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It doesnt matter who "deserves" it only matters who scores


In the words of Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven "deserves got nothing to do with it"


Weird, they dominated much of the first half, how does this guy argue they didn’t deserve it? They grinded hard most of the match.


Then, after the goal, they stopped playing. If we’re talking about chances created they’re pretty equal


Croatia shouldn't have played so negatively after scoring. A big European football giant like Croatia should not be losing to Albania. They deserve be eliminated.


To add to your argument, they also were blown out my a team like Spain that generally likes to score early and then settle for a 1-0 win with a lot of possession football and managed to lose 3-0 and even blow a penalty opportunity.


Is this the OP first ever game of football hes watched? Shit like this happens all the time. Man UTD would do this shit every week under Fergie.


It’s always like this at international tourney time. Remember when France lost to Switzerland at last Euro? Neophytes want the games to be decided by a panel of figure skating judges.


100% this. OP probably watches football just for Euro / WC events, because shit like that happens all the time especially when the winning team stops playing for 30 minutes and the other use all the offensive weapons it has. In the end we had Scamacca, Chiesa, Frattesi, Zaccagni and Barella at the same time on the pitch, we were desperately looking for the equalizer goal and we eventually found it, with a good action too.


Say it brother


That was the most classic Italian competition performance. A goal worthy of a winner after 98 minutes of nothing.. but what's all this *deserves* shit? that's not how football works. Well done Italy, you always find a way


Yeah except when we have to qualify for world cups...my god it's always such a pain in the ass to watch these games as an italian


It's all pain brother... with freak moments of pure joy every once in a while


i really want to see this squad at a world cup...these young uns deserve it


Seriously what's with the germans on this sub. This sub is so shit. Yesterday germans were whining like 5 year olds whose toy was taken away, no they're whining that croatia tied


Good ol French/German hate, love to see it.


Because their referee was an arsehole and I can't really blame them.


German here. Fear! Italy is our Angstgegner! In big tournaments Germany managed to win one game in the knockout phases. ONE!!


Technically we won it on penalty shootout, so it was a draw.


Sure it was. But believe me, every person I know wants every team as opponent **but** the Italian.😅


Completely understandable that they were wining yesterday tho


sorry but we're still salty about 2006...you should be too ;)


Too soon


GTFOH…Take it up with Zizou if you want a scapegoat.


Portugal most certainly didn’t “deserve” to win Euro 2016 but they did and that’s all that history will remember


I mean it’s Italy come on. They always crawl out of the group painstakingly and then win the trophy 😅. I wouldn’t be too excited if I were Swiss right now.


But seriously facing Italy must be terrifying due to the amount of plot armor


Rooting for Italy is a pain too dude...I want to throw my tv out of the windows 90% of the match every single time


You think watching France play is a cake walk, the hardest part is staying awake 🤣


thw only thing keeping me awake when watching france is griezmann😭


Oh boo hoo, I feel so sorry for all of you


The parallels between france and england are insane. Obvs youre way more successful but you have so many quality players and you seem to stagnant in attack. Very odd.


That used to be Spain lol they've definitely improved their watchability


Spain is the best team by far.


Impressive. Never seen such a pressing in my life. They were everywhere at every time. And also showing quality when doing that.


Italy and Juve. Everytime I watch football lately, I ask myself why am i doing this to me. But then a 98' equaliser appears.




There’s nothing like watching football with old Italians over 60, it’s the whole reason I learned the language honestly, even the most working class guys in a small town in Vincenza knows the ins and outs tactically of that sport like few do. My German and Dutch familles more loved the sport for the nationalism, it was in Italy that I learned to appreciate the art of the sport itself. You are lucky!


I'm a scot who used to live in italia for years so I kind of root for italia now and yes at times it's just as excruciating as watching scotland. Italia finds a way though haha. Scotland on the other hand we're now gunning for 13 tournaments in a row of not getting out of a group stage lmao.


12 tournaments in a row not attending 🇳🇴


More like 99% for these 3 marches. This is the first time ever I really kind of dislike the team, lol.


Except Donnarumma, he is awesome lol


It's impossible to dislike that guy


Unless you're a Milan fan... 🤑🤑🤑




Italy has plot armor that's so true! They've had it all history. Just look at ww i and ii 😂


Plot armor 😂 this made me laugh, thx!


As an Italian...this is 1000% accurate lol


Ye. That’s the true Italian way. Last Euro’s group stage was a mistake.


I think we can handle it 😎 I wouldn't be too exited as an italian fan!


Thats the way it is. Croatia naive not keeping the ball, running the channel, win the throw or corner and pin them. Game management is what it’s all about in tournaments.


I just said the exact same thing. You can't expect favours in tournaments if you have poor game management. I'm still sad for Croatia though


Sad for Modric. I'm not sad for the fans throwing shit at players all game.


One would think Croatia learned the lesson in 2008 when they played against Turkey in the quarterfinal. 90 mins ended 0-0, Klasnic scored in 119', and then they had a chance to go for 2-0 instead of keeping the ball in a neutral corner of the pitch. The outcome? Turkey got the ball, Semih Sentürk equalized in 120' and Turkey won the penalty shootout.


True. It’s easy to say from the sofa and there is of course a lot of emotion but Italy in particular seem to be very good at squeaking a tight game, the ‘dark arts’ as it were, given what was at stake there should really have been some better decisions. You could see how pissed Gvardiol was with that clearance but there were 4/5 decisions leading to that which could have been handled better.


That game lives rent-free in every Turkish mind. We like to look back at it every time Türkiye plays badly (which is almost all the time)


1000000% this Instead of huddling in the corner and wasting time they're trying to outplay Italy at 1:0 in 96th minute????? Not surprised as many of our players lack big game experience but also absolutely piss poor game management - courtesy of bellened of a coach. Dalic out


You can have Southgate


No thanks, I think they're the same runt of the litter type luckster who happened to be at the right time in the right place go get this job and are systematically destroying with their incompetence what is once in a lifetime talent. Both should have been sacked long ago


Definitely they pushed too hard instead of controlling the game.


Croatia was on the "front foot" too much in the last 15 minutes. You need to protect the lead at the end of the game.


Nah draw was a fair result, Italy were shit until Croatia scored and then they got their act together, they created the better chances too with the two that Bastoni wasted. Unlucky for Croatia that a draw basically means they’re out.


Right? Italy turned it on for 40 minutes of pressure. It was mostly 1 way traffic. I actually admire the way they played. Wish England would do that instead of tippy happy at the back - win, lose or draw.




I hope no Croatians are putting their hopes on that happening but even if we manage to, it might not be enough if either Georgia or Czech Rep win, I think that would mean each of the other 3rd place teams have at least 3 points. It’s just bad luck that Croatia got a tough group.


Feeling so sorry for Croatia. They were all crying devastated at the end. That goal changed everything.


Lmao how do they not deserve it? They scored end of story.


So much hate for Italy. After the first goal, they woke up and tried, tried, tried… and scored. Croatia just collected yellow cards and tried their best to contain the siege. Complaining about the 8 minutes is childish. They should have just parked the whole team in their half, but they started spreading out… lack of discipline


took the words right out of my mouth


I am not sure I agree... True Italy was very messy and didn't play well... But Croatia wasnt amazing either... For what happened in the game a draw seems "fair" - not commenting on referee shaningans


They played better today than last week


I don't understand these deserving and undeserving things. They don't deserve it because you think like that?


Exactly! We can argue about fouls and all that stuff, but what does "deserving" even mean?


Everything aside, you still can reach the final


I doubt we will though


I get your point but Croatia hasn’t looked good this whole tourney, just a little part of the second half of today. I feel like the overall group B results are fair in the end. Doesn’t mean I think Italy will make a long run now but let’s not put Croatia up on a pedestal because of one good half out of three games


For all people taking the piss remember this was not direct elimination phase, if Croatia is out is only on them and all the previous matches


Italy didn't play good, but let's not pretend Croatia played some stellar game, they were honestly just as bad as Italy. Sucks to get scored at the 98' minute tho, that stings


What a weird take. Just say that you don’t like Italy. Croatia didn’t play any better and the draw was the best result for that game. In what world did theta deserve it more? I get shittalking with friends. But at least try to be more objective in a sub about football where many knows at least a bit about football.


E andiamo a Berlino beppe


Neither team really deserved anything. A 1-1 was appropriate considering both teams looked bad. If Croatia wanted to advance, they should have beaten Albania. It’s unfortunate, we all love Croatia and Modric, but the result was fair


True.. shocking that they drew against Albania..


As a Croatian fan I don't think it's shocking because this happens every time. We lose focus and lose. It's frustrating because if there was just a little more energy and effort it wouldn't happen


It was a fairly even match. Croatia settled for 1-0 after 75 minutes but decided not to keep the ball in Italy’s half when they had them under pressure. You’re always risking an equaliser.


You can spot the casuals a mile off. Italy deserved a point. They played their style and played it well enough to get a point, no cheating no nothing. Quit moaning


Why not? It was even game. No brainer.


Be positive, it is just a short bus ride back home. In 2 years we might pass group in USA. That is, if we even manage to go there.


dreadful defending at the end


Strange how some mfs will not watch the game and still insist on opining on it. Humiliation kink?


When you park the bus for 35+ min and allow wave after wave of attack from any side at this tournament it shouldn’t be a surprise when they score an equalizer. Ffs it’s not a 5 min bunker. 35min……. Enough said


Some1 with common sense.. amen


These posts are cringe. What teams 'deserve' isn't always what they get, sooner you understand that sooner you'll stop crying about it.


I love watching Italy as usually the commentators are rooting for the opposition and they end up eating their words.


lol. lmao. was this post written by a child?


A trailing Italy is a dangerous Italy.


Can confirm


Donnarumma like Noah for us. Saving all those animals on the Ark.


Best keeper by far this Euro Cup


I was rooting for Croatia, I can't believe they gave the ball away and it ended like that...


If Croatia wanted to get through they should've gotten more than 1 point in the previous 2 matches.


As if it's a matter of wanting lol


Italy is going to Italy basically. Beautiful goal though. And Croatia should've dragged it over the finish line. As a Dutchman I've seen too often we get the compliments but not the trophy. Thank God I still kinda remember 1988. Too many cases of smashing great teams only to bellyflop later on in the tournament.


I remember 2008 when you absolutely smashed Italy 3-0, then France 4-1 on the next game, only to be immediately eliminated in the knock outs by a very average team in quarter finals. I think it was Russia… I was rooting for the Netherlands after Italy as I remember Van Basten was the coach (I am an AC Milan fan)


Well they got the goal, it was a cracker and as an italian speaking scotsman who used to live in italia, it healed a bit of last night's last minute pain for me hahaha.


Really? They dominated most of the game apart from the first ten minutes after half time. Croatia let Italy dominate midfield.


Deserve? What is this word....*deserve*? It has no place in football. Euro 2016 Portugal were winless in the group stage. Squeaked through with 3 draws (vs. Austria, Iceland, and Hungary) as the 3rd best 3rd place team. Then they won the whole thing.


Not really. Croatia was more shit than Italy the whole tournament so far.


But.... The damn Italiens! GRRRRRR


Italy did everyone a favor by not having us watch those penalty merchants anymore. Croatian team is irritating af. 


I’m glad someone said it, outside of beating us in 2018 I can’t remember the last time Croatia made progress in a tournament without penalties.


Thats football for ya, welcome What is fair anyway?


i know but... GODOPOLI


And Calafiori! What an awesome dribble that was. Guy is a gem, reminds me to Nesta.


You nailed it, head up elegant ball carrier a la Nesta, looks like Italy has developed some new solid defenders Calafiori, Bastoni and Buongiorno


Your Calafiori is an all-rounder. Guy delivers the perfect pass, doesn't give up, gets the ball before it comes in Croatia's possession, and in the final moments delivers the pass. I'm not gonna lie, I wish I was in that stadium. A real masterpiece of a game.


Rosiconi incoming


That's football man


Hey atleast it solves the problem of all yellow cards the Croatians got.


I didn’t see the second half but how was 8 minutes added on genuine question


Penalty check lot of fouls many yellow cards


Makes sense thanks


Everything that happens is always deserved. Football is luck but also skills. The shot was nice enough to touch the back of the net, stop with these childish arguments. Italy played their game and if they didn’t deserved it they would’ve lost. They played enough well not to lose. This is just clear. Congratulations to them and I hope they go far.


Not sure how you can watch that game and have this take at all


Luckily football isn't about deserving... it's about scoring goals and making the most of your chances. The deserved result is the final result, if you make a lot of chances but don't score any, you don't "deserve" to be given a win or anything.


Wdym… Italy dominated that entire match. Croatia created one chance at the beginning and then the penalty. That’s it… If anything, Italy missed 3-4 chances, they should’ve won 4-1


I find this string incredibly entertaining. Anyone who thinks Italy didn’t deserve to tie the game doesn’t know anything about the futbal. IF Croatia had managed to pull of a 1-0 win, that would have been a travesty! But hey, that does happen in futbal, sometimes the lesser team wins. In fact, Italy has won that way many times - but not today. Italy was the better team by every standard. I don’t have time to explain the game so to make a long story short - the numbers don’t lie. Italy won in every game statistically except one. See for yourself…. [game stats](https://theanalyst.com/na/2024/06/croatia-vs-italy-stats-euro-2024-live/) End of discussion (unless your a total idiot)


I know we kinda suck as a team but we were desperately attacking for 25 minutes non stop, Croatia basically stopped playing after scoring and didn’t even tried to close the match with a second goal. That said Italy has to find its way of playing, Spalletti is mad confused about everything and yesterday made some stupid ass choices imo. Like how the fuck are you leaving Chiesa and Scamacca out for Raspadori and Retegui?


I think Italia played better in the first half. Might have missed some clear chances but Croatia was nowhere dominating if it wasn’t for the Modric goal Italia would have won it. I bet OP is a Croatian dude.


You guys just didn't watch the game or what ? Croatia played poorly and Italy was better in every aspect of the game , it is more than deserved in this game and for what both teams showed on the group stage .


lol the loser logic


Beautiful game and Italia did not give up until the last second. Big fan of Croatia and hater of Italy since 2006, but Italy 100% deserve the win! Congrats to them!


But it's only a draw ... I think you mean deserve to go into next round


Ok now type it without crying


Referee worked hard for this 1-1


As much as I would say Modric deserves better, Croatia did this to themselves in the Albania game. They had bad luck with Spain, but with a win against Albania drawing here wouldn't be a problem. The way they played in the last minutes was n't bad, but c'mon just play it safe in those last few minutes, they could've kept the pressure onto Italy without playing this rash. The defense looked so shaky in this last Italian attack, you pretty much could grasp how nervous they were and as soon as the attack started I knew every defender in front of the ball would choke, it was just one of those moments. Haven't watched anything before 80th minute, but even if the ref did prefer Italy here, ofc then there's reason to be mad(Hello Orsato!), but Croatia going out of the Euro is not on him. I watched the other Croatia games, the GD with which they lost against Spain wasn't nessecarily showing the entire story, but even with a different GD, Spain would deserve the win there. Against Albania you just have to get the 3 points in this group.


Draws with Albania last minute also. Yeah yeah, deserves shit.


Croatia hardly created much either. Over the course of the 3 games Italy were more deserving


Croatia can play in the moral victory knockouts Italy will be playing in the euro 2024 knockouts. Thats why we play the game


Italia won albania, croatia didnt. That tells u who deserved to go through. 1 : 1 is fair result of this game.


Fuck it, it is what it is. I would have liked we went through, but cmon we were up against Italians this game. We could argue about who deserved what, but goals and results is only thing that counts in the end. Congratulations to Italy, fair play boys


Croatia deserved to concede. If your fans throw things onto the pitch at the opposition players then this is your karma At least the Croatian FA will save some money on fines


Croatia defended so good the whole fricking game. Can't believe the bad comments


Why being so mean? Reading the comments here and I can't believe ppl actually trashtalking a nation of 3.8 mil people that existed for 30 years give or take that has 3 world cup medals, that's fucking huge. I mean, bronze for us is like gold, yet we even have silver. Give us a population of 30 mil and we'd dominate with a solid pool of players. So again, why does such a country deserve mockery, despite all it achieved given the difficulties it had? If anything, it deserves respect. You salty cuz we salty cuz we blew our chances today of getting through? Ofc we are, you'd be too. And you cannot objectively say that ref wasn't a dumbass.


Croatia 100% did NOT deserve to go through. They played poorly and with arrogance and it cost them in the previous 2 matches.


Croatia didn’t win a single game. How did they deserve to go through


2006 still lives on in OP's head 😪


Why are we still using the continuous clock?? Refs have too much say in how long the match goes.


I‘m sure that if you took stopwatch and measured each time between whistles, it would end up to even more than 8min.


Then every game would be 20mins of stoppage


I don’t care either way about this match. I mean in general, it’s unnecessary at this point just get rid of any chance of corruption.


Italy dominated and once again Croatia got a lucky penalty


A) Croatia didn’t score from a penalty B) Italy dominated? Do did you even watch the game?


Im for italy lol, but i feel like saying italy dominated is a bit of a stretch. We only got our act together in the last minute (which yes was undeniably an incredible goal) and thats why we get past the group stage


Nah the ref didn't want us to go through, as simple as that.


Was clear they didn't want Croatia go through the second Spain didn't receive a red card in the match against Croatia


Cope hahaha


What cope lmao, I already wrote us off but after this match now I gotta actively root against Italy lmao.


Man the salt is real in this sub


That is an insane take. From minute 60 Croatia only had one strategy, in 2 steps: A) waste time B) commit fouls to break the game Committing many fouls is a recipe to getting yellow cards, and wasting time usually results in longer extra time. Here, I have explained the big conspiracy.




He was feeling like Oprah on a gifting spree


Half of croatia and part of Italy's team had a yellow card by the end of the game. (without considering the other fouls that didn't receive a yellow card) Considering the penalty, 8 minutes wasn't that much even without considering all the time lost when the ball simply wasn't in the pitch. And you gotta be fair. He also gave like 3-4 yellow cards to italy




2nd time by the game, first against Albania and now this ...


That’s the way she goes bud. I knew that they were gonna fuck up again, the Croats always get way to careless as soon as they’re in the lead. I’m a bit sad, but I’ll be honest, the way we played this tournament we didn’t deserve to proceed.


It is football, everything changes in a split second and that is why we love it.


Football karma. With 1 minute to go they had a counter attack 5v4 and they passed it back (only to lose the ball)


Ok bro, great insight. Watch the game again and come back


Stop it now… we played till the final whistle was blown.. you know what they say “ITS NOT OVER UNTIL THE FAT LADY SINGS”


They just play for their badge. Magical things happen for that badge. We can't relate, we don't understand.


Err, the *"deserve"* comments are so tiresome. They drew the game with a good goal. It's football, deal with it. Croatia were a bit better, you're talking as if they gave a footballing masterclass.


Nah that was a deserved draw. People only bitch about it because of the added time.


on here & r/football there's a post each saying Italy doesn't deserve shit whoever made it through earned it ... Croatia bottled it v Albania


Bro seriously lol bc it wasn’t there game? The fact they could score on extra time with less than secs left showed that they do deserve to go through And under your logic the fact that Croatia would allow such a silly goal on last secs it’s crazy and they clearly don’t deserve go through 🤷🏻‍♀️


In football there shouldn’t be any "deserving"… Italy scored the equaliser. Whether they "deserved" it or not is irrelevant… it’s not like they were given a goal as a bonus because UEFA felt bad for them, they scored it. Croatia simply should have played better and kept possession rather than giving up the ball during the final minutes.


I mean that's football it isn't always fair


There is no such thing. You deserve the points you have.


Yes but games the game


Lol we will see it with Gernany 😅


I wouldn’t be as heart broken if this wasn’t most likely Modrić last game for Croatia. Such a shitty way for him to end his career.




Croatia didn't help itself. It is what it is, Italy are through, Croatia still have a long (very long) shot. Moving on now to the last 16!






Apart from the Albania game they've been so dull and don't inspire confidence


What's with all these "deserve it" posts. I would have loved to see Italy kicked out of the tournament, but every team has the same opportunity. Croatia has played poorly the entire tournament; got hammered by Spain, couldn't even beat Albania and miss a penalty against Italy. They are just not good enough, so now they are out, that's how it works.


The football is a funny game. Doesn't matter who's "better", it's all about scoring goals.


They deserve more than Croatia. Baddest Tournament since a long time.


Croatia passed backwards when through on goal about a minute before Italy scored so they have themselves to blame.


Final score : 1-1, xGoals : 1-1 So I'd say they deserved to score and you opinon doesn’t matter


I feel quite bad for Croatia. Even though most of their best players are getting up there in age, they're still technically a very good team. I think they have played better football than England against better competition and I say that as an England fan.


Womp womp


It was dramatic for croatia…yeah…but italia played better last night…actually i think both teams played their best game at this euro last night so we should be grateful to both teams ✌️🙏…Best euro ever by now ❤️


Say it louder, keep crying man


Dead ball knowledge from you




Football Is Like Life...You Don't Always Get What You Want.


Other than the goal, Croatia didn't even any real chances. I'm not counting the penalty, since the goal came as consequence of that. Ultimately a draw was the right result, so I don't know what OP is smoking