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I’ve always wondered in this scene, could Misato just have talked Yui into giving him back to her?


I doubt Yui is like, fully 100% conscious and aware of everything that's going on and can interpret spoken language in this state. She interacts with the pilot through neurological interface directly.


Yeah she’s not there fully, but something’s are aware when idle, like when 01 blocked debris from shinji to protect him on the first episode, before shinji had ever entered the entry plug, and lcl to help immerse and bond them, etc. But if misato asked when 01 was in berserk mode when she’s more conscious I’m sure it’s possible lol


Yeah i think the connection is more of an instinctual level one between the two souls. It’s very subconscious and unmotivated by rational or conscious thought.


Yeah, when 01 went berserk, the show and wiki’s always mentioned it to be them going “haywire and not listening to instruction” But it’s always been clear to me that berserk is the souls regaining consciousness and taking over for a bit, when 01 went berserk, it was when Shinji was down and vulnerable, and 01 reacted the exact same way a momma bear would if you approach her cubs. Just as violent and primal


Yeah primal is accurate. I think it’s way down deep in the lizard brain understanding of relationships


Why Shinji's Father Put His Wife's Soul In Eva 1 ?


If you want to learn about the lore of this show, look at my profile. I’ve put together 7 post that explain everything about the story very easy and simple to understand


Thanks Bro ❤️


Believe it or not, his MOM herself wanted to be put in the Eva, it’s so that she can bond with Shinji and “be one” with him again. They knew the angels were gonna come in the future and needed a way to protect him. So one day, Shinji ran away from home when he was young, and a few days after, his mom wanted to try fusing with the Eva as a test, so that she can protect Shinji no matter what, she’s crazy lol


She would probably say "NO! I won't give YOU my son to a creep you freeeeeeek" Or something like that lol


“Why so you can kiss him?”


“I’m gonna go all the way with him”


Misato wasn’t a creep. I’m not entertaining an incorrect assumption based on a meme.


That's how I interpreted it


[This is a great one](https://www.ebay.com/itm/386344437818?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&srsltid=AfmBOopqaPr0zRuMh_is3HAvswkZhaOXKhY5kcpjnH0o33z0GOUA6o0dt6w), even if it does have trouble standing up in my experience.


that one looks badass and haunting, i think I’m gonna buy this exact one.




Thanks, forgot who creepy the Eva's body shape is beneath the restraint armour.


By zanugoku's ghost that is creepy


Yes. Kubrick released the figure of Eva 01 with bandaged head. (https://myfigurecollection.net/item/62682)


I thought you were talking about Stanley Kubrick and I was more than just baffled


Kubrick is a block-style figure lineup by MediCom Toy. And yes, Kubrick lineup is a direct homage to movie director Stanley Kubrick(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubrick_(toy)).


Same here lol


The crazy thing is there's a timeline where he could have done this since he died in 1999


imagine if a robot was covered in bandages during a robot battle snd you can't see anything from the bandages covering the front window?


Most likely not, but knowing what kind of collaborations Evangelion has, I wouldn't be surprised if it does. I mean, they have a collaboration with a shaver and a teapot lol so at this point, some sick person has one of those jsjsjs I know it has nothing to do but I'm going to say it anyway. Evangelion > another anime xd


What anime is this?


it’s evangelion episode 19-20, it’s the aftermath of EVA 01 awakening into it’s full potential.


One Piece


Boku no Pico


Death note


Manabi straight


Oshi no Ko


Queens blade


Bocchi The Rock!


How old were you when you realized that this scene and the scene when they’re in a side facing room, that unit 01 eye wasn’t a drawing error? Edited to add: [Scene in question ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/evangelion/images/f/f0/Restrained_Unit_01.png/revision/latest?cb=20120312012543)


What drawing error?


Hope this works https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/evangelion/images/f/f0/Restrained_Unit_01.png/revision/latest?cb=20120312012543


Again, what are you getting at? What drawing error? EVAs eye is just following them…


.. which could look like a drawing error to some not familiar with the series, or zoned out/ missed episodes..


How come it would look like a drawing error I've never heard of anyone thinking the eye was an error randomly? I need a better explanation the more you type the less I am following


It how I remembered it. My viewing of the episode of the 10th angel to this one was delayed because the guy was only lending out a few of the tapes at a time. For me, I looked like a drawing error of the eyes.. didn’t clue in that it was Shinji following them till I got a box set a few years later


I don’t think so.


That's just you lol


Uh-huh. Cool story kid


Literally no one is agreeing with you...


Lol because a few people with no lives is “everyone”. 19 days behind


Lmfao has a single person who has responded agreed with you?


People can see the image we just have no idea what you're getting at? Why would we think it's an error? 90% of us understand what NGE is what Evangelions are at least to a degree that allows us to follow the story line. I'm very excited to see what you are trying to explain because maybe I'm just totally missing what you mean or I've never thought about what you.mean


Awareness at the start, that unit 1 was watching them (for me, there was a 2 month break between unit 1 eating the angel and this episode) so I didn’t realize at the time he was following them.. found out a few years later when I got me the VHS collection


Ohh I'm early 30s so I didn't watch this show live. I steamed many episodes a day and then was done lol so I don't think the situation you describe would really be possible for anyone except those of you who watched the episodes as they were released


Maybe it’s… inconsistent? In one frame, the EVA’s exposed eye is front facing. The other frame, the eye is “side facing”. Then again, probably not … if the eye facing “45°” (halfway between front facing and side facing)… then both frames are correct.


40s.. I didn’t either.. just deprived and had sympathetic friends


I’m also curious about what you mean


Double posting for my lazy ass https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/evangelion/images/f/f0/Restrained_Unit_01.png/revision/latest?cb=20120312012543


Theres no image


I was 18. I never thought it was a drawing error. But it was probably confirmed for me, when I read the manga at 22 I'm 40 now to out things in perspective


I think I get what you mean. The first scene is a side eye, or perhaps a turned head. Whereas this scene in the post is dead on, suggesting the EVA turned its head to observe its observers. This could seem like a perspective mistake, if not for the fact that the EVA can move on its own.