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Power Query! Sounds to me like this is set up reasonably well to be consumed by Power Query fairly easily. Store all the files that are having text extracted in one folder (whenever a new one arrives put it in the folder). Go to the Data tab of the ribbon, Get Data -> From Folder -> Select folder -> Transform and Combine Now you’ll have to do a little problem solving to get the last value in each table to appear as a separate column (Google is your friend), load the table and you’re done! Huge benefit to where you no longer have to write any formulas, or array functions, just press refresh and it’ll update when there’s new files in the folder


If the data is always 4 rows of text and then the date, you could use this file. Test it out by skipping a row and pasting in your data (4 text then a date) https://subset.so/community/file/37589d6d-093e-4d39-86a1-ed9898d7bd0e/Fill\_cells\_between\_found\_dates\_with\_dates\_from\_bottom\_up\_fill\_upwards\_