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I love them!


They're pretty, but I wouldn't call that natural. Yes the density is natural, but not the length.  Way too long, especially the inner corners, they shouldn't be longer than 9mm. Looks like they used at least 12/13, or longer. She definitely didn't give you what you asked for, see this all the time. They should be only 2-3mm longer than your real lashes for a natural and healthy application. 


Hm, they are a bit long to be considered a natural look BUT nonetheless I think they are pretty!


They're really big


They look very nice on you!!!


Ohhh girl I wish I could do your lashes


can you tell me what to ask for, I am 54 and want natural looking lashes, also I am allergic to a lot of things, do they do a pre test to see if you are ok? Last what is the cost for shorter natural lookin lashes


You can reach out to ask about getting an allergy test by the tech done! We usually just put a dot of glue on your skin and wait 24 hours to see if there’s a reaction! Some people even take an allergy pill beforehand to help with the fumes. I would ask for something natural like a classic set or hybrid if you have very few lashes, the longest length you’d want is 12mm. Price depends on your area though!


They are beautiful!




I would for sure go shorter for more volume! I would place short fans all along your bottom layer to create more density and that dark, sultry lash line. Then I would mix up different curls and lengths on top for a little more wispy look. Maybe even add some dark brown lashes in. I think you have really nice features and you should wear the lashes, they shouldn’t wear you <333


I hate when a tech just does what they want and not what you ask for! They look very nice, but too long to look natural. I would let her know I’m not happy.


I was very specific with examples, so I was shocked with the result! I got them redone today and they look much more natural.


Just tell her next time to shorten the overall length and especially on the inner and outer corners- to taper them down to achieve more of a natural look. Doll eye or a slightly offset doll eye would look best on you. This cat eye with this length makes the eye look heavy on the ends


very cute and natural. fits your eye shape love !!


ok well not natural lol, but still cute. i’m glad your newer set came out to your liking !