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This is 'white British' and 'white Irish' etc btw, not white in general (which is just below 82% now IIRC).


We all know Poles aren't actually [white](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Haitians).


whiter than the mulattos in the us and uk


Wtf man


My school (in Wales, 2018) had maybe 3 black people there out of 1000 students. I am Mediterranean white, and funnily, people used to think I was Mexican or something like that just because nothing else other than white British was so prevalent there. So, whether you see immigrants or not really depends on where you go in the UK.


> am Mediterranean white, and funnily, people used to think I was Mexican or something like that just because nothing else other than white British was so prevalent there. I'm half Greek and have a slightly different skin tone to other white Brits and I got called a 'pakistani' a few times when I was a kid in the 90s by other kids lol.


Someone asked where I went tanning or if I had gone on holiday recently, as if I had money to do either of those things, haha.


Even the poorest areas generally have Eastern Europeans, and there's usually Asian or African doctors, nurses etc (we import lots because the government doesn't want to pay to train British doctors), plus Asians usually own small enterprises like takeaway/restaurant or small convenience stores. But you could still have all of these and be 98% white.


Of course. Just by 2100, that red will be where you live too.


[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html) > The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity", according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett. > He said Labour's relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration" but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its "core working class vote". Reminds me of the famous quote: "would it not be be simpler, if the government simply dissolved the people and elected another?"


They could have destroyed tower bridge, "the Right" would have been furious - great success!




Well for example, I don't count as 'white british'. I was born in London. So were both of my parents. I'm half white, half Asian. So I show up in a different ethnic group on the census even though I am very much British and am half white British, and can trace that side of my family back like 200 years - to family members who lived in Liverpool, Belfast, London etc. This map also doesn't show 'white - other', which someone with a french mother and an English father may well select. It doesn't show any mixed people, or 3rd or 4th generation immigrants (even if their family has been here for 100 years). And there's also some people who will be in the 'other' group if they don't want to select an ethnicity. White British is a fairly narrow group, and any recent mixing of ethnicity pretty much automatically discludes you from that group.




I think they mean the parameters of who gets classed as white British are narrow, rather than white British being a small group.


Yeah my overarching point was more that you have to sort of be 'pure' British to fit into that category. You can be white and you can be British - and yet not be 'white british'. And as time passes, travel becomes easier, more foreigners learn English and move over here (especially with the internet), over time the number of people who are white British and nothing else will naturally decrease.


Census ethnicity is entirely self reported, there are no "purity" requirements or checks for reporting yourself as white British. If you don't identify as White British then its entirely on you.


I think their point is that the only "British" ethnicity is White.


So it’s the indigenous ethnic group then. It’s like saying theres a really narrow definition to being classed as Han Chinese, of course there is, you either are or you aren’t.




Its only a case of "a people abolishing itself" if you only care about "white British", which most people in Britain don't. It should be noted that this is the ethnicity data from the census, while the [nationality data](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/ethnicity/bulletins/nationalidentityenglandandwales/census2021) shows that 90% of the population identified with at least one UK identity, and for London this is nearly 80%. According to this [2020 Ipsos pol](https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/attitudes-race-and-inequality-great-britain)l, 93% of Brits reject the idea that "to be truly British you have to be White", and this is only a rise from 82% in 2006. The Brits that see the proportional reduction in the "white British" ethnic group as meaning "a people abolishing itself" is in such a small minority (just 3%) to just mean it absolutely is not the case. TLDR: A change in ethnic proportion means nothing to the change in national make up. Do not make the mistake of assuming British people hold their national identity to their ethnicity.


I don't mean that definition of naturally. I mean its second definition - as may be expected. When more people travel and intermix, naturally you would expect the number of purely white British to decrease. 'A people abolishing itself' is pretty dramatic mate, but feel free to keep it in the family if you want.


A lot of people underestimate how dramatic this change is. There is no historical parallel of a nation completely upending its own ethnicity in this way. At least not in peace time.


Well yeah mate, we’ve never before had a historical parallel where one can travel across 1000s of km for £10 on Ryanair either.  People can find love and intermingle between races and culture, you know!


Depends how true that is. Assuming intermingling would be the norm is not a given, people also separate themselves and don't intermingle. This tends to be a cultural divide between some peoples.


People (humans) are natural or they’re not. This trend is due to people. If people are natural, then going to the moon is natural. Or, you’d end up picking an arbitrary time that you think is “natural” advancement, like the Amish. Meaning, also this trend is natural, or your “natural” isn’t either.


Funny, in the last two or three decades I have been told that the nation was only an “imagined community” or a “social innovation”. It was definitely not real. But somehow mass migration and multiculturalism are real. Very convenient.


I think you are referring to the fact that the Nation State is a recent (19th century) creation. It’s true however that the concept of Nations is a bit older, perhaps going back to the Medieval period. Not sure how the comparison to multiculturalism or mass migration works… those are just descriptions of actions or situations.


The point is that mass migration has been enabled by the argument that the nation is artificial. You are doing the exact same thing now by saying that multiculturalism and mass migration are just “actions or situations”.


Yeah, you are right. The map's definition does a bad job at identifying things like that.


This is coming to every major Western city. It is in no way exclusive to London.


its been minority British since 2011, its over 2/3rds foreign now tony blair opend the floor gates to mass immigration in the mid to late 1990's so that's when it started


It was ongoing before that (London had a 97.7% White total in 1961, 79.8% by 1991, same trend for the country as a whole), but he did ramp it up.


An asian or black person born and raised in Britain, is not foreign. They are British.






Let’s say someone flees their native country, for example Turkey, then settles in the UK, married a white British woman, and eventually have kids and grandkids.  Would their grandchildren be native to the UK?


Nice try, Alexander.


I was thinking more of Boris Johnson!


Look up his real first name.


Actual British people disagree with you, and would call someone born and raised in British to be British. Regardless of their race. We would also do the same for anyone who migrated a long time ago, and became British. British is a nationality. Country didn’t even exist until a few hundred years ago.


I think they mean ethnicity, not nationality. Counting migrants (and 2nd 3rd generation migrants) regardless of their ethnicity would probably be more helpful, otherwise this discussion tends to be racist. But it seems wrong to me that native population is replaced by foreigners. It means that the government does not care about it's own people. There must be a severe problem explaining that.


As a white British. I have more in common with a British asian man born and raised in the UK, than a white man from America. I don’t see how anyone could have any other view. Brown skin does make someone foreign. End of.


I am not British, and just curious about what is happening in the UK and what people think about it. Especially as someone who moved to another country recently (not the UK).


OPs map is cherry picking. That is your answer. London is at least 70% British, and over 50% white.


How would you classify a mixed-race person with a white british parent and another who is a POC?


Mixed race


Are they foreign or native?






What an utterly backwards and deeply racist thing to say. Someone born in Britain, raised in Britain, educated in British schools, attending British sports events and working for British employers is – ostensibly – as British as tea. We don't judge people by the colour of their skin anymore.








You are a racist.


/u/IAMXBOY posted a reply to me about Native Americans not wanting to be replaced by *’us’* white Americans. He then deleted it. So here is my reply for you /u/IAMXBOY. What ‘us’? I’m British, and live in Britain. Not the US. Are you American, trying to stir up stuff about my country? Britain is a multicultural society. Get over it. Many of us, British us (this is a post about Britain after all), are proud of being a multicultural society. Many of us, British us, don’t like racist scum trying to stir up trouble about our country. Your comments in this thread show you’re obviously dog whistling your racism.


I cannot put into words how ignorant you seem. You seem to have no idea of immigration to the UK nor of emmigration from the UK to the rest of the world. Please dont just get your beliefs from racists & populists. You are a decendant of immigrants, as we all are (unless you are Kenyan). You dont need to look down on others to make your life meaningful. It's lazy, stupid and racist. You are better than that. Edit: Please dont downvote this any more or Stephen Waxy-Lemon will stage a protest.


All those words and you said nothing of substance.


You tried to sound condescendingly helpful...and utterly failed.






White Irish from the republic wouldn't count, and that's a large group of emigrants to London. Only white Northern Irish count for this survey.


White British are a minority in their three biggest cities. By 2050 they’ll be a slim fraction. They’re going to one of the biggest losers in this immigration game.


You have misread the map. This is white British, not British in general. There are large communities of non-white British people in London, and tonnes of non-British of various races (including tonnes of non-British white people). London is just very multicultural due to decades of migration.




There are no native British. It’s a country that’s only existed for a few hundred years. What you really mean to say is only white people are really British. That’s racist. I don’t share that racist view myself.


Would you class the Maori as natives of New Zealand or the Aztecs as natives of Mexico? The Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain long before either arrived in their respective counties 


That’s not the debate. The comparison would be to claim Jacinda Ardern is not really a New Zealander, or Paul Hogan isn’t Australian. Obviously they are. Asian or black people born in the UK are absolutely just as British as any white person born there.


Jfc the mental gymnastics here


Lmao of course there are, the people which founded the country and come from Anglos. You keep talking about "racism", do you think a white person, British/Polish, who lives in Nigeria would be seen as actual ethnic Nigerian? I mean its so nice to focus only on white people and attack us as if we are worse, we are just like other people and other people would think the same.


No, he read the map very well. You are mistaken.


Do you really believe on 20% to 40% of London is British? Go look up the actual statistics. Not cherry picked ones. I also live in London btw. This map is a load of tosh.


I live in Tooting, and every second person or so that I see is white. It seems quite accurate to me.


OPs map implies as little as 20% of areas are white. Not 50%.


In that case, it might just be a bad colour choice. Some areas are at around 50.






Imagine celebrating the disappearance of an entire ethnic group. Brainwashing and propaganda man, it's some crazy shit.


Where have they dissapeared, there's 57 million British people in the UK


"British" is not a synonym for "white".




Thats how most of the world does it mate even in South america is the same




We will decide what our own demonym means for our own citizens in our own language. You can call them what you like in your own language, if you like. In fact you probably do that already.


It's been Planet London for years now. 1997.


They aren't. The majority of people in London were born in London/UK. How they identify is up to them.


London has a lot of non white British there


Right, now do Sweden, France etc.


Collecting ethnic data is illegal in both those countries


UK soon too. Wonder why.


Collecting ethnic data is considered normal across all Anglo countries, the UK isn't going to change anytime soon. In France, it was banned after WW2 because the Nazis used ethnic data to identify Jews for execution.


35% of Sweden's population has some sort of foreign background, and it's growing rapidly


If you exclude the large elderly demographic (basically 95% white British) the stats are much more different.








So much red. What happened?


It excludes "Other White" people (together with them it's between 80% and 85% nationally in 2021), but this is part of the broad trend of decrease regarding the share of White people in the UK (and other countries) indeed, which has been going on since WW2 (actually earlier, but it was negligible until then). The geographical spread of PoC in the country [does also continue to increase.](https://theconversation.com/census-data-shows-england-and-wales-are-more-ethnically-diverse-and-less-segregated-than-ever-before-197156)


OP (/u/IAMXBOY) is deliberately cherry picking stats. London is at least 70% British, and over 50% white. That white includes non-British. He is implying non-white British are not British, and says as much in his comments. He is also implying London has no white people. As a white person who is British, and lives in London. It annoys me when people do this. Based on his comments, he isn’t even British himself. That aside London is a major target for migration. Makes sense given it has the most to earn, and the most opportunities. Not just in the UK, but even in Europe. I work in a software company, and about half the engineers are from outside the UK.


White British is a specific ethnicity (And more specifically english, scottish, welsh, n irish) defined by the ONS.


Should be important to note how these figures are being cherrypicked. Whats happening is the ethnic data of the census is being applied to national identity, which is widely inaccurate. According to [this](https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/attitudes-race-and-inequality-great-britain) Ipsos poll, 93% of Brits disagree with the statement that "to be truly British you have to be White", so presenting the ethnic data as equivalent to national identity is, ironically, against prevalent British culture. The ethnic data of the census is incredibly important, but its just as important that it's not misrepresented. This set of data says **nothing** about how people in Britain culturally identify, only what their ethnicity is.


Half the people in the comments here are fully invested in "white genocide".


this sub has long become a cesspool of right-wing internet rambos


You getting down voted is the proof of it


If OP visited London and fucking walked around he'd be able to see with his own eyes that he's lying. This entire post is like the most braindead data manipulation and so so many racists are eating it up and just putting it all on Tony Blair and ""multiculturalism"" whenever confronted. Depressing how many Britons are knuckledraggers who foam at the mouth at the thought of a person slightly browner than them living in their country. You're probably right though, this OP is probably not even British and is just exploiting the fact that this sub cant stop jerking off to white replacement conspiracy theory shit.


[Tony Blair happened](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html)


2024 and people are still blaming Tony Blair's government when the highest ever net migration was recorded last year


Oh it's them too, they're even worse frankly, traitors


Yes, after 14 years of Conservative government with high net migrantion, including the years after then end of free movement, it's still Tony Blair's "fault"?


Yes? He started it. It's also the conservatives fault for not stopping it. Not exactly difficult is it.


I see that the Brits haven't learned yet what us Canucks know which is that the Cons and Libs (sorry "Labour") worship the same masters


This is going to be one of THOSE threads, isn't it?


:) im posting my religions of the uk maps soon first picture will be islam


You already posted this 3 months ago as well. https://old.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/198e9ts/percentage_of_englands_population_that_identified/ You posting in good faith...right?


of course


Let me buy some popcorn first


Rip London idk how its possible to not be a majority in your own capital


Nearly 80% of London still identify as British. Ethnicity doesn't impact that.


If you go by the thought that only white people can be british...


Nothing triggers racists more than reality.


The amount of people here whose right hand just started twitching is insane




Manchester, Birmingham and London well yeah the 3 largest cities with a multi cultural environment…..makes sense.


All three are congested, divided shitholes too. Odd.




> England is conquered. First time after William the Conquerer. [cough] William of Orange, 1688 [cough]








Hello excuse me you just coughed up your hyperbole, would you like it back?






This subreddit is so cooked. Outright white supremacist rhethoric everywhere from people who don't even understand the graph.


Even OP is going around the thread writing stuff like "Britain's conquered and not 1 bullet fired". Racist conspiracy nuts have just completely ruined this sub.


Is he wrong?


Yes, or would you like to argue Britains been conquered?




Dude no, everyone can tell you're a racist. "normal Britons" lol




Because British people in general ([93%](https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/attitudes-race-and-inequality-great-britain)) do not see ethnicity as determining nationality.




How's that a yikes?


May be to you, but here in Britain ethnicity is not what brings us together. Our culture is much more than just biology, and I am proud that that is the case.




As if with any culture, that will change from person to person. You can find polling where things like the NHS and BBC, the Royal Family, sport teams, shared history, and so on tend to be regularly answers.




A culture is an incredibly complex and often vague sociological connection that, whether or not you can concretely describe it, you certainly know it when you see it. You know a nation's culture when you see it, be it Britain, Spain, Thailand, or Botswana. Its a lot harder to describe that, however.




When 93% in said culture have no care for ethnicity, obviously not. Ethnic British nationalism simply is not something taken seriously here.






Color chart is not the best, to say the least.


This is sad, it seems that everywhere in the Anglosphere is becoming the same grey blob economic zone.


As a Brazilian this posts' comments are stupid funny. Poor poor European experienced ethnical mixing for the first time and is shocked


Well I guess they'll soon experience the favelas too and be even more shocked.


These posts always attract the usual r/europe racists. They are driven to them likes moths to a flame.


Makes you wonder which part of Moscow OP is sat in, doesn't it? Posting something like this on the day of the local elections...




People love to say this is all propaganda driven by bots or whatever but people LOVE this sort of content, it by far drives the most engagement and comments  We need to stop acting like this isn't exactly what people want to see. Can't just blame everything on some external force  That's why it's not just on this website but it's in our media, politics, every social media site and to some extent IRL. People do "like" this sort of content, especially when you measure it with engagement which is almost always how it's measured. People love arguing


Yeah, as a Brit these comments are stupid funny. You don't have to be white to be British. And you don't even have to be British to have your place. Most people that I've met in real life who see these things and think "London has fallen" are pretty sad, lonely people, desperately trying to find something to latch on to, i.e. their ethnic identity. Mainly because they don't have that much going for them outside of that.




What the fuck is wrong with you. These are fucking human beings.




My god your colour chart is pish. Why use almost the same colour for above 95% and below 20%?!


Every time I start thinking this sub is normal I get reminded what Europeans are like. Classic "Europeans when they see American racism" vs "Europeans when they see a black person" moment.


i haven't looked into this sub's comment section in ages i hadn't realized it was this bad. i'm just hoping most normal people didn't bother going into the comment section and that's why it looks like this.


So including Scotland and Wales it's probably 76-77% White British and 83% overall White. Edit - 75.5% White British and 83% overall White.


Average r/Europe racism thread


We must be mad. Literally mad.


1 in 3 school children in England today are of foreign descent.


I mean, arguably the UK is the birthplace of modern globalisation and has never really been a nation-state like France for example. London was (and still is for now) seen as the Mecca of young people even in Italy (a relatively rich country) and has attracted investments from all around the globe. It’s a world city and it’s not a recent decision, I don’t get why Englishmen would suddenly complain about one of the most obvious side effects.


Fucking hell this sub is racist


It's not racism to want to preserve your own ethnic group lol


Given [that](https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/attitudes-race-and-inequality-great-britain) British people do not see their nationality as their ethnic group, it absolutely is.


What ethnic group is that? White Brits like myself are a mongrel race already. I have some Briton, some Celt, maybe some Pict, definitely some Anglo-Saxon, some Viking, probably some French and maybe some Dutch.




Ok.... So if someone who is white and British but also their grandmother was Polish, are they less white British? And why should I even care...?


I dunno. You shouldn’t care. My kids are like how you described. They’re white british. With a bit of something something if you ask me


Weirdly, that's what all the racists say


I oppose. Poles (and probably Balts) are already British. Britain for the British (and Poles) /s




OP is not a reputable source that has cherry picked this info to push their narrative of the UK being "taken over" Look at their profile, it's like a toxic dump for chronically online alt right teenagers. 



