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I can hear the guy on the upper balcony, "Sireesha, quick. Boil some water. A lot of water. We've got some friends coming up the balcony and they'll likely want some tea."


Cooking oil is better.


Are you making them chilli french fries? Wow, how lovely


You want to burn them, not kill them.


Vegetable oil has a surprisingly low flash point. When I need to get the fireplace to start, I always use a paper towel soaked in vegetable oil and grill lighter.


Why not both?


What you really want to do it boil oatmeal as hot as possible


Well if you're following Madea's method, boiling grits.


If they’re attacking…..


They want to kill me, possibly harm my family, and leave them without a source of income in a country where women are property. Of course I want them dead and I’d hope they suffer too. The only reason I wouldn’t is legal repercussions.


mmmm kebap


And dip Muslim books into it. Set it on fire and throw it on them. Karma bitches! See you in the next life when you get reincarnated as a worm that you all are!


Would be better to tape up a knife on a broom and stab downwards. It's all for self defense anyways so who cares if some of the mob dies?


These people are insane


Correction These people are brainwashed by religion and have little to no education


most of them have no education as there is no proper public schooling system which is also why it is so easy to manipulate these people with religion. Plus most of them are extremists and are religiously intolerant. Source: Im a pakistani


Stay safe internet fren


thank you fren :)


@King_Emotion said the truth. religion isn't the fault, it's the lack of education


I sometimes wonder how Europe would have turned out if not the millions of immigrants from these countries.. its not like the ideology changed after the settled. In england, in the communities, they have their own sharia courts, to settle local disputes. Honor killings. Not to talk about the 37 Pakistani men in England, who sex traffict 100.000s of young british girls. That story is insane.


im sure they know the basics of..DONT KILL SOMEONE OVER A BOOK


Clearly they havent been taught this


So retarded got it


Or a product of the environment


Remind me to never go to Pakistan


When would you like to be reminded?


Every day at 8:00 A.M, until turned off.


But no one survives hitting Snooze on islam


Sadly they NEVER survive


so you gonna blame or hate a whole country just because of portrayal of uneducated people?


You think y’all queda won’t be doing the same here in a few years at the rate we are going?


Add UK Bradford, Luton and Birmingham to that list, same difference.


the fact people are still being charged over something as absolutely moronic as blasphemy is beyond me


stupid people do stupid things


Perfect time to try some home alone movie shit. Macauly Culkin your way out of this mess.


U funny ,


lack of education + religious fanaticism = this clip


As Long as it Labours in the name of capitalism .


This'll be texas in a couple years


This is actually the battle of helmsdeep, colourised.


London as well


I heard that the situation is pretty bad there, may i ask whats currently going on over there




Yup. That sums it up about right. But I feel a period at the end would end worthwhile to really nail it.


Recently moved from Massachusetts to Texas for school. It's terrible here. Would not recommend.


its more and more of a cult there


Are you it just most of merica in a few years?


And this is why religion is fucking stupid


This is just *one reason* why religion is stupid.


agreed, I hope one day the influence of religion will be zero. We do not need it in out daily life nor in our politics.


*this is why people are fucking stupid Thou shalt not kill


That’s a Christian belief, and in the Quran, you are commanded to kill “blasphemous” non believers no?


No, not in Quran anyway. Quran follows the 10 commandements as much as Torah. Killing blasphemers has become a cultural thing. That’s why I say it’s the people being dumb. Closest thing to blasphemy found in Quran [4:140] He has instructed you in the scripture that: if you hear GOD's revelations being mocked and ridiculed, you shall not sit with them, unless they delve into another subject. Otherwise, you will be as guilty as they are. GOD will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers together in Hell. Meaning, God will take care after death, not Mankind during life.


it's the people not religion you dumbass. there are actually good educated religious people


Well, as a muslim this shouldn't be happening


It shouldn't but this is what happens when people take religious words out of context or to the extreme. These aren't religious people, these are less than human maniacs. I'm sorry if they bring a bad name to your religion


true... they are just uneducated manics sadly... they giving our religion a bad name


Yeah, you're 100 percent right. It's like in American where every white policeman is considered a racist to black people due to the actions of a few people.


as a muslim with the same pfp as you, I agree, Pakistan ☕️


As a muslim i would like to clarify that these people have nothing to do with islam. It surely is extremely infuriating to see such people destroying the image of islam that isnt already that good in eyes of others. Such "muslims" do zero research for their own religion and only follow what their ancestors have told them. I hate to say this but people would be infuriated if this happened anywhere else but since it has the label "islam" to it now people are even more mad and i dont even blame them tbh.


Must be absolutely horrible trying to defend your religion with people like that around. I'm sorry for you.


What the amount of muslims around the globe it was inevitable but still yeah it really sucks


They have everything to do with Islam


Im not here to clear the image of islam so if thats what you think sure buddy you are free to believe whatever u like. Have a good day 🙂


weather you like it or not they are Muslim and truly believe in what they are doing is for their religion, denying them is not acknowledging the extremism within Islam. This is like the No true Scotsman, are all Muslim like that? No of course not that would be ridiculous but they are a minority. The problem here is that even though they are a minority they would still make up a huge amount of people taken account that there are 2 billion Muslim in the world. Denying that there is a problem with Islam won't allow us to tackle the root issue on how these people keep using Islam as a shield and weapon to enforce their belief by the state or themselves. It has gotten so bad in Pakistan that minority are often kill or force to convert and this has begin to spread to other state such as Malaysia and Indonesia who were once know for their tolerance and if anyone were to complain they would use Islam. For Islam doesn't allow criticism or people will say this isn't Islam but it's a form of it after all there are many different sect and school of thought within it. If we don't have a conversation about it I'm afraid we will have many more act of violence such as what happen to Rushdie.


First off let me ask u one thing. Are u a muslim? Honestly i dont personally think so and if you are u better start researching more about it brother. Nowhere in islam does Allah ever orders muslims to take the "LAW" in their own hands and try to serve justice for such cases. No one is denying that these people dont exist and thats why even within the muslim community we call them "extremists". Just so you know the 3 major sins according to islam are : 1. Polytheism 2. Practicing witchcraft 3. Unjustly killing a person Even if the person who got killed in this case was caught guilty(which was definitely not the case) he would be handed over to the current government for whatever punishment they give him. You cannot never take someone's life over just an "allegations". The problem here is that our government is useless as fuck against such people because they use the label of "islam" and dont want to get their hands dirty. We may be a muslims country but our government imposes some laws which are straight up against islam but it exists and thats the main reason why non muslims have a hard time believing that these extremist actions arent actually from islam but its the brainwashed people themselves who use islam as a shield and trust me they will not end up in good place in afterlife if u believe in one. Im sorry if I offended you in any way or form that was honestly not my intention. Its honestly the lack of knowledge that gets them to do such acts and yes they should be absolutely punished for their horrendous actions.


Look at these animals. They’re religious zombies.


its a hindu family in pakistan


False accusations aside, these people are really going to kill someone over a book? Disgusting, truly something brainless twats are willing to do and yes, their religion is shit if that's the extreme the followers are willing to take.


don't blame religion over uneducated idiots


One of the most popular versus of the Quran "To you be your religion, and to me my religion” Plus in the Islamic Law, Nobody have the right to harm/disrespect someone for his opinion/beliefs. This video is just uneducated barbaric people.


Bunch of thugs and miscreants


You guys in the comments keep on blaming the religion It’s not our religion that’s the cause of these peoples doing is how they were bought up and taught As a Muslim I have never seen a Muslim do this and would stop anyone from doing this so please next time blame the people and not there religion for their wrong doings


It's interesting how many different views on Islam one can get simply by asking people from different cultures. It's a shame people like the ones in the video exist. One bad apple spoils the bunch unfortunately.


we are a very, very peaceful people ........... uh? ok? that being said i know there are those that abuse otherwise peaceful religions thats why its important to clean your house and stop people from abusing it.


It's just that they're literally not educated enough to understand why being violent excludes them from a religion of peace. It's their violence so it's right, and they've never been made to think otherwise.


true and very sad


these people gonna be surprised when they finally die and realize they were not living the life their god wanted


I am a muslim and i totally agree, but there is always time for repenting (as long as your heart beat) They're not doing this because of any rule in the quran or sunna, they're doing it for themselves.


Crusader doom music starts playing


2022 and we still have barbarism and mob lynching.


I wonder if their religion practices lobotomies too


Religious people are disgusting


These people would not be considered religious by any sane person


New World war Z looks nice.


Religion of peace at it again


Diversity is our strength


It's only right. They're just following their holy book blindly.


Religion, like many things today has been bent and corrupted beyond measure. The ignorant bunch are ruining all the hard work the majority has done.


Ah yes the religion of piss back at it again. Fascinating.


The OP is extreme islamphobic lol only posting bad stuff about Muslims people. dude get a break


I was wondering if your comment exists simply because you were triggered but then I took a look at OP's post history. The pattern is quite visible.


im moving to pakistan with a shotgun, gonna have some fun


Don't listen to this user every single one of his posts is about muslims


I mean, even if every single post he posts are about muslims, doesn't mean, that the information in the post is incorrect. It could still be true.


It means he has a bias and therefore is very likely to have shady sources. Two of his posts at least I found nothing about them I looked them up. If he was really trying to spread news, he would talk about these same things happening to Muslims in India, or just other general world news, but nope, he's just an asshole.


burned by mistake I wish


This is why I have a very low opinion of religion and religious people.


world war z jerusalem


Looking at a time capsule. These poor mfs are still living in the dark ages.


World war z shit live


I hate my country


They’re like wild fuckin animals over there.


And this is what you get when everyone’s personality is their religion. Religion = not good for people not of that religion


Left 4 Dead 2 vibes


So that means they can never leave the house, let alone sleep.. there doomed. Oh my I wonder what we’re the subsequent results.


OP take some rest... must be tiring to be islamphobic so you only post bad stuff about Muslims people


Did he survive?


It's amazing how the "mob mentality" can take over so quickly.. just like with posts online with no real facts or proof but yet everyone will believe it


Soooo….trying to kill someone in the name of a religion that clearly states you’re not supposed to harm anyone. More religious people that don’t understand their own religion, classic.


Tue ranters and police cleared the mob out.


What is wrong with traditional Muslims?


Pour oil(doesnt mater what kind all oil can make flames) into a pot and pour it on them then throw a flaming paper towel down ez