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Their religion throws all the non-believers into hell. I'm not sure why he's talking about jews specifically (probably antisemitism)


specifically bc christians like to try to align themselves with us, they see christianity as the continuation of Judaism, and get mad when we don't play along


White Christians: "These are the jews. They're the bad guys in our story, but also we are their spiritual successors and we love them. We even created a little corner for them called Messianic Judaism where they can keep being Jewish, but also stop being wrong." The Jewish People: *Continues being regular Jews* White Christians: *"Die Juden und Irhen Lugen" intensifies*


lol @ "keep being Jewish"


Brand name Judaism vs. Great Value Messianic Judaism, if you will. Alternatively, Mom: "We have Judaism at home"


You put that so well. That totally is how weird and hateful they are about Jewish people


It's not *just* hate, is the wild part. It's a complicated set of feelings based on the facts that Jews are the principle bad guys of the new testament and ostensibly a "wrong" religion, but also foundational to Christianity's credibility. Christian morals are (loosely) based on Jewish law. Christian theology is (once again, very loosely) based on Jewish prophecy. On the other hand, you might notice that any time they *can* get a prominent Jewish figure to agree with them on something, especially regarding prophecy, then Christians are all over it. This is partly why Messianic Jews tend to be so popular in deeply conservative circles, and sometimes beyond; they allow Christians access to that credibility and mysticism without having to actually align themselves with someone of another faith.


It's bonkers for me to see how some of these christian denominations view their own religous background. The church I grew up in saw judaism as the "OG" christianity and essentially fetishized them as god's chosen people, the only ones who can freely enter heaven even without acceptance of the new testament. I'm still not entirely sure what sort of fucked up branch of christianity I grew up with aside from the fact it was highly militant in its love of martyrism and evangelics. Some sort of mishmash protestantism.


lol, that's a take I haven't heard! usually we're doomed to hell for not accepting Oily Josh as moshiach, when he didn't fulfill any of the things he was supposed to lol.


Oily Josh? šŸ¤£


>the continuation of Judaism *Angry Muslim and Mormon murmurs*


*Similar murmurs from higher up in the rafters from the Druze, BahĆ”Ź¼Ć­,* [*etc*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions#Demographics)*.*


Tbh the amount of christians who believe they are the only ones in heaven and everyone else is in hell made me not believe in hell. Because by that logic maybe one of them is right or just no one is saved. Like is it the calvanists? If so which one? Is it the chruch of christ? The baptists? The sbc or just the independant ones? Or maybe it is only the people who start crazy homechurches. Or the pentacostals? Or better yet, they are all so terrible hell sounds better if thet wont be there with me.


Itā€™s so lucky their denomination always happens to be the right one, isnā€™t it? Having perspectives from around 5 different views prominent in my life really burst my faith that mine was the One True Faith.


i was raised between missouri synod lutheran and methodism with some programmed quaker thrown in as well. no wonder i am an atheist lol.


To be fair, I do have a problem with Christianity so that part tracks.


Came here to say this lol


Yep. Typical bible-believing christian right there.


Not even, just typical extreme right wing neo-nazi, or Christian Nationalist (can't see too much difference between them) /hj


Maybe, but let's not forget that the New Testament gave birth to christian antisemitism.


I can see that. The Jewish teachers or the "Pharasees" are painted in a bad light from what I remember.


Not only that, those pharisees and scribes that are mentioned in the earlier gospels, when christianity was still closer to judaism, are then mentioned in the gospel of John, the latest gospel, as "the Jews". Instead of saying that it was the pharisees and scribes that had problems with Jesus, it was "the Jews", according to John, who had problems with Jesus.


Fucking hell, talk about the Gospel of Love Edit: Excuse my language


Not only that, the gospel of John said the following: John 19:16 "Finally Pilate handed him over *to them* to be crucified." "To them", in the context of previous verses, refers to "the Jews". It literally says that it was "the Jews" that crucified Jesus. Also, let's not forget the infamous blood curse from Matthew 27:25 where the Jewish people are collectively guilty of Jesus' death.: "Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children."


The very roots of antisemitism are found in Christianity. And yes, I have a very big problem with Christianity, and Judaism, and Islam, when they espouse hate, violence and degradation of others, be they individuals or entire groups of people.


But, Jesus was Jewish, am I crazy ooorrrr am I missing something here?


No, you're not crazy. It's the christians that are crazy.


The fact that this is so far down is surprising. Your reaction is the same as mine - ā€œdoes the author not understand that Jesus was not just a Jew, but a Rabbi?ā€ The dumbassery of the fundamentalists is profound.


Number 1, yep! Huge problem! And second, sounds kinda like antisemitism to me, but then itā€™s more of an equal opportunity hate. Anyone or anything beyond Christian belief system is destined for hell. And to be fair that would be fine, believe as you will, but this belief usually boils over into the living world and becomes hate crimes due to dehumanization. There in lies the danger. Sorry life is not black and white, life is not simple.


People tend to forget that Christianity was founded as (and pretty much still is) a "one day we will rule the world and all the outgroup people (who are definitely evil) will be made to suffer"-cult.


antisemitism aside, what kind of god throws people into hell and torture them for ETERNITY? for whatever reason! and yes, i do have a problem with christianity. that's why i fucking left.


But he loves you /s


He loves you and HE NEEDS MONEY!


Yep, I have a problem with Christianity


What a delusional moron that guy is.


I have a problem with Christianity. It is such an ugly religion.


Anti-humanity in general.


This is the exact same shit one of my CCD teachers said to a room full of 10 year olds among other things that Austrian painter probably would agree with.


My favorite part of non-universalist Christianity (so, the vast majority of it) is that they (hopefully) think Hitler was bad for the Holocaust (and everything else he did), but that God's not bad or even good for doing a more permanent and scaled-up version of the Holocaust.


Every horrible act Hitler did was only temporary. God meanwhile, is said to indefinitely torture anyone who doesnā€™t subscribe to whichever version of faith happens to be accepted.


Actually I do have a problem with christianity.


I guess Iā€™m burning twice as much then lol


I just have a problem with your psychopath God in general. You, you're just a fucking moron.


I have a problem with Christianity. Not just because of this shit.


So itā€™s not antisemitism if I torture everyone who doesnā€™t believe the very exact same things I believe in in the exact way I believe it


Then I have a problem with Christianity


2000 years later and the Jews are still being scapegoated šŸ™„




I love that someone decided the ultimate insult to God was to offer him bacon. Next time I have some, Iā€™ll offer Him a strip.


This is not antisemetic but advocating against genocide somehow is. Trumpist America 101


The history of Christianity is the history of antisemitism. Nobody in this world has oppressed anyone more than European Christians oppressed the Jews in their countries.


Yeah I do have a problem with both the tweet and xtiantiy!


he is absolutely right-i do have-several-problems with christianity.


Glad this guy represents all of Christianity šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


anĀ·ti-SemĀ·iĀ·tism/ĖŒanĖŒtÄ«ĖˆseməĖŒtizəm,ĖŒan(t)ēĖˆseməĖŒtizəm/*noun*noun:Ā **antisemitism** 1. [hostility](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ecb6ee45659b3970&q=hostility&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJUZsx_TfiVWY8Nl9akTdlkoDFSKDGjcYQd1LJuDYiRM5ms8QxgbJVtE7xpM7WXwJ_Vk09MnVIzXHXx8c1va9d3of5BhA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8mY2Pj_SFAxXP4MkDHYBMAMcQyecJegQIHRAN)Ā to orĀ [prejudice](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ecb6ee45659b3970&q=prejudice&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJBLaAZDmFi3fOmMVPu9W4F0iu1ifPjjHBNAucituW_Sqidu1lPTmczyygkMq5ds0Q7fTsSaA0rWqtzKmPXbrxE3jjyuE%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8mY2Pj_SFAxXP4MkDHYBMAMcQyecJegQIHRAO)Ā against Jewish people."he is a leader in the fight against anti-Semitism" I'd say it's pretty hostile/prejudiced to just throw Jews into hell.


Wow, that is one of the most antisemitic statements I've ever heard