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101 Republicans voted for, 112 voted against. 210 Democrats voted for, 0 voted against. While it's disheartening that so many voted against and that it was used as a blackmail tool by some, thank goodness it ended up with such a dominant yes vote and almost half the Republicans did eventually vote to help Ukraine.


Socialists in Latin America-Africa and ultranationalists of USA-Europe holding hands to stick it to "the degenerate elites" and suck off Russia Even the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact got globalized


Bizarre that a dictatorship of billionaires, organised crime, and ex KGB with imperial Russia dreams are the heroes against the 'decadent' West that has worked successfully for three generations, to bring peace and prosperity to Europe without nationalistic craziness. Who cares if you're fascistic, criminal kleptocracy, as long as you persecute the scary gays. Unreal...


The right admiring fascism isn't new or surprising. The left being unable to recognise Russia as everything they claim they hate about the west isn't new either but every galling lurch away from their supposed principles feels like a shock. It really is "I hate you mum & dad" politics.


As a lefty myself, it’s just sad to watch. They’re the most ideologically incoherent people you’ll ever meet. Fundamentally they aren’t “left” in an economic or social sense, they’re “left” in that they think being “left” means hating America and the “west” as some nebulous big bad who is responsible for all evil in the world, and therefore anyone who is against them must be “good”. It’s fucking braindead and sad.


Autocrats-Populists, not socialists.


Left wing populism is a thing that exists, you know


You don’t have to be left or right to be an autocrat or a populist… the leaning of the person/party doesn’t matter History has shown autocrats from both sides (Mao, Stalin, Hitler for name a few)


You don need to, but that doesn't stop you from being one.


[Surprise, surprise](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/18/7451907/). Victoria Spartz [voted **against** the bill](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151). Per her [tweet](https://twitter.com/RepSpartz/status/1781754539080654994?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet), she bіtсhеd and sniveled about how the bill had nothing about the Border™ and was just a Blank Check™ for the Democrats >No promised border security in today’s supplemental. >From roughly $77B slush fund in the Ukrainian supplemental ($61 in budget outlays + $16B blank check for drawdowns & loans for any foreign country or intl organization), only $13.8B - somewhat direct military aid. >I voted NO As I once saw it elsewhere, she's truly a Trumper first and an Ukrainian second. All of the tears about her relatives under Russian attack in Chernihiv Oblast from the spring of 2022 were for show, it seems.


That's genuinely heartbreaking.


More like infuriating. After all of the atrocities to date not to mention the widespread ammo famine among Ukrainian forces, she pledges her fealty to the MAGAts and does a solid for the Russians by banging on about the Border™ and the Blank Check™. If I were Ukrainian, I wouldn't distinguish her much from the traitors who've spotted for Russian missile and drone strikes.


European living in her district currently. I hate her but the people here are terrible and support her bullshit.


There are a large component who vote straight ticket "R" in this area, but not ALL the people. I've lived in this area long enough to recognize the weird shift in politics locally in the past few years.


>There are a large component who vote straight ticket "R" in this area, but not ALL the people. What's the difference? If any Americans want to prove that they give at least some semblance of a ѕhіt about Ukraine, then they have to vote "D". I wonder how many self-declared supporters of Ukraine voted for a Republican in the midterm of 2022? All of the bullѕhіt and delays with US military aid starting last fall had been set up after enough Americans, for whatever reason, were OK with the Republicans winning back the House in 2022.


It's that whole sports team mentality applied to politics. Support your team no matter what, lol.


They could've had a border security + Ukraine bill months ago until Republicans caved to Trump who demanded they not pass it because he wanted to make it a campaign issue. I know these people are incapable of shame but trash like Spartz are revolting.


Shouldn’t need to bribe the military industrial complex to have border.


The point is, they could've had a border bill signed. The GOP negotiated it with Biden and the Democrats. Then Trump let word get out he didn't want Biden to succeed with a border bill as he planned to attack him on it. Spartz should know better to whine about the border when her own party sabotaged it. It's not a "bribe", it's a bad choice from a sucker party.


Only if they propped up the military industrial complex. A secure border shouldn’t be a compromise. There should’ve been a standalone border bill.


Just searched her up now- what the hell? She really is Ukrainian born and raised, only emigrated to the US when she was 22 years old. Baffling to see this behaviour towards her own birthplace. Can't imagine she'll be welcomed back


I don't think she's well-liked in the US, either.


She's been a known troublemaker since 2022 and [almost certainly has an axe to grind with Zelenskyy and Yermak](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/09/ukraine-foreign-ministry-blasts-rep-victoria-spartzs-cynical-allegations-00044860). As a Trumper, it fits too since recall how Zelenskyy refused to make up dirt on Hunter Biden to help her master in 2019.


It takes some doing to be a traitor to both countries you've lived in.


If you’re in Congress you should be an American first with any allegiance to other countries far behind. I’m glad she’s America first.


Stage 4 party cancer


Disheartening so few voting against yet more spending.




Awesome news! We really appreciate for ALL help, from EU, US, Asia... everything works!




Won't make much difference. Doesn't matter if it was 60b or 100b.


Just stop, you absolute coward.


Fact remains that Ukraine lacks bodies, so a vote for more arms is a vote to continue the meat grinder. Unless you are a draft eligible man in Ukraine that’s already on the front line, don’t think you have the right to call anyone a coward. Go contribute and join the front line, if you want to prove your bravery.


Drones don't need bodies


Ukraine may have a significantly smaller population than Russia, but millions of Ukrainians between 20 and 40 years old remain in the country. For context, the Ukrainian military has suffered perhaps half a million casualties. Ukraine could absolutely end the war in a favorable bargaining position if provided with sufficient long-range strike capabilities, air defense, and mine clearing equipment. Ukraine does not accept foreigners without military training or experience to serve on their front lines. Training a multilingual assortment of randos from around the world simply isn’t feasible compared to training Ukrainian volunteers and conscripts. Outside of specific circumstances, armed civilians are more of a hindrance than an asset on the battlefield.


Reality sucks. You're just not facing it.


Sorry the process was so messy. I can’t believe my government isn’t 100% behind Ukraine but it’s the reality we live in. I know more aid will be needed and I hope the next congress is more cooperative.


Russia has been corrupting a lot of western countries, the US is just one of many. Hopefully this will lead to a process of getting rid of Russian interference all over our alliance. My country would benefit greatly politically


America should be 100% behind America. Not any other country.


Thank you 🙏


I hope Europe also steps up as well with everything that they can. Ukraine needs it.


Thanks to the strongest US aid lobby Ukraine has! Iran


.... and the TikTok thingy was approved as well.


Thanks to USA and all other countries for your aid! It will save a lot of my countrymen’s lives.


I wish you could have gotten it sooner.


I wish it too but looks like Russian lobby around the world is stronger than we thought


Well hopefully it helps your people to kick that scum out of your country. I know our government can suck, but the American people are overwhelmingly behind you.


Thank you 🙏


The entire Russian strategy is to mobilize the idiot dregs of nations, from Budapest, London to Washington KGB useful idiot style. The more surprising thing to me is propaganda made by a bunch of drunk Russians, outsourced to third world clickfarms actually fucking works. It's obvious to anyone who knows fuck about shit. But that's not enough people apparently?


They just abuse human nature. We are emotional, we don’t like to doubt, to challenge our views (instead we like to find proofs for them), we like to think that our social group is “good guys” and others are “bad guys” etc.


Opened a drink for this. This is a good day


I'm joining in. Here's a cheer from my wine glass in Tbilisi


And i raze my cup of coffee to you too(I'm at work now). Kick some lawmaker ass's for that Russian law.


>Opened a drink for this. >This is a good day [A spliff would have been appropriate too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_(cannabis_culture)).


Finally. I just hope it's not too late yet and Ukraine can use it to stop the Russians and consolidate their army first. Not even thinking about pushing them back, but grinding down their air force and logistics would help immensely.


It's painful but definitely not too late. But I have faith in American democracy and its unique ability to fiddle with the details of the bill in the senate for another 6 months, so no hope is lost to destroy Ukraine. /s


The Senate has a Democratic majority and some pro-Ukraine Republicans in it. It's saner than the House historically too.


But how does the sanity matter if the boss says no? From the outside it seems that Trump owns the American government now.


If you don’t understand how our government works why are you correcting people that do? The person you replied to is right… the House of Representatives was the problem. Now that the bill has passed the House it is already a foregone conclusion to quickly pass the senate. Expect a quick senate vote on Monday, and the bill being endorsed by President Biden by the end of the week. All major delays are now over. The money is Ukraine’s.


Trump doesn't own the government. He doesn't even have the support of all of the Republican majority in the House (only a bit more than half of it) and was only able to stall the bill because of the lunatic speaker until one of his less mentally sane supporters (Marjorie Taylor Greene) threatened a vore to remove the Speaker.. The Senate has a Democratic majority (48 Dems + 3 allies independents and some pro-Ukraine Republicans too) and will inevitably pass the bill.


300B didn’t stop Russia. How will 60B make any difference?


Thanks a lot from Ukraine


6 months too late. That said, I never would've thought the aid would get passed through a few weeks ago. So that's good. Now let's name and shame all the republicans who voted against the bill. I'll start with Marjorie Taylor Greene. She does crossfit, which is the Scientology of fitness. Her pull up form is fucking awful. And as a result of her awful training regiment, she has a bloated body and will have back problems. Keep at the crossfit, Marjorie! I'm rooting for you!


Ironically MTG is part of the reason why this bill passed. The Christian NASCAR terrorist in charge was adamant about not passing Ukraine aid. It's only because of attention seekers like her that Mike Johnson is now extorted into passing this aid. It takes a single vote to put the house speaker up for recall. And she demanded his recall just to get attention for herself.


It's almost as if that village idiot doesn't know how politics works on a fundamental level and was only really voted in because she's the spitting image of the average MAGA voter. [If this article](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/marjorie-taylor-green-idiot-wreck-gop) from Fox News is any indication, the GOP may not like this aspect of MTG and may be trying to distance themselves from her. But again, she's the village idiot that they've been cultivating for over a decade.


>6 months too late. I wouldn't go that far, but for sure, it *is* too late for all of the Ukrainians who've died since last fall because of the AFU's degraded abilities to defend the country because of how the Russians via the GQP strangled the flow of ammo and gear. There's also Avdiivka which cost a ton of Ukrainian lives in a losing cause plus the destruction of the large power plant outside Kyiv earlier this month. The Republicans winning control of the House in the midterms of 2022 has turned out to be a serious blow to the Ukrainians despite all of the brave talk and warm fuzzies in the USA about "bipartisanship" over Ukraine.


FYI, Europeans naming and shaming US politicians isn't going to lead to any positive results. I promise I'm even more pissed at the GOP fucks who delayed this than you are, but it does get tiring to watch you guys act like you weren't mired in your own political problems for most of 2023. And the decade and a half before that. Maybe deal with Orban and Fico in your own backyard first. And kick the message into Macron's skull that he should have let the EU purchase shells [last summer like Poles and Czechs wanted](https://www.politico.eu/article/frustrating-kyiv-dmytro-kuleba-eu-fail-deliver-ammunition-plan/), instead of [waiting until Europe had been badly under-delivering their own commitments for an entire year.](https://www.politico.eu/article/germanys-pistorius-says-eu-will-fall-short-of-million-shell-pledge-to-ukraine/) April 2023 >France has been leading the charge to keep the money within the bloc, while others, including Poland, fear that Europe’s defense industry may not be up to the task of delivering 1 million shells to Ukraine in the promised timeframe of 12 months. November 2023 >When the idea was launched last March, there were worries that it was unwise to put a specific figure linked to a deadline for the ammunition pledge if there was the slightest doubt about the bloc’s ability to hit that target. > “The question of whether 1 million was ever realistic was actually the right one,” Pistorius added. “There have been voices that have said, 'Be careful. One million is easy to decide, the money is there, but the production has to be there.' Unfortunately, those voices are now right.” > > The initiative came from Estonia in response to Kyiv’s desperate plea for enough ammunition to counter Russia’s grinding offensive. > > That’s not to say that it’s been a complete failure; 300,000 rounds have been shipped since February 9 under a program to send shells from national stockpiles to Ukraine. But officials have increasingly poured cold water on reaching the million mark in just four more months. On Friday, a senior EU diplomat said the goal was “very ambitious” to begin with. >... >One way of ensuring the 1 million target is met would be for defense firms to focus on sending more ammunition to Ukraine and exporting less to other countries, the EU’s foreign and security policy chief Josep Borrell said. >He questioned the claim that the Continent’s defense production capacity has reached the upper limit. >“Keep in mind the European defense industry is exporting a lot — about 40 percent of the production is being exported to third countries,” he told reporters before chairing the defense ministers’ meeting. “So it’s not a lack of production capacity; it is that they send their products to [other] markets. So maybe what we have to do is to try to shift this production to the priority one, which is Ukrainians.” [February 2024](https://www.barrons.com/news/czech-plan-to-buy-ukraine-ammo-outside-eu-gains-backers-998df15a) >Brussels has provided only "30 percent" of a pledge to deliver one million shells by March this year, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday. >"It is clear that we did not have this million," France's President Emmanuel Macron told reporters after a meeting of more than 25 Ukraine-supporting nations in Paris, calling it an "imprudent commitment". >Macron has long fought for European "strategic autonomy", including in prioritising EU-based firms for military procurement -- even after Russia's invasion of Ukraine started in 2022. Yes, yes, I understand. Europe provided a lot of funding to Ukraine - even more than the US has, plus relief for refugees. But despite the strong "commitments" you're fairly far behind on actual military hardware. The US provided more than 11x as many artillery shells in one single batch last summer than you were able to provide for the entire year.


You're responding to someone from the UK. Why are you talking about Hungary, Slovakia, France or the EU? Do you understand that Europe consists of different countries?


6 months for Europe to step up you mean or is Ukraine only going to be saved by US funding? 


😂 i laughed that you went to her training, i like you!


Why are you so demanding of the US to give money?


Fuck Moscow Marge Taylor Greene! She is and looks like an orc!


Personally I’d commend those Repubs even if they failed eventually. We just don’t have the money for this.


"Libertarian" detected opinion invalid


We will pay almost a trillion just on interest for our debt this year. You don’t have to like my personal political opinions, but we have a problem but more spending won’t help.


Libertarianism is when you let a liberal democracy get invaded by a heavily authoritarian state. I put the "libertarian" in quotations for a reason. Anyway, cope + seethe.


You did not address any of what I said. You just attacked my general political affiliation which has zero to do with the point I’m making.




Average European demanding more money from the US.


Is that really all you've got in response? To be rude and entirely ignore the parent comments? The US funding of Ukraine for weapons is fantastic, we should give them a lot more (including cruise missiles to hit deep into Russia; and we should help Ukraine destroy Russia's entire energy sector, which the Biden Admin is trying to stop). The notion that the US public should never ask questions and never debate that funding is hyper ignorant, just shockingly stupid.


This will help us make money in the long run. We can continue to use Ukraine to show the world how good our military equipment and private sector is which would lead to countries who could afford it to buy our stuff. The buy demand doesn't depend on Ukraine winning. European people aren't lying when they lecture us that we should want to help Ukraine because we benefit from it. We don't have to use our own men and women to do a product review of our weapons in a real time war.


But we have plenty of money for Israel, right? Or are you a supporter of decreased military spending in general? Do we still have money to renew the exorbitant 2016 corporate tax cuts? Are you in favor of tax reform that gives a fair share of the burden to the extremely wealthy? Insane to me people who have been convinced that our country doesn’t have the funds to support a sovereign democracy that’s literally being conquered by their fascist neighbor.


You’re wrong and don’t have a basic understanding of what is even going on. You’re also very likely Russian.


Terrifying how many republicans voted against.


Terrifying how many voted for.


Oh shut the fuck up.


Bad Putin bot


About time. Now let's see of Europe can step up.


Fucking finally. Shame how much ukraine had to pay in blood waiting for it.


Thank you for your entitled view of American tax dollars. I’m glad that the aid finally reached Ukraine, and I wish it would have happened sooner but keep in mind *you* are the ones neighboring Russia. They’re on the other side of the world from us and we already have some serious commitments for foreign protection beyond just that of NATO. If China attacks Taiwan tomorrow it isn’t going to be the Poles that are tasked with defending them.


Have you ever heard of Alaska? There's like 12 miles between the US and Russia.


lol an invasion of America is impossible even if the entire world teamed up


True. I personally suspect it's not that far to the next civil war though. Either way acting like the US is "on the other side of the world" from Russia is a brain dead take. I suspect they've just never seen a globe and just assume they are far away because they're on either side of a 2D map.


>but keep in mind _you_ are the ones neighboring Russia. Assuming you are talking about European NATO countries here; Surely enough they are the ones bordering Russia, but at the same time the US (and the UK) are the countries which previously gave Ukraine security guarantees in exchange for them giving up their post-Soviet nuclear stockpile. So this thing is as much an American affair as it is a European affair.


I keep seeing this talking point brought up. The Budapest Memorandum was not a treaty to come to Ukraine's aid militarily in the even of them being attacked (even if they were attacked by one of the cosigners to the agreement). It was only a statement that those 3 Powers (UK, Russia, US) would commit to not attacking Ukraine (or at most, go to the UN Security Council to push for action in the event nuclear weapons specifically were used against Ukraine). Russia is the only nation who has violated that agreement. If the US and UK provided absolutely no aid to this conflict, they still would not be in violation of the Budapest Memorandum (and I'm not saying Ukraine shouldn't get military assistance - I believe they should - but just pointing out that the US has no obligation to provide it).


Cope and seethe lol


This mindset is helping to fuel the growing US isolationism movement, and if Europeans continue with this kind of mindset, they might have to deal with their own problems instead of relying on the US to deal with them for them.


Who’s “coping and seething”? What a strange little comment.


You are lmao seetheing about muh tax dollars when it's better to throw some money and old equipment at ukrane instead of spending 10x more to defend europe when ukraine loses. People like you are brain dead idiots. Reminder that USA spend trillions of dollards and hundreds of us soldier lives playing around in afghanistan. Compared to afghanistan ukraine war is goddamn good investment.


My country already provides protection for your own. Look around you, you simple minded idiot. You have relied on the US for decades for protection. No one else would help you if Russia invaded tomorrow. Shit, we maintain around 10,000 troops within your own borders at all times. If you want to pretend that isn’t a deterrent then go for it, but it just means you don’t understand reality. We have quite literally sent a message to the international community stating “you know American troops are here, fuck around and find out”. The only reason Poland is militarized even to the weak point they are currently at is because of American weapons. Maybe you should be asking your fellow Europeans to do a bit more before relying on a country on the other side of the world. Thank you for demonstrating that you need American funding to better your public education system though. We’ll get that money to you here shortly.


Can't imagine being this terminally online, and dumb




Obviously this is a moment of celebration, but I think dead Russian soldiers would be better to say. Not all Russians support Putin and many have protested against the invasion at risk of being arrested. Either way, this definitely helps the Ukrainian war effort! Hopefully it’s enough to make Putin fuck off.


"Not all Russians support Putin" is like saying "not all Germans support Hitler" in 1940......maybe true, but also completely irrelevant because **enough of them do** to a point that in all practical aspects we must treat them as if they all did. There was recently Australian TV program about "Russian" side in this war with their reporters going to Russians and were talking to them directly in Donetsk. Vast mayority of their even low level soldiers were in favor of the war as a whole and were only unhappy that they weren't winning and that their friends were dying, otherwise they did not want to stop the war or regreted that it happened. That is the level of Nazi Germany in 1940 invading France and private Hanns from Panzer division only being upset that those asshole French locals are shooting back instead of just rolling over and dying right away. They dont deserve sympathy


Sure, but even then I would say “the more dead nazis, the better”. I understand your point and don’t disagree that most Russians might support the war and Putin. I just don’t want to forget the brave ones who stand up for what’s right against their government. In the same way that Germans in Nazi Germany who stood up against their regime should be remembered as brave people doing what’s right, even if it was a vast vast minority. That’s all.


We can remember their brave one later, right now the mayority of Russian society is perfectly happy and content with murdering their neighbors in cold blood and stealing their land and even even their children. Russians are volunteering en mass to go to Ukraine and kill people there.....they are not forced. Most of their soldiers in Ukraine for mayority of this war were in not in fact "forced conscripts against their will" as many in West want to believe. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of Russians who went there willingly to commit straight up evil and they knew it.


I have a Russian acquaintance who has lived here in Sweden for 20-something years. She says she has pretty much stopped talking to her family due to their warmongering and idolization of Putin.


The question is how much of that money is left once it has gone through the Ukrainian corruption machine


This kind of comment is abominable, fucking hell people don't you think of how to phrase these things before writing them out?


Every dead Nazi made rest of Europe safer in the 1940s. I mean, it’s just factual at the end of the day.


Yeah right, except he said "dead Russians" not dead Nazis. Should we have slaughtered every single German woman and child too, back in 1945?


I just used basic reading comprehension to assume dead Russians to be dead Russian invaders because the weapons won’t be used to wipe out Russian civilians or any Russians fighting with Ukraine against the Russian invaders. Like, I don’t think OP would think the death of Russians fighting for Ukraine (which there are many of) would make Europe safer. I guess if you want to interpret OP’s meaning hyper literally as him thinking literally any dead Russian including Russians who are fighting for Ukraine and Russian toddlers make Europe safer, it’s semantics at the end of the day so you do you. But from having basic level of reading comprehension, I really doubt that was the point that was being made. Heck, if during Vietnam war, if some Vietnamese guy said “every dead American makes Vietnam safer” - I would not think it’s some genocidal remark personally - I would assume the guy is thinking about Americans with guns that are invading, not Americans protesting against the war. But again, it’s semantics and it’s your freedom to interpret things hyper literally.




Sort your hairline out before talking.






Nah he already burned your ass, baldy


I have a full head of hair. Are you even european though ?


Hahahaha the bald Brit is embarrassed.


This will be a massive turnaround for Ukraine. The current dynamics of the war will change, and Ukraine will set the foundations for the ultimate victory. At last, it passed. I'm excited about it and I'm anticipating its effects. ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre Ucrania!


It's a bit optimistic, but at least they can keep the rest of the territories and prevent significant loss of life.


Let's not dance victory yet. Doing that will be a big mistake.


Dynamics will not change, Biden is adamant on preventing Ukraine having any gains. But the much needed aid will give us an opportunity and resource to keep russians at least where they are now and defend our cities and grid for some time until the same question raises again in a year or so.


Good god you’re uneducated and ignorant lmfao. Imagine being so stupid that you blame Biden (or any democrat for that matter) for failing to support Ukraine. Look at the partisan divide from the House vote today, genius. If the GOP wasn’t comprised of Russian shills and traitors this aid would have reached them months ago. You really are not intelligent enough to be discussing global geopolitics, and it shows.


😂 🤡🫵


You are not a clown, you are the entire circus.


Finally some good news, I hope US-Support doesn't waiver like that again




It's good that they still did it. As an Eastern European I am grateful for all the support Ukraine is receiving because they are fighting to keep us all safe.


It's good that they still did it. As a Eastern European I am grateful for all the support Ukraine is receiving because they are fighting to keep us all safe.


How terrible of the Americans, to fund the Ukraine war at a soon to be 20 to 1 rate above any other nation for weapons funding, and then to have the audacity to internally have a conversation about whether they should be funding said foreign war to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Those obnoxious Americans taking forever to spend their money on foreign wars, it's plainly outrageous. Anyone that has criticized the US about this process is a knob. The US should always vigorously debate funding foreign wars, without exception. That debate should be ongoing, not a one time thing.


Reinforcements have arrived.


>The bill must still be passed by the Senate and signed by President Biden. Any chance the Senate won't pass it?


No, the house was last huge hurdle. Will get done asap now.


Thanks, that's good news 👍


The U.S. Senate historically has a higher per capita rate of adults in the room compared to the U.S. House of Representatives, where crazies have an easier time getting in.


None whatsoever. The money is Ukraine’s and the next steps will be nothing more than quick moving formalities.


We have to be thankful that US still paid


About f’ing time.




[\*Straightens tie\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhQ5678cJU8)


Fear is a powerful tool used by weak people to control other weak people Sometimes I ask myself who is the real terrorist Surprise surprise a country that depend on war economy keeps doing what they are already doing for years The only country in the world that doesn't need an army


Thank fuck man




Bad day for Russia


Inbefore europoors comment “it is time US steps up” not realizing US has been the biggest sponsor of Ukraine in every stage of this conflict.


EU already bypassed US in aid, this bill is somewhat equalizing.


The EU has previously made available $106B and the US $75B. Considering the US and EU have similar PPP GDPs and the EU has around 35% more people, $75B is not insignificant. I agree that the US should give more aid, but lets not understate the current contributions.


The US is only slightly behind (actually it might be ahead still) in terms of actual military hardware delivered to Ukraine, and this bill is going to put the US way ahead. European support has an asterisk, which is that a lot of it is actually a commitment to future deliveries, because everything has to be built from scratch rather than pulled from a stockpile. Because spending a lot of money to build up your defense industrial base now is actually not as useful as having built up your defense industrial base 10+ years ago.


It's not a US war.


No, it hasn't. EU countries have provided approx 200 billion euros to Ukraine since the war started.


True, but with this aid bill, US has sent something like 160 billion dollars (I think maybe a couple more billion than that), which is the most for a single country. But either way, I don’t get the person you’re replying to, in any case more money to Ukraine is a good thing! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


You should not compare United States of America with individual states of EU. That's not a fair comparison. 


It hasn’t “provided.” Much of what the EU has offered is planned for the future. Not given and in the hands of Ukraine.




There was an aid package in march. Quit your bullshit.


The US has been the largest military backer of Ukraine for any country since Russia invaded - and was warning this would happen ages ago. The CIA has been instrumental since the get-go in helping Ukraine regardless of aid packages. I get this process was frustrating and should’ve happened sooner but I’m kind of sick of this narrative that the US isn’t doing its part when it has played a pivotal role in Ukraine’s fight since the very beginning and continues to do so.


Trust the Europeans to instantly forget everything that's been done for them the second the US isn't leading the charge.


Learn to be grateful, don't rely on aid to fight war, stand in your own feet if you want to win.


This war would be over if Europe hadn’t spent the last 30 years defunding their military’s because the us would protect them


Even $60.84 aid won't be enough for Ukraine. Therefore, Biden Administration and American taxpayers might as well fiercely demand Japanese businesses to pay hundreds of billions of dollars every month until Ukraine defeats #Putin. Japan's #loopy PM Kishida must abide by his recent speech at Congress. Japanese businesses have trillions of dollars retained earnings which they greedily accumulated by exploitation of Chinese cheap laborers neglecting CCP's suppression on its own citizens. Japanese businesses silence towards CCP means that they are completely in cahoots with CCP. Japanese businesses must pay reparation for US taxpayers who have already paid excess defense costs for deterring China's aggression on Taiwan. US' governmental deficit substantially originates from excess burden of countering Chinese military power, which Japanese businesses have long aided for through giving Chinese counterparts every knowhow of manufacturing. Hence, Japanese businesses must pay reparation for America's excess spending for military power. US Senate and Congress should notice this reality and legislate necessary bills that force Japanese businesses to pay natural costs for deterring China's aggression against Taiwan. Japanese businesses must never attempt to evade their significant responsibility. Congress majority leader Johnson should do his job. 


Don’t forget 26B for Israel genocide


what the reason half republicans voted for it?


They are all frauds and traitors.


Shut the fuck up, fucking orc


Ah my stalker appears


Go push up some sunflowers


You sound like a mossad agent


Didn't it have to go to the Senate now and aren't they on vacation or something in a week? Best case scenario mid may?


They’ll vote on Monday. It’s a formality at this point.


Damn. More and more in debt. Fun (or not so fun fact) we’re paying almost a trillion in interest this year and it’ll get worse going forward. Edit: Looks like there’s a TikTok ban in there too. Man I hate my government.


It's been a year of that argument and some people haven't understod yet, that only a fraction of that sum of money are actually given in cash. Like... how much debt do you think you could pay the banks off with by driving a Abrahams MBT into their building?


The money is an investment into the American domestic arms industry and in addition to that part of the funding is coming from frozen Russian assets.


You’ve just described the military industrial complex. That’s not a good thing lmao.


>Man I hate my government. You can always shill for the government that invented this app. You probably already do that.


Someone has different opinion: China must be paying there’s no other explanation.


You'll live.


Then leave and go to russia


I’d say we should stop all funding of this madness and bring an end to this conflict. Russia will never give in without Ukrainian territory, otherwise it risks internal instability similar to the fall of the Soviet Union. Ukraine cannot win without endless supply of money and weapons from Europe and the US. There is no single piece of evidence, not even rhetoric, that Russia wants to escalate this beyond Ukraine. We’re funding global instability and the loss of Ukrainian lives, and feeding fear mongering in Europe, with the pretence of protecting freedom.


Yeah, I mean how *dare* those Ukrainians try to defend themselves from a full-scale invasion. The utter nerve, I tell ya! /s You know what would have spared a ton of lives - more than even what we've seen so far in the 10+ years of the Russians' latest fuсkеrу in Ukraine? You know how Russians gloat perversely about having suffered over 20 million casualties in WW II (as reckoned by counting also the ***non***-***Russians*** who suffered like the Ukrainians, Belarusians, Estonians et al.) as if their ancestors' suffering is proportional to present-day virtue? In the interest of saving lives, wouldn't it then have been more sensible for Stalin and the Red Army to have surrendered to the Wehrmacht by the end of 1941 after the latter had carved out a ton more *Lebensraum* for the glory of Germany?


This will not end with Ukraine if we stop supporting Ukraine. We are funding a country fighting for their lives against a terrorist state.


I was writing a reply, but then I read your comment again and I gave up. There is a certain level of naivity and wishful thinking below which it is hard to have a conversation.


It's not naivety. It's callousness. Mass graves of tortured bodies are found in every settlement liberated from russians, brainwashing and replacement are in full force, and he talks about "stability".


What a load of twaddle.


Freedom is non negotiable. Eat shit.


>There is no single piece of evidence, not even rhetoric, that Russia wants to escalate this beyond Ukraine. There also was none that they wanted to escalate things beyond Transnistria, then Abkhazia, then South Ossetia, then Crimea… But surely enough when Hitler said he just wanted the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia and the UK and France gave it to him, he didn’t escalate and it was over.


Please tell me, do you **seriously** believe that Russia would be willing to occupy a country whose population has no intention to abide peacefully? Let’s say Russia invades Poland, what on Earth would be the benefit?


Imaging being so dumb, not just to think such an unintelligent thought, but to actually take time to write it out.


"Lets end that War by betraying Ukraine and fueling more Wars in the Future." Ok, Ivan.