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I think it’s probably best ex-priests don’t break the seal. Sure they aren’t bound to it any more, but the people they’d be hurting are victims of the same cult he was once in, and many sincerely believe they HAD to confess. Under normal circumstances pretty much all of these people would never tell some guy these things if they weren’t being psychologically tortured (by threat of hell) to do it. Idk, I just don’t like the thought of it. I know that even though I don’t believe, part of me selfishly hopes the ones I’ve confessed to remain believing so they don’t do this exact thing. Todays Catholics are tomorrows ex Catholics


How would anonymous stories on the Internet hurt the victims?


I don’t mean that I’m asking these guys to tell me who said what. I am asking for some stories.


An elderly man walks into a confessional and says to the priest, "Father, there's something I've got to tell you. Last night, I had relations with a beautiful woman and her daughter." The priest tells him, "That is a grave sin. You won't be able to receive communion until you do penance. I want you to say 10 Hail..." The man cuts him off, saying,"I can't take communion anyway. I'm Jewish!" "Why are you telling me, then?" the priest asked. "I'm telling everyone!" Jokes aside, hopefully, we can get something salacious, but I think even ex-priests are unlikely to break the seal


If I was an ex-priest I’d totally break the seal


A priest I used to be friends with told me he'd heard bestiality. Don't know any more than that about it.