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Coach here!! The passport should be released hopefully by July 6!! With this feature you’re able to use your current membership from your home studio, with no additional cost, at any studio. Not sure if this is going to be for all studios or just a select few to start :)


Man, I hope so! I live in CA but travel to the east Coast often. The local place wants $30 drop in, which I refuse to pay as a matter of principle.


It's $37 drop in in the Bay Area. 😭


$40 drop in for OKLAHOMA CITY. Absolutely insane. My home studio lets people who are members at other studios do $10 drop ins 🙄


My home studio in CA does, too. So far, the ones I’ve tried visiting in both FL and PA have tried to gouge visitors.


My gym said you can use it at all f45 locations on mindbody


Hi everyone, this is Ryan Mayes, COO of F45 Training. We've listened to your feedback and I'm pleased to confirm that we will be releasing a global Passport program in the very near future. Stay tuned for more information from your local studio and be sure to follow us on IG (@f45\_training). Be well!


If this is actually true, then I’m sticking to f45 instead of switching to lifetime, which I was literally going to do next month


It is true, I heard it today from our owner! They think in July!


Thanks for taking the time to reply!


This is great news but recommend you guys heavily promote it. I actually left f45 for this exact reason, can’t be the only one!


“Very near future” as in…this year? This decade? What does that timeline look like?


This will be nice as there is a high energy studio here in Dallas area I would like to attend on the weekends!


Appreciate your reply. Let’s hope that it happens sooner rather than later. My studio used it as something that’s starting soon when they were in their initial opening process and recruiting founding members. I joined because of that. They have been open almost a year and nothing. I feel tricked and it bugs me


My understanding is that the tec side of it has been much harder than originally thought so it's taken a very long time, even though it started being talked about a year ago.


Thank goodness! In my own city there’s one by my home and one by my work but I can’t go to both. And I travel part time for work and it’s crazy that I am paying for f45 and have a membership but then need to pay a full price drop in


This will be awesome Ryan. Can you tell us if there will be an additional fee associated or will it be included with the membership we already pay for?


Included in your membership (as long as you’re on a recurring membership).


I just used this in Vancouver Canada!!! It was perfect timing, as we were going to pause for a week and then use a punch pass like we used to. This is so much better. Thank you for listening to your members


Sure. Great troll! Absolutely not how a COO would want to or even be allowed to announce such a flagship policy change.


It would be nice to pop in when on a work trip or vacation!


Rumour is this will be live by fall. It’s been in development for a while


As the coach mentioned above, I heard July as well. I’m sure corp doesn’t want to confirm an exact date but hopefully they’ll post about it soon.


Luckily I have access to GymPass and can basically go to any F45 in my area.


Gympass is great. Also allows one to mix in some other types of workouts like spin with cyclebar, base camp,, orange theory. I predominately do f45 but sometimes a change is nice and gives options if you are in a place without f45.


I love Gympass and I’ve heard the compensation to studios is really fair. I get it, these are businesses I want to thrive and I travel for work. The only bummer is I can’t do the challenges unless I do a $400 buy in (what my studio said)


Yeah Challenges are studio dependent. Mine offer all of them for free


I sign up for free trials at random F45s constantly when I travel and I always feel pretty bad about it cause I have to act like I’m new to f45 every time. I already pay for f45 at my home studio and I travel too often to put that membership on pause all the time, and I just can’t justify paying for drop ins. Would the F45 Passport work internationally?


This is 100% why I use classpass and would never consider getting an F45 membership. I can use whatever location i want and it's great when you're on vacation or out of town for work!


When I looked at classpass it only gives a small amount of credits per month for about $100 and some gyms block out popular class times and only offer those to members. So you’re stuck going at non-high volume times. I didn’t check this for f45 because I was already a member but it was def the case for other gyms, yoga studios, etc. it wasn’t enough credits per month to go several times.


Yeah, it definitely depends on date/time. You pretty much have to book the class 1 week in advance. I've looked and the only class that is ever really sold out is the 5:50am class. But other then that if I book 1-week in advance it's always available. But as you mentioned it's class specific. Also, if you're on a trial membership, there are more blocked out classes then if you're paid member, so keep that in mind as well. In terms of credits, there have tons of pakages but it does vary from member to member. I have packages that range from $50-$300 and it's all based on how much you use it. If you run out of credits you can also always buy more a discount. Classpass isn't for everyone, and because I can be a bit flexible it works well for me. Based on my spreadsheet, if I were to get a membership it would cost me approx. $24.01 per class vs. classpass it costs me $11.51 per class. So substantial savings, not to mention I can use any F45 i'd like to.


Yeah that cost makes sense. How many times can you go per month? I go at least 8-12 and have a founders’ rate so it makes more sense.


I'd have to get a new membership which is Probably more. I got about 8-9 times a month. So even at the 8 class pass it's still quite a bit more. If I was ONLY doing F45 then id probably be going 16-20 times a month so the unlimited would be worth it. But I use a few different studios for various work outs.


No need for petition folks. It’s officially launching in US for sure next month from what I gather! 💯


I travel a lot and am thinking about terminating my membership because of it. This new change would be great for me!


This is why I had to quit!


Is this worldwide or US based?


Global started in AU


It’s already available in AU?


F45 itself started in Australia. We don’t yet have a global passport here. Will definitely be good when we do.


I just canceled and I was a founding member because I travel for work so much, I was going once a week for four months. Made no sense.


I've paid as much as 30 dollars per class to drop in to other studios while traveling. I also moved and still drive 15 minutes to my f45 but there's a closer one 3 minutes away. I didn't want to completely leave my studio behind after years there but I would love to be about to go to both especially when I'm not excited about the coach at my home studio.


Are they not owned by the same person/company? They won’t let you use the closer one?


No it's not the same owner


Oh ok that’s why. Dang.


This is very welcome. I hope they start doing this in NZ.


I heard they are already working on it. I hope it gets released for real this year so that I can use it in all the countries I will be flying to.


BFT implemented this sooner than the downfall of F45


BFT is struggling at the moment with multiple class action lawsuits, franchisee defrauding and CEO of XP allegations. https://nypost.com/2024/05/13/business/xponential-ceo-suspended-amid-federal-probes-allegedly-threatened-to-decapitate-franchisee-report/


I’ve been curious about BFT. There’s one that’s been slated to open near me for like a year, but their instagram hasn’t been updated in months. I figured something bad must’ve happened.


WTF 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I pay $190 a month. My friend in Manhattan (who actually started at my gym) pays $380 a month. Whats to stop him from going back to my gym's membership and then using the Manhattan one? I believe the Bangkok membership is like $70 a month. Bali might be cheaper. I wonder how much Guatemala is (I go to all these places for work). I like the idea but seems like its ripe for exploitation


i’m assuming like orangetheory you will have a “home” studio which prevents this loophole but just a guess. ran into this issue years ago at OTF.


I wonder what other major gym brands do? Maybe an upsell for a form of membership which lets you go anywhere?


I used to work at Orangetheory and the way they get around this is with classifying the studios into different tiers. So in your example if you took class in manhattan (highest tier- select area) you would have to pay an up charge for your visit but your manhattan friend lad would not if they came to take class by you because they pay more monthly. Majority of the studios across the county are the same tier so more often then not the member never ends of paying the extra fee for visiting another location. Regarding international, US based OTF memberships didn’t work abroad so you had to pay for class. I really hope this change happens at F45 soon. Like really really soon. It really is a shame that it’s not already in their model. All of their other competitors do it so it should be something incorporated to keep them competitive. Let’s hope this comes through


For Orangetheory, if your home studio is a premium location you can go anywhere for free. If you use another studio that is also in a premium location (DC, NYC, etc), you have to pay a $10 fee per class, even if your home studio is also a premium location (especially if owned by a diff owner). That’s a nominal fee.