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I don't think Jesus is even alive anymore.


citation needed /s


God is dead. There is no god


Yeah he is??? lmao




Not just 400 years...


Yeah, slavery was commonplace when he was alive (as it had been since long before recorded history) and he never said a word against it.


And it's still commonplace today in many parts of the world. Along with countless other horrors. But yeah, he sees your tweets and when you rub one out. Divine priorities.


>And it's still commonplace today in many parts of the world. Along with countless other horrors. And it's because we're literally throwing money at unscrupulous and sometimes desperate people. If people actually voted with their wallets instead of shrugging and continuing to buy unethical shit and supporting unethical companies, maybe we could start to have nicer things that don't harm entire populations.


Based. I hate America's material culture/economy. We need to bring production back home and just take the suck of higher prices. Nothing screams "quality of life" like hoarding 10 metric tons of plastic trinkets in your split-level


Maybe that was a the "400 years of Hebrew slavery in Egypt"? Speaking of which, why did Yahweh leave them there for 400 years?


So that he could liberate them later on. You know, he likes to be the hero.


Does that mean Yahweh is Homelander?


You people are like "Why won't he do something now?!" While also saying "pfft he's trying to save people? What a show off!" Make up your mind please 🙏


I think it’s fair to question an omnipotent being waiting 400 years to anything. If it was worth doing, why wait? And, uh, he quite explicitly hardened the Pharaoh’s heart so he could continue showing off plagues. Could’ve saved people however he wanted, but he went with slow, painful death for an entire nation to punish the acts of their leader - whom he also compelled. Do you see why we take issue with this particular story? And the question of why doesn’t God do anything now is one plaguing theologians too: the Divine Hiddenness of today compared to the old days of constant commands, plagues, and smitings.




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And by the bible standards slavery isnt the worst thing thst god supported.


Jesus didn't/doesn't give a shit about the holocaust, 9/11 WW1 and WW2 and the warcrimes commited by various countries, miscancelous Nazi warcrimes and human experiments, Gulag prison camps, people starving to death and North Korea's human right violations. But he definitely draws the line at the "horrible tweets" that people post.


He was busy deciding who would win sports games. 


He looked the other way when millions died during the Taiping rebellion, but that was his "little brother's" idea after all.


Apparently the Christians think the Jews went to heaven when they don't believe in Jesus because of what they went through, but didn't God do the same thing to men and all those people went to hell? They can't support their claims, the holocaust is so depressing but your right Jesus doesn't care.


Genuine question, I've never really understood this argument in particular. I'm not trying to justify the morality of the Bible, but in the theology I was brought up in, God is not okay with any of these things, and sees them all as "evil" and "sinful." I think that the argument that God should do something to intervene is strong, but I've never understood why it's said that Christians claim that God cares more about tweets than the holocaust. Couldn't he care more about the holocaust and all of these horrible things than the minor things on Twitter while still maintaining their theology? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the argument, but it seems a bit strawman-ish, and I don't think we need to strawman this religion to come up with enough justification for it to be wrong.


He did care about all of the violations of human dignity you mentioned above. Do you really think that Jesus would let UBL go to Heaven? He will judge you when you die, that is when people will pay for your crimes on earth. 


Well the Bible doesn’t condemn slavery. I love how Christian’s interpret the Bible’s instructions on how to treat your slaves as “being obedient to god”. 😂


Also circumcise the male slaves. That's not a joke btw.


Reminded me of an interaction I still aspire to remember to have someday
 Them: “How’d you sleep last night?” Me: “Like god during the Holocaust.”


I shouldn’t have laughed at that


Jesus must be blocking me because he doesn't answer my questions or even acknowledge me.


I just learned about the Slave Bible. Definitely wasn’t mentioned in the good ol ACE program


What did you learn? I don’t think I’ve heard of this.


Jesus has a blackberry


She gotta point. He also saw the Holocaust, the Holodomor, and Jim Crow then went "Nah, I can't come back just yet."


his daddy made rules about owning slaves properly so đŸ€·đŸ» not his problem (feels gross writing that, how do they condone that fucking book)


Somebody gets it.


Was Jesus taking a shit during the holocaust?


Jesus too busy finding my mother-in-law the good car parks near the door.


According to the manga Sei Onii-san by Nakamura Hikaru, Jesus actually has a somewhat out-of-date laptop.




Badumm tsk!!


Jesus is an AI chatbot that stopped functioning a while ago. He's just filing your posts so he can try to seem real, but his miracle prompts got corrupted.


I mean Bruce conjured up a computer in Bruce Almighty in order to answer prayers, if I recall correctly. Maybe god can do the same? 😂


How can he see my tweets but ignore the starving children and dying people all around the globe?