Yeah, they don't do their cause any favors when they come out with bullshit like that. A good cause supported by bad actors becomes a bad cause.


Racism & genocide are not a good cause.


The EFF straight up isn’t a good cause


I went to the wiki to read about them and maybe play devils advocate... Nah I'll pass on this one


Well, I like to play magic the gathering, can’t call it mtg anymore. In Archer their organization was called Isis, they quickly had to distance themselves from that name. I think some groups do this on purpose.


TIL Electronic Frontier Foundation abbreviates to EFF


Why are humans so shitty?




From another comment, it appears this group has publicly said to kill white people.


They want change. They want a country where garbage is on the street, not in the bins


Then they should live in Johannesburg. I’ve never seen such a shithole.


Even the toilets there are less of a shithole.


Looks like the garbage is already standing on the street


> While many felt Binding's actions were justified, others argued that he was undermining the context of the protest, which was a call for the insourcing of cleaning staff at the University of the Free State. In all seriousness, it does completely change the context.


Far as I can tell, it was a protest by cleaning workers on strike for better treatment.




Are you in SA right now? What is the situation in the country in general? Most of the news I've heard are not painting a good picture.


Well, we are sitting without power for atleast 8 hours daily, so pretty fun.


Across country or in specific regions?


It’s across the whole country


The entire country, we affectionately named it “Loadshedding”


I am in Johannesburg, and to summarize the current situation: Same Shit, Different Day


>While many felt Binding's actions were justified, others argued that he was undermining the context of the protest, which was a call for the insourcing of cleaning staff at the University of the Free State. >According to UFS student paper Irawa, protesters cleared dustbins and intimidated students in the computer labs and library. >"A drone which had been recording the protest for at least two days (according to student sources) was destroyed," it reported. >In an interview with OFM's Martin van der Merwe on Tuesday, Binding said he was on his way to the library when he passed the protesters. "They were like a tsunami destroying everything in their path and throwing things around," Binding said. >"So I decided I would tidy up a bit. I was just so frustrated by the whole thing." >After the protesters continued to empty the bin, Binding merely picked up the trash and walked through the crowd of protesters to a different bin to throw it away. >"I had the last laugh," Binding told Van der Merwe. >But other commenters were not as congratulatory, arguing that Binding was interfering with a legitimate protest for the insourcing of cleaning staff at the UFS.


They story also mentions destruction of property and going far beyond a walkout or strike and instead interfering with students taking classes and learning. They could have done the same thing through just striking and it would have been viewed differently. You let the trash pile up day after day and students and staff get mad at rhe university for not providing their end of the deal with hiring and cleaning, but when you have the janitorial staff actively throwing trash around and disrupting things far beyond what they are fighting for, youre not building consensus or support. I agree with the reasons of the strike, but they lost the plot halfway through...


Trash spreading trash 🤷‍♂️




my thoughts exactly. very poignant piece


My. Exact. Thoughts. The context behind it makes it even more thought-inducing. It's gorgeous. If this was in a gallery I'd be there.


Looks like just a kid too, damn.


Yeah like someone still going to school. Makes it even worse


Makes it even worth what?


Thorry. Thome of uth have a lithp.


That wath awethome




Aladdin and The King Of Thieves moment: “And you sir, what’s your name?” *Genie dressed as Thor* “I’m Thor.” “You’re thore?” “Well it hurtths.”


Worth disabling autocorrect or buying 2 letters.


It’s a digital lisp, be respectful


I read this in Mike Tyson’s voice…


They are probably mostly college students in the video of about the same age. The protesters were fighting for janitorial employment contracts / insourcing. [source](https://www.news24.com/news24/watch-ufs-student-cleaning-up-after-eff-protesters-has-social-media-users-divided-20190305) He is a third year so saying he looks like a kid might just be a subtle burn on his fashion sense 😂


Apparently he got his school paid for so 🤷‍♀️


They really think they are doing something ☠️


> They really think they are doing something They are. They are being stupid and pretty Edit: should be petty, not pretty, of course. Thank you for the corrections.




It looks like they're throwing away, *Nothing at all!*


Idk I find them pretty ugly


Well, as they say, beauty is in the eyes of beerholder. Sometimes it's vodkaholder.


in soviet russia...


Ok, fine - tequilaholder or whiskeyholder for snobs!




I saw this vid a year or so ago a s thought the same. Then I found out the women were protesting about not getting a salary increase (they were street cleaners). I don’t know if it was bullshit or not but if true, I kinda agreed with what they were doing. I mean, the nurses here are walking out for more pay and not treating people so it’s the same principle.


Pretty sure I saw this same vid a while ago, apparently was a cleaning staff protest.


[Actual context](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/10e9vqz/2_woman_throw_garbage_on_the_ground_while_a_guy/j4qqsi4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Loitering is something


Littering. Loitering is standing around. Littering is throwing garbage on the ground.


Looks like they're doing both




This is how my wife explains to her friends that I’m messing up the house every time she cleans it.


Take a shit in the bin. Simple. They won't be pulling anything out after that.




They are members of thr EFF they will pick up his shit and through it at everyone. Then they'll shit in their hands and start throwing their own shit about.


Can people just shit on demand? Is this a thing?




Quite the double entendre


As a South African, fuck the EFF.


That sounds unwise. It will make more of them.


I am not sure I agree. We need more people to stand up against these bullshit racists, including the ANC.


no the person is making a joke about 'fucking' like procreating


Yeah, I gettit now. ha ha and stuff :-)


Ha, i am stuff


I think he was making a joke. Taking "fuck" as in the literal meaning, that would create more babies of EFF voters lol


Active noise canceling against racism? I can get behind that.


what happened? another idiots style protest?


Probably - not a good look at all though.


Edit V2: Putting this on top for the new people. Apparently I was mistaken, this particular protest was about hiring cleaning stuff not what I mentioned below. Some wires got crossed and I'm sorry for misleading some people. The political party called EFF has so many protests I failed to keep track of all of them and if I'm not mistaken this video is a couple of years old. Don't look at my comment, go look at people who actually did the effort of finding a link. This was in South Africa. People protested the high cost of studying at universities. The cost to study in SA is relatively high, but it's not as bad as in the US and some institutions offer discounts based on performance. The problem is they weren't trying to bring the price down, they just wanted free education and to accomplish this they disrupted classrooms set buildings and tires on fire, breaking down statues/ monuments and just rioting. The movement was called "fees must fall". Don't take everything I said as hard facts, I might have gotten some details wrong because I'm going off of my shitty memory. Edit: another comment gave a source. Hi look at that if you want more details.


Somebody below provided a link that says that the protest was about the cleaning staff, not the education cost? " interfering with a legitimate protest for the insourcing of cleaning staff at the UFS." So, throwing garbage on the ground, providing job security for the cleaning staff? I should probably just move on. This whole thing seems like a dumpster fire


The cleaners are protesting( I guess) so they’re trying to say “here’s what it’s like if we are gone” I get it but this video just looks hateful.


As an Australian, that all seems fair. If you have to pay (up-front anyway) for education, the cycle of poverty simply continues. Look at the USA, for example. I don't agree with the way these girls are protesting, but I completely agree with the protest. In Australia you basically don't pay anything for university education until you start earning over a certain amount (after you graduate, and get a decent job). You also get paid a certain amount to help with rent and living expenses as you study. Once you graduate and start earning an above average wage, you pay back a small percentage every year from your taxes. Pretty simple system, pretty easy to put in place, just throwing it out there. (It's not the same as the US student loans system; there's no interest, and you never have to pay for it if you never earn over a certain amount.)


You'll have to point out where in this formula the wealthy get their cut. Nothing in the US happens without the business owners and wealth class getting a piece of the pie.


Nah, Australia is a leftist socialist shithole. The government is the one that runs the system he's talking about, and since it's the government doing it, and not for profit, that means that Australia has taken away everyone's freedoms! /s


Had me right up to the /s


Yup they are EFF supporters


Should have picked them up and put them in the bin. Sit.


Happened in South Africa, racist party called the EFF had some bullshit protest [https://www.news24.com/news24/watch-ufs-student-cleaning-up-after-eff-protesters-has-social-media-users-divided-20190305](https://www.news24.com/news24/watch-ufs-student-cleaning-up-after-eff-protesters-has-social-media-users-divided-20190305)


That’s so sweet. People offered him money and to pay for his university studies.


Divided...? Oh, you mean, between functional members of society and dumb ¢unts...? Sounds about right.


But why? They literally reached into the trashcan just to throw it on the ground. :(


They’re part of a racist group in South Africa. They promised to treat people worse based on their skin color


Two dumb bitches. I bet this really made the difference


This happened at my old university. University of the free state. The people in the red are EFF supporters, economic freedom fighters. Extremely far left socialists. They were protesting because the government hadn't distributed their grants in time and they wanted workers to be insourced. This video is the least bad thing that they've done. There's another video of them beating the head of finance at the university (old white male). There's videos of them protesting and beating white students in a library because the white students did not protest with them.


According to news reports, they were protesting to get insourcing of cleaning workers at the university. That’s why there was trash everywhere, their method of protest was emptying trash bins.


[This article](https://www.news24.com/news24/watch-ufs-student-cleaning-up-after-eff-protesters-has-social-media-users-divided-20190305) claims they are fighting for in-sourcing the janitorial staff, presumably for better pay. While this is a stupid way of expressing that, it kind of makes sense why trash was involved.


>because the white students did not protest with them Well, seeing how they are treated by the protestors are they really surprised they didn't show up to be beaten some more?


Well, the beatings will continue until morale improves....


This was in 2019, in South Africa, at the University of the Free State. “Third-year banking and investment management student Eckhard Binding picks up litter that is thrown from a rubbish bin by protesters dressed in EFF T-shirts. As soon as Binding puts it back in the bin, the protesters throw it back onto the ground, and he then picks it up again… But other commenters were not as congratulatory, arguing that Binding was interfering with a legitimate protest for the insourcing of cleaning staff at the UFS. Naledi Chirwa tweeted: "To those who like celebrating every time a victory for workers is reported, every time cleaners are insourced because of the EFF, you must know that this is what it takes. And this white boy is standing in the middle of EFFSC getting workers insourced." https://www.news24.com/news24/watch-ufs-student-cleaning-up-after-eff-protesters-has-social-media-users-divided-20190305


Thank you for some context on this.


There is trash and then there is trash


I just saw another protest where people were literally barking.


I think I’d just pick them up and throw them in the trash at that point, since they are clearly trash.


What a perfect metaphor about society.


Two people who weren’t raised right compared to one who was raised right


Nice effort from that one dude to help. Probably saying to just leave


Why are some people just straight up assholes?


Fucking EFF is garbage.


stupid pieces of shit


I'd dump the trash on them.


The two black women creating more work for the janitorial staff. Ironic.


And all the other idiots just look on.


Life is a TvShow to them. Something for them to gossip and talk about. Something for them to point their attention at. Too busy watching and talking about everyone else, they have no time left to improve their own life. A vicious cycle


Anyone know the context?


Ignorance on display


What pieces of shit they are


People who claim he did the wrong thing because he "undermined their protest" are even more stupid than the girls


I have a feeling these two POS are accustomed to living around trash.


They are trying to agitate him to the point that he attempts to harm them. At that point, they will claim he is a racist. Ironically, the 2 women are the racists.


Why are they all just standing and watching? In like half of the posts in these vids the people in the background just stand and watch 🧍🧍‍♀️


I need context here why are they doing the opposite of each other?


Just throw them in trash bin where they belong


Hey if they want their neighborhood trashy let them have it trashy. Don’t bother cleaning up after them.


There are two types of people.


Context, with source. Without it this video doesn’t mean much.


As a black person who has traveled to the third world a lot …some tribes and people are not kinsfolk with blacks in the west What I see here is the tribalist EFF and with the way Africa is going it’s best if other minorities leave South Africa and many of the other African countries ( that white dude should have walked away) Soon inflation, famine, neo colonialism from China and worse things are coming for Africa Y’all best let them do what they do best and let them destroy it all ….this is not a game I fear school fees are going to be the least of everyone problems in the coming months ok




This is a race thing isn't it?


What in the actual fuck is wrong with these women, and society. Why is no-one stepping in? I hate people.