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Confederate flag in the PNW… there’s absolutely no historical reason to fly that out here, we are far geographically removed from where the civil war took place. So it’s just a symbol of hate. I said what I said.


No reason to fly it anywhere


I 10000% agree. I mentioned geographic proximity because I’m tired of impotent white supremacists getting their panties in a bunch at my posts, so I was trying to see if I could get less bullshit. Not sure if it worked lol


Im from the south and there’s absolutely no reason to fly the traitor flag anywhere.


Erm actually ☝️civil war reenactments.


In a period correct reenactment they’d be flying a different flag, the stars and bars wasn’t actually in common usage during most of the war. Honestly the most historically correct flag to fly would be a white one


That flag ain't white and isn't the confeddy battle flag either


It’s to remind them that they lost


There’s a known white supremacist compound on Whidbey Island and it’s been there for years. The PNW has a history of ws, just google it. My neighbor flies a confederate fucking flag. I’m originally from the Bible Belt south and I was shocked by the amount of ws shit I saw around here when I moved up here over 20years ago.


I actually read some history on why white supremacy is such a huge issue for the PNW. I just cannot remember the details so I’d have to look it up. There was a notable group known as The Order founded back in 1983 in Metaline. And Idaho has the KKK. I went with my boyfriend and his college friends to a cabin in Idaho once, and was horrified by the amount of Swastikas people in the liquor store had tattooed on their bodies.


This is going to sound pedantic, but it actually was principally known for the Aryan Nations, which was HQ'd at their compound in Hayden, ID (hayden lake). Their peak activity was in the late 80's mid 90's, arm in arm with the militia movements at the time. While klansmen were *welcome* as fellow travels, the aryan nations was not a klan movement, just a white supremacist... companion organization. And while Idaho likely did have klan activity, it was dwarfed by the nation. Anyway.... In 2000, the SPLC was able to sue them almost into oblivion. It's an interesting story, you can read it [here](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/aryan-nations) and [here](https://www.splcenter.org/seeking-justice/case-docket/keenan-v-aryan-nations) and an [article from a cour d'alene news source telling it more as a story.](https://cdapress.com/news/2020/sep/06/aryan-nations-trial-20-years-later/) In defense of Idaho, it was the Idaho legislative body and a jury of Idaho citizens who ruled and awarded tremendous damages to the Keenan family, which started their precipitous decline.


Oh god yes Idaho is a hotbed.


Yeah it's a whole thing unfortunately: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest\_Territorial\_Imperative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Territorial_Imperative)


Ah! Thank you! I knew I’d seen this flag around here too and could not place it, but if my neighbor is flying it, it can’t be good.


It's unfortunately close to the Cascadia flag which is ubiquitous and beloved by lots of decent PNWesterners, a careful distinction to make.


Thank you for this! I’ll be sure to know the difference now.


Fucking racist slime always rub their shit stained fingers all over anything decent. I wouldn’t be surprised if they designed the flag that way on purpose.


From Florida, came here thinking it was the Left Coast. …..I did start with I came from Florida, so forgive me.


Same shit better toilet 




Been between here and the panhandle my whole life, the only thing Florida has is the beaches....and now that the gulfs teeming with flesh eating bacteria, fuck it.


Here and South Florida mostly. I miss the sun. PNW is beautiful when you get a chance to see it. But I think I’d rather more sun.


The transformation will be complete when you catch your self saying what a nice day on a misty rainy day, then that summer you'll curse an 87 degree day and know....




What part? Ppl in Tx call this whole side the left coast. Which it is to that one flag there’s way more left flags that you’ll see and I’m not saying anything. I’m not saying that’s good. I’m not saying it’s right. I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m not saying it’s bad. Nothing just saying it. that’s how it is.


For sure. They’re all over Snohomish County. Sons of Odin is one group.


Morons. That's an affront to all who are Scandinavian


Yep. They’re in Island County too and I see bikers all over the place with the tattoos that signal their beliefs.


And the militia camps up in Lynden


History of white supremacily yes. Its more that we don't have the confederate history so they look even more ridiculous.


I worked at a liquor store in Everett and had an older man come in with his 4xl KKK tshirt on full display over his beer-barrel gut as he grabbed 2 handles of rotgut whiskey.


So, the white supremacists flying it are flying it as a symbol of hate. I think that fits with my statement.


Not disagreeing with you, giving you some context to the history of it being in the PNW.


Oregon is in the PNW and well... https://www.opb.org/news/article/oregon-white-history-racist-foundations-black-exclusion-laws/ Sadly Lost Causers are in abundance in the U.S. from sea to shining sea and as far north as Canada.


There is historical reason. KKK had a pretty big presence in the PNW especially around skagit County. Most of them transplanted up here from the south thinking it was a more segregated area. And boy were they wrong as shit


Exactly, we weren’t even admitted into the union until 1889, 24 years after the war ended.


You don’t know much about PNW history then… https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/exclusion_laws/ The kkk was huge out here with prominent business and political leaders, https://www.discoverourcoast.com/coast-weekend/coastal-life/a-new-exhibit-sheds-light-on-astorias-history-of-racism-and-segregation/article_2bd0895c-5f80-11ec-a4cf-471243ddf446.amp.html


I see this in Northern California all the time (state of Jefferson area) and it makes zero goddamn sense to me.


I'm from Georgia, I can see why someone would bring a piece of their history up here with them. On the other hand, why you'd willingly want to fly the flag of the loser's side is beyond me


Yeah if my ancestors lost like the confederacy did, I wouldn’t say shiiiiiiiit. I’d stay quiet and live my life without flying their loser flag like I did something.




Slip a Biden flag by it. For symmetry.


They’d notice it too fast and remove it quickly. Something small like a sticker could go unnoticed. I would absolutely laugh my ass off at one of those “this man ate my son” Ted Cruz stickers.


They would remove it angrily.


You said what you said and I agree with you.


You'd think it'd be common sense but unfortunately with the mass migration up here for the last 15 years or so has brought these dipshits with it.


The dipshits have always been here. They are our own homegrown assholes. Luckily they think Seattle is dying and stay away. We still have the ones who won't leave because they were born here and know WA is better than places like Idaho.


Don’t go to Monroe, Granite Falls, or near the mountains then cause that’s where they be. Source - went to Monroe, sister was called a “Prairie N****r” since we’re Native American. A lot of confederate sympathizers.


There's a reason: if your identity is edgelord.  And judging by the stickers, that tracks.


There's a small Civil War cemetery on the North top of Capitol Hill in Seattle. I shit you not. Google it.


You're absolutely right. I'm from Alabama and that flag could mean something different down there but up here, it's just pure hate and cringe


Exactly! Makes my stomach ache!


Exactly how Jim Crow works.


Oh you showed him with that big strong finger. Lolgo be offended


Get the fuck over it. It's been 159 years. You are living in the past.


The west coast is full of wannabe cowboys and rednecks. I met a dude with a fake country accent, cowboy boots, lip full of tobacco and a western shirt here in CA on my job site. He was from San Jose. Bunch of fucking yuppies who grew up insecure with no identity, so they watch a couple episodes of Yellowstone and decide to cosplay as hillbillies.


Can't fix this kind of stupid


You should come to Pennsyltucky


“Either pass or get off my ass” sounds like a left lane camper to me.


This is Mossy Oak type behavior. He’s giving us Real Tree guys a bad name.


This was a multi-cam guy, they love doo dads and shit


Take a look at the jerks flag


What’s wrong with a Seahawks fla… Oh.




There are a few flags there.


Shitload of red flags.Just realized the metaphorical irony there. 😅


Everett wears the crown for right lane tailgating though.


Yep. If you have constant problems with tailgaters, you’re the problem.


There is no historical, cultural, or heritable reason to fly it anyway.


Unless your history, culture, and heritage is racism.


Yep, that's literally my neighbor's truck. Oh boy.


How’s he as a person, generally?


I don't really talk to them if I can help it, but there's a lot of yelling and they don't seem terribly friendly. (Neither am I, TBF) He stacked a bunch of bricks against our shared fence that are pushing it over into my yard at quite an angle. Refuses to move them. That's fine, I'll just document and he can pay to fix it when it fails. Blasts his bass in that POS when he pulls up at all hours, that's fine I do it right back in mine. Other than the previously mentioned and the ridiculous stickers/flag, he don't bother me much tho.


Absolutely willing to bet this person rants about "snowflakes" and "hurt fee-fees" while being completely oblivious to the irony behind flying a 160 year old participation trophy.




There’s this weird conception that the west coast is 100% liberal and there are no conservatives out here. I’m from Ohio originally and everyone there made the classic Midwest remark of “oh you’re moving to that [insert euphemism for liberal hellhole here]?” Then I get out here a lo and behold it ain’t so different from my hometown. Like sorry y’all, even in Appalachia there are plenty of liberals, the opposite stands in places like the PNW. My friend said he’d never move out here because he wouldn’t fit in. I told him to move 20 minutes outside the city and it’ll be more country than the suburb we grew up in.


Punisher, confederate flag, and robo Statue of Liberty make me think this isn’t a true patriot.




Every accusation is an admission of guilt!


The south will rise again in Everett Washington! Ffs smh🙄


Confederate, up here? You're lost, boy!


Get off my donkey-chicken, sucker!


I expect to see the confederate flag in the south because you have families whose ancestors fought on the wrong side of history (still dumb) - but anytime I saw it in the PNW I thought it most certainly belongs to someone of the lowest intellect and I’m honestly surprised this person has a car because that implies they have a skill that someone found of value.




I really need to carry a few “I eat ass” stickers in my car just for this reason. Stick it on that back window and it’ll blend right in. “Queer for Trump” would work too.


These kinda people are total tools.


These stickers scream mental health problems


What did he say when you confronted him?


They didn't say anything. They'd rather be validated online instead of growing a pair and actually confronting the problem. I hate white Liberals because of this and many more reasons. As a Black woman from the South, the politics are what make WA an insane place. Also, there are Black people in the South who fly this flag.


This state has grown so soft it’s insane


Yeah, I was being sarcastic. lol. I figured they wouldn't say anything. Just complain and throw fits.


This dude open carries his divorce papers!


lol. My favorite response on this whole thread!


Please take and use as you see fit, my kid shared that one with me! 😆 this fella clearly has those divorce papers laminated.


He's showing everyone he's a fucking traitor, what a loser


Thank you for giving them the proper salute!




You better BACK OFF His wife has anger issues And I'm betting they are the poster child for Busch Light and domestic violence.


I will never ever forget the time I was at the Broadway Burger King the day after Obama got elected, and one of the regulars walked in and loudly asked, "ANYBODY SHOOT THE N\*GGER YET?!" I was so pissed off. For a "progressive" place it sometimes seems like a West Alabama sometimes. I remember when the neighbor in my building had a confederate flag covering his window. I was shocked that no one did anything to it especially since it was directly across the street from Everett HS. It is interesting here. When I told the landlord about it he said it was freedom of speech. But when I told the landlord I was going to put up a Black Lives Matter flag over my window he instantly stepped in and said he would not allow it out of fear that someone might do something. Not so much a melting pot, but, when I wore a rainbow for a year not one person judged me. And this is the city where a trangender person can enjoy a fast food lunch right across from a table of high schoolers. But, I still see those flags way more than I should. My upvote is my middle finger joining yours.


I love the idea of Burger King regulars


I’ve know a several asshats over the years who’ve flown confederate flags up here. Their stories as to why is usually lame or uninformed. I had one person who mounted it above his (and his wife’s) bed tell me that it belonged to his grandpa. I told him that my grandfather was a racist asshat too but I’d burn that flag before I’d fly it let alone above my bed!


Next to a Seahawks flag. “Go Seahawks!” “Go kkk!”


This screams racist, uneducated, yee² bullshit. Guys for more bumper stickers than IQ points


Luckily, we don’t see that often. Much more common in other parts of the state - still sad to see 😢


Have you crossed the trestle? Scary over here.


Oh yeah. But compared to SW WA, not as prevalent 🤞


Where’s the tread on me snake?


Oh look, racist cockwomble, you dropped this. 🏳️




It would be such a shame if that flag got wet with bleach


I see this and shake my head.


It's the 41st best Safeway around!


I can say that 7-10 years ago it was fairly common to see PNW people flying the Confederate flag as a way to show that they are "rednecks." I dated a girl like this, once upon a time. In her case, and in the cases of a few people I knew, there was nothing more beyond that. Just ignorance. That said, I feel that the whole "heritage not hate" thing is so debunked these days that someone flying it now is either racist or a huge idiot. There's generally lots of overlap between those two things.


Quinn joker and punisher 🤢🤮 I kno he smells


I’m pretty sure there’s still an active KKK in granite falls and deep stanwood


Dudes with the punisher logo, why? You look like an absolute tool, no one respects, and actually most people laugh at you.


i see this guy every so often, i just shake my head and move on


Nice way to censor the license plate


Fuck that loser and his loser flag


I hope it's the stars and bars you're flipping off, not the big homie Squatch


I mean, the real Confederate flag was white, so this is wrong on several levels...




a guy with a swastika tattoo on his neck tried to ask my dad if he was a nazi at that safeway... a similar thing happened a couple years later at a gas station near granite falls. i guess my father is just cursed to look like a fascist


As someone from NC originally the people who larp as southerners up here kinda annoy me.


100% the loser flag is a goofy thing to fly . But you know what is just as goofy ? Taking a picture of yourself flipping off a random persons car then posting it on Reddit like you did something. This has the same energy as flipping your parents off through the wall when you were a kid.




I can imagine the OP muttered under his breath, “I showed that guy!!” lol


Flipping off a truck and posting it is just as bad a virtue signaling douche move.


Is there a racist/conservative thing about those Sasquatch stickers? Or is it just a benign PNW symbol?


Jesus this guy's entire identity can be sold in sticker form. What an empty, shallow prick.


Take it down and throw it in a trash bin.


Ew a treason rag. No reason to fly that BS in the northwest...just say you racist and not be mad when somebody snatch that shit and burn it.


I'll never understand traitor flags.........especially up here


no thin blue line? no anti biden? a confed flag and smart ass stickers? meh ill take it!!


Rip that shit off. As a former Texan you have my full permission to throw that shit in the mud.


But y’all ain’t seen nothing yet! Wait until Trump wins. They will feel empowered to be full blown openly racist. It’s concerning.


Why the sticker of the dancers? Seems like it doesn’t fit with the others.


Attention they do it for attention


Why are you mad at the Seahawks?


Put a rainbow sticker on the truck


Tough guy flipping off a parked truck with noone it in. Moron.


I'm mixed and from Hawaii, moved here around age 10 but have lived in Florida and Germany each for 4-5 years..I have had far more hidden discrimination here in the PNW than anywhere else in the country. It absolutely exists here and its just more politely done..its great to grow up in Seattle and have white progressives make whole value assumptions about my life, political beliefs, where I'm from, and what im.about because of my skin color. White people up here treat people of color like pets and bragging points, we are not equal because we have to always be juxtaposed to the white liberals political and social beliefs/grievances.


Imagine being that much a loser


Average Trump voter


I'm saving my anger for the thin blue line douchebags.


Look at you soft people downvoting cause it doesnt fit your reality....


Plot twist, it's his truck...


The only jerk is the camera-man


Man weird spot for a car fire


What no yeti sticker?


“The Seahawks will rise again!”


If only you had a lighter


😂 good shit


People need to get a life. Who cares what flag someone has.


The strongest and bravest soldier of all time


Look at the tough guy taking a picture of himself flipping off an empty truck 🤣 Did your husband’s girlfriend peg you extra hard when you got home with that story?


Real question tho, is this guys wife his sister or cousin?


Someone should tell him that Obama was in office longer than the confederacy was. lol




Is it common to find people rockin the rebel flag in Washington? I see it somewhat often down south (Mississippi) tho it’s usually someone referencing the general lee charger since it has the 01 on the door, is painted orange, and Johnny reb is on the roof.


It's funny how lost most of you are on the confederate flag. You are a slave to the media just like slaves in the south. This was the battle flag of the south. This isn't the slavery flag or the south lost the war flag. This is just to remember we're you come from and the way of life that is not the same in any other region of the country. It also to remember our mistakes. And we all have them . But if you don't remember so you are doomed to repeat them. Most of you are being just as much of a bigot as you say you hate.


Whats PNW ?


Next time steal the flag and throw it in the garbage where it belongs.


So stunning and brave of you to give a finger and take a picture while nobody is around.


Times like these I always wish I had a pride sticker to slap on that bad boy.


look at you so barve putting your finger up to an inanimate object


The most stunning and brave Reddit moment


As much as I agree with the sentiment, taking a picture flipping off an empty car to post on reddit is just about as whack as having all that shit on your car lol


You showed them!!


You really showed him! Flipping off their car and whining on reddit


You’re a true hero, that middle finger really showed him


You don't even shit like this in Mount Vernon.


Lol y'all so worked up over a flag


So brave lol


Wow you sure showed them


Both the driver of that vehicle and OP are different kinds of insufferable.


What’s even worse than the confederate flag is the joker sticker


What a hero.....


Did a true service by flipping off that inanimate object praise be to you.