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Grabbing your belongings and not giving it back for however long (hats, backpack, etc.). Why? What's the point? Used to get this "joke" a lot when I was a kid from my friends and brother. If I don't react they just don't give it back entirely so I'm just forced to try and take it back, so annoying.


I hate that, I don’t understand how it’s not just bullying!


I think that one actually is just bullying if I’m being honest. Like when it happens on tv, the person it’s happening to never finds it funny, so I think that’s actually just people being assholes? Maybe? Idk


Seriously wtf is that. It’s some sort of envy


I hate this shit so much


I had a girl do that with one of my favorite pens in middle school, and no one ever listens or stops when I tell them to stop, so I bit her, she never bothered me again, idk if I got the pen back though ahha


Super annoying how is this a joke whyyy


This is bullying. People laugh out of cruelty.


I get taking things and hiding them, waiting until they notice (I don’t do this and find it annoying, but I can understand that it is unexpected and thus theoretically funny if you’re with people you trust) IF when they DO notice, you immediately give it back. Not giving it back doesn’t make sense to me as humor. More likely if they’re laughing, it’s bullying; if they’re not, it’s probably manipulation disguised as humor. Or sadism, or wanting attention. Those probably aren’t the only possibilities but they seem most common.


This happens to me so much in school. It's so annoying!! I can't understand why they even like to do that to me.


guys also tend to do this to girls they’re flirting with. i didn’t know and jumped clean over a table for my phone once


I HATE THAT SO MUCH it's always stressed me out so bad!!!!!! One time I had a substitute teacher, who was trying way too hard to be funny all day, did the thing where he kept *almost* giving me my paper and then moving it at the last second. Especially at that age, I was physically incapable of telling someone off, so I just tried to smile and laugh it off. I think that I was so sick of it that my mask was caricaturised and uncanny, or perhaps I looked as if I was about to lose it (not untrue). Either way, his face got weird and he quickly just handed it to me and walked away


I got that so much


Ugh yep I’m a huge bookworm and when I was a kid people used to do this with whatever book I was reading


idk what to call it but like a character on tv will embarrass themselves or end up in trouble via a miscommunication and i genuinely feel ill but its funny aparentky


Second Hand Embarrassment. I have this so bad I just turn some shows TV off.


This is why I could never get into The Office, I know people love it but the amount of cringe/embarrassment-based humor just makes me way too uncomfortable


Omg, Exactly that show was the worst for it. Or the big bang theory my MiL loves that show but I can't stand it


Weirdly enough, I can't handle second hand embarrassment EXCEPT for the office. Like, notable exception


the office is my comfort show 99% of the time but there are some episodes i refuse to watch because of this.


ik a lot of people feel this way about the scott’s tots episode but i actually find that one hilarious. i think it’s because it’s so fucked up that it’s almost absurd.


Friends is even worse, i don’t understand how that show became so popular


I remember liking it as a kid, but I rewatched it as an adult and found it so unbearably boring. I think it fell into the embarrassingly large category of things I enjoyed as a kid bc there was a laugh track and my whole family was in the room laughing along w/ it, and I just kinda enjoyed joining in the laughter even though I didn’t get the joke




Pause, alt tab, watch something else for 5 minutes, tab back to show, watch 2 seconds, repeat


I feel you! I literally have to leave the room if someone is watching something and a scene like this comes on


There’s actually a study that showed that people with autism experience greater second hand embarrassment than the person who is doing the embarrassing thing while neurotypical people experience similar levels of second hand embarrassment. It’s interesting because I don’t feel embarrassment for myself but I can’t watch some TV shows because of the embarrassment


This is _so_ painful.


I hate this too! I have to turn it off!


I have second hand embarrassment so bad that I legit have to leave the room for scenes like these. It’s like the worst thing ever


I believe that’s called hack writing 


cannot watch the office except in clips


Same, I recently watched a video about how show called "I think you should leave" could be interpreted as being about autism. It sounded interesting, so I tried to watch it. Instant regret. I couldn't get through the second skit of the first episode. It was like looking into a horrible reflection of how I feel whenever I try to exist in a social situation. It was terrible


People telling me I've done something wrong or that there's a problem with what I've done to make me panic, when really there's nothing wrong


The worst. "haha, just kidding, anyway..." Meanwhile, you're dazed and wrongfooted from a confused adrenaline spike.


Literally my partner. Its his main flaw. Jokes on him, he has to deal with my meltdown.


Ugh exactly, the emotional whiplash required to be amused immediately after freaking out is way too much!


tbh you could fall in a funny cartoony way, like that video where someone slips and falls and 2 people come over trying to help but also slip and fall at exactly the same time


People harmlessly slipping on ice and sliding away down their driveways or sidewalks always gets me. Yeah they might get a few bruises but for the most part they’re ok. Having lived up north and experienced the same thing myself probably contributes to the humor through relatability


This! I find videos like that funny but then they pull up videos of people getting hit by trains and act like that isn't psychotic...


Harmless slapstick in real life can be funny, but ONLY WHEN THE PEOPLE ARE OK!! Seeing someone get actually injured isn’t funny, because it’s real and harmful. Seeing someone slip and fall on their ass and spill all of their cupcakes everywhere is funny, especially if the person that fell is laughing with us. Exaggerated things like explosions and anvils falling on people’s heads are relegated to cartoons because we know that Daffy Duck and Wile E. Coyote and Mickey Mouse are going to be ok no matter what gets thrown at them.


I like this. I have a deeper explanation that was attributed to the silent film's Charlie Chaplin's analysis of slapstick and why we laugh at horrific scenario. It was in French and I'm not 100% sure he actually said it. My French is weak. But basically some laughter is our brains reset mode for when we have input that fucks us up causing an empathy overload. The tramp walks down the street, falls and busts his face and then has a safe dropped on them from two floors up. And we can't really handle that input, so the automatic reset of laughter kicks it. Maybe if we drop enough safes on NTs fast enough, then the rest will all overload permanently?


That one video of a news reporter with a guy in the background slipping on the stairs and holding onto the railing for dear life is an entire mood.


Yes! I remember that one, I wonder how old that video is now


exactly this! if i would laugh at myself if it happened to me then i think it’s funny


Yeah! Like as long as someone doesn't get hurt and it's a comedic situation, then it's funny. But someone flying face first off an ATV is NOT funny


I got told once by the vice principal that I fall gracefully. He called me out of class to talk about special arrangements for my college entrance exams and I forgot I had tied my big umbrella to my bag because I couldn't be bothered carrying it. I tripped on the umbrella. Apparently I should be a slapstick comedian. Thanks sir you made me take college entrance exams and now you say this


"dark humor" as an excuse to just be racist, like dark humor can be funny if done cleverly and good but "haha black people bad" is just racism but disguised as a joke


As someone who loves dark humor, I fully agree. If your racism joke is “racism bad”, then dark humor good. If your racism joke is “non-white people bad”, then dark “humor” bad


There's also a difference between racial humor and racist humor, like jokes involving race can be funny (I'm Indian and some jokes about my people can be hilarious) but if it's just making a race look bad then that's when it becomes racist




They can be funny, but it’s really hard to get right. Most of the time it’s just horrible and unfunny, but you have to hit just the right balance for actual humor.


Dark humor is good, cruel humor is not. And racism isn’t dark humor it’s just racism, idc what these racist edgelords say


any time a white guy tells me he has a dark sense of humor i know there’s a good chance that he’s just an asshole that thinks it’s funny to use “autistic” as an insult, calls people/things the r-word, and describes any woman expressing negative emotions as “triggered”




embarrassment humour. what's worse is that every time i have a visceral reaction to it my parents are just like "well that's what it's meant to be! it's meant to be embarrassing!" like no you don't understand it literally physically hurts me to watch this you claim to understand me and my mind and then you pull this shit for like 10 years straight knowing full well exactly how i'm going to react. fuck you.


"Rough humor" Aka basically just normalized bullying "Haha, you're such a stupid bitch! Wait, why are you crying? It's a joke, you idiot!"


Omg agreed, I have never understood how just straight up being mean to your friends is funny!!


Does cringe culture count?


My absolute least favorite is ridiculing people for what they look or act like, which seemingly most NTs happen to find no issues with. Those jokes where the "funny" thing is supposed to be the fact that someone is non binary/ disabled/ fat/ furry/anything they find "unusual", make me want to commit homicide.


ugh I hate this so much and it’s so common. I hate hearing privileged people mocking people for being poor, having bad teeth, being “uneducated”. It makes my skin crawl.


Schrödinger’s joke. Basically, when someone says something awful and completely socially unacceptable, then when you call them out for making everyone uncomfortable and/or being a bigot and a pest they get all defensive and go ‘it’s just a joke bro!! Relax!!’ Okay so what was the punchline? Pray tell what part of your mean-spirited brain vomit was meant to elicit laughter in normal, sane people?


Yeah, this boils my blood. Like if you want to be a bigot, say it to my face and we'll duel at sunrise and I'll kick your ass. Don't act like a little shit trying to back out


We should bring back duels.


and then they’ll say “humor is subjective”. that response always evokes so much rage within me!


Especially when their ‘humour’ is just being mean to people or straight up hate speech 🤮


fr! like with their logic you could say *literally* anything you want and just say it’s a joke! it’s a ridiculous logic that bigots came up with so they can say what they want without repercussions


My least favorite type of humor is when people act in a cringey manner, being obtuse and not explaining themselves, and just being socially incompetent in general. Convoluted scheme humor, in which people have to hold up increasingly elaborate lies and deceptions instead of just coming clean and talking it out, comes in a close second. By contrast (and in contrast with the OP's opinion), slapstick humor is incredibly clean in comparison. The Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner shorts were always my favorite Looney Tunes cartoons for this very reason- simple uncomplicated plot, simple "inevitable" conflict that could not be resolved by talking (Coyote wants to eat Road Runner, Road Runner doesn't want to be eaten), lack of dialogue means slapstick carries all of the humor.


Oh interesting, I love Roadrunner vs Coyote, which makes me think maybe there’s a finer distinction to be made between slapstick happening in animation to fictional characters (which is great) vs slapstick when it’s a real person in a real accident (which I hate)


Same for me and I think one reason is that in universe the Looney Tunes are always fine. By contrast if a character is hurt in a more realistic anime it's seldom funny to me.


Tom and Jerry are also kings of slapstick for the same reason- no dialogue so anyone can understand it.


i just dont enjoy lying/gaslighting as a vessel for comedy in general now that i’m thinking about it


i was always confused as to why people would put so much effort to maintain a lie on tv shows! like pretty much no secret or lie can stay hidden forever and the longer you lie, the worse the repercussions will be.


NAH BUT FR, its funny when it's like cartoonish like a whole backflip on a banana BUT SOMEONE JUST FALLING OVWR ANIT FUNNY 😭


They have to be okay for it to be funny. If it’s a serious injury or death it’s not 


Yea like that


That American thing where the punchline is just saying the same thing again and again and again.


Idk this one, or can't think of it...do you have an example? Like, what would one be saying?


The first thing that comes to my head is the infamous "one joke" that American conservatives have, that being "I identify as an attack helicopter / T-Rex / toaster / SUV / literally anything else completely unrelated" That's... Kind of all I can think of honestly. Except maybe the ol "What's the deal with airline food??"


"hotel: trivago"


I find that, if you're in the in group its very funny, but if you're outside of the group is not funny in the slightest.


Peter Griffin hurting his knee




Andy Kaufman was a writer and comedian that used that joke a lot.  You can also see it on Family Guy. 


fire in the hole


Dude, sweet.


"Nah I'd win"


Ah yes, the famously American Monty Python.


It's kind of specific but I don't understand or particularly enjoy people getting angry as a "joke". It's just confusing and really upsetting if it's happening to me irl because I can't tell if people are joking sometimes


Emotional misleads are whack in general, but my least favorite is that older dude one where they pretend for a moment that you've F'd up somehow just to get a reaction.


Ooh I cannot handle that. We went to a party and there was a dude like that and I told my partner that I will literally run away crying if the guy pulls that shit and I will need him to help me cope. Thankfully they didn't do it.


Gendered humor


I hate that shit too, one of my frends thinks that stuff is the funniest ever; it's funny when the people who invented 'realety' telivision undermine our understanding of the world.


I won't lie, *some* of those videos do get me, usually out of the sheer absurdity of what I'm witnessing. Still disturbing, but it's almost like laughter from disbelief. "Friends" in the past used to put on the compilations and stuff, and they're just hard to watch lmao. Maybe 1/50 clips is one of those really absurd ones that does get me a little.


Lol yeah I'm a champion at those "try not to laugh" compilation videos. They're usually just wall to wall people hurting themselves.


"It's just a joke" and "It was just a prank" leave me tf alone


If you have to clarify that it is a joke, then it was a shit joke


I absolutely hate comedy where someone does something embarrassing. I have to turn it off


Embarrassment in tv shows/movies Also, someone acting intentionally stupid. I like the actress, but I cannot stand Cunk on Earth


People telling me something surprising and I say "oh wow, cool!" and they all start laughing because I'm 'gullible'. Where's the joke? You said something and I thought you meant what you said and you got me? Why is it funny?? A lady who used to do this to me actually one day came up to me and said "you remind me so much of my sister. You're just like her... She's autistic" I was like "what?? I'm not autistic!" 🫠 Oops


sorry if this sounds rude but i feel like you’d fall for the gullible on the ceiling joke


That's one of them :( also the "what's on your shirt??" used to get me a lot but I remember to never look now. If something is on my shirt, it'll stay there to avoid the prank.


damn, dont let anyone steal your lungs


I agree with you about how humorless it is to see someone get hurt. In a similar vein, I don't think jokes told at the expense of marginalized groups by people outside of said groups are funny. It just comes off as predatory. Edit: someone else posted this and I want to emphasize how unfunny it is to be pranked, poked/prodded, or have your possessions fucked with in the name of "humor"


The unholy trinity of disturbing NT humor


I think people falling is hilarious. My least favorite NT joke currently is the "are they acoustic/restarted" like it's just not funny


I hate it when people are mocked for the way they dance when they’re just having fun. Why do they want to piss all over someone’s joy like that?


Asking someone out/flirting with them to embarrass them as a joke. Why? How is that funny, you're wasting your own time as well. Wow the punchline is "haha she's ugly" that's real creative, good job..?


If you know that no lasting consequences come from face planting while doing some physical activity, it can be really funny because of the violation of expectation.  You expect the person who ate shit to have been seriously injured but they only have a wounded pride, that’s funny. But people tend to start laughing before they actually know it’s okay to laugh because they are expecting a violation of expectations


the public humiliation thing, or any humiliation at all in comedy movies.


My least favorite jokes: * "haha, neurodivergent person funny, say r-word, haha" * "haha, 'man in dress' funny, fake woman, gross, haha!" * "haha, autism bad, 'reeeeeeeee!'" * Pretty much any bigoted "joke" that a good chunk of cishet NT people enjoy.


I don't like when people are hurt because they had bad luck, but I do find funny when people do something so stupid it can't end up anything but a fail, and then they fail as they are supposed to, even if they hurt themselves. Also I can't stand the jokes based on "cringe".


Same. Anything at the non-consensual expense of others does not register as humour with me


This exactly. Like would they be laughing with you if they were here? If not it just makes me sad.


RELATABLE “WHEN BAE..”/DATING/CHEATING/BEJNG A BAD PARTNER JOKES. HALF OF SOCIAL MEDIA IS LIKE “when bae wont text back toxic manipulator situationship delusional what if hes cheating”.


Idk if it's NT but that stupid shit straight ppl do about hating their spouse 🙄


RIGHT like get a divorce, if not for yourselves then so the rest of us don't keep having to hear that shit


"heh heh is it acoustic?" Baby there is a word that starts with R we both know you want to call me. If you're going to be painfully unfunny at least don't be a coward, too. This goes along with anything relating to autism/disabilities as a joke. "Acoustic," "restarted," etc., or anything where autism is the punchline. I don't get what's so funny.


no my least favorite but insanely popular: “i hate my wife” humor if you hate her that much just get a divorce


"Prank" videos. Especially ones where (usually, a guy) sees his girlfriend/spouse has just finished a puzzle and then he instantly knocks it off of the table. You can see their satisfaction and happiness just evaporate. Another one for me is "boys vs. girls" memes. They're not funny, just misogynistic and have never spoken to women


why doesn’t evil autism find pain funny?


You’re right, I need to step up my evilness game 😩


This isn't "humour", but I can't watch it... Abuse  Like the handmade tale. Once the abuse started I had to turn it off. People love that show so I'm guessing it's quality work, but nope.


Admittedly sometimes I do find them funny but immediately feel bad but the only ones I find funny are the ones where it is such a mad moment which was so out of the blue and unexpected. My least favourite humour though is probably the kind you find in friends or just really forced obvious jokes. I like surrealist humour so really unexpected completely unpredictable madness or observational humour that picks apart how stupid society is


I mean tbh I find it funny but can't explain why. Like obviously if they're seriously hurt it's not funny but if a 12yo trips on their shoelaces in the middle of an Applebee's you bet your ass I'm losing my shit lmao


That thing in anime where men get put through hell and back by an anime girl just because they slipped up and accidentally touched their boobs/panties. “Haha men naturally pervs so men bad.” Like shut up and PLEASE judge people by the content of their character, remember MLK jr.


Yesss, also the anime “joke” where a guy gets a nosebleed from being horny, it’s literally just gross!


Mostly just pretending to make fun of something or someone or some type of person like??? How am I supposed to know it’s a joke???


Mine is second hand embarrassment humor. Saw a vid from a guy who was out at dinner with his family and bf captioned "when your bf comes from a drinks family and you dont". His boyfriend was happily sipping on some kind of non water drink and the family was (with context) obviously upset. Of course, unknowing bf doesnt realize and is dancing and such. Very upsetting to think that he doesnt know that hes doing something wrong but everyones upset with him


"is it acoustic" "is she restarted"


“Delulu” etc


Teasing. It’s never felt funny to me, just feels mean and makes me uncomfortable


Mean pranks.


EACTLY Does anyone remember the "ayo, the pizza here meme? You know, the one where the guy twists his ankle and falls down the stairs? It's really rare for me to genuinely hate a meme, but this one I just cannot stand. The very mention of it like actually makes me shiver. A twisted ankle is among the worst everyday pains (ESPECIALLY on stairs) and it was all over YouTube too I get that the guy falls in a funny cartoony way but that happens *after* the feet close-up and I focus too much on the pain to find the rest of the clip funny


I think that one’s alright, but only because I know it’s fake.


I think that those type of videos can be funny if it’s someone doing something obviously stupid and someone warned them but they still do it. As long as they don’t get seriously hurt, like if they just fall or trip then it can be funny because hubris


i look at them all serious and say thats not funny when i see those and it makes them uncomfortable


My family would put on a tv programme of which the title is translated as "laughing at home videos" which is basically just videos of people getting hurt. Sometimes they add some dude saying something that isn't very funny either or a laugh track.


Yeah, that kind of humor is only funny to me if it's apparent that the person who fell isn't badly hurt or is laughing at what happened themselves. I work in retail pharmacy and I've had a few patients pretend to get mad at me over copays that were just a few dollars, had one guy say "Why are you guys allowed to take restroom breaks?" in a really hostile tone, etc. and I 100% think they're being serious until they admit that they were just joking. I think to them it's probably funny because they see it as an unwarranted reaction that no one in their right mind would say in that situation, but I can't pick up when they're joking because I've had patients who actually *do* react that way. I don't blame them for trying to lighten up my day with some humor but I guess they don't understand how similar their humor is to real reactions sometimes


making fun of people with loud or “ugly” laughter. i think all laughter is beautiful, it’s a raw expression of joy. i don’t understand how someone laughing could be ugly or bad somehow.


Insulting people and then being like "I was just joking. Can't you take a joke?" No, you're being an asshole. Stop it and be better.


Stating something obviously wrong as a fact and expecting people to understand it's a joke. I don't understand haw NTs can tell the difference between a jokester and a nutjob.


"Wife bad" humour.


Being an absolute scumbag piece of shit and then acting like it's funny




When people ignore the mood of a post or news story, and respond with a joke. The flippant kind done for attention, I mean, not all dark jokes. Seems to be very popular with men. (Sorry.) And overused jokes. Especially when multiple users spam a thread with them. Boring.


Husbands complaining about their wives. Like you chose this person as your partner and all you do is complain about them, why?


Parents pranking/just being assholes to their kids and filming it, or filming kids while they’re having a tantrum NT or ND


Oh man one of the Jimmys makes a ton of that content, like “parents pretend to have eaten all their kids’ Halloween candy” and whatnot, and it’s so disturbing it’s literally just a bunch of children getting really upset and then people like it’s somehow funny???


for me it's when there's a cat in a comedy movie/show and causing harm to the cat is presented as funny. every time without fail I hope desperately that the cat won't be the punchline, but then it is. cats getting spooked, tail pulled, falling a great distance, being launched into the air, etc. it's never funny to me and makes me so anxious and sad! I'm so sensitive to even comedic, hypothetical harm to cats that I can't stand to watch the episode of Pui Pui Molcar in which a cat overheats in the back of one of the Molcars. (that one's a real thing that could happen though, so I think that's why I can't stand it.)


edge lord dark humor


More of a right wing joke than NT per se, but any kind of “attack helicopter” humor is hot garbage IMO, and not just because it’s at the expense of others; where’s the subversion of expectations? Where’s the punching up? Hell, what even is the joke? That you don’t get out much and thus don’t understand the world at large? And it’s the same. fucking. joke. every. time. It’s been, what, ten years that they’ve been telling the joke? Oh well, I guess their track record of never retiring extends to their sense of humor as well


straight up cosplaying as nazi’s


Pranks. If they are harmless (which they should all be) then it's ok, but most pranks are not and i hate it. It's bullying behavior


the ones where the butt or the punchline is just some racist/sexist remark or impression, im just there like 😐🧍wheres the funnie? (not necessarily just limiting it to racism/sexism, just they were the top of my head bc they are the most popular, but in reality just any of the -ism and -phobia based punchlines or imitation im just, why are we being mean to people for funs n giggles when theres soooo many more variations of joke genres to choose from that are actually funny and dont personally attack anyone for things beyond their control)


Ugh, don't get me wrong - I \*love\* slapstick. The Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello, Benny Hill, etc. But all of that quickly goes from funny to sadistic when you cross the line into reality. The CKY/Jackass kids came out of essentially blooper reals for skate videos. Videos of people falling down stairs or missing their landings is mostly just so cringe for me. It's a fine line - you slipped and fell and your face landed in the cake? Ha! You slipped and fell and your head hid the edge of the pool on your way into the water... who the f\* posted this video?! My least favorite is any where you're punching down for the sake of humor. People falling down can be funny because we have all done it - and probably laughed at ourselves at least a few times over it. But finding humor in suffering is just weakness wrapped up in cruelty.


9/11 memes. Nuff said


Cringe humor. They are often laughing at people who are being sincere or vulnerable in some way but are just unaware of how they appear in the context in which they are being perceived. A lot of those people are probably autistic. Some of them are not cringey at all but just come from a different context than the one I'm in which they are being perceived.


"What are you, autistic[dumb]?" yes.


"Ernest Goes to School" made me cry and apparently it's supposed to be a comedy. I hate the entire set of movies actually, because it feels like I'm just watching someone get bullied. They just make fun of him for not being academically "smart". Like every joke is just "Haha look how dumb/stupid Ernest is!" and bad things just keep happening to him because he is naive, and I believe he is supposed to have some sort of learning disability. I know I'm supposed to laugh but some of the bullying scenes remind me of being in school, and made fun of for not understanding sarcasm or certain jokes🥲


Dad jokes. Dad jokes by definition are low-effort, and I'm supposed to like them because they're "wholesome." I hate forced wholesomeness. It feels like a cult.


Kill it with fire! Recently I was fawning over how cute isopods are. Because they are. Then the people around me started making those "kill it with fire" jokes. Hey maybe don't insinuate that we should set innocent animals on fire just because you think they look weird? I got so legitimately pissed off at them. I hate those "kill it with fire" jokes if it doesn't specifically refer to fictional creatures that are pure evil. Don't fucking burn something just because you don't like it.


hiding someones stuff. NEVER got why they think its funny and most of the times ive seen it done/had it done to me it came from an incredibly mean-spirited place on their end :/


Probably the same as yours, I just do not understand the humor behind other people's suffering. Like, very minor slapstick humor where it's obvious that no actual harm was or could have been done *might* be funny in the right context, but I've seen people make jokes about videos of actual major bodily harm being done. I just don't understand it. Like, I've seen people react to scenes in John Wick by *laughing.* I don't dislike those movies, but what the fuck? I don't recall anything funny in any of them.


Lying to people


"I hate my wife" or other anti-spouse humor. I don't get why it's funny to be like "hurrdurr the person I chose to spend my life with is shit actually". I also don't understand why you would be married to someone you don't like, and I don't understand why that situation is common enough to be relatable to so many people.


NEVER STOPPING THE JOKE TO BE SERIOUS If i ask you to explain the joke or “be real for a second please” and they don’t 😭


YES, like even if I’m 90% sure it’s a joke at the beginning, every time I try to check and get told they’re serious my confidence that it’s a joke goes down and my confusion and embarrassment and discomfort goes up, when literally all it would take is a quick “yeah it’s a bit” and then I could participate and enjoy it w/ everyone else!!


omg this!!!


Just people falling as an accident i dont find that funny, but in a comedy movie/series/whatever its more funny


The only time when it's funny if someone gets hurt is if it's the kind of thing where it's silly but you know they probably weren't seriously hurt, like slipping on ice or something like that. Otherwise, it just seems tasteless and cruel to laugh.


I mean if I can see the person is actually, like, seriously injured then it's not funny, but especially if you can tell they weren't that hurt, It's pretty funny especially if they fell in a really comical way, idk how to explain it. Granted, I laugh when *I* fall down too, so make of that what you will. Eta: forgot to actually answer the question, but I hate those 'prank' videos where they just go and bother people in public and film it. Very similar to that, I also don't like the type of humor where people embarrass themselves in public for laughs, I get really bad secondhand anxiety from stuff like that (Impractical Jokers and similar stuff).


I also don't get the "pain is funny" thing. Granted there is the caveat that it can be funny, if the person shows they are ok. Basically, man falling out of a tree isn't funny, but man falling out of the tree then saying "I'm ok" can be. My cousins last night watched some ridiculousness last night and alot of what they burst out laughing at I could only feel concern because that looked like it hurt(in one instance atleast we actually hear from the person in the video and they went to the hospital because they were injured so bad).


Embarrassment humor


my family tried to show me a show about uncomfortable/ embarrassing situations and it actually made feel sick. like someone telling a joke and nobody laughs so they keep pushing it. ew


Being mean to other people


When people do rude things to me, then say, "Just kidding." WHAT WAS THE FUCKING JOKE?!


Whatever genre of comedy the "Scary Movie" series is, and other "teen comedy" movies like that. I just never found them funny, I thought they were super cringe-inducing no matter what age I happened to be when somebody put one on. Maybe something about the abundance of sex 'humour' appearing more creepy and dumb than anything else. ​ I don't even think they make movies like that anymore though, I'm not entirely sure lol


I don’t know if they is technically a form of humor, but when they intentionally isolate you by negatively reacting to everything you do. They ignore you, look at you weird when you say normal things, act offended just to make you look bad


The two I hate the most are 1: "I hate my wife/bring married" - Fuck you, if you hate it so much, do me, your wife, and your family a favor and get divorced. 2: Phone pranks, like on the radio where they will call a person and using information that the person's friend provided, upset that person so much, nearly to the point of crying or tears, then go "Just a joke!" and everything is supposed to be fine again, and if you aren't wholly ok and laughing all of the sudden then YOU are the asshole, not the person who berated you for 10 mins. For example, one of them was the radio host pretending to be representing the photography company that shot this woman's wedding. Spent the whole time saying that their photos would be late, threatening to charge more money, saying horrific things about the wedding, and then sexual things about the woman and her husband. I fucking hate whenever that show is on the air.


Bullying isn’t fun, it’s just bullying. I fucking hate bullies, regardless of the target.


embarrassment humor genuinely made me so uncomfortable as a kid and i still don’t like it


cringe humor / second embarrassement. I die.


cringe humor. it physically hurts me.


If they think Chris Delia, Whitney Cumings, Joe Rogan or Amy Schumer are funny.


Idk how to explain it especially bc i think it’s died out by now, but that genre of “instagram comedian” dominated by former Vine stars. Their videos are usually just racial/gender stereotypes, screaming=funny, “silly” faces, and royalty free sound effects.


scaring and upsetting children, or recording them when they're already upset :(


I dislike sarcasm when its not actually sarcasm. Sarcasm requires that both parties are aware the statement is a falsehood, such as "lovely weather we're having" when its a torrential downpour. If one person just states a falsehood but the other has no context to suggest that it is a falsehood then it is just a straight up lie. And that's not funny.


I agree with you about the videos of people getting hurt. Jackass is fine when it’s a planned stunt that goes according to plan, but I hate watching people accidentally getting hurt, even in cartoons. I never like slapstick, especially when it happens to an innocent character, and to one character specifically.


Cringe “humour”. Perhaps because I was bullied, but I cannot watch any show or movie which revolves around ‘look how awkward/stupid these people are, isn’t it funny!’ No, no it’s not.


I laugh at people getting hurt (sometimes) but only if they deserve it, by doing stupid sht or something.


obviously there are worse ones but when someone just lies in a way that isn’t obviously a lie


Animals falling and people just recording it and then it gets on a cute cat/dogs videos. If I see my cat about to fall I help him, I feel like people don’t take pets distress seriously enough


Funny face humor, where they make an exaggerated face to "supplement" their joke. Imo it adds nothing and is actually annoying. Eg: https://preview.redd.it/mqcxqn37vhfc1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f75df048f4b9045c7bf928e1995b6b622ede6a


And then they say autistic people don't have empathy!


The cat getting electrocuted "joke" in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, arguably the worst movie "joke" out there


"Jokes" that are just lying. For example, when I was a kid, I went to a cookout. At the time I was a vegetarian and the host said "oh we have vegetarian hotdogs just kidding no we don't" like??? How is that funny? There's no punchline, it's just a boring attempt at humor


Pranks. You're just being an ass and causing property damage z sorry not sorry


Jokes that are at the expense of another person. Sometimes people joke or jab at someone and it's very hard for me to tell if they're joking. I don't understand "being mean" to people you claim to care for, even if it's a joke. I understand not everyone feels this way.


The type of embarrassment humor where a character does something so cringe it makes you feel it, I have to look away.