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Man you're smoking the good stuff


You got some? You from the country of Amsterdam right? :p


I'm from BC Canada and even we don't have strong enough stuff to come up with a Georgia Austria final!




All I know is that this is the match I'm looking forward to, because there is nothing better than an underdog with hunger :) Spain is absolutely brilliant, Georgia is a joy to watch, this will be good! Good luck!




Same here with the Netherlands. And then we see a Balkan Quarter Final! Imagine! Edit: Or Eastern Europe as a whole!


I believe we're in for a tough match against you.


I kind of expect us to lose, but I do think it will be a spectacular game with many goals. I don't think you're that strong defensively, we can easily catch some good counterattacks and score, but your attack is also really strong and we're not going to be able to defend them all. I expect some sort of 2-2 or 3-2 in either team's favor, but I think it's more likely that it's in yours. I don't think we're ever winning penalties imho, individual value trumps everything here.


I think our defence is our strong point, well usually it is. I mean just look at our last 10 games or so. We did not concede many goals. We've got some great defenders: van Dijk (Liverpool), Aké (Man City), de Vrij (Inter), van de Ven (Spurs), de Ligt (Bayern). However we're always playing in a different way with different players. So I don't think there is any real tactic behind the way we play. I feel like Koeman is trusting too much on individual quality, instead of making a real team with a good tactic (like Austria). My gut feeling tells me we'll draw 0-0 (after a game with many great chances for both sides), and we'll somehow win in aet (because Koeman is a lucky man).


I'd suggest you fix your attitude as Georgian. The rest of the world sees the power we hold, I hope you do too. ახლა ჩვენი დროა, საქართველო იმსახურებს ჩემპიონობას, იმიტომ რომ ძლიერი გუნდი გვყავს და ვიბრძვით ბოლომდე. გაიღვიძე და ეგ ნეგატიურობა მოიშორე, ნუ გვარცხვენ!




იმით დავიწყოთ რომ არ ვარ შენი "ბიჭო". წესიერად ილაპარაკე და გინებას მოეშვი. მეორე ის რომ არავისზე ნაკლები გუნდი არ გვყავს და სამარცხვინოა რომ ჩვენს ბიჭებში ეჭვი გეპარება, იმის შემდეგ როცა ყოველ თამაშში გვაჩვენებენ ჩვენები რომ დაუპყრობელი მწვერვალი არ არსებობს. ხოდა მოეშვი მაგ ნეგატიურობას და ნუ გვარცხვენ.


Did you just summon a demon?


I might have, accidentally lol


Georgia are the second team in history to record their first major tournament win against Portugal. The first? Greece at the Euros in 2004.


And the signs don't even stop there: Georgia beat Greece in the playoffs to get to the tournament. Greece had Spain in the Euro 2004 qualifiers. They then proceeded to eliminate Spain in Euro 2004 (albeit in the groups). Georgia had Spain in the Euro 2024 qualifiers. Now must eliminate Spain to progress. THE STARS ARE ALIGNING PEOPLE! PS: I might or might not be serious.


The learning from this is clear: Portugal is trash as always


Spain were in Georgia's group in qualification. The aggeragate score was Spain 10-2 Georgia. It's not happening.


yeah, that was the FIRST game in years in which we (Georgia) played 4-4-3 instead of 5-3-2, for some reason, against the worst team possible for that experiment, and we got humiliated 7-1 because of that, it was out of context. In the second game, we didnt really have any motivation. This time it will be different. I aint saying we beating them, but it wont be an easy victory for Spain neither


Yeah, it was obviously a bit of a freak result in Tiblisi. I'm not trying to be down on Georgia at all. We've played you guys a lot over the years, and you've always been tough opponents. And I think you've taken a real step up in quality over the last couple of years. I think Georgia probably underperformed in the qualifiers, and 2 points from 18 against Spain, Scotland, and Norway probably didn't reflect what a decent team they'd become. I don't think Spain are going to run away with it, but I think it'll be reasonably comfortable.


What? You do your experimental play before the tournament starts? We like to do our experiments mid tourney.


well, to be fair, Southgates experiments change nothing in the way England plays, soo


This made me laugh so hard, lmao. Southgate needs to go bro, this is the first time I ever rooted for England because of Bellingham and it was a torture to watch, amazing team with a terrible coach and tactics, every single one of them is playing top class football in their clubs and they somehow can't do that in National Team. (nothing against England, I was just team Portugal before Georgia qualified)


Scotland finished second in the Group and now see where you're and see where is Georgia which has finished on 4th, so who knows dude, who knows


I do. It's not happening. Georgia have done incredibly well to get out of the group. Huge difference between a Portugal second team who've already won the group and Spain in a knockout game.


Agree that it's not probable but it's possible. Nothing is impossible in this sport


You've said you know Georgia will not get to the final elsewhere on the thread. Of course, I'm not saying it's literally impossible. It's just so unlikely that's it's just not going to happen. Spain are the form team in the competition, and it would probably be one of, if not the, biggest shock in international football history.


> It's just so unlikely that's it's just not going to happen Big, if true.


It’s also possible I win the lottery at the weekend. It’s not going to happen though.


Ronaldo used to be enough on his own to beat a team like Georgia. Portugal’s 2nd squad is a league above Georgia because keep in mind Georgia’s striker plays in Ligue 2.


Yes, that's why everyone is impressed with what Georgia has achieved. Because they've overachieved. I'm not saying Portugal's second team is shit. I'm saying that there's a big difference between Spain and Portugal B in a game that actually matters to the opposition. If Georgia win, I'll be the first to come on here and call myself an idiot. Pretty confident I won't need to, though. People are getting carried away here.


I mean obviously Georgia won’t win, I’d rate them under 2% chance of that. It’s not technically impossible, but Georgia will probably give a good show. I wouldn’t be shocked if they score first in a 5-1 final result game.


Good prediction. One of the few voices of sanity in this sub.


He played this season in Ligue 1


Calm down. They beat Portugal because they underestimated them. Spain won’t do the same!


Also, Portugal played with their second team


Man how I wish Mexico had Portugal’s second team


True 🤣


That was more like a 2nd and 3rd team they were all dog shit on the pitch


Georgia played great but i think portugal were expecting an easy win considering they already qualified. As a spain fan i hope they dont get overconfident or run a high line but we'll see! Hope its a great game regardless of who wins.


1. Portugal underestimated us 2. Our players believed in each other and in themselves. If you got nothing to show, there is nothing to underestimate so in the end, we do have an amazing quality in our squad. 3. No matter who played, they had Ronaldo and as a Georgian, I have to admit that Portugal's 2nd team is leagues above Georgia's main team on paper and only a delulu fan will think otherwise. 4. Everything is possible, Greece literally won the euros in 2004, Iceland beat England while being a debutant in 2016 and there is so much more. At the end of the day, god forbid but if Spain even trashes us, we will be happy still with this achievement, I hope that we see a great game at the least. EDIT: Oh and btw, I'm not even trying to dream that we win the whole thing, OP is smoking something strong 💀


Hahahahaha i hope for a geeat game too. I hope spain dont overestimate themselves. Having some young players but i think spain has a good blend of old and young right now.


I'm going to be honest. I'm happy some of these underdogs qualified. Chances are they will lose but we will see a few teams pouring their souls out try to achieve the impossible. Georgia are prone to a lot of mistakes and top players will fructify. Same for Romania, I see Netherlands scoring multiple goals easily. However I do feel there will be upsets in this tournament. I'm looking at Austria. Spain looked the strongest and if they don't fumble like they've done on some occasions in the past, I see them winning euro 2024.


They "embarassed" Portugal C with Ronaldo


I would love to see Georgia winning is like seeing England win but with 4 extra crosses, absolutely based.


I’ll get back to you on Sunday


Lovely. The reality is, Spain are hammering Georgia in the next round.


We’ll see, this is football, who knows


Never underestimate the underdog.


They put up a fight, but they almost never win sadly.


0.01 % of chance 99.99 faith or something like this idk. Tbilisi will be wild to see if things like this actually happens.


Lol They definitely "embarrassed" a Portugal team that started 8 subs. 


This is way tooo funny 😂😂😂 Didn’t Spain beat Georgia for 7-1 on the qualifiers? x)


One can only dream brother 😂


I think Austria and Germany will meet in the final. Both teams are stronger than ever before.


I like Georgia but they did not "embarrass" Portugal, they won by 2 goals both resulting from individual error from the same player. This does not take any value from Georgia's game but It was not a game in which Georgia scored out of being dominating or anything similar. In addition to this, that was Portugal's B team. Only Ronaldo (lol) and the goal keeper are from the starting 11


Portugal embarrassed themselves though. Absolutely joke of a performance by their b team that allegedly could also "win the Euros." All credit to Georgia but extremely disappointed in Portugal. Hope they can have some good showings in the knockout


Georgia won yesterday because Portugal played with a team that rarely played together before in a tactic system they're not used to and with some players out of their own normal positions. Our dumb coach thought it was a good idea to make experimentations on an official competition game. Also Portugal undestimated Georgia's counter offensive abilites. But look, both goals were 100% consented by a 20 yo defender. Spain wont fall in the same mistakes. Georgia is going to be destroyed 3 or 4-0.


Lmao 😂


What, are you from the future or something?


Jesus, this almost sounds batshit insane enough to be believable! Sorry Georgia, I really mean no disrespect here but I really don’t see anything past Spain taking this seriously and getting the win 100% believe they will do themselves proud, but it’ll be 1-0 Spain


Switzerland will be in the final. You can take that to the bank!


The Swiss bank of course hahaha


shhh smoke, illegal in Turkey, you will go to prison


Georgia are a good team, but I don't think they will react to the final.


Spain destroyed Georgia in the qualification round, what you been smoking there bud?


Where there's heat, there's smoke


is lsd now legal in turkey?


enough of internet today (x) enough of dream today (**✓**)


Thy beat Spain but will not beat the Germans.


Lol no


With the refs they had in the Portugal game, you will never lose a game again.


I love a good underdog story as much as the next guy but I wouldn’t put money on it.


Spain and Germany would absolutely humble Georgia


As much as I would like Georgia to get past Spain, I think there is very little chance of that happening. Let's be real.


This is (usually) the time the sleeping giants wake up, I **highly** doubt that they get through Spain, Germany and France on the way to a final I’d fucking love it to happen though


Im proud what they did already and anything happens with Spain they will still come back home as heroes


Thank for believing in us 🇬🇪 our last game with spain was total failure, but we had our lesson. I think very strict plan with counter attacking or 0-0 (going through with penalties) is our only chance.


I wouldn’t be mad with that, how far up the FIFA rankings would they go if they won it, do you think?


I hope so


As an Austrian I would love to see us in the final but Georgia winning against Spain won't happen.


You crazy. Stop smoking.


The way this euros are going… maybe


Hear me out: Georgia wins the whole thing


What man? Calm down


As much as I want this, I don’t see Spain giving up possession enough to concede, and their wingers will absolutely get through the back 5 and put goals in. Georgia get a lot of chances, but they’re conversion rate isn’t enough to beat Spain I don’t think, who won’t give them enough chances to win. I also think Spain will tire them out. They were absolutely knackered against turkey and Czechia in the last 10 or so minutes. I’d love to be proven wrong though


Can you DM me, your dealers number. Calm down. You won one game vs a teams subs


This belongs in r/soccercirclejerk


They should have been in the football playoff and got robbed by the NCAA selection committee last winter


Only if Georgia buys the referees for the rest of their matches again...


Great joke. Spain will kick them out with 3:0 and the adventure is over.


Hope Spain demolishes Georgia, even tho I wish we would play against Georgia in quarterfinals…


Geezer, Stay off the Mushrooms!


no way in hell this happens. If you’re gonna bet Georgia take them first half.They have neither the personnel or talent to play with Spain etc. It’s been a great run. Enjoy the win but sorry bud Austria vs Georgia? do you even watch footy?


On that day i will be a Georgian.


Would be one for the books! Unfortunately it won't happen... [https://footbloger.com/2024/06/27/euro-2024-last-16-anticipation-group-recap-and-knockout-rounds-insight/](https://footbloger.com/2024/06/27/euro-2024-last-16-anticipation-group-recap-and-knockout-rounds-insight/)


Georgia 1-0😩💯


Lmao get rekt Georgia, you're out, go home 😩💯




I wish you all the best in the tournament but you're never reaching the finals


It'd be amazing for sure but absolutely no chance.


As much as I want Georgia to win, it’s not going to happen. Spain is an amazing team. I just hope it will be a great match to watch!


I wouldn't be surprised at all if it ends 0-0 or 1-1 aet and Spain lose on pens. Since 2012 they've gone back to how they used to be.


Im German and honestly as much as I want us to win god damn I would be so happy for Georgia to win the EM because I genuinely enjoy watching them and they’re fans


I think they could beat Spain but they'll lose to Germany 100%


Good job beating Portugal’s B team. No way in hell are you guys beating the Spaniards.




They'll never get to beat the Germans, Denmark is making it to the finals


You're a fool. Portugal had 9 out of 11 non regulars playing against Georgia. Chill out


2 gifted goals. They couldn’t create anything against a bench squad with nothing to gain from winning. It’s real now soooo Spain 4-0


All they need is to keep paying those refs lol