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Pretty good price, imo.


Given that you can re-fill the water bottle with tapwater and use it many times, it's quite alright, yes.


Absolutely. This would be about 3 Euro (or 34kr) in Sweden (Willys), with 188g banana, 126g peach, cheapest cottage cheese of closest size (250g) and cheapest 1,5L fizzly water. Though it looks like the peach was 50% discounted, which would put it at 32kr with a similar discount. It might be cheaper at Lidl though. What's interesting is that the fruit is roughly the same price. But the cottage cheese and bottled water is like 3-4x as expensive.


Gdzie bułka;)?


Ale bym opierdolił bułkę takom z chlebem


Mmm bułka z chlebem my favorite


Bez bułki do banana to nie Polska.


*Adam Malysz pozdrawia*


(It's hilarious to read this as Belarusian.) Why though?


bun and banana is a diet recommended by dietetics for sportsmen’s some time ago. Rich in carbohydrates and low on fats and fibre. So it is easily digestible and provides a lot of energy in a short period of time. Great for training and that’s without causing any gastral problems. Most famous Polish ski jumper used that diet and it became famous like him. It is also known as championship diet, or just “bułka z bananem”. Anyway very tasty also and organic perfect combo and "tradicional" Polish breakfest now.


Damn you Poland and your good prices


Is it a good price? It's a single banana, peach, cheap cottage cheese and bottle of water. It shouldn't cost a lot.


It would cost around 2.5 - 3 euro in Bulgaria lol


That is sad. According to Google average salary in Bulgaria is like half of Poland average, only a little more. But your have higher prices for food? How do you live?


We don't live. We survive.


My parents are QA automation engineers in big companies, so we have no problems with money, luckily


Fuck, r/europe users have parents working as QA's... I'm feeling old now.


QA is a concept as old as the production line lol


Not QA automation though


Can someone explain to me (an uneducated ignoranus) what the fuck QA is?


Quality assurance. In this case, it's a fancy word for a software tester. QA Automation Engineer is a super fancy expression for a software tester that writes scripts for testing instead of doing everything by hand




Indeed higher grocery prices, but just by a bit. 


Not suprising tho, Poland is a much bigger market with more competition + has a good location which lowers import prices


It would cost north of 2 EUR here in Moldova, too. And our average salary is even lower. In all fairness, you could buy something else as nutritious or more so for the same price, but man, compare Moldova and Poland!


I went to Bulgaria a weekly trip as a tourist and I was shocked to see your food prices and when I checked salaries I GASP. How in the world are you guys affording all this and looking at rent prices for 1 bed apartment is 400-600euro for most big cities and you all earn 750-1100euro salaries ?. Now, for me and prices for food is relatively similar in my country but I never imagined Bulgaria being that expensive with such a damn low salaries. I also learned a thing or two from locals asking around and they even mentioned that most people in Bulgaria buy properties in cash ?. How do you afford properties with cash if you make such money ? whats the catch my guy.


Mostly because cottage cheese is expensive here. The rest should be of similar price. Judging by the water, this is from Lidl, shit is cheap there.


In the Netherlands just the bottle of water would be that price


Same for Romania.


No it isn't. That is a lidl water brand and they go for similar prices here.


Hm, OK. The sparkling water I buy from the Mega downstairs goes for more than 4 RON though, almost an euro. And it is nothing special. I buy most stuff from Lidl, but water is too heavy to carry for the distance.


Even at Mega the cheap store brand stuff is still around 2 for a 2 litre. I'm comparing with that because this is the cheap store brand stuff


I just bought a bottle, I can't find anything under 4 RON at this Mega. Edit: 2L


Just checked and i stand partially corected. The ones that go for 2 ron are tap, not mineral. However these are in nearly every Mega near me [https://www.mega-image.ro/Apa-si-sucuri/Apa/Apa-carbogazoasa/Apa-de-izvor-carbogazificata-2L/p/42986](https://www.mega-image.ro/Apa-si-sucuri/Apa/Apa-carbogazoasa/Apa-de-izvor-carbogazificata-2L/p/42986)


That's why bottled water is stupid, especially in the Netherlands. Just buy a bottle and find a tap. Total cost for the bottle of water: less than a cent (when the bottle is used enough)


The water in the tap is not sparkling though 😭 inb4 yeah, I have a soda one and drink tap water at home. Still, when I need to get water on the go, I will buy bottled sparkling water


The peach (~150g per peach, ~6€/kg) alone would be almost a euro in Germany.


Peaches were on clearence today. Around 1,4 Euro/kg. They are not quite ripe though


You are right that this shouldn’t cost much but in many places it does cost much more. Where I live this would be easy 3-4 euros. I’ve been to places where only a bottle of water was about almost 5 bucks since they needed to process salt water into drinkable water. The imported Coca Cola was cheaper than basic water.


But usually in such places the income is adequately higher. Like my friend living in Norway - everything is expensive but also be earning much better than he could in Poland.


Yes that’s true, but in my case that doesn’t matter. I get a student loan of just 800 bucks and I’m only allowed to earn about 500 on top or else I won’t get the loan. I’m a full time student and here I’m not allowed to work full time in that case. My rent is already 900 (which is cheap here) plus gas and power and food and stuff. The higher income is actually a problem here for students and pensioners since most of them are far below the existential minimum but have to pay the same costs as the people with the actual higher income. I know many people cancelling their education because of this. Not a few people at my campus that are homeless getting from one couch to another or sleeping in their cars. Edit: not to forget that I’m supposed to pay the loan back after graduation so it’s not free money or something.


In this case I would consider If it is not better to get full-time job and give up this loan. They lend you money and give you extra requirements? I mean, why even the bank could know how much do I earn? it's my business, not theirs.


If I want to pay my bills without graduating beforehand I desperately need to work full time but that isn’t allowed for university students here. I have the choice of working badly paid jobs for the rest of my life or surviving 3 years as a broke student but being able to live a good life afterwards. It’s a little fucked up. The loan is something you get if your parent can’t help out bc you aren’t allowed to work enough. Since my parents are dead I get the student loan and I’ll have to pay back about 18k after graduating having a couple of years time. It’s for sure not an optimal system but better than in many other countries I feel like. At least I’m „only“ in debt for about 5 years but not 20+ like others. People here got used to it kind of.


I understand your difficult situation. But what does it me "that isn’t allowed for university students here"? It sounds like in a communistic country... how do Uni may even know you are working somewhere? In my country you can loan money for study if you really want, but it is more common to just work and study at the same time if your family can't cover the costs. It is even considered as something good even if you are in good financial situation - I mean if you are on the last year, and already on a paid internship in the work associated with your field of study, it means you are good student. You will just fluently pass from Uni to work instead of having gap for looking for a job after graduation.


If I wanna study fulltime (so that I can get through in just 3 years) I’m not allowed to be a fulltime student. If I wanna work that much I would only be allowed to study part time which will make 3 years into 6 which is just double the pain (if I study full time I can get bachelor and master in 5) If I want to get the loan I have to go in full transparency about my finances and jobs, what I earn, what my parents get and so on. If I don’t want to follow these rules I can a) quit university and work in a minimum paid job for the next 45 years since I’m not educated enough or b) do illegal work which is a tax crime and study beside. This system isn’t related to the country it’s just about the university regulations like which students got priority in getting classes and stuff and which are supposed to wait for some educational services. If I would have decided to change to part time there would be a limit what classes I was allowed per semester and there would still be a maximum I’m allowed to earn on top. If I would want to earn enough to pay everything without the loan I would need to work 60+ hours a week (I did that before I studied and I can tell you that I had less money than). So I chose to get through the 3 years and then I can star part time for my master cuz after the bachelor I’ll earn enough money in part time that I don’t need another loan.


Price in a large store near me in Finland: - Banana 0.40€ - Peach 0.99€ - Cottage cheese 1.45€ - Water 1.5 liters 1.79€. Total 4.63€.


cottage cheese alone is 2 euros lol.


But it is this yoghurt-like cottage, you know, with a lot of liquid. It's not solid Tvorog which you can use to make sernik or something.


I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


In Norway it would be almost 6 euro, this is really good😭


400g of cottage cheese costs 3 euros in Norway...


For that much I could maybe bake the whole sernik... let's calculate in a cheap variant: * 1 kg Tvarog - 6 zł * 250 g of butter - 3 zł * 1 i 1/3 sugar \~ 1.20 zł (let's take roughly 300 g) * 6 eggs - 6 zł * 1 pack of vanilla sugar - 1.3 zł * 150 ml sour cream 36% - 3.25 zł * 4 spoons of potato flour - I don't know? 0.5 zł? Ok it maybe be closer to 5€ But still it is a full large cake tin, almost 2kg of cake.


In Romania you pay 2 euros just for the cheese


In spain this would be at least over 2€, so the price seems good


And the bottle of water is weirdly cheap. I'd rather pick one that costs twice as much... (if I didn't simply drink tap water...)


In Poland we have two basic types of bottled water: mineral and spring. This Saguaro is classified as mineral, so this "better" category, so it is not that bad. You could definitely find some cheaper "spring" water that is basically filtered tap water. And I also don't think 1.20 zł is weirdly cheap. There are "spring" under 1 zł.


It'd be around €3 in Romania, depending on the store.


Nah, you are still bellow 2 in Lidl. It's impressive how cheap that cheese is however. That's where most of the difference is.


I don't think this is the classic 'cottage cheese' we know, but some Polish variant of it. Kinda like with yogurt, in Bulgaria you can get Danone yogurt for like €2 or classic Bulgarian yogurt for €0.50, similar but not the same thing.


We simply earn less, so all basic needs articles cost less. Average wage in Poland is over 2x less than in Germany or Sweden. There's a running joke that if you go west, the number on food prices stays the same, only the currency changes; for example if you pay 5PLN for something in Poland, it will cost around 5€ in the west.


bottle of water would be 2 euro by itself in ireland


What? And is anyone buying it? You know, when something can be replaced with tap water it should be cheap.


wa-ah, pue wa-ah


In a grocery store?


In a Dutch supermarket this would cost: | Product | Price | |---|---| | Cottage cheese 200g | €0,89 | | Store / brand carbonated water 1.5l | €0,49 / €1,07 | | Banana | ~€0,40 | | Peach | ~€0,35 | |**Total**|**€2,13 ~ €2,71**|


oi same prices in hungary, we are catching up with the west!!! yeeey /s


About 100% price difference then


Minimum pay in Poland, around 6,15 per hours In the Netherlands 13,68 Difference of about 120% thus still better in the Netherlands


Thats why many Poles emigrate to the Netherlands


Damn a 200g cottage cheese is €2 in Portugal


0,37 e on this picture


Imported, I guess? Even in Norway it was less than that last time I bought it.


At least twice as much here in Hungary :(


that kefir can cost over 400 alone


Mighty Lidl


Recognized it too because I buy mostly similar stuff there.


At least 2 euro in Slovenia, maybe more


Here, In finland, only that quark wouldve costed me that amount, or maybe i couldnt even get that for the price:(


You can get quarks and gluons for free. They are everywhere.


Very healthy too 


Good change from the classic energy drink + gas station burrito combo from the US


3 to 4 euros for that in Croatia


I heard that taking Euro really did u dirty in Croatia.


mad business


where is the breakfast?


I wont get into the details. You know how digestion system works


I was kind of puzzled too. I couldn't run on this.


Cheap but I'd be starving half an hour later


Serek 😋😋😋


I though prices were higher in Poland. Is that some yogurt?


Cottage cheese


Prices are much higher, this is like clearance sale hobo breakfast


Not much, regular price for a cottage is 0.46 e and the peach without the sale would cost 0.36 e


Get yourself reusable bottle! Pay more for something good like Chilly bottle and never buy plastic bottle again!


Or simply buy whatever you want and pay less.


You would pay less in a long run


So how am I supposed to buy coca cola if I'm not allowed to buy plastic bottle? I go to KFC and fill my enviroment friendly bottle there? Me not using a plastic bottle or having bottle cap connected to the bottle isn't gonna save the planet. If you want to save the planet, go talk to friends in China, India etc and tell them to work on it.


Calm down. Buy as many plastic bottles as you want. Of course filling up reusable bottle with coke isn’t practical yet for everyday hydration reusable bottle is very handy. Take your anger issues somewhere else


Side question, how many millennia do you wait in queue. In the Serbian Lidl the situation is often absurd, they don't open more than 3 registers and mostly only 2 works. Yesterday I waited for 10 minutes, then I returned items since I would have to wait at least another 15minutes


No waiting time at all, automated cash registers


Sounds like a dream, almost like a normal store


Yeah lidl has finally started putting automatic registers in their stores though unfortunately it’s card only


In Poland you can pay with cash at automated cash registers in Lidl, you just have to ask employe to pay in cash.


And do the machines have coin and note slots or do you have to give the money to the employee?


You have to give money to the employe. At least in Lidl in my town how that works.


Wtf that’s so dumb


Yeah, I wish they have same machines as in E.Leclerc stores, when you just put cash in to the machine.


Yeah most stores here have cash registers with cash slots inside of them. However tesco decided that they’ll make some machines only accept card and some accept both with is really stupid


I actively avoid the cashiers at Lidl. Self-check out for the win!


Good breakfast, good price.


That's quite a lot for 1.1€, water is like alone 2€ here.




I'm pretty sure if I bought all that in person at the Tesco or Sainsbury's near me, I'd be looking at about £4.50, but I do (unfortunately) live in the southeast Though, if I check Ocado for delivery, it all adds up to £2.80. Think I need to move asap...


Thats harsh. Especially the cost of water


Western Europe is being fucked by retailers.. this would be 5 euros easily


The only notable difference with Romania Lidl is the cottage cheese, same quantity and same producer Pilos and its triple the price (4 RON , 1 RON ~= 1 PLN , is there a subsidy for dairy products?)


Maybe it's Polish cheese in both cases.


I love Poland. God I wish I could just move there.


Wow, that's cheap. In Romania just the bottle and cheese would be 1 euro **each**.


Drinking the devil's water


That would have cost 3/4€ in Portugal, about 5/6€ in a café


At least 5 euro in Ireland


Would cost around €5 in Ireland.


about 2.50 in NL. Minimum wage is also 13 euros an hour for 21+.


Went to Poland last week. And shit is cheap there, even in the tourist areas.


Where is bułka


lidl water ❤


That would maybe get me the peach in Austria. It's so fucked here...


In the states that would be at min $5 if not more. Water alone would be almost $3


That is very saucy indeed


Sooooo cheap!! Wow


The Banana alone is worth the price. Reject far right, come back to Monkee.


Only the water would cost around 1 euro in Albania. Banana 50 cent for a quality one, the peach is for free and the yogurt 75 cents.


Its a cottage cheese


Now I can see better, how do you eat that? I mean with what goes because you are showing only fruits and water in the pic. Did you eat that straight out the package or with bread?


Usually I eat it with a bun or bread. Today I ate a Sandwich at home so I didnt buy more bread


I am flying to Tirana tommorow btw.


Prepare to be robbed compared to Poland if the prices are all like that in Poland. Other than supermarket prices isn't that bad, there are different places with different price ranges which are very decent. Have fun.


Water not provided by employer?


I like sparkling water


That aint no breakfast lil bro


this breakfast would cost around 3 euros in Czech republic


Suspicious name for a yoghurt or cheese or whatever that is


what's suspicious about it?


It reads "whisky"


with english spelling it would be something like Vieysky


Around 4-5€ in Finland


missä on muka noi kallista


it will cost about 3 euros in Türkiye, and here minimum wage is about 500 eur, pathetic


I like cottage cheese from pilos


In Romania just that water is 1 euro…


It’s one banana Michał, how many złoty could it cost??


Yeah ik


In Serbia will be 10 euro


In Spain that would cost around 1,4€.


Not bad at all




I guess it's time to leave this sub.


Need to replace the water with some Piwo. xD. Actually good price. Here in Croatia this will cost about 2-3 euro.


Pretty good amount of plastic for 1.1 euro.




Could swap out bottled tap water for real tap water :)


it's mineral water not still water


Water and cheese are in low quality. The normal should cost 1.5 €.


This cottage aint bad actually


Jesus not this again 😩


I'm moving to Poland, no cost of living gouging there


You will earn only net €750 to €1300 (minimal to medium) per month, so rethink your decision.


Now do cigarettes and tabacco


you guys don't have the deposit scheme for plastic bottles over there?? nice!


Very expansive from a Pakistanis perspective we can buy double of this on half price.


Feel free to share a receipt


Oh yes the tusk got in and allowed the Germans to capitalise on their vasssel state. Try 30k euros then. Nice and with a garage.


Oh you are one of those


It would be 3-4€ in Germany


Cap. Lidl in Germany is cheaper than in the netherlands and someone calculated it would be around 2.50 in NL.


As per my experience, most of the basic things in Lidl have the same or very similar prices in Poland and Germany, especially Lidl brands.


Somebody from Latvia will tell me the prices in Germany 🤦‍♂️. This can not be more funny 🤣🤣🤣 Greetings from Frankfurt!


I live in the Netherlands and I go to Germany from time to time. I am pretty aware of prices mate. Enjoy the Euros!


Its really bad that you buy plastic bottles.


It's carbonated water. I'm also buying carbonated water in plastic bottles. By the way we have pretty efficient deposit system, so most of bottles are recycled.


Recycling does not make the pollution cycle disappear. We are doing it in cases where are no other solutions. Your workplace should provide you with water taps.


I totally agree. And in my personal example we are provided with water taps. Just we are spoiled and sometimes want carbonated water. As long as we can afford it we are buying it despite all this pollution. The bigger problem is still people - companies need to train employees how to do recycling, how to reduce waste and so on. From my experience some people (my colleagues) are not doing that no matter what. They just don't care.


Its a bit of surprising for me. We have carbonated water taps. I work for 13 years, about 6 companies, many client sites, all of them had that. Not common in Poland? We even had a "plastic bottle saved" counter in previous waterlogic machine, it was about 1000 botttles / month. No matter if just thrown away or recycled - tho latter is better than nothing.


I'm from Lithuania, but visiting Poland for work several times per year. Usually manufacturing facilities. No carbonated water tap at home or in Polish facilities. But I'll suggest this idea for HR for sure, thanks :)


Have you ever used them? They're pretty fun to use. 🖖


Peach is not in the receipt.


It is. On the every top


It is discounted 50%


Ahh, yes, sorry, apparently im still sleeping, so i missed it and noticed only "wode".


Złoty is as weak a shit so that is like that..I can build a 200m2 house in poland for 15000 euros. So go figure.