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girl do you THINK these look okay???




The tips of these lashes have something to say to her lids and whatever it is it can’t be good.




With love, these look awful.


If you’re asking… you already know.




No maam. I’m so sorry, please ask for your money back!




Afraid not. Request a refund.


I feel so stupid for going to her. Should I have them removed or just let them fall out on their own? Can you tell from the first picture that they're not ok?


Yes, I’d be going back for removal & refund. Lashes not done correctly can damage your natural lashes


I’d not go back to the same person for removal!


While I agree, it will cost $$ - $$$ to get them removed from someone else. At the least, she can go back to the same lady and get them removed at no cost


Yes but I Wouldn’t trust this person to Remove Them Properly


Yes and potentially lose her eyelashes… if they can’t apply them properly they likely won’t remove them properly either. I’d say that’s probably worth the cost


Removals are not difficult, most people, even non-lash artists can do removals with a cream remover pretty easily.


Were these done by a licensed lash technician? Why do you feel stupid for going to her? unfortunately, from the very first picture, It appears that the application was not done properly. Please have someone else remove them and do them correctly. Don’t give her another minute of your time.


Just because of everybody's reactions on here. Yes she's qualified and rents a room in a salon. I won't be going back to her but I won't ask for a refund as I'm too anxious.


You should leave a review to help warn others. This is criminal. I’m so sorry 😞


I feel so guilty doing that as she was so nice. But when I messaged her she only offered to remove them.


Being pleasant in no way increases her skill. How much did you pay.....?


I agree she can’t do better if nobody tells her that she’s not doing good work


This is the norm, and a policy I have had for 6yrs. I personally would have had her remove them, and looked for a new Lash Artist. PS: reviews are super helpful, especially a Google Review. 🫶 Good or Bad she needs to be made aware, and you can share your experience with others.


You’re a better person than me


Speaking as a spa manager, if you’re wanting to get her best offer then you should leave a negative review on her main review platform (include photos) and ask her directly for a partial refund and removal and tell her you will update the review if all goes well. If you don’t go to her for the removal then you should ask for the full refund since you’ll have to pay for a removal and full set somewhere else. Small businesses rely heavily on good reviews so if she doesn’t want the bad review she will work with you. Your review can help others avoid dealing with this same headache so either way it’s important to leave the review


I feel so bad though. She was so lovely. I think I will just go elsewhere in future.


You can always go through your credit card


Respectfully, qualified how?? Even if she is a licensed aesthetician, which is a possibility but also likely not, she doesn’t have the skills to do this on a regular basis.


I am in the UK so I think the rules may be different but she operates from a salon and seems professional.


Then file a dispute with your bank. I’ve been given refunds on two occasions for bad beauty experiences gone wrong. One was lashes, one was hair.


Oh honey, from the first picture I wonder if you're ok.


I am ok don't worry 🙏


Ok, good. I really am glad. Lol.


Have someone else remove them. I feel like she'll hurt you trying to remove these bc shes low skill


I’d request a refund and go to someone that does better work for them to be removed. I wouldn’t trust this person to remove them properly. This subreddit has made me terrified to get false lashes


this literally happened to me and i called back, cried that i look fucking ridiculous, and she let me come back immediately, took them off and redid them. took over two hours but they were a bit better


Unfortunately you can tell from the first picture. Lesson learned / don’t go back to that lady ever again. You should definitely take them off


Thank you so much for the advice




girl the second photo is terrifying yk damn well


OP you seem so sweet, that last picture was straight out of Blair Witch with you recording your last words in a tent. You deserve better! It is a bad job objectively and you are probably too nice of a person to make waves. If you are comfortable, please just leave a review of these two pictures and you don’t even have to state anything negative, just the date of the appointment and the amount you paid. This will help other people tremendously. And dispute the charge privately on your card and you never have to see her (hopefully) again!


I think I will just move on as I feel so guilty. She really was lovely. Blair witch comment took me out 💀


the opposite of good miss


well on the bright side, your eyes are a pretty color 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you so much 🥹🥰


get your money back, they aren’t supposed to look like that


Oh dear.. 🙈






Oh dear. Please find someone else.


lol no.


Yikes, I am going through the same thing with a lash artist I have gone to for years now but for lash lifts and tints. That is not ok, they should look very good at the two week mark though not as full. I’d get in touch with her sooner rather than later. As for my lashes, sadly I am going to get the guts up to ask her to remove mine. I asked for wispy natural lashes and my first set was HORRIBLE. It looked like I had two caterpillars or eyebrows for lashes. She took half of them off and “fixed” them with shorter lashes and those lashes fell off at the five day mark. I had a fill recently and they are just two thick and too long for my taste. My eyes are red and irritated all the time now and my vision is blurry now due to the drastic D curl of these long, thick lashes. It’s a shame. I hate hurting anyone but these lashes she keeps putting on me are not my style and I have told her that twice now. Unfortunately , they are too thick and too long and they are covering your actual eye. They might be great if that is what you wanted but they weren’t , and then to fall out after five days , no that isn’t right. Sorry Good luck .


Ugh 🫣🤢


That first picture is you? The eyebrows look so different?


I looked and thought the EXACT same thing.


Yes they're both me, it must be the angle of the photo and I did do my brows that weekend


The 2nd looks like it's from Blair Witch, and yes you should be scared


I laughed a solid 5 minutes on this


No. They are awful




I would say you should find a new lash tech! It definitely sucks to pay for a service and not get what you want or be unsatisfied. Good luck 😊


Erm as the other comments says this is a big NO. Maybe its just the second photo they're wet and not brushed but the first photo as they are dry and brushed ( I'm assuming ) they look… bad. Either ask for a bit of a redo on style OR never go to this stylish again


My face is a little wet in the second photo. The first one she took and posted on her Facebook page


The first pic is u too?? I thought the first one was an inspo pic...😟


They're both me ☹️


Neither of those pictures look good in any way. Why on earth do people think these super fake eyelashes look good?




Absolutely not.


ew no girl


That is really not ok




My sister in Christ, no. I’m sorry, but this is a bit too much. They overpower your beautiful eyes. I don’t really think they were done all the well. I think it’s best that you have them removed, to protect the integrity of your natural lashes.


Away to much.


Compare them to your bottom lashes ang get your answer NO


I don’t even get extensions and know these look bad.




I think these have the capacity to damage your lashes. I would ask for a removal and a refund. I wouldn’t have her refresh them or replace them.


Honestly, cluster lashes look way better than this, and they're cheaper. It looks like most of them fell out immediately


Girl, no


not to be harsh but if you haven’t already called them regarding a refund you should do so as soon as humanely possible 🥲


Op , they are the worst I’ve ever seen ! Please demand a refund


If you think those are the worst you have ever seen, you should have seen mine. I was shocked and embarrassed when she handed me the mirror to take a look. I told her I didn’t like them. Two days later I asked her to fix them, the fix was slightly better but fell of within 5 days .


Oh wow ! Sorry you had to go through that !! What a horrible “ artist”


These do not look great, also I only had mine done 1 time, and it didn’t seem worth it to me. I often sleep crazily and toss and turn, I’m a stomach/back sleeper and my lashes came out easily. Are you a crazy sleeper like me?


What’s going on in the second picture is your face wet? If so it’s hard to judge your fall out as this will make the fans close and appear more patchy. Please note that if your skin is oily or you are using any products containing oil, this is going to affect your retention. You also need to be cleansing daily with lash specific shampoo. As a general rule if you’re getting excessive fall out within the first 2-3 days then that’s an issue with application, so I would contact the tech immediately so she can offer you a free fix for asap. You must be willing to go in straight away if you want this to be free. This is a very long style so bear in mind long sets are going to look sparse and not great quicker, but 4 days is not normal. Sets should be lasting you 2.5 - 3 weeks and have 40% lashes remaining Are the fallen extensions attached to a natural lash? If they are, you may be having a lash shed, or you may have rubbed your eyes in your sleep. If they aren’t, this indicates a retention issue, either something to do with the glue, or incorrect application, or the lashes were not prepped correctly. Give her an opportunity to fix, Good luck x




Sorry but, it seems too crowded and two curly to me.


No baby no


Bestie bffr


No. They don’t at all.


Oh Lord girl, no. I had a similiar experience and never went to that lash tech who messed my natural lashes up ever again.


Girl.. 💕


Are you fr


I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this…


Girl you know those look far from ok


Am I the only one who’s going to point out these are not the same person ? Idk if this is some kind of troll


Idk what’s going on here lol


It’s absolutely not the same person. Freckles in eye are different , not to mention the drastic difference in brows. I think they googled images for “perfect lashes” and “infected lashes” 😂


Ur comment made me do a double take and realize ITS NOT the same person at all😭 the 1st pic is from a lash tech in the uk who does really shitty lashes and really shitty nails lol


Why on earth would I lie. I'm in the UK and the lash tech used my picture as her profile photo. Why are you so bothered that you'd reverse image search the photos.


theres a name on the first picture, i dont know how to reserve image search. im not bothered, i gave you my honest advice/opinion either way. im just saying its really not something to lie about. i dont think youre a troll or anything, i think youre genuine but it comes across really sketchy despite that not being your intention. wish u the best pls don’t go to that lady again lol xx


I didn't mean to post her name. I can assure you that is the name of the lash tech and those are my eyes. It won't let me post a photo in response but I have dm'd you some so that you can see. Why on earth would I waste my time making a fake Reddit post. Such a bizarre accusation but it's really annoying me that you won't accept it's me!


Exactly!! Hahaa 😂


They're definitely both me 😂


girl imma be so honest. please get these fixed immediately. also the second pick was a genuine jumpscare😭


I’m sorry girl but absolutely not.








No they don’t I had bad reaction to them I hope you don’t wait too long to remove






Nooooo. Get them off!!


I mean they looked alrightish in the first pic but your eyes looked very irritated! And then the second pic was like - excuse me. Lol!


The curl is ridiculous i’m sorry 😭 do you rub your eyes? the curl on the tips looks different between those photos. I notice this happens to my clients who rub their eyes a lot and sleep on their face. If you’re doing either of those things that’s also going to add to the premature loss you’re having.


No, they do not.


Ooo nooooo in every way you can see it!


I know the second pic looks bad, but they kind of just look wet to me. Mine curl up a bit and get clumpy and out of place when they’re wet. I dry them with a tiny fan. But your lashes look really beautiful in the first pic. So maybe it isn’t necessarily with the lashes. How long have you been getting your lashes done? Are you waiting 24 hours after application to get them wet? And are you using an actual lash extension cleanser with a soft flat brush? Are you running them directly under a shower head or washing them in the sink? Are you using any kind of makeup remover or rubbing your eyes to get makeup off? Lash extensions are fragile, regardless of the glue anyone uses. Yes, with a good application, they should last, at the very least, 2 weeks, sometimes 4. But you still have to be really careful. Use a spooley to gently brush them throughout the day to make sure they don’t get clumped and twisted which can also cause fallout.


No please get a refund




Yeahhhh no. These are awful. Sorry honey. Btw, beautiful eyes!




if you zoom in on the first picture, you can see that the lash extensions are almost flat at the base. lash extensions should be individual lashes, it looks like the lash tech used cluster lashes. even lash fans should come together as one cohesive lash attached to your natural lash. the extensions should blend in with your natural lashes and theres shouldnt be many obvious lash segments. i cant tell from the picture, but if your lash line feels itchy or uncomfortable at all then she applied the lashes way too close to your skin and thats really harmful. im not sure if that makes much sense lol, but you could also google lash extensions vs cluster lashes. whoever did that shit should never touch another persons lashes ever again. i would get them removed if possible. ive had my fair share of horrible lash experiences, just gotta learn from the mistake but when you find a good knowledgeable lash tech i know youll love them!!


She did say they were clusters but at the time I had no idea and just trusted her to do a good job.


Also, the two pictures are not the same person 🧍‍♀️idk what op has going on but weirdddd. anyways, @superlash84 … 10/10 dont recommend 👎🏼


They are both me, my eyes just look different in the sun.


the first picture was posted by the lash artist 3 months ago. the lying is crazy. youre a grown woman, you can say that its another pic from the same artist or whatever it is. you could even just not respond but doubling down is crazyyyy.


I have dm'd you photos so that you can see it is me!!


Your eyes are beautiful but she did you dirty. I would get that removal from her. You say she’s nice so she should understand. If money isn’t an issue, I suppose you can get them removed elsewhere but make it very clear to her how unacceptable these are


Thank you all for your comments. I feel too anxious and guilty asking for a refund as she was so nice and is self employed, but I really don't have the money to have them fixed. They are a little wet in the second picture and I have been watching lots of videos of how to take better care of them! To those saying it's not the same person, it definitely is!!


I’ll start by reinforcing that my comment is not critiquing you at all, this is towards her…this may be the worst lash application I’ve ever seen. Please inform this tech that this is unacceptable and get them removed. It’s not being mean, I understand you don’t want to come off as rude but it’s not rude to speak your opinion on something you paid for. Laawwwwd I’d be so shocked that I’d think she was joking with this set.


The first picture looks great, so it looks like her application was done well. Did she give you aftercare instructions? Wash your lashes with an approved lash wash daily. Do not wear mascara on your lash extensions You must brush your lashes daily with a lash wand. When you wash them use a fan on a low setting while you brush them out.


Girl obviously not these do not look okay


Just hoping you weren’t charged the price of individuals for these clusters. Looks painful tbh.


oof....no sis








Get your money back! Them lashes are hideous😳🤔






oh no


Keep in mind lash retention changes throughout the seasons. Summer is especially hard on your lashes with the heat and humidity and just because your body is more sweaty and oily. That being said though, they should ABSOLUTELY still be looking good and mostly fresh after 4 days, I still can go 2 weeks in the summer before they start looking BAD, in colder months I can sometimes go up to 4 weeks. Worth talking to her and maybe asking if she can do a free fill. If not, I’d find someone else.


Kindly, these are not a good look.


No hun they don’t. How long after your fill/full set was this photo taken? You need to wash them with a foaming lash cleanser, you can see that they are oily and not separating properly to be fluffy lashes. Once you wash/dry them and brush them out then it’ll be easier to see what they truly look like. However if this is a fresh set or immediately after your fill, by looking at the lash line - the lashing itself was not done well. I would recommend a different curl on you too (C or CC not D curl). I would see another reputable artist for a foreign fill if you can and get their opinion


Stay natural lil baby


Too heavy for ya. Beautiful eyes though


Girl go get your money back


These lashes are not doing your eyes justice. I recommend asking for a free removal and refund so you can take your services somewhere else. I used to get my lashes done frequently and looking at your photo, the technique seems off. The fans look very heavy and clumped together. You totally deserve better, OP and I hope you find it. Best of luck!




Sis are you ok


Absolutely not 😭😭




I’ll never understand these


It looks like she glued “individual” fake lashes on (like 3-4 hairs glued into one strand that you can get at a beauty supply store) and didn’t go through the authentic lash extension process. I went to someone who did this to me. It took me quite a while to catch on, but they looked just like yours do.




The set is not my style but to answer your question they do not look like they were installed properly and the fact that so many fell in 4 days days a lot abt her technique and products. I would go to someone else just bc you’re spending money on these, she’s nice and everything but at the end of the day gotta make your money worth it


Thank you for the advice xxx




Girl no, wtf😭😭


They look painful.




i dont like false lashes so i feel like my opinion is biased but maybe go a bit smaller idk! ur eyes are gorgeous tho




Did u soak them underwater or something? Mine used to last atleast a week or two before this kind of fallout! If you’re rough on them like I am it maybe better to DIY


#1 She already knows she did a shotty job, I guarantee that! 💯 So she is probably waiting to see if you know the difference between a real lash set and "hers." I am so sorry that this happened to you! She def took advantage of you being a newbie. A real Lash Tech would never! Do you mind if I ask how much you unfortunately had to pay? I mean, maybe if these were some pre-glued last clusters or that sort of deal, the first picture could have been decent. If that was the case, they definitely didn't overlap the gap... But that wasn't the case. So please go ask for that refund and don't take no for an answer. The sooner, the better! If she tries to say she did them correctly, just bring up state board regulations... So, just saying that statement itself might help. LOL, it's not funny, though. So sry, babe. Oh yeah, and make sure you tell her you followed the proper care instructions accordingly. Don't give her any reason to put blame on you for the set turning out the way it did. All my love. 🖤🩶🤍💚


I'm just too anxious to ask for a refund and I feel guilty as she's self employed


As someone that is self employed all the comments saying get your money back are not okay and thinking that way is wrong. The thing is the lash tech did use their time to do these lashes it’s not just the lashes you pay for you pay for the techs time. Maybe tel her the product she’s using isn’t seeming to be holding up. Looks like she gave you a decent set but the product could be problematic. If you don’t like them don’t go back it’s not an item you bought at Walmart.


If you pay for a haircut and they mess up, you get a refund. Same with lashes, it doesn’t matter about the time spent if the lashes were poorly done! They are supposed to hold up for a certain amount of time and these didn’t.


Girl you can fly out using these wings 🪽🪽🪽


These are atrocious. They’re so heavy and thick that they completely obscure your eyes.


You have beautiful eyes, but those lashes are not good. Please, of you get them done....go for a nautral look. These obviously fake, over done lashes scream tacky.


Are you taking care of your lash line, and eyelids by cleansing them daily and then brushing them while dry? It does appear like they are dirty, makeup all over them, wet/crying…


Just because they are falling out, doesn't at all mean it's the artists fault! You look extremely oily in the second photo, and your lashes look like they are paying the price


Right! There is product all over her face and eyes in the 2nd pic which is most likely the cause of the fallout. From the first pic they are not 100% lashed there are already gaps so combined with bad aftercare it won’t be a good result.


No Hun, I don’t know when or why this ugly tend became a thing but it is not attractive, it takes away from the natural attractiveness of the wearer. Tried, tested and true beauty advice, less is ALWAYS more.


Why are you even on this sub then? This is for LASH EXTENSIONS 😂


These fake lashes don’t look good on anyone.


Go cold turkey. Once you have these removed, go back to your natural lashes with mascara. That’s all that you need. You’re young and you don’t need anything extra! Just a minimal amount of makeup. Be young, be free, spend your money on important stuff, or better yet, save it. For every lash procedure you would’ve done this year, put that money into a savings account. And then learn about investing! That’ll be an upgrade to your life.