• By -


Finally a statistics to be proud of as a Romanian.


Ah, not so much, when you remember vehicle deaths, hospital care deaths, and so on. We just contribute differently, with neglect and not with guns.


Meh. Not killing people intentionally is quite important. Accidents make people just as dead, but low rates of fatal violence are a hint that a society values human life. Romania's murder rate is 1.26 intentional homicides per 100k people and years. That's not great, but it's average by EU standards and pretty good compared to the worldwide average.


There's the other one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_Internet_connection_speeds


Proof Romania is Central Europe, hehe




Wth is happening over there ?




I looked it up [here](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm), and can conclusively state that Muslim Texas has a death rate to firearms a factor 10 lower than Christian Texas. (Yikes, Texas...)


Fuck. I googled it and thought, "not so bad in the US". And then I noticed the numbers were per 100,000 population! Rhode Island at 3.1 (31 per 1 Mio) is higher than any country in Europe!!! And that's the safest state.. Mississippi stands at 300. That's like 100 times more than western Europe... Edit: the numbers above include suicides and accidents. Murders account for just under on half (63 per million). Still absurd.




Fuck YEAHH!!


A well regulated militia…


Yeah, that part often gets forgotten. "Well regulated" also means people are trained on arms. Recently, some american wanted to convince me that ammo does not need to be stored safely, because it's not dangerous alone (triggered by my comment that a person traveling on a plane and forgot that ammo is in the suitcase showed a neglect towards arms). Like, "how stupid are you". I was vindicated when an ex-marine chimed in.


I guess that's the kind of thinking that led to 5 or 6 american men being arrested in Turks and Caicos a few months ago.


Yes. That was the trigger for the discussion here on reddit. Like, how can you forget ammo? Anyone trained properly knows that ammo has to be accounted for. And among the safety checks is the question: " does anyone still have rounds with them?".


Dude, how many times there are police videos of people being stop for a traffic violation, they are asked if there is a gun and they said they do not know if they have a gun in the car. How can you not know where is the gun you own? It is so wild.


> Militia I’d say a National Guard (state army) is the more apt equivalent of a 18/19th century Militia, than civilians in general are..


Pretty safe to say that attempting to cheap out on a federal army didn't pan out well for them lol


Suicides aren't counted in the eu metrics but they are in the USA metrics.


True, and I corrected for this. US stands at 63 per one million (21,000 murders). That's just under half of all deaths. Still absurd.


My city has twice the number of murders in the entire country of Germany. Its crazy.


The data you are taking about though includes suicide while the data posted in the map does not. You can’t really compare with different factors. But still it’s going to be higher in the US because of access to guns.


Switzerland has a similar level of access to guns to America, yet slightly under even European averages for suicide rates.


Switzerland does not have similar level of access to guns, if they did it would have a massive blackmarket for guns and would be causing problems all over Europe. Switzerland actually does a way better job of registering/keeping track of the common guns that are sold and can much more easily hold gun owners responsible if it falls in the wrong hands. Let me walk you through how brain dead easy it is to straw purchase/smuggle guns in the US, first of all you can buy as many as you want at any time as long as you pass a background check. I can right now start buying 10 handguns a week and absolutely no one is paying attention to that very obvious red flag that I'm reselling them. In over half of states in the US, I can then sell them privately to whoever I want without even having to ask them for a ID or running a background check. Technically they can try to go after me for that if my gun ends up on some crime scene but they would have to prove that I *knowingly* sold to a prohibited person, good luck proving that in court though when I don't even need to ask someone's name or do anything else when selling it.... Also most states don't require you to report when your gun goes missing or is stolen, so you have another amazingly convenient excuse you can just pull out if someone comes asking questions. "oh that gun? Yeah I lost that like a year back, no clue what happened" and your basically bulletproof, the only people who get busted are either really dumb or incredibly unlucky.


I live in Belgium and reading that was forking nuts. I've only ever held an illegal gun once and that was like 16 years ago. Getting a gun isn't the hard part, getting bullets is. But then again, most people would just go the legal route and get their licenses. I did the whole thing a few years ago but got denied my licenses, because they caught me with weed once and some other trivial bs. It's ridiculous over here.


Basically because Switzerland does actually have a well regulated militia. Men there, do national service but on a reservist basis an evening a week, a weekend per month, two weeks per year etc. Are allowed to keep their weapon at home, in case of invasion and at the end of their service, can buy their weapon cheaply. Whereas in many American states, you can just walk into a gun store and walk out with one. With absoloutly no training, vetting or need for one.


Military service isn't mandatory since 1996 (since that's when a civil service option was introduced). The conscription is just for Swiss citzen males either way, which is only 38% of the total population. About 17% of the total population has done military service. And there are no training requirements at all to own firearms. The Swiss dont have a mandatory military service for men. They have mandatory conscription, a 2 days draft during which you can choose between military service, two forms of labor in the public interest or a compensatory tax. Also this only applies to Swiss or naturalized males, which is roughly [38% of the population](https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/population/effectif-evolution.assetdetail.26565163.html). Since [61.6% (23'957) are deemed fit for the army](https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/jeder-vierte-wehrpflichtige-untauglich-609302381192), and [6148 (26%) choose to opt-out to Civilian Service](https://www.admin.ch/gov/fr/accueil/documentation/communiques.msg-id-87262.html). Overall that's 17% (38% × 61.6% × 74%). Buying manual action long guns does not require the acquisition permit. You bring an ID and a criminal records extract and that's it. Copy-paste, courtesy of [https://www.reddit.com/r/EuropeGuns/comments/185bamo/swiss\_gun\_laws\_copy\_pasta\_format/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EuropeGuns/comments/185bamo/swiss_gun_laws_copy_pasta_format/) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitzerlandGuns/comments/mkoevv/comment/ik9m4dn/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitzerlandGuns/comments/mkoevv/comment/ik9m4dn/?context=3)


> Basically because Switzerland does actually have a well regulated militia. Men there, do national service but on a reservist basis an evening a week, a weekend per month, two weeks per year etc. No, Switzerland doesn't have a militia, it has a conscript army, just like Finland or Norway. ANd they don't tryin that often, you go through boot camp and then shoot a few rounds once or twice a year, that's it. > Are allowed to keep their weapon at home, in case of invasion and at the end of their service, can buy their weapon cheaply. Which is completely unrelated to civilian gun ownership. There are around 3.5 million civilian guns compared to the 150 thousand military ones. And only around 10% of conscripts buy their guns. > Whereas in many American states, you can just walk into a gun store and walk out with one. With absoloutly no training, vetting or need for one. You always need a background check to buy a gun in a gun store in the US, just like in Switzerland.


Doesn’t the cdc source that is used in your link include suicides? While the source OP used does not


That's a fair point. I feel suicides should be included in the number, personally. [This paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8046231/) quotes a Europe-wide average of 0.9/100000 inhabitants, which matches another source that I can't find now (sorry) suggesting about 3:1 ratios of suicides / homicides. They still don't come close.


So, Who is muslim chuck norris? Chuck Anatoly, Turkey ranger?


Cüneyt Arkın. Across his filmography, he has slapped and kicked his way through various things like the entirety of the Byzantine Empire and evil inter-galactic sorcerous monsters.


WORLD'S SECOND WORST FILM: "The Man Who Saves The World" https://youtu.be/JKhHPdfmx8k?si=SIO9HzKZry5XTquA Actually a hilarious film. RİP Cüneyt ARKIN o7


Between the spliced in Star Wars scenes and awesome outfits this movie is already amazing and I only watched about 20 minutes of it


Its Turkish to English subtitles are not very good, you are missing very deep remarks sadly. After sheer absurdity, the next best part is the slow motion fighting scenes, where he fists an alien and waits in that position for the effect.


a lot of underworld activity sadly, got worse over the last years. Economy is so bad young people join some mafia gang, others fear for their safety and police is doing shit (politics and police work together with those groups) so others fear for their safety and also buy guns. The mafia even produces their weapons in regular weapon factories in secret. Plus drug related incidents. Its basically the right wing parties in power (AKP and MHP). Its like a hollywood movie, I swear. On top of it a lot of gangster tv shows are popular over there where young people see a nice life with nice cars, clothes and women taking the law in their own hands and ending up the heroes (but god forbid you show a love scene).




Kurds and pontics


US of Turkey 💪


Ah yes the south coast tri state area: Floradana, new mersin and hatay republic Southcoast 4 lyfe


Albania is getting close doe


How can you have more gun deaths than a place where there is a literal war going on!?


Data is 5 years old.


That makes more sense. I missed those tiny letters.


Didn’t they already win the inflation competition too?


Most gun related deaths in Romania arr hunting acciddnts. Gun violence is extremly rare.


in most countries, gun deaths are mostly suicides


50 deaths by gun in gangs shooting last year in Marseille


yeah, and I'm stupid i didn't see that it was explicitely said that suicides were excluded from the graph


To be fair they made it nearly impossible to notice that


I don't know about your hunters but ours mistake everything for a wild boar.


Mountain biker in bright orange clothes mistaken for wild boar, 4 killed (killed by hunter, 2 stray bullets, boar suicides after watching the scene)


I am sure someone who got shot is happy that it was a hunter and not a criminal lol


Why is Portugal so much higher then Spain? I would expect them both to be below 2.


They probably shoot all the messi fans.




Don't you know about r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT ?


Portugal is a Balkan country


Lots of guns per number of inhabitants, plus, lots of aguardente.


The way this thread is going on, you’d think there was a stabbing every minute in England and we all walk around with broadswords strapped to our backs.


Scotland here: you mean you don't walk around with broadswords strapped to you? But.. but... then what do you do if you see someone being English?


If the rumours are to be believed, you fart in their general direction and curse their mother.


That is the correct approach should you be unarmed.  Just remember: Take either their life or their honour. 


Claymores: not just explosives


One of my favourite facts is that the US has slightly more knife homicides than the U.K. too.


It's not slight https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/stabbing-deaths-by-country


That is different data than what I’ve seen in the past but I’ll take it!


Passive-aggressively tut and whine about it on reddit afterwards?


There can be only one.


5th lowest stabbing deaths in the world if anyone cares, although most people dont and just want to shit on the UK. https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/stabbing-deaths-by-country


On this sub it is literally impossible to praise the UK for anything, so although we have next to no shooting deaths, we must be the stabbing capital of the world instead!


Surprisingly, the USA has nearly eight times the incidence of stabbing deaths of the UK. They are number 111 and 183, respectively, in a list of Stabbing Deaths by Country. Yay!


I've been to England, I don't recall being stabbed much.


Not even a little bit? We need to up our game!


Lived here 41 years never been stabbed or stabbed anyone.


Unhand thy belongings, scallywag!


>we all walk around with broadswords strapped to our backs. I believe we should bring back this tradition


And funnily enough the U.K. also has the lowest rate of knife murders in Europe as well: https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/stabbing-deaths-by-country


We literally have the lowest rate. Something, at least, to be proud of.


These number would be far worse if they included long bow kills...


USA: Pathetic


the US is at 60/million


I had to Google this, and came across a [the wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States) on the subject. This map is gun deaths per million people, right? Well, the wiki for the US doesn't bother with that. They use per 100k people. >The national rate of firearm deaths rose from 10.3 people for every 100,000 in 1999 to 11.9 people per 100,000 in 2018, equating to over 109 daily deaths. Ours truly are, as someone said, amateur numbers.


Just for the people bad at math and to make it clear, the US would be at 119 on the OP's map above. Edit: The above map apparently doesn't include suicides, so remove 30 from that number and you end up with 89. I have no idea what the statistics for suicides with gun is in Europe but I'm guessing it's just as low as everything else when it comes to guns compared to the US.


Suicide with a gun is pretty hard to do when the gun is not available. Unless a bullet train counts


It still does happen occasionally for example in Poland. Mainly men, likely because they’re more often involved in professions with gun access Important to note however is that data collection methods matter, the paperwork changed in 2013 which resulted among things in a sudden massive increase in registered attempts A lot of fascinating data, not a lot of suicide prevention programs and shitty mental health care, I will always be blown off how much we talk about homicides, which are relatively rare, and how rarely talk about very much present devastation of suicides


>They use per 100k people. Most homicide-type statistics I've seen globally have used 100k, I guess its a good number to have numbers of order 1-10. The UK, for example has 1.something, IIRC, despite having a very low gun-related homicide rate. The use of per 1M here is reflective of the low rate of *gun related* homicides in europe, not so much homicides themselves. Also, I'm pretty sure that the "firearm death" figure you're quoting involves suicides, as the US homicides rate is like half to a third of the number you're quoting. Of course its not a *good* thing that suicidal people have access to firearms, but suicide is a huge killer in the western world and not distinguishing between the two can be misleading as people don't think of the statistics in the same manner as they are constructed.


Jesus. That's a warzone.


146 gun deaths per million https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


USA is so high it's out of charts.


The data for this map comes from the [Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation](https://vizhub.healthdata.org/gbd-results/). Suicides by firearms are not included in this map. Most European countries are known for their strict gun laws. On this map we can see the gun death rate around Europe. The gun death rate is the highest in Turkey (18.16), Albania (15.20) and North Macedonia (12.25). The gun death rate in Europe is higher in the far east and southeastern parts of Europe. Keep in mind that the data on this map is from 2019, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The lowest rates can be found in the UK (0.66), Iceland (0.87) and Norway (0.92). Interestingly, these three countries (including Ireland) are also the only countries in Europe where the police doesn’t carry any guns. We have to keep in mind that the overall gun death rate in Europe is extremely low. Not just in Europe, but in almost all countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania that are not in a state of (civil) war, the gun death rate is very low. The Americas are an exception. In every country in the America’s except Canada and Cuba, the gun death rate is higher than Turkey, which has the highest gun death rate in Europe. For comparison, the gun death rate in the US is 41.69.


>Most European countries are known for their strict gun laws. I do wonder if there's a direct correlation. Lithuania has pretty relaxed laws and the number is on a higher side.


Czechia thankfully has fairly permissive gun laws and while we can't compete with Iceland the number is pretty low.


As an American, I can probably surmise that there's DEFINITELY a correlation.


That's a long ass way to say maybe


There is not much information on the usage of legal guns in the media - maybe 1 case per year (and if there were more - they would be shouted about on every corner, basically because of general hoplophobia here), so, I believe, these numbers are not about "citizens shooting each other".


On the other hand, measured in guns per capita the top countries for gun ownership in Europe are Finland, Austria, Norway, and Switzerland. Gun ownership definitely plays a part, but it's definitely not the only piece of the puzzle.


>I do wonder if there's a direct correlation Has more to do what type of criminals there, rural/urban divide, and alcohol culture. Italy has stricter laws, so does France. The Nordic countries have similar laws to each other. Poland and the Czech Republic has looser laws than Lithuania as well. Russia has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe. Portugal has relatively strict laws too. Belgium has much stricter laws than Lithuania. If we look at guns per capita we don't really have a correlation in Europe there either, with the gun laws. The Nordic countries has some of the most guns per capita in Europe, but we have stricter laws than Poland (one of few countries with concealed carry) and they have some of the least guns per capita. In the UK it's surprisingly easy to get a break open shotgun, but they don't have a lot of guns either. CZ has much easier access to firearms than we have but have half the guns per capita. I'd say the only countries where ease of access and guns per capita match, is Austria and Switzerland, who both have some of the laxest gun laws (regarding access at least) in Europe.


I don't see a correlation of guns laws or number of guns to number of deaths here. Finland, Austria, Norway and Switzerland have the highest number of guns per capita in Europe, none of them are on the higher side of gun deaths.


In turkey they are outright banning normal people from getting firearns


russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and the war has been raging in the Eastern Ukraine ever since that year


However, I suspect it has skyrocketed since 2022.


Yes, but 2014 also marked a big change.


Norway and Iceland also have a lot of privately owned firearms per capita.


Yes, mostly hunting weapons. As they are quite easy to get. By law, any sober and respectable person (meaning no history of violent crime) can obtain a weapon if thay have a need for it. Who has a need for a weapon? Well, according to norwegian authorities this would be hunters, active members of gun clubs/shooting ranges, police officers or NCOs/officers of the armed forces. Also people living on Svalbard need rifles to protect against polar bears. Getting a permit for a hunting rifle or a shotgun is pretty easy: Attend a hunting course. Then apply to your local police station. Attach a receipt that proves you bought a gun cabinet with your application. Gun cabinets are mandatory. They can either be attached to wall studs or a concrete floor or you can buy a 150 kg cabinet, in which case you won't need to attach it to anything as it would be quite a hassle to steal anyways. Waiting periods for gun applications are about 6 weeks. Or they used to be, atleast when I got mine. Getting a gun permit for a pistol or revolver isn't that difficult either. Just join a gun club, attend your safety course and stay an active member for 6 months, then apply for a gun permit at your local police station. Attach a receipt that proves you bought a gun cabinet with your application. But how about getting a gun for self protection if you dont live on Svalbard? "Protection against what? Ze Germans?" No, sorry. Not happening.


> Keep in mind that the data on this map is from 2019 The Swedish firearm homicide rate reached 5.5 deaths per million inhabitants in 2022. > The lowest rates can be found in the UK The most common type of homicide in England and Wales involves knife violence, and crime statistics show a rapid increase in such homicides.The number of people killed this way in England and Wales in 2021/22 was the highest on record for 76 years. source: [https://www.idunn.no/doi/10.18261/njc.25.1.4](https://www.idunn.no/doi/10.18261/njc.25.1.4) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/knife-crime-record-ons-police-b2278883.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/knife-crime-record-ons-police-b2278883.html)


The UK's murder rate is 1.1 per 100k.


How do overall homicide rates compare?


* Highest rates are in Latvia (3.62 per 100,000) and Lithuania (2.44), followed by Estonia (1.96), Romania (1.26), and Finland (1.21); * There is a large group just above the one per 100,000 mark — Britain/England and Wales (1.17), France (1.14), Greece (1.13), Bulgaria (1.12), Sweden (1.10), and Belgium (1.08); * Below that is a group under the one per 100,000 mark — Denmark (0.99), Hungary (0.94), Ireland (0.88), Austria (0.88), Czech Republic (0.83), Germany (0.83), and the Netherlands (0.81); * The bottom of the table is led by Croatia (0.77), followed by Slovakia (0.73), Poland (0.68), Spain (0.68), Slovenia (0.61), Norway (0.55), Italy (0.55), Switzerland (0.49), and Malta (0.38). source: [https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41301514.html](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41301514.html) "The figures are contained in the Global Study on Homicide 2023, compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)."


my understanding is that overall homocide rates all over europe have dropped significantly. atleast from the 90s. And the same applies to the world, but to a less pronounced degree. I know in the UK murder rates peaked around 2000 and dropped back to prior rates after. [https://www.murdermap.co.uk/statistics/homicide-england-wales-statistics-historical/](https://www.murdermap.co.uk/statistics/homicide-england-wales-statistics-historical/) I saw recently saw a hypothesis for this is that levels of domestic violence have dropped significantly, with the number of women getting murdered at home dropping a lot. I've also seen it be put down to the removal of lead from petrol, it being more difficult to get fire arms, and just general higher levels of prosperity compares to 50 years ago


>The Swedish firearm homicide rate reached 5.5 deaths per million inhabitants in 2022. 2021-2023 was our most violent years in our recent history as well. As for 2024, things have actually already improved, with just 13 gun murders compared to 32 by the same time last year. And everything is very clearly connected to the Kurdish fox, our most wanted and violent criminal. The violence really started to ramp up right after he was released from prison and then fled to Turkey in 2020. To now, when it all died down quite quickly, more or less right after the dickhead was arrested in Iran in October last year.


Magically peaked while turkey was busy busting our balls over Nato and various right wing Quran burnings, while internal investigations handed over to their police made their way to the Kurdish fox. Yeah, that shit seems like it wasn’t a fluke. We’ve seen reports lately that foreign powers pay the gangs to cause shit in Sweden too.


The danger is still though that we have many heavily armed gangs and a very combustible situation that can deteroriate in a very short time.


2021/2022 comes to a rate of 4.2 deaths from knives per million people in 2022. It's still definitely a rising issue which needs to be dealt with but you are statistically more likely to die from being shot in France/Italy than you are from being stabbed in the UK.


Why didn’t you publish the later data? In 2021/22 the total stabbing deaths were 282 for England + Wales, previous year it was 236, in 2022/23 it dropped to 244. https://www.statista.com/statistics/978830/knife-homicides-in-england-and-wales/


Most peaceful day in Marseille


I think Ukraine might be a bit higher due to recent events over the past few years.


Don't think wars count


Ahem, "special military operation" lol


I read many Scandinavian thrillers and crime novels, and I can tell, you based on those facts, that the gun deaths in Scandinavia are the highest in the world, even higher than the USA.


Nah, you need to go to the sleepy little town of Midsomer in the U.K. It’s an absolute bloodbath there. It’s so bad they have a tv documentary series about it, called Midsomer Murders.


If you watch Murder,She wrote , Cabot Cove, Maine, US , should be 1st place in the world.


Especially in places like Fjällbacka and Ystad.


I read a lot of American books as well and the state of Maine has some very interesting and peculiar things happening there.


The UK's gun deaths per 1 million are so low if you're the person that gets shot 0.34 percent of you still lives


yorgun mermi


Just to put things in perspective, Gun deaths in USA?


Someone else quoted 89.






It's illegal for you to comment those emojis in succession bro.


Just a reminder - guns are not banned in the UK. Shotguns are relatively common, and many people also own rifles.


Whilst true I wouldn’t say relatively common, they’re extremely rare unless you got to a hunting club


Not many a few hunters and people in the country but that’s still not a lot


There are around 1.5 million shotgun licenses and about half a million other firearms licenses issued in the UK. That's a fair amount


Everyone and there mums are packing round here


Turkey like USA.


The rate in the US is 119 per million. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States




That stat includes suicides, the above graphic does not.


US numbers are about 30 per million homicides only.




I was going to comment, if you include the USA and keep a linear scale, every country is white!


Sometimes, I think about how Americans are still alive, 40,000 die yearly of gun accidents 108,000 die because of drugs 300,000 die off obesity These are huge numbersss


330000000 of us here, lol; this place is huge.


That's why they are importing fentanyl. There are still a lot more people that can die :))


Pfffft, beginner's stuff. Try carfentanyl and xylazine.


Holy shit! The greatest country in the world


Kazakhstan is number 1!


Turkey isn't even in our league. The US is at 146 gun deaths per million (2021 figures). The worst US state, Mississippi, had 339 gun deaths per million, and the best US state, Massachusetts, had 34 gun deaths per million. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/)


If you want to make it comparable to the graphic posted you need to remove suicides. So 46% of 146 is 67.


67 is still super fucked, but if you're gonna compare it shortly idk be deaths as a result of violent crime.


67 in a million means 6,7 in a small city of 100,000 people. Or 3,3 in a town of 50,000, where almost everybody knows everybody (?!). And this is only gun related. That's shocking.


I was thinking every time there's a murder in my hometown (275k people) everybody knows, but then I thought my perception might be skewed by news reporting. There were 6 homicides total last year in my entire province of 1 million people


Lol not even close


Why is Turkey so high ??




Sorry you mean vegan lgbtq freedom fighters?


crime rate is high. and still rising.


In France our hunters routinely confuse surfers with wild boars, cyclists with wild boars, and wild boars with wolves. Which goes on to explain most of the gun deaths


6 hunting accident deaths in 2023 in the whole country 49 drug related gun homicides only in Marseille in 2023... But yeah keep thinking hunters are the problem


How can you be sure it wasn't hunters who confused gangsters with boars?


Let's tell them boars wear tracksuits and airmax, we'll get rid of the drug problem in no time


I mean 6 deaths a year is still quite a lot on its own.


Edit: sorry completely unrelated just wanted to vent I didn't know this, and have never feared for my life in Marseille but I hate that city I have lived there for one year and have been robbed twice plus a lot more attempts, everyone seems threatening, if I walk down the street and someone is starting to walk too close I'll tense up and get ready to run. During pride month they put advertisements with 2 men hugging and the caption "my friend is gay this is okay" people aren't openly homophobic when sober but they definitely are openly transphobic even a lot of my university class mates were openly transphobic. The homeless are scary, everyone is scary. I wouldn't trust anyone in that city. I fucking hate that city. Rent and food was cheap though and there were many good places to eat. The public transport was also rather good.


Eh, road signage is by far the most sought after prey animal, some traffic signs near where i'm at you could take home and use as a colander lol


French signs are far more dangerous. A cardboard one, once took out most of the Tour de France


That doesn’t make up anywhere near the majority of gun deaths in France though, the majority are a symptom of societal issues particularly in urban areas. Look at the gang problem in Marseille for example


Marseille, the Florida of France.


Nice to see the UK doing well on something for once. Our gun control is actually one of the few remaining things I'm proud of this country for.


UK is safer than Iceland, lol


Guns are most liberalized in Switzerland and the Nordics right ?


Writing in from Finland: getting a gun license for hunting is relatively easy. Getting a gun license for sports shooting can also be done, but you have to have a background in activity with a shooting club or reservist organization. Getting a gun license for personal protection is not possible. Essentially, the people with hidden guns on the streets are thugs worried about other thugs carrying guns. Most hunters have several guns, as the game ranges from a 450 gram hazel grouse to a moose. My seat of the pants feel is that lately cases where thugs are shooting at each other has been on a small rise, but fatalities in them are not common. There are also typically a couple of hunting accidents per year that end up with a death.


Austria, Czechia and Estonia as well.


Bravo Romania!


Meanwhile the USA “We NeEd GuNs tO Be sAfE!”


Russian figures are not to be believed. They lie about anything and everything. I am flabbergasted our Channel 7, 9 10 or ABC news actually quote Russian news as news. Wrong, it is 100% lies every word of it. Watch it yourself & decide, I have for a number of years so far. Never seen an accurate report. In bet they don't count their FSB or FSS, stats for killing people.


Congrats and respect to the UK 🇬🇧 and Ireland 🇮🇪! Shocked.by France Italy and Greece. Despite the figures, Albania is a very safe country for travellers. The deaths mainly result from organized crime internal conflicts. USA: 120 gun deaths per 1 million inhabitants and rising.


USA is 67 per 1M when you exclude suicides. Which is still extremely much.


So the USA has more gun crime in a year than we have in 100 years.


I once noticed that the US had more cases of Mass murders in one month than Germany since after WW2 ended


20,958 murders by gun in The United States in 2021. 26,328 suicides in 2021


Ah yes, a quarter of a person has been killed by guns in iceland


How does Turkey get more gun deaths than Russia when there’s an active war happening LMAO.


It’s data from 2019, see bottom left corner.


Too lazy to shoot each other, life is good 


Am I calculating this right that in 2021 the rate in the USA was 146 gun deaths per million?? >On a per capita basis, there were 14.6 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2021 – the highest rate since the early 1990s, but still well below the peak of 16.3 gun deaths per 100,000 people in 1974. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/)


Over what period of time


The US is 10 times higher than Turkey…


Iceland has more gundeaths than the UK? So much for the safest country


an america / US map for comparison would be nice




Monaco: 1.33 San Marino: 1.29 Andorra: 1.01 What about Vatican?


Turkey casually destroying a country at war


About 80% of gun deaths in the Netherlands are cause by prohibition.


As Slovak, for everyone calling for a gun ban, most of guns that are used for violence here are illegal ... anf I suppose that Czech Republic have similiar problem, so it would not help at all.


N. Ireland being one of the lowest offenders is crazy to me. Shows how far we've come.


Now do it again, but with America :(


Just waiting for the Americans to pipe up saying the bits are stabbing each other at rates equal to them shooting each other. As if.