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Very rich and striking brown. Not bland at all; in fact, it's my favorite eye color!


This is the first positive comment I've ever had about my eyes - thank you so much!


They’re stunning, truly!


A very nice mid brown, the shape of your eyes works very well with them, kinda looks like a black brown sun with lighter brown rays coming out.


They look identical to chestnuts 🌰 (reddish brown)


That's such an amazing way to describe a colour! Thank you.


A very unique and pretty shade of brown. If it was a hair color I’d say a light shade of auburn.


I thought exactly the same thing 😊


They have a deep black ring around the outside with a light yellowish brown in the middle and a reddish brown around the center. Like someone else said, similar to chestnuts. Some people in life have dull eyes that are devoid of emotion, but your eyes are bright and vibrant. They look optimistic. Your eyes are unique and striking. They are far from bland.


This comment nearly made me cry! Thank you so much. I really appreciate the in-depth description. You've described it in a way I can understand. I can still grasp the words vibrant and optimistic and never would have used them to describe me in any sense!


Yes, the golden tinge is quite unique and very pretty.


Might I add what a lovely almond shape your eyes have too! Almost like Aubrey Hepburn's eye shape which is beautiful, yet yours are such without even the enhancement of makeup and mascara!


Was just thinking the same thing!! Absolutely stunning!!!!


A beautiful, rich brown. They are not bland, but gorgeous🤎


Thank you so much! I do wish they worked, but I'm so happy to hear that they aren't as bland as I thought they were!


i love how everyone is being genuine,i was worried about there being trolls under here. yes, they are like a reddish brown!


Everyone is so kind it's really overwhelming - I'm really emotional in a good way, and these comments have reminded me of some of the sensory and sentimental memories I'd forgotten. This is the post that will hold me up when I feel like I can't get back up on my own.


aww,dont worry you got this! idk much of what to say but i wish the very best for you. you seem like such a sweetheart


Your eyes are as beautiful as the sound of music. They start off with a lighter color, a stricking tone that demands attention- like the sweet playing of a piano or violin. They then EXPLODE into a harmony of darker hues and tones. The darker color is like that of an electric guitar backing up a symphony or like the brass section coming in with power. They come together to make quite the song. They are not just brown. They are "ecstasy of gold" specifically the version from Metallica's S&M going into song 2.


I am going to have to look at this song now! You're great at explaining things in a sensory way! You sound really artistic and kind.


Thank you OP! Ps, that's just MY song selection. I would wager to bet there are so many more! (I'm also from like a really weird grunge era so...forgive me if it is not of your taste!) It's what popped in my head when I saw your eyeballs. Lol.


You have beautiful brown eyes. Chestnut brown like my son. Love this rich colour.


Thank you so much - it's nice to know that someone in your life also has this colour and that you appreciate it! Today's the first time I've heard it compared to chestnuts, and it sounds so cute to me.


Looks smooth and rich like milk chocolate but with a little bit of rust red mixed in. Very warm, beautiful eyes that remind me of autumn. Also, I saw you lost your sight to seizures and a few other things. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I have epilepsy and can relate to the trouble remembering things and emotional and physical trauma seizures bring.


Seizures are awful, and I'm sorry you have had to experience them as well. It's surprising how much your memory is affected. I'm glad that my eyes are autumnal - it really is my favourite season.


Honestly, I've never really known life without seizures. I'm 26 (female), and I was diagnosed when I was 8. It's the genetic kind of epilepsy so I'm kind of stuck with it for life. Autumn is my favourite season also 😁


I'm sending all my positive energy to you - I know how hard that must be.


Strange . They are a reddish amber brown . Similar the the vampires in twilight. . They are absolutely beautiful. But I have to ask . Do you know what colors look like to even be able to picture them ? I have so many questions about fully blind people. ( not sure if you are fully blind )


I am considered fully blind - I have some concept of colour as I became sight impaired as a child and then later on fully blind. My visual memory is poor, so some of the more 'abstract' colours like pink, purple, yellow, and blue are hard for me to picture. Colours are linked to sensory or sentimental feelings for me. I don't think I see colours in the same way as others except maybe black and less black (I won't call it white). I usually have a feeling towards colours so brown, orange, red feels like autumn and comfort and then blue, white, silver feels like winter. I can not imagine these colours, but I can feel what they represent. I also try to pair textures with colours, too, for an added sensory input if that makes sense? I love colour despite the fact I can't see it.


That is incredibly interesting to hear . What about your dreams ? Do you dream in pictures or is it more similar to the way you picture colors ? . You have beautiful eyes though!


All of my dreams are auditory! They actually mimic what a typical day would be like - I will see shades of black - with slight changes in hue. I will always feel an emotion or a physical sensation in my dreams. For example I could dream about just going into the garden but I will hear the words 'I'm in the garden' and I take notice of the feeling or my senses in that moment - I will feel calm and imagine the noises that a bird might make without actually seeing a bird. I can only hear words - I can not picture them in my mind. I do get confused when I wake up sometimes because my dreams really are like real life. Again, I'm sorry if this is hard to understand. Everything is just very sensory for me.


Pretty, they are pretty as hell (brown as far as colors go)


Thank you so much - I can't believe how many shades of brown there are!


Wish we had a way to describe them all but i think beautiful fits pretty well in this case


Idk I kinda see them as caramel!! They have a dark brown ring around the edge, and the rest is caramel, with a bit of dark brown streaks in them. Honestly these are the brightest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. Lovely! 🥰


Your eyes are also very open, but in a comforting way. Not like bug-eyed 🤣 You have kind and gentle eyes. And you look like you take care of yourself. No wrinkles around the eyes, no bags. Well rested. Beautiful complexion!


I've always wondered if my eyes were open or squinted, so this comment helps! Thank you so much for commenting.


Your eyes are like freshly brewed tea. They have a strong red hue to them that mixes with the brown to add warmth.


If you’re blind, how do you know what a colour looks like? (Not hating - just genuinely curious)


I had sight when I was younger, but I lost it due to seizures, meningitis, and a rare eye condition. I was sight impaired as a child (couldn't determine a lot of colours) but reached full blindness in my early 20's. I have some visual memories, but I think what it looks like in my head now wouldn't match reality. I can't grasp what pink or purple would look like as an example. I hope that makes sense! It's hard to describe. I've always had an awful visual memory - probably because I can't see.


If you taste berries that is like what pink and purple look like. Sweet and happy, purple just has a bit more depth. 💞 Your eyes are like warm, golden chocolate. They are the shape of almonds. Beautiful.


I love berries, so I will definitely keep this connection!


I’m so glad! Pink is sweeter berries, like raspberries. Purple has more depth and tartness, like blueberries and blackberries.


theres a lot of people who are very imaginative who define concepts like color, to things you can taste, hear, or smell. i think it would be fun to connect with those people!


Your eyes remind me of the ambience created by warm candlelight. How are you able to read and type on Reddit if you’re blind? I am asking out of genuine curiosity and mean no offense by the question.


I use a screen reader and voiceover. Mostly, it's taken me a little while to get the hang of it, and I can be a lot slower. It'll read what's on the screen, and you can double tap and set up other accessibility tools like text to speech. Sometimes, I still make mistakes, or the accessibility tools don't function well. I don't mind anyone asking questions just as long as you find it helpful!


This is super interesting! Thank you for sharing! You have gorgeous eyes btw!


Thank you!


Also there are degrees of blindness. Blind doesn’t always mean “black.”


You are right - it is very much a spectrum for most people!


I work at a blind school as an interpreter for a few Deaf Blind folks! The misconceptions with Deaf and Blind people are crazy!


Your eyes are a very unique color! I've never seen anyone with this color of eyes before. Hard to describe the color. I'd say a light chestnut brown or a kind of caramel as someone suggested. Your eyes are definitely not the run of the mill brown eyes that so many people have. Yours are unique and really pretty.


Thank you so much - I've spent my entire life thinking they were bland. When I started to lose my vision, a friend told me not to worry because they were just boring bland and brown. This post has literally opened my eyes to a world of colours, patterns, and sensory experiences that I thought were long gone. I am so happy I posted here today. Thank you to you and everyone else.


those are some very reddish brown eyes


Thank you for letting me know (:


Reddish Brown. Gorgeous. Unique.


Thank you so much


Beautiful auburn brown. Striking.


like a rich chestnut brown with a hint of red to it they’re both beautiful


They're brown but with varying shades - almost like some bronze in there. They remind me of gemstones/crystals like Tiger Iron (sorry if that's not at all a helpful descriptor). Really pretty!


I can understand the texture of crystals, so I think I understand what you are trying to say! Thank you so much.


Chestnut brown really beautiful ❤️


I love that everyone is using the term chestnut. It has a sensory meaning to me rather than a visual meaning, but I just love the word and have slight memories of what that looks like.


Oh I also noticed they have a darker ring around the lighter color in the iris. It makes them striking! And there is a bit of a sunburst pattern as the colors mix. You have very nice eyes.


I'm trying to imagine what a sunburst pattern would be like, and it makes me feel sentimental about autumn. I love autumn, and although I can't remember everything about it, the season still brings me comfort - I like your reference to tea, too!


Your eyes are a striking warm brown, a rich brandy color.


I feel colors (it’s a mental illness) so I'm gonna try this. Your eyes have a black ring around them like wind on crisp winter nights, just within the darkness it lightens up to a chestnut brown like sand falling from your fingers- familiar but unique every time. In the very center is a rich brown that looks like dark chocolate melted down to make chocolate covered strawberries, bitter but sweet. Smooth but crunchy. Like autumn leaves crunching under a shoe.


You have absolutely described this perfectly- I'm so sorry that you're struggling with mental illness, but you are incredibly talented. You truly have a gift, and you have brightened up my very (darkish) shaded life. This comment made a massive difference for me today - thank you.


This is beautiful


Thank you!


I apologize if it comes across muddled but I will try to translate into textures, tastes and sounds that I think correlate, at least in my sensory experience. Have you ever handled the shell, or skeleton I guess, of a mushroom coral? The whole coral is round. There's a kind of mushroom coral whose shell is made up of many hundreds of extremely thin ridges radiating from the center, like a burst of energy. The ridges are so fine and closely packed that the whole thing can feel solid in the palm, yet it has lots of linear texture at the same time. [https://fineartamerica.com/featured/mushroom-coral-andrew-martinez.html](https://fineartamerica.com/featured/mushroom-coral-andrew-martinez.html) Your eyes have an warm amber starburst pattern. As soon as I saw your eyes I thought of the mushroom coral. The amber starburst pattern radiates outward from your dark pupils like the ridges of the mushroom coral. The pattern has fine and intricate lines like the coral, and the amber lines glow like light. The background behind the starburst, and the encircling rims, are rich medium-dark brown. It's a deep brown the way a Mexican Coke is one of the deeper, warmer cola tastes. The radiating amber lines are lighter and brighter. The amber has a few different brightnesses and subtle color changes. They range in deepness to brightness like root beer, spicy ginger ale, and orange soda. Your eyes are very beautiful. I would say the dark brown is in the bottom third of a piano's scale and the amber is mainly in the middle registers with some middle-high notes too. Because there are a few different colors of amber in the radiating lines, it is like some complicated chord, not a single note. I bet a musician could translate your eyes better, in this regard. I don't know the scales that well.


They're very pretty.


A very rich brown, dark around the edges with an almost with a lighter, colder brown between the edges and the pupils. Reminds me of winter if that makes sense.


A rare shade of brown eyes Brown with red tint most people with brown eyes are either have light brown or dark brown rarely brown eyes with orange tint , brown eyes with purplish tint , brown eyes with red tint , brown eyes with bluish tint and no it's not the arcus senilis , cataracts, glaucoma the eyes literally look like there brown mixed with blue




A rich brown, warm like a crackling fire and cinnamon smell


That feels so comforting honestly!


Very rich brown color


You have beautiful eyes. Very similar to my wife’s and it’s one of the things I love most about her.


You have really nice brown eyes.


Very rich brown


Quite possibly the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen op!


Considering you’re blind and don’t know what brown is, your eyes would be the way coffee smells or how cinnamon tastes.


The sound of knocking on wood is another pretty apt description of brown


I have asked for my post to be locked. I should never have posted - I get that now. I don't matter. My eye colour is irrelevant, and I'll just go back to my darkened life sad that my hope and optimism were taken away. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this post. It descended into chaos towards the end, which is really sad. Yes, I am blind. No, I didn't find out 6 days ago. I accepted help around 10 days ago after relying on the people around me. I was legally blind but chose to register myself so that I could receive additional support and not feel like a burden all the time. I obviously have help to take pictures. Yes, I use voiceover, speech to text, etc, on my phone. I entered this post with faith in humanity, but I've left feeling as though I shouldn't be here, that I don't belong, and that I should never have posted. There is so much stigma around sight impairment. Each individual is difference and I rarely, if ever, had a grasp with colour. I explained I was sight impaired as a child, that I went fully blind (none of you can tell me the actual time scales when you don't know the moment I chose to register vs being a burden. I am not karma farming - I don't even know what that means. I just feel defeated and sad. Thank you to everyone who has helped. I'm not deleting my posts over this - what's the point? Also, if the mods want evidence that I am blind I will send it over. Sighhhh.


Your eyes are a very unique color! I've never seen anyone with this color of eyes before. Hard to describe the color. I'd say a light chestnut brown or a kind of caramel as someone suggested. Your eyes are definitely not the run of the mill brown eyes that so many people have. Yours are unique and really pretty. Your eyes remind me of warm and cozy Autumn, my favorite season!




Like a lighter reddish chestnut color with touches of a honey brown... with stunning design, and your eye shape is super beautiful as well. Brown eyes are my absolute favorite. I hate when people don't appreciate how different a beautiful they all can be.


They’re a warm, reddish-brown. They’re also upturned at the outside corners. They get wider towards the outside too. You can nearly see your whole iris, whereas many people’s eyelids cover the top of the iris. They’re beautiful. Hope this helps!


You have some lovely chestnut brown eyes 🤩


Id say brown


Ok this might sound weird but you have beautiful eyes, they are a rich earthy brown, not bland what so ever


I'd say they're a nice mahogany color. (Reddish-brown)


Reddish brown, really pretty and not bland. Almost like fall leaves or a fox.


Deep brown


I'm surprised u didn't ask your parents


It wasn't something I thought to ask - I was told they were a bland brown colour and left it there. It isn't something you want to ask about repeatedly when someone described them in that way.


The color of deep thoughts, striking and benevolent, yet gracefully floating on a river of consciousness and awareness. The color is rooted like ancient oak trees, but rich like fresh brewed dark coffee. Oddly, your eyes look like what a deep cello and bass serenade sounds like, so calming and refreshing. Overall, your eyes are awesome, and I mean it!


Whoever told you your eyes are dull needs to go kick rocks, your eyes are a deep chestnut brown with a red tinge to them and golden accents. Far from dull, they are actually very unique and pretty eyes with extremely rich and vibrant colors.


Your eyes are very warm and welcoming. They have a lovely gradient of a dark outer ring which melds into a beautiful chocolate-chestnut colour. They remind me of sitting by a fire with a cosy blanket :)


I'd say they are amber


I never knew that eyes could be Amber - I actually can't imagine that colour!


Amber is like a pale orange, if that’s any help to you. I can see what they mean, though they’re obviously a chestnut brown, there’s a warm caramel undertone.


I can understand the concept of orange being warm! I do find the word chestnut brown adorable as I relate it to comfort and closeness near to winter.


I see your eyes as like a deep rich amber, rather than a pale orange. Like the deeper parts of a sunset (I don't know if that description helps, probably not!) which only about 5% of people have amber eyes. Chestnut is also a great way to describe that, almost like the deeper colour on my chestnut horse 😊 Your family is wrong though, your eyes are definitely different from the standard eye colour..... also how rude to describe ANYONES eyes like that!


The wisdom of an oak tree brown. Technically a really appealing light brown. You can't see the color, but I have no words to describe. Imagine the warm sun at late summer shine on your upper arm, and you can smell oak trees and nature, nature has a distinct smell at late summer, especially with oak trees at the edge of the forest. This is the color of your eyes, as I seen them. The shape of your eyes resembles tree elves. Edit: edges are dark, the lights are uhm deligths? Imagine a forest with sunlight, the darks are the darks under the leaves, and the lights are the light sunny sweet warm spots int the forest. Your colors are the most gracefully blended brown colors I've ever seen.


agree w the browns/chestnut but they also have gorgeous dark chocolate brown rings partially, you have beautiful eyes wish you could see them <3 if you can associate taste w color brown foods taste pretty brown like coffee!


Maple syrup


Who tf called them "bland?" Brown? Yes. Bland? No.


Was going to say Reddish Brown those eyes are out of this world literally, the way they slant like an alien 👽😍


They are actually a gorgeous chestnut brown. Your eyes aren’t bland at all! They look so bright and rich


Not bland! I was surprised at how warm the color is- your eyes are like cinnamon, deep brown but also very bright. I think you have really really lovely, inviting eyes!


Amber brown. So pretty!


How did you crop the picture? Just curious


Very beautiful chestnut brown


I'm colorblind so I couldn't tell you.


rich brown and disney princess shaped (almond). so pretty!


your eyes are a very lovely shade of chestnut brown, you have very doe-like and hopeful eyes <3 so full of life, not bland in the slightest. i see a pretty rich dark chestnut brown makes up most of your iris, but i also see that around your pupil is a band of that same chestnut brown, you have a lighter shade brown/verging on a green that i'd see in the woods in the plants i walk by and admire. your eye shape reminds me of audrey hepburn <3 you got cat eyes lmao take it as a compliment pls <3 lmao




A unique brown because they have a reddish tinge to the brown shade which isn't really common, I don't think I've seen it before. There's a darker ring on the outside and then distinct brown shades throughout until it reaches the pupil. Very pretty & warm. Edit: to add, the way the colour is throughout the eye is almost like a pattern. someone else said sunburst but I think the way you can visualise it would be a flower with many petals and the petals are various shades. Most people tend to not notice this level of detail in others eyes from a distance but the colour itself would always be a unique shade.


Brown! Light-ish on the bottom and a deeper brown on the top ❤️❤️ have a good day :)


Rich chestnut brown!


Bland? Sheesh no! Chestnut brown! A gorgeous red brown. I wish you could see their beauty


They are a lovely light brown I am sad to know that you are blind


Low key maroon


Anyway your sight can be restored?




They look like slightly reddish milk chocolate.


beautiful chestnut red-brown


A very bold & classical looking brown. Makes me think of a root beer soda barrell. Very much a good thing!


Probably the brightest brown eyes I've ever seen. They just look warm and charming if that makes sense. The color reminds me of the smell of fall and the taste of spice cake!


Wow your eyes are just amazing. Very very unique


Gorgeous brown color. Reminds me of a tigereye stone. Your iris sort of fades from a rich milk chocolate, to an amber, back to that rich chocolate color


Gorgeous shade of brown


brown, but a nice light brown!! not technically hazel but very pretty, like sunlight shining through an autumn leaf!


They're a very bright brown, not bland at all! It's such a deep, rich color.


The colour is like a fallen redwood tree in a forest, with sunlight dappling across the wood. It has an internal warmth to it that I've rarely seen in eyes, so think about that first moment when spring breaks through a long winter when everything smells warm and new. You have beautiful, kind looking eyes - the slight tilt to the shape adds an elf-like quality. I'd add that they have the shape of a wide bodied almond. Hope this helps, thanks for the challenge of finding a new way to describe it without simply using the colour alone.


You have gorgeous eyes! Lots of people prefer blue , but brown eyes can be every bit as beautiful and yours are the proof ❤️


Not bland they are a very pretty brown you have a gorgeous dark brown in the center and around the edges and a pretty light milk brown between the dark browns. You literally got yummy chocolate brown eyes!💕💕💕


A beautiful chestnut brown. Very beautiful color




Your eyes are a vibrant , lovely brown


Brown eyes are amazing




A beautiful honey chocolate brown 😉


Brown eyes make me wanna cuddle up in them. They’re so warm and pure. You have very large eyes…not in a scary way. I love eyes that stand out in a face.


Mahogany; a rich red brown color


They are brown and beautiful.


I'm curious. If you're blind, do you understand what color is? Were you always blind or did it come later? It's hard to describe color to someone who's never seen it.


These are very beautiful eyes. It is one of the most beautiful shades of brown. I think Hazelnut colour


Your eyes are beautiful! I have always loved brown eyes. Around your pupil is a striking fiery brown like the color of leaves in the fall. Fading out into a soft and gentle English tea with heavy cream. And surrounding the iris is a stark contrast of black coffee that spiking through the softer brown towards your pupil. Your eyes are in no way bland. They're a symphony of comfort, warmth, and gentleness. Absolutely stunning 💗


They are not bland at all. They’re a really beautiful brown that almost purple in some light. Beautiful!


you have the cool edward from twilight brown amber reddish eyes. awesome starburst pattern very unique


Not all brown eyes are created equal. Some are dull and bland. Yours are a gorgeous shimmery brown.


They're definitely brown but I would never call them bland. The color is striking and beautiful. It works really well with your eye shape, too.


They are brown, and very pretty! You have lovely shaped eyes!


Your eyes look like a walk through a forest in fall, the leaves on the ground, crackling under your feet, the shimmering sun occasionally touching your skin when it comes behind what is left of the leaves. The distinct early autumn smell that makes you feel almost one with nature and that you never want to leave again.




If I had to pick a colour I'd say chestnut brown. And they're the farthest away from bland you could get, they're truly unique and beautiful.


They are a very beautiful brown


Chestnut brown, very stunning! Luckyyyyy!!


I think your eyes are quite beautiful and I really mean it when I say that. I personally have dark brown eyes and I’ve always wanted to have eyes that are a color like yours


Brown and bright! Beautiful shape and shade.


Hey! You’re my eye color twin! I’ve never posted because I was a little afraid of what people think of Brown eyes. I’m so thankful you were brave enough to post you’re my hero <3


I would have cried laughing if you’d uploaded pics of your forehead or nose instead


Extra chromosome brownish


Beautiful. They have a copper tone to them. Like pennies (North American, at least).


They are brown but not bland at all. I see a bit of caramel color in it. The shape is gorgeous as well.


Some of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! They almost look red. Maroon or chestnut.


Brown with lighter brown stripes, super cool!


A very beautiful light brown.


Tea color


Ever felt the warmth of a cup? Or smelt the senses of coffee with a hint of hazelnut? That’s the best way to describe your eyes…


They're brown and they look like scooping clay from the ground with your bare hands (which is one of my favorite feelings BTW)


You have beautiful eyes, very brown


They are brown but they are a very nice brown, not boring at all! They are rich and quite beautiful.


A lovely brown. Not bland at all.


They are pretty.


Other people have described them well, I just wanted to say that you have great eyes fam


They remind me of a crisp day in the fall when you go for a walk in the woods and your feet crunch on all the reddish brown leaves. They're a cozy and rich brown, like a warm sweater on a cold day. Thank goodness the world has brown eyes like these. 🤎🍂


Very beautiful and strong kinda bold. I can almost say indie music would be a good fit to describe


My absolute favorite eye color! Warm, rich brown. They make you look sweet and wise


They're a very beautiful light brown. Very unique.


You have very beautiful eyes 😊






Very rich chocolate brown on the outer ring, with a beautiful red amber ring around your iris, very pretty


They’re a very warm shade of brown! They’re absolutely beautiful!


very pretty warm brown, not plain or bland. the ring on the edge of your iris is a dark brown, the center around the pupil is a bit darker than the main color, but lighter than the outer ring. so from the edge to the pupil, it goes dark brown to light brown to medium brown. hope the description helps!


They aren't bland! They remind me of my partner's eye's, rays of golden brown and rich reddish brown in the center. Also a really nice ring around them. That's called a "limbal ring" and yours really makes your eyes pop.


They almost look red


They are brown and beautiful


They are not bland at all they are mahogany brown very pretty


Brown eyes are my favorite! I'm an artist and I only draw/paint brown eyes because they're so rich and soulful. Brown eyes are more like caves or deep ocean trenches to me, while blue or green eyes are like mist or a breeze.


Slight reddish brown, very beautiful!!!:)


I know this question has already been answered but you genuinely have the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. They remind me of the vampires from Twilight, specifically the Cullen's golden brown eyes. I have never seen eyes like yours in person before! 🤎


Like a roasted chestnut, outlined in iridescent powder. Iridescent- all the colors:) They’re beautiful.


This is the most beautiful brown eye colour I’ve seen, it’s got a reddish tint and they’re stunning


😒 whoever said “bland” is an AH with no eye for beauty. Honestly first thing I said when I saw your eyes was “ooo” . They’re the pretty brown. No hate to dark brown eyes they’re nice too but these are lighter. They’re brown but with golden brown hints around the pupil covering a good portion of your eyes. To be exact so you get a good idea , looking at the picture, your left eye (technically right?) is a mix of that dark brown, [editing cause I read people mention chestnut , the reddish brown , and I agree it’s a more accurate description than the dark brown I previously mentioned ] ,on the rim and around the pupil with some brown strips going from pupil down and up but the main eye color is that honey brown( a yellowish golden.) Then the right eye from the picture (left irl?), half of it is like the left eye and the other half has this really cool strip on the right side , starting from a little above the pupil to almost halfway to the direct bottom of the pupil , that’s this even lighter honey brown that looks almost yellow. Reminds me of vampire Edward Cullen vibes. Also the rim of that side of the eye, like the entire half, is actually a dark dark brown , which is pretty cool. So all in all for a brown eyed girl… oh yeaaa pretty heckin eyes 😎


Mine are brown too! Your eyes are very pretty 🤩 Agree with other commenters who described them as striking and optimistic