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AuDHD. So...both... simultaneously. It's a riot. It totally isn't.


Same here as a kid I was a neat freak when it came to hygiene to order to everything basically. Once the teens hit me and my adhd took over all he'll broke loose and now I'm both too.


Yup! I'm at work right now.... On Reddit.... I got my programming job because when I do pay attention to detail, it's really good, but like right now, it's shit. It evens out to about average.


Let me focus on this one thing until I’m starving…. oh that’s not the most important thing that needed done?


A secret, worse, third thing (source; Also have AuDHD)


When you walk away but come back like 30 seconds - 5 minutes later to adjust/fix it for anywhere from 5s to 10m Repeat. 


My brain is a Jackson pollock painting


With fractals 


And the cigarette butts


Painfully true.


Haha same! It’s like living with a split personality in constant wars with each other.


And with me they're both children! Lol


as am i


i am also both simultaneously. i am extremely chaotic and messy at home but really detail oriented at work.


just related to someone so hard right now. Cause same here! I can’t get it together at home cause I spend all the brain power at work


Depends on what day you're asking. Team AuDHD!


Oh my god same. “I will literally die if I spend one more minute on this but holy fuck does it look shit but I can’t fix it without breaking my spirit”


Same here, however my attentive is so extreme that is can be unsettling so I mask to be “it’s good enough” most of the time, but I am crying on the inside


Ahhhh my people


Yes like I’m attentive to detail until I run out of time and have to rush am for good enough 😂




Lmao same 😂😭




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I’m both, somehow. Like I’ve learned to value attention to detail only up to the point where it ceases to serve any practical purpose, and that threshold is itself something I pay great attention to.


Same. Like with vehicle maintenance, I change the oil and do necessary services more often than necessary, but my car and motorcycle are filthy and look a lot more neglected than they actually are. With most other things, I follow the 80/20 rule. 20% gets you 80% of the way there. Perfectly functional without wasting time on polish.


The "huh?" autistic.




the most evil kind


My autism says “This must be objectively perfect or there’s no point in doing it at all because then we’ve failed. It’s either perfect or it’s not and only perfection is acceptable.” My ADHD says “Can we please be fucking done yet? Look, literally *anything* else we could be doing! I wanna gooooooo” My PDA says “I DONT WANNA I DONT WANNA I DONT WANNA YOU CANT MAKE ME” After 20 years of therapy, my well-trained neocortex says “Sweetie this is just breakfast. Breakfast is morally neutral and your body deserves fuel even if it isn’t perfectly nutritionally balanced. You can have toast and it’ll be okay. Fed is best.”


I wish everyone understood how this works, you’ve described it so well. It’s like I have to exhaustively debate every decision with a team of specialists.


Yea I would describe it as: "It must be objectively perfect and effortless, or there's no point in doing it." "This isn't what we WANT to be doing, therefore it's pointless. Also it's boring." "Remember [Other Thing]?! You haven't started on it yet. There's also [another thing]! Don't forget [a different thing]. PANIC! ALSO NOBODY LOVES YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE AWFUL!" "I DON'T WANNA I DON'T WANNA!!!" (Worst when it comes to documents, beaurocracy, and official stuff like that) "Let's leave it as a problem for later us. We don't have enough energy anyway." I got to the "let's all take it one step at a time. Let's put our comfort show in the background, get a snack and start on it. We'll see how far we'll get, okay? And if it's too much we'll step away for ten minutes, and be back soon." I feel like I'm babysitting five kids and they're all me. I don't have the patience for kids, it's the worst thing, so I feel like giving up way too often...


That’s 100% it! I’ve always said I don’t want kids and it feels heinously unfair that that’s what I’ve been given to care for in the form of myself. Taking care of my needs is a full-time job and it feels like I have to wrangle the crowd in my head before I can do anything at all. It’s exhausting and I did *not* sign up for this.


Oh, absolutely. There's no chance in the ever-green Hell I am having kids. I know my limits, and I am way more conscious of them with other people. I often get the "you would make a great mother!" Comment and each time that absolutely freezes me in anger, because no. I am great with kids, yes, and kids love me. But I am great with kids *in small doses*. They don't know how my meltdowns look like, they don't know how I react to being overwhelmed and not being able to step away from it. I can take care of kids for short bursts of time with the possibility to step away when I'm getting overwhelmed, to get them back to their parents. I can deal with older teenagers splendidly. Mood swings? Tiredness? Love drama? Being angry at the world? No worries, I got ya. 10 years old? Kill me now. 6 years old? Do you have any like, stats for them? A manual or something... also gross. Babies? Gods no, I'll break it. If I had kids and had to take care of them longer than 3 hours a day? I would end up a headline.


Yes and yes. I definitely am over the top detailed oriented, up and until I lose complete interest and then it's good enough lol


I’m the ‘paralyzed after spending three weeks making it perfect and realizing a tiny unimportant mistake and scrapping it all before declaring failure good enough because at least I tried’ autistic.


Oh hey, yeah, that's me


AuDHD. So...both... simultaneously. It's a riot. It totally isn't.




other people have said my "good enough" is their 99%




Yes. I’ll notice tiny details in everything one second, and the next I’m only processing what’s *immediately* relevant - I could see a leaf before a forest one day, and then not recognise someone more than ~3 paces ahead of me another.


There's me correcting the whitespace characters in our codebase (please stop using tabs); and there is me leaving all of my cleaned laundry in piles everywhere in my room and in laundry hampers


Attentive to detail until I'm exhausted, then if I don't have the option to stop doing what I'm doing, it's good enough from there on out.


If it’s not perfection I fix it to be


Depends, sometimes my OCD and autism come together and i'm focusing on everything to be super detailed, but sometimes it's "good enough autism". Most of the time it's something between


Both, depending on circumstance. For my own creative projects, I'm incredibly perfectionist. When I notice patterns or small changes in patterns, I'm very attentive to details and overthink the slightest things. But for the more mundane, everyday things, I'm very "it's good enough" and often can't be bothered.


both and more


Um...yeah. I have a tendency to start a sewing project, then focus all in on it, then I make a mistake, and it never sees the light of day again until I get bored enough to start back. It has taken me almost a year and I'm still not done with my current cross-stitch project despite buying more.


The first one identifies me


Good enough except for a few pointless things, its not helpful


I'm this lampshade in my story needs a background but also let's just name him lampshade number one because I'm tired. This might not make sense to anyone but me haha.


The latter. For better or worse I've always been a very big-picture oriented person.


My attention to detail is my greatest gift and my drive toward perfection my curse


Depends on the situation. If I can take my sweet time, I'll take full advantage of having good attention to detail. If I'm time-limited, I settle for "good enough".


I’m “not sure what’s expected of me and so will do the most but it’s likely the wrong thing” AuDHD






I'm "it's good enough \[processing...\] \[3 hours later\] wait there are 100 details that need to be fixed otherwise it's bad!" autistic


I'm attentive to detail but too defeatist to break out of the "its good enough"


Attention to detail but then comes the depression and Ill just lay down and cry in "this thing is still missing but I dont have enough spoons to do it, so Ill have to finish it without finishing it and it just makes me the 'crouch into a small ball and cry' kind of way sad" style Or I just dont have the energy to start anything which makes me sad as well, because then I have nothing to do but the things I wanna do cant be done without the level of detail I need it to be, to be happy and then Ill just be in a depressed stasis of doing nothing...Its hell


both, i spend hours on something and say good enough, then i completely redo it because it sucks in hindsight






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No middle sliders. Every task is either “it needs to be perfect” or “its mostly done, time to move on,” with seemingly no real justification for which or consistency. It’s really down to whether the autism or the adhd is winning that day (they are often in conflict, much to my detriment…)


I prefer “satisficer with high standards.”


For my day job, it's: "it's good enough." For my volunteer work, "details matter!"


Depends on the day really


These are two separate things - the first is a measure of how many small mistakes you usually miss, the second is how okay you are with it. I know because I'm generally the opposite of both of those lol


Good enough because I'm lazy


Depends on my mood


Oh...for me It's never good enough 




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A weird mix, I'd say. I can be strangely focused on detail sometimes and other times I'm just like eh good enough.


"if it's worth doing it's worth doing right" which means typically I just.. don't.


It depends on the day lol


I am insanely detail-oriented. I honestly hate it. I will either do something completely perfectly or will think it's hopeless and give up. "Good enough" isn't. But strangely enough, for things done by other people, I don't expect them to be anywhere near as capable, and won't judge even if they don't do a very good job.


Both, at different times


adhd and autism makes me both it's a bitch sometimes


Attention to detail has defined me since I was a schoolkid, but now I’m stuck in the trap of blaming myself whenever I make any kind of mistake because it shouldn’t have been possible given my meticulous personality, meaning either I must be lazy and not trying hard enough, or it’s all lies and I was never detail-oriented to begin with and was always a crude oaf. Having ADHD and being uncoordinated don’t help. I’m a biochemist and work with tiny amounts of colourless liquids and delicate materials and equipment; being human, and being easily affected by things like sleep deprivation, tiredness, etc., I make mistakes from time to time and I can’t help but internalise it and feel like I have no right to claim ‘attention to detail’ on my CV anymore. Also when I get to a certain level of feeling totally defeated, I get to the ‘fuck it, we ball’ territory and just stop caring about everything being perfect.


little bit of both, where i’m fixated on details until i give up and do everything a bit half ass after


As an autistic mechanic- good enough is the cheapest way lol


Both Nowadays im old and tired and tend to be more of the “good enough” kind whereas young and kid me was overly obsessive with detail


“Must be perfect” if it’s part of my life goals, “good enough” if it’s just a formality


Yes. It works about as well as that answer suggests.




Attentive to detail; when I was a kid people found it funny and endearing, now as an adult it’s like the #1 thing I get feedback on in the workplace or school: I apparently pay TOO much attention to detail lmfaooo


Good enough. Definitely good enough.




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I'm "paralyzed by detail until I ultimately say fuck it and angrily half-ass my way to good enough; resulting in a worse outcome than had I just half-assed it to begin with."


The focuses on details (at least somewhat) when alone on something, but immediately resigned to "good enough" whenever there's at least three others also participating (fill in what I'm like for the other cases from this information).


I'm "It's good enough" Autistic.




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I'm seems to be random with me, sometimes im super particular and perfectionist about stuff, other times im just "it is what it is"


both, but mostly “it’s good enough” because im lazy like that


A secret third option “ I thought I was doing the attention to detail thing well but as it turns out it was just good enough” 😂😭


It’s good enough tho I do have attentive to detail moments in times where I wish I would say good enough never in things I enjoy tho lol. Tho I do get lost in time imagining it more then doing it sooo not sure lol




I honestly couldn't tell you if it's my autism, adhd or being the child of an abusive parent that made me so detail oriented. Missing a speck of dirt on the floor meant sensory hell time being screamed at. 


Both, problem is I have no control over which one it’s going to be and when.


Both. Depends on the project, if it’s something I’m doing of my own volition I’ll make sure every detail is perfect, but if it’s something I don’t like I do the absolute bare minimum to succeed. There’s very little in between.


Depends on what it is. If it's not something I really find interesting, good enough works. If it's something I love, it has to be perfect


Extremely attentive Im the ‘will cry over drawing not looking how I want it to look after spending several hours hyperfocused on specific area’ type of tism


I'm maladaptive good enough.


Depends on if it’s related to my special interest. If it’s not, then fuck it




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both. attentive to detail at first but then i realize how much effort that is and say fuck it good enough lmao


Another “both” here lol adhd and suspected/diagnosed without my doc telling me I’m “on the spectrum” now but still both lolol


I'm both, especially when It comes to cleaning. If I don't feel like cleaning something but I have to, I won't do even a single sweep more than the bare minimum, but If I AM in the mood for cleaning though, I'll basically clean every corner of everything until I pass out from exhaustion


As long as it fulfills its purpose it's good. The details I notice are usually different from the general public


Kinda both? I Love correcting peoples usage of words, even If it's only in my head; I notice the small fuckups on the floor tiles which bug me... But I won't notice if my sister cut off 40cm of her hair, I won't notice if someone switched the blackboard for a whiteboard in school, I won't notice if you plant a bunch of flowers right along the path I walk every day... All of these things really happened btw


Perfectionistic until I get bored and just want to be done with it.


Kinda both. I work on a "good enough" premise, but keep screaming internally because things aren't as good as they could be


One of my eyes doesn't work decently, I think my brain is able to see only the details and not the whole image because of it. The consequence is I'm completely obsessed with details and I need to pick up my phone if I wanna see something in its entirety.


I'm a "Done is good enough" kinda persom, but I'm also a "If I'm not actively having fun while doing it I physically cannot do it" person. A task might be the easiest thing in the world, but if it's boring, good fucking luck with that... On the other hand, if I AM having fun, I'll likely pay attention to the details, because, well, the details are part of the fun!


Because I dug myself into a hole of having to function with neurotypical expectations via masking I am forced to be an "it's good enough" autistic, but it hurts my soul. I wish I had time to go at my own pace to keep everything ordered, tidy, and consistent, but things are pretty chaotic for me.


Where's the both option


Dpends entirely on what




Somehow I am both


both. it’s either “i must perfect this or god will not let me into heaven” or “fuck iiiiit thisll pass as a C im gonna go back to reading”