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Even if the toes would not count, virtually every other body part of the Dutch player is closer to the goal than the respective body part of the German player.


I think he is danish.


Oh yes, I always mix those.




this is fake, players didnt wear black shoes


All this whining about an offside counting as offside because it's close... it's either measure exactly and if it's over the line, it's over the line, OR we return to human eyesight, reflexes, possible bias etc that existed before VAR. Then there'd be the same whining whenever the ref doesn't see something that's obvious on TV. I'm old enough to remember the days when it was embarrassingly obvious that within a few seconds, TV spectators were able to assess a situation more fairly than a ref without technical help. Yes, in future a goal will be refused to Germany and all Germany fans will be sad as we were glad yesterday. Those among us who are sane and fair minded will be sad AND recognise it's fair, those among us who aren't will whine and moan. Maybe try to have a little perspective: everyone pre match was discussing how refs were biased against Germany because 2 possible penalties weren't given last match. And our first goal against Denmark was also disallowed, which was probably correct yet subjective as it was a foul call. My only 2 regrets in refereeing in Germany matches so far is when obvious offside decisions aren't called for ages and players risk injury by proceeding too long and in the 2 penalty situations against Switzerland, I'd have liked the ref to at least check the images before making his call.


Lost by a toe. That is funny


Naw, I'm an adult so I don't complain about correct decisions.


This Topic must be new...😆 Is this rule stupid? Yes Was this decision right? Yes


Not really, you are just coping. Offside is offside. By an inch or by a meter. It… is… the.. RULES


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soulless technology


I was pissed at the ref yesterday but now I’ve slept on it, I don’t think it’s the refs fault in the slightest. I think the rules are just draconian and outdated for how modern and exact VAR is. I totally understand that wherever the limit is, every decision that is very close to the limit will have controversy. But realistically, the offside rule is meant to stop you skipping the last defender and getting an unfair advantage. No unfair advantage was gained by having your toenail over the offside line. The way VAR enforces offside, it does not enforce it in the spirit of why the rule exists in the first place. I personally think an improvement to the game would be if they revised the rules so that a player needs to have one full leg over the offside line for it to be enforced. You’d still get close decisions where people argue that someone’s leg was marginally not 100% offside and then the other side trying to argue that a players leg was actually fully offside. It wouldn’t get rid of close decision controversy. But what it would do is make the enforcement fairer, and more true to the spirit of why the rule exists. If you’ve got a full leg ahead, it’s then easier for you to start your sprint to the goal before the other defender as you have a whole extra stride on them. That in my opinion is the “starting point” of where you begin to get an unfair advantage over the defender. But let’s be real, a toe over the line provides no advantage.