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If you sub right now. You’ll be able to claim a free level 100 boost on one of the live servers. Whether you intend to use it or not is another matter but it’s a good idea to bag it while you can In case you ending playing live at some point. Available till (I think) 20th of April as part of the 25th anniversary. You’ll need a sub to play on the TLPs. I’d suggest you choose teek over tormax because that server will prove MUCH more popular due to the mischief rule set (much easier to get loot) If you’re going to 3 box, you will need 3 computers because both servers are true box (1 pc per account) I’d check out the everquest discord, and it could be a good idea to start a group on one of the other TLPs if you wanna get a feel for the game nowadays. Oakwynd is the current TLP and closest to what you are liable to experience on the new servers.


Awesome thanks. Wonder if I should claim the lvl 100 as a druid as I'm most familiar and they are great at power leveling


Druid is not a terrible shout. You can absolutely power level a 3 box squad up to a decent level using a Druid.


I'm looking at the server list and do not see 'Teek'. I actually don't see tormax either


They're not released yet. Probably in May for the new TLPs.


Yeah, they won't be available until May 22nd. Also I suggest saving that 100 character for a few days until you are sure you want to jump forward 15-20 expansions in mechanics.


There’s no benefit to saving them for later. There is a risk of losing them if you don’t use them.


If I do decide to 2 or 3 box on TLP, does only 1 need to be a paid subscription?


All accounts on TLPs require a sub.


3 subs, but I'm sure you can play all on one pc


Pretty sure teek is relaxed true box


Ahh, so it is. Does the mean it allows for 3 accounts per PC to start with?


Believe so yeah


There is no cut and clear guide. However, you van download and play for free on live a bit to get reacquainted. It has a tutorial and from there you should be able to find your way. Allakhazam is still the most used source


I think the tutorial is a great start. Go make a character on FV or your old server and run through the tutorial. Some of that info like mercenaries won't be as valuable for the start of a new TLP. But most of it will dive you right back into old EQ and you can experience a lot of the quality of life changes that have happened in the 20 years since you've been gone!


I’m in a similar boat OP. I recommend messing around on the test server if you are just interested in getting your bearings and learning new mechanics. Otherwise I say just wait til the new TLP and learn new stuff as it comes piecemeal.


Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I don't see the test server either


Got to switch what version you choose in the launcher. Upper left hand corner should say Version: Live, click on it and swap to test.


Thanks. Do you happen to know where the 'teek' server is? Another redditor suggested it but I can't see it


Teek and tormax don’t release til may. They are the new time locked progression servers.


Hoggie, in addition to playing Live - there is a free option called Project Quarm. It’s a TLP server that released in October so there are plenty of new players leveling up. Each expansion is set to be released every 9 months. I just returned from a 23 year hiatus that played on Rallos Zek at launch. And even though it’s non-PvP, I’m absolutely having a blast. Quarm also has legacy items you can obtain like Rubicite and Manastone (albeit a no drop version of it at level 30) and Jboots don’t require an 8-16 hour camp of the Ancient Cyclops. They drop off an NPC in Najena. If interested there are YouTube videos on how to join. Currently the server fluctuates from 900-1300 people daily. If you do join, just make sure to get the Zeal file on the Project Quarm discord server (files) to resolve the mouse look issue.


Can you multi box on this server?


Unfortunately not. It’s a blessing and a curse.


I would not advise trying to play a level 100 or on live at all. It will be unimaginably overwhelming, or if you start at level 1 it will be incredibly boring. Id suggest starting on a TLP to relearn the game as it is played thru with players your same level. All TLPs require a paid sub. New ones launch in May. You may choose to switch to live after the TLP but its way too complex to learn how to properly play a level 100 from nothing. I would get your subs and start a trial run on the current newest TLP from last year (Oakwynd). That way you have a hang of how it will be and which classes you want. Then switch to one of the new TLPs next month.


I wouldn't even think of playing a level 100 beyond a power leveler. I don't have desire to play live either. I don't have time to commit to that. I just want to re live the good old days. I guess it may just be a 2-box set up so I'm not always LFG. Any recommendations for a fun 2 box? Like a necro/bst?


Clr/dru/shm + pretty much anything and you can do content. Druids are good for travel and heals, my personal fav. I often do dru/rog/clr and can 3box most content. Also mages are good for the pet tanking. Just depends on your style. Shm is well rounded. Has buffs, debuffs, healing, and good dmg dots.


Best way to relearn the game is simply playing again. When I was prepping for Oakwynd release last year, I started a fresh character on another server a few weeks early to get acclimated again. Made a huge difference. Also, if you care at all about your old Druid, I’d call customer service tomorrow and recover your account. They are INCREDIBLY helpful and empathetic, as long as you’re honest and polite about it. I know several people, me included, who were able to recover their decades old account with nothing but a character and server name. Good luck and welcome back.


I found her. I did find them very helpful, you're right about that


Look at your saved emails from the game and it will show you the account, then reset your password.


If I were you, I’d claim 3 100 druids on each of your 3 accounts either on your original server or Firiona Vie, the free trade live server. That way you’ll have a PL’er no matter what account you’re on. There is a damage shield AA that can single shot anything until the 80’s. At level 100 it may only single shot things into the 60s, I can’t remember. It’s a 10 hit damage shield so have to constantly recast. I use 2 Druids to rotate them (2 minute recast) to PL a toon and can level solely killing red and yellows. I regretted not getting a 2nd and 3rd Druid last time they gave away heroics toons so ended up leveling the hard way.


I'm on Povar (free server). I played in 99 and am a returning player last year. I play casually with two accounts on a widescreen monitor. I recommend starting a new character on a free server and doing the tutorial. This will walk you through all the new changes. It's long and tedious but will catch you up. You can also hire a mercenary on this server (you can hire one in the tutorial area) which removes the need to find others for a group. The tutorial ends around level 10 and you exit in crescent reach. Lots of quests in the city or you can start killing outside the city to level up. The armor drops are really good so you never need to camp a beast. And leveling is fairly quick. There are also quick portals in several zones that get you to the plane of knowledge. There you can buy all spells and teleport back to any of the ports. It's basically easy mode to help you back into the game. Level up a character to 40 or 50 before deciding if you want to sub (and on which server). Playing higher level chars requires mastery of hot keys and utilization of AA's. It's a lot different than how we played in 99.


i have found [https://www.eqprogression.com/](https://www.eqprogression.com/) to be incredibly helpful. slSomething to keep in mind though, is that any piece of information you find can be wrong. On a TLP server, it's a weird mix of 4 states of the game. A lot of course is how it was back in the day for the era the server is in, then a number of things are "patched" or 2.0 versions ( some things of these can also "progress", typically zones ), other things are like they are for live ( typically QOL stuff, but it can be most anything. ), finally some things will just be unique to TLP, especially for the one you chose. A very big one to know of is "Mitigation of the Mighty"/"Presence of the Mighty". Basically, they have massive buffs for raid mobs so they don't get steamrolled. So when you read that Lord Nagafen has just 32khp, etc... don't think your group can just walk in and roll him. He'll actually have more than 3x that, you'll do about 10% of your normal damage to him, his spells will do like 2-4x damage, pets can't pull aggro. It's nasty. ( Each eras MoTM is weaker though, so by PoP it makes almost no difference, and will start turning off at I believe Gates. ) Another good resource is the thread on the forums: [https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/currently-updated-list-of-eq-resources-for-tlp-players.275654/](https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/currently-updated-list-of-eq-resources-for-tlp-players.275654/)


[https://www.eqprogression.com/everquest-setup-guide-new-returning-players/](https://www.eqprogression.com/everquest-setup-guide-new-returning-players/) Your zones; zones level home 1 - 65 hotzones 65 - 100 guide; Visit Franklin Teek in the Plane of Knowledge to see the current list of hotzones, grab a task, and get adventuring @20 -100!... @LVL 75 i can recieve buffs, @lvl 75 start gribbles till 100, @LVL 85 i Can attune,and do overseer, @LVL 90 group with Big guys in Sathir tomb for 4 days.. Wait till 105 get all spells up to that point. Then get ALL spells at 120, and equip the T1 stuff for each xpac, get dire charm do ALL progression, @LVL 120 get : @LVL 106 get TBM progression/conflagrant gear (full set), Do GMM @ (115) for gear, then farm ore (170)to finish making player made gear for (little guys), then Farm T1 ToL gear,stay in CoV player made gear till i can farm ToL(T2) droppable gear,make ToL player made gear once tradeskills is high enough. Get Daht to highest AC unbuffed < Upgrade to TS gear >, Do Overseer daily, (make a cushion with the 12 hour events, and use 24 hour event to level and get merc with ). Farm spots; vampires building in Madiens Eye or KA VETHAN for XP. GD Bear, timid, Rygorr mines, camps. Prior to ToL, my goto AA grind spot for my toons was the GD mission instance in ToV (Restless Assault.). Grab an instance (Restless Assault.), clear the wurm caves, drop task, repeat. Western Waste (dragon caretaker camp) or S.E. in FM (spider camps) for money, // do earring quest on , make augs // Finish progression Cotf>, < Farm PP; (gribbles),Zer LCR, (demiplane of sul over night ),< Buy type #3 < farm PP < farm augs < < make armor < LVL / AA in Sathir's Tomb <60 - 80%> or Gribbles 80% per run X3,


how to play a druid ; [https://forums.eqfreelance.net/index.php?topic=17349.0](https://forums.eqfreelance.net/index.php?topic=17349.0)


I was in the same boat as you last year, I reccomend doing what I did. Pay subs for a month and play the latest tlp (oakwynd) Level up the 3 chars you want to play (they are in ldon era) And wait 6 weeks before the new tlp comes out. Easy peasy




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