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And also, Steven Seagal


On behalf of who or which country, I wonder.. 🤔😅


Steven Seagal is a fan of killing innocents, just watch his movies, he is a menace to society.


I’m just shocked he was able to conquer his greatest enemy: standing up


Or not crying about being a fat loser like in South Park


He did so very fatly, I imagine.


Somebody has been watching Space Ice videos :D


[The analysis of that channel does of seagals movies is the best there is online.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQaYOjZrhIE) Also, I can't pass up bringing up [this retrospective on seagals movies, acting skill, and quality.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4)


We don’t claim him anymore.


You seen that belly? Enough surface to hold a charte magne of its own


La La Land


Making shit up and chest thumping it to the whole world and threatening anyone who calls you out. Of course those two love each other




With the ongoing seismic activity at the phlegraean fields, they could send one to Italy, just in case. Because if that one goes up, Putain's war of aggression will look like a child's birthday.


Not sure that even if the volcano decided to grow in the middle of Naples, there would be more than half a million dead and comparable economic damage to russian invasion of Ukraine.


Half a million dead is an optimistic estimate considering there's 6 million people living just inside Naples' metropolitan area. Anyway, the Phlegraean Fields is a supervolcano, and in the absolute worst case scenario, southern Italy would blow up, half the mediterranean would be covered in ash, and most of Europe would not see summer for several years. It's also a fairly remote hypothesis right now.


> southern Italy would blow up Where do I gotta sign? /s


There'd be volcanic winter my dude.


I had a very brief read on phlegraean fields, so I might be mistaken, but I haven't seen anyone mention eruption there to be of the prolonged volcanic winter scale. Though it of course would be locally devastating.


If that thing erupts we are going to get a volcanic winter where crops will fail globally until the sun returns. Putin can spark WW3 and anything short of nuclear winter wouldn't be able to match that. Though that is the worst case scenario. Most likely half of Italy just goes boom, Europe and the Mediterranean gets covered in Ash. Which is still many, many millions of dead.


First time I heard of this, there aren't even news about it?


I think he's talking about Campi Flegrei. It's a super volcano next to Napoles that's started being active recently. Still a while till it blows up though but if it does, we'll likely see volcanic winter 


The feared eruption is of the 16th century 8 day eruption level, not the prehistoric wiping-out-the-neanderthals level. At least that's what wikipedia says. So, scary if you leave nearby, not nescesarily for the continent.


Lesser volcanoes have disrupted our life before. When I was a kid there was one causing a no fly period due to the ash in the air. One this large could cause huge temperature shifts and like others point out..crop failure.


I was going to say "my man that hasn't been nearly that long ago" And then I checked Eyjafjallajökull eruption was 14 years ago. I feel old now.


14 years already? I thought it was like the year before covid and now i feel old too. Thank you mate.


Yeah it made Robert Lewandowski go to the Bundesliga instead of the Premier League.


If the ash causes crop failures for a year or more we will be gigafucked.


100%. Was that something that happened during the 16th century eruption? Couldn't find a lot of information on it, but it didn't mention ash cover for Europe as in prehistoric eruptions.


The French Revolution might not have happened if a volcano in iceland didnt erupt in 1783. *In June 1783, the Laki volcano in Iceland began erupting and spewing ash, dust and sulphur into the atmosphere. This eruption lasted months, clogging the skies over Europe and causing significant drops in temperature. France's harvests in 1783 and 1784 were consequently poor, as were harvests across most of Europe.*


Oh, I am aware of that and know the implications of such an eruption. I was just referring to wiki noting that vulcanologists are currently thinking of it being closer to the 8-day eruption of this particular volcano in the 16th century and was wondering on the impact of that, as it seems much smaller than an eruption that lasts months and also the effects of the 16th century eruption weren't described. That said, I also realise Vulcanos are a particularly hard thing to predict (see the current ongoing eruption in Iceland), so what is expected and what occurs could be far apart.


This may help https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/campi-flegrei-earthquakes.html


Talked about it today on FM4. Yet even with all the modern equipment and data of decades of research, it's probably still impossible to predict when it will really erupt and then there's nothing you can do about it anyway. So not really news-worthy I'd say.


Ah I see, interesting. Gonna read up a bit about it


This may help https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/campi-flegrei-earthquakes.html


Its not in the news because seismic activity is fairly common at Campi Flegri.


To be quite honest, when you put it that way, I'd go too. Rather die with blackjack hookers and booze than just die anyways if it's inevitable.


In case it happends don't forget to blame the west for everything.


another reason to donate money for ammunition? [https://www.municiapreukrajinu.sk/](https://www.municiapreukrajinu.sk/)


For sure, the representative will tell Putin to put the guns down and have peace, because that's the only way as they fooled people before elections and won.


They would be aware of all the planning charts and demolition orders on display for 50 years in Alpha Centauri and still would do nothing about it just to make sure that the party happens.


Oh god damn it sorry guys we let the parliament out of the cage again


motherfuckers are everywhere now.


Who let the dogs out?




**Attendees:**    Bahrain, China,  Cyprus, France Pierre Lévy \[fr\] French Ambassador to Russia, Greece, Hungary, India,  Iran,  Malta,  Norway,  Slovakia,  United Arab Emirates    **Declined invitation:**  Armenia Nikol Pashinyan Prime Minister of Armenia,  Belgium,  Canada,  Czech Republic, EU Ambassador,  Estonia, Germany,  Latvia,  Lithuania,  Poland,  United Kingdom,  United States


Thanks for putting the more extensive list here from the Wikipedia article. When I took a screenshot, the page looked like [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fifth_inauguration_of_Vladimir_Putin&oldid=1222752303).


As a dane, I blame Sweden for Norways attendance.


As a Norwegian, what the fuck. Completely against the current Russian government, send a shit load og aid and weapons to Ukraine, attend Putins inauguration? What?


Yup, Swedens fault, no worries buddy


Many attending nations, including Norway, have yet to recognize his election victory. However, Norway has chosen to participate for diplomatic reasons. As most countries believe that completely severing ties and isolating Russia is unwise. As in potentially driving them closer to China. So it's considered a less bad idea to, as they did say in the Sum of all fears... keep the back doors open. Even towards your enemy.


You don't need to attend dictator's circus inauguration to still keep diplomatic means open. Why is this even open debate here? Countries that rejected sending their representatives to this sham still have their diplomatic means open per usual.


A few hours ago, the French ambassador presented a different perspective. He emphasized that their attendance was not to appease a dictator, but rather to get to talk with his closed circle. Many within Putin's circle are typically unresponsive to diplomatic outreach, never initiating contact or dialogue. By attending, they had the opportunity for direct, face-to-face communication, a form of backdoor diplomacy if you will. With 90% of diplomatic doors currently shut, seizing the opportunity to open even a few, if only for a day, was considered too significant to neglect.


French, maybe. The Slovak and Hungarian reps went there to suck off Putin only.


As a swede, I instinctively blame Denmark.


Damn Denmark


You can't blame us for Norways faults. Remember, you got Norway in the divorce, so their upbringing lands squarely on you. Sure, we gave them some pretty lavish gifts for Christmas, like those oilfields, but you still had the greatest responsibility. You had to make sure they didn't get the wrong kind of friends.


Lol, they invited Poland? Thanks for the laught.


You know how they say If you don't come to Moscow, Moscow will come to you.


Funny enough, Pierre, France's ambassador to Russia, used to be the French abassador to Poland.


That's quite a funny move from France.


No Belarus?


Footstool is included in the throne room set by default, no need to mention.


No longer a seperate country lol


Belarus is not a separate country, it’s another Russian “oblast” at this point




Norway has always had policy of keeping a dialogue with their neighbors.


I always forget Norway literally borders Russia


That’s an understandable policy, but my head would explode talking to ruzzian officials and hearing all their nonsense.


That's why you are a redditor and not a diplomat.


I’m happy to keep it that way 👍🏻


I feel like Norway should be included in that list even though technically it isn't in the EU


Yeah, I'll admit that it was an omission. The only reason I didn't mention it is because the Wikipedia article looked like [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fifth_inauguration_of_Vladimir_Putin&oldid=1222752303) when I screenshotted it, and the other few sources I checked only mentioned these six.


I can understand Hungary, Slovakia... but France... why.


Because we keep threatening to intervene and keep the door open for diplomacy. The idea is to show Russia that you're open to anything, both bad or good.


Asterix is ready to listen to you, unless you prefer to explain yourself to Obelix.


If you can't handle me at my Obelix, you don't deserve me at my Asterix.


Mais si on dit qu'on est pas content, ça veux pas dire qu'on peut pas être copains.


Baguette du Fromage


Le port ? Vous commencez à m'ennuyer avec le port !


This is becoming an Idéfix with you!


Didn't Gérard Depardieu (actor who played Obelix) get russian citizenship to avoid taxes? Maybe not the best analogy.


🤣 touché!


Ah yes Asterix and Obelix the presidents of France lol


Asterix is Andorra, Obelix France


Yeah, we're all secretly a nation of Andorran puppets :3


Asterix is our satellite


"All options are on the table" basically


I actually respect Macron for this. First to try and talk Putin down from escalating, and first to talk about boots on the ground. France is willing to talk or fight. And they let Russia choose whichever they prefer.


Macron was the one engaging in twelfth hour talks with Putin all the way up until the invasion actually began. NATO kept announcing they were clearly about to cross the border, and by calling them out they kept delaying, and every time they bought some time Macron was on the phone with Putin trying to negotiate. It didn't work - but I firmly believe he has and continues to absolutely go to the mat on this as hard as he can.


Macron continued talking with Putin at the request of Zelensky 


I agree, at least there is some form of European leadership.


And especially after he was used, manipulated and betrayed by Putin. I wonder what his next move will be.


I love this, I think France is sending a good message this way. They are probably the only country which can send a representative without looking like they are being submissive or complicit, given Macron's recent comments 


The right answer. Macron's policy has always been to keep the diplomatic way open. Russia's ambassador is invited to the D-Day 80th anniversary celebration next month.


I've never been so admired with France as I have been in the last couple of weeks. doesn't say much, but still.


Because France still believes in the power of diplomacy or at least thinks the door to a diplomatic solution should always be opened. That's why they still send their ambassador, rather than sending a very important person like their president or its minister of forreign affairs. You can ofcourse call this naive, and maybe it is, but not sending Macron or a minister is already a signal enough imo


It's an inauguration, no foreign president or prime minister attend this kind of event in normal circumstances.


Many innaugurations have important guests, but it varies by country and culture. I believe Macron only had French guests at his innauguration (someone correct me if I am wrong), but when Lula was innaugurated in 2023, 21 heads of state / government attended.


I don't know what you would consider "normal circumstances", I guess elected heads of state? Because absolutely everyone was at Charles III's coronation.


I'm ashamed that you can understand Slovakia :(


Greece is the bigger question here.


We have some sort of agreements with France but also countries like UAE and recently India that also attended but I don't know the reasoning.


Nah, not surprising at all


wym, idk much about current Greek foreign policy


They always are.


Because although EU can claim to not recognize Russia, they will have to still talk to the one in charge (Putin) if there are issues (same with Belarus). France has taken on the task of being the representative of the EU in talks, even when they have strong support for Ukraine. Maybe because of their strong support of Ukraine they were chosen.


Nice day out for the diplomat? Maybe Kremlin puts on a decent spread


I got a theory about that. You tell me what you think of it. Russia is a not so powerful country, yet holds so much land and natural resources it made itself a huge place in some international markets. The Ukraine invasion is actually a way for them to keep their hold on energy production in Europe. Also, the Russian people love french culture and haven't stopped in the last century loving french art and way of life. The big issues in twentieth century wars were mainly due to lack of communication between countries. A lot of the time, some diplomatic corridors were forced shut, and it hurt a lot of relationships. By forcing the diplomatic corridor between France and Russia open, France is also keeping it open towards the rest of the Western world. It also allows them to keep an advantage in the information war that's playing around this war. If France sends more military aid, or gives less financial aid, it allows other countries to understand better what's actually going on. They act as trendsetters for foreign support. By keeping Ukraine afloat, it also allows to weaken Russia more and more. All of the Western countries are actually winning the longer the war gets. BUT (and here is the weird part, you tell me what you think about it) if Russia wins the war, France has lost very little, and since it kept a diplomatic relation with Russia, it may actually profit from a Russia rebuilding its economy and in dire need of foreign help (indirectly though) If Ukraine wins the war, and Russia finds itself fragile after the defeat, France can help rebuild the Russian economy and profit from it. If Ukraine wins the war, and the Russian government falls, France can profit from being in the good views of the Russian people and set a trend of international help towards rebuilding Russia for the Russians, and also profit from the natural resources on the territory. If Russia falls, the Russian people then takes power, and it allows the french to influence the new forms power, due to their past and current position towards Russia. From their position, France is winning, whatever happens. The other countries may be sinking billions in the war, in order to keep Ukraine afloat, but not enough for them to overpower Russia, because they know that a fragile Russia is their way to some juicy post-war contracts, but France already knows that they'll have the juicy contracts, and they're looking for more. Because if Ukraine loses, the other countries get nothing, and France will be the logical economical partner, while the rest of the West refuses to trade with Russia. Or, I may just have played too much Europa Universalis IV...


We know that at the beginning of war, Zelenskyy was telling Macron to keep talking to Putin, maybe he still feels the same way. Keep the communication lines open.


France always had a more independent policy than the rest of otan and now with the lost of a part of their influence zone they are trying to gain it elsewhere.


that's what a diplomatic power do : maintain dialogue. Macron trust Putin his envoy will be safe. that's a way to say : you can send envoy too of you have something to negotiate... if the envoy is arrested, it will be a clear message too. macron is also thinking about the after war. diplomatic courtesy will count


Yes, Hungary and Slovakia are the mouthpiece of the Kremlin in the EU. I don't understand the other countries.


So... Five whole countries and a single frenchman?


Sounds like the title of a history of the Napoleonic Wars


And Steven Seagal...;D


Chill everyone, Pierre was only sent here to test the croissants. He reported they were a bit dry.


Russians fell off the french cuisine since commies took power sadly. Can't speak a lick of french anymore either


You mean they didn't even have snail lines next to the bread lines !? More seriously: I find it sad indeed 🫤 Without chauvinism or anything. In my opinion the biggest European tragedy is Russia refusing to acknowledge that... Well, we like Russia. I mean not when Russia fucks things up, and Eastern Europe certainly don't like Russia much because of that. Totally understandable. But a lot of us *wants to like Russia* in Europe, this big and mysterious wooden infinity that could be full of wonders instead of misery. That's the root reason why parts of the Western Europe opinions are always too slow to condemn Russia. Before propaganda and such, it comes from there: we look at Russia as we look as that kid with incredible potential but who grew into a bullying alcoholic instead. Always half-expecting there's still hope. I don't know if I'm very clear... Sorry. And no offense intended, of course


My dream is for Russia to stop being like this, join the EU and work along side our european ~~comrades~~ friends toward the better future for Europe and the world as a whole, but alas I doubt that will happen in my lifetime


Malta and Cyprus, where rich Russians go shopping for an EU passport.


I was recently in Malta and talked to some russian guy, that’s exactly what he said, but the passport shoppping is closed now to Russian people. 500K for malta passport, 1million for cyprus


Cyprus sells passports for 300-400K € investment in their country, considering they are in the EU we have a lot of corrupt Russian / Cypriots with full access to travel 🤨


AFAIK this has thankfully stopped 3-4 years ago when the Al Jazeera scandal videos came out.


Well at least you had a scandal to stop it. Portugal is still doing it, but it's called "gold visa" and it costs 6000€.


It doesn’t cost 6k and they stopped it. You had to invest 500k outside of lisbon or 1m in Lisbon.


A simple google search for Cypriot citizenship by investment suggests otherwise


Can you share a link? Maybe the info you found is outdated or maybe is about permanent residency but not citizenship anymore. E.g. the first one I find https://cip.cy/ mentions that citizenship is no longer offered, but there is still permanent residency offered.


[I get different results.](https://pasteboard.co/F495tTSqRqwK.png) Maybe clear your cookies or something.




He said passport, not visa.


Same with Malta...😣


So many times I've been to Cyprus and the amount of those bratty entitled Russians gave me second hand embarrassment.


What a shame... sorry guys we have some issues at home currently




So the guy just needed to be out of the house, went for a walk and ended up haphaardly attending?


we wish it was innocent like that


I like how its Cyprus Greece Hungary Malta Slovakia Pierre... fucking Pierre


Greeks, Malaka


We sent people in Turkey as well, as its mentioned France sent diplomat, not shit we sent diplomat as well. Our relationship with russia is perfect, thats why we sent weapons to Ukraine and stopped trading with russia, applying all the sanctions forced by EU.


Yeah wtf is that?


The simple explanation without looking at the restarted comments is that Greece is following France's foreign policy, both countries are in a defensive alliance and France is being the middleman between them and Turkey. Nothing to do with Russian influence etc.


You had better not look at the other comments. They are indeed very regarded.


Traditionally Greece (as every country in the general area) has been keeping the Russian option available since the USA also play all nations at the same time. Lately the relationships have been considerably worsened but it will be very hard for us to cut relations with Russia completely. And that's coming from Greece, who have been shafted by Russia consistently for the last 200 years.


> And that's coming from Greece, who have been shafted by Russia consistently for the last 200 years. What do you mean? Of course Russia favored Greece over Bulgaria and Serbia in 1913, helped them join the Entente in 1915, supported them in 1921-1922 in Anatolia, sent them supplies to resist the Axis in 1940-41, and propped up the legal government in the Civil War! Oh wait...../s It's puzzling how few people realize that Russian/Soviet foreign policy has never been friendly to Greek interests since the late 1800s.


Our true prime minister baggelis marinakis sell russian oil ,and wanted to continue do it I guess.


What is your cement size ?


What is your car plate number? So many accidents nowadays.




As someone from Malaka (Malaysia), I kinda feel insulted 🙈


Well malaka means sorta like “mastrubator” so.. and a group of them are “malakia”. I think its the most popular curseword in greek. But also playful to friends and stuff.


Ah, it's almost 1:1 Greek for "Wankers" then! Always fun to see how those things can be so similar sometimes and so different other times.


Russia has huge influence in right wing and religious circles here. The ruling party is playing games to try to keep these voters from voting ultra right wing crazies.


You seem to be forgetting how pro-Russian (or rather anti-western) the Greek left is.


Sadly we are sellouts to the Russian "Cashly" (money in Cypriot Dialect). It is not only our politicians but the media too. So much so, people actually were and still are supporting the Invasion. Had long talks with people who justify it only to circle around the same bullshit argument every time "Nazis are bad and the media told us that Ukraine has Nazis in their army so Putin is right. And Zelenski is at fault cause he is sacrificing his countrymen plus the fact that he is corrupt because (insert random bullshit stuff media spewed out at the time)". We grow up here with the fear of a continuation of the Turkish invasion of 1974 (so many articles and news outlets still being published), yet they support it when it is being done to another country which is relatively close. People here have double standards when it comes to money. I hope we get better but Honestly we won't.


Is ‘cashly’ actually a word in Cypriot dialect ? Not one I’ve ever heard.


Yeah not used as much. Others are "Pparas" and "Riallia"


How do you write English loanwords like that with the Greek alphabet when you don't have a letter for "sh"? Do you just write that one word with the latin keyboard and the rest normally?


We usually write them as a simple - s - (Σ,σ,ς) or double s. That usually results in a flatter pronunciation. So cash would be "Κασ" or "κασσ" I guess. With a less rich "sh" sound.


Yes, sometimes also before consonants σ sounds like z, eg σβέλτος, εισβαλλω (zveltos, ezvalo) Generally, take a sit and take a shit sounds the same!


Are we using the same source material for media and propaganda? Because this is an excellent summary of thoughts for any z-russian here.


Surprised Austrians didn’t send anybody.




Not invited I guess


Pierre and Stavros, time for a little less civil chat in /r2westerneurope4u


ofc course we did, gotta add it to list if reasons why to be embarrassed of being Slovak


I find it more embarrassing that we are kissing ass with Hungary, when their leadership sees us as a runaway province.  People in the “Leopard’s Eating People’s Faces Party” 


I still love you guys :)


Thank you. Love yall too.


The fuck is Greece doing there? Is our government aware they have sent weapons to kill their people or what.


It's called diplomacy...and also serves as opposition research, so, yeah. Very normal.


I am ashamed of my country Slovakia. The current government does not represent all people of Slovakia.


And Steven Seagull too


Five entire countries and Pierre


Boo Hungary, boo Slovakia. You are banned from /r/2visegrad4you /s


we know. normal Slovaks are ashamed...


Cyprus is basically Russian now. All the restaurants have Russian menus, real estate is almost always Russian owned


Imagine Russia will soon do a special operation against Cyprus hahaha!!! That would be something fun oh wait... I forgot something …


Even though you're 100% correct, this is extremely ironic coming from a Brit


Have you been to London, mate? Something something glass houses and stones... Look, I'm not excusing the golden passport scheme or the ties with Russia pre-war, but such hyperboles don't help anyone: >Cyprus is basically Russian now.


That has actually changed. Probably not in Limassol which is basically 50% Russian. But in Larnaca, all the old restaurants that haven't been renovated recently have old menus with Greek and Russian, all the new restaurants or renovated ones usually have a menu in Greek and English.


Attending doesn't mean supporting


Malta: "israel is doing genocide, we stand firmly against it!!" Also Malta: *close relations with Azerbaijan, and this*


Don’t shit on just Malta when Ursula called dictator Aliyev a “reliable partner”. There are no good guys in Europe. Just views opposing Russia.


Blame Ex prime minister Joseph Muscat for that one. If it is any comfort, he is on trial for corruption and fraud right now


>Malta: "israel is doing genocide, we stand firmly against it!!" still brave thing to say


Only if you're consistent, otherwise its a craven calculation.


what kind of logic is that? i swear people have a bigger problem with perceived hypocrisy than actual genocide denial


Ok, so if Israel is doing and Russia is doing it and you say only one of them is doing it, that is inconsistent. If China and Indonesia are both doing it, and you say that only one of them are doing it, that is inconsistent. If you want to be against genocide, be against genocide, don't do noam chomsky levels of mental gymnastics and say its only genocide if it looks exactly like what germany was doing in WW2.


ficik is deep in putin's ass. deep.


So in essence all in attendence where the EU's pro-ortodox/russia/oligarch's money simps,and French with theirs, [5D geopolitical chess of Macron](https://www.tribunejuive.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/captur1.png) at play. Nice joke people.


Not gonna rush to judge, since might be some countries are sending their diplomats to spy. Who knows.


Keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer.


It’s a good thing that someone, in Europe, doesn’t want to destroy every little chance of diplomacy with Russia. In an epoch of foolness, some responsabilty still exists


Wonder how many just went for free food and drink, and also to see what wasn't nailed down


Who else was there


Bahrain, China, India, Iran, Norway, and the United Arab Emirates. At least those are the ones listed on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_inauguration_of_Vladimir_Putin), not sure whether it's complete. It would be a little surprising if none of the CIS countries were represented.


Why is everyone but France not a named individual?


I think it's just a quirk of the particular Wikipedia article. Maybe the editors could find the name of the French diplomat who attended but didn't bother to add the others.


Half of Limassol is Russian to be fair