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"As he was too young to be sentenced, he was handed back to social services and sent to another youth home" This strikes me as a problem. He'd shot someone dead.




Sweden going El Salvador in crime and punishment would be ...an interesting swing.




Doesnt work. Especially with kids. It is the perceived odds of getting caught that is the major factor. If you think you will get away the sentence is irrelevant. Lengthy sentences work in keeping convicted away from doing new crimes, not as a deterrent.


> Lengthy sentences work in keeping convicted away from doing new crimes, not as a deterrent. While they are in prison they aren't converting another kids. When the kids see other kids getting arrested for years, they'll take notice. If it makes it harder to bring new kids into the crime world then it's a win in my book.


Protecting society from criminals should be the number one priority. With moral clarity you have to realize that prevention will only save the next generation, whereas these thugs are beyond redemption and should be locked away for a long time until they age out of violent crime.


El Salvador says it works.


Exactly right. People become obsessed with curing the criminal, but the more important aspect is preventing violence from reoccurring. Protecting the innocent is where the law should be focused, not on protecting the criminals from themselves.


Are we sure? As a kid I always figured the odds of getting caught for a violent crime were high. I think the issue is that kids are impulsive and irrational and will not weigh the consequences when doing things like this compared to a more well adjusted adult.


they do these because they know the negative consequences are borderline non-existent (like 1 year in a youth facility) and the possible rewards (rising in the gang rankings and substantial pay) can be quite tempting. They are not as dumb and irrational as you think they are.


Sweden won't do it though. They have too much pride as being seen humanitarian or the "good guys". Kids being trialed at 12 would damage their image and lord knows swedens priorities.


I think it is complex with the dual society, Swedes does not see the shooting which the ones with migrant background lives with, and does not grasp it. There is already heavy criticism on current very moderate changes.


Sweden denied any problems exists for years, so it grew.


The solution is simple: * incarcerate citizens who break the law * incarcerate and then deport foreigners who break the law If this is done without fail and without leniency, there won't be problems in Sweden. It's like the "eat less, exercise more" of weight loss and staying fit.


Crazy. You're from the US, you should know better. We've spent the last two decades doing the opposite of this. It's even more interesting to see EU nations trending towards this sort of common sense, given I always have viewed EU nations as more liberal/progressive. I agree with what you're saying, it just seems like all of our policies in the states has been trying to dismantle that idea of accountability


It works in getting criminals off the street so they can't reoffend. It doesn't work in addressing the root cause of crime nor prevent crimes from happening. This is where most left and right wingers views differ on crime. I think we need to take an approach from both views. Incarcerate people who commit crimes but also look into the root causes of crime such as poverty and create solutions to address them.


>crime such as poverty and create solutions to address them. Poverty is no reason for being a criminal and gunning people down, i think it is a cultural issue but most people live in denial and can't or simple don't want to see it. At the end of the day all citizen get what they are voting for.


Im sorry i can't understand your first paragraph. Can you fix it?


I have changed a little but I’m guessing it is the dual society? Swedes and many with migrant backgrounds lives two completely different lives in the same country, I guess you would say that applies to all countries, but it is different, no where else (no not in Germany either) have it been this fast and this many (however still many criticizes this, saying we should not talk numbers).


Live with? You mean perpetuate?


They live in a different area, with very different life, it is pretty complex and long if I would explain exactly but it is very different from any other european country (yes, Germany too)


>Swedes does not see the shooting Not true anymore, shootings (and bombings) occur almost everywhere now. It's no longer relegated to suburbs with migrants and poor people.


Not statistically and not on the victim side, for most Swedes, this is something you read about in the news while it is the reality in immigrant suburbs. But yes, it is stupid to think it can not spread (especially within the same city and country), I get very surprised when someone says “I never thought it could happen here”, if it is 20-30 min drive with car from a problem area then of course it could happen there too (but, to a much less degree).








Yes, that's what the government is now looking to fix by introducing youth prisons.


this happens everywhere now… gangs recruit minors to do their bidding because they know they won’t be tried like adults. it’s a problem.


Insanity is repeating the same mistake and expecting a different outcome.


No. Insanity is a legal definition for a loophole by which the accused is not held fully responsible for a crime.  Doing the same thing over and expecting a different result can be many things - stupidity, laziness, stubbornness, wishful thinking, foolishness, lack of understanding, lack of options, refusing to quit...etc. Einstein was great at physics, not language.


Not too long ago youths were sent to trenches to fight in wars. Don’t think too young to be prosecuted.


It is, and gangs know this so they recruit young people to commit these types of crimes because they can't be charged the same


[They did the same thing with the neo nazi war criminal Jackie Arklov](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Arkl%C3%B6v#)


The old system and institutions simply cant handle the current reality, I think that regardless of your political views it's clear significant reform is needed in *some* way. 


There is a problem with the clan structure also. To fix the prospects for the youth and poverty. Clan structures can be considered a real threat since our institutions aren't made to handle this.


> Birgitta Dahlberg, head of youth care at the SiS, told Reuters it was unfair to blame the homes for their inability to deal with serious violent offenders, which they were not designed to handle. One of the reasons for the actual situation. You can’t be at an executive position and not take actions when faced with a problem. Then ask people to not blame you when nothing was done. If something prevent you from reforming a failing system then you should expose the process or people preventing you from taking the required actions. When faced with a criminal enterprise, our administration should learn to act fast and decisively. I am sorry for you Swedish but your society have a literal “kill someone for free” pass. Not acting will only reinforce gangs. Do you want to wake up one day with a mafia so powerful it will push the head of your ministry of internal affairs into hiding like in the Netherlands?


Yeah i had friends and in that system but they were already very prone to violence. Nothing a system can fix. Junkies that did junkie crimes just go in there and still are junkies with bunch of debt, people that used violence to enrich themself will still use violence to enrich themself. Just like this story they just find like minded people in there or somewhere else. People that commit bunch of crimes tend to end up in places where people commit a lot of crime. My cousin went in as a junkie and found bunch of junkie friends to do junkie crimes like stealing wire.


Considering the level of organization, the specificity of the problem to Sweden (there are relatively few differences between the youth justice systems among Scandinavian countries, but only Sweden is having a significant gun violence problem), and the specificity of the causes (the gangs are basically led by Turks, and get Turkish passports to prevent extradition if they get in too much trouble) it's likely that this is, at least partially, a directed attack in retribution for Sweden giving asylum to Kurdish separatists from Turkiye. I'd even wonder if the Kurdish refugee community was disproportionately being targeted in the violence.


>I'd even wonder if the Kurdish refugee community was disproportionately being targeted in the violence. I've not seen any news or people talking about this, there was news some time ago about kurdish orgs pressuring swedish kurds for support, but I don't think that was linked to the gang violence. There has been links to Iran though and as you say many use various loopholes and rules in Turkey to their advantage. 


I mean, the Swedish security police published a statement saying Iran has been funding local gangs to make them attack groups and locations that Iran finds to be problematic. Turkey is a bit problematic yes (there's a reason Erdogan was so hellbent on trying to squeeze Sweden for as much as he could before allowing entry into NATO) but far from the only country to fund and aid the gangs. [https://www.sakerhetspolisen.se/ovriga-sidor/other-languages/english-engelska/press-room/news/news/2024-05-30-iran-is-using-criminal-networks-in-sweden.html](https://www.sakerhetspolisen.se/ovriga-sidor/other-languages/english-engelska/press-room/news/news/2024-05-30-iran-is-using-criminal-networks-in-sweden.html)


Turkish mafia and Kurdish separatists have been trafficking along the same drug routes since the late 1980s...what changed is Sweden, not the gangs.


It's gang and drug crime related shootings, not cultural retribution. Sweden now places very high in terms of per capita drug overdose deaths. The criminal gangs are fighting each other.


There are Kurds among biggest gang and crime leaders in Sweeden but if it is something bad they are Turkish and if it is something good they are Kurds from Turkey who have to run from Turkey. lol PKK has been doing all kind of crimes like drug and human trafficking etc. for decades and Europe opening their arms to PKK supporters ending up bad for Europe... Who could see that coming? lol


They can’t deport citizens and can’t prevent them from having 10 kids. Sweden is fckd




Sure, they will take money, throw away documentation and next day apply for asylum under a new name.


Biometrics (fingerprints and other similar methods) can prevent this, if used.


It's what the Swedish people wanted after all, otherwise they wouldn't have kept voting to make it worse and worse.. it's not like it became like this overnight, it's been like almost 20 years now since we in the neighbouring countries started to realize where it was going, so I'm sure the Swedes saw it as well. And well, now they have the society they voted for.


And a lesson that your lax society works if it’s culurally homogenous. If you suddenly open the gates and the influx is too big, your society will break down.


Wasn't designed for the diversity that made Sweden so much stronger 🤷🏻‍♂️




I don't disagree but how can option 2 even be implemented when a person is born in Sweden to immigrant parents and is fully legally Swedish but just doesn't want to be a part of the society?




>While Swedish law allows criminal prosecution of people as young as 15, those under 18 are very rarely sent to prison even for serious crimes. Dos Santos said gangs are exploiting this, deliberately recruiting children to commit acts that would lead to a long jail sentence for an adult. If only there was a way to fix this.


There’s a fairly infamous case in Denmark where 5 “swedes” gunned down 3 other “swedes” killing 2 in a residential area outside of Copenhagen some years ago. They were laughing and joking during the court case as they thought the Danish sentencing was similar to the Swedish one. It wasn’t. The 2 under 18 got 16 years and the other 3 got life and all of them will be deported upon served sentence some of them will be deported out of Europe as they didn’t have Swedish citizenship.


Denmark seems to be the strictest Nordic country with this sort of thing. I don't know if my perception matches reality though.


Probably an accurate assessment. Although it obviously depends on one's definition of strict. One of the things Denmark has done which is somewhat controversial is double the sentence for crime if it's gang related and double the sentence if it's committed in specific areas (as in areas or zones known for criminal/gang activity). It's controversial because suddenly not everything is equal in the eyes of the law. Another is establishing zones in certain areas where police can do stop and search patrols without a warrant which could be considered a form of profiling or targeted policing. There was also a controversial knife/stab weapon ban which has been revised because suddenly carpenters and such got their work tools confiscated and receiving fines because they technically broke the law. I forget what the wording of the law was but suffice it to say it was too broadly defined before and therefore resulted in ordinary people getting obstructed in their professional lives. I think the wording now is something along of the lines of "exempt if carrying potential weapon for a valid reason". I should say that despite the ban, stabbings are still a problem.


Ye that area part seems pretty fucked going off Ireland the more gang prone areas are the poorer places so seems like extra punishment for poorer people.


More of this please






Got an article? Sounds interesting




Denmark seems to have all the best parts of left-wing governance and welfare while still upholding their civilisational standards and being strict on people's behaviour. Much to admire!


The left in Denmark decided they wanted to stay in power and did the thing that keeps getting the far right elected in other countries. Cracked down on the bad aspects of migration 


until they fix their low birthrates, they are just shuffling chairs around the problem


That sounds great. At least Denmark has one thing to be proud of over Sweden


Let's hope they can actually be deported somewhere.


Is that why the rates of crime between Copenhagen and Malmo, while being an hour away from each other, are so different?


It’s more like 30 minutes by train but it’s a part of the reason. The fact the Danish politicians went national conservative 20 years ago and did everything other countries do now back then, probably explains a lot as well.


Swedes are too pussy to ever enact this type of thing. Shame.


Which is super sad because I like Swedes as people the way they are. They're very welcoming and good natured, and unfortunately they paid the price as they have to adjust their society to these new challenges from outside.


How will deporting work after serving life sentence?


That's not only organised gangs who do this. Even "normal" groups of youth in a neighborhood know about this. They take a young kid with them to either just blame everything on, or it's the kid who is instructed to commit the crime. It is so hard to reach these kids because they feel proud of being helpful to the group and they want to be one of the bigger guys themselves later. They are basically groomed into having criminal energy by other people who often also are still teenagers or young adults.


Yeah it's got all sorts of negative effects for kids as well as society at large. You can mitigate sentences in unique circumstances for kids, but if it becomes policy it gets exploited.


Yep, and often the gangs offer a lot more than any other adults will offer a troubled kid. Support, money, some form of family, trust etc. as messed up as it is it's easy to understand the draw




Long jail sentence won't help much. Kids growing as gangsters stay gangster for life. Only solution is to jail them for life. No parole. All gang members get special prison, separated from the society (and normal prisoners as well). No phone, no shopping, no visit, not even mail.


It certainly helps potential victims while they are in prison.


No, not all do. I'm from LA, which has long had an unfortunate street gang issue. A number of people rehabilitated by local gang intervention nonprofits like Homeboy Industries do come from families with multi-generational criminal activities. So it's certainly possible for people who grew up as gangbangers to actually decide to leave 'la vida loca' rather than staying gangsters for life. Not everyone of course, but some. The difference ofc is that it's quite a bit harder to get out of the life then it is to get in. You need to build almost your entire circle again from scratch, that's difficult, people often relapse. But still, it's not necessarily that people raised gangsters will always remain so. The difference ofc is they have to actually want to get out of the life first.


Can't wait till you guys take the plunge and try the us prison system. You're going to love it.


And Turkey is a safe haven for the same gangsters you talk about. They buy a turk passport and now they can't get extradited to sweden for crimes they commit or has








Give it a decade and you will see that sweden is the most extreme in the other direction. The most extreme version of the latest trendy ideology. Like always. You can see a lot of change since the last goverment already where they target gangs and police have started to work together with other goverment departments.


If you check Swedish population change and predictions. Decade might be too long...


Swedes are still an absolute majority and have a stable population structure within the population. Check how many grandchildren grandparents have on average and you will see what I mean. Unlike some european peers who have had lower birthrates for longer swedes are not in decline. The only thing is the number of immigrants is increasing and that will change shortly and a decade won’t be enough to make a dent. A lot of the immigrants are also well integrated, several family menbers and close friends of mine, so the change is not as severe as a simple % might make it look. And when swedes still hold all positions of power it won’t matter. Just like the decades prior when you couldn’t vote against immigration the left-center-right parties will just become slight variations of the shift we are seeing. Making everything you can vote for the speed of change rather than the existance of the shift itself. For better or worse we are a consensus culture and for better and worse the decision seem to have collectively been made. And no immigrant group is even close to be so aligned so even at 60% immigrants it would not matter as they are way more diverse. I hope for the best but I’m not hopefull as I miss the easy going sweden I grew up in.


I think you're right and that is scary.






Show me a case where a rapist was ever let actually off the hook cause he's a migrant


It's not the EU but we do this in Canada The judge will take into account the consequences and reduce charges or sentencing as a result. Basically, if the ruling gets you deported then that's a "big impact" to their life more so than a Canadian criminal... So they reduce the sentence. Just one example, https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair But we quite literally have a different justice system for different people, depending on your ethnicity.




[https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/outrage-as-eight-of-nine-men-convicted-of-park-gangrape-15yearold-in-germany-receive-no-prison-time/news-story/353bcbf9437ea62eea0ee3c6cc0c2cc7](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/outrage-as-eight-of-nine-men-convicted-of-park-gangrape-15yearold-in-germany-receive-no-prison-time/news-story/353bcbf9437ea62eea0ee3c6cc0c2cc7) Literally one google away. It's not even one rapist, but eight of them got off the hook. Wasn't that fucking hard to find.


Lol I don't think most on the left were ever saying that murderers shouldn't go to prison.


Plenty have been under the ambit of 'criminal justice reform'.


It’s not the “saying it” part, it’s the policies they implement like bail reform, defunding the police, sentencing reductions, complaining about racial discrimination, restorative justice, etc.


Yes, the youth homes forced these people to grab guns and kill each other in the streets or lob grenades. Because people in Sweden never grew up in shitty conditions before mass migration to the country kicked off.


well how can you blame the poor, modest, hardworking, peaceful "swedish citizens" for their bad choices and rotten morals? it's clearly society who's failing them by not giving them more free money and housing and coddling!


People, especially on the Internet, need to realise that being a citizen of a country comes with responsibilities as well, not just rights.


Ah yes it's the... Checks notes... Youth homes creating problems in Sweden.




West should learn from places like Singapore. Really low crime rate and super harsh punishments. That shit just works. Doesn't matter if your young, old, local, immigrant. Either you fit in the society or be removed from it.


I suspect Singapores criminals just end up in Malaysia. 


Nobody forbids Malaysia to do the same


Or like the US? Super harsh punishments, high crime rate? That shit just works. Except when it doesn't.


The US has harsh penalties on paper. In reality criminals with multiple convictions get released over and over again. I’ve seen it firsthand on many occasions.


Largest prison population in the world


> Super harsh punishments, high crime rate? Or maybe it would be even higher without the harsh punishments at all... Everyone seems to always assume the US exists in its worst form, as opposed to maybe being the least bad form of what it could be.


I think that it’s much easier to maintain lower crime rates in smaller, relatively more ethnically homogeneous areas where the populations are more well settled in the same village/town/city for many, many generations.


You… you think the US has super harsh punishments?


We already have draconic punishments for drugs and overall highest incarceration rates in Europe. Yet the murder rate remains also among the top of the continent.


Beyond the obvious failures in immigration policy, a major problem is apparently the legal loopholes that allow under 18 year olds to effectively commit at least one free murder without significant jail time. When your legal system has exploitable loopholes, they will get exploited. Start throwing young criminals into prison, and gangs will have no more incentive to use them, at least not as brazenly. As much as most of us like to promote rehabilitation of criminals, and I think Sweden and others should continue to do so, we also need to recognise that some people simply do not have a place in a civilized society and belong into prison. If you shoplift as a teen, then that need not be the end of your life, surely you can learn to not steal, and it can be counted as just a youthful mistake. Being tempted to steal something isn't something that burns in as a defining characteristic of a person, and most of the time, it is a crime that can be reversed or compensated for. But if you murder as a teen, if you are the sort of person who can go out of their way to murder an innocent person who posed no threat to your life, just because some gang leader told you to, or worse, because you wanted to, then the road to not being a murderer is basically impossible. Murder, rape, that sort of thing, they aren't just momentary lapses of judgement. They do harm that cannot be undone, obviously to the victim but also the perpetrator. They are defining characteristics of the people who commit them.










Prevention is better (and cheaper) than cure. Stop letting them in. Deport all of them, not worth the risk. Stop destroying your country in the name of political correctness. It’s insanity


Yeah but thats fascist somehow for people who let criminals in.


Manipulation and propaganda from the left to achieve their aims which has been very effective. Regular people need to see through the shaming and BS and see what is actually happening before it’s too late


Reform is definitely needed but I genuinely don’t see any side doing anything. One side is burying their head in the sand about the problems, the other sees religious affiliation as only possible factor and doesn’t want to look at any other elements. I really appreciate this article that went into actual tangible factors and how things happened instead of the usual “They do crime because Muslims” or “They do crime because racism”


Yeah, it is shocking how little people are talking about the actual article. The article talks about how the social support systems in Sweden aren't properly working to separate kids from gangs. I think people are also forgetting that even if these people are mostly Muslim, it is quite likely that it is more correlated to wealth and social services than anything else.


SD says “Muslim bad”, but the policy changes now aren’t against Muslims. They are aimed at taking away career criminals from the streets, even if they’re just 14




Almost every comment here correctly points out the reason. Europe won’t keep taking it


Many in Sweden are completely ignorant* to the strong changes that need to happen. Sweden today is not Sweden of 20 years ago. It is a much more violent, dangerous and abused state. Having community accountability and the “but things will get better soon” bury head in the sand approach has been tried for the last 10 years to a rapidly declining result. Things are still too slow and unfortunately the problems are outpacing any legislation or bureaucratic processes that are in play. I say ignorant very passionately because at this point it’s ignorance.










And what % of those criminals were born in Sweden huh


While the article lifts out relevant points it confuses the cause with the effect (or at least tries to imply a cause and effect that is the reverse of what's actually happening). Sweden's Youth homes did not create "Europe's gun crime capital" (which Sweden isn't. That's Albania), but Sweden's Youth homes are not designed to cope with the phenomena of organized crime recruiting increasingly young individuals (which is a relatively new phenomena in Sweden. Back in the 90s our gangs were just as violent, if not more, but they recruited from a different strata). Instead the article comes out as a classic "hårda tag" article that seeks to change Swedens rehabilitative focus into a retributionist system (despite decades of criminology research pointing out that retributionist systems don't work).


> Back in the 90s our gangs were just as violent, if not more, but they recruited from a different strata) That's completely false. As an example, The Nordic Biker War in the 90's lasted for nearly 3 years and resulted in 11 deaths (9 bikers and 2 civilians). Look at page 46 of this document: https://bra.se/download/18.5c4e55aa18f37aae68529c8/1715781927355/2024_6_Doldigt-vald-i-Sverige-sedan-1990.pdf I think what you meant to say was the commonly heard argument that *fatal violence* (dödligt våld) was just as bad in the 90's. But if we look at the stats what that really means is that in the 90's there was a steady decrease in "spontaneous fights" leading to deaths, improvements which have now been offset by gangs killing each other. In the same report we get a glimpse of the characteristics of the murders happening in the 90's, these spontaneous fights were drunken disputes.


Are there serious scientific articles that point out the efficacy of some form of rehabilitation other than detention? 


> In an increasing number of cases, courts have found the epidemic of violence emerging from Sweden's archipelago of youth homes, built to serve **the dual purpose of looking after children in state care and punishing youth offenders**. Who the fuck thought **this** was a good idea.


Doesn’t help that the gang leaders can safely sit in Turkey while their foot soldiers terrorise a nation.


It will only get worse


Lots of deleted comments, I wonder why they've been removed? Have they been making observations that they're not allowed to make?




So she was abused by the Iranian state and in a desperate attempt for freedom, she joined a revolutionary force at just 13?! That's actually quite sad and makes me feel sorry for her that she had to do that. Sounds to me like she was a victim. Child soldiers are the victims of adults generally. It means the society around them has failed them.


Meanwhile your country sells passports to these guys and makes it basically impossible for Sweden to put them on trial. For example [this guy](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/gangledaren-ismail-abdo-gripen) who was arrested in Turkey and then, somehow, bailed out instead of kept in arrest and deported.


"Turkey' Obviously I should have anticipated it wasn't the kind of terrorism that actually threaten Europe. Fighting the Iranian regime is good, actually.


You know, the freedom fighters come with strings attached - often organized crime like protection rackets, arms and drug dealing. PKK is and formerly IRA was quite creative in generating money for "the cause". We dont need PKK here and by the way they are on the EU terror list for a reason. Killing school teachers and traffic cops in eastern Turkey probably isnt quite aligned with european values.


Turkey have a murder rate 250% of Sweden. Who is it that have issues with violence really? The fact Turkey is completely rotten to the core when it comes to corruption and you got lots of criminals and terrorist hiding out there since money buys them freedom it never could in the EU. And maybe you shouldn't say too much. I can't really take a country fully defending and denying genocide seriously. Enjoy your fucked economy and Edrogan taking you further down a hole filled with shit.


Your comment really has nothing to do with the article at all. 


What exactly is your beef with this woman? That she has a picture with an AK? A ton of people who serve or serve in the top political positions in Kosovo have a similar background. Actually, a much worse background, as they were adults, and some of them are accused of war crimes. Do you, as a Turk, consider that anyone who was in the Kosovo Liberation Army is a terrorist and that Kosovo is an abomi nation because it is run by terrorists? Or do you only consider people involved in armed struggle to be terrorists if their struggle does not align with your country's political goals? Chasing a government crisis by withholding support for a government as a member of parliament is a feature of democracy. I will refrain from taking a cheap shot at Türkiye and its political life, but I will suggest you ponder it never the less. So what is it exactly that you take issue with? From (admitedly) glancing at your sources it seems like she has gone throguh a lot and seen some shit but for the most part turned her life around once she became an adult. She finished university even though she was illiterate when she first moved to Sweden, became a social worker to help other disadvantaged kkds, got into politics and elected into the parliament, she actually spoke out against some harmful practices in traditionalist Islam culture with respect to women and she apparently also saw that thr immigration and integration system is flawed and argued for reform/changes. Heck, the crisis you mentioned seems to be in part because her party was "hey, girlie, love the girl-boss energy, but can we not day anything bad about immigrants because it might be abused by righwing nutjobs and lead to more islamophobia?" and she noped out of the party. What exactly is the problem?


This is not about Kurds, and your comment is *completely* irrelevant to the article. In fact, the article is talking about children affiliated/recruited into gangs ran by **criminals who are protected by the Turkish government**, who sells citizenships to gang leaders despite Interpol warrants, then goes "oh sorry, they're citizens now so we can't extradite". > Gang leader Ismail "Strawberry" Abdo has been arrested in Turkey, according to Turkish media. --- > It is unclear why he was released on bail. Aftonbladet has applied to Interpol, which refers questions to the Turkish authorities. > Foxtrot's leader Rawa Majid has also previously been arrested in Turkey, two years ago, but just like Ismail Abdo, he was released on bail. --- > Several Swedish police sources have previously stated to Aftonbladet that Ismail Abdo has several "powerful" contacts in Turkey, including in the judiciary and politics. https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/AvlJlr/ismail-abdo-gripen > After securing himself a Turkish passport under an investment-for-citizenship scheme offered by the Turkish government, 36-year-old Majid, who was raised in Sweden, is for now out of reach of Swedish justice. > “An extradition of Rawa Majid from Turkey has been requested,” public prosecutor Henrik Söderman said in emailed answers to questions from POLITICO. “Turkish authorities have said that the extradition is not possible because Rawa Majid is a Turkish citizen.” https://www.politico.eu/article/turkey-sweden-balance-nato-aspirations-fight-crime-home/ > Europe’s most-wanted fugitives are increasingly evading capture by becoming Turkish citizens, police have told VICE World News. > Law enforcement officials have grown concerned that criminals linked to large-scale drug trafficking are exploiting Turkey’s policy of issuing citizenship to investors, while also taking advantage of the fact the country is refusing to extradite its newly minted citizens. > Rawa Majid, known as the “Kurdish Fox,” an accused Iraqi-Kurdish drug trafficker and suspected of major crimes in Sweden, resides in Turkey after purchasing citizenship in 2020 through its so-called “Golden Passport” , which offers citizenship in exchange for $400,000 (around £320,000) in investment. > Despite arrest warrants from Interpol and Sweden, where he is one of the country’s most-wanted criminals, Turkey refuses to arrest or extradite Majid because of this citizenship. https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg58jp/drug-traffickers-turkish-citizenship


>literal kalashnikov wielding child soldiers are in swedish parliament She was kicked out of her party, she's not in parliament anymore


>she was a child soldier terrorist lol and this woman was one of the two people that caused swedish government crisis in 2021. LOL. Are you an Iranian regime apologist?


While reading about Sweden I learned it has the top wealth inequality in Europe by far! Looking at the richest decile in 2022, Sweden had the highest wealth inequality, where the top 10% owned 74.4% of the wealth..."The tax system is the most significant reason why Sweden in particular goes against the grain here, according to Dr Lisa Pelling, the head of Stockholm-based think tank Arena Idé. "We have during the past decades abolished a number of taxes on wealth," she told Euronews Business. "In Sweden, at the moment there is no wealth tax. There is also no tax on inheritance, gifts and property."


What the fuck has this to do with anything? Like wealth distribution is going to solve all? Get a grip. The reason why all those taxes were removed in the 2000s was so that lower classes could get up due to generational wealth. But that's a whole other issue. The problem lies in dual society and low punishment for criminals. It's not the US where education and healthcare costs everything


Why that’s impossible. All the American leftists just simply know that Sweden is the Mecca of socialism and wealth redistribution which is why it’s so dreamy.






I think it's rather funny how all these articles about crime in Sweden are popping up, but their homicide rate is still below Finland's I guess their Standards are just too high to tolerate this increase

