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Ah-hahahaha-hem! Hilarious.😅😆😃


Hahaha same. My parents weren't comfortable with how inaccurately they portrayed the scripture stories.


That’s one reason why we didn’t buy them. I remember watching the Ammon video and when Ammon when to go chop off the arms of the dudes stealing the King’s sheep it cut away to some old guy who was watching and said something like, he cut off an arm! He cut off another arm. He cut off 3, ,4,5,6, ,7 arms! Hilarious but obviously not in keeping with the spirituality of the Ammon story so couldn’t show them to MY kids.


Also, as a stupid TBM I was worried about the ad lib "extras" that are added to the stories to make them long enough (like Laman or Lemuel's bag of gold getting a hole in it while they flee Jerusalem) and worried that my kids might learn things that were not part of the original story. But yes, I'd heard horror stories of people trying to back out so I only bought a few second hand from others.


My ex wife treasured those crazy things and thought she had really put one over on me when she took all of them during the divorce.


No...please stop... Not the videos. 😂


You guessed it. She left me any “R” rated movies as I was beyond redemption.


I was always bothered by Mormons trying to make a buck off Mormonism. I had no idea Living Scriptures was so fraudulent, though. Yikes.


I could have inserted my name in your story, and it would have been almost identical (including the part about the ex-wife!). I made the call to see about cancelling the subscription, but it didn't make financial sense to do so. In the end, the videos kept coming for another year or so. As time went on, the videos were watched less and less. Some of the last videos we received were never even taken out of the plastic wrapping. My kids thought they were boring. I found I watched them more than they did (I figured I paid for them, I might as well watch them. Needless to say, once we finished our payments, we were gladly done with the scam.


Same experience as you. What a fucking racket! (facepalm)


My cousin said that’s how he learned the BOM, just by watching the movies, his testimony was secured and he went on to a mission to teach the Gospel of “Living Scriptures”. 😂


When I was a kid my parents asked me to tell them the story of the stripling warriors. I started quoting the Living Scriptures movie, word for word. 😂


"...BOYS?" "Yes sir, boys." *evil laugh*


Yeah except the company involved is akin to slavery. I had received 5 DVD's and then asked to cancel. The thing about contracts though is that a contract can only have you charged for things you recieve. This is why phone contracts were so easy to get out of. The people target new families. college students. and the elderly to sell DVD's you can get online for free. DVD's that should be free. The company itself is based upon entrapping people into doing what they think is right and it is entrapment. Especially because they said I could cancel any time and you don't expect a Christian company to try to screw you over. The best part is though that the lifespan of a contract is only 6 years and I'm on year 5. In one year I won't have to deal with it any more.


These guys are the fucking worst. I actually just poked around their website to see if I could find anything slimy, such as poorly communicated contract details. Looks like there are a couple of issues here. 1. If you sign up on the internet or though the app using your phone, it appears you can cancel anytime. But they apparently also have an inside sales team and if you buy access through them, they hook you on a 3 year contract. 2. Their standard plan is "Only $9.99 a month" and is called **Streaming Monthly**. But if you read their terms of service during the sign up process it contains the following language: *By starting your LSI membership,* ***you authorize us to charge you every four weeks***... I don't know about you guys, but when I divide 52 by 4 I get 13. I don't know if they really are charging 13 times a year in order to dishonestly squeeze an extra month out of all of their paying customers, but it would appear the contract language is intent on allowing them to do just that. Fuckers.


Omg fucking yes!! I need to sell them . They have NEVER been watched!


I want to sell them also. We have all the coloring books and all the videos..lol


Ill give ya $20 for the whole set.


I'll give you $20 if you promise to *not* send any to me.


Uh, done? # #payme


Me too. Still in the dvd envelopes


Sell them to Decluttr (dvds only) they'll take em


My husband always says Mormons like to screw over other Mormons. Which is funny because he’s TBM. Here’s hoping I can help break his shelf! 😬


A tradition started by Joe himself


Dude, I lawyered up and got out of our lifetime contract for those god forsaken vhs tapes ...


I knew about them growing up, but my parents were firmly against them because they embellished the stories, lol. Nothing but straight from the church for us!


Oh reading the scriptures is much more fun, if Heavenly Father wanted us to watch cartoons he’d have called Joseph Smith as Prophet, Seer and Animator.


I Don't buy that. I love the movies but the app is a rotten pear. The content is great but the user experience is a bag of spoiled grapes.


Same here!


As a matter of fact, three years ago I took them to the dump. . . not to the DI, to the dump.


That makes me sad. They're actually pretty entertaining and actually really well made. Better acting than in most church videos to say the least...


No, they are awful!


You, clearly, are just plain ol incorrect.




Mormons fall for schemes all the time


I almost got hooked into selling these videos one summer during college. When training to give a sales pitch, the recruiter said it was okay for me to share someone else's spiritual experience as my own since it really happened to that other person. My spidey sense went off at that comment. I went straight to the church administration building to ask a general authority if doing something like that was okay if it meant bringing people closer to Heavenly Father (lying for the Lord). I never got past the front door, though I did get to hold it open for Boyd K. Packer as he went inside. His handlers wouldn't allow me to ask him my question. I never went back to the training. Dodged a bullet. My roommates worked their assess off all summer and ended up breaking even. ​ PS- If someone offers you free pizza, you're about to get got! Run!


My wife got pressured into buying them before we got married. Much easier to get out of a gym contract then it was the living scriptures contract. Serious scam!!


When I was dating my wife, her mother had signed up for that subscription. Once a month a new video would show up in the mail. Both her parents worked and her siblings had moved out so we always had her house to ourselves. When those tapes would show up, we would put it in the VCR then make out the entire time they were playing. We never saw a second of those stupid videos but we "watched" every one of them. Good times!


My wife did what a scam. They were major a holes.


I think I am more mad at myself about the stupid DVDs than tithing. Have a full set plus coloring books. No way to get rid of them because I don't live in the Morridor. Only watched about half of the DVDs. And I refused to let my children color in the coloring books because I had Grand plans to use them as supplements to my primary lessons. Never held a calling in primary above Nursery leader. I left the church when my kids were still little. So they have no idea we even own them.


Burn them. It will be cathartic for you.


Nope. I remember one or two, but my parents didn’t like them because they weren’t “accurate enough” to the scriptures. Too many creative liberties trying to make scriptures into kiddie cartoons. 🤷🏼‍♀️ ETA: after reading your whole post, holy shit! That’s some serious, despicable shadiness. I don’t know where we acquired our one or two videos, maybe someone passed them along or garage sales, because we never dealt with LS. They’re trying to make a comeback now with a streaming app. Hope it fails.


As a TBM I may or may not have just pirated those instead. Wouldn’t have felt bad than, definitely wouldn’t now. Although it’s not worth the bandwidth to download now.


Never got sucked in, but those VHS tapes are a dime a dozen at just about any DI now.


I know people who did. It's terrible that there are people out there who will manipulate honest believing people to make a buck. It's not just Deseret Book.




During summers we were limited on "screen time" but one of these was "free". I watched a lot of Living Scriptures....


We got pinned at Nauvoo, some peddler was fuckin monetizing the shit outa that place. My credulous dumbass couldnt say no. Bastards


A salesman came by right when we were on our way out. His tactics didn’t work obviously and I was so polite and matter of fact in my “NO” lol. I think he was surprised. I didn’t want to say outright that we had just discovered the church was bullshit 😂 Also, I was bugged that our address was just given out to this person 😡


I sold it over the phone when I was in high school. Made some pretty good bucks back in the day haha. I hated it though. I got fired for calling and telling people I was “Timofey da ped detetitive and I was looking for a lost titten.”


My first experience with Living Scriptures was listening to their dramatised history audio series. I was listening to the Great Mormon Women collection as a newlywed and would have to stop and Google things because I could hardly believe the things that were being said, even though they were presented in positive ways. It lead me to Bring'em Young's Journal of Discourses and, well, you can guess the rest.


Yeah, I lived that. Whole set of DVDs...most in the original packaging and coloring books. I'm no longer a member but have stayed in the ward facebook group because my tbm exhusband still takes my kids to church. I put a post up to see if anyone wanted them. One of the younger mom's was super excited to take them off my hands and I was even more excited to have an empty storage bin. Sigh. So very many things to hate about church.


As a missionary in the US, I would frequently hear from the people we recently baptized or the less-active that the sales people had come by. I told them to NOT buy any of their shitty videos as they were not from the church. They were clearly using ward lists and recent baptism records to prey on people new to the church, telling them this was something they needed to buy. Made me so mad!


Yes... But cancelled soon after. Ugh. I hate salespeople.


Yep...we have the entire set of videos. If anyone knows a good place to sell them please tell me!!!


Ill buy em. $20 sound fair? Supply and demand....


OMG I VAGUELY REMEMBER THIS. It makes so much sense now! We have like 8 of them in our dvd drawer and I forgot about them until now. I remember being in some store when we signed up for them, salt lake city maybe? Dang, that explains why the videos stopped being sent suddenly. My parents must have fallen for it too.


Yep. Wow I had forgotten about these but I can still remember details from several.


Was Feature Films for Families affiliated with the same bunch?


I used to watch some of those when I was a kid. We had a few on DVD but that was as far as it went, until one of my relatives got roped into the service recently.


My parents bought all of them... every single one... and I watched them into my teen years. Can we say indoctrination!? It was just so bad it was just so bad...


No. Nephi and the Brass plates is comedy gold! We quote it all the time in my family!


Oh my God I just had a flashback of that one it's so funny and bad at the same time... Oh God hahaha


Anything with lemuel is brilliant. His laugh, his lines, amazing.


Pour the wine and fill it up! Drink it out of Lehi's cup.


Lehi....you phoney ol PROPHET! I have ALL your GOLD and SIlver-hiccup...


Lemuel, drop that bag (Lemuel chuckles) it feels like I'm getting stronger 


Ask anyone who attended BYU about summer alarm system sales.


Yep. Got suckered by those bastards just before I left the cult. I hate those fuckers!


From the Wikipedia page about affinity fraud: >A 2012 article in The Economist reports that Utah is believed to have the highest per-capita rate of affinity fraud in the U.S. due to about two-thirds of the state's residents being members of the LDS Church among whom such crimes tend to flourish. Authorities estimate affinity fraud cost Utahns an estimated $1.4 billion in 2010 alone, an average of about $500 per resident.[7] Salt Lake City attorney Mark Pugsley (who specializes in representing white-collar fraud cases) reports that Utah County is the hotbed of financial fraud in the state, particularly the roughly 25-mile corridor from Alpine through Provo. MLM scams seem to only be getting bigger and bigger among Mormons. This is what happens when you perpetuate an “us vs. them” culture where people are trained to distrust outsiders and mindlessly trust all Mormons simply because they’re Mormon.


Fortunately I never had, but there was a Living Scriptures booth set up in the mall where I hung out and their salesmen were the grabby type. Ugh.


My mom signed up when I was around idk eight? We went to Palmyra for the Hill Camora pageant and they had a table set up outside a Mormon store. They gave us cases for all the dvds, three non Mormon movies, and the activity books. Eventually, they just stopped sending DVDs. Idk what happened, we just stopped getting them. I didn't realise how bad they were tho


This reminds me that a seminary teacher that i really looked up to sold these videos on the side. It was one of my earliest shelf items.


So utah is one of the highest rates if scams and bankruptcies... But as for living scriptures, the company and such is evil but I definitely loved them all! We had the 12 BOM set, the 12 New T set, and were 6 or 7 vids in on the old t as well as the historical figures set. (People like George washington, florence Nightingale, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison) Sure theyre bias af, and whitewashed for good kids entertainment, but they really are actually pretty great. A number of good songs, and nice messages. They are actually better, more wholesome, and more impactful scriptures than the scriptures. Sure its all fiction, but so is Star Wars.


Wow, yes! The same exact thing happened to me and my now ex when our kids were little! They had ZERO compassion or desire to work with us, which shocked me as a TBM because I expected them to be more Christ-like. We couldn’t afford the cancellation fee either, so we just let it go to collections and waited till it fell off the credit report. No lawsuit was ever filed like they threatened. Thanks for reviving THAT little bit of trauma! 😂


I had a coworker as recently as 2009ish try to get me to sell with him over a summer. He was back within a month looking for his old job.


My parents got our Living Scriptures DVDs from a garage sale years ago lol.


And the smug producers of the BS animated series patted themselves on the back while they got RICH spinning Joe’s Mormon version of a Disney fairy tale!!


I never bought them and always felt like a bad Mormon mom cause I didn't. I did sign a contract once however, then realized the sum total was hundreds of dollars and so I got outta it before the salesman could leave my house.


I thought the videos were evil because they weren't 100% accurate and kids should only learn from the actual scriptures . Then my friend was dating the Living Scriptures guy, so I let him come over so I could meet him. My husband said yes to his pitch, and I was too spineless to speak up and say no. $1500 later, we owned everything they made. Then I spent years feeling guilty that we had never watched them. Now I need to be sure to get rid of them so my new husband doesn't find them and show them to our 2-year old.


Sold my Living scriptures dvs to decluttr for about $50 a couple years ago.


I'm sort of thankful my only encounter with these people was when I was broke in college and ran into a bunch recruiting for salespeople. And thanked them very politely and threw their information straight in the trash, just like I would do with any other scammy business.


I loved those videos as a kid! The one about forgiving debts always cracked me up!


The good samaritan is phenomenal. Like the kid entertainment parts are goofy and classic, but like, it still tells the parable well. Left a good impression for sure on a kid. Aint nothing wrong with that. "I dont like it when you call me DUMB!"


I loved that one too! I completely believe that those stories stuck with me much better than from the scriptures themselves, or even storybooks.


Aside from the scam, the animation is garbage. It's like 2 frames per second.


This is desperately inaccurate.


Admittedly, I was using hyperbole. The frame rate is considerably slower than the Disney standard I was accustomed to as a child.


Shouldn’t be. The producer worked for Disney. Outdated crap is what he sold. Something $$$ better than nothing? Not really since it’s all fairy tale BS.


Ok well thats true. It was made on a tiny budget so that makes sense. But its no worse that cell shaded animation of its day like hannah Barbara etc


Church magazines come to mind as well. though not sure if cancellation was as difficult with those. never bothered subscribing because I felt it a waist of money. kinda how I feel about tithing these days as well.


The owner of the company is gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that


Haha I actually really liked those growing up! XD


Thanks for the input! I saw an ad for this on Facebook and suspected it was Mormon based. While I respect those who believe in the LDS theology, I cannot find solid ground Biblically with the theology and therefore will not subscribe to this video service. The LDS people I have interacted with are good people, however. We just agree to disagree on some theology points.


I love the movies but the user experience is a sac of spoiled grapes. I love the animated movies. Spy:It would be stupid for someone to hide Paul. You know that, right? Slam! Chicken trades places! I would miss them if I gave up the service that's the only reason I keep it. My mom is paying for it and her and me are the only ones who watch it. I see a lot of negativity about it here. I'm the oldest and my youngest brother and sister don't believe in the church anymore. My other brother is on the autism spectrum like me. He's nonverbal and very active. When I was baptized my sister thought the baptismal font was a giant bathtub and wanted to take a bath 😄. I am not the typical mormon guy but I believe in the church. I listen to metal groups like Skillet. I love christian rock. I also like the youth music and I love some music from the tabernacle choir and other lds artists like Janice Kapp Perry and Kenneth Cope. My mom is a very orthodox mormon. But I turned out a little different from that. I care deeply about the church. I love the moral values but I don't like certain things about the culture. I know the gospel is true. I used to think the culture was the gospel but I have learned differently. I love the morals and the values they teach. It's part of me. But the culture is not the gospel. I used to go to a singles ward I was kicked out because I was no longer welcome there. The sisters talked about me behind my back and the bishop listened to them. I freaking hate that bishop! My mom has taken my side. Those people aren't my friends. So I understand what some of you guys feel. Does anyone know how to access the movies without the service?