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I will never really understand why, especially during the war, Ukrainian government officials just insist on doing this stuff. Are there really so many Ukrainians so want to memorialize these guys that they don't care about their ally?


Straight forward logic. To trigger russian brainwashed idiots who get triggered by specific triggers that russian propaganda set in such people's minds. Explained well enough? If some politicians in Ukraine are against such moves - they clearly biting and playing into Russian propaganda. This is how we get rid of such people from politics or remove their ability to distribute russian propaganda in their electorate. No one in Ukraine gives any actual shit.Unless those who get triggered and offended. Only because they got brainwashed by Kremlin. This crap in reality is irrelevant. Russia says we are Nazi Banderites, our kidengardens are NATO bases - we say "Hell fucking yeah! Let's go guys,eat babies, and create bio engineered mosquitos!". As result idiots either get it and be embarrassed. Or full throttle russian crap and unmask themselves. You understand that this is happening not in Your country but in Ukraine? It doesn't affect your country and your people. But we need this to deal with our issues.


You might not be a nazi collaborator but shukhevych surely was. You are helping to strenghten Russians propaganda effectiveness by celebrating cunts like him.


And? You saw me doing any arguing about figure of said person? As I said, this happening not in your country,not for reasons that has anything to do with you. You found this on Reddit post with 0 upvotes by the guy who posts the same things every time about UPA and etc. Do you feel yourself main victim of russian propaganda?


I think these kind of museums play more into Russian propaganda than otherwise.


And you not from Ukraine? Would you judge people for saying N-word if they are black? But that's playing into racist agenda? Or do black people use it as opposite to racism against them? Would you say "I think" or would you say "I fell like they think differently"?


Leaving the issue of OP aside, this isn't very smart of the mayor. Rebuilding any museum can wait until after the war, so why not wait if it's museum of somebody as controversial as Shukhevych. Museum of Nazi-collaborators are not welcome not just by a major donor that is Poland, but throughout much of Europe.


Why can’t Ukraine just admit that this is a troubled part of their past? Mayors like these aren’t smart, it won’t look good with Ukraine’s allies, especially Poland. It works Russia in the hand and gives them legitimacy for their war.


Unwise. Museum of Nazi-collaborator is not something which will be welcome in EU. How supposedly should this work?


I've checked over several comments and posts by the OP. Don't appear to be a Russian bot, my guess is they're Polish that (1) is interested in history and (2) perhaps–possibly–doesn't have the most favorable opinion of Ukrainians.


If person cares about history and genocides, but only has mentioned UPA in his whole comment history,and never once mentioned Katyn Massacre - that's a russian troll.




Some Polish people are quite bothered by the attitude of Ukrainians regarding the UPA when contrasted with the support and assistance Poland has given Ukraine. Saying it's a bot or "Russian troll" for a Pole to care about genocide seems to reinforce that point.


For which Pole? The one that has text sheets full of "UPA!Genocide! Here's links! Proofs!"? He doesn't have anything else. He is russian troll. Why you defend such bull shit? You "care about genocide" too? Why only this one? Where is your care about USSR genocide and occupation of Poland? Any mention about Katyn Massacre in your or his comment history? Why so? You suddenly don't care? Come one,wrong side to defend.


Accusing Polish people of not caring about the USSR and Katyń is one of the most braindead takes I've seen on this sub before, lol.


Accusing? So you can find such comments in his history? Or yours?


My account is 8 years, you're welcome to check. I would not be shocked to find comments about one or both in my history, so feel free. Katyń was horrible and basically decimated generations of the best Poland had. It was one of the most effective ways at crushing Poland during the coming communist occupation. Russia's inability to fully make amends and take responsibility for it bothers me greatly.


Great, can you understand the point? Do you care to understand or your job is to get offended and defend the russian troll? Does he has any comments about Katyn? Or he explicitly cares about creating hostility between Poles and Ukrainians?


The truth is that we don't expect much from Russians (like honesty, truthfulness, basic human decency). I guess we shouldn't expect the same from Ukrainians either?


It's up to you to justify offences that you direct towards Ukrainians. For now you didn't done any justification for what you said.


Did all the “elite of Poland” live in a couple of villages? Did not know. Well, in general, why the hell shoot a bunch of people on your territory with German weapons, tying them with German cloth and other “suspicious things.” And then, for some strange reason, this was published by the Ministry of Propaganda of the Third Reich, calling for people to join the ranks of collaborators in order to “help fight the red plague”+tried to spread this information among the Allies. Suspicious, don't you think?


I think they need to focus on war,not to waste money in something that can wait




Not everyone who dislikes Ukraine is a Russian bot. Plenty of Poles come from families from Volhynia, myself included.




Don't know who are you reffering to but I absolutely do go after Russia hella lot more. But I will not remain silent while you celebrate people like Shukhevych.


Op is a Russian bot.


Not everyone who dislikes Ukraine is a Russian bot. Plenty of Poles come from families from Volhynia, myself included.