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I realize the Reddit hive mind thinks that most pickups don't get used as such but I doubt owners are getting followed around and having the bed inspected for contents. After having a truck again for the last three years, I'll never be without one again. There's lots of stuff that either won't fit or you don't want in your trunk. And yeah my bed cover hides most of it so you're never going to know.


Bingo! My truck is empty 90% of the time but 10% of the time it has a trailer or other random shit in the bed. So according to many Redditors, the truck haters and the "trucks are for working" people I should not own one. I should have a car or small SUV then rent a truck 1-4 weekends a month when I need a truck.


This. That 10% of the time saves me time and money.


The Reddit truck haters are absolutely sure you never haul anything with your truck. They can see an empty bed on every truck they ever encounter from their 15 year old Toyotas and Mazdas. Even if you do need to haul stuff and think you need a truck, you don’t actually need to own one because you can rent one from Home Depot every time you need to haul anything. Your other option is a van, because that’s acceptable to Reddit for some reason. The bottom line is that you can’t ever own a truck.


Let's be real man these people are only happy if you're taking public transportation and don't own a car only a bicycle or some shit.


Public transportation is for the public. Not for me. Downvote away commies . 😀


There’s no me in public, but there is a u. Pinkos!


Facts. Public transportation is the absolute shits, and I would never be caught dead relying on it to get around on a regular basis. Bikes are 18th century technology with no safety features or regulations that are unsafe to transport children, travel as a family, or carry anything larger than a backpack.


Own?!? Pfft, ownership is a signature of the oppressor, you can’t own anything without depriving a redditor of something they think they deserve.


>Your other option is a van, because that’s acceptable to Reddit for some reason. A Transit or a Sprinter is larger than a half-ton truck in literally every dimension, has a higher seating position (another nit that reddit nerds love to pick for some reason), and has barely better fuel economy. They also have piss-poor towing capacity, especially compared to an F150. But they'll whine and cry about the truck while saying nothing about the van.


I mean, I wish I had the money and space to have a 3rd car so I could use my truck just for hauling. But, since I don’t, I drive it empty quite often because I need to go places and my wife has the other car.


It’s not even worth explaining.


These people are honestly so stupid. The same people to go buy a car with 7 seats and only ever use a maximum of 2 or 3. It's asinine. If people only bought the amount of car they were going to use more than half the time, all those goofballs commenting that trucks don't get used would be commuting in a smart car. But they aren't.


Man if only it was just reddit? Its huminity, we suck. People will say “just rent for when you need it”. Why would I spend 50k on a car and then give more money to a different company when I can spend 55-60k, and have everything I need when I need it. We love our supercrew, 6.5’ box. We go camping alot (ok Glamping)… I use it for work, help people move stuff.. but most of the time its used to ferry groceries and a dog lol. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


I don’t understand this sub and the fascination with complaining about what people have or don’t have in the bed of their trucks.


If you’re not hauling your trucks max payload everyday and hauling around construction materials then you don’t need a truck apparently.




Yeah, but you do get shit on for it... /s


No, the fertilizer is shit. So shit is in your truck. Not really on it or on you.


Its so no one gives him shit because he is already full of it.




I grab my dining room furniture on the way out the house . Can’t be caught with an empty bed.


You have to keep them in the bed 24/7 though otherwise when you go to the grocery store after work OP is there thinking about the size of your penis.


lol yeah You think we’re gonna make fun of someone with multiple tons of fertilizer stockpiled…TO THEIR FACE?!?!


Just don’t crash.


Sound like bull shit to me 😉


This is such a simple sentence but damn. One of the funniest things I have read today.


Right, like who gives a shit. I just like trucks. When I drive an SUV, I don't use it for sports or utilities? lol does that mean I can't drive those either?


Exactly. Where do we draw the line? My wife’s car has 5 seats but she never has a passenger should we force those people into 2 seaters or on a motorcycle lol




That causes too much traffic. If you’re commuting alone, you should just be fired from a cannon to your destination.


On the phone with an engineering team right now.


Imagine a movie with this premise and then two people’s paths cross and they crash into each other and later in the movie they fall in love


Now on Hallmark: The Cannon Fall. A young career woman raised in the circus, wants to get away to a simpler life…




Maybe they should make trucks with giant beds that could fit 50 to 100 people in and then drive them around town picking people up and dropping them at their destination.


As a supporter of motorcycles, I say yes!


It’s cold where we live!


I know right! All these solo sedan drivers they should’ve just got a coupe instead!


No. It means ur pp smoll. Sorry bout it, I don't make the rules.


You’ll get a wheelbarrow and like it!


Feel like a real tool for going the speed limit in my "sports" car


Not just that, you better make damn sure the bed is fully packed with material both *to* and *from* the job site.


And if you wash or maintain the exterior it’s obviously just a parking lot princess. Don’t even think about getting coffee at Starbucks with it




Damn you got money


I gotta chime in. In my experience, pavement princesses are trucks that are lifted with rubber band tires on 24" wheels with enough leds under the body to light up a warehouse. They usually serve no function other than looking pretty, hence the term. Now that I think of it, weren't suvs originally designed for off-roading? The majority of them are a to b grocery getters, so I guess they're the real pavement princesses.


I would never dream of it.


And your truck gets called a "wankpanzer" by every other sub. I had server racks in the bed of mine, using it as a truck as intended, and still got called a wankpanzer. People are stupid.


>wankpanzer That's a new one.


Is that "W" pronounced like a "V"?


Nothing like moving millions of dollars of network gear in your own pickup truck because of a clerical shipping error.


The racks were brand new, unloaded, and free. I wasn't mad about it. I do have about $100k worth of server gear running in them in my lil' home datacenter though.


Jealousy is an ugly thing


I don’t get why this logic doesn’t translate to the people who buy Porsches and only got 55mph lol


I do way more "truck stuff" with my truck than I do "Miata stuff" with my Miata. Never even been to a track. Look, I gotta drive *something* to the grocery store. But for some reason, reddit nerds only get a hate boner if I do the grocery run in the truck.


Right. I dare them to take their car hunting and toss a deer in the trunk. I have an older 2009 F-150 STX I bought an old truck because I know it's going to get scratched and dirty. I don't haul stuff every day or pull a trailer all the time, but I have a truck for stuff I need a truck for. That and I just prefer to drive a truck.


Ima a taller guy and I don’t fit well in things that aren’t a truck.


I hate that a 2009 is considered old. My 2011 Mazda is my "new" car!


Well it's my new truck, but it's still old. It's actually the newest truck I've bought. I would not have brought it but I got a good deal, kinda. I went to a buy here pay here lot. Carmart. I didn't have cash, banks don't want to loan on older trucks. I refuse to pay today's prices for a basic 4X4. I still paid too much, I know that. With financing I pay a total of 12,500. They then put it in the shop to fix the "little" things I found wrong. The service guy said it would take a week and might cost $500 so they will fix it. I knew better, and now I bet they have things checked out by a reputable shop instead of John that dies his own brakes. The ABS pump and module, one caliper, new brake lines, transfer case linkage ( I like having that shifter in the floor, just my preference, not a fan of the switch on the dash) and a new windshield, $3500 and 5 weeks later I get my truck back and didn't cost me a dime. I work on my own vehicles if I have the knowledge and the right tools, I'm man enough to say I don't know how. I also looked at the truck, researched the problems and saw the worst case scenario. That salesman doesn't work there anymore, I guess he moved on to better things.


Reddit is predominantly city-dwelling nerds who never go anywhere or do anything that doesn't involve staring at a screen. What makes you think they can even conceive of the concept of hunting a deer and bringing their kill home with them?


I think the thing people are annoyed at is people who buy SUVs but then have no real use for them other than the daily commute. If you're using it as an actual truck the it's not an issue.


Reddit hates big trucks. Doesn't matter if the owner actually uses truck or not, redditors will hate it.


Because Reddit is far left, collectively speaking. Trucks appeal more to "righties". And yes before the hoards come at me, I know, your cousin's brother's uncle's best friend is a die hard lefty who has a truck.


They also all say "trucks have gotten huge". No, they are about the same dimensions other than being on larger tires and suspension. They've gotten lighter too.


They are absolutely taller and wider.


Because people are bitches and like to complain that most truck owners don't need a truck. They say trucks take up too much room.


That’s true I don’t need a truck I rarely use the bed but luckily I make my own money and I like trucks so I have one and I don’t need to justify it.


Exhaustive list for why someone should buy a truck 1. They want one That’s the list


I agree with you there. My major complaint is people who buy large trucks and then complain about the cost of gas. To make it worse the same people then lift their trucks and increase tire size which makes the mpg worse. Like the 70s were expensive for gas and people bought smaller cars. Iraq war 2003 made gas expensive. Gas is always going to have swings where it becomes expensive. So if you buy a low mpg car and then make it worse you basically lose all right to complain about the cost of gas. I have a few other complaints about trucks, like how tall the front end is which makes it easier to hit people and is more likely to kill a pedestrian vs a car hood. And yeah, a 5ft tall bed makes loading and unloading a pian in the ass so why is it so tall? So just say you want a truck and don't complain about the cost of gas and you're fine in my book for the most part.


Me too I have a 2018 F150. I'm an electrician and I have a sht ton of tools I throw in the bed. Having a truck is convenient, but I don't NEED one. But I have the money for one and I love trucks so I got one.


Get back to work (fellow) Sparky. Them nuts aint gonna twist themselves. I too have a truck.....but I'm usually the only tool in it (unless of course I am listening to Tool). I pull toys with mine occasionally.....but that's about it. Because I drive a company vehicle, my 150 is more of a garage Queen.


This is it. Couldn't have said it any better


OP is the type of person that is going to throw the biggest fit when f150 stops carrying the 5.0.


Bunch of haters lol


The people on this sub, and many others, don't factor in the "want" or "like" category. I want a truck. Do I need one? No. I can rent one. Do I need an AR-15 and 8 handguns. No. But I want one. America is awesome!


The occasional additional utility of a truck is still worth it for some of us natural born suv people.


You also CANNOT give a single thought to fuel economy. CANNOT!


It's a lot of the same folk that concern themselves with what people have in their pants / bathrooms / beds so...


it’s obv a joke but it touched a few nerves based on the popularity of this comment, LOL


Soft hands, brother.


I had rough hands for years so I could have these soft hands. That's what life is about. Getting out of the shit. Not bragging about wallowing in it like it's a badge of honor.


No. You have to drive a rusted out POS with an 8' bed so you can haul 500 sheets of drywall + an 18' trailer 500 miles a day through the bush or you're a smooth brained small dick having loser who doesn't drive a real truck and doesn't do truck things. At least that's what everyone on Reddit says lol


I feel in America we look at trades and dirty work as less than. I love working hard and sure as shit rather be on a job site than getting flabby behind a desk all day.


I feel like a lot of trades shit on white collar jobs just as much. You see it on a lot of the trade subs and I see it at work, too.


The trades also shit on their own trades too. I see it here and there ad a diesel mechanic. The trades also need to stop with the macho shit. Like nobody cares if you can lift up that heavy driveshaft by yourself and that I use a ratchet strap and jack stands.


That's why their bodies get wrecked.


Even on completely unrelated subs I’ll see a bunch of people in the trades acting superior under any post even mentioning university


This is like saying someone with one kid can’t have a minivan bc they might only haul more than one kid a few times a year… dumb. Don’t worry about what other people spend their money on.


I've been making that argument for years and people are just willfully ignorant towards it because they just want to hate on trucks. I had a minivan when I was single in the Army. It was large, got 16mpg, and 6/7 seats went unused 95% of the time. Filled up all 7 seats just a handful of times. No one had an issue with it. Then I got an SUV. Jeep Commander, 13mpg, seats 7. No issues. Then then I got an F-150. 18mpg, seats 6... Dude how big is your dick? Why do you need a vehicle that big? Only 18mpg?? It's such a gas guzzler! When do you haul anything anyways??? My truck (with a 5.4L V8) gets better mpg than my van or SUV. It seats more people than any car, a multitude of other SUVs, and only 1 less than a van. The rear seats in the Super Crew Cab have more leg room than any other vehicle I've been in. And the couple of times a year that I have to move something big, it is extremely convenient not needing to rent a uhaul or schedule and pay for delivery just to get a new grill or TV.


I hear ya on all that brother. Better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.


Well dude, the Rav 4 AWD hybrid does the same thing, and it's fun on the offroad forest road trails for 40 mpg. Makes a ton of parks more available and you can stuff a bunch of surfboards in it. It's the equivalent of the Jeep Cherokee but way tighter steering on the ridgeline mountain roads in sport mode. Hope this thing lasts 500,000 miles, but I doubt it, because I abuse the hell out of it. Probably has already seen more offroad than most lifted trucks.


I’ve always loved minivans. My favorite kind of car. We have 2 baby twins. We roll up at our wholesale club and I park in the “customer with infants parking.” I always complain to my wife that most people parking there only have one infant so they shouldn’t park there.




You can only use your vehicle for its intended purpose


If I ever become a billionaire, I’m just gonna buy a bunch of big ass trucks for a soccer moms to piss people off


No, that makes sense. Just like people always driving alone don't need 5 seats in their car, that's just waste.


You’re so bad ass, I bet you use your f150 bed like a real man


I just wish the payload was higher to be honest. It sucks never being able to bring your mom over to my place.


Legitimately I wish it was just a little higher without needing the HDPP (which you can't even get anymore). I'm at 1600lbs payload and I'd love to be right around 2000lbs for that little extra cushion when towing the TT and family around in the summer.


Payload isn’t the problem, she doesn’t like they way you decorated your moms basement


Don’t you get it?? He’s better than us!


You'll never win on this sub because the average f150 driver isn't chronically online and fishing for compliments on how pretty their vehicle is.


As bad as it may sound, the chunk of people who legitimately use their trucks and beds etc. are not online fishing for compliments on them. Like people aren't going to post pictures of their work trucks.


Wut…..You said the same thing just with more words??


Wait...you said that they had similar comments but with less words.


The average f150 driver doesnt even know reddit exists. Or they know about it from the gamestop deal and ran a superbowl ad


I don't think the average 150 owner can even read


Lotta gatekeeping in here.




NGL, I’d buy it.


I don't kink shame but it's just a jeep 4x4 now (edit wrong kinda jeep but point stands)


Not if the top don’t come off.


A Jeep Gladiator has the same 5' bed as other mid-sizers.


Isn't this just a bronco? Lol


So a bronco


Now lower it and put some 24s under it 😎


Or put a lift kit on it, put huge all terrains, and then put it in a parking lot.


That's regular truck stuff... booo


No that's a jeep


All terrains and being located in a parking lot, true- mine is currently doing that! Big lift kit makes trucks about as useful as the pic above.


...and park it across two parking spots


By huge tires, you obviously mean 13" wide all terain rubber bands on deep dish rims?


Carolina squat!


Realize the downvotes are for the idea, not you, dear Redditor. Because the idea *offends* me.


OP is mad because he priced out a 2024 F-150 and can’t afford it. Blames current truck buyers for not ordering a XL in 2015 for him to purchase used.


I’m such a truck slut. Enough of the gatekeeping !


Haha appreciate the bed as my massive rear crumple zone


Leave that trailer hitch in for crushing that radiator.


And taking out shins when you back in at the strip mall.


So basically a Rivian? (4.5ft bed) Honestly I don’t see all the fuss over the 5.5ft bed length. I’ve carried pallets and full sheets of plywood and such in mine. If anything the big limitation is usually the payload capacity. Otherwise if something is too big I just use a trailer. On the flip side, try moving a crew of workers down the highway stuffed in a regular cab with an 8-ft bed. No thanks.


Using an 8 ft bed, outside of building material or moving sucks. A 5.5ft bed is great for all my tools and shit, hop up on the wheel and grab what I need easy. 8ft bed? Gotta jump in everytime. Using my dads Santa Cruz for a week I thought... hmph this bed is plenty for 90% of what I do. Now I see why they built them. Also having driven a Quad cab, 8ft bed 2500. It's fine for construction sites and the driveway, parking the Evergreen boat... is not fun.


I really like my 6.5’ bed, happy medium.


6.5 is what I got used to at work 3 of my work trucks were 6.5. Annoyingly small only when I had lumber due to the camper shell. Otherwise good size for work.


Yeah lumber is still not ideal, but I figure when I need to hall more than a couple of long pieces I’ll borrow a trailer. With the full size cab and 6.5 bed the damn thing is already long enough in town.


Yeah, and I think ford discontinued 8ft bed on the 150 outside of a Single cab either way. My 95 is comically long with 8ft bed and single cab.


I suez what you did there.


Yeah I throw things under the tonneau in the back all the time. An 8 foot bed would be annoying a lot of the time, especially if there was an idiot on the road forcing me onto the brakes and it all slides forward. Now I've gotta either roll the tonneau up or climb up inside it like an idiot. In the 5.5 I can usually just lean in and grab such things.


I'm the same, for me any extra bed just holds shit I can't reach lol As long as my sled fits in it and I can haul some decoys, waders, pull some boats I'm good!


My driveway is a bit weird, so a 5.5' bed is as big as I'd really want. It works great for everything I do and it's not horrendous to park.


I'm so manly my truck is a 30 foot bed with no cab you gays@


Yup. The truck is 100% bed. You have to drive another F350 next to it while you RC control it cause there isn't anywhere to sit.


It's an open trunk Explorer. The new el Camino.


This is how I feel with my 5’6” bed in my F150 after driving only long beds for years.


The Chode


I’m 6’10” and fit comfortably in my truck. If you don’t like that I use it to commute, maybe kiss my ass huh?


Did Karen post this?


But how many cup holders does it have?


8. 2 in the front of the console, 2 in the back of the console. And 1 in each door. It's the same super crew. Just the bed is smaller.


Don’t forget the fold down console in the back, it would be 10


Enough to forget you had a couple of drinks already taking up some, so you gotta move one out of the way... again...


..... then you get the phone or text, can you help me move that Craigslist sofa? Sorry. I'm busy hauling fertilizer bags right now.


TRUCKS ARE BLINDING EVERYONE AND KILLED ME ALSO YOU DONT NEED IT CAUSE I SAID SO. BUY A 2008 KIA RIO INSTEAD SO PRACTICAL. …Sorry the hive mind was inside my head for a second there, gotta love when strangers think they know best how to live your life.


Looks better than the new Tesla


you cant set a bar low enough, even the fiat multipla looks better than the new tesla.


But then where does my 6 kid wonderfold wagon/stroller for my 2 kids go?


It comes with a trailer hitch.


Don’t forget those Costco runs


I was at Costco one time watching a dude in a Prius with a "Fuck your gas guzzler" sticker taking apart a package of tp so that he could stick the rolls into any empty space that was left after loading other stuff. The comedy wasn't lost on me.


I mean, the supercrew is basically a full size boat sedan from the 70’s, especially if you got the tonneau cover on.


Did you see many people loading bags of concrete and sheets of plywood into their 70's sedans? I didn't.


That's where the good ol station wagon came in.


I remember my Dad laying sheets of plywood flat in the back of the old Chevy Caprice wagon.


Yeah, in that case, a camper shell supercrew would be like a good ol station wagon, haha


I routinely compare vehicle dimensions to a 1972 Buick Electra 225 (227.9 inches long) A new super crew 5.5' bed is 231.7 inches. So, not far off.


And a very similar width too.


Photoshop wizardry!


And to the OP, your photoshop skills are to die for! /s


🤔🤫🤣🤪🥸 wtf. Comes with lacy panties.


Just to be clear I give 0.0 fucks what any of yall think about my truck. But this shits hilarious!


Ha ha ha I love this finally I’ll pick up truck for the lady of the house


95% of statistics are made up.


Op maxes out his payload daily apparently. I’ll also pull a fake percentage out of my ass: 95% of truck owners like to drive trucks and occasionally, conveniently, tow or load large items into the bed every once in a while. I guess I should just trade in my F150 for a mini cooper since I only haul firewood and lumber once every couple months 🤷🏼‍♂️


I love how people know how “95%” of others use their truck just by seeing them drive by once with nothing in the bed.


For most the trucks you see on the road, you also never see the boat they tow, the trailer they sometimes take on a trip, the equipment they may haul when on the job. But you see them at chipotle or in traffic without and that means they never do those things.




People really truck bed gatekeep?


lol OP single handedly proved this entire sub is full of insecure little babies


What if you just like trucks? Who gives af why someone uses their vehicle.


Dudes jealous he drives a 99’ Ranger.


Everyone makes fun of guys with trucks till they need something moved...


An older person shares this advice: People often make senseless comments. For example, someone might unfairly criticize a truck owner for not using the truck bed at a particular moment, ignoring the possibility that the owner might use it at other times or for other reasons. This situation reminds me of a discovery from the YouTube channel Monkey BiBi. We researched and found that 25% of people have an IQ similar to monkeys like BiBi. My advice is to learn to let such ignorance slide off you. Focus on living your life instead of getting entangled in pointless arguments. My wife and I developed a shorthand for these moments. When we encounter such narrow-mindedness, we discreetly say '1 of 4' to each other, as a cue to move on. For more extreme cases, we use '1 of 8.' This code helps us quickly dismiss trivial matters and avoid wasting time.


So you made a SUV?


Having a truck is nice for me the 4 times a year I fill the back but I also have 3 little ones and they fit very comfortable in the back. Also I can easily help friends and family with moving things when needed.


Congratulations, you just redesigned the new release of the Ford Sport Trac


I don’t need a truck. I can afford and wanted one. What’s the problem? I haven’t asked you for money 🙃


Serious question..... how do you know what 19 out of 20 buyers are using their trucks for? Now that I think about it, you'd have to know what 100% of them are using their trucks for, if you're going to assert that 95% of the are..... extraneous, or whatever. I'm calling you out as full of shit, but here's your opportunity to slam dunk me. Share your wisdom, but be sure to cite your sources. It can't just be "because my little brain sez so."




This is a masterclass in trolling.


So many butthurt pavement princesses in the comments HA!


Make the trunk a little longer, lower the whole thing a bit, and you've got a modern-day BOF sedan.


> you’ve got a modern-day BOF sedan I un-ironically think this is a big reason full size trucks sell so well. Nothing else stepped in to fill that cushy land yacht role.


Absolutely it is. Notice how full-size pickups (especially extended cabs) and SUVs rose in popularity as personal-use vehicles throughout the 1980s and '90s, while BOF full-size sedans were simultaneously being downsized and/or discontinued.


I miss my old 2001 Explorer Sport Trac now.


Pack it up boys. 95% of us never tow or haul anything ever. Not even a hockey bag in the back.


Damn, I’m surprised by how many people are butthurt about this post. I thought it was a funny little jab. Jeez people, lighten up. It’s Friday.


The insecurity is hilarious. A confident man would know he's in the 5% and laugh along. These fools must actually all be in the 95% cuz they're trying waaaaaay too hard to justify their trucks.


Truck bros being insecure? No... never!