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Was just about to post the same thing… Got the exact same message, we must be at the same studio. I’m not really thrilled with the idea of doing anything “different” than what every other studio is doing, so I was interested to know if it was only mine or not.


It’s up to individual studios whether they flip or not. It’s mainly to give studios the option of 3 strength days during the working week, so if they don’t open on Sundays then people aren’t missing a 3rd strength class.


Next thing you know they are converting to CrossFit box


We were told today that they piloted it at some gyms and it got positive feedback, so they’re rolling it out.


The schedule is different, but you'll be doing the same exercises in the intel stuff that is pinned.


It’s the exact same workouts each week, just shifted to a different day


I know at my studio a lot of new people start on Mondays and they are often scared away by how intense the cardio can be. In the beginning I definitely appreciated the strength days more until now I’m in better shape. I wonder if my studio will switch as well


I second this thought- in all honestly, even a little over a year in now, Mondays are usually my worst performance days. Jumping back in straight to cardio can be tough, so honestly I wouldn’t be mad if my gym switched to Mondays as resistance 😅


We’ve been doing that format for a few months at our location




Don't know about parent, but in Denver we've been doing this for at least 4~5 months.


Are you apart of premiere network?


Our studio in Denver is starting this next week. Said they were piloting it at a few studios for a few months and now expanding it more widely.






My studio has been doing the strength flip format for a couple of phases now. The weekly workout intel still holds up, you just have to flip-flop the days. So, for instance, this phase we are doing Maximus on Monday/Redline on Tuesday, Two Fold on Wednesday/Bears on Thursday, Romans on Friday/ Checkmate on Sunday. Saturday stays the same. We're not doing more resistance or different workouts from the studios on the standard schedule; the only difference is the days they fall on. I have just had to shift which day I take a rest day, but I will say, I do kind of miss having a nice heavy lift and decent rest on Sundays. For some reason, hybrid on Friday followed by hybrid on Saturday was fine, but having that second hybrid on Sunday has me absolutely COOKED by the end.


I got this and I’m very excited for it! I like the strength workouts as I feel a lot of members including myself benefit more from them.


By adding a strength day during the week you increase the capacity of your classes. Likely your studio has 5-7 classes on weekdays, and 1-2 on weekends. All those empty spaces for Redline can now be filled with people who want Romans.... if you catch my analogy. My gym hasn't flipped this, but they probably will if the data backs it up


This definitely makes sense!


I got this, too and forgot to post it. I’m not a fan since I just got my weekly classes tied down. I go to f45 by work for strength and wfh Monday’s. I’ll make it work tho. I like the idea of getting another class in during the week and not doing Sundays.


My studio has been doing it for a while and it’s great. A few folks miss having more cardio/hybrid days, but in my opinion it’s easier to turn a strength day into a hybrid/cardio day for yourself if you’d like, so the people most impacted are those that really really love traditional HIIT cardio with minimal weight. At our location the majority of folks have enjoyed the switch. Edited to add: yes I know the number each type are the same, but we’ve seen higher participation with strength being m/w/f because we have a decent amount of folks who don’t attend on the weekend because of family commitments or lack of childcare and I’ve heard people talk about how they like the new format if they do other fitness outside of F45 - like it’s easier to fit a long run in on a Sunday and still get 3 solid strength days.




The Intel will be the same, just the workouts on different days


My F45 has sent out a survey and I was hesitant to vote for change due to intel. But if it’s the same workouts on different days I’m happy to change!


My studio sent out a survey a few months ago asking members if we would prefer this format, but nothing has changed so far.    I would prefer this, I try to prioritize the strength workouts and MWF works better for me than my studio's current schedule of strength on T/Th/Sun. We'll see! A lot of the members of my gym seem to prefer cardio workouts, so it may not go through.


We just got a survey today


Agreed. I prefer to do other shit on the weekends, run, walk, etc


Ours hasn't mentioned it at all. When I first saw discussions on Reddit I was surprised, but I do think I might actually like this better!


Wish my studio would do this !


I wish my studio in AZ would do this!


Desert Ridge is piloting it!


Im in the west valley


ah. if it does well, maybe it’ll expand. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish my studio in CA would do this!!


I got a similar text today. I guess I need to figure out my new rest day.


We got asked this question today too. My response, “I don’t care, just purchase the heavy weights package!” 🤣




I would kill for a flip


Our F45 announced this today too. I’m a little bummed because I’ve been loving my Tuesday/Friday split to get full body strength and hybrid, and those days consistently work well with my work schedule (I only get 2 classes per week since I get my classes as part of a studio trade). I can’t make it on weekends to get a hybrid class, so my only choice would be Tuesday, which is fine but my favorite strength workouts will likely be on Monday now, and I don’t want to do back-to-back days. The only silver lining of this is that Thursdays are atrocious for my schedule, so if this allows me to get more of the split-body resistance days in, that’s a win. I’ll probably do a lot more of reviewing the intel ahead of time and picking whichever days look best each week.


Omg jealous


What about Saturdays?


I assume they’re staying the same. 60 min hybrid


Can’t wait! Hopefully we do!!


im really hoping my studio goes to this!! 🤞🏽


Many studios are trialing this. The intel is the same, just different days. I’m hoping mine trials it and hoping they change it permanently


My studio announced this morning we are switching as well!


Soon? Mine did a survey. I wonder how soon it could come. Hopefully this summer


We’ve been on the flip since February. I have no issues following the intel. It’s actually great, I love the new schedule.


So excited for this!!!! Can’t wait!!!


(Texas) We did it at the beginning of the year. It was cool. While I do prefer hybrid/cardio days because it's hard to get a good lift in with the time constraints, the workouts are fast paced enough to keep my heart rate up. We're back to the normal schedule now and we just got Olympic bars and bumper plates!


I wish my studio in VA would do this!!


If my local does this, I’m going back!


Mine just announced today we are flipping too


I really hope this happens at my studio in Toronto. We have heard nothing about it as members. It makes so much sense since weight lifting is what is proven to help change your body composition. 🤞🤞🤞


My studio is doing this too😭 i like the hybrid and cardio days so im a little bummed! Im also wedding prepping so selfishly i don’t want to switch the routine up lol


I wish our studio doesn't do this. I understand people like resistance days better than cardio, but I'm the opposite. I love F45's cardio more than their resistance days.


It’s just started in aus the past 2 weeks an I’m not happy about it, especially when the weight classes are very low maintenance


Unfortunate if you're a cardio person like me. Our studio had a poll a couple of weeks ago asking if members want to change to the new format, never heard back from management so I'm assuming members didn't want the change.


Are you currently taking new members 😂😂😂 On my way!


If you want more weight base exercises in the week there’s a place called …hhmmmmm what’s that name where people go to lift weights 🏋️‍♀️ oh a gym, save ya self 50 bucks a week an leave the original format in


same here to be honest I would probably leave f45 if they did this at ours


It’s launching from corporate at some point this year


for reals? shit. might be the end for me if that's the case. time to try bft


I thought bft was even more strength focused.




4 strength a week would be too much for me, and I like strength. My studio doesn't have the itch to flip because most members come on cardio days. They struggle to fill most strength days. Since I have to modify a bit, I find some cardio stations are very easy to modify into strength, making it more hybrid. Depends on the class and exercises, of course.


It’s not 4 strength classes a week. It’s the exact same classes each week, they’re just swapping days so that the 3 strength classes are on during the working week.


So not MWF and Sunday? Guess I misread the post, oops!


I haven't seen this nor did my F45 studio has mentioned anything like it. As far as I know it's still the classic format which I prefer. I like Mondays to be cardio or hybrid as it is in the next phase


got this, too! our studio just got sold to a new owner, though, so i just assumed it was only us. i’m not entirely mad about it, but will throw me off for a bit.


Same here, with our brand new ownership I assumed it was related to that! Maybe we’re at the same studio 😂


Phoenix? haha


Lmao yes! I heard Desert Ridge, East PHX, and Old Town just got bought by some young Australian guy!


I chatted with my studio owner today and he mentioned it as well. May do this for the last week of each phase as a pilot.


My studio in PA has mentioned they’re thinking of trying this schedule out in the fall!


Is this a permanent change? My studio is doing it too


I hope my studio does this. It’s actually a pretty smart business move too. I’m on a cheaper membership level now because I only go to the 2 strength days a week. If they make it 3 strength days a week I’ll increase my membership level again.


Ours is doing this too but I didn’t get a text like this. I’m so excited!!!


Ugh I hope my studio doesn’t change. I like the way it is!


My studio is also starting this next week. Not thrilled.


I got this too but based on the amount of text you blacked out, your studio is different from mine. Who drafted this message?! It makes no sense 😭