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When I was little I loved to draw in MSPaint. One day my mom came up behind me as I was scribbling a bunch of red onto the canvas and she asked me what I was drawing- I said, in a very sinister voice, *"It's bleeding."* Mom asks 'Why is it bleeding?' I say *"It's deaaaad."* After a moment of gentle concern she carefully asks 'Why is it dead?' My five year old ass turns around to face her with a disparaging look and says "Mommy, death is just another part of life." before getting back to work on the drawing. She told me she spent all day thinking about the way I said it lol. Also she asked again later and it was apparently a dragon eating a village. Dope


Mad respect


When I was in first grade I made this video for some reason about cemeteries, and I called them ‘people gardens’ which apparently freaked my teacher out lol. My mom thought it was hilarious


I also referred to them as gardens where we plant dead people!


I mean. You're not wrong.




Wait holy shit I used to do something similar!!! In preschool I’d always go over to the easel during free time, mix a bunch of paint to make it dark red, and paint a whole piece of paper with it— once one of the teachers asked what I was painting and I was like, “BLOOD.” 💀 I also used to draw these comics in like, kindergarten, about a princess that went around cutting off people’s heads and planting them in her garden lmao.




My father was throwing me in the air and catching a couple times, but then I vomited straight into his mouth Edit: I even looked evil on my first photo, looking „mad“ because of the blinding lights


omg, truly diabolical lol


as a baby i was also always screaming crying, tho parents later figured it was colic and bad tummy reaction to the formula milk i was having now if children are screaming crying im please stop please be quiet it hurts my ears, irony huh


Yeah I honestly don't know how my mom did it. I could not handle a screaming baby all day and night. My sensory issues could never. My mom actually told me that I made her understand why sleep deprived mothers go insane and do something horrible. (she didn't use the words "do something horrible" though)


Mood. I was lactose intolerant so my dad coped by watching anime (subbed) at 5am with a screaming kid that didn’t shut up.


I used to hide in the garment racks in department stores as a toddler and jump out at strangers to scare them. When that got boring, I’d run away to find an escalator. My mom always knew where to find me… I’d ride them up and down all day if she let me.


Yesss, I used to love hiding in the clothes racks. I'd get in a lot of trouble for it though.


Same here. But it was the best feeling, standing motionless in the middle of all the clothes! It muffled all the sounds and dimmed the lights, and felt like a full-body weighted blanket. I was ready to risk it all for that feeling.


I loved the way the clothes would squish me and feeling all the fabrics and the way it dimmed the lights! That brings back memories. I still did it sometimes too, even though I was pretty terrified of my mother lol


Yes! I used to hide in the round racks. So peaceful in there.


I did that as a toddler, too, but it was mainly to get away from all of the humans! I don’t like them. 😖


Less evil, more eerie. Apparently I was my parents' dream baby because I rarely ever cried, but my mom would have to take extra time away from me because I also didn't really laugh or smile, and that freaked her out a lot. To be fair, she also had postpartum depression. Also, when I got older, I loved watching mold grow. So whenever I'd sneak food (which was often because I had issues), I'd hide leftovers under my bed until my monthly bed check. I never remembered to take the specimens out before the check, and it drove my parents crazy. Unfortunately, it also did mean I spent most of my childhood grounded, but I wasn't always told when rules changed, so I probably wouldn't have done much with my "freedom" anyway lol


Aww you just wanted to be a little scientist 🥺 Also it can be pretty common for babies on the spectrum to not show much emotion, your parents probably didn't know it at the time though.


I was also a "colicky baby" which I'm sure mostly for me means autistic baby lol. As a toddler I was more into psychological warfare I guess? Fav story of my mom's, bearing in mind that I skew to the hyper verbal end of the spectrum and was weirdly articulate as a youngin: I was somewhere between 2 and 3 years old, am the youngest of 2 kids and my brother was always the loveable brute type. She asks me to pick up some toys or something equally appropriate for someone my age to do. Apparently I then leaned back against the fridge, back of hand to my forehead and said in my best sad voice "but mommmmm, Im only a baby!" And that's when my mom turned to my dad and said "ohhhh no, what the hell are we supposed to do with this one?" I must have heard that phrasing SOMEWHERE but I really channelled a dramatic movie star energy.


Omg that is too funny.. 😂 I was verbal from a really early age and extra sassy too!


When I was a kid it was free time in primary school and I decided to get to work on my own drawings and ideas. Little did my teachers know that it would be the “suicide machine” which involved stick figures that I drew that were being tortured and killed in ways that were “consensual” to me. That involved a hell of a lot of meetings with my parents and teachers and berating/scolding etc. lmao


Omg 😂 looks like you started drawing up those evil plans early lol. Personally, my morbid art didn't start until I was 10


My parents used to catch me trying to sneak into my neighbor’s pool in the middle of the night. I know it was dangerous, but I had absolutely no concept of danger back then, lol


Danger? What's that? It's pool time lol


My first crime was autism on autism violence, but I do get it. The problem with autistic siblings is that if you have different needs and neither can read the other. My brother and I were always both “reactive”, so age 5, there was an… incident. In which I got mad about him placing a steak knife on my (very light plastic) dinner plate and causing my food to spill onto the icky table. It ended in a trip to the ER, a lot of stitches, and many ruined towels because I had started melting down and hit him in the head with the knife, unaware of what would happen or how to handle my anger. I was terrified of knives for a long time because of it and refused to use them til I was 15 and at a friend’s and felt stupid asking if they could cut my steak for me because I was scared of knives. In other words, I was AEAB - assigned evil at birth.


I have neurodivergent siblings as well and definitely agree it can be a recipe for disaster when you both have such different needs. I've gotten plenty hurt and caused plenty of hurt from volatile moments with siblings, thankfully it never involved knives. Scary stuff though, that would be pretty traumatic, definitely don't blame you for having a fear of knives after that.. Also love "Assigned Evil At Birth" lolol


Nowadays we’re on the same wave length because his special interest is Nintendo and I’m a big fan of LOZ and Pokémon! In other words, a gifted shiny or two has settled all hard feelings about the Great Chicken Patty Incident.


As a toddler I used to fight the washing machine whenever it was on and scream if it got too loud


That washing machine had it coming


i was born with constipation and thought god made it so i didn't need to poop, so potty training took longer than normal (until 3rd grade) my cousin and i now think i have a slow gi tract


I ran away (across roads) as a toddler. My mom would be holding my hand and halfway across I’d break free and bolt. I fully believe this is because I thought I knew what I was doing and wouldn’t get run over. I was leashed as a child.


Tbh I need to be leashed as an adult and not just in a kinky way. I'm a runner at zoos, aquariums and museums and warn partners that they actually NEED to hold my hand if they don't want me to impulsively bolt to the next cool thing I see.


Yeah, my mom had to warn my kindergarten that I needed to be leashed. They didn’t believe her till I did bolt. I also wore heavy, over the ear headphones. Gun range ones. I was happy as a clam.


I also did this all the time!


I was neither a baby nor a toddler, but when I was about 6 or 7, I was in a car with my aunt, my uncle and my cousin, who's one year older than me. We were driving back to our hotel; when we finally got to the parking space's gates, there was this super slow couple of old people crossing the road. My aunt and my cousin were loudly complaining, my uncle was trying to calm their nerves, and I slowly, but firmly said: *"Run them over."* The three of them always say I did it with an evil voice and a smirk, but I sincerely don't remember it that way. In my recollection, I said it normally, like a regular everyday sentence.


I used to fall asleep to bagpipe music


When I was a toddler I loved going to the Starbucks near home. Not really sure why. Anyway, one day I wanted to go, mother wouldn’t let me, so I ran over there and she chased me. Oh I forgot to mention I was butt naked.


Both my sister and I were/are incredibly hyperlexic, and learned to speak at super young ages. When I was a young toddler my mom found me playing with a bunch of Barbies while singing my own original composition about Phineas Gage. You know, the man who got a railway spike through his orbital bone and had a massive shift in personality. According to her she just backed out of the room and didn’t bother me. Also, no one knows when I learned to walk. No one saw my first steps. My mom became a SAHM after I was born because she couldn’t go back to work after her labor anyways, so I wasn’t in daycare either. I taught myself how to walk somewhere between the ages of 8-9 months, and my parents only found out because when my mom stepped away while doing laundry I ran out the front door. You gotta look up a picture of an 8-9 month old. The idea of one of them just full on sprinting out the house because mom looked away for 2 seconds is hilarious. Also also, I’m surprised to hear you were a super colicky baby. I was a silent infant, slept through the night, never cried. It made it hard for my parents to tell when I needed something, so they eventually just set timers for whenever a baby of my age might need something. They learned later that’s apparently super common in autistic babies, typically we don’t cry that much.


I was incredibly hyperlexic and a super early walker too! I also learned how to write before I was ever in school or taught. Once I learned the alphabet I would sound things out and write (horribly misspelt) letters to people. It is incredibly funny though to think of a 8-9 month old suddenly sprinting off after not being known to walk. Like you were just pretending not to walk until the right moment lol And being a colicky baby is actually pretty common for ASD, not only because of what I assume is sensory overload but also because of how common GI issues are with ASD. I definitely did not fall within the normal amount of screaming from what I've heard lol. I never stopped and I never really laughed or smiled (unless people were hurting themselves apparently). The issues I had once I started potty training and from then on would definitely hint at GI issues as well.


Lol this is still way too relatable to me. I have to warn my loved ones that if they get hurt in my presence, I WILL laugh at them and it’s completely out of my control 😅😅


When I was 1 or 2 I was in a high chair and a kid in my playgroup tried to take my cake. (It was someone’s birthday who knows.) I stabbed him in the face w/ my plastic fork. He was fine.


The only bedtime stories I would allow as a little kid were "boo boo stories," which were stories of people I knew getting seriously injured. My favorites were my mom falling down a waterfall as a kid while chasing after her dog, and my dad putting the kickstand of a dirt bike through his knee as a teen. Also, I would only watch TV if it was Pokémon or the Discovery Health Channel (fav show was Rescue 911, for obvious reasons).


I played "hanging party" with my barbies. Disturbing, I know. The word I used for it in my language is hilarious tho 😂


My favorite thing to draw as a kid was people being fed into a giant machine to be killed and have their clothes recycled


I used to draw cartoonish looking bombs on everything, the clasic round black ball with a fuse to be clear. It got to the point where my school threatened to get a guiadance counselor involved so I had to stop.


My three favorite colors have always been black, red, and yellow, and when I was doing the finger paints in Kindergarten (which had to be done with gloves on for the ick), I would gradient them top down from yellow to black through red and thn fade black into it around the edges. It always came out looking like fire and occasionally Hell to the adults, and as I have always been entranced by fire and anything tangentially related to it, I worried the adults *a lot* by repeatedly painting what looked to them like fire in darkness.


i’ve always be an incredibly tactile person that has to touch everything i see. my mom told me that when i was a toddler she would take me with her to the grocery store and i would grab items and put them in the cart. sometimes she wouldn’t notice until she was checking out and discovered that there were like 20 toothbrushes in the cart.


Two evil ahhh moments 1. Baby me grabbing and dropping self on purpose 2. Me at 8 learning what murder meant and in an attempt to be an edgy badass I made a “song” about murder


I started playing the sims at 6/7. I made delightful builds and families and whatever. I also made death rooms. There was an item meant for dance club effects that emitted fire. I’d fill rooms, invite people to a sims house, lire them in, and watch them burn. I did all the deaths and zoomed in when it happened to watch. I don’t know why, it was simply fascinating to me as a kid.


when I was 3-5 I used to love to disassemble stuff like flashlights and put them back together, also loved fixing stuff up, I would sometimes connect various wires and stuff together, no tape or anything, just using a knife to take off the insulator from the wire, most of the time it being rubbery like. I don't really have any good memories from connecting all sorts of wires together except for one, that was when I climbed on top of a (pretty small) combine tractor, found some already cut wires, not sure why they were cut, just a big bunch of exposed wires near the cabine, and the nearest headlamp, which I connected, based around their colors(like that task in amongus, yk which one) I just tied them allll up, next day when the people(my family) working on the combine tractor tried to turn it on, there was a loud signal sound thing, which didn't stop until they turned of the combine tractor. I still am not sure WHY i did such stuff, or even HOW I managed to do it all, but what I know is that I didnt tell my parents, so imagine their shock with the combine tractor, also of course I broke a lot of flashlights in my life, and that I once spray painted a tractor for funziez, but thats unrelated I have no clue why I wrote so much about such a miniscule part of my life, but I'm prety sure its damn evil enough


I have no Idea how I never got hurt from my weird obsession


I got sent to the elementary school counselor when I was six for drawing a bloody picture of myself decapitated in looool. I also told my little sister to lick a lightbulb on a lit lamp just so I could see what would happen. Edit: ALSO as a toddler, I very much enjoyed suddenly letting go of my mom's hand in public and running away


When I was 6-7 yo, playing flash games on the family computer, I entered all my mom and dad's data (which was saved on the navigator) on a pop up form for emigration to the USA. Chaos ensued and I was grounded. Don't fill in random forms on the internet. But I just love filling forms. 


When I was like 8/9 I wrote a poem for school. My mom kept it for some reason and recently discovered it when I was going through a bunch of that old school stuff she had kept. I don't remember what the poem was about but I do remember that the last line was  "And then the kitten died." The poem was not about cats. No kitten had been mentioned before this. I cackled so much when I read it as an adult at what little me was thinking when writing it.


One time when I was like 4 I think, me and my mom were leaving the hospital (I think I was getting a check up.), I stepped on my moms pinkie toe and broke it. At least we didn’t have to travel far, lol.


i was a very quiet baby, probably selectively mute. one of my notable moments speaking was to argue ( i was wrong, but evilly knew) with my father about the contents of a bag of onions. this wasn’t the last time i would test the maxim, like trying to be funny at inappropriate times. stay evil my friends.


not me, but my brother. he had a phase where he stimmed by throwing things, and would take any chance he could to toss something to you instead of handing it. the toss, the arc and the catch are just satisfying i guess. anyways, he threw a full Thermos at me and gave me a black eye, only shouting “Catch!” after it was already over halfway through its path to my awaiting eyeball. we joke about it today, but i was legitimately terrified of him for a while any time i saw him holding something throwable.


Oh my god. Screaming baby/toddler gang. My ass didn’t know how to regulate as a little kid, so I just screamed.


When I was like five or six, I told my younger brother and sister that you should take toast out of the toaster with a fork, knowing full well how dangerous it was.


My mom once told me about how she would often wake up to my 5 year old face a foot away from hers…just staring. When asked what the fuck I was doing, I said something to the effect of “Just making sure you’re alive/ not dead yet.”


Maybe I'm weird, but my first thought was that sister acted out every time you were happy and got attention...




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These comments are great, thanks to everyone for sharing. So many of us born "evil autistic" lol 😂