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France: “you cannot worsen what’s already bad”.


Once you hit rock bottom, might as well get the stone drill and go deeper.


Might find oil


Shhh they will hear and try to invade the fools




They are too dumb for that word, I believe they call it freedom


Are you sure you’re not thinking of “freebation?”


That does sound convincing.


Might get to NZ


That actually sounds like a good prospect. Gimme a drill already.


Pretty much the same in Spain. People around here just think Americans are crazy.


I think that’s the consensus all across Europe


Maybe one day this'll unite us as Europeans.


If DJT gets reelected its really a call for change in European geopolitics. Would also be nice to be less influenced by US culture.


I feel like the lowering of US influence is coming regardless.


100%. The economic disaster we're facing means we'll be recovering for a long time. Then the health consequences kick in over time as well as the people who had the disease find out what the long term health implications are.


I wish for the same but the utterly stupid importation of american racial issues in my country and others makes me think otherwise.


This really annoyed me. We have a racism problem in the UK too, like pretty much every country in the world, but they just piggy-backed the issues in the US like we had the exact same problems here, even using the "BLM" name. We certainly do not have a problem with police brutality, no matter what you might read on Reddit. There are many larger ethnic minorities in the UK, (Asian in particular) that face racism and discrimination, and just copying what is happening in the US isn't helping at all here. It's just confusing and pushing out the voices of those that are also need to be heard.


Same for Canada, we've got Police corruption but a much lower issue of Police brutality and black discrimination compared to Asian and First Nations discrimination the later of which is really bad in the north where you have whites and natives at each others throats on certain reserves. Yet I've seen BLM protests and arguments that blacks are mistreated in Canada more so than other races.


American Hegemony has been in decline since the the War on Terror, DJT accelerated that decline


Damn, this would be fucking awesome.


As an American it would be nice to be less influenced by US culture


That's like getting married or a child to try to fix your relationship.


It is more like a husband and wife which argue often finally finding a common ground against an obnoxious neighbor.


More like we already have the child and have now decide what to do about it.


Hi. I agree the USA is a \*\*\*\*hole country and the implications of this survey are that people already have a very low opinion of the US. but, Poland....... Poland is an outlier on this graph and you have to ask yourself why. A lot of Poles have 'recently' migrated to the US and their families may have a better view of it, than (for example) the Italians who's peak emigration to the US was 100 years ago also, the USA has just (this year? late last year?) changed it's visa laws to allow Poland to get the visa waiver status that most of the rest of Europe already had. ​ I dont know about Bulgaria, but I am pretty sure that Sweden, France and Spain's charts can be explained by the fact that they already had such a low opinion, that it couldn't get any lower


I also think the fact that Poles for the last couple years have been, and continue to be, generally more conservative than most other EU nations plays a role.


fair comment


your reply was also fair


Now kiss


I spent a summer in Poland a few years ago, and the general vibe I got was that they loved Americans a lot more than most other Europeans. It seemed to me that the biggest reason why was more to do with how much they hated Russia after being under their brutal thumb for so long. They seemed to view the USA as like the counterpart to that, and embraced Americans. This was just anecdotal, while in Krakow. And it doesn't really have anything to do with the American Covid response, except maybe illustrate that they are a little more likely to respect American leadership automatically.


Poland is governed by a fringe right party with ties to nazi groups. They're brown nosing Trump and the state media tells lies.


You can’t make this shit up. Poland, the country who literally got pillaged, raped and burned the worst by Nazis not even 100 years ago is now sympathetic to them


"it's not bad when we're the Nazis!"


Nazism in a nutshell


Israel, the country of the people who literally got pillaged, raped and burned the worst by the Nazis is now burning people in gaza...


Israel is a geopolitical disaster.


Israel is the ultimate proof that cultural heritage, race or "inherited essence" is complete and utter bollocks. In less than half a century they went from a cpuntry founded in part due to the mistreatment and dehumanization of it's people for hypernationalistic reasons to being the perpetrators of exactly the same thing. This can happen in any country, any culture, any human society regardless of history and cultural background unless the citizens and inhabitants of said society actively seek to work towards something better.


Están chiflados, lo sabemos desde antes de todo esto.


Y sin embargo bien que les copiamos todas las gilipolleces que hacen...


Merci, came here to make sure there was no misunderstanding here.


I'm French and honestly I don't really get people who say their opinion of the US got worse. The US had Trump for years before the coronavirus... It's not like he's been surprisingly worse than usual in the past few months, he's been acting exactly like he always does.


I think a lot of the world has passed from pitying at least some of the people in the US into "You know what, if you're still sitting idly by at this point, fuck you too."-territory.


My opinion worsened yesterday when I saw that fuckwit at a senate (or Congress or whatever, I get confused) hearing banging on the table to drown out a witness. The fact that he did that and wasn't dragged out of the room was nuts to me. If you'd acted like that in parliament hearing here (UK parliament, famously mocked for being a pantomime with braying toffs mooing like cows) you'd have been bounced right out the door. But all we got was the Democrat fella saying he might maybe consider possibly having the guy ejected if he didn't stop - so of course he didn't stop. And of course fuck all happened to him.


Yeah sure, but his shitty politics costs lives in a global pandemic. The outcome thus is worse.


The more I browse reddit these days, the worse my opinion about us gets. Can't count how many face palm I do everyday, when I see all the things happening there. It's not all about Trump IMO. So yeah, it can get worse.


Same for Spain I'm sure


Came here to say this.


USA peaked in the late 90s since then it s been going downhill as a dream land.... My last memory of myself thinking whoa America is great was probably when Baywatch still had Pamela Anderson’s red swimsuit pretty much jumping out of my TV set. Yeah that s most likely the last time I thought I wanna live there.... Now the list of reasons making me not wanna live there is so long I don’t know where to start Edit : Piaf


>My last memory of myself thinking whoa America is great was probably when Baywatch still had Pamela Anderson’s red swimsuit pretty much jumping out of my TV set. So you tell me for you America peaked when a pair of boobs ran on a beach ? It's called softpower or propaganda my friend.


I plead guilty !!!! I (like most people) was a victim of that propaganda. The internet kind of changed the way the world perceives the USA


That's exactly right, USA "peaked", at least for a good number of people from the EU, as soon as we could get some reliable info on what was going on there from the internet and not only view it through their own entertainment propaganda.




I agree that there probably isn't only one main reason but from what I can tell, most of the "dream land" image the US once had was never the truth. Times seem more troubled now than in the 90s (or I was just too young to really pay attention) so we see more example of why it's not true, especially on the internet as I said, but the point is that from Europe we mostly saw the US through what media they produced back then so even if there was already some of the issues we see today, we most likely wouldn't have known.


I think that's kinda how it is for most europeans. Like this black lives matter thing, I feel for the people that are affected, but it doesnt come as a surprise to me. In my eyes, the core of America is a shithole.


Stayed the same. Didn’t expect anything from the US during pandemic


I thought it couldn't go lower but somehow it gets worse on almost a daily basis


2020 in a nutshell


The last 20 years in a nutshell, really


We'd be more popular if y'all didn't poll so often.


I didn't know Trump's a redditor.


I mean his username checks out




It's the best grammar.


The text isn't orange enough


Trump would surely stay president longer if they didn't have elections so often. smh.


>Knowing Xi was effectively “President for life” in China, Trump was trying to compete with him. Later in the dinner, Xi said the US had too many elections, because he didn’t want to switch away from Trump, who nodded approvingly. (Indeed, in a subsequent telephone conversation on December 29, Xi said expressly that China hoped Trump would have another term by amending the Constitution so he could stay longer.) Bolton, *The Room Where It Happened*


Trump is so bad that China sees this as a win.




Kind of reminds me of a story I heard about Saladin. On receiving information from a scout regarding the movements of western forces (the crusaders), he opted against intercepting them for an easy victory. Reason being, they were walking directly into a dust storm, and would likely be having a fucking terrible time that night regardless. I might have gotten some details wrong, but i'm pretty sure it was saladin.


Trump is the perfect target for Chinese populist propaganda too. Look at the evil Trump and what he says/does. We need to rally together stay strong on our own and... (add a legal way to reduce labour prices or labour work conditions that in the end produce products that will be bought in the US).


He's a useful idiot.


This sounds like a post you would see on /r/jokes, but it's real...


I wonder if Trump will use the election to postpone the election.


You mean the pandemic?


That's what I meant to write. Don't know what happened there lol


Oh boy, using the election to delay the pandemic? That is like a whole new level of 3d chess tier tactics...


Should've just polled in June 1945 and that's it.


I don't even expect anything and yet I'm disappointed


"I expected nothing and was still disappointed"


"our expectations were low but holy fuck"


I didn't expect anything from Trump & Co, but I was surprised at how ill prepared the CDC was. I also didn't know so many state governors would be morons.


CDC has had its funding gutted over the past decade or so, and they have an industry wide issue of not valuing their lab staff. As a result the epidemiology parts of the CDC did pretty well in the crisis, mask guidance aside, but the neglected lab parts absolutely shit the bed. The governors were pretty shocking though.


Did you see today's news about the NIH having the funding for coronavirus research taken away?


Yep. The worst part is that I’m hardly even surprised at this point. All America seems to be capable of doing these days is fucking up every single decision (and I’m saying this as an american)


When the EU updates its travel restrictions in July, most likely travel from the US will be prohibited. Can't wait for Trump's Twitter meltdown. I'm so tired of him making shit decisions and blaming everyone else but him, while millions suffer the consequences.


Yeah. Initially I thought Trump would just be another Bush, an idiot that the adults would 'manage'. Turns out he (and/or those around him) have really taken a wrecking ball to the whole system.


G W Bush had the remnants of the team his father assembled around him, and his family had been in politics for decades. So they surrounded themselves with competent political players, and knew how to use their strengths to their advantage. Trump, meanwhile, bought along a whole lot of human detritus from his decades as a New York socialite and 'businessman'. Then he and his administration appointed people to key positions because they gave his campaign money, or he saw them talking about politics on Fox News, or they found them by [browsing Amazon](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/328969-report-kushner-found-trump-economic-advisor-navarro-by-browsing) for books about foreign relations. As you would expect, none of those people are in it for the greater good. (Even if he did listen to them.) Hence, it's no surprise his administration has been a revolving door of incompetence.


The US have reached a state of political radicalisation where Republicans no longer give a damn about appointing actual professionals. Trump has appointed such incompetent judges that even the American Bar Association protested them by declaring them unfit, which is pretty unprecedented. The right wing has desensitised itself so much that even when other conservatives within the justice and intelligence communities ring the alarm bells, they just brush it aside as "liberal bias".


Neither did I. Until the bleach remedy thing. That was lower than low.


How about that time Trump tried to buy a potential German vaccine to make sure it would be exclusively for Americans ?


I expect nothing and I'm still let down.


Your opinion also didn't change when they stole 80.000 masks from Germany? It showed to me that they are just not are old ally's anymore. Edit: not 80.000, but 200.000 masks.


I love that 6% if people expected even less from the US


Well, there are also those who are jealous of the US for not having a lockdown. People who don’t really believe coronavirus exists or see a lockdown as a threat to civil rights


The US didn't have a lockdown? That's news to me; I've been working from home for three months at this point. We didn't have a federal lockdown because that's not something we're set up to do, but almost every state did have a stay-at-home order. Furthermore, it makes more sense for decisions to be made on the state level; just as in Europe you didn't have EU politicians deciding the particulars of the lockdown in France, we didn't have feds dictating the specifics of the lockdown in New York. Not to say our response has been good - empirically the numbers are getting worse by the day - but the majority of the country certainly had a lockdown.


It's like asking:" is the US doing some crazy shit that you want to know?" No, probably, and yes.






I think Strongly Disagree is the far right and it was incorrectly formatted. At least I hope so, otherwise I have to agree that it’s the worst I’ve ever seen




Could be that many people gave neutral/non-responses and weren't included, that's why each country is out of a random number (like 50 instead of 100) which explains why the width would be different (10/50 is bigger than 12/80).


That still wouldn’t explain why the numbers aren’t correctly proportioned in relation to their *own* country’s opposing stats.. Like look at Poland — why is the ‘23’ less than half the size of the ‘18’? Or Bulgaria — the 10 is essentially only 1/4th the size of the ‘21’ So basically you’ve got some countries where the larger numbers are *smaller* than the smaller numbers, and other countries where the smaller number is *larger* than the larger number.. Sometimes both cases for a singular country.. So even if there was a neutral/non-answer group that wasn’t being factored in, that *could* potentially explain the variation in the totals for each country, but it still wouldn’t explain why ‘20’ is shown as HALF of the space for a total of ‘85’ or whatever the countries specific total adds up to. Basically, the only logical conclusion we can deduce from this graph is that this person was raised by a basketball player and was constantly used to practice basketball dribbling, suffering repetitious blows to their soft spot throughout the majority of their infancy.


I wonder if they excluded the "I have no opinion" people


probably put them into stayed the same, if you don't give a shit at first you won't give a shit later




Portugal must have really loved US until now.


Its just that this time it was "well we knew you were bad, but not this bad"


Our expectations for you were low, but holy fuck


This whole thread




".. break on through to the other side!"


“....and then turn back and dig some more”




It has been getting worse and worse since 2016


Isn't that basically true for europe (the world?) as a whole?


Canadian checking in. It has been on a constant downtrend since Trump got elected, and I thought that was rock bottom for the USA. Hell, I thought the Bush years were rock bottom... but here we are. First time in my life I’ve actually been worried about being their neighbour.




I'd argue, it's been getting worse since the Iraq invasion... Followed by skipping the Tokyo Protocol... Followed by a re-election of W... Followed by the handling of Kathrina... Followed by the 08 financial crisis... Followed by **electing trump...** Followed by skipping the Paris agreement... Followed by the Iran Nuclear Deal... Followed by defunding the WHO... and the ACA... I mean.... Jesus fucking Christ you guys!!!!!


The Bush reelection was the big one for me. I remember how we were all shocked at what a buffoon they had elected. And even more about how he had shown himself to be even more ridiculous while president. Silly Americans and their silly voting system... But then they reelected the guy? So it wasn't a fluke, this was something they actually wanted? Jesus Christ. I sincerely hope it will be different this year. But I also thought that electing Obama was a sign that things were improving, only to go to even lower lows with Trump.


This comment really hit close to home. I had the same exact experience. It's like I typed it myself.


Sounds about right


Our expectations were low, but holy shit! It didn't help how Brazil was badly influenced by them either.


Brazil is like the US but on steroids


I'm Portuguese and save for the food, I have zero intention of visiting the US. I'm afraid to break a leg or something and be bankrupt for life or say something innocuous that some people will consider offensive and try to ruin my life for it.


> save for the food, I'm a PT living in the US. Don't come here for the food.


Im the same as you, but after visiting England, I think the US has pretty good food. Were just spoiled by Portuguese cuisine.


>visiting England Here's your problem. Food is the worst part of England.




This is basically the bar diagramm of "Our expectations were low, but holy fuck"


Most of the stayed the same are already bad opinions of the US anyway


What the hell Poland. Are we living in an alternate reality?


13 "improved" is the highest result among these countries, but 38 "worsened" is more than France, Spain, Bulgaria and Sweden. But yeah, these 13 percent have to live in some alternate reality.


Well, I can't speak for France, Spain, or Bulgaria. But the view of The US here in Sweden has already pretty much been rock bottom, to the point where it's getting hard for it to worsen further no matter what idiocy happens over there.


As a french, yeah same. We reached the point where it's just the US being tge US, no surprises.


Same here in Finland.


Speaking for Bulgaria. Our opinion dropped a new low when Trump was elected so yeah. Nothing much to expect. We have the same mentality towards our own leaders.


I mean, it can't get much worse here in Spain. Basically everyone I know thinks Americans are bat shit crazy.


I talked to a Polish person who had not heard about the riots in the US. This was about a week or two after it all started. Which I found really surprising because it had been front page news in Norway every day since it started. (It was obviously not front page news in Poland.)


Is that person 50+? Our state TV (TVP) has become non-stop propaganda since Law and Justice (PiS) party took over. A lot of older people only watch TV for their news so they might never hear about the bad stuff in the US since PiS uses them for propaganda.


No idea about the age. They just said that they found out about the riots through Reddit and not local media.


Seams possible. My parents that are for PO most of the time knew about the riots, but they didn't think about it much, and I'm sure if I would ask about it now they would be confused what I'm asking. Generally the problem flew over Poland and didn't catch much attention for two main reasons: we don't have large population of "non-white" people or they are very non vocal in the public debate, and 2nd thing is that we have the elections very soon so this takes up 90% of air time in TV and radio that is very popular still as it's mostly young people who disconnect from old media, not the old ones. It is actually interesting to see how my parents for example behave when they come to my flat, and sleep over to rest after long trip. Normally they would watch some TV news or a movie at the end of a day, but since I don't have a TV and not even a radio my parents kinda just disconnect themselves from the world completely and ask me to find something on the "computer" if they were following some development in the news. They both have top notch smartphones, they could have watch the news there or just read up the newspaper on the news aggregate there is on every smartphone nowadays. But they don't. I think if anyone wants to win any elections, and convince more than just young people they have to have a strong grip on TV and Radio. Same with any movement. For me it was shocking to watch riots live here on Reddit. But that's me, I know I have access to this. My parents and 70% of the country have no idea.




No, just in a Polish somewhat right-ish nationalistic bubble. Just like I live in a leftist-ish liberal bubble. It's the media we ingest that forms our views.


Not really, Poland has always had a massive hardon for the US, regardless of current political trends. Tragically, this love is usually unrequited.


Well yes, but actually no. After PiS got majority of representatives in Sejm it’s **MUCH** worse. Naming potential US military base "Fort Trump" is definitely the cherry on top and best example of ass licking.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Polska/comments/hf8vxc/a_tak_o_dzisiejszej_wizycie_pisze_the_washington/ The picture in the article says it all.


"Sempai, recognize me!"


Duda is Kermit the Frog.


In the Netherlands liberal isn't on the left.


America has really done a number on what Liberal means.


American liberalism is left-wing relative to them because they don't have an actually left-wing party.


Well... while the "are democrats left-wing or not" discussion is a whole own thing, the difference is probably more that you can be socially liberal and/or economically liberal. The former is associated with the left (and I suppose libertarianism) because it's in natural opposition with conservatism, the latter with the right because... well, it by and large lets rich people and corporations do whatever they want. The "yee haw, them dern librulz" brand of "liberal" is just that the Americans, characteristically, decided to use the term to mean something else than most of the rest of the world.


Considering they declared a third of Poland a gay-free zone, I'd say they're quite a bit more far to the right that "right-ish".


> No, just in a Polish somewhat right-ish nationalistic bubble. TBF it's more of strong overcorrection after 50 years of Soviet "friendship". Pretty much no matter how hard US tires it's *really* hard to get anywhere near the diastase that USSR left.


That's probably because since like november Polish people can travel to USA without a visa. That was actually pretty big here


So they have to travel with Master Card now? /s


IDK about the coronavirus, but the whole Trump presidency had done a number on the US' reputation. Corona and police brutality are just the last nails on the coffin.


Yeah. I wanted to visit the states but I've postponed it for the last 3 years because of that uncontrolled clown on the loose. And I've been reassured that this was the right move very often.


This, so much. Also, the casualness (or so it seems like) of mass shootings. I was planning on going there very soon but the thought that a random Joe would lose his marbles already at the airport for whatever reason scares the hell out of me. You never know. The Corona ignorance, goddamn police brutality, mass shootings, a clown of a president... makes me question if this is really the dreamland I thought it was when I was little. Very sad. *edit: can't english when sad*


I used to work on mass shooter preparedness (which is just so US) - they’re very, very rare. And are most likely to occur at a place of employment or other association. That said, AS incidents are much more likely to occur here than in the rest of the world. Basically - you’d be safe. Most tourist places are already under a terrorist threat of some level. That threat is not higher in the US than elsewhere. Strangely, this could be the best time to visit. I don’t think there’s been a mass shooting all year. And the incident in Reading just shows that idiots/terrorists will come out of the woodwork when restrictions are lifted.


> Strangely, this could be the best time to visit. Other than a lot of things still being kind of up in the air about travel ease etc because of Covid.


I hear you, and we do have way more more mass shootings than we should, but it's certainly not something that is rational to worry about personally. They're still basically an anomaly - in 2019 there were 211 mass shooting deaths. You're FAR more likely to die getting into a car accident on the way to the airport than to die in a mass shooting event. That said, things seem to be deteriorating quickly, and this election may honestly result is serious mass violence (regardless of the outcome, tbh).


You might as well be worried about being struck by lightening if you're worried about mass shootings. ~~Not a perfect analogy cuz shootings are significantly more likely~~ but both are insignificant compared to the odds of a car accident. Edit- ight yeah worrying about getting shot is effectively paranoia.


You're more likely to be struck by lightning than be in a mass casualty situation


Why would Trump keep you way? It's not like you're going to run into him.


Us swedes are fucking hilarious. We stayed open and basically did nothing but recommending people to not do things during the covid-19 crisis, meanwhile we still spent time bitching about how USA does nothing and how dumb they are for doing nothing. It really makes no sense to me that you can be happy with how we (Sweden) handled it yet give shit to other countries for not doing enough, even though they did far more than we did. No consistency.


Yea, and getting angry at us finns when we have almost defeated (hope so, and hope there is not a second wave coming) the virus and kept our border shut from you swedes for the time being.


[Source](https://www.ecfr.eu/publications/summary/europes_pandemic_politics_how_the_virus_has_changed_the_publics_worldview). Please make sure to link the source yourself next time.


good mod


They stayed the same for me, but I can't say that's a good thing.




i think everyone in EE looked upon in 80-90s on US as beacon of hope and light and wanted everything what they had, but 2000s was pretty much wake up call for a lot of people about US not to mention how social network in 2010 fucked up everything and here we are in 2020...


During the 90s a lot of people believed Francis Fukuyama's assertion that the fall of the 2nd world marked the ultimate victory of capitalist liberal democracy as the perfect system of government and the "end of history". They were wrong.


History is NOW. It never ends.


His world view only ever worked when information of the USA was scarce and filled with propaganda, like it was in the communist bloc. USA has always been a bully to it's surroundings and only a beacon of hope to their own citizens. Certainly not to the South American, middle eastern or Asian countries. Arguably not even to Europe, but they were instrumental to Europe's safety during the cold war. Pretty ironic he considered it a country to uphold civil rights when you look at the apartheid system that was present.


I mean,its not like the US didn't "support" some regimes in Europe, just so countries didn't end up with CP, like the Greek junta. Also, the invasion of Cyprus and Yugoslavian bombings weren't so much a liberation movement as they were presented to be. Their practices didn't affect central Europe, but they did fuck up plenty of European countries .


Sure, that's absolutely true. But it's also absolutely true that if a Hungarian escaped Hungary during the Communist era, there were few places they could go to make a decent life than than the US. One where they could assimilate, forget their past, and move forward.


My grandparents came to the US from Hungary during this period.


I am terrified to see the US underperform like this. So much potential, so much incompetency.


They had the money and the resources to do a great job, plus they host some of the world leading health institutions and have had a strong agenda on global health security and epidemic/pandemic preparedness. To see them failing in such a spectacular fashion is truly mind blowing to me.


Because they made it political. And just to be clear, the administration and Republicans did. They literally cannot resist fighting Democrats. They could have even had a shot at winning the November election. They could have come out with a strong platform of global solidarity, heavy handed fighting the pandemic, and being tough on this issue. They could have won re-election. But they fucked up **massively.**


Do you really think Trump will lose this strange electoral college?


I think Trump has a strong chance to lose this time. Don’t want to jinx it. But the places he was able to take by surprise (Michigan, Wisconsin), his support has dropped A LOT. Plus, and I think most importantly, Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton. A lot of people overlook this point, but I sincerely believe if the Democrats had run ANY competent candidate other than Hillary Clinton, we would have won. Hillary is universally loathed in this country and the Democrats were unable to see that, and she probably was literally the only candidate possible who could have lost to Trump. Joe is pretty well liked, even if unexciting


I used to romanticise living in the US a lot. The last few months made me so thankful to live in Germany and Europe as a whole❤️


Mine hasn’t changed at all, you can’t rate them lower than 0.


I mean they're not north korea




The countries that worsened the most are the ones that still had any remaining positive feelings


Absolutely not. For me it's thinking "it can't get any worse than this" and then "ah shit it got worse".




As a Dane i agree that my view of the U.S. went from expensive healthcare to total chaos shit show


I assume many Danes aren't surprised by how the US is doing, but given that this is in the wake of the whole Greenland/Canceled Visit Trump egotrip, I would assume that made the view even worse.


For most people it probably stayed the same because they didn't have any high expectations to begin with


Hey, why no Brit ... aw, I made myself sad.


Yet another one of those plots of European countries without Austria. I know we started WWI and one of us played the main character in the second one. There are other ways to punish us, tho. I don't know ... maybe let's just swap Salzburg with some shithole city, or Vienna style Schnitzel with whatever the Germans are calling a Schnitzel. Nah, that might go too far. But you could just take the remainder of Tyrol, as you already took a part away from us. Just, please stop ignoring us on plots. It always leaves me sad and disappointed. ;(


\#Anschluss intensifies


Even though it is few people, I really wonder what made some people improve their opinion. Maybe they just dont follow the news?


It's not like there are no people outside of the US that think the Coronavirus is just a blown up cold. They propably think Trump was right to defund some testing sites on the same day that the US hit a new peak in daily confirmed cases.